HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-05-04, Page 13THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1950 W I"'SpFood Specials WAGSTAFF'S STRAWBERRY CRISCO l lb 35c JAM 24 fluid oz jar 41c RED BIRD MATCHES 3 boxes 19c LARGE BOLOGNA piece or sliced per Ib. 330 TELBEST CAKE MIXES per pkg. 31e MEXICAN ORANGES sweet and juicy per doz 45c LYNN VALLEY GOLDEN whole kernel corn 20 oz tin 2 for 25e FLOOR WAX 1 Ib tin 39c 1 ;tin free , CELLO BAGS Sandwich Cookies 29c CALIFORNIA NEW WHITE POTATOES 6 lb 45c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 FILM MAY 5TH —S.S. No. 9 at 10.30 AM —S.S. No. 4 at 2.30 PM —Manley at 8.30 PM MAY 11TH —Beechwooci at 10.30 AM —St. Columban at 2.30 PM —No. 12 at 8.30 p.m. McKILLOP FEDERATION OF, AGRICULTURE Attention Hydro Consumers Living on Market & Huron Sts., east of Louisa St., High St., and Ord, Jarvis, Main Street south of Market St. Your power will be off from 8 AM to 10 AM and from 1 PM to 2 PM SUNDAY, MAY 7 to allow us to proceed with con- struction which cannot be clone under live line conditions SEAFORTH P. U. C. Salvage Collection WED., MAY 17th SAVE YOUR Fertilizer Bags, Newspapers, Magazines & rags Seaforth Lions Club r. HE SEAFORTH N tWS TOWN TOPICS The ladies L.O,13.A. are having a home -baking sate and tea on May 20. Mrs. A. B. Hamer of klarriston spent Saturday in Seaforth. Mr, Alex Sinelaii' of town suffered a severe stroke Friday evening and is in a serious condition, Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Oke and Mrs. Pearl Way of town had dinner with Mrs, R, Bell and family, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Cloyne Michael and little daughter of Gorrie, Mr, and Mrs, Ran Toman, and Mr.. and Mrs, Willett Kelterborn, of Milverton were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Smith, Mr, and Mrs, G, A. Whitney spent Sunday in Tillson-burg visiting Rev, and Mrs, H, V. Workman while there. Mr, Elmer Rinn, Belgrave, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Frank Storey, Mr, and Mrs. Wes Logan of Win- nipeg, Man., visited Mrs, Frank Stor- ey on Wednesday, Mr, and Ma's, Wm. Hatcher, Brantford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laudenbach and family are in London today at- tending the exercises held in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, of which their daug- hter, Miss Katerine Laudenbaeh is a graduate, Mr, Allan Ryan, Hamilton, spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Miss Mary Crowe, London, visited over the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ern- est Crowe. Mrs, Earl Bell, Toronto, is spend- ing a few days in town, i GARDENING AROUND THE CORNER Call in at Sills Hardware for a Fine Selection of Wax Mops Cleaning Materials Rakes Lawn Mowers Spring time brings family discus- sions on Bathrooms, Pressure Systems, and Softeners. Perhaps last winter's Furnace needs repair Now Is your chance to benefit by fast, efficient service. Best grade fixtures are still being installed by experienced men as has been the custom for over 50 years.. Hoes Moffat Stoves, Crosley Refrigerators on Display QUALITY GOODS WITH QUALITY SERVICE Geo. A. Sills Sons Plumbing Hardware Heating sumemmaimint In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime e Asphalt Shingles, Cedargraia Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47• SEAFORTH FOR THE CHICKS • Peat Moss and Cozeo Litter • Co-op Chick Starter & Krumbles • Co-op Grow Mash • Chick Grit & Shell • Semi Solid Buttermilk • Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PHONE 9 Mrs. Ellen Bannon and Miss Agnes Gaffney spent the weekend with rel• atLYes in Toronto. Miss Jean MacMaster, Hamilton, visited last week with her Parents. Dr. and Mrs, E, A. MacMaster, Mr, Joseph Laudenbaeh, who is a graduate of the Royal Roads Military 1 College, is visiting with Me parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1. Laudenbach, Mrs. George.MaaDonald Stratford, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McFaddin, Mrs. Ann Looby, Dublin is visit- ing with her daughter and son-in- law, Mrs. Clarence Trott and Mr. Trott. Miss Therese Maloney, Kitchener, spent a few days with her ,grand- mother, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, last week, DUBLIN Dorothy Kistner, nurse -in -training at .St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener, spent d+'riday of last week visiting her parents. On 'Tuesday evening, April X25 a group of neighbors and friends of rs. Anne Murray gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray to honor her prior to her leaving the community. An address was read by Mr. John L. Malone .and the presenta- tion of twin traveling bags was made by Mr. Peter Maloney. ,Mrs, Murray thanked them graciously. The even- ing Was spent in games and dancing and a bountiful luncheon was served by the hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Carlin, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Carlin. Miss Mary Murphy, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy. WHERE THE FARMER IS ABLE TO MARKET HIS OWN PRODUCE WITH CONFIDENCE Top Market Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry In 1949 we had an increase of 1,428 cases of eggs over the previous year, and an increase of egg business of over $18,000 At our annual meeting the members were able to declare divi- dends of 2c a dozen on their eggs marketed through their 00-02 Let us continue this fine work and make 1850 a still bigger year We are always ready to welcome new business and new members If you are not a customer now, why not give us a try POULTRY WANTED Be sure and phone 13 before you cull or sell your flock Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PRODUCE DEPT. • 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111 llllllll 111 llllllllllllll 1 lllllllllllll 111111 lllllllllllllll 11111111,1 lllllll 11111111111 llllllll 11111111111111111111111. , Successful farmers know the value of mod- ern scientific fertiliza- tion for their grain, hay, pasture, root, and small fruit crops. Phosphate is a primary need of select spring grown grains and tests have also shown that fertilized pasture lands provide more cheap feed than any other crop. Why pay out good money for grass and clover seed and neglect to provide the fertilizer required to ensure a good crop? This bank is interested in helping progressive farmers to succeed. If you need money for a Farm Improvement Loan or for any worthwhile purpose, come in and talk over your plans. THE DOMINION BANK Established 1811 SEAFORTH BRANCH — E. C. BOSWELL, MANAGER First Presbyterian Church Seaforth, Sunday, May 7th Spring Tha>>nko fer ng Service 11 AM and 7 PM Rev. H, Douglas Stewart ()f Kincardine, will be the guest speaker. Mi•. Stewart is a former Seaforth Boy, and is one of the prominent young preachers of the Presbyterian pulpit Musical numbers by the Choir MORNING SERVICE Anthem, ...Altar of Prayer Smith Solo, , .. Consider and hear -me Wooler Miss Marion Meson EVENING SERVICE Anthem, ..,Heavens are telling Haydn Trio, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. Jas. T. Scott, Mr. Dave Stewart Duet, ...Abide with me Lyte Miss P. Patterson, Mrs, F. Kling Quartet, , , ,Lord let me live today re Miss Lenore HabkhMoo k, Mrs. F. Kling, Mr, Jas. T. Scott, Mr. Fred Willis Special musical recital at 6.30 by the Church Organist, Mr. I. Bruce Jamieson, This is your invitation to come Mr. 8, BRUCE JAMIES0'N REV. D. GLEN CAMPBELL Organist and Choir Leader Minister zawasauwasnmeismannyw 1 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE BUILDING FUND COMMUNITY RUMMAGE SALE WEDNESDAY, 31st MAY — 1.30 pm CLOTHING: Women's Hats, Dresses, Accessories, Children's Wear; Men's Clothing, Boots and Shoes HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Furnishings, Hardware. Tools, Garden Utensils, Dishes Antiques BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE SAT., 3rd JUNE — 1.30 pm Household. Furnishings: Furniture, Radios, Washing Machines, Stoves, etc. Farm Implements and Livestock Cars and Trucks Wed., 31st May 8.0D pm SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 'Spring Jamboree Games and Entertain- ment for all! Friday, 2nd June 8.30 pm SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 CANADIAN LEGION Monster BINGO 18 Valuable Prizes and $100 winner! i All Proceeds in Aid of Seaforth and District Memorial Community Centre Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mish - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354 FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES