The Seaforth News, 1950-06-08, Page 2Historic. anadialn Beauty Spot Standing at Tadoussac is this stockaded log but, a repi:ca of one in which French Traders passed the Winter of 1599. 1; t uc w;'ho has for many years held—anti :pilled—the firm opinion that has2ball gives the customers less rail action for their money than any other game, tournament chess possibly excepted, we were recently both surprised and heart- ened to notice that one diamond magnate not only holds similar views, but is prepared to do some- thing ,tout it. * „ Hank Greenberg was a smart ball player—mart enough to quit the game More the game quit him: although. of course,- the fact that he married a girl worth several millions alight have made such :t decision somewhat easier for him than it is for the average profession- al athlete. For one of the saddest things in ,port is to see a former star trying to hang on long after everything else but the urge has departed. As Lorelei Lee's maid said, in GENTLEMEN LIEN PREFER BLONDES, "The time to leave them is when you're still looking good." * * * Allyn ay. the aforesaid Mr. Green- Lerg is now general manager of the Cleveland Indians—a club that per- forms in a ball pasture which takes a heap of filling, especially when the team isn't going so good, and more l:,artirularly in times like these rlietl the sports dollar is get- ting a bit more choosey about what it gets spent on. At all events, Greenberg has purchased a jeep for his relief pitchers, to save them— and the fans—that long, funereal trek from the.hull-pen to the pitch- er's mound, k * * Now. at first sight this alight ap- pear to be nothing more than a piece of smart showmanship—like telling the strip -teaser to go into her routine when your theatre catches fire—and designed to take the Cleveland clients' minds off the fact that the Indians were winning just about as many games as they lost, and getting nowhere fast. But Greenberg seems to be really sin- cere in his desire to speed up a sport which gives every evidence of becoming slower and slower to watch. * e * In the interests of science, we re- cently did a lot of tedious research —a whole three minutes of it— checking up on the elapsed tinges of eight major baseball games contest- ed on a certain afternoon and eve- ning. Those eight averaged pretty close to two and ate -half hours apiece -2.25 to be exact—which is a lengthy stretch of time for any but the most ardent bugs to hold still, looking at a couple of teams trying to get through 3;; or 9 in- nings of run -of -the -nine ball. * * e In addition to his jeep innovation, Hank Greenberg is also suggesting that pitchers should await their turn at bat in the "on deck" circle like other players, instead of sitting in the dugout 'til the last possible second; also that umpires should be instructed to make the players hustle when changing sides be- tween innings. All of which would indicate that Hank, for one, really realizes what a menace to the cash Customer these marathon contests are becoming. * * * Just who or what is responsible for the slowing-up—well, your guess is probably as good as ours, or even better. There are some who blame the lively ball, on the grounds that it gives the batter too big an edge over the pitcher. But Uncle Ed Barrow, whose views on baseball we respect more titan those of any other man, reminds us Dramatic Gesture—,A wife's "long shot" and the generosity of a Hollywood star combined to give actor Tom Colborn of Lon - ion his big chance for a break. Actress Jeanette McDonald is seen taking down her own caricature from the wall of Holly- wood's Brown Derby restaurant to make room for Colburn. Mrs. Colburn wrote Bob Cobb, Derby owner, asking hint to post hes- husband's picture in hopes some producer might see it and bring the actor to Hollywood. After several Hollywood personalities had turne(l. down Cobb's request to give up their spot tm the wall, Miss McDonald consented graciously, and even volunteered to appear in person to make the switch. in his highly readable reminiscences now running in Colliers that the souped -up horsehide was introduced by the short-lived and long -defunct Federal League. * 5 A And you don't need to go back nearly that far to recall when they hustled through games in 90 min- uses or so, and one could enjoy a ,Saturday afternoon double-header - of two nine -inning games and still get out in plenty of time to do a little tonsil -cooling before the oases shut down for the Sabbath week- end at 6 p,in. 5 * * There are others who put the Elaine on the sports writers who tern out books an baseball at the