HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-02-23, Page 8TEE SEAFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 230 1960 t'IENSALL Miss Minnie Gray spent the week- end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gray at Mitchell,. Mr, and Mrs. H. W.Neeb return- ed tc their home in Tavistock after spending the past week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Wm Brown. Mr. Jack Peebles has accepted a position iduties there this on weekcommenc ed The monthly meeting of the Wo- helo Class, which takes the form of a crokinole party, will be held in the school room of the United Church on Monday evening, Feb. 27 at 8:30 o'clock. On this occasionall former class members and young adults as- sociated with the church are cordi- ally invited to attend, Mr. George Parker of Chisalhurst, who suffered an attack of pneumonia last week is improving. • Mrs. Vie Stan and babe of Landon are spending this week with her sister Mrs. Jtlek Peebles. ;Messrs Manley Jinks and Harry Noy ; ring' Assizestd on in Goderiehlthisat week Spring FOR SALE Brand new ckP1310 closed type, l bag tapaeity, eec WANTED Wanted, room and board for a refined eld- erly lady. Apply to 13ex 55. Mitchell, Ontario Auction Sale Or COWS AND PIGS. At. Lot 31, Sixth con. of Goderich Two.. 1 mile south of Pere, er s Hill, on Tuesday, Feb, 88th. et 1,30 pm. consisting of 30 young cows, Dueltams, Hal, steins and Jerseys; seven are fresh, ISalenee due in March or April Also eleven Yorkshire alas six weeks old If in need of cows plat to attend this stile as market k rnnldng VOWS difficult to obtain. A. E. TOWNSEND & SONS, Prop. K. W. Calquhoun, Clerk Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Immunization Clinics The Huron County Health Unit Will again be holding Immunization Clinics in the following Schools: February 28th, 1950 SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL 9.00 12.00 AM SEAFORTH SEPARATE SCHOOL 2.30 PM Infant and pre-school children who started these immunizations at previous clinics may attend. They should be present at the Public School between 10,00 AM and 11.00 AM and at the Separate School at 3.30 PM. Smallpox vaccinations will also be given on this date. This will be the last clinic at the above schools for the present. Further clinics in this district will be arranged for later. e Wise: Immunize 7947 Chev. coach, heater and radio $1375.00 1947 Chev. pick up.:li ton, 4 speed, new paint.. , $1075.00 1946 Cher. 2 ton, 7'x12' stake rack, new paint$1075.00 Above machines all reconditioned & guaranteed 0 The following machines sold as is: 1940 Chev. coach, heater 1934 Ford sedan $565.00 $150.00 1935 Chev, pick up $250.00 1932 Cher. sedan $125.00 SEAFORTH MOTORS W. T. Teall FOR THE CHICKS • Peat Moss and Cazeo Litter • Co-op Chick Starter & Krumbles • Ca -op Grow Mash el Chick Grit & Shell • Semi Solid Buttermilk • Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PHONE 9 ATTENTION FARMERS We are again contracting for Malting Barley for Canada Malting Co., and have modern equipment unloading. For full particulars apply at our office, or Phone 32, Hensall W. G. THOMPSON the for Township. of Hibbert DRAINAGE TENDER Tender's will be received on or before mon- 11117. Mnreh Btlr. 1960, at two o'clock in. file afternoon for the eonsuuction. of what le known ne the Roney Munielpal Drain. turd the Hoggattlt Munielpal Drain. Th0113 Drains nee all open. Tendons to be submitted according t0 Plans and speciilcatlous which may be obtained front the Clerk. A marked cheque for ton per cent ;met aee0mpanY each tender. Tenders to be considered at ti meeting in the Stara Pm), hall en Monday, March 0th. at two o'clock in the afternoon. Lowest or (MY tender not necessarily 110ceetet1. THOS. D. WREN Clerk of the TWIt. of Ribbert Cromarty, 1111. #i GRAVEL TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Sealed tenders will be received by the Township of Tuokersmith for cushing and hauling approximately Fifteen 1'housontl 110,000) eubie.yade of gravel t0 be laid on township reads in 1960. Three•Onartee inch semen to be used and tender to stole a fiat rate per cubic yaaad, Contractor to furnish all requhemente except gravel which will be supplied by the township. ApproximatelY 5,000 cubic yards from each of three pits, Bond 111 the form of a marked cheque f8o .0500 must accompany each tender or tender will not be considered and tenders must be marked 'Tender" and mailed or delivered to the Clerk by 3 0.141., Ma3Oh 4th, 1050. Contract to be completed by July lot, 1060. For further particulars apply to Rebt, Dalrymple, Egmondville, Road Superintend- ent,. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E, P. CHESNEY Clerk, Twp. of Tuekeremith Clearing Auction Sale FARkf, 18 PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, GRADE CATTLE, IMPLE,MIENTS, ETC, W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, has received in- structions to sell by public auction on Let 10, Concession 3, Hibbert Twp: 111: mile west of Stalin • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 commencing at 1 p.m. skarn the following; Cattle: Outstanding heti (for size and Cattle: Outstanding herd ' )for Mee and eluding 3 bulls ready for service. These aro young cows and heifers from yearlings to 0 year olds. Number imported from west. 11 good Quality Western Grade heifers. 18 Muscovy daelts 1 light horse Quantity new lumber Implements; Full line of new maehiney (last fall) including new W.D. Allis-Chal- mers tractor; used muffler, 2 row 1 new mower for Allis-Chalmers tractor, 6 . ft. cut; used 'ido rake on rubber; new manure epreadev on tubber for tractor; new rubber* tired wagon ; new lydraulio plow for tractor: hay lender; drop head McCormick Deering; now lime sewer anti seed broadcaster; 6 ft. Pea harvester; new remote t'am1 good tools. Farm: 100 acres, all hydro equipped, half - seeded down last spring. Terms on Chattels—Cash On farm, made known day of sale W. E, Nairn, Auctioneer C. H. DOW, Proprietor Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND Household Effects, On March 211)1, at 1 p,m., Lot W13 26 and Et4 27, Con. 1, Logan Township, half Way between Dublin and Mitchell on No. S Highway LIVESTOCK — 2 Durham cows (farrow), 4 yearling heifers, 4 yearling steers, 3 calves, S York pigs (176 lbs), 260 hens. IMPLEMENTS—Steel tired W5000,; sliding hay rack, hnylooder, mower; Frost & Wood binder (grain)' 10 & W corn binder^ Massey Harris corn box and pipes; cultivator; corn muffler: disc; steel roller; two set bench sleighs; manure spreader; farm wagon; two hay ears, ropes and pulleys; horse rake; two wheelbarrows; 11 -run 'Cockshutt fertilizer drill; electric chicken hover; electric fencer, fanning mill with bagger; chicken shelter; NE of scales; four section harrows; riding plow.; walking ploughs; two -horse Massey Harris gas engine; two cutter's; ladders; chicken feeders; double harness, collars; forks, shovels, neck yokes and small tools ; roof for silo FURNITURE—Kitchen range (nearly new), fitted for oil burning; Quebec heater stove; kitchen table; organ; hot -plate; four beds; 1 dresser; cupboards; tables tad quantity of dishes and other ' small household articles. Quebec cook stove No reserve, terms cash. WILLIAM WILCOX, Proprietor IIarold Jackson, Aurtionoo• • E. P. Chesney, Cleric FOR SALE General purpose mare, good work horse. Also Quern nil burner brooder -stove, nearly nen: ; reasonable. Apply to CLEM KRAUS- KOPF phone 40r21 Dublin FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Let 8, Concession 3, in the Township Of Tuekeremith near Egmondville. 1110 ncros. now in pasture. There is n barn on farm. Early possession. 1Veittet tenders for the property will be received until March 10th, 1950 Highest or any tender notnecessarily accepted. PAUL MULLIGAN, Huron Hotel, Dublin, Ontario SINGER SEWING MACHINE Your Singer Sewing Machine Co. Sales and Service man will be in Seaforth and district every Thursday. Write Singer Sewing Mach- ine Co., Stratford, or The Seaforth News: Authorized Singer Salesmen drive Singer trucks WANTED DI borrow 4500 on a Brat mortgage to help buy a house in this vicinity. Apply at News Office FLOORING AND TILING Contractor for tile, marble, tarazzo, mastic, pinst.le and claytling. fireplaces, good work for less money by KITCHENER CERAMIC CO,", Kitchener, 87 Blucher Str. Call 2-9118 FOR SALE A Geed Cheer all white enamel with black trim cook stove, like new. Reasonable. Phone 80 Zurle1 FOR SALE CCM Boys' bicycle, goad condition, com- plete with new chain guard and kick stand. TED SAVATJGE, phone 120 WANTED A mar boarder. Business mail preferred. Apply to News Office FOR SALE 1 valves (1 heifer). Apply to FRANK REYNOLDS, phone 607'33 Seaforth FOR SALE Some timbers 18', 20', 22', suitable for overlays, and 1 stick 14" x 14" x 18'. Apply to JOHN BOYD, 848r6 Seeforth PIANOS New & used at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms; also bargains in 60 cycle refrig- erators, washers, rugs, rndi00. SCHUETT & SONS, Mitdmny TRADE-IN Your old piano, rte. ml n ttov chesterfield or bed:»nm suite, pinna or refrigerator. SCHUETT & SONS, Mildmay, give free delivery TOWNSHIP OP HIBBERT Tenders for Gravel Trudeha will be received et the regular Cotmeil meeting in the Township IIa11, Stall's, until -three P.M, Monday, March 6th, 1060, for apprnximetely ten thousand eublo yowls of melted (reeve:, delivered on the Township Rnndw three quarter inch crush, flat Into. Tewnship pay for the gravel, lanes graveled to be induced et contract price. A marked cheque for feta• hnnthed dollars is required, Lowest or lgry tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tiros. n. WREN t'lerh of the Twp, of Hibbert Cromarty RR, #1 Income Tax 1040 Income tax forms on hmnL Phone for A1, olntmeut T88 1611 • DUBLIN THOS. D, WREN At Finnigan's A THOUGHT IN PASSING The society of friends -'— I like the phralie, don't your The thought of having friends and of being It friend conies to tis like 0 benison and a benediction. Friendship is almost a religion: the recognition in yo111' life of 111e fact that to have friends you must be one is religion, DON'T MISS THESE SPECIALS Red Rose Coffee lb..., .. , . , 69e Oatmeal Cookies lb. 290 Red Rose Tea lb, 90c Mother Parker Coffee,• tin 90c Mother Parker Tea lb,. , 99c Pure Lat'(1, 111 i8c Salada Coffee tins 90c Bologna, fresh 1b 290 Filled Cookies 1b. - - 31c Club- House Coffee tin 00c W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF THANKS Roy Aungey and Family wish to express to their many friends, relatives and neigh - bore, their deepest thanks and appreol111ot for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy,. and beautiful floral tributes in their snd he. 1'eavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Stlrnolo and family wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their help dm* Mg their bereavement. THANK YOU I wish to express my sincere thsnks to my friends and relatives for the many cards and letters I received. also those who visited' me while le the hoapltnl, and nt home, Also for the gifts of fruit, enandy and treats I.leceiv- ed. It wtna greatly appreciated, MRS, IRVIN ROOK CARD OF THANKS - I wish to exercise my sincere thanks to all my friends who remembered me while in the hospital by sending fruit, Bowers, candy, ends and gond wishert, MRS, FRANK STOREY CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the late Miss Maty Storey wish to thank the Mende and neighbors for sympathy simnel in their recent bereavement and those who sent flowers and loaned mar's, also James T. Scott and Rev. D. Olean Campbell. IN MEMORIAM UPSITALL —In, loving memory of Joseph H. P. Upshnll, who died February 28, 1949. One year ago tonight, Dear Lord, You called our loved one Hnme, And oily YOU, Dear Lord, can know How it's been for us here alone. Our family and friends all do their best, They've been wonderful too, and so We smile all wo can, but our hearts ache, Loving, and longing for Joe. We thank Theo for all the Intentness We shared while he was herr, And pray tonight for strength, Deer Lord. To face each coming year. —Missed so very much by his wife and daughter, Margaret and Rhea. FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale. Phone Clinton 013- 24. FRED McOLYMONT, Varna Tender for Agricultural Equipment Seaforth District High School Board in- vites tenders from dealers in the District Area for the following: (1) Tractor capable of drawing one plow. (2) Plow for same. (3) Field cultivator for same. (4) Vegetable cultivator for same. (6) Power 'mower and attachments for same, Tender is to quote on individual items, give speeifieations and to forward same in sealed envelope marked Tender" on or before March 1st to M. A. RETD, Secy, Seaforth, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John A. Marshall All persons having claims against the estate of John A, Marshall, late of the Town- ship of MO101110 , in the Comity of Huron, Farmer, tlereased, who died en the 12th day of January, 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1950, after which date theassets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 8rd day of Feb- ruary, 1960. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix Cement Blocks Power made. Steam Cured Immediate Delivery Huron Concrete Products PHONE" 684 SEAFORTH Weak, Tired, Nervous, PepiesS Alen, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Say goodbye to these Weak, always tired te00005 depre0dO¢ 006. *100V0000001 0118 10 10000, tlua blood, 001 up 501101,'• Itesh, h0 00503 all d¢y, 110V0 pplenty 01 vltntf ty left over by ave0ln0.'r¢k0 081000, for blood Una vitamin eb oalolo15, taniaa0003 tot 01004 01101(00. 001)0 010000tllanl00, etlmulat 01'. 10001000100 117010)0, 1151000000 (0500(110, dtgq001100 gOWy0ra tA910 111110, Now Dat 00100)0100" 0)00 ma" D pc.0Tr,vl0sa a Ink very Uny, At AI) Un1001s10, FOR SALE A few milk Goats for sale, Priced to Bell. JOHN CAT'TERSON, 17011 Grey, east of Walton T00316 S'AA.T'013T'Il MEWS Snowdon Bros., Pubhehors Authorised as Second Glass- mall, Post Office Dopt„ Ottawa BOX Numeral.�9 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention hospital Tied Flowers for all occasions • Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 00 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Fye. Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medlolne, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moomiteld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel. Seaford, third, Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -08 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 FOR SALE 0117 used lumber - and joist, Old time quality 840 per thousand. Also Singer shoo ratchet.. Phone 404-W Seaforth HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to buy, especially big fat horses. W, C. GOVENLOOK, Dick House, Seaforth FARM HELP Reliable, experienced Holland families available. Arriving soon.. Apply to Mr, 0. de HAAN, Belgrave, Ont. COMING Dance: In Cartlro's Ilall, St. Patrick's, March 17th. Good orchestra. Under auspices of Eastern Star, R0bekabs and Odd Fellows, FOR SALE Draphead Singer sewing machine, good shape, all ettachments. Apply at The News FOR SALE .50R SALE BY TENDER Frame Cottage on corner lot with barn in Village of Egmondville. Property of the late Mary Manson, Sealed tenders accompan- ier by a marked cheque for 105, of pur- chase price to be left et office of undersigned solicitors by March 1st McCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontmlo Solicitors for Estate SKATING RINK FOR SALE — 244'x73' Tenders will be received by the under- signed to Mnreh 4th for a frame buildiu'_ with metal roof on. West Street in the Town of Goderich. Building to be removed within sixty days from acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. H, BLAKE Town Clerk Goderich, Ontario EXHIBITION HALL FOR SALE — 180'x75' Tenders ,will be received by the under- signed to March 4th for a frame exhibition building in Agricultural Park in the Town of Goderleh. This is an octagon shaped build- ing, 75' in diameter and 40' high, plus two one -storey wino approximately 35' x 50' each. Building to be removed within sixty days from acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, S. H. BLAKE Town Clerk Goderich, Ontario nn,unnnnnuivaamauamuaaamt. taa,ia,uuunuu DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto Wind Health & Accident Life - Fire - Burglary - Bonds Goocl Companies - Low Rates PHONE 299 SEAFORTH 11 i l i u m 11,111, t, m„a11111111111111111111111111 tttta l t 11 t,,,,111.1,,,,. FOR SALE Modern Brick dwelling on James St., early possession, (nearly new with all con- veniences) Six room brick dwelling en West William St., with g0reg0. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land Modern brick duplex on West William sc. Modern dwelling en Louisa 50., Seaforth, M. A. REID, Soaforth WMW M. HART Top Quality Coal PHOND 593-W Seaforth Town of Seaforth Tax Pre P Recrhts f .R y eat r 8950 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1950, ON ALL PREPAID 1950 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the. Town Clerk's Office i11 the Town Hall D. H. Wilson TREASURER JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D, Physician and Surgeon Phone 6.W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC ID, A. McMaster, B.A„M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, 51,13„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday an4 Saturday only, 7-9 p.m, Appointments made in advance are. desirable, VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates In First -Class Companies. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER • SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—Preside,"6 0. W. Loonhardt, Brod• hagen; Vice Area., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaford; Direetore—Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth RR3; Chris Leonbardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton • John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefleld • R. F, MoKercher, Dublin ; J. F. Praetor, Brodhagee George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other bouilese, will be prom1Uy attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective Dost offices USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Vier -President Milton McCurdy, R. It, 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T, G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK E. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth • Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each- TUEISDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. S ffeu's Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero "Duo -Jet” Pump and Water Systems for creep and shallow wells Aero "Silver Flame Automatic 011 Burners FOR SALE • Ilyglenlo Supplies (rubber goods) moiled postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price id. 0 9omplos 26 ; 24 samples 31.00. Moll - Order Dolt. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 01, Iiomllton, Ont.