HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-05-04, Page 8E SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY AT STEWART MEN'S & YOUTHS' TWO TROUSER, ALL WOOL Gabardine Suits 49.50 Here's a scoop! 1.00% pure wool English Gabardine Suits in smart shades of brown, fawn, teall and royal, All double breasted style with two trousers Sizes 34 to 42 - 49.50 CLEARING Men's Worsted Suits One of a kind, picked from our regular stock in tails, regulars or shorts. There's every shade and the range includes some tropicals too. Hurry for this bargain. All sold from 39.50 to 45.00, Special 29.50 utouwwwwwwwwwwo CLEARING SALE REGULAR 1.50 TO 2.00 All modern panel design ties that sold 1.50 to 2.00 Broken lines, but every tie worth almost twice the price. Pick several at this low ■ 9 price. To clear infacittaftfellinftelfillitAMOMbie Men's Fawn Gabardine Windbreakers �l Popular zipper front, 1-.. fawn. shade cotton .4)Z gabardine Jackets. All are water and wind proof cloth to wear now or through the summer Sizes 34 to 46. To clear 9 5 LEONARD'S QUALITY Jockey Underwear7 Good quality fine alb stitched Jockey shirts and shorts at a real bargain price Sizes Small, Med., Large Each SPECIAL Men's Hosiery Sale Ankle or regular length hose in wool, mixture or !isles. These all sold from 75c to 1.00 Broken lines to olear at MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Save 2.00 and more on these fine shirts - some slightly shop soiled 95 BROS. SAVE $10 AND MORE ON THESE SHORTIE COATS Boxy Shortie or sketched, in all shades Full satin lined Barathea Twills, VERY SPECIAL double.breasted models, as the popular New Spring coats of Suedene, or fine to flatter you this spring. 19:95 FULL LENGTH Spring Coats REDUCED TO 29.95 We were fortunate to pick up this group at a saving of about $10.00 per coat, that we're passing on to you. Smartly tailored in fitted or box back styles. in lovely quality Suede Cloths and All -Wool Twills. There's a grand 'range of shades, including Grey, Royal, Navy, Red, Powder, Black, Beige Special at 29.95 SPECIAL SELLING FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Greatly reduced, regular stock famous make nylons 1 that sold at 1.65, - The reason! The size and color range is not complete We are clearing them all at 29 EXTRA LOW PRICE ON 'IBEX' LARGE 70 it 90 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Best Ibex blankets, large size, famous for wear. -, The lowest price you'll find anywhere. PAIR 95 SPECIAL SELLING - 70 x 84 FALCON BLANKETS Pink or blue check "Falcon" flannel. ette blankets at a real rock bottom price. Full bed size 70x84. PAIR 3.98 FRI LLED Marquisette Curtains All white, frilled marquisette curtains with puffy dots. A real bargain, PER PAIR 2.98 36" WIDE - NEW DRAPERY CRETONNES Gay floral patterns in all the new popular shades, Very special YD. 8 9c Stewart Bros.. SATU RDAY STORE HOURS 9 AM TO 10 PM i HENSALL Mr. and Tdrs. Cecil Maxwell spent the weekend at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee of Fenton, Mieb., visited over the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Devlin and Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mrs. Bertha Ortwein of London was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. Munn, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth of Detroit visited here last week with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, Carry B. Joynt, son of T. C. .7oylit, Iienaall, now studying at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., has had his fellowship renewed, This is the third year he has won the award, lie is studying for his Doc- trine of International Law and 'Bela - ti on s. The Henaall District Teachers' As- sociation held their April meeting on Tuesday when they enjoyed a delic- ious banquet at Club Monetta Min- ard, at Exeter, Mr. G. Gardiner, Public School Inspector, and Mrs. Gardiner were present. Mr. Fred Meek. of the staff of the Exeter Dis- trict High School, was the guest speaker, speaking on Mathematics in FOR SALE 2 year old pure bred Tamworth boar, very quiet and prolific. Also a brown & white collie pup 4 months old. Priced to sell at once. COOPER FORREST, Henson RR, 2. Phone 01 r 16 Zurich FOR SALE 2 chicken shelters one year old; also one good rubber tire wagon, 600x16 tires. JOSEPH 5. O'REILLY, phone 46r2 Dublin FOR SALE A few loads of hay; also Anker-PIolth cream separator, auitahlo for ane cow. W. T. NOTT, Egmondville NOTICE As Corn 13m'e• Tnapeetor ler the truth Pert of Huron County, T urgently request all growers of corn, which includes garden pinta as well as field corn, to have all refuse either burned or buried before the 20th of May, Penalties are provided for the non-com- plbmcc, in the Plant Disease Aet, THOS. DOUGHERTY P. 0. Box 027, GODERICH, ONT. the Public School in relation to math- ematics in the High School, a dis- cussion followed on the subject. A good attendance of teachers was pre- sent. WANTED Yearling cattle wanted for pasture, Phone 652x42, JOHN McGAVIN, Tuckersmith FOR SALE One bedroom suite conaisting of one prin- cess oak dresser and washstand, One brass bed. Apply to News Office FOR SALE • White enamelled Beach range, burn wood or coal, extra good condition, reservoir, high warming oven, with waterfront. Also choice of two Lawn, mowers. LEWIS TEBRUTT, Jarvis street, phone 288w FOR SALE Timber frame barn, to be removed, 24 x 40 feet. 20 font poste, a inch timber, two story, Apply MRS. ADRIAN PORTEOTJS, West St., FOR SALE Ton pige six weeks old, also 'a fat sow. D'ARCY RATIIWELL, Brumfield, phone 627x6 Clinton PASTURE FOR RENT 100 oeree or more in Stanley, fenced into fielder water and shads, Write DR,' MOFFATT, Lander, Ont, TO RENT Garden located 2 blocks from Mahn St. Apply to The News Office FOR SALE Fou' 18.525 ear time and tubes, sllghtly used. Phone 844r41, SAM STOREY TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUSES CARD OF THANKS The members of the family of the lata A. 1i. Box with to express their sincere appreci- ation for the many acre ofkindnessand sym- pathy extended to them, also for the floral tsdbutes and cards, ,luring their recent be- r'oavement CARD OF THANKS Words can scarcely express the thanks and gratitude I feel towards the friends and neigh- bor's who were so very,very hind to me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. To mesh and every ane who sent flowers, fruit, candy., treats of 411 kinds, also letters and cards; to o lt Brady, Rev, visitingoee,sonurss Gardiner staff, again I say thank MT'rrnsW HANEY Tenders will be received by the Seaforth District High School Board for operation of live buses in the Seaforth District High School Area Sealed tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary by noon, May 16, E. Daylight Saving Time. Present mileage, ate„ may he secured at Office of Secretary. Apply in writing giving full particulars as to make, seating capacity of buses and ap- proximate age of drivers, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, M. A. REID. Sosretany Seaforth, Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, G. H. Montgomery wishes to thank eineerely her many friends for cords and flowers she received in the hospital and et home; also Dr. Stapleton and Dr, Howson, and calls from. the Rev. Mr. McMillan CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends who so kindly remembered .me with cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital,. London, MRS. JOS.FLANAGAN IN MEMORIAM UPSHALL-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mrs. Prank Upshall, who passed away one year ago, May 4th, 1940 Cahn and peaceful she Is sleeping, Sweetest rest net follows pain, We who loved her sadly miss her, But trust in God to meet again. -Ever lovingly remembered by husband, sons and daughter FOR SALE 1 good Ford tractor on rubber with hy- draulic, make real second tractor, will' sell cheap. 1 Case D on rubber. 1 sot of double disc. 1 three futrtrow plow on rubber; 6 tillers, 1 good team mower; 1 good teem muffler & ben puller; set of harrows; 2 sections of dreg harrows. Sohne mixed grain, 1 good len_ box, 1 electric refrigerator, large size, reason - ;No HARVEY McILWAIN, 589w Seaforth LOST Saturday forenoon, a black wallet, on God- erieh street, small sum of money. Please phone 441w. Reward NOTICE JOHN SIEMON will load gravel with hie shovel at Moylan's pit, Lot 10, Cot, 0, Mt- Killop, for the next two weeks IN MEMORIAM McELROY-In loving memory of .my dear hueband John, who phased away 2 years ago. May 4111, 1948 Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger ever clay, Remembrance keeps him near, -Loving remembered by kis wife, May TEACHER WANTED Stanley Twp, School Area No. 1 reauiree two protestant teachers for two modern high- way schools. Apply, stating qualifications, ex- perience if any, eatery expected, also name of Present Inspector, to FRANK McCOWAN, Chairman of School Area Board, Beucefield, SEC.-TREAS. WANTED By Stanley Twp. School Area Nor 1. Ap- plications will be received to May 12, 1060, for above position. Duties to commence at once. State qualifications, salary expected, or for further particulars to FRANK McCOWAN, Chairman of School Area Board, Brucefield THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1990 VIE S'IAAvora'M HEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publlehers Authorised as: Second Olase mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa BOX 'Numeral truire TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 6 Mullett, duties to commence Sept. 5th. Apply stating salary expected, and qualifications, also last inspector, to Sec,-Treas., JOHN H. Mc- EWING, RR. 1, Blyth, Ont. FOR SALE 100 bags Irish Cobbler Potatoes 51,25 a bag. 3 roads east of Londesbmro. GEO. C. DUBS. phone Blyth 27x5 EXECUTORS SALE OF PROPERTY and Household Effects. For the estate of the late Harry Martin, in the Town of Seaforth, Saturday, May 13th at 1 PM. Included in sale: Stoves, kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom furniture. Kitchen utensils, dishes, garden tools, lawn mower, bedding and other articles. PROPERTY ---7 room frame cottage, full basement, furnace, cistern, town water, heavy wiring, large garden. Terms - Chattels; cash. Property: 10% clown, balance 30 days, immediate