rate of—judging from publishers' lists—something Iike one a minute. These authors have written so much -about "inside baseball and the like, that the managers are so busy with their Master -minding they en- tirely lose sight of those folks in the stands and bleachers whose cash contributions mauve their large sal- aries, and larger reputations, pos- sible. What is laughingly known as • a duel of wits between a couple of bench managers may make very in- teresting reading. But looking at a Parade of 10 pitchers in one 'game —as happened in a game reported in today's paper—can be, as the Englishman put it, nothing but a beastly bore. As for our own personal opinion --well, we would just paraphrase the old saying, "All of the world's troubles began when they first taught woolen to read," by sub- stituting "ball players" for "wom- en," Not so long ago we sat at a ball game right next to another ancient, Two batters in succession had made hits, and the pitcher could • be seen glancing, first at the bench and then toward the bull -pen, plain- ly expecting—and wanting—relief. CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN —NOT HURT A �Y �^ii CLASSIFIED VJ�1 r SING AGENTS. WANTED SELL popular tl. fire extinguisher wholesale or Street. Liberal Praflto oxeluoire territory. FIRE-KITABlt, 6042 0509171 Ave., Montreal. BD OUR AGENT, sell Drygo07* from our illustrated catalogOe, 2558 commission, Ile - liable Solos, 504 Spndina Avelino, 12010000. STOREKEEPERS AND DEALERS Rine for Phtillpe itinerate(' wholesale Cate- IogUo featuring large variety of every day soherato dry goodo, small waren, household )tens, etc, Phillips Sales lies'd, 72 Craig Street West, Montreal 1. Imporlers and wholeaate Distributors. of General Merehan dies. BODY osucggS TILE MOST Important thing to conel,inr whet buying ehtcke Is the treating, The majority of Tweddle pure bred vhlek* aro tired by R.O,P. pedigreed cockerels from high record hots. Reducer prices for June and 301Y. Prompt delivery on day Old er started two, three, four and five basic old lion -sexed poi - lets, cockerels, also day old and entrust' Tur- key's. Older pullets. Free Catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatebelles Limited, Fergus. Ontario, LE'T'S NOT kid ouitetvee. we all want tint Most fir our money. You'll get the most for your money if you order Top Notch Gov- ernment Approved chicks. o, TorSevs from Pullorunt free stock. Prices ret10,01 fol' Jule, Day el%l, t00, three foul' or five week old In non -sexed pullets. Cockerels, or tons in eldek9 and turkeys. Older pullets. Free eatalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS Or1'OHTUNITIES START your own big paying bnalnera sharp- ening lawn mowers. Spare or full. time. Experience unnecessary', Machine coats on1Y 5120. Real money maker. Literature free, Islington Machine Cement", Islington 9, On- tario. DYEING AND GLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. Wo aro glad to answer your queetlona. Department IL Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonne Street. Toronto, Ontario "Imagine," we said, "guys lilts Dicky Rudolph, Joe MeGinnity, or Nick Altrock hanging out the white flag ill such a spot. Why, the man- ager practically had to knock theist down and drag them off the mound when he thought they had had enough." * * * "The whole trouble is," growled our seat -mate in reply, "that most cf these modern pitchers go into the game unable to do themselves justice. THEY'RE SO TUCK- ERED OUT SIGNING AUTO- GRAPHS AND PASTING UP THEIR PRESS CLIPPINGS IN THEIR SCRAP BOOKS, THAT THEY JUST HAVEN'T. THE STRENGTH TO GO MORE THAN THREE OR FOUR IN- NINGS." * * k So, for the time being anyway, we'll lot it go at that—with a deep bow in the direction of Hank Greenberg who is at least trying to step on the gas in an age when everything else seems to be speed- ing up with the exception of "America's National Game." Soap From The Skies A Cardiff housewife had a shock the other day. In one of her top rooms she found a mysterious quan- tity of ice. It came from alt "ice bomb" which had crashed through the roof. A quantity of the ice was taken to the city analyst, wlio examined it and found that it consisted main- ly of soapy water. It is saki that he even identified the brand of soap! Further inquiries pointed to the theory that the "ice bomb" came from an aircraft—a liner on its way tram the United States to London. It is believed that the ice formed in the waste pipe of the liner's washbowl while it was flying about 20,000 ft. over the Atlantic. The aircraft began to descend in readiness to land as it approach- ed England, it is reported, and in the warmer air at lower levels over South \Vales the ice block in the waste -pipe started to thaw and the core of it was the "ice bomb." WHEN A MOTORIST whose car had plunged into a swamp near St. Paul, refused to pay the bill for having it pulled out, the towing service promptly returned the auto to the scene and pushed it back into the swamp. WHEN A PASADENA, Calif., patrolman flagged down a motorist who was zigzagging dangerously across the highway, the driver ex- plained: "Everything is all right. Just shaving." ib OUR SsSTli, YEAR' TORONTO MAPLE LEAF STYLE A ALL CAP Special Value $1.10 (Please Mention Cap .Ue When Ordering) -- Please Add 100 for Postage and Randling — 1 THE HAROLD A. WILSON COMPANY. OF, TORONTO LTD. =gin 0381-299 TOME STREET, AT MIDAS STREET CAMP HO.3A-CHEE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANlu:.Wanl Oita TAILORING, Dretemalling, Designing tanaht 10 year homy Send for Free Booklet, Z. cost. %l0I'IIRlS b SC414001. 00" APPLIF,i ARTS, Route A0, 1, 1300 811, Berlin, New 30000*'. FOR it0Y6 HALIEUR'TON HIGHLANDS Onttto On Three Brother); Lake; accessible by bus, our or train. Constructive programme 01 Camp activities aseure0 your eon a healthy, happy holiday. Resident darter in attend- ance, and experienced saperviolon. Tents and* r14kh1e Recreation Lodge, geed wheleaemo food. Rates 530 per week or 5100 per month, Write for folder to—Charles Wren,. 11 Aah- Im,d Avenue, Toronto, (hit. EARN MONEY AT 1001(20 SPARE or fall -time money -making. Learn to make (0ndy at home; earn while You learn. Free .equipment enrolled, Colrre*"pOndonee course. National lnetit,tto of Confottlonory Reg'd„ DeLorlmler P.O., 00x 16a Montreal, clue, 14218'M((BENT WANTED ExE1t1ENCED, reliable holland tmmlgronte ennoble; arriving soon. Write to L. Van denburg, Box 92, Dreekvllle, Ont.; 0110110 2664 (after 0 o'clock), FOR SA1.10 DAIRY for sale, New Do Laval equipment, Apartments above. No onPoeitton, Illelhotaen Dias, Tions Head, Ont, TARPAULINS ANY SIZE „ IN heavy waterproofed dwelt, realplete with tie 1'0009, 204r name atellctled on each side and delivered to your nearest station, 849, 58.72; 1042, 018.281 12x16, 219,75, Special alzes made to your order at 120 per square foot. Please enclose money 00400 or cheque with your order. All inquiries answered promptly, Canvas Specialty CnmpanY, 1110 Tonga Street, Toronto, UNWANTED HAIR PERMANENTLY eradicated with Saca Palo, The 07000 remarkable discovery ofthe age, Seca Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair, and contains no drugs or ohemtoals. Lor -Beer Lab., 079 Granville, Vancouver, B.C. YOU are not too late to get our Broad Breasted Bronze or Beltsville Small White Turkey Poulta during Juno or July. we .also hav'o one week old and two week old potllts for immediate shipment. Phone, wire or write today. Iliilerest Turkey Farm, Route 6, Pem- broke, Ontario, MOTORCYCLES, 2ialrely Davidson. Now and used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock of .guaranteed used motoreyelea, Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com- plete lite of - wheel goods, also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard Motor*. Open evenings until nine except Wednesday, Stand Cyclo fi Sports, Icing at Senford,2mnliton, IRON RAILINGS Builders, Home Owners INSTAL, yourself, with special kit and 1n- structlone. Write for folder. Modern Rail- ings, Dept. E., 00 13rondvlew Ave., Toronto. TURKEY rests WE I'IA111 available from 4 to s ,weeks old, started, D,•oad Rrenmed Bronze Tnritey Ponits. from Government approved steep, and under Ilatehory approval, at reduced prices for o. qutek sale. H. Yaueles Exclusive Tur- key Ears and Hatrhe•y, Sub 11, Windsor, Ont. or photo 5-5909 after 6 p.m. IN FLORIDA — 00000y acmes, R1rnIshe0, lights, good roado. Beautiful water front sites and acreage, Small tl'ae00 Black land Citrus. ate, Lovely year-round climate, health resort country. For sale by Canadian—come and Dee me. S. Gibson. Fort Walton, Fla. YOH SALE Hydro and Telephone Poles, Any numhrr. John Hindmrrsh, 11,100. 2, Goderlch, Ontario. — AMAZING RUT 'TRUE — HOT WATER for anybody anywhere, coun- try, town or city. No storage tank re - mitred; no body of water to ]seep hot; what it staving of fuel. Just turn the tap, and there 1s your hot water. The RANALAII and ASCOT Inetentaneous Water .Heaters will operate with Essot0net Propane, Natural 01 MY Gas. Write for partleolat•a to BBRNER5 AND EQUIPMENT LTD., 37 DeGrassi St„ Toronto 8 Ont., or phone Hargrave 0025, 111E010A1, CRESS CORN SALVE—For euro relief. Toler Druggist stile Cre,0, Callous Salve rellevea quickly too, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Dankh the torment of dry eczema 100hea and weeping shin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint 3r00. Itching, sealing, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, Dimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless, odorless oint- ment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeleao they seam. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 885 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan Toronto GOOD RESOLUTION—Every suf- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. 1VIUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa 31.25 Express Prepaid. SCALL'HE SL The wonder remedy for the head. If you have dandruff, falling hair or going gray—GET SCALI'HEAL at once, Scalpheal ointment 12.60, Scalpheal Lotion 52.10 or 54.60. for the two treatments. Postpaid. Scalpheal Company, 91 Centre St., Chatham, Ont. SMOKING worries? Is smoking; running your health? Write for free Information on ab- solutely safe method to stop. Repllos strictly confidential. Arm -Ruts Co.. P.O. 208, Ottawa, Ontario. (OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 5013001 Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, goad wages thousands 00000eatul Marvel graduates Amerleree greatest system, Illustrated ants loges free. %Trete or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCEOOLS 860 01001 St. w„ Toronto Branches, Ret. pon & 72 Rideau44 Sltseet,SOttawa,Hamt PATENTS O'E5HERSTONIlAl1041 & 00105082 5*00:t SolIeltole Estahlfebed Hill0. 800 Roy Strtdt rgr0lnlo. Booklet of mtormationon inquiet, A. M. LAIDLAW,11.50., Potent Atterney. Patents nt Invention, 66 Sparks St., Ottawa. i'IIRSONA r, PLAZA TEMPERANCE I*0'rm, sus Jervis Street, Toronto Make reservations for your Toronto visit, Free Parith,g, TEACHERS WANTED THE ,AUGUSTA Townsldp. School Area Board invites applications Brom rat nUa0S toaohors, duties to begin September 0, 1060. Apply stating qualifications, eatery expected, and name of your last Inspector to 3, E,. I(napp, R,R, 2, Prescott, Out. SALES AGENT WANTE1) SALESMAN required for exclUOlwO i1ouae- 11a10 and hardware linen for surrounding 000111ory, Conmlaalon or ;salary to the man who Sae MI excellent following amongst the retail trade, Iron -Mar Sales, 72 Prime Ar- thur Street East, Montreal, Gee, WANTED WANTED Approximately 100 Aarea, Suitable for grail and beef eattlo. G0e0 bu1101nga and water supply. A101010al, by Voterana' Land Act. Anp17 Box 50, 128 Eighteenth St,. Now Toronto. B001(IIEEPING 0 ACCOUNTING SERVICE Irving N. Shoop, 77 Victoria at, Toronto. WITCHCRAFT Storywritor wishes to buy old Dream and L'ortano Telitng Book10t0 contnining tieeerlp- tione of charms and omens. These booklets of popular humbug used to be said 101,1010; You may have one. Flamm help in this research on common superstitions. Mame Robb, Trent now, Belleville, Ontario, Protect your 1300116 and CASH tram FIRE and THIEVES. We have a she and typo or Safe, or Cabinet, far 000 Purpose. Visit ns ar write for orlee0, etc., to Drat. W. JoScJ.T IfLEM LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 145 Front St. 81,. fornnt., Established 18511 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We son our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our factories — Harness. Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO„ LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE WAKE UP YOUR LIVER I - Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Barin' to Go The liver eheuld-pour out about 2 plata of bile juice into your digestive tract every day. It tbiobilo Is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay 1A the digestive tract. Then gas bloats up your stomach You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It taken those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flow- ing freely to male you feel "up and up Get a package today. Enactive in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills, 359 at any drugstore. Many'stylea to choose from. D1reCt from factory o you, See far or near. Read smallest print, thread finest needle. Satisfaction gCuaranteed. Send name, address and age for a0 -day free FREE' foga Dna iu ir1ntarmntlan le cata- VICTORIA OPTICAL CO �AVE 31021 ast. C5 b39 273 Tongs Sheet Tegnlo, om, ISSUE 23 — 1950 ROLL YOUR OWPi BETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIG I !RE TE 6+ osA CO JITTER Ns W"."....0741:74'7=1.1717;777;544W COUNTRY AND I OWN14THIS wrote, SO Z tiers' sea N)M !CIO< Me OPP.'. 77 J By Arthur Pointer