HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-09, Page 2Countless Canadian and United Staten baseball fans-- host of whom only knew the man by hearsay'-- • felt a keen pang of regret when it was aamottnced, a week or so ago, that the Cleveland Atdians had asked for waivers on Setche1foot Paige. Unless some National Lea- gue dub should -sign hint up merely as a box office attraction, it looks as rllough old Satch's term as a big leaguer is finished. Btu before we go heaving too many sighs or shedding too bitter tears over his sad lot, it might be well to consider the financial facts. • As a Civet:land Indian, Paige drew in the neighborhood of fifteen thousand a season. But as a barn- stormer, before Lou Boudreau hired Satchmo was averaging around forty thousand per—and the chances are that, if he goes back to his old pastures, he'll do just as well or better in tee season t0 Come. So don't start passing around the hat tor S,teltelfoot, at least not yet. tae entered the tail; Time at the age of 39. Ile leave, it, two years tater, still aged 39. Inst holy old he is, nobody knows for certain— probably )tot even Paige hmself— aithuugh it is said that somebody once produced a hirth certificate •which showed that he was born in •lolly just what :ort of a Oiaior league record he alight have set up, had the prejudice against eelured ball players been wiped out a generation 01 So earlier, is something t0 specu- late about.. Joe DiMaggio, whose opinion of pitchers should be worthy of respect, once said that Paige was faster even than Bobby Feller --which is plenty fast. And DiMaggio's ideas weren't gamed from a bleacher Seat. or from read- ing the sports columns in the col- ored press. IN FIVE EXHIBI- TION GAMES, PAIGE HELD 'mMAGWIO TO ONE MEAS - LEY SINGLE. Yoe rion't do that with mirrors or psychoanalysis; and he Treated other big league sluggers pact as :ran,lalnusly. Paige nits something of a leg- endary character right from the beginnio'g, -According to Stitch him- self. he was horn with control..And tt s .aid that he got his baseball mart when the owner of a colored tram saw him throwing rocks at a tole , s tin cans on a fence. Satch knock ed off fourteen straight, then mise‘,1 on the fifteenth, 'It 'jes' goo- to prove that I'm human" wag his reply when asked the reason for the miss. * Bill 1. eeck, the then owner of the t leleland Indians, was the one responsible for giving Satch his big league chance. One morning Veeck phoned Manager Lou Boudreau to tome to the ball yard and try out a "rookie" ptcher. Boudreau almost had a fit when he got a look at the "rookie"—for nobody that ever get eyes on hm could mistake Satchel - foot, h feet 4 inches tall and most- ly skin and hone, * 0 However, Lou was curious en- ough to grab a catcher's decker end squat behind the plate. Out of a hundred pitches only two or three were off the target—so Paige was hired without delay, * M 8 Paige proved to be a good in- vestment for the Indians, at that, both financially and from A playing standpoint, Year before last, when Cleveland copped the pennant, the six victories C'atchmo was credited with were a big help; and his terrific "draw" at the gate le at- tested by the 18,342 fans—an all- time record night crowd—who flocked to see him pitch against one of the weakest teams in the loop, the Chicago White Sox. There wasn't much of a hop on his "fast one" --but he had double and triple wind-ups, a hesitation pitch and a few other frills. and blanked the 50x. 1 to 0. Out. Paige was an awful pain - in -the -neck for a manager, such as Boudreau, who takes his baseball extremely seriously. For twenty years of more Satch had been barn - 4 -teeming, snaking his jumps from Children's' Helping Hared-1-Iollywood actress Barbara Britton addresses envelopes for the Society for Crippled Children's 1950 Easter Seal campaign, The campaign to raise funds for the care and treatment of handicapped children tvi11 be in progress between March 9 and April 9, town to town in a convertible about as long as a freight car, and painted a modest shade of flaming crimson. Time tables and training regula- tions meant little or nothing to hint. One day, when it looked a bit like rain, he failed to show up at the ball park at all. "Who told you that the game would he called off P" screamed Boudreau next morning, "alai two feet" answered Mr. Paige with simple dignity. * * He was constantly missing train connections. Once, when he Wasn't on the train, he still managed to beat the Indians to the next town. "1 jes' took a bird," was his ex- planation, meaning that he had chosen to travel by plane rather than rail. Satchmo had plenty of foibles and peculiarities. He. was a heavy drinker—but only of goats milk. He suffered from indigestion and is probably one of the greatest in- dividual consumers of soda bicarb- onate living. He baked his salary wing in steam baths that lasted for hours. The contents of his trunk looked like a cross between a druggist's prescription shelves and an antique shop. But time meand- ers on. The Indians didn't win a pennant last year, or even finish second. Satchmo played a lone hand and wasn't particularly good for team discipline. So it looks as if he's off for wider—and very prob- ably happier—huntng grounds. ,r ,) 0 And hell be welcomed back again, make no mistake about that. In the colored leagues he was, and probably will be again, an attrac- tion more potent than Dizzy Dean, Babe Ruth and Ted Williams all rolled intto one. They still tell countless tales of the big fellow's doings there. Like, for example, the time when he was speeding along toward a pitching chore at about 80 miles an hour, and a motorcycle cop nailed hinm. ':' a 'F By the time he reached the ball park, where he was to pitch for the Kansas City Monarchs against the Homestead Greys in a "world's series", the game was well under way, and the Greys were leading by a Score of 4 to 3. Without even time-out for a warmup throw or two, Paige was rushed in to action. * * * So instead of going to work on the batter, Satch kept trying to pick the runner off first base, con- tinuing to do so until the old soupbone was limber and warm, Then he pitched the rest of the game allowing the Greys a ghost of a hit, Satch and his Monarchs eventually winning out by a score of 9 to 4. I't's a real pity hedidn't get hie big league chance while he still had his stuff. But there are u whole lot of nighty sluggers who—when they look over those batting averages in which they take such pride—are just as glad that lie didn't. "Watch The Birdie"—An Amazon parrot called Coco acid all Indian parakeet known as Pepe perch on the camera of a Peri- trews photographer as he attempts to take pictttres during rt ;how sponsored by the League for Protection of Birds. The photographer felt that he was given a well-illtistrate example •11 't hrlt the Mock -in -trade expression "Watch the h rdfe" really Caul Mean. Tilt FARM �',FRONT I i 10.1•1'1)+)et L. The farm tractor, as many of you know, is a great labor-saving de- vice. Yet, according to the Are insurance people, who should be in a tlosition to know if anybody is, it can be a Number One fire hazard if not treated properly. a « 5 Farm tractors are designed so that the chance of fire is reduced to' a minimum, but experts point out that, unless the machine is kept in good running order, and is operated on a safety first plan it can be, and is, the cause of many farm fires. in keeping the tractors well ser- viced, the important items are mufflers, gasoline lines, carburetors and the ignition system. Trouble rarely conies suddenly and there are usually warnings of defects which can be detected in advance. e '.. e If the tractor needs repairing, under no circumstances should this be done in any building where fire could do extensive damage. Dps- tance is the greatest protection and the cheapest. A mime -turn distance should be 80 feet from any main building, Flaming gasoline spreads rapidly. e is , Combustible material in and around a tractor can be a serious fire hazard. Chaff can accumulate on the engine, pile up on the muzzier or get sufficiently in contact with heated parts to cause a flash fire to start, And say the experts, tractors be- ing driven around farm buildings should be handled with the same care and good judgment given to driving a car on a crowded high- way. There may be no rules of the farm—as there are of the highway —but the slightest accident, if flaming gasoline is involved—can cause a disastrous fire, The Dominion Experimental Sta- tion at Harrow, Ont., has just is- sued some information which will be, I hope, of interest to poultry raisers. The following is a gist of it. The results from large pelts con- taining several males are generally better than where only one male is ]Hated to -a smaller group of fe- males, the latter system being necessary in pedigree breeding, d, * u' Mass elating as practised m mos) commercial work, reduces the chances of preferential or diserinm- inate mating as well as the possi- bilities of certain 'Individual mnat- ings being rendered void by lethal factors peculiar to those matings. k * Infertility, dead germs, and dead in shell, are conditions commonly met with in poor batches. Vigour in males, usually a sought for trait, is sometimes over abundant and fertility of eggs is often affected if fighting or interference is taking place. Metal beak guards on time stales are useful in preventing figltting and if movable partitions about 2 or 2 feet high arc placed in the pen, interference is usually lessened, Comb damage is another condi- tion which )night affect the fertil- ization . of eggs, Males with frosi. bitten coombs lose some of their vitality, so provision shculid be matte to keep temperatures from becoming too low in the pen, Comb injury can be caused by feed hopper reels when set two low for free entrance of the heed and Bomb to the feed, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN SALESMEN wanted to introduce new prgduet, Ideal for In01,80 to bowie selling, 1211 time of sWo18, , Wanted In ovary hetpo, Un001ta1 profit opportunity. Write bmnedlately, Box 55, 128 18th Street,Now Toronto, Ontario, 8991859 0111OKp. Oe 0001) omens tie ALL ,Breeders blood United, banded and in- spoctod,. backed by pedlgeee rouneatlotl 'atoclt. New 1,1019pml 0Iasexl Suaaex' Nave Hames; Barred 'tuella, and Large Tom Bat' ren LO5ho10 Mixed 11e, pallets 28e, AOearted Mixed Clinics 5'; Pelican 10e, Any Heavy Cox 410.. S11R'I'!ID PULLETS l'1.'S & CHICKS 2 WenilliS OLD, add 601 3 weeps old. add UN 4 weeps old, add 15u, Send for price list Or older- pullets, 1apuna and euekeeels, hnavy 131:0o,0o. 01.90r from and enclose. Itis add. 10% diemelt, bal;nee 0,0.0. 140 DAY 01,1. & STARTED 001. DAY old ille, 2 weeks, add 4t, 3 moans add 2r, 4 R tko old Capone 30e. 111'1LONDA1i80 915111( ntJQLIElt9, LIINDOV ONTARIO. BUY YOUR 1050 1.11&811 Wein a Canada Aa credited Hatohory. Ct,O,P, Breeding Farm .100`.6 pnll0rum Noun 1t.0,P, Sired, Barred Rooks Lind approved lied. x Bock erceel1 008. Write for 001401', prim. Wootsleo x'50(59 Peen, eteustadt,; 01E,. MON h'1ON (28520808 -Government Anpeov00, Breeding quality. oneor the bout. Don't guess, be certain Write for prlees and cater logue. aronkton Poultry Warnes, Monttton, Ont FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS DAY t)1.1) 01110199, Pullto and Coekere10 available weekly year round In 8 leading. Ovoedic and crosses. Talo ehleks are (fret 'lass, the 1wrlee moderate, the stout< approved Write. Car 12 page coloured calendar Lad Price lie[, Flaber 0(01,0 Yds, 1L.O.P. Breodees Freeman. Ontario. SCHUMMER CHICKS )OV1911NMEN5' epptuved• 'fop duality. Cm Catalogue 404 price list explain details. 9ohutnmoe's Rea11te Raychem', Linwood, Ont, "Ox1mtee APPROVED cuiette Ilc'e, WY 10(1 pity. The, aro the results of tweets, - three years of careful oelooth0n and breeding m O.B4O They nave to be good, because 11.0 avant the very best kind of chicks for our Own /Melts--bigvigornue art early metur- ing. We atreos egg glee and 'nlformlty: tha- ne Rocks, WhP, Leghorns, New Hampshi•es, Ramp, x [look crossbreds, Ruck x Leghorn crossbreds. Write lar free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-aperativo Produce Commune e Limited. 434 Main Street, Wend8toait, On- tario. LAKEVIEW 01(10109 LAKEVIEW chicks are the choice of the better class poultry 1000. 20,000 breeders double blood tested, banded and Inspected from real poultry breeding farina. Lakeview consists of 3 farms, 00,000 floor brooding eaPaultO, For (150 buy the best—buy Lakeview, 8 breeds. STARTED FULLEI'S, CAPONS, COS 2, 4, 0, S, 12 tveolc, old pullets, 4. 0 and 8 weeks 01,1 canons. Prompt delivery Or booking for later. Take delivery now. Montof our cockerels and thousands 00 olioks are getting booked to go to some of the largest and most Particular buyers in the U.S.A. later nu, Send for price list and full par- ticulars. LAILEVIEWV )FARMS & AATOIIERY, EXETER, ONTARIO. rnnONE 78. eRe BItON'I,9 INSULTS 08e DELIVERY to March 17th -680; to April 10th 05e; to April 1801-089; To April 2409-780, Book your order now and take delivery early. Late March or early April is a good time to Start poulte, 1. They coat less. 2, Easier raised In cooler weather. 3, YOU have three good chances to well: Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving, or the Christmas Market. Tide year early turkeys might easily be higher 111 price. In 1540 the price was 100 Per pound 111gber early that for the Christ- mas market... 4. You can. use your equipment twice 1n one Reason. 1920 could be a repetition of 1948, for profits 1n the turkey buelnese. Send for our price Mit and five page entalogue, As We See It For 1960", with full informa- tion in detail about markets, feed prices and turkey management. Also monthly bulletins on turkey management, UP to the - minute turkey news. Lekovfow insults are the choice of large growers 1h Oanada and the U.S.A. Mr. Harold McDonald, 011 City, bought Lake- view poulte for several yearn. In 1948.he marketed 1,700 turkey tome Weighing 291 pounds, Ilene 176 pounds. He hes an order with tie for 1960 for 2,000. He is a great booeler or Lakeview Poults. Send a card today to: LAREV'EW TURKEY RANCH te ALL TURKEY HATCHERY, EXETER, ONTARIO, PI8UN,E 92, DEMAND for quality never ceases. You Dan keep your poultry profits high by using our R.O.P. Shred production stook.. When the Prices of 05508 are low, the difference between profit and loss is measured by the duality of Your chicks and pullets. The livability and` layab111ty of all your stock mean extra money in Your profit pocket. Ail Tweddle flocks are pullornm elean, no remoters, all flocks banded under Government supervision. Majority of our pure breeds, R.O.P. Sired. When eggs are high or low these are the kind of chicks that pay. Day old, two, three, Four week old, older pullet.. Turkey P09118. Fres 1960 Catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. GOOD yesterday, good today and good to- morrol In this highly competitive world of today mucosa and profits are won by a narrow margin. In chickens that extra mar- gin comes from a sound breeding program, r -oven by the records and their performnnee in ou0tomero flocks. Yeti can depend on Top Notch 90,0,11, Sired Spicks Day old. two, three and four week old, older pullets, turkey Doulte. Free Catalogue, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. 85091NE88 OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor—Liar of (Meets. Ilona and full Information sent tree The Ramsay Co. Ragletorerl Potent 4unrnnve 'airs Bank Street, Ottawa Normal development of the chichi embryo as well as its ability to hatch properly depends largely on the presence of certain vitamins in the diet of the parent stock. k « Foods are generally available which are fortified iu this respect and are most effective when, sup- plied to the breeding stock 2 or 3 weeks prior to the hatching season. '1'lu)ught must also be given 10 the freshness of feed, since under some conditions of storage a de- terioration of essential ttiantins might occur. Thal actnal incubation Of egg, these days is generally carried- out at central points with efficient equipment and by experienced op.. er11(OI's. 9 . At the same time, the eeque1100 of operations resulting in ' good hatches start in the hen house and conditions there have a lot to do with the percentage of chicks hatched can. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out 01 Bed in the Morning Sarin' to Co Plus Rver should pour out about 2 pinta of hilo luioo Into your digestive tract every day, If rile bile to not flowing freolyt your food may not digest. It may lust decay in the dl oetive tmot, then gnu bloats up your stomeob, Yon get constipated,: You fed weir, sunk and the old looks pink. ft tapes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pile to est those 2 pints of hilt Row' int freely to make you fool "tip and up," 001 a package today, Effective In m 4 ;, ht1alo flow freely.. Ask ter Carte?'A 1,1ef1* Ties P.ptn, ars at any dN,lMMrs DIMINO AND CLEANING $A,yE 101.1 50915098 niggle dyeing oe clone Ing? Writs to. se for Information, We ars glad to Rumor your eu0etl011e, Depaftmont Pafkeee Dye Works Limited, 701 Yon5e. Strout, Toronto, -Ontario. EARNS I?Olt SALE 126 4020100 Raleigh '1ownsltfp, IRent Obantyl 100 acres 16uPtlomtn (General harming); 100 acmes 900o (tobacco); 15 acme Wonderrul got - 1'1011 onion farm, Erloau, Beach Frontage Stove or minim, Invest wewely 1n laud and be. Dereof income, write: Chatham Real we, tete,. Exchange I -Walters, 021 (Ging. St., Chat barn, Out, Telephone 200,: 100 ACRES, north of Brb111Ptoii, good laid,. locality. buildings, Immediate Dosses/ton. $1:1,600, owner, 380 Bunnytnede, Toronto. FARM) for hnuladlate' 110100ssion, 160 aoroa, southern tip of. Huron County on 29 High- way. 92 miles 900London Heart of 0ugar boot, canning rectory area. 191oh clay loam, the drained, 110 acres tillnbl0 land, 12 acme fall wheat, 20 agree flay, 46 acres fall Ploughed, BHA Entice, bat wat01' retinae* Rush 1011et. Bank barn. silo. 11tto1' emn'lor, water bowie, hydro tbrough0ut, 811111 truck, school bus pass Sate. 215)1 lute of tractor, lnadllnory, dairy herd, will be sold with farm 10 desired, -A bargain, but neat be cash. Irvine McDiree Woodham, Ont,. FORT OOULONGE, 122 acres, fully equipped, with beautiful brink lcn0e and large barn, 100 under cultivation, 100 Limber 101, pine. spruce and hardwood. $8,600. $6,000 1001111100. L. Titley, Realtor, 1S Rideau St., Ottawa. 1,011 SALE, 50 Aaron of land, (1003 brielc Mouse and outer buildings, 1 ))mile groin school, uhees,. factory and bleckom(th 011010, 4.11 P101VIng 11o110, Apply t0 10010010 Bethune, Dunvegan, 0111. R.R. 1 FOR SALE 10090190901.E5 Barley Davidson. New and uaed bOugle sold. QS:chanced Large emit ut guaranteed u00d ,notoreyoWs Regales be Paotory-ti'ahood 0,001han100 Bicycles, . and coin Moto lino of when! geode. Open evenings until nine except W eln00day Strand elyele & Sparta, Nina at San1,211. Hamilton. GUNS—Large a00010lnent new and 00od, Bought, sold, exchanged, Guaranteed fePairO, Scopes, sights 005101led, Fishing Tackle, Hunt- ing Weelpmonl SDO,'1100 Goode. 920 151 Team Prices. Open until dine except Wgrin0ad03', Strand Cecile, Hamilton, NURSEIt1 STOCK RESERVE' nolo for Spring Delivery—Clinton Elm Hedge—will grow 2 feet first year -26 Plants euillriont for 26 fleet (12 to 20 Inches WNW) 12.08—aeealinge 12 1,1011es High 54.60. Per 100 (Plant 0 Malan apart)—Glant Exhibt. tion Peonies in colors red, white or philc, 8 for $1,30—Apple trees 3 feet high in 1arieti00 McIntosh, Snl', Delicious, 3 Col' $1,08—Plum trees 3 feet high In varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for $1.28, .Free Colour Garden Outdo with Every Order. Broohdale—Kloo's wayNurseries, Bowmanvlllo, Ontario ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIGATEIl and ribbed for reeling and siding sheets 0 to 15 feet lengths, 30" oovored 02" wide, 24 gauge. Send roof mea0uromento for fres einimate and !Aust1'acd folder giving full information. Samples on request, Immo. dlato delivers" from stook, A. L. Gonnevmlle Mfg„ Dept. 18, Charette, P.Q, COTTON BAGS BLEACHED Sugar and Flout' bags each 2701 towels, hemmed, about 17" x 34"-130 each; 20 per bag extra on order of less than 2 dozen, Dept, W., By-Produote, 50 Ontario Street, Toronto, DOORS Patel or Combination, all sizes. Attractive prices. D. 500KENNA, 2770 Yonne St., Tor- onto, Ont. UNPAINTED planter oasts. Figurines, book- ende, animals, noveltiee. Good assortment. Lists available, Box 68, 128 -18th Street, New Toronto. SNOWSHOES; Alt nieee and styles. Bates' "Humane" snovshoe harness (Pat.). No more 011stered toes! Folder, 'Snowehoelne In Comfort," on reaueet. Bates' Snowshoes.. Met0gama (via C.11.R.), N. Ontario. NEW JOHNSON Outboara Manors, Canadian Canoe Co„ Peterbore Boats, Canoes, Trail- ere, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stook used motors. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. Open until nine exrept Wednesday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton. BUY direct from manufacturer. Hair nets, rayon or silk; 40e per doien, pylon 760. 5.11 colors. We DaY pentane. Milo Mills Ltd.. 908 ADetalde St. W„ Toronto. CASCADE WIIEAT—The answer to the feed wheat problem for Eastern Canada. A new, high yielding, soft spring wheat de- veloped by Tbe Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Seed at 11 bushels per more. Certi- fied seed F.O.B. chipping point, 88,00 Der bushel in two bushel bags. T. A. Wilson. Palcenham, Ontario. 111DER the horse you require for spring Work now. we offer wide selection pure- bred mares Pereherols, Belgians, Clydes- Ivies, three years of age 85, that we can breed to ton ArnolGwold sires—Jason, En. chanter, Sir Don, Waterloo's Dan, Arnold - worn Dock, Kemptvllle A.S., Jay Farceur, Landmark Renovn. Write us for anything you require 10 horses. Arnold Farms Limited. Grenville, Quebec FARM MACHINERY MALL Chain Saws-9amou0 for their power- ful reliable englnea will, stall -proof auto. matin clutch. One man and two-man models. Gasoline and electric from $145 up. Inter - anted agents please write Diesel Moulmein Chatted, 1.10 Laird Urllo, 08001de, Tnrent0 tlylald 95')0. BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR PRE -INVENTORY SALLA' -11 1t.P,omplete with 0" plow 'and cultivator (170.001 8 H,P. -2" tires with 86" .plow and. cultivator, 5848.00. Other attaolunente if preferred. Terms 125 00 cash with order, balance C.O.D. Send your order now.' There is only a limited time on this bargain reduceCANADIAN POTATOto 814010'1 u COMPANinventorY_ LTD.. 76 Jarvis St., Galt, Ontario. FOR. SALE ---Won drill; newly rewooded, 4-111. bar with 0 in. bits. lteaosnablo down pay. ment and terms 19 de0(1'ed. Allah, Arnold Campbell, Maitland, Ontario. BALL PEN SPECIAL 69c 110011 0' Jr, Ne5er0ulp writes better Desk Model 30e. Order several. Poetpald, 11. 1V, Kirkby Co., Ltd., Mail Order 1)081 .w', Breelt vine, Ontario. Ii111MINUiIAM Rollers, (4200 perfornore, 33 per POI'. 51 'I'Ihblte, 11 Jane St., 110,1ie, Ontario, N0, 240, Leo, Mill, - completer fills sues, grinds all gen Ins and hay, :1111ver 75 Traetor, changing plan. will mundane, 1. Ii err.m, It.Il, 3. We terror,' 1 num No. How 1 Subdued Wild Fiery Itch - Dr. Dennis' amazingly fast relief—D, D. D. Prescription—did the trick. World popaler, this pure cooling, liquid medication speeds pollee end comfort from cruel itching01004 by eczema, pimples rashes, athlete's toot and other 00011 troubles, Trial bottle, 962. tohtor oney beak, Askcdruggismost t for D. D. D Prescription ( ordinary or extra strength/110W. FO$ SALE' "NEW" 2'. ('tuall 15 Tractor. One now, m1d 0110 0004 Fal'nlall "A" 16" Vesaatt tlritder, el,0ap `1110)' & Dale, Belmont, Phone 01111104 t6E(11HL09GER 11129014811I81188r two boars 10,0 nlontlln Olt and BOWS Or '011HOue ann. ,fo11n. Linton, Englehart, (mutely. Karim CA11051 Fun fat' 907u,g had old. 1o110W direet1000, Tells ago, Never fans. Send $1.00, P.O. Boz 68, Paramount, 09110- ornia. 808901' WANTED MARRIED man life exPerlenee In. alf farm work, clone to school, Tales Cain, Gormley, Ontario. 8152191011 IT'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of rheumatic pains or neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment ot, dry 0000m0 ,'aekee and weeping 01119 troublee Poel'e 8lohnma Salve will not anatomist You, telling. scaling. burning eezenla, malls, ring. worm, Dimples and atbtete's toot, will respond readily t0 thin stainless, odorless ointment, renarrllese -,f haw atuhborn of bonnie,. Rias seem 11110E 81.00 PER JAR �e111 Post Free alt R00eD11 of 9110. POST'S REMEDIES 891) Queen RI (v„ Corner of Logan 10i',1nt0 BOILS, PI1V1PLES, CARBUNCLES Use Mete Us Ointment. An old tried family namely. Tr 4,1,40 and heals, Wonderful for auto, bruises sores, en'araed llpe, elutred hands, ev<ema, piles, bed nar01 Bore nutsrice, feet, Ingrown loo nails. should be on bend In every home- .Tu.r 60.' sent PentDuld, Original maker, Murray D. Elliott, Melton, Ontario. NUItSEIt2 STOUR WM GROW some of Ilse world's finest Gltlllf- 011, Catalogue on veiniest. Tyndall Glad- iolus Gardens, Brucefi0ld, Ontario. GLADIOLUS BULBS, No, 1. Separate colors, 6c Special. mixture, $8 pen C. Ruby Davis Oakland Ont. PATENTS FETI4ERS'1'ONHAUGE A Company Patent Solloltnre 'Established 1800 860 Sap Street, )'ornate Booklet nt Information nm reaueat A. M. LAIDLAW. B,S0„ Patent Attorney, Patents of Invention, 66 Sparks St„ Ottawa. SELLING? YOUR Country general store? Nov 1s the time to )let It with the firm that sells more general country stores than any Ptb00 In the Provlrloe. Write us now. We will pay you a per0onal visit. ' PARRETT, . 't10 1N 0USE99 MAN", Realtor. 1110 Tonga' St., Toronto. RA 8606. TURKEYS ORDER Your Broad Breasted Bronze poulte now. Beaked by 21 years careful Inlecting and blood testing. Pullerum free. Ono of the oldest and largest exclusive all turkey farms In Canada All breeders range raised Ovine" you stronger poulte and better livability; 0011 aoren range land. Visit our modern 80t01,ery. Venp,'a Turkey Farms, A. D. Patterson & Sons, Box 101, Barrie, Ont, WHITE HOLLAND poult0 and eggs from blood tested Government Approved breeders. Broad breast and high' livability po18te can ba expected from Sunny Acres Turkey Fern, Amberetburg, Ontario, TURKEY SADDLES HEAVY white dusk, strongly sewn across bars,. Can be laundered, 30e each. Delivered, John V, Wild, 19 Lansdowne Avenue, Lon- don, Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOCL Great Opportunity Learn Kah•dreesing Pleasant dignified pro1eseion, good wage. thousands 0uceeseful Marvel graduates America's greatest 000(001. Clloetrated nate: Logue free. Write or Call 61ARVEL HAIRDRIOSSING SCHOOLS 960 Bloor St. W., Lea -onto Branches, 44 King St. Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street. Ottawva. WANTED WANTED: Graduate nurses, for general duty, elx-day week, eight hour day. 341.00 par week, 86.82 overtime mints 41.20 per day hoard, $48.76 salary after three month* Apply: Superintendent of entrees. Anson General Hospital, Iroquois Falls, Ontario, SHIP us furs. Minks UP to 446,00—Women, 84.60—Mu0krate, 94.00 000 Muskrats with minks weekly on Ice with (Gangset)—Secrete tree, Trappers Association Balevllle Yom.. Que. WANTED—Two used Diesel Power milts. 160.200 h.p„ working condition. Please write, giving lull particulars and price Paul Yotkenekte, Bee 723, Renfrew ,int Phone 1104W Que. "HORSE & CATTLE HAIR". For highest prices, ship' your Horse & C„tile flair to B. Eisenberg, Inc., 4301 et. Dominique St., Montreal, Que. 1791:'11151) 'r0 6,111 Goose, Doak,_ Turkey end 000neter feathers. Highest prlees paid. Western Feather & Down Corp.. 1002 St. Catherine Sane W., Suite 311. Montreal, ! RD'S LINIMENT Apply freely, and rub. That's ell. It's greaseless,. 16.46 fast•dryingt has no strong — - odor. And it brings quick relief to muscle and Joint soreness, stiffness, ache. LARGE ECONOMIC/Lein 655 ISSUE 10 1950 Cool in any pipe! w