HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-30, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH IQ, 1950 WRIGHT'S Superi r Specials FANCY TOMATO JUICE APPLE d STRAWBERRY Jam 20 oz tin 9c JELLO all flavors pkg. 9c 4Til till 63o CANADA VINEGAR 12 oz bottle 9c WETHEYS PLUM JAM 24 ?oz size 29c CHORE GIRL For cleaning pots, pane 9e Buy the wonderful new suds - maker, it Floats dirt out Reg. pkg. 31c Trial pkg. 10c 2 for 41c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 9c AYLMER VEG. SOUP 10 oz 2 for 19 AYLMER TOMATO SOUP GREEN GiANT PEAS 2 for 19 15 oz 2 for 31c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 Notice to Visitors at Hospital The hours for visiting patients in the Hospital are as follows Private, Semi -Private and Ward Patients 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm Daily No more than two persons at a time. Children under fifteen years of age are not permitted to rooms or wards, and should not be brought to the Hospital Visits not to exceed one half hour. The mother and husband of the patient are the only visitors permitted in the maternity department Please ask your visitors to observe the Hospital's rule for visitors While we want you to enjoy the visits of your family and friends, these rules are necessary for your own welfare and the welfare of your fellow patients TRU ,S. + ! QR,TIi NBWS TOWN TOPIC$ The flay "Randolph Ranch" pre- sented by the young people of Brus. sels and sponsored by the Seaforth Women's institute will be presented in Cardno's hall on Friday, 'Mare'h 31. The flay "Cinderella" presented here about year ago by the same cast was very well received. Town Assessor William Ament, and Town Clerk D, H, Wilson, at- tended a meeting of the Assessors' Association at Palmerston on. Tues- day, Mrs. Jack Hotham Jr. and family are spending a few days ab the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. W. Reilly of Galt. Mrs. Mabel Tisseman of Hamilton was a guest of Mr, and Nirs. R. H. Sproat. iMr. and ,Mrs, H. Stirrer spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. Ches. Henderson and Mrs. Roy 'Lawson attended the funeral of Mo. James Stewart at Blybh on Mon- day. iMr. and Mrs. Norman Willis and Miss Muriel Nelson, of Kitchener, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson. Mr. and ;Mrs. L. B. Morrison visit- ed with friends over the weekend in Barrie. Miss Bess Grieve, Dresden, and Miss ,Margaret Grieve, Chatham, spent the weekend with their Parents Mr, and )Mrs. Thos, Grieve. Miss Mary Ryhn, London, spent the weekend 'with her aunt, Mrs. Thos. 'O'Laughlin. 'Mrs. L. Bolton and Miss Yvonne Bolton were in Kitchener of Satur- cl ay. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walters, Dun- das, were weekend guests at the home of IMr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis. Mr. Francis Huisser, Stratford, spent the weekend at his home here, Mr. and (Mrs, Victor Overholt, 'Centralia, spent the weekend with Mrs. Theresa Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh visited over the weekend with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mrs. G. Bay and Mr. Bay. Mr. and Mrs. A. Masse, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ellen Bannon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart Geddes, London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and '.Mrs. E. Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Gudmore, London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. C. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McDermid, London, attended the opening cere- monies of the community centre last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and Patsy of Galt spent the weekend in town. NIrs. Frank Thompson of Toledo spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Reilly. (Miss Winnifred ISavauge will leave at Easter for Sweden where she will spend two ,months. Miss Ordelia Wolfe, Brodhagen and Mr. (Mickey McC'loy, Stratford were guests of Mr. and (Mrs. D. Lemon over the weekend. NIr. and 'Mrs. Harold Nicholson have moved into the apartments re rentiv vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pearcey in the Thompson block. Mr. Gibson White and son Hugh of London visited itis mother, (Mrs. M. White, on Sunday. (Miss Lorna Ellis has accepted a nosition with Mutual Life Assurance, Kitchener. and begins her duties next. week. PLAY `Randolph Ranch Sponsored by Seaforth W. I. Presented by the Young People of Brussels with a cast of 70 In Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Friday, Mar., 31 SHOW STARTS AT 8.15 SHARP Beautiful costumes, special lighting Songs, story and dance Admission: Adults 500 Children 35c FOR THE CHICKS • Peat Moss and Cozeo Litter • Co-op Chick Starter & Krumbles • Co-op Grow Mash • .Chick Grit & Shell • Semi Solid Buttermilk • Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PHONE 9 In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproo Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH Scott Memorial Hospital REQUIRES (1) GENERAL CAR'ETAIiER Duties commencing' April 2lIrd Apply in writing stating aye and c,atalid- cations. Prefeeence (riven to non with mechanical ability (2) DOMESTIC HELP IIIIMEDi- ATELY. Apply to Supt., Scott Memorial Hospital DANCE In Cardno's Hall WED., APRIL 12 DON ROBERTSON & Ranch Boys Auspices of Winthrop Foot Ball Club DANCE IN DUBLIN PARISH HALL WED., APRIL 12 New & Old Time Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1.30 Films MARCH 31st S. S. #6 at 10.30 am MANLEY at 2,30 pm BEECHWOOD at 8.30 pm APRIL 5th LEADBIIRY at 10,30 am WINTHROP #10 at 2,30 pug S.S. No 2 at 8.30 pin • McKillop Federation of Agriculture Seaforth Women's institute Pre -EASTER DANCE Cardno's Hall Thurs. Apr. 6 with EARL HEYWOOD'S BARN DANCE GANG 13ig Prize Novelty Dances Dancing 9.80 . Loo Euchre & Dance HENSALL TOWN HALL Friday, March 31 AT 5,1) Sponsored by Hippen East W.I. Lucky Lunch Prize Murdoch's Orchestra -- Admission 59c (Last dance: of the season) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cunningham, Mitchell, spent the weekend in town. iMiss Ethel Storey entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon for Mrs, Cecil 'Moore, nee Maxine Lawrence. Miss Patsy Brugger last week put on two performances of her Al Jol- son act in Wingham for the Kinsman Club. She has now been engaged by C.K,N.a. to go on the road with then during the Easter holidays. DUBLIN Miss Lorraine Jordan, London, spent the weekend with her parents ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Jordan. BORN RANCHO—(Marie and Herman .nacho nee (Doll) wish to announce the birth of their son ()Donald James Oliver) on March 14 at General Hospital, Hamilton. A Play "Never Say Dye" Under the auspices of Bethel W.A. Will be given by Blyth Women's Institute on Wednesday Evening, April 5 In Walton Community Hall Commencing at 8,15 Conte and bring your friends ADULTS 10e CHILDREN 20e sup J. A. WESTCOTT Will Canada Have an Egg Famine? Prominent Poultrymen on 0130 predict necessity to import eggs this fall on account of drastic reduction in early chicks hatched. You can still have early laying pullets by procuring chicks without delay. Call or write MOORE'S POULTRY FARM For day old or started chicks in light and heavy breeds, mixed or sexed chicks. Odd lots of started chicks specially priced for quick movement Moore's Poultry Farm SEAFORTH, ONT. C - Us - b - - Buy We now ha1'e the following Models of Tractors 00 for immediate delivery; FARMALL CUB FARMALL A FARMALL C FARMALL H • FARMALL M JOHN BACH Phone 17 Seaforth Rebekahs & Odd Fellows Easter Variety Ball CARDNO'S HALL Easter Mon., April 10 GOOD MUSIC Dress will be optional Watch your paper for Rall particulars Easter Flowers APPLY AT . Baker's Greenhouse SPECIAL --Friday and Saturday Only 6 Cup Aluminum 198c PERCOLATOR - - - Crown Hardware M. Nott Phone 681-w K. Sharp Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grait & Processed Feeds Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354 • FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES