HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-02, Page 5THURSDAY, MAROH 2, 1950 WRI HT' Superior Specials SUN WAX gives ]loot's a gond hard tiltllislt, Buy a 1 lb, tin 390 and get a 1 lb tin FREE 3 ,FRUIT MARMALADE 24 oz.°Jar,. 27c I1AY)DN SARDINES 3 Tins„ 25o PURE PASTEURIZED HONEY 4 lb Pail.. 89c ASSORTED HAND SOAP 10 Bars.. 55c GREEN GAGE PLUMS Large Tins. 2 for 25c Campbell's Vegetable SOUP 2 Tins.. 23c Oak leaf Golden Cream Style CORN 20 oz, tin 2 for 25e TIDE -- Large With Coupon., . 19c Tilbest Chocolate CAKE MIX pkg, 31c DICED CARROTS Large tins. 3 for 25c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 "h„,,,,,,,,",I,.... Operetta: TOM SAWYER Presented by the Seaforth Public School Thurso & Frio, Maro 9 and 10 8.15 PM In the. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Tickets' may be purchased from pupils (Reserved Seats iY desired at McKindsey's Drug Store. Seating Plan open Saturday, March 4) unmm�uuuw,"uunumu„n,...... mu""w""uwnm"",,,,,,"„uu",,,,„n"u,,,,,,unwuu,,,",ouun"unu”„ Immunization Clinics The Huron County Health Unit is arranging Immuniz- ation Clinics in the schools as follows; March 7th, 1950 SS #10' Stanley 9.00 AM. SS # 6 Varna 9.30 AM SS # 3 Stanley 10.15 A1\f SS # 8 Bayfield 11.00 A11I Infant and pre-school children who started these immunizations at previous clinics may attend. Smallpox vaccinations will also be given on this date. This will be the last clinic at the above schools for the present. Further Immunization Clinics will be announced at a later date. Be Wise: Immunize FOR THE CHICKS • Peat Moss and Cozeo Litter • Co-op Chick Starter '& Krumbles • Ca -op Grow Mash • Chick Grit & Shell • Semi Solid Buttermilk • -Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers Co Op PHONE 9 FYI Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing INSVLATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" SEAFORTH 47 THE SEAFORTH. NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mrs, W. 15 Corbett and Mr. S. A. Dickson, K. C. of Edmonton, have boon visiting their sister, Mrs. A. 1). Mr. Kenneth Holmes, Mitchell, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl 1•'Iolmes. - Mt'. Dennis Walsh, London, spent Die Week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Walsh, Mr, and Mt's, M. E. "Clarke and Mr, and, Mrs..I3, Jackson have returned home after holidaying in Florida, Mrs, Casey Way and Mrs, Russell Dallas lett Monday for SL Petersburg, Florida, to spend two or three weeks. Miss Jean Kelly, St. Clements, visited over the week end With her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs, A. Eckert, Waterloo, were week end visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Eckert, Miss Mary Flagan, Miss Josephine McIver, Miss Lorraine .Rowland (St. Oolumban) and Mr. Francis Huisser are student teachers this week at the Seaforth Public School, F1t,-Lieut. and Mrs. Frank C oloso- mine and Ricky left on Monday for Calgary, Alta., where Fit,•Lieut. Colo - moraine has been posted, Miss Jean McMaster spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. Agnes Scott is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital with an at. tack of pneumonia, Mr, and Mrs, Den Eastman spent the week end in Arthur, Mr. S. Garnham left last week on a business trip to London, England, Mr. David Bolton, Kitchener, spent the week enol with his parents. 11ir. and.Mrs. L. Bolton. Miss Pauline Matthews, Reg.N„ of Kitchener - Waterloo hospital, spent the week end at her home before leaving Tuesday for a post graduate course in Psychiatry sponsored by Western University and given for graduate registered nurses, Miss Mat- thews was one of two girls chosen front the IC_IV hospital to take this course. MAE LANE The Mae Lane Auxiliary held their February meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 28th in the school room of North- side Church. The .president, Mrs. Norman Knight was in the chair. Mrs, B. Christie, 1st vice-pres„ opened the meeting with a poem en- titled "Dear Restless heart be still". Hymn 262 "My Faith Looks up to Thee" was sung after Which Mrs, Ross ISavauge led in prayer. Rev. Mr. McMillan installed the new of- ficers for the year. Hymn 862 "A charge to keep I have was sung. Miss Vera Mole, Temperance Sec'y, gave a most interesting reading en- titled "Highway or Subway". The second part of the meeting was in charge of Miss Vera Mole. Hymn 493 'I need Thee every hour" was sung after which Miss R. Fennell led in prayer. Miss Thelma Elgie read the scripture lesson. A