HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-04-20, Page 2Practice Makes Tar--lrtutruitr' Sanirny Snead gets tiff a long dribs in a practice round. 1.\ntehinj; arta (left to right.) Byron Nel:_,rl, ,I.htny Bulla anti Ile'rman Barron. VIE FARM uF ?ONT -enve, eek Eva rvl '1y know . ,(n.e, that "rht old );ray mare, e, .;tie 'ain't what she used to les." Bait puv- hihly` e. ben yott !,tart suer trate- ter ort 'ono' real tetdi.-._+;uch as Plaine VI,will;:-yu'!'ll (incl that it ha, •,L,v.1'd down net like the; gray marc, and vote!: 6e won- rlerlrig 'how teethe?" • * * Net long ago a rotted, 'ef agri- cultural ,e teat•, tont. a htrut trate- tor into the uuivcr'.ny shop. It !omitted pretty F,od, hill when they, 1,111 it nit thq testing tnarhine it regi' oercd orily 25 law, (pow(1. ✓ * * 'I hie; i•. l.;a,1 to bclie've hu( in ICY.; than 30 minutes they lata •lIOVed the hor':epow•er needle tap to .11 just by •leaning a lot Of hit aid tint out of the air filter. Then, charming out the radiator jec li •d the Percale. up :,till another :I h,,r.cpotccr, 4 * * In other words, they gave that tractor 9 more horsepower in less than an hour. A Ila' tel' engine will dee sUtile- thieg like e,000 more gallons of air for ,•very gallon of fuel it con- -macs. 'I hat's why the air cleaner ivoite of the hent things in slow de , e wear ill your tractor, engine, or i ar. 'When the air cleaner is a legged, the engine gets short of Idettli, anal loses power. it has ".noble g,•tling alt, so it sodas Mlilt1•: Id ;Ei, 1.1:011 '1'111', TANK. * r * Yon: , arlurt•ter can be just as crest's'. '1',dt can w;I',Ie' ;I,: 1111ICh as ,, dollar's worth of gasoline a day pe.t by tieing 1.1•.SS 'I !IAN A. 1111-N OEF 'l'IIL. "LOAD AD. ItI•`;'1.L11•.N'1' Sit RI'.W." If you at tell r:ure just where that screw in, dig out your indrne:tiort bottle anti taw' out. '!'hen, beti''s how to ,rt 11 properly: Ism, y, nil' Il;U'tor wide open. Slowly Imam the load needle 1N until the engine starts to miss. 'then emu it tacit Ol"1' tittil the engine rites smoothly. New try pulling ,t load. If it w'on't quite ado it, „pelt the needle weather six. teem!' of a turn. ')'hen yam have the setting where must engine's anal t. the Plod power uilh a gal - Ion uf fuel. * * ,t Yon van probad,ly nlalte your traitor elm on Tess fuel than that but it dnr•,n't tiny to be too stingy either, Ton lean a ntixttlrt' in tuts hot for your engine to handle properly it burns and warps the 9alyeS. * * 4 I'erhale. with:Int piny even sus. parting it, bad valves root let kis ttnirli as !, lttdst•potvc•r !n (tit the rub:nest histetel of in the .11 awing. !lave tont• valve': ground rtL;nl,uly, keep Ltpprl•, ud,rn°Ira, and you non`, need to worry about t..e.tin! gallows of tial.. a .lily fa'rpin! Ih, t.tivc', cool il,r .1 1 11,11 1,r I liar!: 1 lean. 111ty IID , ic,nu t- and final! oil lbw ,IIIc I•^'1 I M,•111, le tet! till. J, I. , u, 1! .1; (:Iia wale/ Itotq i 1 n .e: the rnnetolt in well n nail e tout 1...1 1oo0 lihn ,lir n,,1,it• t.1 -r rat„ ell I'ul in a hot or one „t atm r tic, t'I r.'r•71 '(mitt.P "moonlit!. too/lit Viet 1,11,- ,1 11 1n1: ,vl )::, hr., brig, ' 11 'h. ,e o 1111.: 4.57, d' :1 ' ' nal 1 trr i• e,, l 1•t) -r to o'vt 1 n . nn. ae ,i ,1111, ., 1 11111 . ES ," Gn1,v • 1, r-1... ill I r1 er,; v, ,11 th •u !'j' . p 1 1 1 ' 11,11' , ro tr 111'11 it <, „ il' 1 ,,1, ', ":• 1.')1 n" 16, glut ,1., nor i•,',, in;; at tin' any„'lair i,. t, r„r '11 ',1PI f [v0/111, 11 Ilt,'t ,,ill ',n'n' In ,II,1 Ile' t'1lu, 1 t •1"10,3 ,. Ian h ,trot :Its .Itlt +-,I,, rI 111,4, tn1 th )l r.4t• repo the 1'o)ejitIt ill 101' ut;:.lrl Ui i, IitorahlIIIT in, tint rau„in!! 1 t, , ib v ,nnl ell` Oil filters are real collectors of grit awl grime; that's whet they're meant to be. But the filter ele- ment needs to be changed as'isoon as the oil starts to feel and look dirty, so better keep a few spare elements on hand, * * a So, before you get too Lust, why not slake dose --and other— cheeks? Protective maintenance of your tractor, car or tr(trk is the best • way to i n1 drawn uper;tting costs - - and you won't have to worry about expensive breakdowns ttIterl you're hurrying to get sorlle- tbing done, * * And luxe's an item I packed up from as exchange. You can take it seriously ---or not, just as you see fit. "A doctor says that farmers ought to wear girdles. liouncing arnuud on tractors shakes up their insides. The doctor says they'd feel better with something to hold gizzard, barkbene and other odds and ends together. "Sounds sissy, doesn't it? \Veil, the buckaroos of Spanish Califor- nia... -real tough horsemen--user(to wind yards and yarns of cloth around their waists, tight. It helped then( when the bronchos jack knifed. * * * "Maybe the farmers won't try it But the ones that do wilt at at least find nuc what the wife means when she says 'My girdle is killing me!'” P,ORT A"agitTC'I''IC As we write this, it is still uncertain whether the famous Stan- ley Cup --proud enmbiem of world hockey supremacy, or S0111e Snell — Will find a resting place, for the next twelve months or so, lel De. troit Olympia Stadium or New York's Madison Square Garden. * * (In passing we have often wonder- ed why it should he Madison Sgn;lre GARDEN and AJaple I,raf GAR- DENS. Beit we've never bothered to find out, With Or without the "5,” :wither one of them ever re- minded us of roses, hyacinths or even !lilies -of -the -valley.) * * * If The Cup should land in New York ---a real possibility consider. iltg what Detroit went through, compared to the soft touch hangers faunal in Les ('anadiens OuTe',e a Scriptural quetatiun that just about sums it up. To reit, "'1'h,• last shall be first and the first, last." Raegers just managed 1,3 edge into the fourth and final playoff position. _Detroit led tits: league practically from start to finish. Yet, should Rangers scin, inside of it month 99 out rf 1310 fans. will plink and talk of thein as World Champions. We've heard plenty of much poorer jokes on high ranking comedy air progruus, * * Still, maybe it t on't happen. Per-- haps, 'es-hap,,, by the time this appears, lied 4Viltg.; will have done right by "the world's fastest sport"' and inanaged to runic tin .1111411. '1hr. 1111,1,it betie•e between lied 4Ving, and Mdptc i.enfs •- or at era it two or !hire L';, it Ill 'rod' t'r',v'rl Pur pilot ttittt h, IIP ;et e'ratt yeah, ha!, barn iu 'loubt, fn -:pile• tri tbe' wi'Ir.pr'-;ai belied that the mode/ ti tau pay'. money la rete n,4, hun'tih :1b,1 :111rtc,ple,l in:31;110m, 110r Ley ran , nit 1.r 1.;I r ir:u,l7 .,ml t,itt. ph,'y '.1 t1n;11 It :,11 .leatt tela fm 11 ,;til • b,., h„1 ,dl we. , ,),,. toll .0.,y ...noel to 'i au„ , ,:.i:• •;l✓d7 li .:,1 ;d )t>;.11-, r, 1 its I'll,' „ ,) I:,.h, •„ 1,y 11' p 11,ld., 971.'1o1 nn•na,•n,.. 11r'r•'. to ia• 4 1' 1 It,rl. L,!ulily. it'•, nh,hdry ,att. to , In , In , •u 1,x1 1, r, Ileal •r7), err t1 1 1 11.at iso.) Whfit And if .nth a Will: In est rs inn t, rem 11,1111p t'on'Ilit' that of Ili,' hi, Ire e. 10 Ohba rd the Ihtmd' tel ltd telt( ill fni�ynil .Int.. CV,'ll Ili' )man who appoitted hint lite hiGone will Lal dilcethy tin tit type of coach, manager or owner who tells the press and public, ,)We're going to have a real battling team" and who send their gladiators on the ice in the same spirit as that of Ciel fight handler yelling, "Get in there anrh stag, kid --he can't hurt I. C.r lo:r,lt .utile:m s=t killed field ik' t'<+- tt. ;File boxing game is in a plight than ever before, large* t, 'etetauae decent -minded fight fans a -r. sick of watching "boxers" whose al,itity is that of absorbing fiun- 1,!:meht, and nauseated with the .growing list of ring rattail - tit , * -s * The latest of these aecurrcd when yra'tmg Lavern Roach died following a reettit bout in New York City. t'otonrl Iiarvey I,. Miller --better known as 'lieimic"---had some in. wresting things to say about it, and ahutlt the need for more atten- tion to safety in the ring—of which tt•e'll pass along a few. (We may say that Col, Miller is no raw hand, having been connected with boxing for almost 50 years as fighter, see- onrl, manager, referee, sports writer, and National Boxing Association official.) * * * "1111tehs the mantle of intercolleg- iate (safety) rules is extended over prize fighting, its existence likely will be abolished by mounting indig- nation over continued fatalities such as the regent death of young Lavern Roach in New York," * * * "Dramatic safety rules will not be popular, we appreciate, with the fellows who belic•re Gettysburg was a franeup anal that Iwo Jima should be repeated every Monday night. They'll probably, denounce larger gloves and proposed head harnesses as sissy equipment. But the wise ones will prefer that to velvet cas- kets with silver handles." . * nt * "At the next NBA meeting, Michigan will report on the tests of a 90 -second interval, rather than the usual minute, between rounds. With the 10 -second warning buzzer for "seconds out of the ring" and other interruptions, the boxers haven't been getting tete full rest intended by the rales. Of course, the extra 30 seconds will evoke howls from bloodthirsty fans impatient for the sight of slaughter. But it would give the fighter more time to recover from possibly injurious punches and his handlers opportunity to staunch his wounds," * * * "During the past year, NBA bulle- tins, which are issued every 10 days, • have suspended or retired close to •1110 boxers, I wish that we had sus- pended Lavern Roaeh months back when I saw him) lose to a second,. rater and realized that the beating he had taken from Marcel Cerdan had left hint a hollow shell, He promised tete then that he would quit and did for while ,only to tweet death trying a comeback." * 'k * "Beyond a doubt, television often is responsible for the staging of bouts that would not or should not have been staged at all. The promo- ter is obligated by video agreement to produce a show at a given hour on a given date. And the show must go on—even if it's a mismatch or one of the principals isn't fit to enter the ring, It's time for the 'idealists" in box- ing, those dyed-in-the-wool fans to whom the prime concern after a bout is "who won and how" to save the game from the "what-was-the- talce" coterie," • Space, or the lack of it, will not permit farther comment at this time. But with hockey off the sports neap for a few months, we hope, it might be an idea for those in control of that game to take a little thought as to whether ---if presctrtlendeneies aren't checked - --It isn't heading - dlnwt the sante road that brought disaster to boxing, Ascot Metals To Make Profits ihuintl the larch! .war lead, ziut: amel copper PtipplicS were urgently sought in ('Jn,ltla which became stn important 504r ,throal for the allies. '1'ht search for !hese metals was is• len. hied, ( 1 vernntellt geologists t•oiltloratcd hili private rouipanics in ani effort to locale tete drpGsils and in ,;eeel t utl inner,( this Irani) aim l tic, burrebefill. Ila A, t ill township, (Zucbt'r, a Dnnenliotr ( //01 11 111111111th 141'011 "ist di• r ,.red , uli 10111 IT which he ler rihev'1,•.erred led and Aide] uac ("fopsi 1-oatrmite] rnitjecicd the ,tett r 1' lroplty+,ir,.tl 1.1)11fey and s-71.1.• iv. diann,nd ih'illin)t, Willi the r' 1:u s !earl ripper Yio'• deposit 44. Ilurrd !t !,Mall Wag siiiill Irl lo! t it ,,,1 of and ttlinintr, rt:pet•!s WHY SUFFER R NU (1, 1 1n1 , u '1 ttiml 111 1. rrnnlhl, Blount'm fro Ih,l 1.,.11111 ,rig udarl from A4. en Pee 11lbmole Teo footle Mueller 1 for met,nd. Mg I'M -1 ftehl in Inlet wit It 1 erfarelyd pipe 1, r .04..1 t , a qdl. nin. 78... Nun,hrr 2 for ext •,tui 1'flo, 11011 inJnr, '16e. Order bLm y number a I DD'A PALE REMEDIES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING /3.9)3'4 CH /CRS M0NHr0N ortoiG--iJln•ernn.r t :DDMyed> freedtng t'tatity, 5nc „t 10,:. Don't esees..be Certain. Wr'10 tie r , : td ;:ata- loCua, 3t natgn Poekti. 'net, SCHUMMER CIIICKS OOVERNMENr at v 2, Sop taa)iry. erre Cataiague and price 1 Ot e t ottt details. Och'sr..c:er's Quality Iiotrr:',,', 1,"s.ra+r1, riot, TWT1tr1tLE Sisci '.V1 3',0 041'i'r egg end 00,ht. 0.s•)> .f h inhe:rlt- atea. 'that'. alt onto buy 0' 1,41 tteknv -4- t neon'•,,. If gnu r. k 1 e, a1'I t. Oat Pr 1{tretion Iaheritet r pea. get v511.1. If pet am/ t yo i get 1e,t t. tin > ...,,its, tem . In batt tro.sl.le. ',s a m°, 10)4. ("1.,0', ', 1 45,4. prompt delivery or. ley old. ..tarted - weeks to s weeks, older Intl. to er,rk y p eel's. ltreo •atatag'te. Tweddie t:htcn Hgtekerles L'rnit- d, l'artIs, Ontnrle. T'1'111/ V000' Ili;.�r w1� ,tr, 't Enos --:in you? That'. right. We de. knew. 1n fuer w . never will anew 1•11 it 10 nIn InuntY ImOOO011o to tent e it elfteite 5clinst ever; strain re. eros In tte tocritty.Hut we d0 that h0redreds „-e 7,1,111 to 110. e5011/. year fur 11..45 r-rlr'r r te-k, ,r. t very time they 1111 r 1 tr -1 1 s - and hitter tl eeenla to no I, it t• 1 . •: that our htoek performs fur. 6.r ,t,.,, nor, overage, Prompt delivery on day eta. sorted ehteku; turkey prolto. Free r::.tatogne end Terkey (.1utoe. 'rep ::ate. chick Fstrs. ramie)]. Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OPFER to every Inventor—Lint of invea• tions and Cull information sent tree. The Ramsay Co„ neglateratl Patent Attorney', 279 Bonk Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything need* dyeing or clean- ing? Write to u* for information. We ars glad to gnawer your questions. Department T3. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 751 Tense Strout, Taranto, Ontario P.3IPLQYMENT WANTED EXIMUNNOED, reliable Holland Imtntgraate available: arriving 0001n, write to 0. Van- denberg, Box 92, Brockville. Ont.: phone 2064 (after 0 o'eloeld, PAtos1S FOR SALE 44 -ACRE FARM In village of Lyndon, 16 milia Hamilton, 40 ellen Toronto. E4cellent non for vegetable grnwtng, small acreage raspberries and ntrawlwrrles, bank born 42 x 62. chicken house, implement abed, 3 garages, beautiful 7 ram frame house, 3 piece bath- room. Hydro, plenty of water, 2 minutes to church, public and high svhonl, railway, bus. Price 810,500 with 85,000 down pnY- ment. Apply !tarry Weld. Lynden, Ont, Tel, 17W, BARGAIN, 821,000, 143 scree, 10 choice gar- den land, 70'x30' steel barn, brick house, with hydro, modern conveniences, aiming creek, +mud wells, 1 miles from village an paved road; should be seen to ha appreciated. Wil- liam Ashby, I40, No, 1, Wooler. 160 ACRE, farm, well fenced, good bulli]Wos on excellent site; taring creek for stock and Oohing, also hunting, 85000 cosh, W. J. Jack - non, fort Carling, Ont. 100 ACittCS clay loam, railing. 0 acres hard woad bush, 40 !terms wheat, 14 acres tray, 4 arses Mauro, I acre orchard, solid red brick 7 -room house. nearly new. Hydro, telephone,. bank barn, drive shed, hog pen,. 7 miles from Guelph, 2 miles from Maryhill, 2,j mile& north Ne. 7 Highway, 2 miles tram seheoln, on open road, Write or phone Wilfred t•'ehronbuch, Cueiph, R.R. No. 7, or Guelph 4082312. 300 feet and three levels were open- ed so successfully that a mill was built and operated for about a year. In eleven months Aldermac produced nearly $2,000,000 in metals hut shut down after the war because of low prices. Later the markets for lead, zinc and copper advanced sharply and the mine was bought by Ascot Metals Corporation which has proceeded to eleepeil the workings to five levels and to install a more modern mill. '1'lse earnings possibilities of a 250 -ton mill are'not generally recog- nized. It has been computed by that Ascot can expect to receive for its concentrates, on ears at Sher- brooke, Quebec, approximately $116,000 per month, with only min- ing and milling costs to be absorbed. These costs will not exceed $60,000 a month, leaving about $56,000 a month for operating profit. This rate of profit, which is com- puted 'on current prices for lead, zine) copper, silver and gold its the ore, would mean $672,000 a year, or at the rale of 25 cents per share for the issued capital of 2,700,000 shares. There may be fluctuations. in the earnings, due to variations in the prices of metals and average content of the ore. However, it is obvious that substantial profits are predict- able. People unfamiliar with [Wining operations often tlo not recognize that there has been immense im- provement in recent years in the development and production of base metals ores and in the treatment of them to recover high values. New mills have given remarkable- per• fornlances in employing improved processes and machines. Such prole ertics as Ascot --and 1,ast Sullivan - would not, even five years ago, have offered much chance fur money mak• ing whereas today they can realize substantial profits. Ascot 59fclals Corporation started with considerable advantages, It had been opened to 300 ft. depth, hall' installed mining equipment, 11521 buildings, power lines, water sup. ply and n highway to the door. The Stine only required additional de- velopment and the installation of new milling equipment, tvhiclt w•tll start operation next ,1uly, Markets for metals are good and promise to persist. When in produ''tion the company will residue testing of the large properly which firnierly had two oilier producing mortes on it, closed for years, but now of interest because of the high price of thrix nodal,,, Check i1' with t -And/ • -assn., AL alis 65c 17.4 b Just inhale tete :moth ing, healing fumes, 01 quick relief. It's fan mating! Get n bottle today 5705, SALE ISO,sOItoYCLI:H Milky tavldoun, beer and uae0 bough' mold, et:Ot need, tear* &loch of guaranteed uned uunnr' ycl.n, Itepcttrn by rooters trainee. utochenleo. ISI yeton, and tions Plato lino nr wheel goods, Open t•veult,Na ntlnl nine exrap, Wwlnenday :Wand Cole A Sparta, lima at eanrmt t, ltanalten. BUNS-0ur0a aaaut•ttnent new 101d need. Imeght, olid, uchnne, t. oataauteed renals. Scones. ,+lahtn metalled. 0111111, 5 'i'oekle, HUM- P& 19iuipment. Onerttnr. (!node- lime hd Team Pnleus. open ante able 050071 Wednesday. Strum) tyle, llauditen. NEW JOHNSON Outhuurn Motern, Canadian Crone en., Peterhnrn tenon, ,:Women, Trail. erg, bought, meld, exehuu ted• Large ,Ituctl ease motors, Rosales bti (untnty-haltu'd tneesanlc0. Open until nine oteetei vvmdueedey. Strand Cycle, Iiamilton. HOIeI''iET SAWS—SALE. BIODEI. D.,l,, t.rnen. 42ttt, 1,0.5. Onelpl, oi1ot ped with 1G", 29" rw J4' nowennntn, gales tax extra. 0)IIV AND 1), J. Smith Hales fa, Ltd., 041 ti'u'dwlel hL, Ocelot., Ont.. 1$-28 OLIV14n hart Towel' 1N0701. on rubber, Mechanically amid to new. 0nrdnn M, Thornton, Brampton, 'ani., 0410 1. CASCADE WHEAT—New high yielding ,tort spring wheat, Certified No," 1, 8:1 bushel. Harry. Strang. Renato', rill. suEPHERD COLLIES PUPS — elan elinlce Pekin Duck eggs, tlo50 epmb Black and Golden Sobrlght Bantam sands and eggs. Choice *1551,. Jahn J, Mc2lnntar. (treenfield Dox 00, Ontario, - APPLE TREES, Pearn. Plums, Cllnrrloo, Poached. Bush kkuito, Strawberries. Shrubo, Roaeo, Perennials. Lowest prices In yearn. Catalogue tree. Norfulk 850(01', Slincee, Ontario, MANOR. 00)01:00 CLot')i.S Beautiful, Accurate, r'ane,Itating. Write for free prospectus to: MANUFACTPItb8IS MERCHANDISING (CANADA) 'LIMITED. 2907 -Stanley Street, Montrent HEAVY TRACTOR, Internatltihal 1130 on loaded rubber. Perfect mechanical shape. Located Weert terindato, See ILevard lianit, Streetsvilie, Ontario. CANVAS Tarpaeltno. 0' it 5', new, 0 oz. tvnterprouf, eyelet earn corner, Boat, Troll- er, stack, implement eovers, $4.60 *nett. lit lots of six 44.00 each, llyPrndnets. 93 Ontario St..• Toronto. SPRAY WITH A S1'ItA610TO11 Sprayers for orchard (engine end ((00(0r - driven), row trope (traction), weed, dialnleet- In&, whitewashing. cattle opraydng and fire fighting; farm wagons, Shallow Well Pr000ure Syotomol; "TWA', .111 10 Applleatori: Portable Irrigation Systems with aluminum pine, Buck. ner Sprinklers, McDowell Couplings, :Free ratalaguen, Write today. Spratnotur Ltd., 1000 York St., London, Ontario. JOHN DEERE 1042 Model D Tractor on rub- ber, also 1048 model A gas tractor. 230th in excellent condition. Wtltis Crane. Grand Valley. Ont, PLM, WATERLOO pickup baler, Sett tieing with 14 or 16 gauge wire. Baled approxim- ately 7,000 Wee, 8000 below (tat price, Robert tluonville, 55, Joachim, Ont, Phone Dello River 15032. FINE LEATHER ban:oleo—scrap for craft reinforcing, etc. 81.00 per bound or 86.00 for ten pounds, montage prepaid, John McCuatg, 622 Charles St., Waterloo, Ontario.. OLIVER 80 Standard Tractor, 43 home power. reconditioned. Almost new tires. {Would take 17 run fertilizer drill port pnyznent. Wm. Harris, Route 5, Miittnn, Ontario, GOOSE EGGS — Safe delivery. ARMEE GOOSE FARM, Comm British Columbia, hIEDIOAL DON'T WAIT—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. =sass WART REMOVER—Leaves no 80111.0, Druggists sell Cress Ingrown Toe -Nall Salve, None bettor. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Eanlab the torment of dry eczema raabee and weeping akin troubles, Poet's !Scums: Solve will not dloappalnt you. tching, coaling, burning eczema, ache, rune worm,. ptmpteo and athlete'. foot, will respond readily to this stainless. n0nrlesa ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopelese Mal seem. PRICE 81.00 PER JAB Sent Post Pro° on treeeptt of Price POST'S REMEDIES SBM Queen St E., Corner'nf Logan Toronto "PEP UP" Try C. 0. A R. 50010 TABLETS for tow vitality and general debility. At druggists, One Dollar. U.S. Army Al, Force Type 0196Itl$ST5 Men's and Womeo's shat BIG VALUE Sensationally Priced at only * Cool green meniscus curved, polished lenses. postpaid * Gold Pilled adjustable frames * Nortek: Sweat -bar and Nose.pads *•-Reinforcing bar for greater durability * Lenses meet specification of U. 5. Gov't. Bureau of Standards. LIFETIME GUARANTEE Included with every puts of glasses 10.DAY TRIAL . MONEY -OAC!( GUARANTEE —IiiIMLint site, . ' VICTORIA OPTICAL CO., Dept, 1273 Yonso SL, Toronto, Ont. 1.C) Send 1❑ Enclosed find $ Name Address P.O. tr r)_ G 047 Mail Postpoid. Prov. 1 111 .�M 'll)C'1'4!Nl'r11;H,..tr1)01 All N AND W9I5I404 BR A IIAIItDRIflfER 4015) +CANADA'tl L14/11E410 HC11001, OJrent OpptntUtdty Learn t2aOrSreoa(nn Pt,unaat dignified prof/axiom Rum" wager , linementla nueeos*tul Earn) areduater Amurlca'n gr,mteet uyatmu. tllnntretnd mate.• hx,a Dee. WNW ur Call M15(10PH. uAtRDR14SRIN0 501100011 250 )moor 141. W , 'I'orunto llnwebee 44 !line Ht, lOo,nlitnn 5 72 Rideau Street, Ottowa 114111 , Al'1CAl t t 1,0001 to ii10Ungsone Idea or luventlun. All Information kept lit bt,•h'aed r•, nlldent.% fiend puriJculara, C. Itn'eler, 1110d )')erre Ave„ Apt. 8, Wln0oor, Glln nlo, tvIttlltoot Alt(' or more then 000 Stih- lh,hol Morten tiow Were pee/Mind n00latanae to beginners, 5Vrirn for a rtit:clary. 0, V, 'repth ) n nos 1511 Vnno vor 13:(1, _ - NUILHISRI STOOK 6 181A11S1t'UIr n1B1lA8—rtnlY $2.00 poet - p111.1 rnnb with utter. A grand aneortmottt C Dnllnnd. grown "uhllus, Notre largo tubore. 0 Iiia -1 nt varieties. 6 different enlore, wen attain noleetIou Well worth twice the primo, Olellaud 11.110 net N'Ireery Contbany, (Moen Ntient..•lbb Way, 11,0. port rattail, Ont. 8'I0001054, Choice Exhibition S'urletlen Imported trout Holland, One each. Brilliant lied, Deep Pint, White, Bene, Special offer, 4 large snots of (twee Carden Champions rot only $2.69 l'nntpuld,. Cash with Order, ISM - lend Bulb and Nuesery ConlpaMY, Queen Elizabeth wily, Port Credit, P.O., Ont. DAHLIA& Por exhibition and tho garden. BUY straight from the hover, ea low as 12 per dozen. Write for catelogu0 tot Onhnson'u Dahlia Oarduno, 11.23, 2, Dilworth )Lead, 'ICelowaa, 131' RESERVE now for Spring Delivery—Chinese Ehn Hodge --will grow 2 feet pent year -28 Plants sufficient for 26 feet (12 to 20 inches bunny) 02.25—oceenege 12 1nohee high $4,60 por 105 (Plant 0 Inches nnart)—Giant Exbtbt- lien roomed In caloro red, white or Dinh, 8 for $1.85—Apple trees 3 feet high In varieties 0I0Inta0h, Spy, Dolleinue, 3 for 81.08—Plush tree, 2 feet high in varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for $2.98 Froo Colour Garden Guido with Every Order, Erookdal0—Iling,- w07 Nurseries, Bnwmanvllle, Ontario, ROSE COLLECTIONS -6 of the lovelleet Holland Crown 'Hybrid Tea Risco, Big, Iiuoky, Hardy, 2.year-old Minims, Yellow, White, Plnk-Scarlet-Orange, for only 84.50 postpaid. Cath with Oedor. Tho finest roses money can 1.u', holland Bulb .and Nursery Compa,Y, (Moen Elizabeth Wnr, Port Credit P.O., Ont, DO YOU WANT n good garden? Then write for our free catalogue of Canada's nest seed values in Vegetable, Flower and Field* root seeds. Once a "customer always a cus- tomer, ONTARIO STIED 00MPANY, WATER- LOO, Ont, PATENTS FETHERSTONHALIGIO A company Patent Solicitor, Eetobllebed 1880. 860 Ray Street, rorento Rnnlelet of Information on request A. M. LAODLAW, B.se,,.-Patent Attorney. Patents n1 Invention. 60 Sparks St., Ottawa. WANTED 50IA00 hospital in attractive northern On- tario town requlree Registered Nureeo for General Duty. Salary 8140 per month Mud full maintenance. Excellent living conditions. At.ly: Superintendent of Nurses, Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, Ont. CHINCHILLAS all aged us to 6 years; give detalis in first letter. Write to Ontario Chinchilla Ranchers. 11.11. S, Hannon, Ontario. SPLITTING ABACIII RELIEVE° IN And the RELIEF IS LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head- ache get INSTANTINE. For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINE! Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTpi•IE is one thing to case pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE 15 made like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usually brings fast relief. Rel Inslontine today and always keep It handy 12-Tabiot Tin 25l Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 690 • ISSUE 15 — 1950 a 0001 Tia any pipet