HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-30, Page 2E FAVr4 1101 r Iusstil "Don't plant weed seed* in 1950," ie the timely advice handed out by an agricultural expert, who goes on to say that the use of good seed is all-important in the matter of weed control. And really modern farm- ers don't need to be told that few farm operations will pay bigger dividends than a thorough job of eleaning and treating small grain need. * * * If a small fanning mill and home- made seed grain treater are avail- able, cleaning and treating can b` done at home, A couple of short trial ams with the fanning mill will give you an idea of the proper seed and a uniform rate of speed helps you to get best results, Don't over- look Itsing proper sieves and speed. * * * There are certain advantages to horse cleaning and treating — also certain disadvantages. * * * For one thing, home cleaning can be done at your convenience, and requires little or no cash outlay; and there is no danger of mixing varieties if you clean the mill thoroughly following each run. Also, if the acreage to be planted isn't too large, the job can often be done more quickly at home. * * * On the other hand, proper clean- ing and treating demands good equipment and is more or less it technical job. Many seed houses and elevators have the skill and the machinery to do it better than most folks can at home. However, there is usually a last-minute rush, and it's best to be a bit early than have to wait when the ground is ready for seeding. * * * Main reason fpr cleaning seed grains, of course, is to get rid of weed seeds, Most grain, as it comes from the thresher or com- bine, would probably be illegal al fo r commercial sale, as it contains too beg a percentage of weed seeds. * * * A number of tests showed that oats which contained over 10 per cenm of impurities to begin with had just over one per cent, after a single trip through a fanning mill. The biggest portion of what was re- moved consisted f ve of seeds o lamb'' quarter, foxtail, wild rose, smart - weed, barnyard grass, marsh cress and the like, * * * Tests on flax indicate that one cleaning can cut the weed seed content from 10 to 14 per cent. down to one or two per cent. * * * Another reason for cleaning seed is to remove sticks, chaff, diseased and underweight kernels. This mea:,, that you get more uniform seeding, stronger stands and, nat- urally, fewer weeds and bigger yields. * * * Just a word of warning about the screenings might not be amiss. Burn them! Don't feed them un- less very finely ground; and, as feed, they aren't worth that bother. If you feed the seeds without grind- ing, many weed seeds are bound to pass through the animals intact, then get hauled out to the fields with the manure to bother you again. * * * Out in the middle west — Iowa particularly — they're looking for a big jump in goose raising. Up to now, geese haven't been a very popular fowl in that area. Most goose eggs have been hatched either under the goose herself, or under hens — an expensive proposi- tion, since a hen or goose is out of production for the five weeks of incubation and for several weeks afterward. And broody birds often aren't much for laying either, * * * Ln the past, artificial in':ubation of goo,,e eggs didn't seem to work so well. But now, it seems, an incubator will work as well for geese as chickens. One man has been operating goose incubators successfully for several years, get Wig hatches of 68. per cent., or better. * * * Geese'. are good eating and, even more important, they're easy to raise. Even the usual custom of fairly late hatching will produce well -natured geese by fall, so that they fit well into the holiday season. * * * Gosling, are hardy, and can be brooder. weaned In two or three weeks, They are easily confined by a ane- foot board fence and are fine users of forage crops', They *an live entirely on pasture, if nee - wary, and are quickly fattened on grain phis pasture or hay, * * * In oho es where modern hatching metiers1's have been followed by up' to•date feeding ideas, there have been startling results. Some rais- ers of medium -type Toulouse geese report birds weighing ai high as 20 primula at five months. * * * A man named George Rollins raises some each of three different breeds ---African, /;hinese and Tou- louse; and he's been able to get early maturity and even some fall egg production from spring- hatcilrlY goslings, In the past, you scidom heard of eggs 'being laid There's a String Attached—Pictured at Chicago White Sox . Spring training camp is this "batting tee"—the new gadget for driving players "bats." Outfielder Gus Zernial is getting ex- asperated as the ball comes back like a yo-yo each time he hits it, but it helps the young hopeful develop a sharp eye at the bat. until geese were eight months or so of age. -Rollins has got eggs from spring -hatched birds as young as five months old. * * * Which will have to be all for now, except that maybe you'll get a laugh out of the one I ran across about the Sunday school teacher who was telling her class all about the heavenly rewards and the gold- en crowns that good people will get. "Tell ate" she saict at the end of the lesson, "just who will get the biggest golden crown?" There was silence for a while until young Johnny piped up with, "I guess it will be the guy with the biggest head." SPLORT — A SLXBiTCel' 1C This is the time of year when millions of boys troop out to the corner -lot baseball diamonds and start sharpening the batting eye and limbering the throwing arm, re- turning hone in the evening cml- siderably subdued, with a fine assortment of Charley -horses, slide burns and mud sufficient to make millions of mothers wonder, once again, just how one small tad can pick up such a vast portion of the earth's surface in so short a space of time. * * * Or, to put it a bit more tersely, spring has camel * * * Pratically all those kids have visions of some day becoming big league stars (99 and 44-100ths per cent. pitching aces) so a little ad- vice from a gentleman who won National League pennants with St, Louis, Pittsburg and Cincinnati might not only be timely, but help no little in filling up a column. * * The aforesaid gent is none other than Bill McKechnie, The "Dea- con" is at present more interested in grapefruit, oranges and vege- tables than runs, hits and errors, being part owner of a marketing concern down Florida way; but when the baseball bug bites you, It really takes hold, and the chances are that Mr. McK, will be back in what is sometimes alluded to—al- though not in the presence of Conn Smythe—as the "World's Greatest Game" before too long. * * * Asked about his past successes with young pitchers, McKechnie said, "If a boy has a good arm, he can be taught to pitch; and I have always stressed the importance of control. 'Practice control of your fast ball and curve,' I tell them. Forget about such things as the knuckle, and screwball. Those trick pitches take something away from your fast ball. There's plenty of time to get tricky later on, when you begin to lose the feet one and when you have somebody to teach you the tricky stuff." * * * The Deacon went on to say that he'd always looked for certain things in a young ball player. He liked them to run fast and throw hard.—and didn't care how hard he Mt the ball so long as he had a nat- ural awing, With that, and co- ordination, he can be taught to hit, * * * "Practice what you can't do as wall as what you can. Don't al - a."'1'' HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies b the Makers of Mecca Ointment ecqe Pile Remade No. I le for Protruding feeling Piles, end b Bold In Tube, With p o, for littered an lleatlon. Pri 75e, Macon Pilep Remedy NO, 2 le fOr External Itching Pilau. 