musical trio compose& of Gwen Christie, piano, Marion Chamberlain, guitar, and Jean Snell, the violin, was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. John Keller gave the topic taken from the 8r•d chapter of the study book entitled ""In enlightening the mind", which proved most interesting and was ap- preciated by all. Hymn 214 "Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise" was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The social committee served a dainty lunch and a social half hour was spent. DUBLIN Misses Margaret Rita and Teresa Givlin, Stratford, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gitlin. Mrs. Frank Ryan and little son returned after spending the past week ,With friends in London. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke in London. Rev. Father Thos. McQuaid S.F.M. Tdronto, with his mother Mrs, Mary QScQuaid. St. Patrick's Dance Old & New Time IN CARDNO'S HALL Sponsored by Odd Fellows, Rebekahs & Eastern Star FRIDAY, MARCH 17, at 8.30 Muste by Shamrock Orchestra Prizes for Novelty Dancing Admission 75c 20th Annual St. Patrick's Night Novelty Party LOO13Y'S HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY, MARCH 17 rewiring Earl IIeywood and Baru Dance Gang Hale, horns and novelties, Celebrate St. Patrick's Night its Dublin whore yon will meet all your Nish friends, nds, young and old Dancing 10 to 1 am. Spot Dance Prize We have a DATE with YOU In the Clinton High School SAT. NIGHT, MAR. 4th, 8 p.m. HEAR REV, JOHN WITTAL Secretary of World-wide Evangelistic Cruse de Enjoy the Toronto Bible College, Quartette And additional talent also We are .expecting you BLYTH Funeral services for Wm. 1', Bell, whodied suddenly in Blyth in his 76th year. were conducted in Lock- wood's funeral chapel. Blyth. Mr. Bell was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell and was widely known in the vicinity of Seaforth and Kippen. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, the former Bessie Foley, one son Robt. • of Blyth, one daughter (Clerendal Mrs, Harvey Huntley, Moncrief, The funeral though private 'was largely attended by friends from Listowel, Ethel, Bluevale, Kirkton, .Seaforth, Kippen and Exeter. Interment was made in Hillcrest Cemetery, Blyth. PLAY "Two Days to Marry" 13y Shakespeare Women's Institute Sponsored by Staffa Women's Institute In Staffa Hall WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 AT 8.30 PM Admission 40r and 2Kr �0rey Look Clover Honey In 8 Ib pails 1.00 per pail ED. BOYCE RR. 5 SEAFORTH Phone 8521'41 Will Deliver. Euchre - Dance Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, MAR. 3 At 8,30 Admission 50c. Ladies please bring sandwiches Lucky Lunch Prize Music. by McQuaid -Delaney Drop. You Can't Beat - Moore's CHICKS Available in Fast Feathering Barred Rocks New Hemp X Rock and Leghorn X Rock All hatched from our own eggs. Our layers were 100% pallor= free in Government test Hatchery Canada Accredited and Government Approved Order Chicks now and take ad- vantage of our early order discotmt. POULTRY SUPPLIES And Dr, Salsbury's Poultry Remedies sold here Moore's Poultry Farm and Hatchery RR. 3 Seaforth Phone 666 r3 Car of D&H Nut Hard Coal Arriving This Week "Rosedale Alberta Lump Coal on hand" SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. PHONE 47 ACCLAIMED BY GROWERS LIQUID ]j FERTILIZER Concentrate �y I "#Y� (M YD,g3 , ▪ GA a9 t, OJA AUTHORIZED "NACHURS" llEALEI9 BERT ALLEN, BLYTH, ONT, CROWN HARDWARE, SEAFORTH, ONT. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, AGENT Special discounts In Small lots of started chicks: Hatched Feb. 6th — 180 Sussex X Red pits Hatched Feb. 20th — 200 Red X Rock pits 225 Sussex X Red pits 175 Red X Sussex pits 250 Rock pits • Get in touch with us today regarding these chicks Scott Poultry Farms Phone 853 J. M. Scott Contract Barley We are contracting for Malting Barley for the Canada Malting Co. For particulars and contracts apply at SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. PHONE 9 Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter -- Chid: G" -ower - Lying -� Mash 1proi er .wl1: sh 'H^ 'thing IVE F-9. 6] glr COWS $2.50 each HORSES $2.50each HOGS over 250 lbs ca, 50c cwt, According to size and condition Phone Collect Wm, Sproat, Seaforth-6551.2 Ingersoll 21 Wiliam Stone Sons, Ltd. INGtitS L.; fiNTRRIO Peed Division of ExceHXe ce 'Flour Bills ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354 �AR E S WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES