HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-03-02, Page 207'
Give Light and Seedlings Will Huetle--Coddie your seedling's
in electric hotbeds like these and you get your vegetables 10 .
days earlier, or ,your lower blossoms a month earlier, says
Robert L. Zahour, Westinghouse engineer, Here he looks over
a. set of three by six-foot frames which are warmed by eight
regular 25 -watt incandescent light bulbs.
Over in 1.ondou just a few weeks
ago --on February Third to be pre-
cise -a Canadian established a
bran -new world's record in a well-
known and widely played branch
Of sport. To do so. he had to break
one of the toughest marks there
wai:-a mark which many experts
thought might stand for ear"s. Vet
comparatively f, w of us on this
side -who are fed up -to -the -min -
me balletins cm the amount .of
hemstitching tilt M.D.'s had to do
in Elmer Lach-s dome or the pres-
en: contlition DiMategio's
neret arley- horst, - ni er
he.ifil of this t aradian..or of the
ter i:ark abIe ius:t aeconitiIish-
Not to make too deep a mystery
out of the Iran i5 George Chenier,
• er-ik I:finch-Cam-tick orig.
ith,11,y ont of ViMnieeg. And the
in.,rk he se was a score of 144
M popular game of skill
• knoo, as snooker 1.00l.
aro purists who dalth it
• Srs pool. a:I:lough
isn,:o'aer tr.....t• have
,ve either lie: er
1.4 isti,rte points
• . q'e 1n pri‘ious be‘: record.
i...:eh Davis in Jan -
the (-1iott
fans cn the
of thor ats is -"Is some -
• /rho b- !r, Cherit,
Now. to 1".est. yOu wr, ailed
mis,p,m1 :.our youth arennal p:ol
cia• re E, academies, add -
:1:g BPI Tree points to that
mark 0:: 14•4 to'o'ct seem to be a
tv el ter Yor more than
half a centun; c-s-and-tleld men
11,,e :,:en • cif a i'eur-mir,
lite mile. ynt ri,v-re s:ill quite a
fey, stri,:c,.. irorr. f,s.core
of 14.7 sn rrpre&e'..oerfee-
in live oins, de:
ir. b:g difftrerce
• ' "';025iltes,"
ever tisited a
tab', •,n s..ired the maxi-
!nor,sth every
; thaki.sig a
C5 hard
hearsay, on a billiards table 'with
six pockets. But instead of the three
balls, as in ehe older game there
are 22 of them to mess around with.
And the -object is to ''pot" or "sink°
the halls into a poc'et and, at the
sante time, control the hall with
which you do it.
The game starts with 22 balls on
the table -15 red, six various other
colors and one white which is the
cue ball. As a color can only be
played after a red has been put
down, there is an entire lack of the
monotony often felt when watching
billiard experts such as Hoppe,
Jake Schaefer and others, who look
as though they could go on krever
without a miss.
* 5 5
A red hall pocketed counts one
Poutt, and the others are vaned -
yellow 2; green 3; browntslt bine 3;
pink 6 and black 1. Once the reds
are down they stay down:. but the
other colors are rethrned to the
table until the las: red has teen
pocketed. atter winch the -ce:,trs
have to be pla:. in the order
their value. sthrting the ye: -
ihat der. s. tee
ri, enta.: you
try 7.,.;
ng from !stir. ''zilat is the
positive side of :lie gatr.e. Put
there's a nee:a:live side zoo. It des in
executing er persuading your op-
ponent to exec.:re
:These are too numerOu$ tc
fol- here but the one- bre
perpetrated by hittitog the ba":
than the Oil* '_,C•11 re et114-21'e;i:
raiss'ng the oljective al:cot:L.7.; Or
per;nitti.ng the cae ball to gc a'
pi.,c;:et. You eau t,e5t o1----
ieavutg, a ball between the one
anti /he ball he is suppesed tc hit.
'When you Cc this yen have -.al.! a
•Snooker" or "stic.:deere.:7" the enemy.
)1, -;:der. He IS lite
use:, an ahs: ;:-:-
F:tese, of the cost..rosry 7-n1s
is si,robably the ref.:7...7.2d
Cana.lian and iiin, fittret.
are acv..te•it.:atc Er friar. tree !
F.1:3:t.51. He has his cwt.: 5:too:a:
cues. which weigh IS C;.:z.:E2 an,
measure 35 inches-elm:it three
ounces heavier and three un -es
longer than tibt fiverage Frigrish
Pile. •
Vs -ill have aidon: ail.
jitst now, for the Frer.(th-Caltadian ,
fro n: ltVinr.ipeg enc -e25 to say that
he has become intensely popular
"1 -Ire: 'Croe," where they think 1
that if. the 14; break is ever made,
George Chenier will be the mar to I
On, yes. just in cast your inter-
ested. Chenier, when he made his 1
144 mark put &wet 12 blacks,- - 3
15 reds ar.d all the colors.
Davis when he shot his 141, pocket.
ed 11 blacks. 3 pinks, 1 brown. 15
reds and all the colt -re. Come on,
Gecrge Let's sec you shoot the
w -k! Then come back to Canada
and maybe the Mayor of Toronto
will let you hate your picture taken!
.shaking hands with him!
...end 10c for 1960 Mils
[rated so page CATA
IfICHE or mucus
• .5013.12S 5 NAGIC,
476 Somert.et fit. .
Ottawa, Ont.
A. „essle and Rea"
Got any snow around your way? •
Down here, in the southern por-
tion of Ontario, it hasn't exactly
forgotten HOW to snow -but the
snow doesn't seem to know how
to STAY. And as one 'who has
'enjoyed' his full share of shovel.
ling out thiveways, paths to the
barn and other buildings, I'm keep-
ing my fingers erossed.
* 5 5
However, I understand that there
are parts. of the Province where
winter really looks like winter; 'and
some of the readers itt those sec-
tions might be interested in the
following news regarding experi,
memomade in plowing snow ridges
to hold and conserve moisture.
* 5 *
Plowing snow into' ridges is the
Meat method developed in West-
ern Canada 'for moisture conserve,
After trying various methods of
building such snow barriers as snow
fences, trees, and brush, agricul-
•tural scientists at Weste-o Cana-
dian government experimental sta-
tions hit on a niethod of plowing
early,. winter snow into ridges eight
feet apart between which following
snow accumulated and could not
easily be blown away by winds.
This method of snow hoarding
has proved successful over a nrim-
ber of years of experhnentationiat
government farms. Both vegetable
'anti grain crops grown on fields on
which the snow has been plowed
for hoarding, have proven better
than such crops on adjacent land
which was now snow plowed.
Reason for this is that snow ac-
cumulating between ridges melts
slowly in spring, giving the land
even moisture. On lands not so
treated, the snow drifted away or
piled into larger drifts and in the
spring the melting. snow was not
as evenly distributed as moisture
to the tieltid.
Various types of In:tine-made
plows were built at the experiment-
al stations til two types were found
whieh would tot harm the $011, yet
would do the job satisfactorily. One
is a posh type. the other a pull
type Both can be used either with
horses or tractor.
A snow -fall of Three or four
• inches is sufficient to start plowing
cipeati.,:as. as the riiizes thrown up
!;s much snow after plowing
1.;re enorgh to the fol -
i snctrs. Ries are plowed
F: et apar:: far:het apart,
• 51drift
ei',!eiHre 'Of tTet-: SninV
70 reaee sotiInC!Sture
•. graI7. ,Ir.:77,d a rtart
ail in cistrol
a 're
- n:es and bni,:linus an! fres
e.t.ie' I-r:ss, is an
kr. cf. the
akina peeper
pre a 'titre is bet:ter than
t: • 1-7.1 •.;
• ; frtm Agridul-
(.• ,. an end,
176rE " )7.7,
v_• -or::: prop.enty,
s:atistetiatts rte.:act. fa-
rte.:esti. A large
no;:-.Ote7 ant:
r.e.rer see :he da‘nn I. Their
'.e dound atzrug
the ruins of n -tat had
re is iniinitel3 s,re
ter: t'oar. one in an urban
centre ,,..1;erea ntOdern tire b71g-ade
is 25 7.21' away asthe corner
-Erg tr,len a farm build-
ing catches rare the best that can
'Ee- mustered is a bucket bri-
gade of farmers who
are \ei.iiiae I...tit often belpless. lt
rI:orelo.re, that every fanner
ins.;;Tm€ !ire orotection
check the (..nicis spreading
of dames, curtains and other fabric
materials in the home can be
treated wih certain flame proofing
chenticals. Fire retardam paints are
now on the market Inexpensive
fire extinguishers can be hung in
eaaily-acc:essible places about the
house and barn
Outl.,real,:s of tire can be pre.
vented. Ei a few .simple rules are
Keep basements. attics
and • outbuildings free of rubbish.
Store gasoline and other inflam-
mable liouids at a safe distance
from main buildings. Provide a safe
piece to dispoee of hot ashes from
stove or furnace. Watch the tare -
less smoker and the child with
matches. Be careful using leerosene
when starting a stove. fire.
Be sure hay is wail cured before
putting it in the loft unless there
it a safe mow -curing System. N-
ITRO': the lightning" rod system
once a year. If there isn't one it
would pa or.- in 'he long run to have
one. -
Ea: spring ▪ and fall check ON e;
ahiumeys and fines for tracks that
,ould pc: -mit flames to retch ot1:0;
At110NTS, all popular $3 Ill's extinguishes.
whoinale or direet Liberal prolita, excite,
sive terri tor)"
5IN2 Roslyn Avenue. montroet
SALES:ANN wanted to introawe new product.
Ideal for Mimeo to Maine sllina lull lime
or eldeline. wonted In evely home lank&
Pratt opnortoPILY. Write Inune,i.1,..1," "amine
hardware Vroduoto. Illonhenn,
115111 (3111.10,
BUY Y0111 1060 Chicks (tan Cumula Ac-
credited Ilittchery 11.0.1'. flreeding :cam
10066 pullorum. aeon R.O.P. Barred
peeks end approved Red x Rork crossbreds.
Write for folder. prin. Wcaleside Poultry
Perm Neualadt, 0111,
• 111ONI$TON CIIICIIIi-Government Approved,
Breeding quality. one of the best Doat
guess, be certain Write Mt pewee end ma.
logue. filtinkton Poultry Parma, Monitton tint,
DAY OLD CHICKS. 101111.. and Conerele
available weekly Year round in 5 lending
breeds and mouses. The nine are firm
Ansa, the prlee moderate, the mon approved
Write for 12 page coloured ealendar and
mire list. Visitor °relined% .15 0 P. Bender/I.
Freeman, Ontario.
kwithiEN2114Ny ttooroved. quality. Free
Catalogue and twin Ilat explain details.
Schummer'a Quality ficitcherg, .LInwood, Ont.
A (1001) 'BM, 150.11. Sired Pullet chicks
are n better buy than those with little or
no breeding back of them. Bemuse yon 1151
more eggs nith each chick. Huy the best,
an etra cent or twu for a rnittlity :1101 1011,
allg cotnea haat with a big divideud atirtelonl,
Send for our 1950 Catalogne, ft tells vou alt
about our 14,0.1', Sten China. Also start-
ed Chicks., Older Pullets, Turkel' Nolte.
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited Fermin,
TRIC P15I011 outlook for eggs next Pall la
good Egg prices will be UP to intuitable
levels 1; June. Meal prices will also be
Mailable. Tail Notch R.O.P. :tired ("Melts
Will eel you 00tro money. A' b started
Ceiclea, older Pullets. Turkey 100 110 pre.
Catalogue Too Nan Chick Salon. Gotlph.
"OXFORD" APPROVED Chine live, lay
and pay. The, aro the results of twenty-
three years of careful selection and breeding
in 0.13.5. They have to be good, becalm we
want the very best kind of chicks for our
own flocka-bie vigorous and early matur-
ing. We stress egg size and unlformiti•. Bar-
red Reeks, Whl.c Leghorne, New Hamorldres,
Hamp. 0 Rook most/tirade, Rock x Leghorn
crossbreds, Write for free folder. The Oxford
Farmers' Co-operativo Produce COMparlY,
Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, On-
Batey CI110110 from blood tested high egg
producing etoot,. Livability guaranteed.
Mixed 515.00 per 100. Pullets $29 to 830.
Ten percent oh" for orders 500 and over.
Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britannia Heights,
Al OFFER to every Inventor -Piet a Invert.
tiona and full information 0001 free, The
Ramsay Co Registered PAiP111 Atrnrneya, 278
Bank Street, Ottawa
HAVE TOP anything needs dyeing or clean.
1n57 Write tn us tar informatien. We are
Clad to answer your Questions Department
H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Image
Street, Toronto, (Anzerlo
125 ACRES Raleigh Township, Kent Cooney:
100 acres Eupbenfia (General Fariningh 100
acres, Zone (toliacco): 15 acres Wonderful get -
rich onion farm. Erica% Beach Frontage --
Store or cabins. inveat wisely ha land and
be sure of (Mom. Write; Chatham Real Es-
tate, Exchaime Realtors, 921 King St._ Chat-
ham, Ont, Telephone 190,
100 ACHES north at Brampton, good land,
iccality. buildings. Immedia te possession
11.:.sfo. Owner. 270 Runnymede, Timonta
FARA! for immediate poosessien, 160 acres,
sefithern tip of Huron County on 23 High-
! way. 52 miles from 0.000014 Heart of 'sugar
beet, nfitling faaory area. Rich clay loam.
tile drained. 165 acres tillable land. 1: acres
fall when:. :6: acres hay. 41 acres fall
• 27...;L:25cd. Eri 11 hofise. hot Water furnace,
i Zug.. trite:. Park barn, site, litter carrier,
, water Hy throughout. 'Milk truck,
tfis gate, line of tractor,
uailittery. ecrtirii herd. will be sold with farm
15 deartei A bargain. bo; /mist he caul),
nfine Woo -Shan,, Gat,
, 6:7,7"E. :25 acres. fully equtpped.
, text ben.nifit: house and large barn,
• at: finder cfiil.tatinit. 156 timber lot. pine,
95 75.006 handles.
IS Rideau St., Ottawa.
' 1-'65". 5A).".1-2 .t.,res lara. Good Oriole
out,: toutIlings, 1 mile front
.s• tory an: arinsmith shop,
to [inward Bethune.
R11. 1
MOTCF...-7,2LEta Har'e5 Date3son. New and
use: 555 sold ea1targe4 L'arge axon
of gfiaranteed use: tactorcyeles Repairs by
fat:tory-trained meziantos Bleyeles. and com
rime line 02 wheel goads Open evenings until
nine e0e.551. W due -4,13y Strand Cyclo Sparta.
Xing at Sanfer Hirntltras
"671:X.S.,,Larite assortment new and weed.
Bought. 0:14 ignatiged Guaranteed rePairs.
ScopesetgLIS lestalle.d Fishing Tackle. Hunt,
Inc Egnintrient Siewtine, Goods Sm. hal Team
Prises. Oper, time. iine 09,02 WelneetlaY.
!Strand era*. Res.,,-,
RE,sERVE nOW tnr Spring Delivery-ChInese
Elio Boise -will grow : feet first year -aa
anr.zs strinilent for :5 feet U: to 20 Inches
bushy) 52.99-seeSlings 12 Inches high 54.50
per 100 511051 6 taches apart)--Glant Exhibi.
11110 Pecmes in colors red, white or pink. 3
for 71.32-Ar04e trees 1 feet high in varieties
McIntosh. Spy. Delicious. 8 for 51.50 -Plum
trees 2 feet high in varletleg Burbank and
Lombard. 4 ft.: $2.95 Free Celan'. Garden
Guide with Every Order. Brookda.le-Einge.
way Nursertes. Boternativille. 00r1rin
parts of the house. A ladder long
enough to reach the top of the
highest building on the farm should
be kept in a handy place. If there
is a 4ater system, a few well-placed
hose connections are good protec-
tion. If not, a barrel of water -
painted rel and lettered FOR
FIRE ONLY should be kept near
every building and used only in
case of fire.
If the statistics mentioned in
the first paragraph could be halved
or eliminated altogether, vi•e're
positive the statisticians won't mind
being wrong in their predictions.
In foot, they'll be extremely
Without Caltettel -And You'll Jump Out of
Red in the Morning Rarin' to Go
The liver should pour out about 2 elute of
17061We° into your digestive tract every day.
06 1,91, bila isnot flowing freelY, your food may
not &goat. It may just decay to the digestive
tract...Then Sas bloats up your stomach. You
get constipated. You feel sour. stink and the
world looks punk.
It take% those mad, gentle Cartes's Little
Liver Pills to get these 2 pinta of bile flow.
lag freely to in51.0 you feel "up and Up."
Get a package today. Elleative irt 510 75,
bile flow freely. Ask for Calif Little 7,
Pat, 356 at any ¬ate,
von sAtda
cortitunmo end fot tedlota and
sitling shorts 0 10 19 feet lengths. 80" eoVered
22" c,140, 24 Range, ktend rout mcomitremento
for free estimate and illentritled folder glatig
full information Sample, oil regnent IMMO.
(Mite delivery from Stock, A. ts, Conneville
Mfg., Pent. 18, Charette, P.Q„
L1tIT-11 011"017,717i011ii0riniffei"
twelve no Moelloatate, Luolitnite,
1.35./ fillgar nod Fine hens cuch 3701
twigs, hemmed, ,,boat 17" x 34.- 111c
eaeh; 20 per hag extra On order of lose than
2 &gen. D0111,. Ily-Products, 03 Ontario
Street, Toronto,
Panel or Combination, all sloes. AttructiVe
prices, IL 11101(17154559. 2770 num. t)t., 501,
onto, Ont.'
LARGE Steel( a ileums, Columns. 500110,
Posts, Anglo Iron, and fteln tortilla Rods,
Cement Alltiers, Bloat Alarhincry,*
VI/We, Rereir 401,. 011 PalmicatIng Weld -
lug and :darting, Simi! 150111 115ne by exPerta
M. ZAGNIIMAN 0 CO.. 1.1211T121),
500011, OttarrIt, Ont.
UNPAINTED platter cattle, I15trar11108. book.
ends, aninlairu noindllea. Good ltesortnlettt.
Lien( avellable, Box 58, 121.19111 Street, New
- _
TRAOTCR. John Deem caterpillar, Bice
OM, need less thrill 76 houre; "Mafia°
with newer takeoff and hell
Ehnen, 11,55. 1. Febwielt. 'Telephone even -
Inge. collect, ItIdesevIlle 17751,
21N1110SROYISt 911 01000 (10,115120. 130100'
"'Humane" 0)100, 900 harness Mat,), No
more blistered tont Folder, "Snowshoeing
10 Comfort,'" on Prettiest.. Bowe' tinonshoets.
Motagama (On 1`.11.R.). N. ontario.
NEW .1011NSON Outboard Motors llanatilan
canoe Co ! Peierboro 700 )0, Canoes Trail -
era. bought. sold finnan/on Large Mock WIWI
Motnra Iteirairs by Negev -trained madman.
Open until nine creep; W0dne0dny ;henna
Cyele, Hamilton
BD yThireet 400,1ftriiiiittetiFurir.-Dair nail;
rayon or 011111 405 Per dozen, Minn 76c.
511 colors, We Pal' p001000. D.1110 111110 Ltd.
808 ADelaidt, St, W., Toronto,
I"A1t51011011'''lI5,lo year clean your me-ebi
Properly We earn. all sIns of Boren In both
zinc and tare Slate axe of perforation and
front and side dimension of screen From
Chatham 6011 Screen 53 151111010 St N..
Chatham, tun
CASCADE WHEAT -The answer to the feed
wheat problem for Eastern Canada, A
new, high 'yielding, soft spring wheat de-
veloped by The Centre, Experimental Farm,
Ottawa. Seed at 13 bushels per acre. Certi-
fied , Reed F.O.B. shipping' point. 10.00 per
bushel in two bushel bags. T. A. Wilson.
Pakenham, Ontario.
'HIDER the horse yOu require for opting
Work now. Wo offer wide selcotion pure-
bred mares-Porcherons, Belgians. Cliales-
Mier, three Years of age up, dint we 00.0
breed to top Arnoldwold mires -Jason. En-
chanter, Sir Don, Waterioria Dan. Arnold.
wold Dock. KemptvIlle A.S,, Jay Farcettr,
Landmark Renown. Write tus for anything
you require in hones. Arnold Parole Limited.
Grenville, Cluebee,
MALL Chain Saws -famous for their power-
ful reliable engines With stall -proof auto-
matic clutch. One man ,and two-man models.
Gasoline and electric from 5145 up. Inter-
ested agents please ,write Dina Equipment
Limited, 159 Lein Drive, Lenable, Toronto.
arrland 5520.
PRE-1NVENTORY SALE -11 SIP. complete
with 6" plow and cultivate,. 91.76.001 3
a P. 5" tire. Mill 84" plow and cultivator.
1348.00. Other attachments if preferred.
Terms 526 00 cash with order, balance C.O.D.
Send your order now. Shove is only a limited
time on this henna to mince our InventorY.
LTD., 70 Jarvis St., Gult, Ontario.
75 nutca 1.
PEOPLE are talking about the Good
Results from taking Dixon's Remedy
for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis.
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid,
Banish the eminent of dry enema rashes
and weeping skin troubles PORI', Emma
Salvo will not disappoint you
tchina, scaling burning eczema ache. ring
worm, amain and athlete's foot, wIll respond
readily to (hie sta)nless, odorless ointment,
regardless at how stubborn nr honelees
Sent Post Free on Baena et Price
080 Boren Si E. Corner et Local)
int -onto
NURSER} 015)014
WE ortow some of Um world's Oo,ot Glad!:
.01i. Catalogue on rentler.r. Tyndall Clad-
iolUS Gardens. Braord,.1.1, ontarin.
GLADIOLUS BULBS. No. 1. Separate
(adore, Se. Specint mixture, 73 ner 0.
Ruby Dania Oakland. Ont.
I Was Nearly Crazy
With Fiery Itch m
Until 1 dlsoovered D. D. D. Dennis' enalLing-
ly fast relief -D. D. D. Prescription. World
popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication
speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching
caused by enema pimples, rashes, athlete's
foot and other 1101, trouhles. Trial bottle, 250
First application checks non the most intense
Itch or money back. Ask druggist tor D.D. D.
Prieeription tordinary or extra strength).
tiklARg, esd 000, 89,
quick relief you get,
glreeeelees, fast -drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor.
Oet m bottle today; keen
it hendy.
0)00 88c
1211,1'1410I1ITUN1151501d 19 DeltitatnY Paten*
Solicitors Natotillatiect 11100 550 flay dtreet,
rowan, tuentie; el intormstion en teeniest,
A. M LAIDLAW. • 11.00., Patent Attorney.
Patents or Invention, 00 EiParita flt.. °Mon.
ruun Country 11E011-..1eLotillio°001?-0? Now in the
time to list It with the firm that sells
00010 general country 010100 than any other
lit the VrovInce. Write us now. We will maY
15(14054111414 MAN", ttealtel•nklitli0Uly'renge'rslatIm.,
you a n00501101 visit.
Torliato. 115 2050.
011111.110 yonr Mond breasted Illonge 000161
now, Soaked hy 21 yeara oareful selecting
and blood testing. Pullotdon free. Ono of the
°tarot one inmost exclusive all turkey farina
in Caada. breeders range raised giving
YOU stronger potato and better liVabilitY; 600
neres range land. Visit our Madera hatolun7,
Wog% Turkey Farina, A. P. Patterson 19
Sons, Box 151, Barris, 0»t,
WHITE HOLLAND poults and eggs from
bum; to: Led Government Anneoved breeders,
Broad breast and high livability poults can. be
expected from 1.41in0Y Orr% Turkey Parts,
.1adieratlittrtr. Ontario.
BROAD ' 1310,100-" WOW'S, peat..
Breeds are Government (Moron() and pollom
uni chem. elderabot Turkey Ranch, Aldershot.
Tfiligbre POIILTS AND HOCH. Government
approved paternal clean tlOcka. White Hol-
land crueller). with. Beltsville White. Toms cell
ilko hens tialt Gruen Poultry Farm, Amherst -
OPPORTUNIT1105 1,011 95141) AND wonatIn
10170 05515 13514 LEADINO &MOM.
Groot Opportunity Learn
Ile halressine
Pleasant dignified praktialon, good wages
thousands successful Marvel graduates
Amerlea's grenteat *001001 Illustrated cater.
Mane free Write or Cal)
sonooLs -
050 Blom- St , Votonto
Branches, 44 King IR Hamilton
& 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
WANTED, Graduate nurses, for general
MAW, nix -day week. eight hour day, 141.00
Der weelt, 21.85 overtime minus 5140 Per
day board. $48.75 salary after three montba.
Apply: Superintendent of Nurses, Anson
-,eneral Hospital, froctoole Falls, Ontario,
SHIP Ms tura. Make UP to 540.00-Wounelr
$1.50-Mueltrats, 14,50 500 Muskrats with
minks weeltly on too with (Gangsep-Secreto
Pee. Trangere Aseocintion Baleville SAM
w.a5r1'120-trwo used Diesel power units.
150-500 WOrklair condition, Plate;
write, giving fell particulars and Min.
Paul Yalkowskle, Box 738, Renfrew, Ont
(bone 1104)1'
CONCRETE Bloat IdercRine, alma pantile 2
and 3 core, William Haller, Box 31, Tim-
mins, Ont.
RUBBER, John C. Graham Co., 88 Erie
5 . 10.. Phone 951. Leamington, Ont.
25 ANTED TO BI1Y-010 hen, duck or 5100,11
covered dishes. Write Box 57, 123 -18th
Si, New Toronto, Ont.
$ 1 4 95 0
Delivered to Top
Twelve months to st*. Order now anti
get YOUrfl when you need It, Two Years
guarantee. Very narrow for close
IT. thee Dowered trill) most merlon
4 cycle mil cooled engine, Light Warp
ing, cultivating, scuffling. hitting and
weed control. Power -take -off for other
uses. dintnle, strong and easily handled
14050 IfillIIM(SIertTrEhopro). Ont,
If your nerves "jump" at a
sudden noise . . . or you feel
so edgy and low in spirits that
you pink a quarrel without
meaning to . . look out! Per-
haps your store of neroays
energy may be almost used tip
... and your body needs help!
That's when yi51 need a good
tonic, like Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food ... to help build you up
so you can get your proper rest
at night. That's when you'll
really feel the benefit of the,
Vitamin 111, iron and other
needed minerals this time -
tested tonic coniainsl For Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food has been
proven in over 50 years of use.
And Canadians, by the thou -
sande say they rest better, eat
better,' feel better -yes, and look
better, tool -after taking Dr.
Chelsea Nerve Food.
So if worry, anxiety or the.
strenuous pace of modern living
is upsetting your nerves -get
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food today.
The name "Dr. Chase" is your
assurance. The large "economy
size" is your best bUY. 12
ISSUE 9 - 1950
ar •