HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-16, Page 6Help Th ate+..+. Red C' s8 aY ALD TEA AN€ 14111ST au,s4eget --- "Dear Anne Hirst: I am deeply fin love with a young man who eoaues from a fine family. His background is all that mine is not. "My mother never was mar- ried. She had three children, each with a dif- ferent father. For the past 10 years, she has lived with a lazy, no-good man who brinks and mistreats her, When she runs out of money, she calls on me. 'I was the only girl. 1 was pushed around so inuch that at 16 I ran away, and lived with a family I worked for. Now, by hard work and saving, 1 have put myself through school with no help from anybody. I now have a good job and a good hone. I have bettered myself, and have benefitted by my mother's mistakes. "I am so ashamed! 1 ate afraid to tell this boy. What should I do Discouraged." :t Ni 4 Truth Is Best A If this tine young man has al- * ready told you he loves you and b wants to marry you, that was the 'a moment to tell him the truth. If o you did not, then tell hint when e he does propose. If he is a man of character, he * wilt understand that the disgrace o you feel so deeply is not your * own, but your mother's. If he * has the right stuff in him, he can "e only admire you more for the 0 struggle you have made to rise p above your inheritance. He will st love you even better because you a have suffered so much, and he ,r will do all a husband can tar pro- 's tect you from any unhappiness in Cr the future. O It is a high tribute to your in- t nate decency and standards of Ge thinking and living that you have o arrived where you are today. In e spite of your mother's loose liv- e ing, you have made yourself a t3 person whom any right-thinking e man or woman should proudly e welcome into the family. e "There are no illegitimate chil- e dren; there are only illegitimate ' 4Qir,Tr/...er Most lel-bath i test yon can find! Lse it as your prettiest house - end -go -to -market dress, or, depend- Mg on your fabric, it can be a hand- aome apectator sport! Pattern 4523 comes In sixes 12. 14, 16, 16, 20. Siete 16 takes 3% yards 39 -inch fabric. This pattern, easy to use, simple o sew, ie tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated inatructione. Send twenty-five cent* (25c) in goine (stamps cannot be accepted) deals this pattern. Print plainly sine, regime, address, style number. Send Norder to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Si., o e Toronto, Ont. ISSUE A4 -a Mo e. o pareatsl" Remember that. Fath- * er up your courage, and tell tits ° young man the whole story. No 5 matter what happens, you will o have the consolation of knowing ° you could not stoop to deceit, ' ° 0 ° Tc, "Jean": I think 'the time ° has come to tell your husband ° that unless he stays home more, * and takes you out regularly, you ° will leave hint again, And thia o time you wilt not come back until o he has found a place for you two o to live alone. ^ When you consented to live ° with his mother, he made all * sorts of promises, Von two would o be alone together most of the * time; she would mind her own * affairs and never interfere, etc. * The opposite, you have found, is o the rule. He is almost never at o home, and his mother not only o criticizes everything you do, she ° is entirely too curious about how ° you spend your money, and she °' has driven away almost all your ° friends. ° What is your life now? Work- * ing in an office all day, coming o home to do housework alone, ° waiting for your husband to wan- * der in late at night, And you * have been married less than a * yearl w If you two took a small apart- * went and furnished it, you would o be content to wait for a house- '^ so long as you were alone. If all ° your words have not convinced * your husband of the justice of ° such a plan, then he will have to o be shocked into complying with ° If there le a: skeleton in your family closet, keep it to yourself until there is a reason to reveal it. Then tell the truth. Anne Hirst wilt help you find the courage, if you write her at Box 123, Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ont. For Sale --1 Stomach An enterprising Japanese wants to eell bis stomach for $2,000. He declares it ie three tunes normal size and that he can swallovr rat poison, brokett glass, nails and needles. He'll have to give better value than that for the money, I'm afraid. A soldier who joined a Guards regi- ment in London swelled a 10y4 - inch -tong table knife, two boot studs, two collar studs, 16 trouser buttons, one 3 -inch bodkin, two large needles sand a tooth brush. All were removed during a 40.minute operation. A French medical journal tells of at man who swallowe corks. While being attended at a Paris hotel, he stole the doctor's watch, chain and seals -and swallowed them! Brunel, the scientist, inhaled a half sovereign while playing with children. After doctors had failed to extract it with specially made forceps, Brunel had himself whirled around on a centrifugal table built to his own design. The apinning produced convulsive coughing -and up came the coin. "Yes Sir, That's My Baby" -A 3 -mouth -old bear cub, Bruunas, is. fondled by his mother, Ivy, during daily sunning at the London, England, Zoo. The cub's name was coined from the names of his keepers, )truce and Sam, H R id CISS INGEFATilkil e Uur(.;t1dot t.rte P Cl OAR. Some weeks go by as quiet and uneventful as drifting clouds on a summer day. But not last week - anything but! There was plenty doing both at horse and abroad - the British election, our belated Canadian winter; installation of a milking machine and nay one -wom- an quilting bee. Dealing with these events by virtue of their importance rather than their natural sequence, we come first to the British election - because what happens in Britain, either politically or ecuuonaically, certainly affects Ginger barna and the rest of Ontario. Like most people we went to led Thursday night expecting tate British Labour party would be returned to power with a good majority. And we were a little fearful -fearful that the Socialist Government, in its headlong natiohtalizetiou plans would be taking the people too far out on a limb, in a way so far re- moved from British traditions it was hard to imagine that it could be a success. But first thing Fri- day morning the trend showed signs of a change, and by noon well, you know the story. When Partner came in to dinner, I turned ott the radio. "Listen," I said, "list- en to the news!" Partner listened -with growing incredulity. "But what happened --I thought Labour was in with a big majority?" And what did happen? That is what everyone would like to know. And the end of the story is not yet. In fact, for quite a while, the rest of the world will be watching the British political crisis with in- creasing interest. Well, while the British Iola were getting "hot," Canada was getting cold, with its first pro- longed spell of winter weather. It snowed and it snowed; the wind , blew and the mercury almost loot itself at tate base of the thermome- ter. Highways were blocked; side route impassable, and most farm lanes plugged as tight as could be. Then as we started watching our coal bins, the news of the coat miners' strike in the U.S. did not make us feel any wanner. Our lane filled in, along with the rest, and Bob was obliged to leave the car at the road. But when the wind CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROOt e. Girl . Mental. matte At Theater dis- trict 34. Starchlttna eubstaimeo At, Public eotteo AS. Light saline vessels At. Affectionate 20. Still 51. Resound I8. Dense wise 05. Warded aft 38. Not many 2s. East Iodise harvore Mt DMA RR. dun geld 88. titbertaw Over 54. Tore 17 'Female door 18. arm el gnats% 8I Pit fawner? 40 Rowena Qeoo It. Toes ?edam 49 Ohne? 98 Ribliteat *rant 48. Voted 81. aeu 11 Madre mesa. tale MS 'sora fee MAME dg Mu,iea9 ne'se(Ait rR. ftnp0'+tsfon ;s One tale 0n- emottikt 51 Recover an* %nide at Meme, ager; "4 Rubber DOWN 1 Heavywa9aetx 2. Staff ofnega a. Mother 4. Crafty 5. Storehouses d. Let Sown 0. Delude R. Supported be 0. Trump 10. Apart 31. Remained 18. elvish 17. Planter mum. t0. C rt SC Contends 86. Inetrmmenesal duet 37. IderotSpats andAoa 28, Spate g*. Grammatical Cane 01. Wont away 38. Lumbar source 88. Prattle dealers 41. Internal fruit detour 4t. Placlamation 45, Oriente) dish 47. Harden 48, Serpent 50. Vlbrattonloar point se. Tatra inner. 84. South 'rent 'rind 86. Pronoun 8T. Old musical aoto 80. Man's Wok - name 15. Exists .,9.4. .4. • aeMtieel lee:. areas Ammon. elsewhere thio petalse dropped, he borrowed a snow plow -that is a tractor with a blade at- tached to tate front of it -and it did a real good job of plowing out the lane. Now we can drive in and out with the greatest of ease -at least you can if you want to be out driving -which I don't. And it's thtuikful I am to have someone at home who can get the bread, pick up the grorer'es and bring in the mnil. Last week was also eventful at the Karn. Another chapter written into the history of Ginger Farm - the installation of a milking ma- chine, no legal This, of course, is entirely Bob's venture and only after plenty of consideration, pro and con We heard all kinds of stories ... a milking machine pro- duces mastitis: if the cups are left on too long, they draw blood; some cows won't let their milk down at all, and we also heard of several farmers who had bought milking machines and after a while, g -one buck to hand milking. Granted all these instances were true, Bob fig- ured they were in the minority; there were, on the other hand, hun- dreds of farmers, even some in this district, where milking machines were used to advantage, and with- out injury to the cows. Cance the night when the milker was used for the, first time. I was just itching to go down to the barn, but concluded the less there were around the better. So I stayed in the house, waiting and wondering. Since not one of our cows had ever seen one of these mechanical con- traptions, there was no telling what their reaction would be and I knew the nervous tension would be hard on Partner. At long last, the men came in for supper, in- cluding the agent from whom Bob bought the machine. And every- thing was wonderful! Not one of the cows offered to kick at all, and one cow which had always done plenty of stepping around stood as quiet as a lamb and gave more milk than usual. I thought every- thing was fine. But during the eve- ning, Partner got deathly white. He was cold