HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-04-27, Page 5a 11 THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1950 WRIGHT'SF dpM q I peCials CARNATION MILK Large Tins, 0 for 31c iBYS DEEP BROWN-- PORK ROWN-- PORK & eEANs 20 oz, Tin 16c OAK LEAF GOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN 15 oz, 3 Tilt 29c OXYDOL Large .. 34e TIDE, Large' 34c IVORY SNOW, Leo. 34c FILLED COOKIES 1 ib Pkg, 35c GREEN GIANT WAX BEANS 15 oz, 15c No, 1 Quality SLICED SIDE BACON lb, ib Pkg, 350 1 tb Tins FLOOR WAX Good quality 25c New Carrots, 3 lbs, 23e Celery, 2 for 25c Dutch Sets 230 We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 Used Tractor Clearance MAKE US A REASONABLE OFFER 30 M.H., R.C. with P.L. 2 years old 70 Oliver, completely reconditioned 20 M.H., R.C. with P.L. 2 years old Farman H. International with cultivator 101 M.H., Sr. good condition 20-30 M.H. new rubber 18-36 Hart Par on steel For .better used machines at lower prices see Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 SEAFORTH TOWN OF SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of May 1st at 2 A.M. to October 1st at 1 A.M. and respectfully request the citizens to observe same J. E. KEATING MAYOR GOD SAVE THE KING In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts e Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order custom Millwork Soaforlh Supply :Fuel 110. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SPAFORTH FOR THE CHICKS o Peat Moss and Cozeo Litter Co-op Chick Starter & Krumbles a Co-op Grow Mash Chick Grit & Shell li Semi Solid Buttermilk Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers CO-OP PHONE 9 TEE SJ A.FORTIi NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. and miry Hugh Williams of London and 'V11 Gordon McKellar of the C.N.R. '1 orouto, were guests at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs M McKellar. Mr. Jack Christie of the Dominion Bank left on Tuesday morning for Guelph where he has been transfer- red. Mr. Duncan IVIeKellar•, who has been critically ill et the Scott Mem- orial Hospital, is now improving. 'Mrs, Wilber :Miller returned homy to Staf£a on Friday after undergo- ing an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Mr. Leonard Bolton and 221. James Kelly were in London on Sunday. JMr. and Mrs, Gordon E, Webster and son Douglas were recent visitors with the latter's another, Mrs. Geo 13. Dorrance, accompanied by Mrs. Kath- erine Cummings, returning to Tor- onto Tuesday of last week. Mr, Bert Haney left on Tuesday for iCalgarY, • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis in Walton on Sunday, Mr. Michael Laudenbach visited in London on Sunday. ,Mr, M. Bets, who has been a mem- ber on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been trans- ferred to Richmond Hill. Miss Dorothy Enzensberger and Miss Rosemary Lane received the two highest marks in the class ten years and under in the •Goderich Festival on Monday. 'Miss Pamela Stapleton received the second highest marks in the class seven years and under. Mr. and Mrs, John Eisler visited in Brodhagen on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, Miss Doris Ruston, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston. Mrs. James Barron was taken Sun- day to the home of her son, Mr. Geo. Campbell, McKillop, owing to her illness. Miss Janie Moffat has accepted a position with the local branch of Province of Ontario Savings Bank, and begins her new duties on Mon- day. c iSchoollls were in Goderies hf ontWednes- day attending the Music festival. Mrs, Nelson Keys has been con- fined to bed for some time following an attack of flu. Mrs. Raymond Townsend recently underwent an operation for appendi- citis in Scott Memorial Hospital. Miss Lenore Habkirk, Miss Joanne McMillan. Mrs, Scott Habkirk and children • visited Miss Vera Hudson and Miss Minnie Habkirk in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKay and son Ray, of Seattle, Wash., visit- ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. P. 'Sills and other relatives. Mrs. McKay is a sister of NIrs. Sills. Mr. and Mrs, Harry M.Chesney were in Toronto on Saturday attend- ing the Hobin-Lee wedding at St. Clair 'United Church. Mr. Hobin is a nephew of Mr. Chesney. BORN BUTTON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21st, to Mn and Mrs. William Butson, Stairs, a son CAMPBELL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Aprit 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell, RR1 Seaforth, a son SPEAIC—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Speak, Seaforth, a daughter TAYLOR—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Seaforth, a son McFADDEN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc- Fadden, Seaforth, a daughter BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein had a very successful sale of stock and implements on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler of Sea - forth with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman on Sunday. The Pastor and members of the Luther League of St. Peter's Luther- an Church attended a convention at Wellesley Church. Rev. Becker was guest speaker at the evening serivce. Mrs. Ed. Kressler and Cherry Lynn of Stratford have been visiting her mother, Mrs. John C. Diegel. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Moore and Heather of Waterloo, Miss Mary Klein and Hubert Kressler of Kitch- ener with Mrs. J. C. Diegel and Mr. and Mrs. Russell :Sholdice. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Chas. Wolfe and family in the passing of her husband and their father. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris W. Leonhardt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose at Point Edward.. Mr, and IMrs. George Mogh spent Monday in St. Thomas and with Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Green at Glan worth. Mr. Carman Mogh has accepted a position in ISt. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock and Mr. and Mrs. John Vock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rode near Palmerston, Miss Wilma Moore, London, Miss Gladys Moore, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and son of Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. Rolph Moore. ITwo lovely bouquets of white car- nations adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning in memory of the late Rev. W. Schultz who passed away one year ago April 20th. They were plat - of Watertoo. Also two large baskets LAWNS AVNS ®®LLEDed there Mrs. Schultz and son Eric by of mixed spring flowers were.placed in the chancel of the church in mem- ory of our late Pastor, Rev. W. Schultz, by the congregation of St. St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The ,Sunclay School of St. Peter's Lutheran Church sponsored the Gold- Place your order as early as en Hour broadcast over Radio Sta- possible with tion C.K.C.R. Kitchener, for the sick H. D. SMITH, Phone 122 shutins, on 'Sunday morning ii memory of the late Rev. W, Schultz, who passed away one year sago, HURON 0L0 BOYS MEET IN TORONTO An event of outstanfling interest to the. Huron County Old Boys' As- sociation of Toronto was the annual competition for the `'McLaren F uc- lire Trophy" held at the West End Y,MiC.A. on Tuesday evening the kith inst. •Seventy members were present game was coSLeJ.l4B.Soweand Mrs. Perry had an equal number of points for the highest ladies' score and sub- sequently cut the cards when Mrs. Stowe was adjudged the winner of the McLaren Trophy ;jointly with Dr. J. G• Ferguson, who had the highest men's score. Mrs. J. Perry was award- ed the second prize for ladies and Rev, A,. H. McKenzie for to men, after he cut the cards to bleak a tie score with Mr. Robert Dundas. Con- solation prizes were won by Miss Jean Turner and 'Mr, Chas. Noble. In addition, lucky draw prizes were won by Mrs, P. E. Gardiner, Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mrs. R Leiper, Miss L. Knox, Mrs. L. M. Gross, Miss Marie Niven, Miss M. McLaughlin, Mr. W. A. Campbell, Mrs. A. G. Smith and Mr. R. Leiper, A pleasant interlude was the pre- sentation by the President Mrs. C. J. •Parton, of a 'bouquet of Bowers to the oldest member present, Mr, Wm. Foss, (Hensel]) who celebrated his 22nd birthday that day. Before the meeting adjourned the President tendered a hearty vote of thanks to the committee, convened ,by Mrs. D. Thompson. who so capably arranged the program which included a sumptuous repast thoroughly en- joyed by all present, WINTHROP The W,M,S, and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, will meet in the school- room of the Church on Wednesday, May 3rd. The roll call is to be a verse on Mothers' Day. WALTON The April meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held in the church with Mrs. C. Martin presiding. The roll call was answered with an Easter verse. There was a short business discus- sion. Mrs. C. Martin and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull were chosen delegates to the Huron Presbyterial at Clinton. The 8th of Morris Group under leader - PLAY "RAGGEDY NAN" Presented by Auburn Athletic Assn. IN CAVAN CHURCH. WINTHROP Wednesday, May 3rd At 8.30 PM (daylight saving tine) Sponsored by the W.A. Admission—Adults 40c Children 20c Perennials Iris, Poppies, Phlox, Hello - phis, Delphiniums, Peonies, Lilies, Chrysanthemums, Di- anthus, Roses, Ornamental trees & shrubs Order Now Baker's Greenhouse SEAFORTH Women's Hospital Aid Penny Sale AT BOX FURNITURE STORE May 8 - May 13 Tickets 25 for 25 Cents Change of Time Effective April 30, 1950 Motorways Bus Schedules Will be operated on EASTERN DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Consult your local Agent for further information BY , POWER ROLLER • mama Euchre & Old Time Dance Parish Hall, Dublin FRIDAY, APRIL 28th Cards McQuaid -Delaney Orchestra Lunch served, Admission 5"r or Mr. Robt, McFadzean, Operator He will do you a good job, The rate is .2 per hour Note ---Kindly pay the operator on completion of each rolling Roller work will commence at west side of 'town this year SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB Grand 't'pening of the 'Roundel Terrace' RCAF STATION, CLINTON'S new RECREATION CENTRE on Friday, May 5th • Dancing to Bobby Downs and his famous Band in Ontario's largest DINE AND DANCE SPOT MONTE CARLO GAMES Everybody Welcome Admission 50c Doors Open 9 PM Dancing till 1 AM ship of Mrs, A. McCall hacl charge of the Laster worship service, the theme being Christ is risen. She was assisted by Mrs. C. Martin and Mrs. E, F31•yans. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of Lon- don spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Penhale on the Bronson Line. Seaforth Farmers' Co -Op PRODUCE DEPT. Where the Farmer is able to market his own produce with confidence Top Market Prices aid for Eggs and Poultry In 1949 we had an increase of 1,423 cases of eggs over the previous year, and an increase of egg business of over $15,000 At our annual meeting the members were able to declare dividends of 2c a dozen on their eggs marketed through their Co-op Let us continue this fine work and make 1950 a still bigger year We are always ready to welcome new business and new members If you are not a customer now, why not give us a try Poultry Wanted Be sure and phone 13 before you cull or sell your flock 1 Excellence Hour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain rocessed Feeds Feed Division of Exeel epee Flour Mills LtilL SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354 QJ' FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES