HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-02, Page 4LONDESBORO 1, The meeting o' 11e W .7 Plc regular 1 t t,u S was held in conjunction with the World's Day of Prayer, on Friday afternoon in the church school room. The attendance was small on account of weather conditions. Meeting open - DANCE ! in Walton Coilunuuity 11a11 WEDNESDAY, MARCH Gauping 10 to 1.20 Aiuitic by Henderson Orchestra EVI;RYONJ4 WELCOME ed -by the president, Mrs, .1"' Totnb- ho 1 ductioah Hymn ly tl reading t int'f) ,;B Wag sung, Psalm 7d +vas. read re- :tpon. nacho. Mrs, Tamblyn read a raper on Christian Stewardship whieh was went in by Mrs. Towns- end, A short time was spent •discuss- ing items of business. The roll was called the offering taken up by Dirs.. Webster, this concluded the regular part of the meeting, • • The World Day of Prayer was then taken. The president read the call to worship,. theme, "Faith for our time": hymn "All hail the power of Jesus' name" was sung, followed by responsive , reading. Meditation read by Mrs, Tamblyn, I cannot in - DON'T FORGET The CROWN'S ANNIVE SARY A d F , PRICES REDUCED WY;f I'vre' . Smarm', .Utpn., ,4c., exc. pH 1 Cro i "tfi dwdre M. Nott Phone 681-w K. Sharp THIRD ANNUAL SEED `' AIR. Sponsored by Huron County Crop Improvement Association Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11 Clinton Collegiate Institute $500.00 In Prizes Educational Displays Specials and Trophies Special Programs Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Auction Sale of 10 -bushel Lots of Grain Saturday afternoon Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday morning Everyone Welcome Admission Free Entries close March 7, 2950 TLID,1 S AFQ. T vent- new things 'like the airships churl sail on silver wings, but today s wonderful, 4tlr el'' d to than"'r 1 t,l t in the dawn was given and the thought was this, that a secret plass is hid iu ink•11 liar!,. that ray hand is big, big, bemuse of this plan that God, who dwells in illy hand knows this secret plan of the things Lie will do for the world using my hand. :Phis was followed !bey prayer. Mrs, Bert Shobb1•ook 'then took charge and read, "Looking at oqi'selves", followed by silent prayer, Hymn "My Faith looks up to Thee" was sung followed by prayer in uni- son Mrs. 5, Wood then took charge, Meditation, "Searching o•ur Hearts". Responsive readings were read. Hymn "Fight the good Fight" was sung, Those who offered prayers were Mrs. Webster, Mrs, P, Wood,. Mrs. Wm, Gooier, Mrs. W. Manning, Mrs, C. Watson, Mrs, I. Carter, Mrs. ,Brenton gave the address "Giving to others'. The voice of prayer is never 5116111. 81 Countries are taking part on this. Day of Prayer. Hyena was sung and Mrs. Tamblyn pro- Bounced the Benediction. Mrs. 0, Watson spent Sunday at the home of her daughter Mr, and Mrs, 13111 Riley, Ilensall. Mrs, John Pipe has been quite i11 and is with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nom Vodden. :Vies. Annie Fothergill, who has been s patient in Clinton hospital, has recovered sufficiently enouh to he moved to the home of her sister Mr. curl "Trs, 'Inc Vodden, in Clinton. Mr. John Pine has purchased the Farm of itIr. Edit, Pollard near Bros- s'ls, and Mr. Pollard has boup'ht the lane of Mr. and- Mrs, John Pipe in the vi11a7e here. We welcome the uc'w' comet's iut4 hope then will en- ;,,,. nor. friends in their new home. WATCH FOR TIIE SEAFORTH LIONS ANNUAL Saivage ri* �c� The Seaforth Lions Club will hold its Annual Salvage Collection late in April Citizens of Seaforth and surrounding district are requested to save PAPERS, RAGS and FERTILIZER BAGS which will be picked up on Salvage Day. For the convenience of rural residents, collection depots are being arranged in the surrounding district, including— Staffa, Dublin, Walton, Brucefield, Con- stance, Cromarty, Beechwood and Egmondville Proceeds of the drive go to the Canadian National Institute for the Blinci NEWS 3,V0 are 'also sorry 10 Insc ,Mr, .and Mrs, J. Pipe from aur community success every etccess and, and wish thein n Da happiness in their new-, homer• Winter has come at last and a real one it is, which goes a little tough after such wonderful mild balmy weather we have had beforehand It cannot be said too often that the distinctive advantage or the - Canada Temperance Act is that it does not authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages. The man who wants liquor in any. C.T.A. county is not prohibited 'from getting it. He can have it brought in by lic- ensed public carrier. The value of the Canada Temperance Act is that it keeps the liquor outlet at a distance It is a sound temper- ance measure that refuses' to make liquor outlets easily available. Adv. MMicailleat Anuli f ThANaONi-kedin1r1 WALTON , World's Defy of Prayer was ob- served in Duff's United. Chani, Walton, The ladies of the Anglican Church, Walton, joined with us for this service, Mrs. H. Johnston and Mrs. Cliff Brown lead charge of the meeting, which opened with a call to prayer. Prayers of intercession were. offered by Mrs, H. Kirkby and'Mrs. T. Leeming and Mrs. 1iaslewood, 'There were also prayers for United Nations and Christians of the world and missionaries. These were offer- ed by Mrs, F. Kirkby and. Mrs, W. Humphries and Mrs, H. Bolger. Mrs. 11. Smalldon favored us with a solo. An interesting address was given by Mrs. H. Kirkby and the meeting closed with the benediction. i HIIR$DAY, MARCH 2, 1950 HULLETT. The members of the Fireside Farm Forum enjoyed a sleigh ride at their regular Monday night meet- ing which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor, There were 19 adults present. 11 was "re - ,it:,,." night so there was no discus.. 'Firm period, Bill Jewitt. gave a • re- port nn the Good Roads Convention which he recently attended in Tor- (tido. 111 interesting contest was conducted by -Erie Anderson, Pra- ",Tersive euchre followed and. win- nees were: games, Mrs. Oliver An. derson and C,eo. Hoggart; lone 1- End::, Fern. Oester and Geo, Hog - "art.; consolation, Mrs. Bill Dol- ' a"e and Jim Jamieson. Lunch was served, Next meeting will he held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.. Ausdiu Dexter, P -r THEATRE iAl oi r w 1 1 ., �la1i,17n1 NOW PLAYING "010 JACK" 1k1URS. k`RI. SAT willt Marlm9u Main and Wallace !leery. Beery Is the terror of the Badlands JP Oda wild, ,vauk and welcome Western MON. TUBS. Wih=lEHL-I'OUNTAINIIIiAD" ,vlil, Gary Cooper & 1'otricht Neel This lavishly ntounicd saga of a man who fought for has priuutpaee • std won will be aeeltimecl 'by all those who see this drama lit IN TECHNICOLOR "ant. CANYON" NEXT 'vIIURS, h:RI, SAT x'ilit Ann Myth and Ocerge Brunt, A 'Late Grey story with Lite eideadklly lihncd C0101' 0010001^ backgrounds, will suataia, your interest ,nal enthusiasm to WO end COMING: "ARCH 01f 'i'ItiUMI'fl" with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer BORN C.ARNOCHAN -At Scott Memorial Hospital nn February 21th to Mr. and Mrs. John Canochtut RR 1 Seaforth, a son WOODCOCK At Scott Memorial Hospital; on February 23, to Mr. turd Mrs. Art Woodcock. Seaforth, a daughter Theatre Party Sponsored by the Women's Hospital Aid AT REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH 4 LINESI M 8th AT 2.30 P.M. The feature "HOLIDAY IN MEXICO" JANE POINELL AND WALTER PIDGEON . Adiuission 30c There is to be a home made Candy .booth PLAY OFFS MITCHELL LEGION vs SEAFORTH LEGION trd 9 rch 4th 9 o'clock at Seaforth Memorial Arena DON'T MISS THE STRUGGLE OF TIIE SEASON. THESE. TEAMS PLAY FOR KEEPS Admission; Adults Cr0c Children 25c WANT AUS FOR THE TORONTO TELEGRAM ACCEPTED BY THE SEAFORTH NEWS Schneider Orpheus Male Choir 45 Male Voices directed by Paul Berg Appearing At The PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Seaforth Tuesday, March 14th 8,30 p.m. Admission: Achille 50c, Children 20c—icon be purchasecl at church night, of concert:) OATS. Now Contracting 1950 Crop 1 Premium Price More Dollars per acre 2. Delivery (a) Immediately atter harvest. (b) Later delivery with allowance for storage. 3. Seed Supplied' - Treated pedigreed send supplied from rust resiistautvarieties or proven adaptability to this area., OATS ARE YOUR MOST DEPENDABLE SPRING GRAIN (n) (b) (c) Will ontyield barley two to on Hardy. and adaptable to all soil Reduce harvest problems (11 (2) (u) (4) PLAY SAFE e. s. Nosy to combine, Less shattering. Longer period to harvest. Less i'islc through tough grain. PLANT OATS • Note: Also contracting — Red Kidney Beans W E. REID Alvinston - phone.103 Chatham • phone2518 Dashwood - " phone 87-w Thedford - phone 455 Lucknow - George Elliott Seaforth - Seaforth CO.Operative LET NOTHING COME AHEAD OF THIS First of all, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly, set aside a definite percentage of you..r earnings, deposit it in a savings accounts with us—and leave it untouched. Then plan to live comfortably on the balance of your earnings. In this way you are bound to succeed—to enjoy life !Bush more, to be iikdependent when independence means most. Be generous to yourself. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH, G. C. BRIGHTRALL, Manager