HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-05-11, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 78, PUBLIC SCHOOL STAFF RECEIVE SALARY INCREASE The regular monthly meeting of the Seaforth, Publio School Board was held in the Board Room, Tues- day, May 9 at 8 pm, Chairman F. E, Willis, Sec'y, al, McKellar and Messrs Westcott, Rev, T. Dale Jones, Broadfoot, 'Stevens and the Primer - pal, D, Eastman, were present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved. Bills and salaries amounting to $1688.04 were ordered paid. There was considerable discussion re teachers' salaries and adopting the new schedule as set down by the Teachers' Federation and .the teachers were given a sub- stantial increase for the year 1950- 51,, The teachers were invited into the meeting and signed their con- tracts. They were told of the good re- port that Mr. Kinkead, the Inspect- or had forthem.and were asked to give full co-operation one with the other. The meeting adjourned at 10:- 15 p.m. FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT GEORGETOWN A well-known district farmer, John Alexander died at his home near 'Georgetown on Friday, April 28th. A native of Glasgow, Scotland, he came to Canada with his parents, the late John Alexander and Mary Fleming in 1889 when he was nine months. old, The family settled in the State of Iowa and when he was 16 returned to Scotland. A year later they came to Canada to make their home at ,Seaforth. In 1616, Mr. Alexander married Miss Eliza Craig in Seaforth and after farming there for some years, they moved to their farm on the 8th Line, where they have since re- sided. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife and a family of six sons and four daugh- ters: John of Toronto, Robert on the home farm, William of Brampton, Craig, a student at the OAC, Guelph, Douglas, who attends the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph and Stuart at home, Mrs, Harold McClure (Isabel), Mount Pleasant, Mrs. Ver- non Atkinson (Mary), Port Colborne, 'Margaret, of the Brampton Public School ataff and Jessie, an tha staff of Methercraft Hospital, Toronto. There are three grandchildren. A brother William lives at Hensall, and a brother Albert in Toronto. He was predeceased by one brother, lar.! Charles of Brantford. The funeral service at the home was conducted on Monday by Rev. Alex. J. Calder. His five sons and a' son-inlaw, Harold McClure were pall- bearers. Flower bearers were Thomas and Wilfred Bird, Malcolm McNabb, Donald Ismoncl and Jack Hunter. In- terment was made in Hillcrest Ceme- tery,Norval.-Georgeigram ;Herald. SEAFORTH DISTRICT FORMS JUNIOR FARM CLUB A sixth Junior Farmer Club was organized in Huron County Thursday night for the Seaforth District. Meet- ing was held in the ,'Seaforth Colleg- iate Institute. After a joint meeting boys and girls separated for separate .meetings. Miss Helen McKercher of the Wo- men's Institute Branch,Ont. Dept. of Aag, Toronto, was in charge of the girls because of the illness. of Miss Jean Scott, home economist. During the meeting 21 girls enrolled as Junior Institute members. Miss McKercher pointed out to the girls that the success of any or- ganization and the Junior Institute depends on the responsible oo-opera- tion of the members. "Here is your chalice to use your minds and do your job well," she said. "As a junior Insti- tute member you must attend meet- ings regularly and be co-operative to the ,Club" she stated, Miss Anna Brock of Exeter, rims. of Huron County Junior Institute, welcomed the girls and outlined to the newly formed Exec:alive the pro- gram which was followed by her local club Also present at this organization meeting were the President, Secre- tary of South Huron Institute, Mrs, Robt. EE 2, Kippen and Mrs.i Alvin Moir, R. R. 3, Exeter. Mrs. Elgie conducted election of officers for girls which were as fol- lows; Pres., Mabel Campbell. R. R. 1, Seaforth; 1st vicepres., Norma Lem- ing, R. R.' 2, Walton; '2nd vicepres., Mona Caldwell, R. R. 2, Kippen; Sec- retary -Treasurer. Margaret Stevens, Walton; District Directors, Isabelle Spear, R. R. 3, Brussels; Branch Dir- ectors, Helen Johnston, R. R. 2, Blyth; Phyllis Boyce, R. R. 3, Sea - forth; Betty Addison, R. R. 1, Lon- desboro, At the boys' meeting which was in charge of at, G. Bennett. Agricultural Representative for Huron County, 38 boys were signed up as Junior Farm- ers' members. Jack Currie, Belgrave and Harry