HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-02-23, Page 2.rid Of The Rfrad---T ie le s- e rears eer1 : z- Jamie on the erre of a f.•.ge craetr after a frea2 sh lands'.i'le wiped out 'X1 feet rJS r, £',' 'Aha+ a? Brecit ::e; ruining a : )g.::','ay department 1l::r-t3Tg and •e -e i.in.g rai'.read tracks. Yor , rare Tile seitbail people i6,eee eter. uJ fig to get fans and aper to . titers fin spee't.. 3f the garrea. all': they fro seer. G hemaking `':erg touth pr gr .d hut .r, if the •ew' ^'. nari5r..• doing 8r+ . the gameit- arf aloe rsr be ,:-e:sing by —to aphrase—:taps and bc.rd-There are ever..hwho ' bel.'•'.+ that, htfore too long, Will be mere enteersally piayed Man er fGotItall e. en sap - e. .k Ia. a ~r 1111 .n. -,. 1T l ... . exa::p ie wr.4 i r, irciar7.7.drs and pac- aer:i, - tt.anr.tdJ71se.-.c far ,....,. teams, a - d ing j . .r..tr, are rtgularly pia, fire 4. - al aggrtioaticris `Irt st.t.itt ..... a, F a tl and- t+Ba`t ler wt ,,. -6,r' tisty y ear: ago "'h..r. _ NI' made a 'tall at t,, :. L'tt. a tr.Last Afry.a. to tne !fine 6,116, ear:,, rt- pre.,et.-.%g -. .., ,,:etre d rate " h,� game. of soft - 6, ,. ter troGical stint at.ti a,t:,;_g:, the Gniot:king 1(a' - prhadn't the B:,lr. es' i.its GE what it was ail al.cont, tile-. ',ere g . ir.terested in t"sem/ p> 'ti Hd pea qscritball garnet at r:iffe- . apo'- tht African Coast and the foil, ,'g s'ar team f y.;la S. S. • S. Petro Licksiey thought that rziget iptereetieg to organize some talent, :o as to have somt realopposition on their regu- lar is there. And this one local teary. :45,15 fleVeloped into the hfcerr- F,6,-.-. `.'.ftbal? League. I's4e i:a:,,:atio:: caught or, to aur:ls a:l extent that now the Steam- ship Lire furnishes uniform,s bails, gkvts, bats and other equipment for the crews of its ships, and itofti,all has become so popular that the :ail,,rs have eo trouble book- ing local competitinr, at Durban, Captor:r dnmbassa and ether African ports, Good sized crowds attend the games, and the Smith African papers r.arry full accounts of -"hat goes on. 4 4 .4 A '.,niewhat similar league, if you ':an call it that, operates nn ahipes of the Delta Line, plying between New Orleans and South American points. When there's nn local competition available, officers and crews play at the nearest open field adjacent to the docks. These softball rniseionaries report that their hartles, invariably arouse keen nue falterer; aJ.or.g the kcal ' itizenry; but these ships stay such a short tint port that there has been little.._r.:e, so far, to organize this interest .,row teams. Aneteer a' -e Torrid' Zoee soft- ball rutin .+pre -,.:3 ...e liter Porto Rico. in at ?•:a they p:6,}' teams of Icca!s at the s y park near the Normandie ire fife -ter. and: al5C crook r garesi iplditSaile7S f:(. the Fiaects and eiezanne. freie er8 htinrigirg to the 5_. e t•`-. Getting nearer ::c there's the : rfrtigiittr packsA . the •.are (5-6x6 o- . W%e (;u:f of .. ".a�•- rente, tc, At the end GE the r.avigatiGn stason on the St. Laisrtnct ..t .. soit- hailers da : to the ;ae th'tintau kris ... 0721d7 to spread. '..e _r7 .-,r. he 1--7,775:7-":i.4.71 ... ...c at that. ._ fisted ..6,r.. The t runs 71.dit 514 or ,.rJrete: _ .. runs art r,.- haiit And the C a %hen ...g ntrit Ices its ;Tat-. ti.sing, t.: ,:g spaces of there e 5:. :i..e •o ..e - a4.- tie 7:a•..r[• - Going For 100-1' .germ 1Je- Allee.s, director of the French laboratory for Avian Studies at Poitiers, has a theory that a certain product of embryo eggs will enable him to live to be more than 100. After trying the injection on ant - mals, lies Allees plans to take injrrtions himself. "Okay, Boys, Bring on The Horse" A lucky boy 1!, Nisei Chajkel, European 1.7f', who arrived in New York along with 1350 other displaced persons. 'r h r' Hebrew Inirni- grant Aid. So• riety, whose emblem Nisei wears, made ar- rangements for the boy and hie parents to settle tith relative'. ' at6e r ck.M1-tCjr' meterdteaka-- :.:n 6,v toean°t seem to rate teaser .armed it: 'i t tln3Rta a3'5 aieeeaily happening, er'ery ey in the ear s nd YOU, if you arse .a le fOr market, may be „`t U: ,Tryst dint5 are drying it a 4 4 I :..: t need to tell you that ateeke come from the '.';ry beet ;,art of a steer's carceee. B01 per- haps : a didtft rcr'ow, or have for- g1.3,.31tr4 that .4's re gest .'mat on a steer that Is r meed ofteiebt by a£rlees handling, tt 4 4 Here are- eoene egeree that might 1,r wrztth etudying. 15 t.. Ott• rend eattle were s.' :..•; -and SEVENTY-ONE PER CENT OF THE BRUISES WERE FOUND ON THE BEST, MOST EX- PENSIVE CUTS. 4 a were f Cd •{i: 3€' bruised a Lis s 15 o- u eel fla::f.4, 93 :.r... _ ted : l(15 r,.es. BUT THERE WERE 9yC-- COUNT THEM? — BRUISED LOINS. 4 „ And the tanse rji ;17C..it nip and loin, '1.r ieee has -g aid crovidir:g the _... -_t %.,chtc. they were.:..ng 't•:Q.de':. When a steer Es C, ,Vid'. l sqainst the corr.er of an a- ey -eias or lead- zng +leu , r.r be sten over the back with a club, it's those :..o'te cuts that take the ;eating. e (_f _.arse, your c1tck takes a bating IRO.. As a producer, ',ion pay freight rates and insurance ;:e - ::turns fromwhdeh tipping claims art paid. L'sveeek buyers know they have to al, w a certain per rent for .064ea from br7._i•,g. t s a .'-o. it's a wise move to plan ahead I for starring cattle. If you're truck 1 fig cattle to market. hire a careful, dependable trucker who under- stands 1c:;t ow to hand:e your big investn.ent in fat cattle. , s x H 6,7d me points to • atch I. F.asytioes it. Htirrt it:g.-cro',vd- r.I ire an::.,.. :s hard on them. rs.rd tin you. e r 2.'...t,-!!jr.g. Sand m,:e9 the fit j:r _rr.!.ng. pre.vents sapping :r;;Sand SPS t:d :re Covered . ,. .. U's weather. ? _ ., 4 ,1 Ys, mixedt ds. Other - 1st may have a dead or grip- • _.....:al at the market T. -ret J,er, vee d.ry S"64 question. The r°': ria'- - ngular Or plural? g o the Dominion AgYi- 5: i3':: an, singular appears to the ,-.ser as one of the latest f .ns to and starts Off like this: Oats. is n5ed more often than any other grain for feeding livestock in Fans'Ia` It is the most popular feed `..' .., , and is present in almost . Jrdair: : d. Oats is also used t, a great F• tent in rations for .:-.6,e;,.rattle- and prJnitr- 'i J1161h„ '.5'hich is •titled (> .I S 1:. THE liraG F_.TICJN, Continues as follows: The exact place of oats in the hog ration is of special concern in areas where it is the most common home grown grain. In some prov inees S:i'ceesful swine raising de- pends largely on the proper use of home grown feeds. Yr v a (fats is equal to wheat, stigatiy higher than barley, but lower than corn in total digestible nutrients. It is slightly higher than wheat and corn, but slightly lower than bar- ley in crude protein. Oats is higher in fibre content than any of the other grains. Poor quality oats may have 35 per cent of the total weight as hulls, with a fibre content of about 11 per cent. The hog is relatively incapable of digesting fibre, because there is no suitable bacterial action in its single glandular stomach. The di- gestion of fibre depends on bacter- ial action to break down the cello• lose into simple organic acids which are absorbed into the blood stream. In the ease of ruminants this pro-, seas occurs in the rumen, where there is much bacterial action. In the horse this bacterial action occurs in the caecum, which is the enlarged portion of the large intestine adjacent to the small lnte'rine, ()Is acroant vii the high fibre content, and the relative inability of the hog to digest fibre, the quan- tity of oats in the hog ration must lie decided judiciously. irreepec- five of the quantity being fed, it meet be properly ground. * 5 4 Oat chop with hulls removed it .egardcd as one of the hest feed. ,or suckling or weaning pigs, Ordinary oats with hulls present ill retard growth in yollag pigs It genitralit' accepted that giu:'.ing and fattening pigs may re. ceivc oate in the ration, in propor- tions as high as one-third of the ration, Without cawing any reduced growth. in British Columbia oat, 15444440060 CLASSIFIED ADV1f4ItIISING C -•Is, ,, ,.,- r - `-,";""-.74=47444,,L1 1 rw2.Veta, 1,0 ,m: cant+ c NI ti w.rwlwt 74u144W"+It4i . dt4S*,,Ti,"s t&vim)S. k'un 161.1 l5 p 411/4":41. �+pa•/t ,t r, ,()t'I .,,T, 4-} ea r. j 11 e 3 a'-3541 6r4W.76 '' Ii '..,.0.6.,,,,14 ,4`4",,!, ':"",4,6",T 1.1 f�It IIt Y',i lilt d' 1/4YA,1'R Rr,AFY 4k v :f, e . .. - _.s• ea t#.e.ao < .Pet+bol IMAM, f11 n. 1x1 60,65( it le, 11011, ,11 my et56046 realm, Vett _ „-.. .. _..- .._ e^e, -,:-S c,d, r Y 111 d. ! I,g 44.1" 446,141 06,11 vi IdAO 6,111 nnnlllua ('641'4 !110x0(0}! FAZE -BILLER - _. < ? e,, ttr sit 1 rlt5ll,l 1 rm,nifauba Jhllwl ,un 1,,, ,Inl 1 (0,111 vuu :Ill 11,1:.'_• t.._ a 1:. 7.5r+1.A7, 11E, .11,N sA rts▪ - e f Ha.:a:ate .-.-. 7- -... :1 BABY sn(Ctsb n LS ex, eat i5'eInceis.p '11,4011 IUbhlg 01.5811191 h,r11h44 6,111040, 6,111.114, 11096 Wun11 I Ingdeu pus elhl'rh•a foot, sill latue0I16 ldAl Oil rid noIleaih rolio ldluld , lops 44 r hrpeae/ 111.1111 1,4105 16.00 PPM n JA16 mol lona 6'6 11 on 'Geoid, of Prio l4t:I:i'Y 1"lr t'ti'I11,N IJIES 51111 !1440144 161 45, (:nrnor of Legge lll'lllilh :-a FZi A BELTING, t7.41.1 1.4/548. 61'11104 ill ',2493.2:x51,137 1,4411.1,0 :04 141tT116': 11 ,1'. 's6. Aw.dfse r, 14^tisi Ism s6,, fir n' 6,w r 1 urea p0110111 Jo hon. !bpi imso. 1%„( ars . $ et. It- Y . 111. ,4111 l'o've nla. 11,0 .0s7' fe :a a' to 48 width for In, :at aza,,, .r•1'ate /11641, And (11, ▪ a :d: r07a'5 11„1111 11614410 In 1,.11,1. , if. ZAt P OSWi le CO., 1.1511'1'ISI1, lett slow • .61.7 611'. NEW A5(5/96(6 56111'. 1444 :Farm1I0NETON F r a .s.,, r6 JI (111 ( Woollen e .. (141(1 • i •+ 1:leenot A •,111 n- I.1( end • F_,. & Met maame :1 a fon, seller 1,101%;, , - tr i- Mg (0I's, snits r DON'T 11641.66"^ "" • WRITE T41DAI Horse P "114111111 (1,1,11_• T :▪ .Trrt,• (1(l e t ,r6, rf r 1 , rel 111 1, 114 10, 1:44,,_1111 r 194164 . 1 , ,I 5,1 ,111, tl.rl 11 'i len i F .- 4 s A. E e to 10 ✓' 11. 111 61111,, 1,411 . 6,X 7S h:0 Year ' I 1 I 11 need •� - •.7 ,o carry on mar, or 4'n,u In 1,1,111 .'r t - - 2.na rand Y -re State am of verf''" 1' n and fee d:mr•ne.oh0 ot 4(16(66 1'4,141 ,1,:: £'.-re•. 53 „11141(0 (31, 61,1 "S"1KiN(i" rrea'n "4613 '61 for e 5' 6:11 4h«".(t 3'r Vont l•:toll If 7'.4 1-.,1( 21161°1(1 11161 (4,-,.,1 t aikido,: 6,66,,„1 t I, 'e-. l SIRING ! 1. If 7166 I Ind a 1(e .,111 Ode moms sot era r. 1,,. VI 111 G how 141,114S. 'IRK 151T0 FRIT -1111.1 1:L ( 1.1.11 1'9 1,I I t lea, '+ Is en bort lel ,I..t I10 s -tar„ ,he a.sfe,t 415 SWEDISH SEPARATOR ARA'l'illt (0 urn., Mt.. 6,01, 'J1('. J sr• £AS4ELL25. '" PIA!}Y•F Rl•.f1 11'I11SIt0 I,• 4 1195 . .. .1016,10 flow,ra l a4y. to FISHIER ORCHARD CHICKS y -un get ti 1(t started UP d/r0, Planting Mstrastlons In0r.hnlre 0 er s of leane malt rose, orange. , ynllrrw .. st -0T. o :•+ 14 41,440 dowers all summer and d. fart. Extra t rgo 1 :1(p. Guaranteed to blown. any +m3er tsw 5 for 41-19 fur 21.75. a',,,teldd. -• r..: -:311.x Caen 61 r.,1-4144/4. Holland Bulb and Noreen Corti -any. Pei Port Credit, Ont. Serving ran• aCHUld iiER CHICKS td=r. , .. _f1 from ;oast to creast. l .• +r - `=- ; - •_t 2 .r,▪ ma..7,1tAcrott. 0)dreui _ ,good king a llt(t. T U A14'sTe-r11r.(0to6t .• etle e,'.ted 04.114,1141-40 blade, rx..11 nt eon- , 4.70.20 Tr1'or rabboperated BOORSstrata' Mede completely overhauled. Priced- :, T wcrld ,r 04,1. D. A. W«ndovar & .ens, Palermo. tat !axone! 4016,:1. waarsa- ,.1•._. e. GOLDEN IdA11M5'r6'Re-F•rom 51.00. Profit- able. - able. adorable ... Box 264, Humeral... dnmro. =•-• .1PP(1RTCN6T17eb Tw'O Fos Hound pop-, 9,v. months old, from AN Ole EP, ee Seery esnter-1201 of :13v0n• good w1rkjns female Ten Dollars apieco, e aV, ne 31 •nforatiwt sent tree. The Frank Marshall, HJ..m:-•Ole, Ontarto. Ra asy •=0""14."'"e"! 272 CASCADE WHEAT -The answer to the teed 0hea, pro6AFm for Ea0tcrnCanada. A DFF1▪ N0 AND CLEA�LSG nese. b:gh ylFtding. sok spring wh«u[ de- BACE 470111 %r aleaa• veloped by The Central Experimental Farm, 11(1' Write tens for 'nsar00'.7.n, we are Otts.wa. Sated at 18 b'4ahe18 per sere. Certi- fied -- 0611 00 yo 1(r _6!506, 000 'meat .fled seed F.O.B. shipping point, 43.00 per 4 H Parge s Dye ViSmdfa LemPed 791 Yeage outset In two bushel bags. T, A. Wilson, Street -crcn.tO, tin er,-Pekeafa imarlo. PARitS FOR SALE ALL rs ho young bars are 11111, Several oholee heart nano menthe old, also choice 401561 12: ACRES Raleigh -,-p. tient Cou:r,-; four to nine months o1d, all sired by the .6.164.044411 -General Farming,: 100 sigheor priced boar sold at the Rsya1 Fair shwa 6,515'.,1,3.:.:,, 1, ;ea ^.'cede: t•li got- tale. 1948, All registered Yorkshires, Harbert • fir- o Seas!: Frontage- 1. Miller & Sons Keene; Ontario,_ 604 are. E Stare sr 1(b 1(t• 1-7.5,4t 1o.d "1(d —ZOMPI.ETE Saw -rani -with two saws," 150 to sure of m :. e. wr s. 'Th m Real E`•- Sores power Cummings Diesel engine, Will Late, Ex Ear a E5altsta C-,3 M1, .d ----At' ,ell engine separate. 1204 Wellington, Sault barn, '.4 ate. 5farie, Ontario. led ACRES 13,1,5b . g• .3 %and, ORDER the; horse you - moult. for tering work now. t o-..ag5.' wide aeleellon pure- bred mares-'-PbrSherone, Belgians. Clydes- lalee, ;bre( years- of age up, that We , On beet+( 10 'rap..Arnoldwold sires -Jason. En- h]1,31neo - .e :'te 454645a:0n. 112,.55. Owner, ..,, alarms merleToronto. FOR 9ACE OrNS-Large 0400. 1110 aad ':seri- chanter, .Sir 5)on, Waterioo'a Dan, Arnold - Bought. said. exci Gra a -:teed 105alr1 woad Dock, 0C,mptvllle .A.S., Say Farceur, asnpeq :+Sabra Ina'3 3 F E..Ieg Taok3e. Hunt- Landmark -Renown, Write us for anything 11130 E::omen' Stcrt' 0_ ode 16,! Team you re -wire. to horses. Arnold Farms Limited, Prices. Open Sntl, 611x! xcec 67,-dese'1ay. rrenv4le.' 00 -beet Strand Cycle Ham;.1,.n 146 ACRES. 'cultivated. YO acres 01 wheat, 7 sir„' r;r•pr,LEr' Ha E 502 Telles north of Uxbridge; 2 sets of build- : c,, b 0h god enfharaded Largo steed ,1488. 0 -roomed brlek muse, barn 62' x 1'5', 04 glaran 1186 need F 8 0044,.-s by both ex,:ellent condition; hydro, complete fastory-tralned mec a s Bicycles and 'cons water pre.4aure; 2nd house, frame; smaller 110:06040 3/ 00551 g .ds. ren a en1.' o until barn: sprang possession. Contact Howard n- a ext+ T e_, a t a 3" 3 -tr,rts, Blanchard. 1'xbrlds0. R.R. 2, Ontario, King at Saabs'_ Harsli,,1 1 ---. -- - 1,5160 525.55819111515 DON T EAT LESS HALL Chain laws t0mou4 for their power- •'Eatrl:;re- Cereal F- 0 gran three inmate, fvl reliable engines with ,,mil -proof auto - hot sal with a tory este All the matte Outer,. One man and two-man models. ✓ t of natura,arae s sf'ldtp anetwe Gasoline and eleel1le from 5145 up. Inter- qua, nter- J.. , :r.! ssokee0 stood agents please write Diesel Equipmentut pts.:1 51 ',r7"- tai ff -0 Smiths Lirdite,L 133 Laird 711-.', Leasi•ln, Toronto. Fall,. r.,.- Ryland 69_4, 145 ARES. ::s t 11.0 'r n. geed BOLENS _GARDEN - TRACTOR pnst•a00 well-fen:ad Ba:.x barn. .4506 PRE-OALF.NTORY .s.'LE-13 H.P. complete stab:Ina cement stirs -g te'se,a 4Yent. with 0" plow end cultivator 4175.00;' 3 water adaplY Two 2 - seat of Bsloscer H.P. tires with al ' plow and cultivator, ash,' 4 ,,- ,1-. eta rural rand n:dro 0348 00. Other attachments 11 preferred. area:sta!e15.5r' .T-. 4-e r'argnc. 3 D'.5pe Terms 3Y (14, cath with order, balance C.O.D. Rd , ^,- „ r Send your order tow. There is nit$' a limited -' a ,,,5 on 'ira+ n 6110 601^am 'n rednpe our inventory. • +, few available i:. ;:3 6,.e 0h 11•(01106. CA\,10006\ POTATO MACHT ('0511,11\•Y, Photos, da+all; on r4 '- _ .r6, P'Irry LTD., 75 J r ,s St.ff Galt, Ontario, Im9oang • 5,11,11 re, '- - Ed. S ACRES. +orner lot. Near Woodstock, hone:, hydro, telephone, garden soil, orchard. Immediate p080eaeton 54000. 7. 9bear(loam. R. 3, Wm.detnck, (11e01.10r Ailk ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIO.ATED _r. 3 f • arid otding reheats 5 ., ( s116 5 .',"or_d 22" wide 4 gad.se. Serd."o- measu a:ants for fres and. thawrated der giving fan ,nfn-raatl,0 . arts, -, s .'1 r 444.0: Errm0- dlate delivery frob: :s L fir. -:lite Mfg . De; 56 ('hal. 4 NCR EIti' anal, ReLiEtit'E now ff.,. . � - rr- e+-htnese Elm Hedge -old! grow "t first year --15 plants ,OEsc;ent for 25 fest 112 to 20 !riches busily) SC tab-06tH0. ,50 12 1rches high 54.80 per too 'plant 0 inches, apert4--Shant Exhibt- Non F-'0.30 m rotnra red. white or pink. 2 for 41.'4-.4r•r.& tress '5 feet •: high In varieties 3L:int,,a':. Fr. Del''' ' .or 51.68 -Plum tr3e:1 1141' high In 0.-_;411 Burbank and Lomlr,r'L 4 for 5 -re F; Colnur Garden Gu1•Ie ,vitt Every or .. Er4;k'iale-Eingt• way Nurseries,. /34 r ,,r.,..;11,, Or...rio TRrr(:P:. Tractor end .Farm Equipment nge6142 for sale in n,riving 11015mun,'7 41( Eastern Ontario. Owner must sett on a2e6Unt 111 health. Sell or rent pl1perty. Bug 65. 2228- 1801 St., New Toronto. - L1G10T eh',ir-' '.0911,10 Golder, No. 1 HONEY, Ora,;!,., has ai.saye been the most readily procured home grown grain, and it was in the interest of the farmer tr find out whether higher quan- tities of oats could be successfully fed To growing pigs The Agassiz Experimental Farm conducted ex- periments with 4-ork;;tire pigs Ile- tw'een weaning and marketing, to determine the effect of different proportions of oats in the ration. It was found that quantities of oats as high as 50 per rent of the ration during the period of growth up to 125 pounds live weight, subse- quently reduced to .30 per cent be- tween 125 pounds and marketing, gave satisfactory results. The pigs made an average daily gain of 1,24 pounds and consumed 365 pounds of feed per 100 polled, Pahl in live weight. • ft us generally areepted that oats may be fed to brood sows before farrowing and to boars, in propor- •jons as high as ffi nor cent of the ation, Properly ground oats of good j lality has a useful place 117 the 5('110for all ciasees of swine, 1,011;'.4115t river in 13rirai11 ,e the ,,hannrnl 1250 rniicsl. Loupeet in Scotland is the Clyde i1061n,fler. ind in I•.nalanrl 4th - '11...1 ..Y21t 601118), 17E1)1CA L IT'S EXCELLENT. Real results after taking Dixon's Remedy for rheumatic pains and neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1,25 Express Prepaid. I b'1.111ntl'I'1'111(11A 111111 5 l'M6lt 4nr 1'Ote i (lull Ju+C1( Inllbddl4bod 51190 860 Iles throat IN11111+ Ihukt4l el 511(1,11natlan on request A- -M 11AIUI,A IY. I11(c, Parent Attorney, 11/114141 or (oot61141,, 44! IMO/ l.0 lit., Ottawa,, 1161 I fNOI4 — 5111,11 1'.01(11147 ((111li 40.4dod Join 80 the 11441 r 16,4 41 WWI Ilia (leen Mat re14, (14111„ i tl 4'vitivutl / Mtlaa (hull any other In 1114. prospiee Yt l 1,0 1111 1141,/, W '.elle Day v09 o 11,/,,•11111 01011, ''5 ARitf 1"1', ('01.: 11(MINIht4 MAN", Psalter, 1118 71,6,01 fit, Toronto IIA 41,01, - Ir hit CYR 1,I1D1111 +III'bowl Il .41( I. (11 rro vaults 11040 (5 6,10 1(v ,.1 J'„11 '141,1'11 W,!F.etillg 140,1 1104411 Innlprt 1,11114/11116 true, rine of the +111.11 ,fool 11444114.11 px,hudve all turkey tartan 111 1'1144111 All breeders range valued glvirf( you 0trmn1.' (.49110 and holler Ilvab(IitY: 500 11441 luno, 11041. Yinh enr modern hatchery. Vrnpl% 'rl111611 11 111(, A, U 4'ltiteraen a (leen, Iona 111, 111 111 •, (1111. W 11179; 111)1.1,5 4(1 poolls Ani 1,10101 front blond 111 141 1 fluvell114011t A 9lr1444,4,l bree,lers. 111 rn'l I+4 0011) ((11,1 1,1,11, 11404111Y aolll18 ono 51; x111, 11.11 111311 "Alen' items Turkey Farm, A reels, berg. 1,1,11111+ 111(.0AD niti:A1:11.511 Orman turkey 00ult1, 141,114111 un, ,101/1411111,111 44pnrnved and puller. 11,1 :dean, 6,ldern11e4 'l'nrkny 110001, aidnrishot. Ontario, TURKEY POU//15S AND 550)06, (4ovemmont approved Maierurrl clean desks. White Hol- land ermined with Belleville White. TOma eell like Ilene Oak Grove Poultry Farm, Amherst - 50,8, 1)14tar(0. (1PPIllt'rtmer260S Pon WEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 10158 OANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great 1,pportUnity Learn Hairdressing 1,14,004406 melanin) orofe0alon, 044%1 wags. thousand,, sucroontul Marvel graduates Ameri%0'11 greatest 116atem illustrated cats, (0000 free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 350 Bloor St. w., 0Or0nto Brasche0, 44 Klns St. Hamlltan & 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa WANTED WANTED: Graduate nurses, for general duty, six-day week, elsht hour day, 141.00 oar week, $0.88 overtime minus 11.20 per day board. $48,76 apiary after three months. Apply: Superintendent of Nur0e0, Anna General Hospital, ironuoia Falls, Ontario. WANTED to buy Blacksmith Shop with house or Service Station. Write A. Vezeau, Galt, Ont. - SHIP oo furs, sflnk4 up to 346,00 -Weasel, 04.60-Munkrate, 44.60, 500 Muakrate with minks weekly on ice with (Gan5set)-Secrete free, Trapper. Association Beltsville Tam, WANTED -Two used Diesel power unite, 160-200 h,0., working condition. Please write, giving Hilt particular. and price, Paul Tolkcwakle, Box 788, Renfrew, Ont, Phone 1154406, Ilse. • C U TS Healing, soothing and antiOeptic, Dr. Chase's Ointment BURNS & brings e ho a relief. er .50 mra(0, 69c. t f or vEcoa- only size, 6 times as much, $1,23. DR. CHASE'S 34 Antiseptic OINTMENT REAILI'L BY RUBBING IN ' Brings quick relief. Greaecleso, fast -drying, no strong odor. .are s, .eonom(,ol 4, 65, 19-46 JMINARpt `S ISSUE 8 - 1950 -MAKE FIRST CLASS TRAILER AT NEVE use OTACO DISC WHEELS and AXLE SET Every farmer has the tools and enough used lumber around to make a serviceable trailer. The wheel problem is solved by a set of Otaca Disc Wheels and axle assembly. A set of used tires completes the job. These sturdy, efficient Otaco wheel and axle sets are in three axle sixes to accommodate various loads. Ask your Otaco dealer for specifications and prices or write us direct. Dept. WLNI OTACO LitvitTED • Orillia, Ont. Sweet as its name! a