possession. Reserve bid. For further particulars apply to Alvin W. Wiley, Solicitor for Estate, or HAROLD JACKSON, Auotloneer Auction Sale OF FARM AND HIOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. Estate of the late Frances Shape, Lot 11. Babylon line, in Stanley Twp„ on Saturday, May 0th, at 1 PM Clare Jewel cook stove, Wingham Clipper cook stove, with waterfront; 1 box stove. Oherry drop leaf table, 2 extension tables. kitchen chairs, arm chairs, 2 sawing mach- ines, del, bell, antique upholsteredparlor suite; number of rockers and odd chairs; number of small tables, mirrors, organ, beds, dressers and wash stands; 2 practicality new bed springs; chest of drawers; 1 coal oil stove and over (like new); garden tools: 1 large steel water tank; 1 -4 -ft. steel water tank; 1200 Ib Gurney scales; dishes and kit- chen utensils. FARM -100 acre farms; 20 acres of bush; 13.'2 story good brick house with slate roof, large frame barns, good water supply, 30 acres broken, remainder in pasture. Terms, chattels, cash Property 1O% down, balance 30 days, reserve bid. MRS. JOHN CAMERON, Ex. of Estate Harold Jackson, Auctioneer KITCHENER STOCK YARDS LIMITED 9uelph Highway No. 7 Sell by Public Auction every Thursday, at 1.05 p.m. A large offering of dairy cows, butcher cattle, feeders, stockers, solves, hogs, sheep, horses. Bring your live .stock to the largest, most modem market in western Ontario, with room for 25 car loads. Three auction tinge operating at one time. Fast accounting, Lunch counter. Large perking area, Well equipped for herd sales F. J. Steffler, Manager Phone 2-9671 Kitchener FOR SALE Modern Brick dwelling on James St, early possession, (nearly new with all con- veniences) Six room brick dwelling on West William St., with garage. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land Modern brick duplex on West William et. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth Attention ',.,bate Builders Lots ;IOW available in new West End Sur- vey at 10.00 per lot. Building to be started within six menthe of date of purchase of lot. Work to mistily the following services will be commenced at once: Hydro, water, sur- face drainage and etmeta. Plans available at the TOWN CLiIIRIC'S OFFICE 1'IRST COME, „FIRST OHO1OE OAL AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Blowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596 W FOR SALE Two man's dress suite, navy and grey, about else 30, in good condition; also a grey tweed spring coat, 8ke new. Can be seen at GILL- ESPIB CLEANERS, Seaforth We have: Nut Coal Stove Coal:. Hard Coal' Briquets Alberta Deep Seam Lump And Stoker'L4oal WILLIAM M. HART Pho✓Fe 784 FOR SALE New House, Mode ri;: „,',yen rooms, Jamestrent, Immed- iate occupation) Phone 353. sesumensuome NOTICE Tractor work on garden and grading. X. MoILWAIN, 620w Seaforth, or Mr, E. Gentile WANTED Wanted to rent, two rroonss or small apart - Mad in Seaforth. Apply at The News ofllce FOR SALE Seven room cottage, Goderioh street east, Seaforth, with bath, furnace, hardwood floors, garage. Apply to MRS. LUCY WOODS FOR SALE Beaver seal oats. Also OAC $k21 seed bar- ley. anley, Apply rano HERBERT, RR. 4, Mitchell. Phone Dublin 76x11 TENDERS WANTED Tenders willbe received by the undersigned for a furnace to be installed at ES, No. 10, MuKtilop, during July and August, Tenders to be in by June 1st JOHN CAMPBELL, Seer -Troon. FARM HELP Reliable, experienced Holland families available. Arriving soon. Apply to Mr, C- de HAAN, Belgrnve, Ont. BARN FOR SALE Barn and contents 24' x 26', scantling frame, heavy. ARCHIE JEPFERY, 114 miles south of Dublin NOTICE Attention, Oar Owners I -Duplicate keys for all automobiles now made at SEAFORTH MOTORS. BARN SPRAYING Barns whitewashed after T -B test, with new power sprayer. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Brussels 66r11, DONALD MoDONALD, Brussels RR, 2 NOTICE Dumping of rubbish on Lot 21, Con. 2, Hibbert, is strictly forbidden, and offenders will be prosecuted,. JOSEPH STAPLETON FOR SALE • Black Faille Dress, worn once, size 38; black suit, size 40; 2 spring and fall coats. new, size 40, both. grey ; grey dress, size 40; all in good condition and will be sold reasons..., ably. Phone 303w RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34711. Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25; 24 samples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to buy, especially big fat horses. W. C. GOVENLOCK, Dick House, Seaforth • Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 3, Exeter. FOR SALE 7 room frame house, patent shingle siding, Hydro, Town Water, Garage, on East William St. Priced reasonable E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 Cement Blocks Power made. Steam Cured Immediate Delivery Huron Concrete Products PHONE 684 SEAFORTII Staffen's Plumbing & Heating. Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero "Duo -Jet" Pump and Water Systems for deep and shallow wells Aero "Silver Flame Automatic 011 Burners Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES -2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 OA LII16 & COMPANY F fAMADA,.•.LIMITED