HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-30, Page 6Satada Tea ' ags are handy
for afternoon tea
AN' e 1PST
ct trey Co-um-leArt,
"Dear Anne Hirst: Three years
ago, my husband walked off and
left us. I had to have hint arrested
for non support
of .the children,
and he was sen-
tenced to two.
years. Until a
few sic iths ago
1 heard nothing •
from hint,
"Now he tells
me that he has
learned his les -
so, ile said he would iet other
women alone and would stake a
living for me aucl the children -IF
would give hits another chance.
"i l e broke my heart once I have
got accustomed to being away
from him. and raising the boys by
"'Would Sou 'tire him another
:bailee? ,fust Blue Eyes•"
Can You Refuse?
Aren't you thinking only of
* yourself in this crisis:
48 71
' . u ,,:,11;,1111: .1 built-
up -�-i rt that hang, n.t<r so. can be
,r, or nnttper, There is
o '' 11 t r to wear t.ith sour
:did a iarl.et for both!
• v, 4871: 11. 14, Io, 18. 20:
30.,3?,40, 4.; Size lb
a.' rt. •.lr,:. 4 , card', .49 inch
I , rn. ru r in a>r simple
t ...rod for It. Ilas torn-
'Ut tr Iced in frnctiou
u •nt,-ria r cont- I 25ct iu
e _ • noni,; r-a•„_n I,,e rc,p1e.df
lot t;.i- parrs ��. I.'ritit 030u11 sire.
urn, .i iIi• :. sr. le numb,,
d. r it. l.2,4 F.31„;11..
ie, • 1 r,•iirn out.
" Your heart broke once. You
* got back on your feet. You
* buried your shock and your lone-
* !Mess, and you set yourself to
* bringing up your little boys by
* yourself. You have succeeded.
* And, as you say, you are accus-
* touted to that responsibility, and
* to the absence of your husband.
* In other words, you are getting
* along all right without nim.
* \Vhat of him?
He has paid for his wrongdo.
* ing, It took him vlong while to
* realize the enormity of his of-
* fences against you and his chit-
* dren, but finally he has came to
* realize how wicked he was. With
* the truth acknowledged, he asks
" for forgiveness, and the chance
* to prove that he is sincere.
* Dare you refuse hint?
* If you do, you may toss him
* back into the very temptations
* which once wrecked him And
* this time, he will have no reason
* to resist theist, After pis con-
*' version to the right an,l his re-
* solve to :•ollow it, he will wonder
* whether the good life is worth all
* the sacrifices it costs, If his wife,
* the girl he once loved, will not
* give him the chance to prove him-
* self, what does the opinion of the
" rest of the world matter%
* Is any one of us so perfect
't that we can deny another human
* being one last chance?
* If he fails you this Lime, you
* will suffer another uoueaval in
* your life -but at least you will
* have the consolation that you did
* not deny tills the chance to be a
* man..
* The chances night be that he
will be a truly devoted husband
* to you, and learn to be a father
* to the boys whom they ran re-
* spect and love.
* How Man you refuse .tin) that
* chance`
"For better, for worse" -often
that promise is hard to live up to!
Yet the wife who gives her husband
another chance might find peace
that lasts. Anne Hirst will help
You through, if you write her at
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New
Toronto, Ont,
Blood Will Tell
What is claimed to be a foolproof
test for drunkenness has been de-
signed by scientists at Yale Uni•
versify. They call it an intoxication -
An individual suspected of drunk-
enness has to blow into a tube.
Front the percentage of alcohol to
his breath the machine calculates
exactly the alcoholic content of his
These are the recognized percen-
tages of absorbed alcohol! .03,
sober; 0.5 to .15, a little tipsy;
above .15, indisputably drunk.
While intoxication -meter tests
will obviously not help drunks, it is
pointed out that they will be useful
in clearing people who may be
staggering or incoherent for outer
The successful marriage is usu-
oily a three-ring affair - engage -
molt, ntarri;lne and tert',ine,
• 1,;*.. S.. Moutha
s, iterate
10. Tree exudative
11. Warehrel
14. Bird
IT School assign.
A'"RO 1
DOWN 45.Oawge,
1. liufnre (prefix) t H:,wanae 91. ashr*l elene
native food oat restatanee
i. Word of SS. B-,• way of
sorrow ., ft'.* PRe role S^„, preserve
1 O"cast"oat s in-vvents 24. Black liquid
K, . word of ae.Rent 6. Kind of silk
ot,) '. Coneneree 20• Drinking. cue
E2. 9aive s Argrte 30. Palm tiller
14. Fishing dories 7 M"- 3r 'ventilate
10. Really
Id, Pass
1s. Vase
10. Dotter/
1e Hensing
god one
21. flaking
rhaan flet
22. rota,:yins•
St. P,'on von
26 Sim'.1,.w
14 (Mounted a
sg, parent
SSS. Large a Bang* 28
SS, Largo cask
H. Own (Scot.)
25. Starlvinatlot
04. Heels
BS, riortain 3e
40, hind of *ag
A1, Olden ismer
42. Three -toed
410 the
40, Sliver
td rut vet ill VERDI
'i. I.eeom ot't'vc
V/.IJOme Lir
AL ppDheatinicb+*
4e. Y.C4.nA b•ew,n
SB, Mexlea.n dish
30 Rallroed ear,
W. Pay out
OT. Japanese
35, Churo
3s. Omen
42. Barren
44 Compl,ssa v*a-
15, F7po,*
4*. New (evutre,
IT, Attetosst
10 C,ompseSe ve ue
, 14
Answer a 1Cwite1e on this 0age.
Paris Puts on the Dog -Paris' fashion centre is all a -dither over
the showing of its new spring collection for 1950. Don't be
surprised if some of the enthusiasts bubbles over into Mono's
own wardrobe, Any evening, for e<arTiple, you might come
hone and find her lounging in the impish Dalmatian -hound
print costume above. The spotted slacks, topped by a black
wool jersey blouse and an orange crepe scarf, were put together
by designer Ballnain, Or maybe she'll be ready to roam in
Christian Dior's onionskin taffeta afternoon dress, below, left.
[ts enormous cowl collar of starched white handkerchief linen
,..G Feel
For the last month 2. e nave been
expecting Daughter home for the
1 eekend-and every time it is the
same story -"1 guess I 10011'2 be
home this week after all. 1 rust
got word that Gladys (or Rett., or
Joy. or Margaret, as the , ase may
bei is canning for the leekeud!"
So that ends that --our Uaugt ter
is a very popular girl 00W slit has
a shouse in which to entertain! Ind
of course she loves it. One day
Pretty soon I shall be sampliug her
hospitality myself as I have not
Leen to the city since New Fear's
Niece Betty, from La Cave,
phoned us from Toronto yesterday
-wanted to know how we had
put in the winter. l told her 1
had been staking quilts, blankets
and rugs and Partner had been
helping by washing the dishes.
"Fes," said Betty, "and you set
up a quilt in the bedroom and my
floor uncle had to crawl under it
to get his socks!"
'And how do you know that?'
I asked is surprise
"011, one of the girls at the house
here gets the paper that has row
column in it, so of course 1 have
iust been reading it!"
Soon there will be no secrets
around here at all -but at least the
fact that my friends and relations
lead this column should save Inc
ceriting a few letters.
iffy latest venture in handicraft
has been knitting a rug. I wonder
bow many of you know what I
mean You use carpet warp to knit
with and in every other row, and in
every Other stitch, you knit in 'a
little piece of material IA an inch
wide and 1% inches long. 853' that
trial "was old socks and sweaters
-the machine knit variety. So far
.1 have done one shall teat iust
big enough to fit in the doorway,
and in a hit-and-miss pattern. It
is useable the way it is but yet
1 can make it bigger at any time
so long as 1 don't add the border.
It is quite possible to knit in some
kind of pattern but that way you
would have to decide on the size
and colour of yrour mat before you
Logan, otherwise you night find
yourself without enough . of the
right colour material to finish the
Job. Since this was my first attempt
1 settled for sot iething easy. Now
1 have run out of socks so I must,
perforce, forget my rug -knitting
for awhile, \\'inch maybe is lust
as a ell because there are a few
other jobs around here that are
possibly More urgent, As, for in-
stance, housecleaning.
Fes, 1 am afraid houseeieannlg
time is fast approaching for when
the sun shines and the days lenctil-
en one gets "the urge" without any
trouble ar all. I have heard runt
ours already of some houseui,es
gCiug into action with paper and
paint. So far the extent of my
activities has beet] "redding up"
one cupboard -and I kept the fur-
nace going nearly all one day with
what i cleaned out -papers, maga-
zines and other funk, 1 also have
pearly a hundred hooks ready to
pass oe to a place where they will
probably do more good titan then
are likely to collecting dust on our
bookshelves, Hou I hate to destroq
reading material! The only ,ray
I can do it i5 by 1101' 10014111g at
Lam Sabre
Recommended For
Price $1.00
LareoSalve Company
Department "ws.
706 Montreal Road
Cornwall, Ont.
eta., t';NO BEFORE
Your MONTHLY Period?
Do female functional mouthly
silmsnte make you feel so nervous
strangely reatlese, eo tense and
weak a few days ,just before your
period? Thmt alert taking Lydia
1, 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Com-
pound to retinue such symptsmst
IL has such a soothing, comforting
antispestendie effect. on arca of
women's most important °I'gans,
working through Ike sympathetic:
nervous gym 1111,
Ymkltain't (.nmpounddoor more
than relieve monthly pnio. 11 else
relieves pro -period nervous irrita-
bility, 4e1.110 emotions -,-of this
t r
nature. Regular use of this greet
med ierne belpa build up resistance
against: aueh female diei1 ens, Truly
the woman's friend!
N09'&.Or you thew t err
Lydia R. 1'isktrm,'s rAisr;isr's
tridr eases 11.01,
Vegetable Compound
the stuff at all, hoofing through
00,4;1z4t0 to see if there is any-
thing T want to keep is. fatal. There
always 15.. , so when I really
want to maks a thorough job of
things 1 steel my heart and don't
look at theft) at all. "What the eye
doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve
Well, housecicauntg -10...),0 sign
of appt'oticlting spring but Ihete
have also been others •around here.
The other day I saw several crows,
and Partner heard a robin ell irp,
And 1. notice many of the youatger
generation seem to be getting the
wander -lust. Strange, isn't it, that
when one is young distant fields
are always green, But as we gel
older we realise that if, and when,
we could reach those distant fields
-and look back --then the fields we
left behind would also take on 14
brighter hue.
Well, globe trotting is all right
for those who Have the opportunity
but I guess Partner and I must
content ourselves with globe -trot
ting by books and by radio. Right
now Partner is busy With Winston
Churchill's memoirs, and last week
I was reading 'The Rains Cane"
which. as you probably know, ie
a story of India in the m01150011
season, followed by an earthquake
and graphically written by Louis
Bromfield, He 1s certainly a wort.
derfu] writer and, as 11. Fl, Hannan
pointed out over frarm Radio For.
um, the revenue from his books
hasdoubtless helped the author
to also become a wonderful farmer.
And speaking again of spring , .
could that be the answer to the
re -appearance of "Bluing Saucers"?
filaybe our friends from Mars get
spring -fever, phial
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I reshape a straw
A, The shape of a straw hat can
be changed by pouring hat water
over it, and while it is still hot
and pliable, bending it to any shape
desired. Select some kind of bowl
or vessel that will fit the crown
of the hat, and place 011 this while
• working, leaving it on the form to.
dry in a hot 81111.
Q. How can 1 make a strength-
ening drink?
A. Beat a fresh egg until very
light; stir it in a glass of sweet
milk, sweetened to taste, and flavor
with either nutmeg or lepton,
Q. How can I prevent the broom
from becoming lopsided?
A.. Bind an old silk stocking
around the broom below the cord-
ings, and this will prevent its be.
conning lopsided. The broom will
be strengthened if wet in boiling
suds about once a week,
Q. How can I extract a stubborn
rusted screw?
A. Heat a poker or rod of iron
until it is red-hot. Then hold to the
ahead of the rusted screw for two
or three minutes, It will be easy
to withdraw the screw with a screw
Q. Mow can I relieve the tight.
noes of a pair of shoes?
A. Wring a C10(11 out of very'
hot water and place it over the
spot where the shoe pinches. De
this while the shoe is on the fogk,
The heat in the cloth will cease, tit41.
leather to expand,
Q. How eon T cause the alt
of bard -boiled eggs to come e
easily, and also prevent the yolk*
from darkening?
A, Place the hard-boiled eggs id
cold water immediately upon taking
them from the hot water,'
Q. How can 1 bleach a garment
white, when it cannot be worn be-
cause of its faded color?
A. I'ltiil the garment in cream of
Q. How can I snake a'substitute
for castor oil?
A. 11111e juice will prove it good,
substiuue. ,Soak the prunes over
night, S'ew thein f• the water In
which they have been soaked, an4
when they are tender, pierce them
with a fork to let Ont the juice.
Do riot sweeten,
Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief
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DOLCIN is available at alt drug stores
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tablets for $3.93 -also avail.
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rat.el.a rasa, 005014'0 ter rddlar.r.d trad.-
,dare o/ tett e,'od,<o!,
Upside c own to prevent peeking.
ISSUE 13 - 1950
ao;4 thi;4 0/09)4 ,1
Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE
Write Anne Ashley, The Canada Starch Company limited,
F. i� P. O, sax 129, Montreal, 1': O. o 3>