HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-04-27, Page 1The Seaforth News
The first meeting for 1050 of the
Seaforth Merry Maiden's Garden
Club was held on April 20th in the
Agricultural room in the high school
There were 4 first year and 8 second
year members present, The leader,
Mrs, Wallace Haugh, gave out the re-
cord books and the seeds and gave
necessary instructions for sending a
. soil sample. She •pointed out the
value of these clubs. This year each
tnemiber is to have a picture of her
garden in her book, The following
officers were elected: Pres., Mar-
garet 'Stevens; See'y, Gladys Chap-
man; Press Reporter, Nancy Nott,
The covers for the books will be
decided at the next meeting. This
will be held in the high school some
time next week between 3.30 and 4
ANNUAL MEETING Baptism to be Observed
Elsewhere in this issue is shown a Andrew's
Holy Baptism will l e held in Sr,
Sea -
complete financial statement of the The Seaforth 'Gun Club held their The annual meeting of the Sea- Antir' ' $ United (hutch here on
montes received and expended by the annual meeting at the Queen's Hotel forth subdivision of the Catholic Sunday next at 11 ant daylight sav-
cammittee in charge of the building on Monday night. Reports were given Women's League was held in the ing time. The services throughout
operations at our local Memorial of a very successful year and plans form of a pot luck supper Wodnes- the summer months will continue en
Community Centre, Unfortunately were made for an ambitious program day eaening, April 19, at 6,80 in the daylight saving time,
this financial picture shows a loss or for the coming season. The following parish hall. There were forty mem- Mrs,. J. Woods and son Wayne,
rather a debt incurred and this in officers were elected, President, hers present. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, of who have spent the winter months
with the former's parents .lir, and
turn requires and most Certainly Chester Lee; Vice -Pres. Foster Ben- Dublin, asked the blessing. On be
should have explanation. nett; Sec TreesFrank Phillips; half of the Catholic Women's League Flt's. Harvey Damm, ]eft en Tuesday
A short review of events in the Directors. Wilfred Scott, Herb SWbeautiful corsages of flowers were for their home in Manitoba,
erection of the Memorial Centre fen, B. J. Duncan, Ed. Andrews, • then presented to Miss Alice Daly Mr, and Mrs, Cecil billing and son
might be in order. Following several The name of the Club has been London Diocesan President, anti of London spent Sunday with :lir,
public meetings to test general feel- changed to the (Seaforth Rod and Mrs. Tom 'Sills, local subdivision and Mrs. W. Alexander,
ings towards the project and a vote Gun Club.. The members are invited President, by Mrs. Jean Fortune and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cornell and
of the ,Seaforth electorate, the re- to enter the perch derby in Goder 'Mrs. J. Hotham Jr, respectively. Sandra of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm:
gained amount needed to meet the ich, In the future valuable prizes Other guests present were Dr. M. Horner of Exeter and 114r; Edward
contract price was in hand. This was will be offered at the glum shoots. 'Stapleton, chairman of the Separate Gackstetter of Zurich were Sunday
as follows, $40,000 from Seaforth Arrangotrents will 'bestetter,
made at the School Board, and Mr, Clarence Ma- visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. Gack-
Debentures; $10,000 su'bscri'bed from meeting next Tuesday night for re- lone, president of the 'Holy Name
alargun shoots and fishingexpedi_ Society. A very bounteous meal was Several of the children of the com-
Canadian Legion Funds and a grant enjoyed by all present, the table beiu munity are competing in the Music
islaof ture Recogn zing the necessityvincial oof - lions' invitation is extended to the attractively decorated with bowls o Festival
April meetingt of the K.E.I.
ANNOUNCEMENT artificial ice installment if the centre ladies of Seaforth and district inter- daffodils.
11 1 announce the I ehn engager entond-
of was to operate successfully during ested in shooting and fishing who are coned theThe guestsand mom Sills
e - was held at the home of Mrs. Alex
yicordially invited to join. All those McGregor' on Wed. afternoon April
their daughter, 'Gladys Alicia to theowinter
months,uposa wadrive forganized interested in joining he Club, please expressed much regret at the ab -
their 19 at 2:30, The meeting was opened
Lloyd Haney, son of Mr, and Mrs, throughout the district. This drive come out to the meeting next Tues- scree of our pastor and spiritual ad- by then Le ord's! Prayer. The he eroll lo cal
Matthew R. Haney, of Tuce on Sat-
was fairly successful in town but day night. viser, Rev, T. P. Hussey, through ill -
The marriage will take place on Sat- railed rather miserably in the rural Plans are being made to improve r
mess. Mrs, Sills then called upon Dr. suggestions
g year was o or ioresponded
urday, May 20th at St, Thomas' Ang- district, viewed on a per capita basis. the grounds on Mr. Ed. Andrews M. Stapleton to introduce the guest to. This being the annual meeting re-
hear 'Church. There were apparentlymany causes farm• speaker of the evening, Rev. Dr.
for this but chief mongst them %The :Seaforth Rod and Gun Club is Ffoulkes. 'The speaker favored us ports were
rg were read by Sec, f e motto
the last
ANNOUNCEMENT seemed to be the loss of the original a registered club with membership with a very delightful and interesting "Friendship" was well given by Mrs•
community spirit in getting things in the Ontario Gun Club Association. talk on his recent trip to Mexico James 'McNaughton, Sec, read report
done as also not stressing the fact This means that shooters can try for City,which was enjoyed by all. A from executive meeting held at 'Mrs,
vo Rev.
that it was to be and will be a mein- the prizes and cups awarded to the Dr. a Ffoulkeof s o was
.behalf moved tof the Alvin Moir's of Hurondale. Delegates
orial to those boys of this district 'best marksmen by the Provincial As- were chosen to attend the conference
whosociation. League, by :Mrs. C. Trott.
gave their lives in World War (Miss Alice Daly,Diocesan Presi_ at Guelph representing Agriculture
IS, Proper publicity was not given The Club is promoting the interests dent, introduced Mrs. C. P. Sills, and Canadian Industries and Citizen -
either, to the necessary co-operation of bunting and fishing throughout spoke briefly on her manyactivities ship and Education. It was also plan -
which must come from the .agricult- the district, red for as many as can attend the
in connection with Catholic Womens'
S. A. CAMPAIGN IN MAY ural area of which Seaforth and thisLeague work. In her concludingerecting in London on May 7 0 at
The Salvation Army Campaign centre is the hub. That is to say,' MAE LANE AUXILIARY she re- Dundas United Church from 30 to
1950 Red Shield Appeal starts the that agricultural events such as The April meeting of the Mae dent,marks,
Mrs. Tom Silhon hertefficient Sayre,
1st of May until the 22nd. It in -
fairs, cattle shows, etc„ all 'Lane Auxiliary was held on Tuesday0 p.m, The speaker is Mrs. Sa e
Cycrin, in the basement of Northside and gracious manner with which she Pies. of the Associated Women's In -
eludes Exeter to Seaforth Area. The summer and fall affairs, should have Church The president. Mrs. N. carried out her duties for the past stitutes. District annual is to be held
For -
objective is $2,100, The chairman is been the keynote appeal rather Knight was in the chair. Mrs. B. •two years. As a token of appreeiatnon at Grand Bend with Mrs. Ivan For -
John. Baldwin and the Treasurer is than simply a hockey arena. gfor her services, Miss Dalysyth and Mrs. W. Broadfoot as del-
l chaff Chamberlain. James M. Scott It would be unfair to say the Christie opened meeting with a poem half of the League members, on be- agates.
'building committee did not work 'Spring Cleaning". Mrs, Moffat led g present- The reports were all read from the
is rural chairman. hard to produce the original objec- in prayer. Reports and business dis- ed her with a beautiful statue of the standing Committees. Solo b
tive. Asea matter of fact, it was cussion followed. 'Second part of Blessed Virgin. Mrs. Sills expressed Wilfred Cameron, a poem Mon
only owing to their individual efforts meeting was conducted by Mrs. Si]- 'her sincere thanks to her executive 'Friends" by Mrs. W. Caldwell. Mrs,
that so much was accomplished in so eox, Captain of Circle 1. Mrs. A. and Miss Daly and all members for R•. Elgie of Kippen, district Pres. of
n at all
short a time. Rumors, practically ,Sillery led in prayer. A piano solo, thentimes.help �Ddi. Ffoulkes-openthen blessed the W. I. conducted the election of
all false, played a large part in dis-Trees by Miss Luella Taylor was the newly installed statue of our Lad_. John (Sinclair; 1st vice-piesofficers for the coming year. Hon.
curbing public support of the drive enjoyed by all. Miss Iiartry read thePres., Mrs. -Wm. Kyle; Pres., Mrs.
Silcox gave a of Good Counsel, in the school hall
campaign in the rural areas, but a scripture lesson. Mrs. „ Miss G.
viii show,rusal that on the the wlhole statement
despite oftheinstudy boojtlk on the 4th chap. Blessed
done andHe also blessed the Leagstatue membee of rs he Whit Whitehouse: 3rd d cvvice-p,esMiNIrs Ernie
mistaken zeal on the part of the' I p concluded by the ;McLellan; Sec, -Trees., Mrs. Ross
committee members in confining HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS Mrs. Al Alice Stof iles at the piano. save the gwith Chapman; assistant; Mrs. Jas. Ross
thethir efforts
ffo tett to
a only
rettCefairn phases was their easnualn"Open gh House"ol on held The annual meeting was called to Campbell 'Eyre;tDirectto Director,
a -
done and we 'do haveya community day,Aril 21 at :15 m, The main order with the President, Mrs, Tom garet McKay, Mrs, W. Broafoot, Mrs,
centre manorial hall of whish all, attraction was the second and third 'Sills, in the chair. The meeting open- d- Ivan Forsyth.
Northside United Church •from town and country can be proud. form girls' fashion show. The girls n of theiaitnuteslwhelnbwrereeneaStanding Committees: Agriculture
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister. !The committee of management is made the dresses themselves and g adopt -and Canadian Industry, Mrs. W.
10 am., SundaySchool 'and Adult made upas follows: Mayor Keating modelled them under the su ervisioin ed as read. The different officers Alexander, Mrs. W. McLean; Citizen-
and Concillor Jas. Stewart for one of Mrs. Stevens, Home Economies and conveners were called upon to ship and Education, Mrs. E. Jarrett,
Bible11 a.no., Classes
3'p give their reports..A review of the Mrs. W. Bell; Community Activities
Worship: 'Sermon Theme,Year, Messrs. J. 'M. Russell
McMillan,olt C. P. teacher. There were several types of years work indicated a very success- end ,Public Relations, Mrs. Ross
second word in the series on the Be- Sills, Wm, Teall, Russell Bolton and dress all with the latest styles. I ful year. Eighty-four members were Love, Mrs. Charles Eyre; Historical
ati11:30 Wm. Finnigan for two years. This Gordon ltoKindsey, Michael Bache- reported having paid fees.
g >: committee must work out the follow- ly, Art Bolton and Bill Stephenson
Father Hussey was remembered at Research and Current Events, Miss
11:30 a.m., Junior Con xe anion. p
7 p.m., eked WorshGo'd'Sermon Theme; intogether oon asall the local]e. It must and rural get chemaof tryrlth form abo atoryillustrated in the1 0oristA donation Easter with suitable. „m.
.si..Economics' adsHealth, Mrs R Lpe
"The Unm° anizations1; io was sent to Bres
A cordial welcome to all.
ganizations, reanimate them all with' fin Mr. �Morison's room new color. eta Hall to Beck 'Memorial Sanitori sllnall, bliss G. Tremeer: Resolutions,
Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Dorranee of
Kennedy, Sask., wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Mary. Manota to Samuel 'George, son
of Mr. William McClure and the late
Mrs. McClure of Seaforth, Ont. The
wedding to take place early in May.
The Cream of the Drumheller
Reading Hard Coal Briquets
Blue Coal — Nut or Stove
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, • B.A.,
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 7 p.m,!"OureAtt Hope
ude toaChr Christ".
the community spirit which makes ed slides on farm activities of a um, Scarboro Foreign Missions, rs. 'Stan Jackson, I4Irs, W. Treneer;
the accomplishment of worthy work number of the students were shown. Sisters of Service, Father Flannery's'Press Sec., Mrs. John Wood, Mrs.
B.D. so easy. In this getting together we So many people wanted to see these "School of Christ" radio program, Mrs.. W. W. Caldwell, !MSunshine
s eRoss Committee,
Broad -
must have the ladies clubs as well as pictures that some people were' the Sacred Heart Radio program, foot, Mrs. A. McGregor: Pianist,
thdoe men,
four or there is much to be , turned away because of not having Byron Chapel and Hospital Fund , Mrs. Ross Broadfoot: Auditors, MTS.
done o and gravelled and are a levelled,' enoughstime. the Brengun were shown I'and to the Sisters of St, Joseph for , w' Kyle, ,Mrs• Harry Caldwell, Mrs.
in p the 1i books ill for the school library. The an- W. Caldwell moved a vote of thanks
dian Legion, theCe. Lionsth Club,Cana- and the Dobson'st room,tillustrated
ow it •vBudedZiegler. ilr. ue ISsters ofnSt fJoseswas sent to h London at to Mrs. Elgie and the meeting closed
Chamber of Commerce, the Federva- Also in this room wireless radio Easter. Canned p ' and a delicious lunch was served h,
tion of Agriculture, the Athletic So- was illustrated by Floyd McPhee, goods for Flsed, the hostess
ciety, the Women's Institute and our I Ken Larone and f3ob Sctt. ; relief Crossos collected and packed. TherI Mrs. L. J. Doig and Miss Jane
work- I visitors Blue Hospitalization malda fees were arrived home onMb ., where
ether, aslwellciasyallllkindred (home economies eciallyand
in- collected h mailed. A day is , the
Grand Rapids, Bich., whete the
g g P lection. on the Feast of .Christ, the'
societies in our district, surely we teresting. ' Kin was observed byall members. her
seJohal montas the guests o
g mis-
I A very successful Cristmas Fair her son John, who accompanied then
PUBLIC SCHOOL NIOWS was held in December. The St. Janes' home and spent the weekend.
Spring's in the air and everything Chronicle was published at Christ -
humming. I mas. Baskets of fruit and candy, also
Mr. Mulford has formed six ball, plants and cards were sent to shutins.
teams to play each other. The first !School pins were presented to -St.
four teams will play in the playoffs 'James' graduates. A Valentine party
and the winners will take the school was held for the school children and
candy packed for the Christmas
McKillop Charge
'Services at Bethel and Duff's will
be taken by Rev. C. W. Down of
Exeter; and at Caven Church by R±.
D. A. MacMillan, .Seaforth, at the re-
gular hours.
St. Thomas' Church
Sunday School, 10 o'clock.
Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock.
St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p.m.
St. Thomas' Evensong at 7 p.m.
'A highly respected resident of
Seaforth passed away on Sunday
morning about 4 a.m. at Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, ho the person of Mrs.
Malcolm MaelLeod. Mrs. MacLeod had
been i11 only two days with a heart
condition. Born in 2deKi11op town-
ship, March 3rd, 1897, her maiden
name was Gertrude Storey, daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and ,Mrs. John
Storey. She was married in June,
1921, to Mr. MacLeod, who prede-
ceased her in July, 1941. Mrs. Mac-
Leod was a, 'member of First PresbY-
terian 'Church. Surviving is one daug-
hter, Mrs. John E. MacLean 'Margar-
et E.) of Ttickeismith, also two 'bro-
thers and two sisters, Mr., Thomas
Storey of 'Walton; Mr. LoulStorey of
Wingham ,Mrs. Martin Thornton
i(Sara) of Monkton, and Mrs. Alex.
Russell ,(Florence) of 'Brussels.
The funeral took place on • Tues-
day 'afternoon, April 25th from the
home of her son-in-law, Mr. John E.
MacLean, lot 20, con. 4, Tucker
smith and was largely attended. Rev.
D. Glenn Campbell officiated. The
pallbearers were nephews, Messrs.
Roy Kerr, Scott Kerr, Junior Storey,
John Ellacott, Eldon Wilson (Brus-
sels) 'and Thomas Thornton t(Lon-
1 b r 's were Messrs
Wilson Broadfoot, Alex. Broadfoot,
Elmer Cameron. Gordon MacDonald,
Ross .MacLean, Bruce MacLean,
$1 a Year
5100.00 •
Every ring is •guaranteed
perfect in flawless beauty
and priced for BIG value.
Miss Tena McNaughton spent the
past week with her uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys.
I Rev. and Mrs. E. Stanway spent a
few days in Toronto last week, when
Mr. Stanway attended a meeting of
the missionary board.
The Fellowship group held special
services 'here last Sunday with Rev.
G. Wanless of Woodham as guest
speaker. At the morning service Mr.
Wanless spoke on the sovereignty of
' God and in the evening on the pur-
pose of God. Special music was given
by the choir at the morning service,
.'Mrs. E. Williams took the solo part
of an anthem and 'Mrs. A. Mustard
and Mrs. F. Young rendered a duet
, "Love Lifted Me". The triple quar-
tette of Clinton Radar School assist-
, ed
ssist-,ed in the evening, who also sang two
anthems with their chaplain at the
I organ. Rev. E. Stanway took charge
of Rev. G. Wanless' work.
Several from S. S. So. 3 Tucker -
smith were out of school this week
with the German measles.
The Play "Never Say Dye" given
by the Blyth Institute was well re-
ceived here on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Keyes spent a day
this week with their son and family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Keys at St. Marys.
The Duff's Church W.M.S. enter-
tained at their Easter Thankoffering
Bethel, Cavell, Northside and McKil-
lop Home Helpers. Meeting opened
with the. Easter message by the pre-
sident, Mrs. Kenneth Stewart. -Scrip-
ture reading by Mrs. William Shan-
' non. Prayer by Mrs. Chester Hender-
son. Words of welcome by Mrs. Ken-
t neth Stewart. A reading by Mrs.
m John Hillebrecht, a pageant by Mis-
' sion Band members and a reading by
f Mrs. Russell Dorranee. Dedicatory
prayer by Mrs. K. Stewart. A duet
by the Boyd girls of Bethel Church.
A story by Mrs. Roy Lawson was
much enjoyed. The guest speaker
was Mrs. Dale Jones, who gave a very
inspiring talk. A vote of thanks by
Mrs. Chester Henderson. There was
a moment of silent prayer for de-
parted members. Mrs. Gordon Papple
gave a temperance reading.
can forget the well-intentioned
takes made heretofore, get behind
the work and wipe out this compara-
tively small indebtedness for such a
wonderfully productive area as ours.
—C. P. Sills.
This week the best ; singers will
WHEREAS on the evening of I cake part in the Music Festival, which
Monday the 17th day of April 1950. will be all this week. On Wednesday
GOD in His infinite wisdom saw fit morning, afternoon and night we are
to. call from labour the spirit of our- entering chorus, soloists and duets.
highly esteemed friend and brother, The last two years we have been able
James Parkins to his Eternal Home, to ,bring home shields and are hopinf
Be it therefore moved 'by Brother we can do the sane thing this year,
William Murray, seconded by Brother IWe are now beginning to prepare
H. 11±. Lawrence and resolved, that for our opening night which will be
whereas our late Brother James held near the end of May. Posters,
Parkins joined the !Seaforth Loyal paintings and maps are being pre
Orange Lodge No, 793 on December pared. It looked like an art gallery.
the 13th 1948 by transfer certifi- One of the local mothers of the
cate from HensalI L.0•L. No. 733. public school heard our sehool news
That he was an upright, true and being broadcast over a Toronto sta-
loyal Orangeman, a good citizen, a tion recently.
devoted father and husband and
lived as a true Christian iGentlenam. PHILATHEA CLASS
his home, his fancily, his Church and The April meeting of the Philathea
his Lodge were always uppermost on Class of Northside United Church
his mind, - was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne
We, as members of this Lodge duly Dale, Sr. Mrs. S. Hanna, who was.
assembled to emulate his good vir- celebrating a birthday, was guest of
tugs, to cherish his memory and honor. Mrs. Annie Reid presided. Re -
strive to live -true to our obligations freshments included birthday cake,
as Orangemen as he practiced it in made by -Mrs. George ,Eaton
his daily life.
Resolved further, that we express
don). plower ea er to the bereaved loved ones our
heartfelt sympathy, and that we, too,
Smith ,Bros. are moving "their Can-
adian Tire Corporation Store from
Dublin tb .Seaforth and will occupy
the store vacated by Wright's Groc-
ery as soon as redecorating is com-
At the Intermediate softball meet-
ing an 'Tuesday evening the team de-
cided to try to inalte an agreement
with the Lions for the use af the
Lions' Park. Also at the meet`ng the
appointment of a manage' was dis-
cussed. The group schedule will be
drawn up early in May.
The Easter meeting of the Wo.
loan's Missionary Society was held
mourn the loss of a loved and very on Thursday in the United Church in
mucin valued member of aur Noble Seaforth. Mrs. Roy Lawson opened
Order. the meeting with an Easter reading
Done and passed unanimously at and prayer. Reports and minutes
a regular meeting duly assembled were read and roll call by the Sen'y,
this 24th day of April A.D. 1950 and Mrs. Porteous. Mrs. J. Finlayson
endorsed by the Worshipful Master gave a Christian Stewardship .paper
and the Recording Secretary, with on "Dent's". Mrs. C. C. I{aine had
the !Seal of the Lodge attached her temperanceape•, "Spiritual
thereto, John H. Oldfield, Worship- Progress Costs". Current Events by
ful Master, Garnet MaClinchey, Re- Mrs. Hay, "Intolerance" Hymn "The
cording Secretary. . Day of Resurrection". lMrs. Bertha
Pollard and Mrs. J. Finlayson were
appointed delegates to go to the
HOSPITAL DAY MAY 12 Huron Presbyterial held in Clinton
Hospital Day is being held at Scott on 'Thursday, April 27th. Mrs. 'C.