Dougall, R. R. 3, Exeter, welcomed the boys. Mr. Bennett conducted the election of officers and following was the re- sult: Pres., Jim Chapman, R. R. 3, Kip - pen; 1st vice-pres., Art Bolton, R. 1, Dublin; and vice-pres., Don McClure, R.R. 4, Walton; Secretary -Treasurer, Merton Keys, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Re- cording Secretary, Fred Martin, R. R. 2, Blyth; Press Reporter, Mac Bolt - ton, R. E. 1, Dublin; Directors, Har- ry Jacobi, R. R. 2, Kipper); Ken Moore, R. R. 3, Seaforth: Eric And- erson, R. R. 1, Londesboro; Pat Mur- ray, R. R. Dublin; Graham Mc- Donald, R. R. 2, Brussels. I It was decided that the regular meetings of the Seaforth District HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS MRS. MABEL E. HOWES will be held first Tuesday of every , On Thursday, May 5, the Junior ar an The death occurred in ' Hamilton . month. Farmers of the district held their General Hospital on May 1st of Mrs. flrSt meeting of the year. The meet - SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1950 MISS C. MeGOWAN IS W: I: GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. John McGregor opened her 'home for the May meeting 'of the ;Seaforth Women's Institute on Tues. dayevening, May 9th at which Miss Claire 1VIeGowan of the Childrens' Shelter, Goderich, was guest speaker. The meeting was opened by the Pres- ident, Mrs, John McLean, with the Institute Ode, the Lord's Prayer in unison and the Institute Creed, The roll cell was answered by a gift of new or used clothing for a child of any age. these articles being sent to the Children's Shelter at Goderich, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Elmer Cameron and the Treasurer's report by Mrs, John Hillebrecht. Letters of thanks were read from Mrs, Walker Hart, Mrs. John McLean and Mr. L Hudsen. An invitation was received by the Institute to attend Hospital Day on Friday. A report on the meet- ing 'of the South Huron Executive was given by Mrs. Mae Doig. Mrs. Paul Doig and Mrs. Alex Pepper were appointed as delegates to the District Annual at Grand Bend on June 9th. Anyone wishing to go should contact Mrs, Elmer Cameron and transportation will be arranged. Mrs. Gordon Papple then took charge of the meeting which was on Child Welfare. "Home on the Range" was sung and several verses from the Home and Country;were read by Mrs. Papple. She then introduced the guest speaker, Miss Claire McGowan of the Children's Shelter, in Goder- ich. Miss McGowan spoke 011 the work being done by this organization throughout 'Huron County. She stres- eed the point that crime magazines, comic strips and some shows were Some of the reasons for juvenile de- linquenCy. Home environment means so much and in most cases the par- ents are interviewed to determine the reason for the child's downfall. The training schools in Ontario are doing,a wonderful job to help juven- ile delinquents. Miss McGowan men- tioned the fact that the Shelter is badly in need of clothing for child- ren of all ages and anyone wishing to donate clothing to the Shelter may get in touch with any Institute mem- ber and it will be picked up. Miss Mc- Gowan said that making people feel welcome in any organization or Church meant a great deal toward having them change their way of liv- ing. She then answered questions asked by the members. A solo, Se- cond Hand Rose, by Mrs. Edgar Butt was very well received. A demonstra- tion on smocking was given by Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple in her usual pleas- ing manner. Mrs. Wallace Haugh spoke on the Garden Club of which she is convenor and hoped the Insti- tute would take an interest in the work the girls are doing in this re- spect. • Juni F 't •nets d Jun•i Institute Mabel E. Howes, formerly Mabel E. Clark, born fifty-three years ago on The ;Seaforth Merry Maidens Gar - the Goshen Line, Stanley Township. den Club met on Thursday, May 4 in She attended Seaforth Collegiate and the Agriculture room of Seaforth later served as a public school teach- er for nine years, terms in Hay Township, Markdale and Arthur. On March 7, 1923 she was united in mar- riage to the late Ephriam A. Howes, of Arthur, who predeceased her in 1940. Since her marriage she resided in Ridgeway and later in Port Col- borne, Ontario. ;Surviving are one son Garfield Howes of Port Col- borne and two brothers Wm. J. Clark of the Goshen Line, ;Stanley and Clif- ford G. Clark of Hamilton. Funeral services were held from the Dell and Merton funeral home in Port Colborne on May 4 at 2:30. The service was conducted by Rev. Knighton of Central United Church of which the deceased was a faithful member. Interment was made in Ridgeway Cemetery. Relatives and friends attended from Toronto, Ham- ilton, Arthur and Varna. GARDEN CLUB MEETS ing consisted mostly of nomination of offices. There was an excellent turn oat for these elections. Jim Chapman was voted president and Ment Keys, sec'y-treas. The school dance held Friday, May 5, there was a small turn out, but all those attending enjoyed them- selves very much and had a good time. The High School made $162.00 by selling the Reader's Digest subscrip- tions out of a total of $324.00. The school bought the new P. A. system with the money which cost $360.00. Cadet Inspection (Cadet Inspection this year is sche- duled for Monday, May 29. The whole school has been practising for it as much as possible. The Bugle Band. has been practising extra hard forthe big occasion. The Major this year is Don Dale and the Company Sergeant Major is Bert Shaw. The Minister of Education, Hon. Dana Porter, was the special speaker for the annual meeting of the Huron County Library Asociation held in the Seaforth High School's Auditor- ium on Monday, Although there was a small crowd in attendance every- one enjoyed the Hon. Dana Porter very much. Northside United Church Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister. 10 ami., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. Mother's Day Service. 11 a.m., Worship: Sermon Theme, "The Woman of Sacrifice". 11:30 am., Junior Congregation. 7 pm:, Worship: Annual Nurses' Service, Sermon theme, "A. Living and a Life". Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday Sehool 11 a.m., "God Works Through Homes". ThSacramentof Baptism. 7 p.m., "Trusting God for the Future". St. Thomas' Church Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock. St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p,m. St. Thomas' Evensong at 7 p.in. MANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Johnson, and Mra. Johnson spent Sunday in Lon- don visiting Ii11r J. Johnson, a patient in Victeria Hospital, IVIr, and Mrs. Joe Manley and fam- ily spent Sunday with Ma. and Mrs. T. Patton, Inican. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kenny, Lon- don, anent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, 'Dominic Murray, Mr. and Mrs. B. 131onde, Windsor, visited with Mrand laths. Joe Mc- Laughlin. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. :Manley and Jerome wove Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. MerVin Manley, Strat- ford, 1 Brodhagen School pupils played Manley pupils in a ball pine Friday afternoon, Manley 29, 'Brodhageri 10. High School. The president, Margar- et Stevens, was in the chair. Gladys Chapman, secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting. The roll call was answered by plans ;and reasons! for home !beautification. There was an excellent attendance. The local leaders, Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Mrs. John Hillebrecht were present. Mrs. Hillebrecht gave the members some very helpful hints on trans- planting. The meeting then adjourn- ed. ST. THOMAS' LADIES' GUILD The May meeting of St. Thomas' Ladies' ;Guild was held at the home of our president, Mrs. W. R. Shaw with 22 members present. Mrs. Shaw presided and the meeting opened with prayers for the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison, followed by reading of the 88th psalm by Mrs. Bethune. The secretary's report was adopted and the treasurer's report showed a substantial balance, Reports of the group system are still enthus- iastic and are one more way of in- teresting new members. The Guild's usual bride's gift will be given to Gladys Earle. a bride -elect of this month. Metal sponges and everyday cards are still being sold. Mrs. Dal- rymple showed the many artistic gifts for her novelty booth of the Fall Bazaar which had been donated by each member showing great in- genuity. It was moved by Florence Fowler and seconded by Dorothy Parke that our next meeting take the form of an imaginary tea and sale of recipes. Mrs. Scotchmer kindly of- fered her home for the occasion, All members are to meet at the Church at a quarter to three to be driven to Egmondville on that day, The collec- tion was received and dedicated. A vote of thanks to our president for being hostess was given by Dorothy Parke. Several suggestions were then brought forth for consideration in the Fall, such as a Musicale and a special artistic effort by Mrs Dal- rymple. There was intich discussion about our new kitchen in the parish hall and many clever ideas aired. The meeting closed with the benedic- tionand a dainty lunch was served by our hostess and a social hour spent in which chances on a beautiful quilt were sold by Mrs. 2 Nott, STAFFA Mr. Charles Falconer, who has been residing at Staffa and studying for the ministry, hai gone to take charge of Burk's Falls and Sundridge Presbyterian Churches. Mr. and Mrs, Falconer and two children left on Wedneeday of this week. BRUCEFI ELD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dutton mov- ed last weelo to their new residence which was built during the past year. At the morning service last Sun- day the WIMS. held their thank - offering meeting, Miss Edith Sparling was the guest speaker, who delivered a very interesting address on the mission work in West China, which was much appreciated. She was also present at the Sunday School and spoke there. Mies Sparling went to China in 1909. Mrs. Wilson McCartney is in Sca- 11 Hospital with a fractured leg which occured while milking. The cow kicked ;breaking her leg in two places. Rally Day services will be held next Sunday morningsome of the boYs and girls will take part in the service, members of the Sundry School will occupy the centre pews, Baptismal services will also be 'held. KIPPEN The regular monthly meeting of the Kippen East Woman's Institute will he held Wednesday afternoon,m. May 17, at 2 o clock, at the hoe of Mrs. Jos, McLellan. This will be a work meeting and the members are asked to bring scissors, thimble and needle; also reminded to bring any good need clothing for the children's Shelter at !Goderich, any clothing suitable for children from baby up to 16 years, CONTRIBUTIONS TO COM- MUNITY CENTRE FUND Previously acknowledged $15.512.; Glen Gemmel] $2.00, Florence Laid- law. $10.00, Miles McMillan $10.00, Mrs. Gladys Ferguson $5.00, Govern- ment Grant (balance) $500.00, Total $16,045.00. Drive for $30,000. IGive Now! To wipe out the debt on your Community Centre, MeCLURE-DORRANCE !A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. George Dorrance on Saturday, May 6 at high noon when Mary Monota, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dothance of Ken- nedy, Sask., was united in marriage to 'Samuel George, son of Mr. Wm. McClure and the late Mrs. McClure of McKillop. Rev. D. Glen Campbell officiated, Mrs, Lawrence Mould, of Priceville, played the wedding music and Rev, Lawrence Mould sang. Given in marriage by her cousin Edward Dorrance, the bride wore a beige gabardine suit with green ac- cessories and a matching necklace and earrings, gift of the groom; wearing a corsage of pink and white, roses and sweet peas. The bride was attended by the groom's sister, Mavis McClure, dressed in a rust colored suit, She wore beige accessories and a corsage of matching roses and sweet peas. Little Emily Carter', niece of the groom was flower girl wearing a pale blue silk dress. Stan- ley Dorrance, cousin of the bride, was best man. Gift to bride was a necklace, to flower girl, a brooch, to the best man, a tie clip. After the register was signed a wedding dinner was served and the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and best wishes to Kennedy, Sask., to visit the' bride's parents and friends. On their 'return they will reside on the groom's farm in McKillop. ALEXANDER SINCLAIR The death of Mr. Alexander 'Sin- clair occurred on Saturday, May 6, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William teeming, James Street, following an illness of three years and a stroke which he suffered last week. Mr. Sin- clair was born in Morris Twp. 82 years ago. He farmed in Tucker - smith until he retired to Seaforth in 1947. He is survived by two brothers, William of Kippen and Gilbert of Weston. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 9, from the home of Mr. William Leeming. Rev. A...Hinton of Kippen United Church officiated. Interment was in Maitland Bank Cemetery. • EGMONDVILLE Mr. and 'Mrs. Perce Johnston of Wellington visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. D. J. Stephenson. Mr and Mrs. Stewart Keys and daughter Gail of Orillia and .alr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and daughter Jean of Windsor, visited with their pal - auto Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. Miss Jean Watson R.N. of St. Michaels' Hospital, Toronto, and Miss Mayme Watson R.N. of St. Joseph Hospital, London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMil- lan. Mr. Geo. Coleman has returned to his home in Egmondville after spend- ing some time at the home of his daughter Mrs. Elgin McKinley in Stanley. Special Mothers' Day service will be observed on Sunday when the •pastor, Rev. A. W. .Gardiner, will ad- minister the rite of baptism to a number of children. Miss Evelyn Shade returned Sat- urday from her visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mt. and Mrs. Allen Shade, in Cleveland. She returned by plane leaving Cleveland at 11:30 ar- riving in London at 12:20. Mrs. Albert Sparling of McKillop has returned home after spending; a week with her sister-in-law Mrs. Ade- line Shade. Mr. Robert Boyce, Miss Marion Schneider and Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Schneider of Preston were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E Boyce and family. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop, met on Wednesday, May 3rd in the,schoothoom of the Church. Mrs. E. Toll presided for the W.M.S. and IMrs. Robt, McClure for the W.A, The theme of the meeting was Mother, The Scripture lesson Proy- erbs.31, chap. 10 Was read, Mrs. Har- vey Dolmage led the meeting in prayer. The roll cell was answered by 23 ladies with a verse for Mother's Day. .Mrs. E. Hawley was appeinted as Missionary Monthly Secretary for the remainder' of the year. Hymn 174 was sung in memory of Mrs. Robt. McFarlane and Mrs. Wm. Montgom- ery. Reports for the first quarter of the year were given by Supply Sec„ Mrs, Pryce; W. A., Nirs. Dodds; W. M. 8.. Mrs, Toll. Very complete and interesting reporta of the PresbYter- ial wave given by Mrs, G. Smith, Mrs. la. Bolton and Mrs. E. Toll, Mrs. Win Dodds closed the meeting. with prayer. IThe Mission Band are entertaining the mothers in the S. 8, room on Saturday, May 13 at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Gilbert Smith will be the speaker Mr, and. Mrs, .Garnet Taylor..Bev- Yealy and Dorothy of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong and Gregory Lee of Zurich visited on Sunday with IVIr. and Mag. John McClure. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. DOuglatt E. Proude of Stockton, Cal., visited a few days at the home of their uncle and Mint, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Dundas, $1 a year Make her proud and happy with a gifr that tells her what she means to you! 11 JEWEL WATCHES SAVAUGES' Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing BLAKE Odiss Audrey .Hemrich, teacher in S. S. No 9 .Hay and Stanley, with the school children and some of their parents - journeyed to Wingham on Saturday at 11:15 a.m. and gave a special program over C.K.N.X. ac- • companied by their music teacher,. Mr. Sheldon Baxter of Goderich. The group and the soloist did very fine singing for their first radio broad- cast. Miss Henthich is to he congrat- ulated on her efficient efforts int making this such a fine programme. The W.M.S. will hold their .May1 meeting at the home of Mrs. Clarence Parke on Thursday evening, May 11 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bancroft's group will be in charge of the programme. Mrs. Sam Hey has returned from a visit with her daughter and son -in -1 law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard at lirueefield. Mrs. H. Finlay and Emma and Jim visited Mrs. Robert Madge at Hills - green on Sunday. ! Mr. John 'McBride Jr was in a re- cent car accident on the Goshen Line N. Saturday evening and had his ' shoulder hurt but is getting along 0. K. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride• and daughter Phyllistt d d a Church service at Clinton on Sunday am. VARNA ! The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the Church on May 4th in the afternoon. The theme was "Jesus has need of You" and hymn 378 " Rise up 0 Men of God" was sung. Rev. Miss Bern led in prayer 'and Psalm 742 was read in unison. Hymn 358 "Jesus Calls us o'er the Tumult" was sung. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adoption moved by Mrs. W. R. 