The Seaforth News, 1950-06-15, Page 2IIIEFARN FRONT Jokk. uqe One of the hundreds of quota- tions 1 think I knit[ --until I try to put it down on paper—is the one that somebody will probably set to music, nee day, and title it THE PARIS-ITE'S SONG. 4 4 4 I'In not going to look the quota- tion up; but from 'nentory, it runs something like this, "Great fleas have smaller fleas upon their backs to bite 'end; and smaller fleas have lesser fleas, and so proceed ad infinitum," * * , Which should be enough to in- troduce some observations from Dr, Charles W. Brown, of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, He says that pearly every farm has had some experience of animal para., sites. Sotne have had hog troubles, or an animal hit with Bang's Dis- ease. Or maybe—and I know this will bit right hone with ,any of my. readers .-- cattle that have reacted to the T.B. test. * 4 And here is what Dr. Brown has to say about some of the more common disinfectants, and the way they should be used: * * * Preparation of Buildings: Before you use any disinfectant the build- ing should be thoroughly "dry- cleaned." Remove all litter and manure. Spread it on fields where livestock will not come in imme- diate contact with it. "In case of wood or concrete floors, it Will pay to clean them religiously," Brown .explains, "Dirt forms a protective layer around the bacteria, protecting them from the disinfectant."* Application: Sornc kind of a pressure sprayer is probably the most satisfactory way to treat a building. Physleal Agents: Perhaps there is no better soil disinfectant than treat. Von ran use a burner or flame thrower on open lots. They are dangerous in buildings. The prompt burning or burying of dead animals, dead chickens and aborted fetuses can not be ,stressed too much. Sooting is best only if you com• - pletely burn the entire carcass. Othernise. burying deeply and • covering +A411 ltuicklinme is good protteei0!: Sunlight: Sunlight is a wonderful dlsitifeetant. It's not only one of the best. it's free, The disinfection proper:ie. of sunlight are greatly reduce,I alter it comes through or- dinary glass. Formaldehyde Solution (Forma - int): A 4 per cent solution of for- maldehyde in •water is considered a reliable disinfectant. This is ,made t; adding One part of for- ma'.dt::y::e solution to nine parts of water. It has deep penetrating powers and a penetrating odor. The gas were irritating to the fwd? and nose. Carbolic Acid (Phenol): Both tario:i ..cid and phenol are ex- tremely poisonous and must be ha..,. ? '.r: extreme care. Car- i.'e'ii,: ; .e:d o:le of the old -tithe $.1mt,1`w.isinfc .atm: . I:et'.r ....,.. rl he kelp: under lock anti so there is no possible d tide. ': > ,., cnn- •r, other nisinf(ciants wired zeeangc to the user aft .......,. _. t1 p•ersor. 'sing even ao.n- ... _,.. of a=.r'- , ., acid must tak• r Sea to pros,., the skin. t , . solution t1acid is satisfactory for not de- stroy chalet.. viras er the ;anus It most ant neased ia dairy barns, .hen..,al• lakes .,.. an ...7e. iA f"r• i 1.: aa...,at .a '; e. :e t: Inside Trilby — Trilby-, a circus elephant shows everything down to her tonsils as she opens Wide to let trainer Frank Noe' check her gum after extraction -of a five -pound tooth. With help of 4,000,000 units of penicillin, the gum is healing nicer', Saponated Solution of Cresol: This is a soap solution of cresol you can get at most drug stores. It must be used in soft water. In a 2 or 3 per cent solution, it is effective against bog cholera virus. It also is valuable in disinfecting the premises following the finding of a tubercular animal. Four ounces 0I an approved cre- sol solution to a gallon of water is recotnntended for use in buildings. This should be handled with care, though it is not as poisonous as carbolic acid. It should not be tiled in dairy barns. Is Lime: Quicklime is easy' to ap- ply, and can he scattered around barns lots, where it will destroy most common disease agents with which it comes in contact. Usually the lime is applied by slaking with water, then diluting the slaked lime four to one .with water. One pint of water to two pounds of quicklime is usually the correct proportion for slaking. Lime solu- tion is also irritating to the skin and eyes. Lime will not destroy anthrax spores, tetanus organisms nor the tubercle bacillus. Lime solution is often added to other disinfectants because it shows any areas that are missed. * * Lye: Lye is a very effective dis- infectant around dairy barns and hog houses. A 2 per cent solution is useful against Bang's disease infection. A pound of lye with five and one-half gallons of water is the usual mixture. If the water is hot, tate mixture is more effective. Lye is not ef- fective in destroying tuberculosis germs. Extreme care should be used in handling concentrated ly e. Chlorine: Chlorine disinfectants are not practical for use on barns and in lots since 'any organic mat- ter destroys their usefulness. Hypochlorites: This is the Baine applied to chlorine disinfectants sold under a variety of trade names for use on dairy equipment. You wouldn't use them on a nag house, but on your separator or milking machine. The strength of solution and directions for use arc usually printed on the Ltbe1, and should be followed, y • S o di um Orthophenylphenate This is very valuable in destroying germs of tuberculosis. It has an advantage over cresol in that it is odorless—it can be n.c'.1 in dairy barns. It should be t:>t.i a 1 ptr cent solution by dissolving in 'rot water. Iodine: This applies to animals —not to humans. Iodine for iive- stock is sometimes useful as skin disinfectant. Tincture ' i iodine is a ce!n . preparation, No bar - dap, sn ..., 'or applied oft,. tree. Remember: Select a ilisinrectam for a particalar use there is no general disinfectant that will serve alt perp sas. ,tttd guard against indiscriminate use of disinfectants. Most : iseases" easily car- ried feet nill:;man:. A plan of ":siIf, i.ta.nt the door of the Log use or t' ..-•_<i-hat gate may tr'tet.. .- ".ttioreak ,. l'ei`, t_ * gr ,:;:., is }'. ::rive' for -.int again,: •.;rr, dig - A MAN in:, r ;:n talked ti,; car the pc.ce slatiC;l while 'he ,went ir,=ids to buy a SS ticket to the policemen's s hall. On returnirg. ho , s, ,? .. e!, ii; ;et; an the Car. oy ... SLX6lTCtO A prominent California educator —college president or some such— has conte out with a suggestion which is at least interesting. He urges that school children, when studying mathematics, should be taught practical things, s uclt as the gambling odds on ]corse -racing, draw poker. slot machines, radio give-away programs, sweepstake tickets and so on. This educator thinks that if the kids grew up knowing hon' .little chance they had Of winning. they wouldn't gamble at all, Will, rite y be he could be right. But somehow or other we are just a ;only mite doubtful. * s * Now this idea about the advis- ability of such education for the young. is by no means new. Years ago they used to tell about an insurance agent who had similar notions, and who constantly de- plored the ignorance of the rising generation about such matters, One day a young fellow came wanting a Life Insurance policy, so the agent started to question him, his life and habits. "Tell rte." asked the agent, "in a six -handed table stakes poker game. what would you say a pair of jacks would be worth, before the draw:" "Six handed? Table stakes:" re - tined the applicant. "Why, a pair of jacks wouid be worth every chip you had!" Big Bookie— Frank !::rick -on is booked in a ;New Y ork police station after a County -Grand Jury-, probing organized gamb- ling, returned a 60 -count gamb- ling and conspiracy information against the bookmaking figure. Ile faces a maximum- of one year in. pr:'t'n and $ Ot1 fine. on count. "Son," sald the insurance ,tan solemnly, "go on home, and don't .nine back. I don't want your bttsi neas, because you're a bad risk,. In fact I'm surprised that you've even lived as long as you have." * * * But that is all by the way. Before we got off on that detour we were expressing doubt as to whether edu- cation of the sort proposed by the Californiatt would eradicate the gambling urge, no matter at what age you tried to apply it, As an illustration, let us,—as a partially - reformed horse -player, give an il- lustration from real life, * * * Away back when we and the world were considerably younger we had . a friend who—although he had a pretty fair position—was con- stantly broke because of his burning passion for having a beton a horse in every race that was carded. We had given hint the old