HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-05-11, Page 8TflE SEAFORTH NEWS Mother's Day. SUNDAY MAY 14 Dainty "things to wear" nlalte themost. acceptable gift for Mother, You'll see a wide choice of useful, pleasing gifts for mother at Stewart Bros, Quality NYLONS 45 to 60 gauge Nylons in all the new Summer shades. Nylons make a most acceptable Gift. All the best makes are here at 1.60 to 2.50 GIVE HER A HANDBAG Plastic, Morocco, calf skin or bengaline bags in pouch or box shapes. Priced at 3.69 to 11.50 Pretty BLOUSES For a Pretty Gift 3.95to5.95 9 Dainty new crepes, tissue sheers and nylons in a wide range of new styles — whites predominate with pink and blue very popular. All sixes Priced from 3,95 to 5.95 rfij THE STORE FOR MOTHER'S DAY jC> Dainty Gift LINGERIE FOR MOTHER Slips, Undies, Panties, Nighties in lovely nylon, Silk Knit, Rayon or Satin h white, tearose or blue 1.00 to 10,95 LOVELY NYLON WOOL SWEATERS Short sleeve pullovers or long sleeve car- digans featuring new summer shades of white. pink, blue, yel- low and green. Gift boxed at L98 to 6.9 GIFTS EWART BRI:! Amommousolimwoonsvammemai At Finnigan's THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY BOLOGNA COTTAGE ROLLS HEAD. CHEESE REP ROSE COFFEE LIPTON'S TEA TEA BISK CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. CERTIFIED SEED IRISH COBBLERS SON W. J. �' I N N IGAN & SO• THURSDAY, MAY LE. 29c LB. 59c LB. 29c LB. 850 LB. 59c PKGE. 390 2 FOR 23o 76 LB. 2,49 BAYFIELD Dr. Robin Hunter and Mary Alice of Toronto, spent the weekend in the village. Mrs, H. Suppnie.k and daughter Miss Carol Suppniok of Detroit spent the weekend at their cottage on River Terrace, lMrs. Ed. Weston is spending a few clays in ,Goderich. Miss A:nn Tait was in Toronto for a few days' this week. Work has commenced on the re- decorating of the Town hall, D. A. Kay and son of Clinton are doing the work, Miss Moral Guest of Guelph and Mr. Wn7. Johnston of Windsor were weekend guests of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. M. Toms. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Toron- to, spent the weekend at her home in the village. ;Mrs, Henry Miller of St. ,Clements, Mich., and Miss Lola Elliott sof De- troit are visiting their mother, who we are sorry to say is confined to bed Miss Betty Lou Larson of London spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Reheny Larson. When you think about it, everybody has a stake, one way or another, in the tele- phone business. 28,000 Bell employees and their families ... 62,000 Bell shareholders and their families... Thousands of suppliers of materials for tele- phone construction and expansion .. , 1,250,000 telephone customers in Ontario and Quebec, hi homes, offices, hospitals, shops. Keeping pace with growing needs for more and better telephone service takes loft of work and lots of money. Only a financially healthy company can carry on this big lob. Telephone users, employees, shareholders, — everyone has a vital interest in a service that means so much le the welfare of so many people, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Ownedand operated by Canedtana for Canadians 44074 Dr. Jellinek is head of the school for studies in alcohol at Yale Uni- versity. After thorough investiga- tion he reports that there are few- er alcoholics in rural than in ur- ban areas. The rate of chronic al- coholism in cities of 100,000 o1' more is higher by 33.7 per cent than in smaller towns and cities and higher by 105 per cent than in rural areas. Dr. Jellinek concludes that the greater the numbers of outlets for drinking the more peo- ple will drink. The Huron Temper- ance Federation has always main- tained that to increase the outlets is to increase the consumption and the alcoholism. Huron County is fortunate that it is a county of small towns And rural areas. It is also fortunate that it is under the Canada Temperance Act, that does not provide for liquor outlets. Advt. Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOOK & IMPLF,- NTS, At Lot 1, Con. 6, Stanley Twp„ day, May 15051, at 1 PM. First fawn It of H111o50een on Parr Lino GATTLE--2 Durham cows .fresh; 2 Dur - cows, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow in McY; 1 Durham cow due in August; wham heifer, due in Ione; 2 Durham re, bled; 1 Durham heifer ready for diet; 2, Durham heifers rising 2 years old; arham steer rising 2 years old; 1 pure Durham bull. rising 2 years old; 2 calves weeks old; 6 Durham steers and heifers el' old, These cattle are '2-B tested and ice Durham cattle praotloally in condition market MPLEMENTS — M -H hinder 6 ft. cut; Cormick Deering oil bath mower; sulky e; International drop head hay loader ce new) ; wooden roller; M -H bean muffler puller; M -H walking plow (new) ; riding ow ; John Deere manure Spreader '• 51.31 throw disc; 4 seet.ion of harrows; spring h oultivator; M -H 13 -hoe fertilizer didll; m wagon, hay rank, gravel box, fanning l'of sleighs, l +mvhil separator; chains bug - sot 1 othr artistes. Orate=Quantity of good grain FARM -50 act'ee of land, N half of Lot 4, Co 6, Stanley Twp., running water, frame imrs, all in grass Terms—Chattel0s cash. Farm 1005 down, lance 30 days. Reserve bid. MRS, ,TAMES LOVE, Proprietor E, P. Chesney, Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer NOTICE o Ratepayers of S.S. 5, Tnckersmith, Township School Area No. 1 A meeting of the Tnckersmith Township School Area No. 1 Board of Trustees and the ratepayers of S.S. 6 Tucicersmith will be held on Friday, the. 19th day of May, 10611, in No. 6 school at 3,30 pm DST The purpose of this meeting is to 'consider FOR SALE the high per pupil cost of operation owing to the smell number of pupils now resident 100 bags Irish Cobbler Potatoes $1.255 a bag. in the section and whether the school should 3 roads east of 1 ondesbor'o, ONO, .0. DUBS, reopen for the 1050-51 school year, or whether phone Blyth 27x5 the pupils should be giver transportation to and from schools adiacent to the section. W. P. ROBERTS, See, -Tress., Tnokeramitli Township School Board Area No. 1 Men nortl ham due 1 hells 1 D bred 3 cho for Me rnk (111 and out toot far mit o C ba T 1, 11950 TH111 SIOA1rQii3l'I NEWS Snowdon Bros,,. Publishers uthorlsed as Second Olaoe mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa BOX if mutual rieuire CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, -letters, towers and boxes while I was in the hospital. Thanks also to the vari- ous organizations of the churches for their WHS. I would lake like to thank the ladies who sent baking and other treats to the manse while I was away and since I came home and those who did Be much to help. Special thanks to Dr•. Myers and Dr. Oakes and rt kindnessof MR5o RPG. HAZLEtWOOD FOR SALE Cottage ifi EotvitStable AmyoROY MMANi, gmnle EXECUTORS SALE OF PROPERTY and Household Effects. For the estate of the late klarry Martin, in the Town of Seaforth, Satm'dny, May 13th at 1 PM. Included in sale; Stoves, kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom furniture, Hitchen utensils, dishes, garden tools, lawn mower, bedding and other articles. PROPERTY -7 room frame cottage,' full basement, furnace, cistern, town water, heavy wiring, large garden, Terms— Chattels: cash. Property: 10e%c down, balance 30 days, immediate possession. Reserve bill. For further particulars apply to AISinew, Solicitor or HAROLD JACKSON, Autioer ofu kill/'//I'i SkySfinFvm - wnWil gain 5, IC, / s. Get New Pep, Vint, Vigor, What n 1110111, Bony limbs all out: ugly hollows ell up; nook no longer scrawny body lases hall - starved, sickly "bean -note' look. Ttougnnrla of girls, women, men, who never could gain before pro now proud of 050001y, homily -loo 100 boding. They thank the speuin1 vlgor-bailding, sash-Uuliding tante. estres, Its teniae, stimulants invigorators. Iron, vitamin lit, anloln a, enrich blood, 11020000 appetite and dgestton so 100d gh•00 ran more strength and nourishment: net flesh on mire bones.. Don't tear getting too tat. atop when You've gained 0110 6, 10, 16 or 2010a, you need for normal weight. Costs little. New "got nequai0ted" also only NO. Try famous Ostrav Tonin Tablets for new vigor and elide p0110013, this yen, day. At an 000001et0. nano CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS COWS $2.50 each HORSES $2.50each HOGS over 250 lbs ea. 50c cwt. According to size and condition Phone Collect Wm, Sproat, Seaforth-655r2 Ingersoll 21 William Stone Sons, ,Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all 000aeione Phones: Day 43 Night 595W JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am - G pm. Wed. 9 - 12.30 Sat, 0 am to 9 pm TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUSES Tenders will. he received by the Seaforth District High School Board for ope}}ration of live buses In the Seaforth Distrlet High School Area, Sealed tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary by noon, May 10, B. Daylight S ing Time. Preesse 10 -mileage, etc., may be secured at Office of Secretary. Apply in writing giving full particulars as to make, seating capacity of buses and ap- proximate age of drivers. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M. A, REID, Secretary, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Modern. Brick dwelling on Jaime • St., early possession, (nearly new with all con. vonience) Six room brink dwelling on West William St., with garage. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acre of land Modern brink duplex on West William st, Mode A. REIDli gSonrtLouisa St., Seaforth. PASTURE FOR RENT 100 acres or more in Stanley, fenced Into fields,water and shade. Write DR. MOFFATT, London, Ont. TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 6 Mullett, duties to commence Sept. 5th. Apply .stating salary expected, and qualifications, also: last inspee oo,,R to 1, See.-TreBlyth,at JOHN H. Mc - NOTICE Will the person whe was see, taking the Pressure cooker from the sale last Thursday kindly leave it at this office or with Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, and no action will be taken FOR SALE Lady's light biege mit, size 14, satin lined cont. Phone 46,7 FOR SALE 2 registered Jersey heifers, one springing, loth bred by Woodstock Jersey Unit, vaccin- ated and accredited. HAROLD COLEMAN, Staffs NOTICE .Will pay $5 over market price for good young York saws. For sale—Gelding, sound, itbbeNotired fwago. KBE NePHERSON, Dublin 17r24 FOR SALE General Electric Deep Freezer, brand new, never been used. Phone 243w AT YOUR HYDRO OFFICE FOR SALE 1 Registered red poll bun, 6 mos. old, clean T -B test. Also Tamworth boar, 315 mss. old. FRANCIS COLEMAN JR.. phone 038r22 FOR SALE Westinghouse Electric 'sewing machine, console model, $135, 0110 half original Mice. MRS. DAN 'WILLIAMS, Senforth Apts TO RENT Good garden to rent. Apply to MRS. T. O'LOUGHLIN, James at,. Seaforth FOR SALE 10 chunks; also Smith's Mother Nature brooder. ROBERT WALLACE, phone 0061,11 FOR SALE About 2000 ft. of rough lumber, timbers and plank, best offer. Cyclone .grass seeder. Phone 404w Attention Home Builders Lots now available in new West End Sur- vey at 10.00 per tot. Building to be started within six months of date of purchase of lot. Work to supply the following services will he commenced at once: Hydro, water, sur- face onface drainage and streets. Plans available at the TOWN CLERICS OFFICE FIRST COME, FIRST CHOICE COAL BARN FOR SALE Bawl and contents 24' x 36', scantling frame, heavy. ARCHIE JEFFERY, 1>'A miles south of Dublin NOTICE JOHN SIE1W014 will load gravel with h shovel at rnext t t, Lotweeks, Con, 6, Me- fo' Killen, FOR SALE Seven room cottage, Godetdch street east, Seaforth, Apply to MRS. furnace, hardwood Dors, FOR SALE Black Faille Dress, worn once, size 35; black suit, size 40; 2 spring and fall coats. new, size 40, both grey ; grey dress, size 40 ; all in good condition and will be sold reason- ably. Phone 303w FARM HELP Reliable, experienced Holland families available. Arriving soon. Apply to Mr. 0. de HAAN, Belgrave, Ont. BARN SPRAYING Barns whitewashed after T-13 test, with new power sprayer. Work done to inspector's sstisfertion. Phone Brussels 56r11. DONALD McDONALD, Brussels RR. 2 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, p 3418, Seaforth We have: Nut Coal Stove Coal Hard Coal Briquets Alberta Deep Seam Lump And Stoker Coal WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 WAR1N6! If anyone can be traced or caught dumping garbage or rubbish of any kind on the roadsides of the Township of McKillop, they will be prose- cuted to the full extent prove vided by law BY ORDER OF THE REEVE OF THE TOWNSHIP OP IVIcKiLLOP FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples. 25; 24 samples $1.00. Mail— Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to buy, especially Ho seafat horses. 0. GOVENLOCII, Dick Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seafortb. Clinton, SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment phone any other time, or p 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE 7 room frame house, patent shingle aiding, Hydro, Town Water, Garage, on East William St. Priced reasonable E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE} BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 394 St dffen' s Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero "Duo -Jet" Pump and Water Systems for deep and shallow wells Aero "Silver blame Automatic 011 Burners Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES, .2.50 each CATTLE 2,50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. A.ocording to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DA'.LING & COMPANY F CANADA, LIMiTEI,