and his stomach became upset. I was alarmed until Bob figured out that it was a case of mild shock. Partner had been more keyed up than he or any of us realized; watching the cows, ready to deal with them should they be - conte obstreporous. And then noth- ing happened! It was a complete letdown and tlae reaction produced the condition I have described. Bob said he had seen rhe same thing happen dozens of times dur- ing the war. So Partner went to bed and in the morning, he was his usual self, Since then, everything has been all right. Of course, it is Bob who runs the milker, but I suppose the time will come when Partner will want to have a go at it, too. Space all gone -guess my quilt story must wait until next week. WHY SUFFER PILES Grateful worn praise quick results. Relief from Pain -and soothing aomfort-from Mecca Pile Rarnedica. Two kinds -Number 1 for protrud- ing Piles, Sold in tube with perforated pipe for ioterual application, 75o. Number 2 for external P1lea, Sold in Jar. 75e. Order by number from your Druggist. MECCA PILE REMEDIES WAKE UP YOUR LIVER RILE - Without Calomel --And Toed lamp Out of Red in the Moinin Resie° te Go The liver should pout out about 2 pinta of bile iuloe into your dlsosalve tarot every day. If this bile is not flowing,msrsp your food maO not digest. it may lust descry its tbo digestive treat. Then gal bloats up your atom.. You sot sooatipoted. You feed off. gunk end the world looksunk, Liver Pins c punk, mild' gash* Ce'ter'a Little to presto of bile Sow- ing feeto make you !seat "ap and s� p. Get a p ksgo today. EPestavo in m:J10, bile now meetly. Atticfor Ce0Ores tittle 'Liver,, Palo, 850 at any drugstore. Easter Food Drive Lunched by UEFB Folluwitag urgent and repeated Bequests from its British Advisory Council,, tlae United Emer'g'ency Food Fund for Britaitl is conduet- ing a campaign through the One tario committee, under the joint chairmanship of MU', J. A. R. Ma- sora and Charles E. Ilea, I•t.P,P., to meet the demands for food and clothing for the needy in Great Britain, The Faster drive is con- tinuing to the end of March with a concerted collection effort in To- ronto, set for Wednesday, March 22. All Ontario citizens are being asked tp contribute tinned foods, Clothing is also being sought, but it is urged that apparel donated be clean and in condition to wear. Most municipal councils have agreed to co-operate with local couanaittes so that contributions may be left at fire halls. Otherwise, citizens are requested to forward thea, parcels direct to the Ontario headquarters of the IJ.E.F.B. in Toronto, at Melita and Rains Ave, A large number of parcels have been received at the warehouse in Toronto where the, tinned food shilnnents conning in are broken down and re -packed in eight -pound cartons. When these arrive over- seas at the London depot, they will be dispatched to families in genu- ine need from a list of the most worthy, compiled by the impartial. British Advisory Council, of which &R.II. Princess Alice is president. The British continue to subsist on a marginal and monotonous diet that works particular hardships on the infirm and aged pensioners, U.E.F.B. officials declare. It is ex- pected that through the generosity of Caaaadiates, in this land of plenty, those in more unfortunate circum- stances in Britain will en'oy this Easter gift, one that will do much to bind more closely the ties be- tween the people of these two countries, Worroormsereerremesenweerwerte COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PMN Try DULCIN Tablets for prompt relief from Aran all= and aassulfA'TOC pilaw • get a !lords otil DOLCIN tablets from your druggist TODAY end Joist the thousands of relieved sufferer who by taking DOLCIN have come oat front under the shadow of pain, DOT.CIN• Is available et all drug store -100 tablets for 02.39-200 tablets for $3.95 --also avail- able In bottles of 500 tablets. DULCIN LIMITED, Toron- to 10, Canada. DOLCIN ?AWAITS ?pentad 1940, DOLCIN W the rep1.tw.8 AW, - ,nark or this praise,. AlmommeAmmerszA Upside down to prevent peeki ag sgEOffilg ono®o ©pgE2�® ®o •®©i�®®>`,roo® [arm ['MEM ' MUSA. MITLI ®Or%®... � �© © e Ei® ©D© 0k21E1I0 keZ10111 �LI EI a©©MIEIUI `" ',QOM WOW- ®ora7o©n t::o! 2I An�ri�1 l7EJl�© i.`I©�WOQ 3 7 By tae year A.D. 410 Britain was a Christian country. Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE Write lane Ashley, The Canada Starch Company Limited, -es Vi` P. 0, Box 129, Monfregl, P. Q. csas. Simply great to relieve `PERIODIC' EMALE PAINS with uncomfortable fullness Aro you troubled by distress of female functional monthly disturbances? Dona this maks you suffer from pain, fool so raeroouo, reetteno, oranky, weak -at %wit timed Then do try femme Lydia T4. Pinkleam'n Vegetable Compound to relieve such oymptomnl Plnkhom's Compound !tan proved 00- rearkobly helpful to women troubled tide way. You owe it to yourself to try 11, Pfnirhotn's Compound to a very effec- tive uterine modatlyo. It has n grand soothing traat on one of woman's most important oCgsna. Lyda E. Pimkham' Taken regularly - Pinkleam'a Com- pound help, build up reoiotnnco agafwt such dieetreee, Alio a great stomachic foetal NOTE: Or yen may prover 117010 S,', 1 inlchn,a'o TABLETS With Added from. s VEGETABLE COMPOUND'