HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-09, Page 8CROMARTY C"aomarty's oldest resident, Alex- anler (Sandy) 'McKellar celebrated his ;tOth birthday Sunday with mem- bers of his family calling to wish him many more birthdays, The fam- ily includes three daughters, Mrs. Sohn Hamilton and Miss Sara Mc- Kellar, Cromarty, Mrs, Wilbur Mil. ler, Staffa; two sons, Malcolm. Sea - forth, and Duncan at hone. He also has 12 grandchildren and 13 Creat gra hildren. PAPER HANGING AND BRUSH PAINTING Consult me on your problems, An latest, richest designs in Sunworihy &watel'faet Colours, Shown at your home. Well worth call for inuned- late & expert service, now tor an exceptional offer before the rush, work guaranteed. HAROLD ARMSTRONG 123-M Seaforth F(TIME S Let us have your order now so that we can have the analysis you want when you want it WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 6551.2 SEAFORTH MEMBERSPEAKS Ceutltutetl From rage 1 1 aottld litre to go 00 record slits give my views on Public Health. Public health is of prime import - Helen Walker, London, with ]ler parents, Mr. and Ml's. Nelson Fluckin, Bel - more, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. Margaret Scott, London, with her mother, Mrs, R. J, Scott, and visited her grandfather, James Scott who is ill in hospital at .Seaforth. Miss Betty McKellar in Toronto with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mi's. Bruce Armstrong and children with Mr. and Mrs. Lyn 111 atelier, Mrs, Fergus McKellar and Gary have returned hone from a visit in Seaforth_ DUBLIN Miss Jean Sutherland, Hamilton, with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Gratton Dwyer, Kit- chener, with her mother, Mrs. Lor- etta Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ceph Atkinson. ;Miss Marie Evans, London, with her parents, VIr, and Mrs, Frank Evans. Miss Dorothy Jordan, Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs, Loretta Jord- an. Misses Helen and Margaret Flan- agan, Kitchener, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Flanagan, Miss Maly Stapleton, Guelph, with her father, Carl Stapleton. EvERoDTs BUSINESS by wc/ 19x h fear of failure preventing you from realizing some ambition or launching some new project? That was Howard T.'s trouble. As a mechanic in a garage, he had hopes tat someday he would own his own auto repair business. He had the necessary experience and promises of financial backing, But certain obstacles that he would have to overcome always dis- couraged him, So to this day he has never put his plan into action. The world is full of Howards — people who never give themselves a fair chance at success because obstacles, which could be over- come by determined effort, held them back. mon sense to take them into account. But too often we overrate them. Frequently, too, we exaggerate the probable consequences of failure. Vet Cyrus Field failed three times before he succeeded in span- ning the Atlantic with the first cable! So next time you shrink from tackling some project, step up your Swill to win"! . Fear can also serve nsertl purposes — as, for example, when it prompts us to prepare for old age and emergencies by taking out life in- surance. This common-sense step This is not to say that obstacles has been taken by more than 41 should be ignored: it's only cony- million Canadians, 70 THE SEA1'ORTI3 NM'S slice, In many small places, and in fact, thereat majority of small, towns and villages, there is no sew age system anis septic tanks arts the: o1dn of the day People in the e_oun- try have a right to live the same as the people in the city. There is a great demand for sewage systems and disposal systems and the cost of installing these is prohibitive. They are almost beyond the power of the municipality to provide them out of ther•r sources of revenue, I believe when this whole system of taxation has been levelled out, the municipal councils will be relieved to a great extent of the resggonsibiity for pro- viding services wliith are necessary in the interest of public health. And I include not only sanitation, but also drinking water. In many cases, wells are not satisfactory, The day is not far away when many small towns and villages will have to bring water from the great lakes. I believe the time has tome when a great deal of the responsibility will be taken off the shoulders of the municipalities, Hospitals also come under that heading. I will not go so far as to say they should he taken over by the province, until the levelling out and allocation of the responsibility of the government is determined. What has been done to date has been a big step in giving small towns and municipalities necessary aid in in- stalling these services such as I have mentioned, and making it .possible for them to do it. I will take up a few more minutes on this, It has been discussed before, social service. the way lis like to farbe distant w1 est las CARD OF THANKS government of Canada will inaugur- ate a system of contributory old age pensions. There was a great deal of talk about it before the last election, but as far as we have gone so far is to form a committee. I hope before another election that this will all have been gone into. Under the pre- sent Minister of. Welfare we are having honest, humane, and decent administration, not only for our aged people, but also for widowed and •de- serted mothers, and then.' children. •G• Hear,hear. members; Some Hon. i here Mr. Pryde: On this subjectt is also another clas's of people, and that is the retired people. I ant a rural member, and know more of this, and how it is in the small towns, than those of you in the cities. I think that the hon. members know that in small towns and villages a large percentage of oar population is composed of retired people, re- tired some years ago,. and hoping that they would be able to live on the interest of their savings, and of course, the interest has greatly drop- ped. The cost of living has increased, and now these retired people find it very difficult to make ends meet. They are having a bard time. I would like to say a word on thei2 be- 1 1 i 3 t a rows ato,c half, and get them into our way of I boat loggingbrrelsf0Allehove goda tools. No Sunk; thinking:' They are too proud to ask I $ate under saver. Lnnch on dgroundsi d At Finnigan's YOU CAN NOT AVOID TROUBLE IF YOU SPEND MORE THAN YOU EARN Week -Enol Specials 10 pound Yellow Sugar,. , 89e Grape Fruit, 3 for 230 Sunkist Oranges, doe , , 35c Lipton's Noodle Soup, 2 pkge 23o Pore Lard, lb 17e Robitthood Cake Mix, pkge 29e Tide, large pkge 130 Dreft, large pkge ..,,,,,.,,. 33e Surf, large pkge 330 Princess Makes 33e Vel, large pkge. 33c -Ivory Flakes '310 FA13 2 LARGE P1ZGF,S..63c W. J. FINNIGAN & SON In Memoriah'1 S'I'EFkHENSON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father and grandfather, David J. Stephenson, who passed rave one Year ago, March lith, 1045 Remembrance Is a golden chain Death tries to breast but all In vain, Co have, to love, and then to part Ie the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The Years may wilts cat many things But this they wipe out never -- Tho memory of those hap»Y daYe When we were an together, --Ever remembered by his wife and family and grandchildren IN MEMORIAM SHADE -1n loving memory of Mr. William R. Shade who passed away one year ago, March 14th, 1040 Gone from this circle of out's On earth we shell meet him no more Cone to his home In heaven And all his afflictions are over. • —Sadly missed by wife and family Mrs. H. Workman wishes to thank those who sent her flowers, cards, pad treats or who remembered her in any way while 0 patient t t est to Clinton Hospital, It was greatly Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, Saturday, March 11th, at 1 Ito Will be held at Lot 26, Con. 14, Ifullett Twit, of Na 4 highway, approsimntety hall' way between Blyth and Londelioro. HORSES—Matched roan team rising 7 and 8 years old, CATTLE -1 Durham cow with calf at foot; 1 I)urham cow recently fresh ; 2-2-yeatold heifers due in April ; 1--2-year-old steer 105 hybrid hens 1 year old PIGS -7 pigs 125 abs IMPLEMENTS -0 ft. mower, McCormick - Deering silo rake, cream separator, wheel barrow, 1 small electric motor, water trough, walking plow, team harness, number of horse collars, hen crates Grain 4 Hay — 8 tons of baled 2nd cut Alfalfa; 1400 be. of No, 1 mixed- grain Terms cash MRS. ROSE ANN SUNDERCOCIC, Prop. Resell Jackson, Auctioneer D, P, Chesney, Clerk CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my many friends who called on me; also those who sent carats and giIts while a patient ht Scott Memorial Hos- pital; also the Hospital staff and Dr. Gorwtll CHAS. PRATT Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM, IMPLEMENTS AND REGIST- ERED HEREFORD AND GRADE CATTLE. On Lot 13. Con. 8, Hibbert Twp., five h f Dublin and 111,. mile west, on Weds Rout o Wednesday, Match 15, at 12.30 pm sharp. CATTLE --Outstanding herd (for size and quality) of 18 registered Hereford cattle, including 3 bulls ready for service. These are good young cows and heifers from yearlings to 7 year olds, Number imported from the west including one good young bull, and 12 good duality western grade heifers. 1 light horse Ducks --18 Muscovy ducks Quantity of new end used lumber. IMPLEMENTS—New WI) Allis Chalmers tractor; new 2 row scufflee; new 8 ft. rut mower; Massey Harris side rake on rubber, used one season; tubber tired wagon; drop head McCormick Dewing hay loader; 0. ft McCormick mower and pea harvester 1 rub- ber tired Immure spreader; 10 ft. fertilizer sower and seed broadcaster; tools; 3 rolls Page (vire fence, few tolls barbed wire; fence posts; 3 ladders, one extension; bar- rel molasses; good set harness; hay car and bay fork new last year; new sling rope and sling chains; 2 horse blankets; electric aft- ers 1/ hp a ects. c mo car ;n r for public assistance. They • 1 not FARM—loo aele farm, l,y ro ennOp like the idea of an old age pension harlf sale dudo nolo t ,puna , Will be ogre • C. H. DOW, Proprietor W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer Percy Wright, on pedigrees James Smith, Clank because they think of it as charity. I can assure you that many of them are discussing it, and they have dis- cussed it with me, and wondered if they would make applications for old age pensions. Look in your heart for the answer It happens almost every hour, somewhere in Canada. A thoughtless step, a scream of brakes ... and another life hangs in the balance—with an emergency blood transfusion the only hope! Will you reach out a helping hand to snatch one of these lives from the jaws of death? You can do so by giving generously to support and extend the Red Cross Free Blood Transfusion Service, through which more and more Canadian hospitals are being supplied with precious blood and plasma. rs„q, Your gift will also help send relief wherever disaster strikes .. , assist The Red Cross Veterans' Services - maintain Red Cross Outpost Hospitals .... and aid many other essential Red Cross services. Your contribution is needed—and needed now! This year the need is urgent for $5,000,000 to carry out the work you expect your Red Cross to do Toe Worlc of Mere!/ Never Ends... RMV, T. DALE! JONES, CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN, PRONE 57 FOR SALE Seven room house. in perfect condition. Immediate possession. Phone 353 THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1948 TH:15 SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon 13ros., Publishers Authorized as Second Claus malt, Post Oltieo Dept Ottuwu BOX Iff min 1 rniLt AMBULANCE Pranipt and Careful Attention I3ospital Iced Flowers for ail occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Registered Holsteins — Registered Yorkshires '!'here will be sold at Lot 9, Cot, 1, Tuck- et•eotith Two, adjoining the Town of Sen - forth, on Wed„ Mar, 1615, commencing at 12.30 p.m.—Cattle will be sold under cover at 5 17,50, HORSES—Team of block Percherona (mare and gelding rising 4 years old, by Refiner, (well matched and well broken) wt. about 3000 lbs. CATTLE — 24 Registered Holsteins, T -B tested under ncenedited plan. All are calfhood vaccinated and blood tested for Bang's Dis- ease. See folders for Pedigrees Herd Sire-- Texel Rag Apple Prince; 5 cows fresh by c time asale; 1 cow die in April; 3 1 in May ; 2 cows die. fn Sone; 3 heifers due ifots due in July ; 1 heifer due in Aug.; 1 heifer clue 10 Sept , 4 heifers under 1 year old ; heifer calves 2 moa. old; 1 heifercalf 0 weeks old. PIGS --2 Yorkshire brood sows -0 regist- ered, 3 sows with litters ready to wean; 6 sows with litters by time of sale; 4 sows bred IMPLEMENTS --i Partisan Tractor (need 4 Years) ; 1 tractor plow ; 1 spring -tooth culti- vator with wide and narrow teeth and at- tachments; 1 mannro loader for Fordsmn tractor. 1 hI-H binder, 7 ft. nut ; 1 M -D mower, 6 ft, cut ; 1' M -D side rake; 1 dump rake; 1 M -H hoylonder; 1 M -H 15 disk seed drill; 1 M -H 1 sec, spring-toth cultivator t 1 land roller; 1 M -D manure spreader; 1 good ho ro; 1 t. ha'rowosot (nofiew6lysec. 1,00) ; 2vsw,0hhsetg plofow3s; so.1 single fur+oty sulky plow; 2 one-horse scuf- lers; fanning mill, ete., 1 steel tired wagon; 1 bey rack ; 1 gravel box; 2 sets heavy sleighs; 1 one-horse sleigh ; 1 cutter; double - trees, neckyokes. forks, shovels, etc., 2 sets of team harness; 1 set single harness; Stewart Electric Clipper No. 61; Tattoo outfit; ear punch and tags; M -D cream separator with motor, cans, eta., 1 sot Renfrew scales -2,000 15 capacity, 226 sap pails, 226 Grimm spites GRAIN & FEED — About 300 bus. Ajax cats fit for seed and a quantity of sileage. Household Effects -1 Gurney kitchen range (nearly new) for wood or coal; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 oak extension table, buffet, chairs, etc. 2 two -burner elec. plates (1 heavy duty). Some tools and numerous articles Beatty electric washing machine, 2 two - wheel trailers, each with steel box LUNCH AND corns. Terms—Cash. No reserve as farm is sold. E. B. -GOUDIE Proprietor Harold Jackson and A. B. Brabacher & Son, Auctioneers E. P. Chesney Clerk FOR SALE 10 chunks. Apply to ORVILLE DALE, N. Main St., Seaford' FOR SALE A first mortgagefor 833500 on a god farm property at 41 t. Apply to P. 0. Box 210, Seaforth FOR SALE 2 Durham cows 1 and 6 yea's old, due in a month. T -R tested; also a bunch of good chunks. a47e25. GEORGE. POWELL FOR SALE 800 well started Leghorn x Rock pullets, 2 weeks old. *racially priced for immediate delivery. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM E. C. Chamberlain INSURANC11 &t REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 FARM FOR SALE 110 acre farm for sate, Lot 13, Con. 5, McKillop. Very god gravel hill, tremendous nuantittes of the hest cement gravel, sand and road gravel. Never failing spring 0teek: god shade, some bush. Bank barn 40290. This is a god farm and will be sold worth the money if sold by April 1st, Apply .7. V. FLYNN, Dublin FOR SALE Colony house 10'x12', wired for hydro and a 500 chicks alae Warner brooder. Cojbny house 10'x10'—have your choice, 1 Cocksbutt 4 meatus spreader 0. rubber, horse type, new in 1043, 1 Wagner 3 hp electric motor,. starter and safety switch and about 30 ft of heavy duty conduit. 1 Coleman grain crusher. 1 set bench sleighs and platform, 1 No. 15 DsLaal cream separator; 16 bales 1947 sop hay, about. limo 15s, Telephone 830-21. N. R. DORRANCE, Seaforth TO RENT Apartment in Seaforth to 1'0111, with mod- ern conveniences. Phone 007,1 RADIO REPAIRS Repairs to 011 kind', of radios, & small appliance.. • t. TERRY'S. RADIO REPAIR. opuosite 111101. House, Sea.rorih. Phone 34711 FOR SALE 1 11 sir 30111II 071) WILSON, good 1nnrli- rinn. FOR SALE Six chain.• Yorkshire Inge 8 weirs aid, STANLEY JACKSON, phone Seaforth 063r1 FOR SALE Pur,4n•ed Tamwor; h sow due March 15th, also registered Berkshire hog, serviceable age. W. T. LIVINGSTONE, phone 0(7011 Senfmih Sfdffen's Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero ."Duo -Jet" Pump and Water Systems for deep and shallow wells Aero "Silver Flame Automatic 011 Burners FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies Dubber goods) mailed Postpaid In plait sealed envelope with price list. 0 samples 25; 24 samples $1.00, Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont, Auction Sale 01? COWS AND PIGS. At Lot 31, Con. 6. Goder4ch Twp., 1 mile south of Porters Hili on Tuesday, March 11 at 1.30 pm, consisting of 26 young cows, 1-Iolsteins, Durham and Jerseys, 3 are fresh, balance due in March, April and May. 25 young pigs six weeks. Ali cows Are T -B tested. This is all good stock and will be sold under usual guarantee Terms cash A,. E. TOWNSEND & SON, Prop, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colduhoun Clerk FOR SALE Week old heifer calf, port Durham and part ,jersey, ROn11Y MecLEAN. Egmond- vine. Phone 514r13 Seaforth ROOFS & DWELLINGS In advanced state of rust, 1111181 be cleaned to a proper surface or toots) for painting & require a field coat of rust inhibitive primer to ensure the final coat of any colour. Pre- servation of these surfaces is more important than any other, Arrange for yours now, before it is beyond saving. Rust destruction is rapid; seen to now will bring large dividends, All hand -brushed with plenty of satisfied customers. Write kr phone 123-yM HAROLD ARMSTRONG. Seaforth INCOME • TAX Make appointment now and avoid late rush. Forms available. H. G. MEIR, Domin- ion Bank 131d5., Seaforth NOTICE Township of Tuokersmith The Township of Tuckaamith requests the general public not to park motor vehicles alt the -township roads, in order to facilitate snow plowing operations, and notice is hereby given that the said township will not be responsible for any damages caused to vehicles parked on township roads by such operations E. P. CHESNEY Clerk, Township of Tucken'smith STAFFA Norma S•Iarburn is a patient in hos• pita,' at Seaforth with an attack of ,pneumonia. FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale, Phone Clinton 613- 24. FRED McCLYMONT, Varna FOR SALE Brand new chick feeders closed We, 1 hag capacity, $8 each. Phone 494-w FOR SALE. A Good Cheer all whit enamel with blade Dim rook stove, like new. Reasonable, Phone 00 Zurich HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to bay, caneeio11 big fart horses. W. C. GOVENLOCK, Die!, House, Seaforth Income Tax 1840 Drama tax forms o, hand. Phone for Appointment Hansell DUBLIN 88-18 14-12 THOS. D. WREN m m m n n .......... e n w, n ..................... a n a m n a w u: DON BRIG.HTRALL= 1 GENERAL INSURANCE Auto Wind Health & Accident 5 Life - lire - Burglary - Bonds 5 Good Companies - Low Rates 5 PHONE 299 SEAFORTH a FOR SALE Modern Brick dwelling on 'James St.. early possession, (nearly nen with all con- veniences) Six room brick dwelling on West Witham St., with garage. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land Modern brick duplex on West William st. Modern dwelling on Louisa St, Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seafortb WM. M. HART Top Quality Coal 11 is not too early to order your .summer fill up PHONE 593-W Seatortlr FARM HELP Relinhlr, experienced Holland families available. Arriving soon. Apple to Mr. C. de HAAN, nelgrae, Ont, FLOORING AND TiLING Conl.raetor for tile, marble, tat'ao,o, nm=tic, plastic foul elaytilinv, areplaces, good work for loss money by KITCHENER CERAMIC 00.", lOtehener, (7 Blucher S1,' Call 2.0113 49.140xaxamyv •> o Cement Blocks Power made. Steam Cured Immediate Delivery Huron Concrete Products PHONE 684 SEAFORTH Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Mei, Women Get New Vial, Vigor, 'Jitality enresS o is10 mud Mess wean, idue s10 r,teakoiltbni ploy evituld71011Averbbpveulnt. Tu50 intron. Cantos' trou vltnrnln n1, 05(0(um, 000snbonr farb150,1 bnlldIng, body etrengtnetiln5 stlm Uloffon. ttaigmalcs syatout, fmnroem nppetlte, 50000(0 0,00' Elia 'T07 Ositei Po (0'rrbleie ioc'tna v. so - mgr pep, vim, vlgec, .bis very day. AC all dr050tats. a • Highest Cash Prices for Dead. Stock 41 HORSES..2.50 each 4 CATTLE 2.60 each HOGS .50 per cwt. according to size and condition 4 CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH '15 Town of' Seaforth re )j:I/jflCflt Receipts for 1950 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31., 1950, ON ALL PREPAID 1950 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. Wilson TREASURER