HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-06-22, Page 1h S th
WHOLE SEMIS, VOL. 73, No. 38
$1 a year
lAt a congregational meeting in
Victoria Presbyterian Church, Toron-
to, a 'call was extended to Rev. H.
Douglas Stewart of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church, Kincardine.
Mr. Stewart will replace'Rev. Clit-
ford MacKay who left the end of
March to go to Knox Crescent- Ken-
sington Presbyterian., Church, Mon-
treal, A native of Seaforth, he grad-
uated in arts from Western Univers
sity and in theologly from Montreal
Presbyterian College, McGill, in
1943, He held the charge at St. An-
drew's Church, Edmonton, prior to
going to Kincardine,.
Rev. R. C. Creeland, Weston, will
continue to act as interim moderator
at Victoria Church until Mr. Stewart
is inducted in September.
The engagement is announced of
Roberta Miriam, daughter of Mrs.
Johnston and the late Mr, Robert
Johnston, of Goderich, to Harry
Glenn Hays, Seaforth, son of the late
Mr, and Mrs, James Hays. The mar-
riage will take place on Saturday,
July 8th, at 3 o'clock in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Aikenhead
of Brucefield, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter AmY
Louise, to Richard Stanley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt, Renfrew,
Ont. The marriage to take place early
in July.
The engagement is announced of
Mary Clotilda Maloney, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Peter E. Maloney, Sea -
forth, to Mr. Leonard Jahn Morrison,
Hamilton, son •of Mrs. Jaynes Morri-
son and the late Mr. Morrison, Kin -
kora, the wedding to take place on
July 8 at St. Columban Roman Cath-
olic Church.
A meeting of the Tennis Club was
held at the tennis court on Tuesday
June 20th, John McKenzie presided.
It was decided that the membership
fee should be $2 per person. Tourna-
ments will be held every Wednesday
night, Everyone welcome.
On Saturday, June 17 at 9 a.m. in
St. Joan of Arc Church, Toronto, the
Rev. Father E. J. Ryan united in
marriage Amelda Gertrude Watts,
<laughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Henry H. Watts, and Francis Fred-
erick Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James E. Reynolds of Seaforth.
Given in marriage by her brother,'
Frederick Watts of Hearst, the bride
wore a blue dressmaker suit with
matching blue accessories, and cor-
sage of white starlight .roses and
blue forget-me-nots.
The bridesmaid, Miss Veronica
Fudge wore a grey dressmaker suit,
with blue accessories and corsage of
pink briarcliff roses. The groomsman
was Mr. John McCarthy, and the
ushers were Mr. Bill Richmond and
Mr. Edward Guerin. The organist
was Mrs. Charles McLennan and the
soloist was Mr. Michael Hogan. The
wedding breakfast was served at the
"Old Mill". Later the bridal couple
left by motor for a honeymoon in
New York.
The Seaforth Women's Institute
will hold their annual picnic at Lions
Park, Seaforth, on Monday evening,
June 26; supper served at 7. The
menu will consist of salads, sand-
wiches, pickles, cake and tarts.
Everyone is asked to bring plates,
dishes for`Strawberries and silver;
also enough' strawberries for their
own family. Cold meat, ice cream,
tea, cold drinks, and cups will be
provided. After supper sports will
follow. Everyone is invited, so come
and enjoy yourself with the Institute.
More than 1,200 delegates of On-
tario's Oddfellows and Rebekahs
elected district officers as members
from all parts of the province con-
vened at Toronto.
Elected for the Huron district as
Deputy Grand Master of the I.O.O.F.
was Alex Boyes of 'Seaforth. He has
jurisdiction over lodges at Seaforth,
Goderich, Exeter, •Clinton•. Brucefield,
For the Huron district, Mrs. Mabel
Nickerson of Clinton, was elected
District Deputy President of the Re-
bekah Assembly.
There was a light frost on Sat-
urday night, according to district
farmers, young plants and beans were
Northside United Church
Rev. 0. A. MacMillan, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult
Bible Classes.
11 a.m„ Worship: Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper will be administ-
11:50 a.m., Junior •Congregation.
7 p.m., Worship: Orange Order
will worship with us.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
110 a.rn,, Sunday School.
11 a.m„ "Divine Support".
7 p.m., "Life's Silent Places",
McKillop Charge
Communion service will be held in
Cavan Church, 'Winthrop, Sunday,
June 25th, (Rev. Da A. MacMillan will
conduct the service.
On Friday evening, June 23rd,
Callen congregation is invited to
join with Northsi. le Church in pre-
paratory service at 7:80 p.nt. in
Northside Church, Seaforth.
The Rev. D. L Egan, C.S.R,, St.
Alphonsus Seminary, Woodstock, in
addressing the district annual Holy
Name rally held in St, James' Church,
Seaforth, on Sunday, June 18th,
spoke of the duties of the holy Name
Father Egan traced briefly the or-
igin of the society and in relating its
purpose and aim, cited the words of
Pope Pius TV: "To beget due love
and reverence for Christ as God, and
for the Holy Names of God and Jesus
Christ, to suppress all blasphemy,
perjury, unlawful oaths, swearing
and all improper language in your
own life and as far as possible to
prevent these vices in the lives of
others." The speaker went on to say
that "this is the purpose of the rally;
in other words, to manifest in public
manner your belief in the church's
teachings that Christ is truly God,
and to offer Him public reverence
and to make public reparation for
the frequent abuse of His Holy
Name," Father Egan told the mem-
bers that they could accomplish the
aim and purpose of the society by ex-
ample, word and prayer.
Over 500 members headed by the
•Seaforth Highlanders Band, paraded
from Victoria Park to the church,
where the Seaforth members formed
a guard' of honor, allowing the visit-
ing members, carrying individual
a ishufirst.
Hch Name banners to enter
thFollowing the address, the renew-
al of the Holy Name pledge and re-
ception of 35 new members into the
society took place. Following the
litany of the Holy Name, led by the
Rev. L. 3. Phelan, of Logan, solemn
benediction with the Rev, J. B.
Ffoulkes, Dublin, celebrant, and the
Rev. S. J. McDonald, Clinton, and the
Rev. H. Feeney, C.R., North Bay, as
subdeacons, concluded the service.
The men of the entire district at-
tended their respective parish
churches and received holy commun-
ion in the morning. The district of
which the Rev. F. J. O'.Drowski, St.
Columban, is director, includes the
parishes of Clinton, Blyth, St. Colum -
ban, Dublin, Logan and Seaforth.
On Tuesday evening, June 13th.
the North Huron Women Teachers'
Association held a supper meeting at
the Park House,sGoderioh. The Presi-
dent, Miss Phyllis Johns of Wingham
had charge of the meeting. The min-
utes of the previous meeting and the
financial report were given by the
secertary-treasurer Miss Agnes Wil-
liamson of Wingham and adopted as
The nominatingcommittee con-
sisting of Mrs. Vema Shera of Wing -
ham, Miss Ada Webster of Lucknow,
and Miss Ella Elder of Seaforth
brought in the following slate of of-
ficers for 1950-1951 which was ac-
Mrs. Agnes Mason, President;
Miss Mabel Turnbull, Vice -President;
Mrs. Elva Ellis, Secretary -Treasurer.
The new officers are all from Sea -
Two delegates, Miss Ada Webster,
Lucknow and Miss Mary Campbell,
Seaforth, were appointed to attend
the annual meeting in Toronto in
August. This meeting will be of spe-
cial interest to teachers of North
Huron as Miss Maude Hartry of Sea -
forth, who retired recently after
fifty years of teaching, is to be made
a Life Member of the Federation at
the annual banquet at the Royal
'Dhe highlight of the evening. was
a travelogue given •by Mrs. George
Howson of 'Wingham, who took her
audience with her as she revisited the
British Isles and France. Mrs. How-
son had the knack of describing the
historical points of special interest
to teachers. •In her vivacious pleasing
manner she shared iihle enjoyment of
her trip and made it all seem very
Miss Mabel Turnbull expressed the
feelings of all present in a hearty
vote of thanks.
Mrs. Angus More, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack iGlew• and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Daniels, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bernard of
Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bernard
and Lois spent the weekend at Nia-
gara Falls.
Mr. 'Glen Haase and David of Lon-
don are spending two weeks' holiday
at the Haase home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley at-
tended the opening of the new Bap-
tist Church at Hepworth:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure
en Sunday. with Mi: and Mrs.
toilMr. Andrew Montgomery, Brant-
ford, spent the weekend at his home.
Mr. Robt. McFarlane has returned
home from visiting relatives at Al
monte, Ottawa and Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. hunter, Brampton,
spent a few days at the Mcl{illop
Manse last week,
The death occurred 'Wednesday
morning, June 21, of Mr. Frank Up,
shall, Centro street, in his 80th year•,
after a long illness,
At a, meeting of the Public School
Board on Monday evening there was
discussion re possible sites for a new
school. Most probable location men-
tioned was the lots known. as Hartry's
grove in the North Ward, Engaging
an extra teacher was laid over to next
Saturday, June 17, was bright but
too cold to be a perfect picnic day,
however, sixty-five gathered at Sea -
forth Lions Park from Chelsea,
Mich„ London, Stratford, Bayfield,
St, Marys, Hensall, Mitchell Staffa,
Cromarty and Seaforth to attend the
fourth McDougall -Miller Reunion.
The .sports program was convened
by Mr. and Mrs. Horton McDougall,
The results were as 'follows; Boys
and girls 5 to 8, Glen Lamport;
Young ladies, Ruth Brown and Mari-
on Lamport (tie); married ladies,
Mrs. Robert 'McLachlan; married
men, Robert McLachlan; wheelbar-
row race, Betty and Hughie McDoug-
all; ladies walking, Mrs. R. 141oLach-
lan; paper bag race, Hughie Mc-
Dougall; relay race, Mrs. A. Rhode's
group; kicking slipper, Betty Me-
Dougall; shoe scramble, Dorothy Mc-
Dougall and Wilfred Annis; ladies
high reach, Mrs. Bill Lamport; ban-
ana contest, Wilfred Annis and Dor-
othy McDougall; guessing contest,
Jim McDougall
It being so near Father's Day a
prize was given to the oldest father
present, Matthew 'Thomson; the
youngest, Rob McLachlan; and the
one who came the longest distance,
Raymond Miller.
A delicious supper was served by
Mrs. John McLachlan and her com-
mittee after which a short business
meeting was held. Messages were re-
ceived from several members of the
clan in Moose Jaw, Sask., also from
others in Cloverdale and White Rock.
B.O., Calgary, Alta., Kingston and
Sudbury, Ont. Mention was made of
those who were sick and a minute of
silence was observed in memory of
the late Matthew Carmichael,
The following officers were ap-
pointed to take charge of the 1951
picnic: Honorary presidents, D. H.
McDougall, Mrs. James Campbell,
Miss Ellen Park; past president, Ern-
est Templeman; president, Alex Mc-
Dougall r vice president, John Mc-.
Lachlan; secretary -treasurer, Belle
Campbell; sports convenor, Robert
McLachlan; lunch convenor, Mrs.
Bill Lamport.
The directors and manager of the
Hibbert Co -Operative Creamery met
in bhe board room of the creamery
Saturday evening for their regular
meeting. Following the business per-
iod, Harvey Leslie, who has been
manager since April, 1984, and is
leaving for Seaforth, was presented
with a recliner rocking chair in ap-
preciation of his services. Clifford.
Dow, president, in behalf of the dir-
ectors and shareholders, thanked Mr.
Leslie for his co-operation during
his term as manager; and Archie
Jeffrey and Gerald Agar made the
Mr. Leslie was born at Atwood
and learned his trade at cheese and
butter factories in that district. Then
he went back to the farm but later
decided to continue buttermaking,
and took the dairy short course at
the O.A.C., Guelph. From there he
came to Staffa, and has piled up
awards at every Western Ontario
(Dairymen's Association convention in
London since then. In 1940 he won
the Doruinion competition for the
highest -scoring butter on exhibition,
the last time it was given. He has
shown bhe best -finished butter on ex-
hibition every year from 1940 on,
and has held the highest -scoring but-
ter every year except three, when he
placed second.
(Last month Mr. Leslie bought the
Seaforth Creamery.
Mrs. E. McBride, Mr. John Cooper
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Workman
spent Sunday in Toronto.
Master Wayne McBride had the
misfortune to fall from his bicycle on
Sunday, thus resulting in a broken
Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons and sons
visited on Sunday with Mr. A. Lind-
en and Mr. and Mrs. T. Linden at
Mr. and Mrs. A, Gackstetter and
Hail Ann, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Ferguson in St. Thomas.
Don't forget the strawberry festi-
val on the church lawn here Thurs-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride and
family of Exeter visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride.
Many local residents attended de-
coration services in Hensall, Baird's
and Crediton cemeteries on Sunday.
Mrs. G. Troyer
Mrs. ,George Troyer passed away
on Thursday afternoon last at the
home of her sop Gordon, following a
month's illness. The late Mrs. Troyer
spent her entire life in this district.
She was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor. She was an active
member of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall. The deceased is sur-
vived by her son wo grand-
children, 'Georgie and Gordon,SSalnclra and
two brothers, Bert and Fred Taylor,
both of London.
A public funeral service was held
from the home of her son on the
Blind Lane, JIay twp., conducted by
Rev. Ferguson assisted by Rev. Fred
Morrell of Toronto. The pallbearers
were six nephews and the flower -
bearers were neighbors,. Interment
was made in Hensall Union cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer MaeGrego ,
Kippen, spent the weekend at Goder-
ich where Mr. MacGregor has com-
pleted his pilot course with the Sicy
Harbour Air Services and has re-
ceived bis Private Pilot's license,
Mr. Wilmer MacGregor has ac-
cepted a part tithe position with the
Sky Harbour Air Services, Goderich.
On Saturday afternoon about 25
ladies of the 'Catholic Women's
League gathered at the home of the
president, Mrs. John Hotham Jr. to
honour Miss Marguerite Dunn, our
newly elected lady of the year. The
rooms were beautifully decorated
with seasonal flowers. Mrs, Hotham
received the guests during tea hour,
Mrs, Frank Sills poured, while Mrs.
James Slattery, Mrs. Alice Styles,
Mrs, Merrill Dunlop served, Mrs. C.
P. Sills congratulated Miss Dunn,
and in a few words described her ex-
emplory character,
Miss Dunn was presented with a
necklaee of pearls and matching ear-
rings. Presentations were also made
by the diocesan president, Miss Alice
Daly to Mrs. C. Trott and Mrs.
Charles McDonald, who are leaving
the vicinity in the near future: after
which Miss Daly spoke briefly. Guests
were present from Winnipeg, Tren-
ton, Dublin and Seaforth,
The Constance Sunday School will
hold their anniversary service on
'Sunday, Tune 25 at 2 p.m. The Jun-
ior Choir will provide the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton and Mr.
Geo. Medd of Exeter visited with
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd on Sun-
rs. Peter Gardiner and Mrs. F.
Andrew of London and Miss Tory
Miners of Sask., spent Thursday
visiting their cousin Mrs. Ethel 'Ste-
Master Dennis Riley of Kitchener
is visiting with his grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Riley,
Mrs. Norden of Saltford spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams of
(Saltford spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Alice Troyer at Hensall on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bushy and
Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson
and Mrs. Robert Lawson attended
anniversary services at Turner's
Church on Sunday and visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson. Mrs.
Busby and Shirley are remaining for
a couple of weeks with Mrs. Busby's
mother, Mrs. Robt. Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lawson and
Mrs. Bela Lawson of Stratford visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Leitch on Sunday.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
in • the (Legion rooms in Hensall and
Hensall Said Seaforth Women's Insti-
tutes were guests of Kippen East Wo-
men's Institute at their regular meet-
ing. The meeting opened by all sing-
ing the Institute Ode followed by one
verse of "0 Canada" and the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The roll call, an-
swered by all three Institutes, was
"Your Maiden Name". Minutes of
the last meeting were read and adop-
ted. A card of acknowledgement
from C.K.N.X. was read for the do-
nation sent through them to the Win-
nipeg Relief Fund. Also a letter of
thanks from Mrs. Johns from Child-
ren's Aid Society of Goderich for the
clothing sent them. Community sing-
ing was enjoyed. The motto was very
ably given by Mrs. Cross of Hensall.
Mrs. Cross chose for her subject
"Dr. Diet" "Dr. Quiet" "Dr. Merri-
man" and stressed the importance
of proper diet and the need for rest
in this day of hurry, also the need
of a good sense of humor. An instru-
mental by Mrs. Cameron and Mrs.
Pepper of 'Seaforth was much en-
joyed. Mrs. 'Munn of Hensall dis-
played two very beautiful lunch
cloths made from flour bags. A piano
instrumental. by Mrs. Appleby of
'Hensall was given. Mrs. W. Coleman
of Seaforth in her usual pleasing
manner gave a very humorous read-
ing concerning a Women's Institute
meeting. A. short and very interest -
in skit was enjoyed, given by the
"Busy Beavers" of Seaforth. Clothes'
Closets up-to-date was their theme
and these young girls deserve a lot
of praise for their initiative. Three
films were shown "Farm Homes
Beautiful", "The Farm Garden" and
"Supper's Ready". These showed how
the farm homes could be made more
attractive by the use of paint and a
few shrubs and flowers, also how
the garden plays an important part
in one's life. A contest was conduct-
ed for lunch partners and a delicious
lunch was served. A vote of thanks
for a delightful evening was given
K.E.W.I. by both. Seaforth and Hen-
sall Institutes.
Dr. and Mrs. Byron Campbell of
Toronto spent the weekend here.
Mrs. Peter Heirmer of Macklin,
Sask., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Fee.
Mrs. Mary Simpson left on ,Satur-
day for a visit with relatives in Win-
nipeg, Man,
'Nfr, acid Mrs. W. R. Davidson are
enjoying a trip through Western
Mrs. Flora Consitt returned home
after a pleasant visit with relatives
in Toronto.
Mrs, llonry Lefebvre observed her
94th birthday on Sunday, June 18th,
at the home of her grandson and his
wife, Mr, and Alis. p', Dinwoodie,
She received a beautiful bouquet of
flowers and many good wishes.
Mrs. Lefebvre is still in possession
of all her faculties.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McConnell, Sea-
forth, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Dave McConnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly
spent the weekend in London.
Mir. and Mrs. Bill McMillan, Mr,
and Mrs. Michael Williams and Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Williams attended
the Flannery-O'Hanley wedding at
Preston on Saturday.
A former resident of Dublin, Mrs.
Van Horne, formerly Miss Margaret
McDaid, died at Lansing, Mich., on
Saturday after a brief illness. She
was the eldest daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McDaid and
is survived by one daughter, Betty,
and one sister, Mrs. Weston, Kitch-
ener. The remains were brought to
Dublin on Monday morning and in-
terment took place in St, Patrick's
cemetery, Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes officiat-
ing at the grave services,
All the members of the Entrance
class at St. Patrick's Separate School
were successful in passing the re-
quired tests and will be admitted to
High School in September. The
pupils are: Bernard Costello, .Pat
Flannery, Joan Evans, Anne Tomlin-
son and Alice Feeney.
tAt the annual meeting of St. Pat-
rick's Altar Society, Dublin, the Sec-
retary -Treasurer gave an account of
the activities of the past year show-
ing a substantial balance. The fol-
lowing officers were appointed for
the ensuing year: President, Mrs.
Wni. Curtin; vice-presidents, Mrs.
Joseph Jordan, Mrs. Fergus Horan,
Mrs. Joseph ffifeLaughlin; Treasurer,
Mrs. M. J. Nagle.
Rev. A. R. Looby, G.S.B., Aquinas
Institute, Rochester, N.Y., Miss Lor-
een Looby, Reg. N., Montreal, Que.,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles !Strubb, Mrs.
Ray St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McDaid, Pat McDaid, Laverne Shear,
Willard Strubb, all of Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Flanagan, Stratford,
Don. McDaid, Hamilton Mr. and
Mrs, C. A. Trott, Mrs. Flanagan and
daughter Julia, of •Seaforth, all at-
tended the L. ooby-Flanagan wedding
Rev Hrdaarry F. Feeney, 'C.R., North
Bay College, North Bay, with his
mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
Mrs. W. Rowland has returned
home after spending several weeks
in Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Groshok and
Miss Mary Costello, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Rev. L. Phelsn, Kennicott, with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. ,Pane.
Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly at Toronto.
ItIrs. M. Schulman at Stratford.
Miss Dorothy Ann Costello at Lon-
Mrs, Frank Evans at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher at-
tended the Flannery-Beachy wed-
ding at Preston on Saturday where
John Meagher was beet man.
Mrs. Ellen Flanagan was taken to
WindSeaforth Hospital on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. David IYIcConne]I at
Mrs. Fred Eckert at Toronto.
Miss Dalton, Chicago, is spending
a month with .Mr. and Mrs, Thos. J.
Tom Feeney, London, and Jini
Feeney, Kitchener, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc-
Latcher, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.
William O'Reilly,
Hubert Feeney, Victor Feeney,
Martin 'Feeney and .Miss Ursula
Feeney, Kitchener, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney.
Edward Holland, Toronto, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison and
family and John Morrison, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morri-
Fergus Donnelly, Toronto, with
his father, Frank Donnelly.
Mrs. Leonard Steinbach and son,
Ronnie, London, with her mother,
Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux at
Goderich and Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney
and son, Jack, at Stratford.
IMr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter in
Chatham and Detroit.
Jewellery • Gifts
Fine China
8ulova—awarded Fashion Academy Gold
Medal for outstanding desiglr. —1950
Diegel. Mrs. Diegel, the former Em-
ma Rose, was born June 15, 1877 a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Rose of Logan township. On
Oct. 22, 1899 she was married to
George Diegel of Brodhagen. She
has resided in Brodhagen ever since.
She has two sons and two daughters
Wm., Brodhagen; Carl, Toronto:
(Georyinal Mrs. Geo. Young, Strat-
ford; s('Roma) Mrs. Joe Smith, Mc-
Killop, and 8 grandchildren.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Smith and Donna Mae, McKillop;
Georgina) Mrs. Geo. Young, Strat-
ford; Miss Kathleen Smith, Erwin
Schwindt, Milverton; Misses Wilberta
and Leona Smith, Seaforth; Mr. Ross
McLean and Mr. John Oldfield,
Tuckersmith. Son Carl of Toronto
was unable to be present.
Mv. and Mrs. Al Dinsmore of Mit-
chell with Mr, and Mrs. Henry L.
Diegel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanek, Warren
and Janet of Kitchener spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Sandra
and Arthur of Simcoe with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seherbarth and
Earl of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. J.,
L, Bentewies.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mr. and'
Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht.
Mr. Aug. Hillebrecht and his daug-
hter Mrs. Leslie Weitersen of Born -1
holm left for Calgary, Alberta, on
Tuesday where they will visit with
the former's brother Charles and
other relatives.
Mr. Ivan Eickmeir was confined to
Stratford Hospital with an eye injury
but has now returned to his home,
Brian Douglas, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Eielcmeir (Ruth
Vocic) was baptized in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church on Sunday morning,
The sponsors were Miss Grace Vock
Lavern Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Ordination Service
On Sunday, June 25th at 3 p.m.,
Robert Rock will be ordained in St.
Peter's Lutheran Church here. Sun-
day School and morning service have
been cancelled.
A surprise family gathering was
held on Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Diegel
Brodhagen marking the occasion of
the 73rd Birthday of Mrs. George
iMrs. J. Jamieson, who was taken
to Seaforth Hospital the first of last
week, continues about the same.
Mrs. J. McDonald Sr., who had an
appendicitis operation the end of last
week, is doing as well as can be ex-
Mr. Jas. Paterson of London spent
the weekend here.
Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Allan, Neil
and Susan visited with relatives over
the weekend in Toronto.
Friends are pleased to see Mrs. T.
Baird out again after her recent ill-
Mr. and Mrs, R. Thorndyke of
Milverton were guests with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Carter over the weekend.
On Tuesday. June lath, in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, a daughter
was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Skaife,
formerly of Brucefield.
A special pioneer service was
held in Staffa United Church Sun-
day morning, June 18th. Zion United
Church congregation joined with
Staffa. Rev. A. It ,Daynard in charge.
Ethel Mae and Robert Norris sang a
duet ani .Mrs. Ross Smale sang a
The directors of the 'Hibbert Co-
Operative 'Creamery met in the
Board room Saturday evening for
their regular meeting. Following the
business period, Harvey Leslie,who
has been manager for 15 years was
presented with a reeling' rocker, He
is going in business in 'Seaforth,
Gerald Agar is the new manager.