87701, in Jar, And le for external ono only,,Priee Sa. Order by nnmbnr from your Dregglst nays be showing your strength and hiding your weakness. If a boy has enough determination, he can make himself a great ball player. Look at Joe Cronin. He did its' McKechnie doesn't think that night baseball is ruining the game. "But I will say this," he stated, "night ball is eliminating the: 15 - year player, especially if they con- tinue to play these night double- headers and also afternoon games following night ones. The hustling ball player simply cannot take it— and boys who hustle can't save themselves by letting up. Once a 'hustler, always a hustler; it's some- thing that's born in you." * *. * But even if night hall shortens theave laying career oftheaverage n y s a player, the outlook isn't too gloomy. "He'll make bigger money in eight or 10 years than fellows used to earn in 15 or more." (He didn't say that guys like Jackie Robinson and Campanella could probably earn as much in one year with a club like the Yankees as they're getting in five from Brooklyn, but that is neither stere nor there in upper baseball circles). * * * McKechnie is of the opinion that morale is a much over -rated factor in winning baseball. "Managers are too often blamed for the failure of certain players, If a player doesn't produce, he ,lust be lacking some- . where. Either he lacks the ability, or be lacks the determination to acquire that ability. Players play for themselves. They don't go all out for the manager or club owners. They go all out for themselves and their families." * * * (The Deacon didn't say so, but he's probably hoping that—should he come back in a managerial capacity some time—the fans will remember those pregnant words, the players, not the manager, are to blame when a team loses:) * * * But—following a sound Biblical precept—we've kept the best for the last. "I'm forgetting one of the most important factors;" stated Mr. McKechnie solemnly "Background! Today, more than ever before, the background of a player is • mighty important, What are his habits? How does he spend his idle hours ALL OF THE BETTER PLAY- ERS IN MY EXPERIENCE WERE NICE FELLOWS. YOU NEVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE DOING AFTER THE GAME!" • * * * We have taken the liberty of putting those two final sentences in capital letters: Far be it from the likes of us to even mildly criticize the dicta of a man having Mc- Kechnie's lengthy service and vast experience. Still, if he was up there for 40 years, he must have run across characters such as Dizzy Dean, Lefty Gomez, Grover Cleve- land Alexander, Pepper Martin—to name just a few, * * * "You never had to worry about what those eggs were doing after a game?" Sounds from here as if The Deacon had been putting in CLASSIFIED Ai. VhitTISING '*-- BABY CHICKS 8e 6009 (1111{CK8 510 ALL Breeders bleed tented, banded and In- epected, backed by pedigree foe,idatlon Stock. New Hampat 8uaeoxt index New Hempel Barred Rooke, and Lem, Toni Bar- ron Legbornm Mixed 11e, pullet,' 28c. Assorted Mixed mere get Pullets lee. Any Heavy Cor. 41o. STARTED PULLETS 2 OH1ogs 3 WEEKS OLD, add 60; 8 Pend Old, add 901 4 weeks old, 'add 15e. Send ter price: list of olderpullets, eepOhe end cockerel'. heavy breeds Order from and enclose this add, 10;. depeelt, balance 0,0.0, 45o DAY OLD & STARTED COY DAY old 411, 2 weeks, add 41; 3 week" ado 8s, 4 .weeks old Capone 80e, HURONDALE OEeCK HATCHERY, LONDON ONTARIO. MONKTON CHICKS—Government Approved,. Breeding quality, one of the beet. Don't {ramie. be certain. Write for prices and cata- logue. Monkton Poultry. Farms, Monkton, Ont. SCHUMMER CHICKS 3OVERNMENT approved, Top quality. From Catalogue and ,rice list explain dettille. 3cllummer'e Quality Hatchery, Linwood, Ont.. LAKEVIEW CHICKS LAKEVIEW chicks are the choice of the. better class poultry men. 20,000 breeders double blood tested, banded end Inspected from real Poultry breeding farms• Lakeview 00001010 of 3 Came, 30,021 floor brooding capacity. leer '50 hey the beet—buy Lakeview, 8 breeds 87'AR'81 PULLETS, CAPON41, COS 2, 4, 0, 8,, 12 weeks old Pullets, 4, 6 and 8 week, old Capone. Prompt delivery or booking for later. Take delivers' now, Most of out uookerete and thousands of chicks are gettlag booked to Be to some of the largest and meet particular buyers in the U.S.A. Inter in Send fur prlee flat aid full par- ticulars LAREVIT,tt FARMS & HATOHIeR1), EXETER, ONTARIO, PHONE 78, BABY CHICKS from blood tested high. egg- et!Hoeing stock. Llvabllfty eooxaoteed. Mixed 515.00 per 100, Pullet,' 328 to 880. Ten per emit oft for 01'der0 600 end over, 0addard Chick HntOhery, Britannia Heights, Ontario.. EGGS are advancing, chlelto hatched are about 60% below least Year, This can only mean one thing, higher erlee,, with a prob- eblo shortage of eggs the, mummer and fall. Buy your tweet namhee of chicks and get them now, Dei' old, t'm•led. Older pullets; elms turkey poulte, Broad Breasted ,Bronze, White Holland, BeItovllle whites, non -coxed re sexed, Prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Ton Notch Ohlek Solon, Guelph, Ontario. QUALITY In chicks is never expensive—Pro- geny Testing le expenelve—but so lea dock of low producers. Look beyond the price tag. Figure on the number of eggs You will receive, only one extra egg will more than pay the difference between a welt bred high producing chick than one that has not had the benefit of good breeding. You can profit by our R,0.5. Shed chick., which In the eound0*t method of breeding for the improvement of all 'de- sirable economic characteristic,' in poultry. Prompt delivery, day old, started 2 weeks to 6 weeks, older pulletU, turkey nouns. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Forreu,, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor—Lift of inven- 0000 and full Information Bent free. The Kemeny Co. Reentered Patent Attnrn 173 eve, Bank Street, Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing• or clean- ing? Write to ue for Information. We are. glad to answer your question... Deportment H, Parker'. bye Works Limited, 791 Yona0 Street, Toronto, Ontnrlo. EMPLIOYMENT WANTED EXERIENOED, reliable Hanna immigrant. available; arriving soon. Write. to, L, Van- derburg, Box 92, Brockville, Ont,; phone 2664 (after 6 o'clock), FAROt8 FOR SALE 44-AORE FARM In village of Lyndon, 15 mlleo Hamilton, 40 miles Toronto. Excellent moll for vegetable growing, small acreage raspberries and etrawberrleo, bank barn 42 x 52, oblokon hoed, Implement Wed, 8 garage.. beautiful 7 room frame house, 3 5181* bath- room, Hydro, plenty of water, 2 minutes to ohurch, public) and high Itched, railway, bus. P6ee 810,600 with 26,000 down Peg - remit. Apply Harry Wald, Lyndon, Ont. Tel. 17W. 1011 SALE MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson. New and teed bough' gold, exchanged. Large 'tock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repair. by factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and corn Pieta line of wheel goods. Open evening', until nine except W-dneeday Strand Cycle & Sport', King at Senfnrl, Hamilton. GUNS—Large assortment new and uoed. Bought, sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs, Scopes, eights Installed. Peahen Tackle. Hunt - ng Equipment Sporting Geode. See' MI Team Pries,. Open until 41ae onset Wednesday. Strand Cycle. Hamilton DOORS Panel or Combination, all sizes. Attractive prices. D. McRENNA, 2779 Yonge St.. Tor- onto, Ont. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian Canoe Co„ Peterbore Boats, Cane's. Trail - ere, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used motors. Rendre by factory -trained mechanics. Open until nine 051.11, W04111.1.dny -Strand Cycle. Hamilton TRACTOR OWNERS PARTS for all wordson and Ford Tractors 1917-1050. Past Service, Priem, are rlgbt. Wo can supply parte and aceeesorles for al) Ford Products, Roy Davie Limited. 20 Cork St, Guelph, Ont. BAGSs BARRELS & DRUMS COTTON sugar bags, 23e each; cotton flour bags, 21e. Bleached sugar and flour bags, 570 each. Empty w00,1 molasses barrels, 82.76 each, 46 gallon', clean drum, 96.50 each. F.O.B. Montreal. C.O.D. and money orders accented, Jos, Lellel Reg'd, Dent. A, 640 Vilim'ay, Montreal 10,. too many of his evenings address- ing these father -and -son ,banquets and was getting to believe the stuff he dished out there! 144, Ig ii WITH Just hent and rub in MINARD'S, and note the qquick relief you get. Orenseims, tostdrying, no strong or unpleasant odor. Gct a bottle today; keep it handy. 15.46 LARGE Oe000Hiabl 017.E 65C nut QUICK $88,15...- — NEW 11011and Inlet',dllu'htly snlldll, 81,850 90) 1—Naw Gotland Hutt" felted 1998 Boles 11,590.0011--401m inure'4reetee like note -31,:000,90, 10, hell Meek, Mader Harrlo Dealer,. ISISOOS, Aul. CATALOGAY 'farlilo, OpunbY pt'up01'lY, AGOih Weal area, ready. for dolleery, Town 18 country mantes, Y'eotsount, Montreal, Quebeo, ALLIS CHALMERRS �11N '1 Wlgledowml nue May 1949. 'Una 470 Mille& Ma0he,rx 01aU1- er for above done, or i Ycl. allovai, 11,61,05 for 17 ton grogs. Loomed b1 Terence, No reaeoneblo offer refused. w, 6,, . (mu, '179 East St. N., Sarnia. HORNET SAWS—SALE MODEL D,J„ 1 -man, 3219, f.o.b. tltlulpll, equipped with 16", 20" or 54" nlnufllnkUltt", Sales tax extra. NEW AND GUA8AN't'E180, E. J, Smith 8,186 Co. Ltd,, 05'1 Wounvinll Nl„ Guelph, Ont. 18-20 OLIVER Hart Power trader 5(55 10110555'. Sleol,aoloally good an eine, GM -doe AL Theenton, Brampton, Oat„ /1.K, 1, CASCADE WHEA.'T—New high yropung 8011 earths wheat, 00,1(5ed 410, 1, $I huplIDL Harry Strang, Hemel', Out. FOR SALE FOUR Tenne0aee Walking Hormel 1105„ Pale - mine mere 4 years, Trotting home 0 smurp, donee* logging hike. Two bIOs, 2 lint's, sired by Sagalle Tym•, Joe, F, Wilkin, 11.55,. t, Huron Line.: Wtndeor, Ont. MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: The principal in- gredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE — Banton the Unmet of dry eczema rasn.,' and weeping akin troubles: Poet'. Einem! Salve will not disappoint you, toning, ecallns, burning eczema, gene, rine• Worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will mimes readily to this etalnleoe, oderlees ointment, regnrdiese ofbow stubborn or bopelees they seem. PR1OE 80 ER .YAR' 0000 Poet Freo 31.on RPeeeplt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 Owen 191 Ie., Varner sf Load Toronto BOILS, PIMPLES, CARBUNCLES Use Elliott's Ointment. An Old tried family, remedy. It draws and hada. - Wonderful for cute, bruloeo, mores, cracked line, ciliated hands, eczema, piles, bed eoreo, sore mueclea, feet, Ingrown tee -nails, Should bo on hand in every home. Jor 60c emit poetpald. Original maker, Murray D. Elliott, Milton,. Ontario. FOR 8141181, HAYFAVER AND HEADCOLDS NAMELESS Cold Remedy, isNEW, to thine who have never u.od it., Convincing trial, $1.00. Address Purity Preclude, Exeter, Ont. CRESS CORN :SALVE—For aura relief. Your Druggist sells Oran Callous Salve, Relieve, ' ulckly too, TURKEYS 680 RRON/e I'OULT$ 05* DELIVERY to March Nth -68c to April 10th 6501 to April 1501 —080; Te April 24th -78e, Book your order now and take delivery early. Late March or early April le a good time to start poulte. 1. They coat less. 3, Easier rattled in 000ler weather. 8, You have three good obancea to cell: Canadian Thanksgiving, American Tbankeglving, or the Christmas Market. Thi! year early turkeys might easily be higher 1n price. In 1940 the price wan 100 Per Sound higher early than for the Christ - Ines market... 4. You wan use your equipment twice in one season. 1960 would be a repetition of 1948, for prate In the turkoy busineso, Send for our price flet and Ave page catalogue, 'As We See It For 1926", with full Informa- tion in detail about markets, feed pried and. turkey management. Also monthly bulletins on turkey management, up t0 the minute turkey news, Lakeview poulte are the choice of large -growers In Canada and the U.S.A. Mr. Harold McDonald, 011 Clty, bought Lake- view poulte for several years. In 1948 he marl-eted 1,700 turkey toms weighing 281 pounds, hen 172 podnde. He has an order with um for 1960 for 2,000, Ho Ie a groat booster or LekovloW Faults. Send a card today to: LARRY -KW TURREY RANCH & ALL TURKEY HATCHERY, EXETER, ONTARIO. PHONE. 92, TURKEY SADDLES HEAVY white duck, strongly sown acme. bare. Can be laundered. 800 eaoh. Delivered. John Weld. 18 Lansdowne Avenue, Lon. don, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HAVE CAPITAL to runlet in marketing your Iden or invention. A11 Information kept 1a strictest confidence. Send particulars. 0. Fortier, 1096 Pierre Ave., Apt. 8, Windsor, Ontario. TRACTOR 50 Delivered to 100 Twelve months to eu,v. Ord', nun' ant get Mire when you need 16 'five years guarantee. Very narrow for dose planting, A CHILD CAN OPERATE P1'. Over powered with most modern 4 cycle air cooled engine. Light new' Ing, cultivating, seedling, idling and weed control. Power -tutee -off for ether uses. Simple, strung end easily handled GARDEN POWER TOOLS LIMITED west Hi11 (Sererbore), Ont. UPPOJt4't1N!'t'lJH Old MEN AND 5'41912119 13X4 A 1'IMRD1214SSIbR 40124 518558O5'0 1.1651410 81'510119, Coen' gapul'l,lullY Learn 1t,111'llrebettbl Ineuninl dlgnU1Utl protunslen, cued wage! lheunanee teruseentul mares) 5r0doat0* Anlerltet'u gl'uatOgl growls llleolr,ted 000x0' Waite tl'Oo, Write or Cell MA111,10 , llAllt011tE8S1N0 10U11001.0 06.0 lilo0l'. SL V•'., Termite pte/lohus 44 Kltlo SL Hardline A (1 1111101411 /Street Ottawa Nlrt5N16141741'1'11011 NURSERY STOCK 1118 trait trete 2.0', 2 24410", 2 spars, a Henn, 881 it055 var10ly 15,1059. Irree, our wm+ ,1010 IlfuoDgtted oautlegue ontaint and Or- i,s,,td01al gteleli. Seiki toddy for the. beet. Nhtlnef55 Nni'Ile loll, fit, Cathot'ineo, Onta1'10. (Ii i'o 4i2ell' Ola 11ULBs 104 DSIX'I'U.ttlu 22 70 1,01' 100, in 0ow1580, velem 48.26 per 190. Mailed C.O.D. Money teen "mit eaUnfled, *Illy Rocher, c /0 Mr. 1. M,4161, !ttvluuavllli,. Ont, a B t:ti'l''lir�H unlff4A8--Only 82.80'- i - agile 1iulb with 011101', A. grattd assortment :et Ilulhrtid 0510100 dah7la" l.xtms 7a1'gu'tubero, 5' dlfe,'dnt vw7otles, 6 dlftrront color", 'tVoO- deeful OOloetlnl, Weil worth lino the prig Holland Bulb arid Nurdery Caroming, Quest' Elizabeth 11gbY, P.O. t'm'l Credit, Ont. 011001015VE now far Boring Delivery—Uhlneee 101,11 fledge—will grog 2 feet firstyear-98 phultu mnniclest for 20 toot (12 to 20 (Mabee bt1Ohy) 52.88—oeodlingo 12 lnohes high 14,60 per 100 (plant 0 none, alartl—Giant Exhibi- tion Pinned In galore red, white or pink, 8 fpr 11,80-8590' trete 8 feet high In varieties Melnt0oi,, Spy, Delicious, 8 Yon 51:08—POardoralum trine 2 twit high In varlotlee Burbank and To Lombard, 4 r $2.08, Tree Dolour Outdo With Evory' Order, Brookdalo—Kings• Way Nursorlee, Bewmnnvllle, Ontario PATENTS METHERSTONHA UG ii k- Company Pataat Solicitors lletabOntiod 1890 850 an, Street, Comm Booklet 0t Inrormatian'on reamed. A, M LAIDLAW. 6,8c.. Patent- Attm'ney, Patents of Invention, 66 Spark, St„ Ottawa, WANTED SHIP us furs, Minks up to 346,00—Weasel, 14.60-5tuokrats, 14.60 100 Muskrat, wltb mink, weekly an lee with (Gankset)—Secrets tree. Trappers Association Balevlile Yam, qua. 'f1o1SE & CATTLE HAIR". For highest prices, slip your Horse & Cattle Hair to B. Eleenberg, Inc., 4301 St. Dominique 8t,.. Montreal, Cue, WANTED CHINCHILLA • HIGHEST CASH PRICES DP TO 4 YEr1RR P.O. BOX 144, HAMILTON, ONT. SMALL ho0pitnl in attractive northern Oti tarso town requires Reglotered Nurse, for General Duty. Salary 8140 per month plum full maintenance. Excellent 11ving. conditions. Apply: Superintendent of Nurees, Lady Mints Hospital, Cochrane, Ont. SPLITTI N G Alia, 444 nom; ^'`8 And the RELIEF 1S LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head- ache get INSTANTINE. For real relies get INsTANTINE. Forprolonged relie get INSTANTtr0EI Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one thing to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE ie made like a doctor'q prescription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usually brings fast relief. Gel Instentine today and olwsys keep It handy 12 -Tablet Tin 25¢ Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 691 ISSUE 13 — 1950 iii(S'LL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES € -"�ST.H %(T. f CIGARETTE TOBACCO BOUFORD MORE PMAE, 8021000? THERE'S ONLY -A FEW LEFT. EAT THEM UP, THEY'RE 6000 FOR YOU, I DON'T LIKE A LOY OF RISS AND +DABS LEFT OYER IN THE ICE BOX. EA7t B. MELLOR,S / JUST WHEN i NAD EVERYTHING l FIGURED I TO GOME OUT EVEN T001 e Ih