Memorial Hospital on Friday, May Glew's group had charge of the
12th, Inspection of Hospital will be Easter praai•mum "Christ is Risen".
party. A parish night was held in the
form of a hard time party and box
social. 'The annual St. Patrick's sup-
per wasalso held. Holy Year photos
af Our Holy Father Pius XII were
purchased for members to place in
their hones and in the school. A do-
nation of cups and saucers is to be
given to the newly erected Seaforth
,Memorial Recreational Centre.
The magazine convener reported 9
subscriptions with many readers,
The nominating 'Committee, Mrs.
J, IM. Mc.Millan, convener, Mrs, Jean
Fortune and Mrs, C. P. Sills present-
ed the slate of officers for 1950-51
as follows:
Spiritual Adviser, Rev. T. P. Hus-
sey; President, Mrs. John Hotham
Jr. 1st vice-pres., Mrs. I. O'Leary;
2nd vice -pros., Mrs, F, Dinwoodie;
3rd vice -pies., Mrs. C. Malone; Treas.
Mrs. Leo Cremin; Rec. See'y, Mrs.
Joseph Rowland; Cor. Sec'y. Mrs, C.
The new executive held a meeting
and appointed the following con-
veners: Magazine, Mrs. Alice Stiles;
Health, Mrs. J. L. Slattery; Sisters
of Service, Miss Marguerite Dunn;
Citizenship, Mrs. C. P..Sills; Lay Re-
treats, Mrs. R. S. Box; Immigration
and Travellers' Aid, Mrs, Gordon
Reynolds; Press, Mrs. Merle Dunlop.
Mr, and Mrs, L. Foster of (lacier -
Jell visited friends in this vicinity on
Mr, Albert Y:rb is all smiles, a baby
boy arrived in Clinton Hospital on
April 23rd, congratulations,
A number took in the Farm Forum
Play in the new arena in Zurich on
Monday night.
!Sone farmers have started on the
land this week.
The teacher Miss Heimt'ich and the
from 2:30 to 4:30 p,m. Tea will he Miss A. Wallace gave the scripture scholars are goiter to Wineham Sat -
served in the Nurses Residence from reafl.ino,s. Mss M. 'Somerville and tti!rlav mo+Hing, Anril 20th, to hold a
3 to 6 p.m., Mrs. B. Pollard assisted. T �tin hrnpdeast at 11.15 a.m.
Mr. George Swan, after spending
the winter at the hone of his son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Schilbe, of Zurich, has returned to
his hone here.
Early last fall your committee launched a campaign to raise $30,000.
to complete the Seaforth Memorial Centre. As you will note from the
following statement, the drive fell some $14,400 short of the required
It is regrettable that the canvass was not, in many districts, car'ried out,
in a thorough manner, and many other sources of financial help have
seen fit to take no action in the matter.
It is imperative, therefore, that the canvass be completed, and a new
subscription list opened for those who haven't already donated, and
those who will now feel disposed to give a further donation.
Donations may be left at ani; ,Bank int Seaforth where official re-
ceipts will be available.
Drive fi. Feather
Bond issue -
Gov't Grant
Sale of Topsoil
Offieinl Opening
Gas tax refund
J. E. Renting, prize refund10.00
$ 70,157.82
1 12,604.72
7 279.92
14 71
AecnuOts Receivable including
h,4, or ,00't grant 6- 5170.00
Deficit 3 11,666.06
Bldg. contract R 10 700.01
Bldg. extras (bldg. for freez-
ing machine 1,030.05
Cement work re pipes and
freezing plant 1,107.00
Piping contract- and extras 10.044 ,1
lee machine t leas motorsI , • 10.477."'
Pitching, grading, drains, ate, 1,769.00
Removing topsoil 55,00
Gravel mud stone 104,00
Adve,':ising '.00
Supplies for• operation 211.10
Feather Party expenses R7,90
Dram. prizes 1,707.00
lnsaran ce 748,50
Public address system 170.00
Cartage 272.20
Incidentals 157.60
Paint - 55,71
Secretary and postage 731.13
Rental of motors 50,00
Extra tri ring re freezer 800.00
$ 89 023,90 $ so 0+1,90
Approximately $11,500 will pay all debts, but a permanent floor, and
parking lot must be provided so that the centre may Rte usable fur many
summer time events including the Seaforth Fall Fair. $15,000 will do it.
Will you help us finish The job now