stuff about "You can beat a race, but you can't beat the races," and all the rest of it, but it made no difference. Finally we thought that maybe a ,mathe- matical demonstration would help. * * * "Listen, Mac," we said to him, "Get yourself a pencil and a piece of paper- Now, you know that the 'bite' at a race track is around 20 per cent, Every time you put a dollar in those mantel machines, only eighty cents of it comes out," * tk * "I know that as well as you do," he answered, "So get on with what you: have to say, if anything. be- cause I'm in a hurry," * * * "Well, let's suppose, just as an example," we continued, "that on a certain day there are just a thous- and guys at a certain track, and that each of therm has just a hun- dred in his kick. So they ,take an agreement that they will bet all they have on every race. Naturally, some of them are wiped out in the very first race. But out of that hundred thousand dollars, with a 20 per cent bite, how much comes back after that first heat:" * * „ "I don't need any pencil and paper for that," answered my friend Mac. "It would be eighty thousand or thereabouts." "So that eighty grand goes back on the second race," we said. "What is the comeback v:lten it is fin- ishetU" * * * "Sixty-four thousand," replied Mac after a moment's mental figur- ing. "So there's sixty-four thousand bet on the third," we persisted. "Fifty- one thousand comes out," was Mac's answer, "only I wish you'd hurry up and let me get going." * * , But we weren't to be derailed, taking imim right down through an afternoon's racing and showing him how, after seven races, that original stake of one hundred thousand had shrunk to just about one fifth of that amount, "So now you can see ;what suck- ers all you horse players are," we concluded triumphantly, "In addi- non to all the other chances you take, you're trying to buck a racket that will automatically shrink a hundred grand into a little over twenty thousand in just set en races," "I thank you kindly, pal, for the lesson and the sermon." said Mac. "But I've got to get going. I know that you haven't any money, so I've got to hustle around and try and dig up a few bucks. Honest jean. Calder has a real good thing in the sixth at Thornciiffe—cne that might pay eight to 00 or better— and I'd hate to be looking. cut the window when it conies down, So long. I'ii . be seeing you." "Just a minute Mac." to replied. "Here's two bur at we were going t0 give the milkman on ae- coon!, but we can always stall him Off somehow. Rut tile detect on Honest John's annal thing. It's pretty near time ..e bad a wieder and, a_`you say, y, it would be a shams 10 miss rt." u That, as seid-cfcre. i_ a true-to-life incioeot: nor 4e near enoagtt to the truth as snakes no never -mind. And it sb,-:il,. :here why we personally e'c ;Mt v l,ether 0 Rich in flavour! .. Classified Advertising,. AGENTS WANTED STOREKEEPERS AND DEALERS Write for Phillips illustrated Wholeealo Cata- legue toatUring largo Variety of .Very day caldera bl dirt geode, small wares, household Items, oto, Phillips Sales Skied, 78 Creig Street }vest, Montreal 1. Importers and Wholesale Dlstrlbutota 00 General mention. Mee. BABY 01090106 XI' YOU WANT Quick Prnflte—be nue to hey breeding—not Suet chleka. Buy 'rweddlo Slred chleka—get chicles that have vigor, live, grow uniformly fast and tnatulo quickly into heavy layers and good meat birds. Pricer' reduced for June. Prompt de- livery, Day old, Marled two, three, roar and eve week old, nen-sexed pullets, oockerola. Turkeys day old etarted two. three and faun week old non -sexed toms, hens, Free Cata- logue. Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited, Forge% Ontario. 1VSTEN THA CHIPS are down. you need bet- ter chleka, This Is the year above all ethers when the result. of good breeding will show un in your pocket book, Thorn ere two wets you will make a niceprofitin 1960. Buy the boot chleka you can get—and we have them. Use the beet management. Then when the fall market grows firm your Top Notch Chicks will be oiling the egg basket with profits. Send for reduced prices for June, Day old. started two, three and four week old, non -sexed cockerels and pullet chicks. TurkeYe, day 'old and started erne or un -sexed. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START your own big soSIne business sharp- ening lawn mowers. Spare or full time. Experience unnecessary, Machine Costo only 6120. Real money maker. Literature free, Islington Machine Company, Islington 9, On- tario, DYEING AND GLEANING. • SAVE YOU anything needs dyeing 01,010nn- ing? Write to ke for Information. Wo are glad to answer your' questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 701 Yong* Street. Toronto, Ontario. CAMP HO-BA-CHEE FOR BOYS HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS Ontario On Three Brothers Lake; accessible by bus, ear or train. Constructive programme of Camp activities emanate your son a healthy, happy holiday, Resident doctor in .attend- altce, and experienced sltper'lslon. Tents and cabins Recreation Lodge, good wholesome food. Rates $90 per week or $100 per month. Write . for folder to—Charles ,'ren, 11 Ash- land Avenue, Toronto, Ont. EARN STONEY 1T HOME SPARE or full-time money -maiden. Learn to make candy at home: earn while you learn. Fro equipment supplied. Correspondence course, National Institute of Confectionery Reg'd., DeLorimter P.O., Box 102 Montreal. Que. FOR SALE UNWANTED HAIR PERMANENTLY eradicated with Seca Pele. Tho most remarkable discovery of the age. Saco Pelo 1s guaranteed to kin the roots of any hair, and contains no drugs or chemicals, Lor -Beer Lab., 673 Granville, Vancouver, B.O. YOU are not too late to got our Broad Breasted Bronze er Beltsville Small White Turkey Poults during Juno or July. We also have one week old and two week old poult0 for immediate shipment, Phone, wire or write today. Hillcrest Turkey Farm, Route 0, Pem- broke, Ontario. • IRON RAILINGS Builders, Homo Owners INSTAL, yourself, with special kit and in- etructlons. Write for folder. Modern Rail- ings, Dept. E., ea Broadview Ave„ Toronto, mathematical education, even if started in the kindergarten; is ever going to eradicate the desire to gamble. 1,'e may be ,mistaken; but we think that the only remedy for that disease is the same that the old fellow in Tom Brown's School- days said was the sole cure for the rheumatics," * * * SIX FEET OF GRAVEYARD MOULD! How To Get Rid Of Your Farm If you're tired of farming and want to get rid of your land, try this recipe suggested by University specialists; "Cu: one medium-sized farm into irregular pieces. 'Add several cash crops to re move the humus. "Stir the thin layer of top -soil frequeiuly until the soil particles are ready to he carried off by the next hard rain. Carefully work land up and down the slope so the furrows will form water -ways for rapid disposal of excess water and soil, "When hardpan shows through on Hilltops and slopes, cut into dee, irr„gttlar gullies and leave out in the sun to hake. "When l ine, season with an un- painted house. broken-down/ fences, same •,id v.-or:roto machinery, a rickety barn, a good sprint:Bios of unpaid bills. Add a pinch of des- pair and garnish with weeds. "Serve with 0 tax sale and move oil " 1r111t SALE MO'POttCYCLI,S, Barely Deviation.. .Naso and u0,111, bought, nohl, exetmngml. Largo stock or guarunteO(l tined motureyelen, ltcl,ah', by factory. trained 1,e'l:n,•u. ineyeioe, end corn. mem line ufwheel geode, oleo (11,10, 010141e n»,l Johnston Outboard Mittel', time, evenintta until Milo except 17','l clay tllrnnn. Cyclo k 0300,10, King at Suncor 1 I(,utiltml. IN Ina Ilona - ('0011/ry 011010, furuiebed, Heine, spud ramie, 1101u111fu1 17060r front elks; and 0ur01.11t'. Moult beet, Black land Citron, etc, Lovely your round ellnutlu, health resort country, 1',, Hain by n (,nuadlnn—coints and two no.. H. 1llke,o, feet Walton, Fla. FOft hAt.W 41y b nn,l '1 1 1 le uu Hal n .M1RY number. John 11tod r, lull 1016. 2. (lodorloh, Ontario. -- 0 31(10 4'R 11.E— IIO'r WA'rll509lt1039/0for nayhody ouywhere, eoun' try, town ur city. No Murano toils re - glared; 110 body of wider to neem but: what it aavine et 1'uel, Juni lure 1(0 tap, VW there 10 your hot -ostler. The 1!A'NALAII and ASCOT Inetanuuteoun tenter neuters wile operate with miseitau0l. ilreti00o, multi nl or City itas. Write Tor pafth'nial'o 1o. ltln!N39X4S AND EQUIPMENT LTD., 87 patentee Sl„ Toronto 8, ant., or plume Hargrave 0020. ONE SLIOII'1`1:Y 01,rd krnvol nrrren vlbralar type screen eke 80" x UO", egtni,peil with S.it1' Uearinge. 'Plxtea desk email be added:" Pelee $200.00, . Apply Mayo Blew Elmira, Ontario.. Plieno 478. COCI(Sl111T''PION 8 (111'1' Power Binder. rub- ber excellent eondltlon, re„oonable, 110rb Ch,Mbers, Shcl'kotou, emeriti, Picone Rldgo- tvay. 90 TO 103 COLONIES Been Ilk 10 fume Langetreth hive,. With all equipment. Guaranteed clean, all In excellent condition and one of the b0,1 kept y1rd0 in tho Province and a really good location on highway, Ren- ner for tolling 111 health. A real bargain for someone for tinkle nate, Phone 99, 0R - (.HARD PARK APIARY, Elmwood, Ontario, HAMSTERS, Satisfied euetomers throughout Canada. Free Information, Western Ilam - 1300 724, Sa0l146000 Saok. 81EDIOAL GOOD ADVICE! Every Sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should Try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid SCALPS' ICA Tho wonder r001Ody for the head. 1f you have dandruff, falling hair or going gray—GET SCALPIIEAL at once, Scalpheol ointment $2.10, Sutphen). Lotion 18.60 or 04,10 for the two treatment.. Postpaid. Sealphoal Company, U3 Centre 50, Chatham, Ont. SMOKING armlets? Is smoking ruining your heolths Write for free Information on ab- solutely safe method t0 stop. Replies striate conthtential. Arm -Rua Co., P.O. 803, Ottawa, Ontario CRESS BUNION SALVE For amazing relief. premises sell CRESS Wart Remover too. Leaves no sears. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND 11'031Ele BE A. HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Ifairdremeing Pleasant dignified profeoelon, good wagee thousands aueeeeef0l Marvel graduates America's greatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free. Write nr On11 MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 5050001,0 3e8 Inner St. SV., Toronto Branches 44 King 50, Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa TAILORING, Dressmaking, Designing taught In your home. Send for Free Booklet. Low cost. ZEPHRIE'S SCHOOI, Ole APPLIED ARTS, Route No. 1, Box 371, Berlin, New Jersey. PATENTS 1ETHERSTONHAUGH h Company Ritual Solicitors Established 1890. 860 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of information 00 retried. A. M. LAIDLAW, 0.50.. Patent Attorney, Patents of Invention, 18 Sparks St., Ottawa. PERSONAL PLAZA TFAI1'ERANO.E HOTEL 502 Jarvis Street. Toronto Make reservations for your Toronto risk. Free Parking. 5E11011x10S WANTED THE AUGUSTA Township School Area Board invitee applications from qualified teachers, duties to begin September 6, 1960. Apply stating qualifications, salary expected, and name of your last Inspector to .1, E. Knapp. R.IO. 2, Prescott. Ont. SALES AGENT w.1NTF,I) SALESMAN required for exclusive house. ware and hardware lines for surrounding territory. Commission or salary to the man who has an excellent following amongst the retail trade, ICen .1tar Sales, 72 Prince Ar- thur Street East, Montreal, Que. WANTED WANTED Approximately 100 Acres. Suitable for grain and beef cattle, Good buildings and water supply. Appraisal by Veterans' Land Act. APp14 13ex 01, 123 Eighteenth 5t.. New Toronto. BOOKKEEPING A ACCOUNTING SERVICE Irving N. Shown Victoria St., Toronto. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel—.And You'lI Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pints of bile Mire into your digestive tract every dot; If this bile is out flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may Met decay 1u the digestive tenet. Then nes bleak eats up your .tamer You act roustipnted. You feel sour, sunk end lbs world leeks punk. It tette. those mild, gentle Carter's Little Live, fills to get these 2 pints of bile Bow- ing freely to make you feel 'up Bud up." Get t p teknar toils,. Effective in melting How freely. a$ii tor Corder'. Little Liver 515 at any dnn.;tore. ISSUE 24 — 1950 (MR,11 e e A. El chimney lmhCEll is a prefabricated chimney specially designed for Montes, cottages and camps. Install it yourself,' at low COSI, 3n n0 trots. 0 Suspended from ceilings or o Anchored to floor in homes of 1 or 2 stories Lined with gas -light acid -proof tile, VAN - PACKER will lust a lifetime, Approved by Underwriters Laboratory, See it tit your dealer Or return this coupon for particulars and specification,. DAVIDSON-MCROBERT, LIMITED Depl, S. 29 Elizabeth St. North, Brampton, Doh Please send me particulars and speci0tallons on the Van Pocket chimney. Address L •