'Stephenson and 1 seconded by Mrs. Johnston. Ten members were present. The roll call for Jame will be a verse relating to Union or United. A card of apprecia- tion had been received from Mr, Fred Reid. Members had made 10 calls to shutius. It was decided to have Goshen and Blake ladies join with us in celebrating the tweny-fifth anniversary of the Auxililary in the evening of June 9th. Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Fowlie then gave Ne* interesting reports on the Pres- 'byterial held in Clinton. Hymn 388 "0 Master le me walk with Thee" was sung. Rev. Miss Horn closed the meeting with the benediction. HULLETT i-Tullett Twp. council met on May Ist. Business included a grant or tit11 to Blytli Agricultural So, ioty. Council will buy 2001i feet of 14)14/11' ri.11eo in rei foot rolls and 111 posts, 1(1111) feet snow fence in 1141 foot roll:. from Lundy Fence- Co. The township joined Timor 0ounty .kssii. A petition for n munitOtil tile tirain signed by Frattk linlilily, (ins Ilis. bacit, 'Wellington (haat and Itiaurke Bean, was aeeepleti 111111 James Ilowcs oh' Listowel was appointed enainour. Applications for a powur mower oper- ator at Sec an hour will be received by the road sum. at hint. mooing. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kenny, Lon- don with Mr, and Mrs, Jos 'Connelly. Miss Angela Morris, Brantford, spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Josephine Morris. Miss Regena !Bowman entertained her school friends on Friday even- ing, Ganiesand dancing were enjoyed and a delicious lunch Wee Served by her Mother and sister. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston. Seaforth, announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Frances Isabelle, to Lionel Cecil Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Azarias Doy, Glent- worth, Sask. The marriage to take Place quietly on May 13th. MRS. NEIL GILLESPIE The death occurred on alonday at Toronto of Elizabeth Cuthill Laing. wife of the late Neil MeK. Gillespie of Seaforth, mother of James and Thos. L., Toronto. Service al McGill funeral home, Toronto, Wednesday. Service at Whitney funeral home. Seaforth. on Thursday at 2 p.m. to Maitland Bank Cemetery. Rev, D, Glenn Campbell of First Presbyterian Church officiating. SPORT SHORTS At the first softball practice on Thursday, May 4 only a small num- ber turned out. All interested in the game are urged to come to early practice. The future practices will be held every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Come out and be on tame. DUNCAN McKELLAR Funeral service was held Saturday at the family home, Cromarty, for Duncan McKellar, who died at Sea- forth at the age of 54 on May 4. fol- lowing an illness of three weeks. A former pastor. Rev. W. A. MacWilliam of Thorndale, officiated, assisted by Rev. George Lamont, Mitchell. Pall bearers were nephews, Russel, Ken- neth, James, and John Miller, Staffa; Robert Hamilton. Cromarty, and Gor- don McKellar, Toronto. Flowerbearers were neighbors, John Wallace, Mer- vyn Dow, Jack Hay, Eldon Allen. James Hoggarth and Lorne Elliott, Staffs. Burial was in Roys cemetery. Mr. McKellar was born in Hibbert. son of Mr. Alex McKellar, Cromarty, and the late Mrs. McKellar. He is survived by his father and three sis- ters and a brothel.: Miss Sarah Mc- Kellar, at home; Mrs. '7. Staffa; Mrs. John Hamilton, Crom- arty, and Malcolm McKellar, Seaforth. KIPPEN Special Mothers' Day services are being prepared by the Sunday School here and will be presented at 11 a.m. DST Sunday. A Mothers' Choir will furnish Music for the following Sun- day, May 21st, The YPU will observe their annual Spring Anniversary. The truest speaker at the Morning. service will be Rev. Harold Snell of Janus St. 'NUM Church, Exeter, and the evening speaker will be Rev. H. Mahoney of Main St. United Church, Exeter, Special music will be furnieh- ed by the choir. • On Monday evening, May 22nd the Elimville Women's Institute will pre- sent, their play "Coveralls" in the Church here, sponsored by the Friend- ship Circle, Mr and Mrs. 5, Beattie and family of Wingham spent the weekend with Mr. and .Mrs. 2, McBride. Mrs. John Cochrane spent a day recently with her sister, Mrs. B. Ithightmore, Mo. and MIs. Arthur Jones and Nie. and Mrs., Bell Jones, sil of St. Thomas, were 'recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones and; Mr:: and Mrs, Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs.. Arnold ;Gaeltatetter and Gale Ann and .Mr. and Mrs. W. HorneY of Exeter, visited on Sunday With Miss Tva Blanchard, who is. a Patient at Beck Memorial Sanitorittin, London.