HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-02-16, Page 4ORT NEWS tlaesi so,s on the fr,•,• good music concept being held in ."Zorn i aside United church on April 111, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.01., is this colorful ma to quartet Ihr Commodores. Flout 1,f1 thtcy are. IIarvard Redick. ('all i'apsrot1 Donald Porrt.i.. Awl .Inhn Singh:on. :All are veterans of !lie 1'un uti of navy and sae consider: d one Of Canada's outstanding' singing organizations. lit addition to singing as a quartet. all are soloists in their men right. laa Lighter. 1111ir ' r, uipculiw. ntse is piano .0101st. 'Phrir Dioerant l' Ir o to the pnhlir and is presenned ill cn• opt'ral101, with 1Iur .ldt'lt l , lluterl;ip (110np 111111 ('holt nl' Xorlltsid,a t'niued rhnre'lt HENSALL At the Mareh meeting Mrs. Brown and ]Irs. Orr will be hostesses. Members Hurst hand in their talent money, Mrs. Shirray will give the matte,. A demonstration will be fea- tured by the Singer Sewing Machine representative. Miss Greta Laramie directed community singing, Mrs. E. L. Mickle rendered two beautiful piano numbers 'Falling Waters" and "The lower Song", after which Mrs. Anna Walker delighted all with a humorous reading entitled "Bid- dy's Troubles". Current events were given by Mrs. Orr, Mrs. A. E. Munn in an interesting manner briefly re- viewed highlights from the book "The Unknown Country" by Bruce Hutcheson. Miss Phyllis Case, assist- ed by Mrs. Hedden, arranged the in- teresting program which was en- joyed by all. Mrs, Beer thanked all responsible after which the National Anthem was sung. •The hostess and her assistants served dainty refresh- ments at the close. Miss Mavis Spencer spent a few ter Joyce, bride -elect of this week days this week visiting in Toronto, A social thne was enioyed follower Sirs. Hannah Workman, who has by several contests. The bride 'MS been seriously ill with an attack of the recipient of' -many beautiful and pneumonia in Clinton Hospital, is useful gifts for which she expressed improving. her sincere thanks, Dainty refresh Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cook of Lon- ments were served. NIrs, J, Simmons don spent the weekend - with the and AIrs, G. Harkness were respon former's mother, Mrs. Catharine Bible for the arrangements. Devlin. The next Institute euchre and Mrs. Bertha Moir and- family and SIr. and Mrs. L. Baynham and fami- ly visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, Exeter. Mr: and Mrs. H. W. Neeb of Ta- vistock visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol. Mr. A. D. MrEwa.n underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, an Friday following a week's ill- ness. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. About this' t y neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Broderick on Mon- day evening in honor of their dough - Stanley Township School Area No. 1 Cost t of Instruction: Robt P. Reid Don C. Bell Mrs. 1. Reirkert M'r Anna Keys Pltyiis McBride June- Mi'.lei Doreen McGuire Mr. A. Keys. Sup. Margaret Dougal, Music Supervisor Receiver General Teacher; Federation 0139.8 Cost of Instructional Supplies Mrs. L. Reickert 1 15.8 McEwant 7.0 June Miller 1.2 F. Hood 416,2 W. 0. Johnston 2.5 Jack Hood 2.9 J. T. McAsh 8.5 Varna Lib. Board .. , .... 40.0 Middleton's Drugs 3.5 1 Cost of Plant Maintenance t ,s,00 1 H. C. Lawson. Accident 742.001 Liability Insurance .. 1 1,643,80 J. Ostrom, seed. No. f, . 977.40 H. Bonthron, blinds, No. 14 1,51.39.90 W. Dowson, lab. No. (3 .. 1.309.110. A. McMurtrie, wiring No. 7 6138.80 ; Hess Electric 122.55 ; J. Aikenhead, chairs, No. 10 Deters and O'Brien, eave- 450.001 troughing, No. (i 377.50 F. McClymont, labor, No. 11 60.00 IF. Smith, build fence. No. 6 A. Parsons, shingles, No, I 5 - A. Parsons, clock, No. 7 . McKillop Fire Inc. Co. No. 1 0 • Hay Twp. Fire Insurance 0' No. (3, 7, 10, 14 51.T. Passmore, wiring No. 1 (3 Ed. Chuter, decorating rx 7 0 t'J, Snrith, tuning pianos . 0 W. Chuter, shingling No. 7 0; A. J. Mustard. windows =14 0 , Loris Contracting Co. 2 Bruce McClinchey, wiring #6 498.33 Cost of Administration Trustees & Ratepayers ....5 10.00 J. T. MeAsh, stamps Seaforth News, ad. News Record ad. 13xpositor ad. Free Press ad. Globe and Mail ad, Chas, Chapman Exchange on cheques Long distance phoning W m. McLachlan F. McCowan J. Ostrom 'W. Caldwell A. Parsons Gen. L. Reid. saIary. mileage 18,50 11.95 15.05 4.84 5.40 3.71 4.10 2.93 Auxiliary Agencies Picnic expenses Christmas concert dance takes place on Friday, Feb. 24 Various committees will be drawn up later, The Secretary announced that as a result of the euchre and dance on Jan. 13 the amount cleared was 545.00, this plus 515.00 from the In- stitute funds composed the share to- wards the cost of piano donated to the Legion by Hensall Institute, Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary and Kip - pen East Women's Institute. The following letter was read by the secretary. To the members of the Hensall In- stitute I have been instructed by the Hensall Branch No. 49S of the Can- adian Legion of the British Empire Service' League, to .extend our ap- preciation and thanks for your part in purchasing of the piano which was very graciously donated to us, Fraternally yours, James Clarke, Sec.Treas. :firs. S. Bell thanked the group for the bank book given Pauline. She, also on behalf of Mr. Bell. who 50.20 is i11 expressed thanks for the get - 25.00 well yard. 12.75 Ten -Candidates Join Auxiliary Taylor, 1st vice president, 1328...250000 R. presided for the regular meeting of Mrs. the Legion Auxiliary held in the 15,00 Legion Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs. F. Appleby was pianist. Ten 32.25 candidates were initiated into the 5.00 membership namely: Mrs. A. School, 50.85 Mrs. Keith Buchanan, Mrs. J. Tu - 74.25 dor, Mrs, W. Jones, Mrs. Bertha 3.00 Moir, Mrs. W. Parke, Mrs. Harold 7.00 Bonthron, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. E. Little, Mrs. C. Kenneedy. It was de- rided to hold a St. Patrick's dance in the Town hall, March 17th., Miss Jean Taylor reported visits made and cards sent. Mystery prize in charge of -Miss Taylor was won by Mrs, Wilfred Cameron. Refresh- ments were served by the social committee, Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Peebles. 30.25 365.00 330.25 39.00 45.35 112.00 42,00 9.50 Music Festival .... Brucefield Church Federation Agr. Bayfield Agr. Soc 45:70 Transportation 54.25 Murphy Bros. 49.05 To Zurich 40.00 To Varna 41.70 To Wingham 2118,70 808,48 • Capital Outlays E. Chuter. material & labor fol. woodshed, No. 7 . 242.00 W. Chuter. material & labor 170.00 222.00 170.00 10' 00; 1111.00 11.4.03 270,1301 132.50 95,40 • •('n -t of Plant Operation ':it e r tI , Salaries: M -H. Taylor. No. 10 ..13 '\I T. P,ei kert. No. 7 . G. T',road-o,:,t. Nn 1 , , Mrs. \C. Cliutt,r. No, 13 D C. Boll, Nn, 1 A MI; 1 cath No. 11 .... A. J. Mustard, coal ..... Fred Gibson, wood A, Cooper. wood A. G. 3x1 coal, No, 1 .. IT. berry, Sup. Houghton. welding D. .Anderson, ladder Dtysdale's Hardware W. McAsh, Sup. 2layfield Hardware. sup, 1.15 Middleton's Drugs, sup. , . 19,50 Sutter and Perdue, sup. 1,24 Ball and Match. sup. . , , 9.55 G. Broadfoot, trsp. tuner 20.25 A. McBeath, install win- dows 14 - H.- Soper, sup: G. H. Beatty, sup. ..... C.N.R. Express H.E,P.0 Public Utilities P. Workman, labor No. 7 Ed. Fink Mrs, L. Reickert. sup. . . . Mrs, H, Taylor, sup. J., Anderson, r'efiund Repayment of *Loans Pink of Mon'real Interest • 1392.41 Evening Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of 4G 22 the Evening Auxiliary was held in the United Church Sunday School 41.43 room on Mondaty evening Feb. 18. 18.50 The president. Mrs. Lillian Hyde 5.00 was in the chair and opened the 12,00 meeting with the theme solig, the 15.00 hymn Breathe on me Breath of 135.1God", and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. 5 Goddard and Mrs. Pearl Passmore were hostesses. The scripture lesson Psalm 24 was read by Mrs. B. Kyle. Anniversary Tea A Success 421.00 The Amber Rebekah Lodge 4349 55.00 held a most successful tea and home - 20,50 baking sale in the Lodge rooms on Saturday afternoon. The rooms were 490.50 tastefully decorated- in the Lodge colors and the tables centred with spring flowers. 1.89.30 Hensall Defeats Exeter 13.201 Hensall defeated Exeter in the Community Arena last night by a 202'511 score of 3-2. The local team were trailing. by 2-1 at the end of the first 1500.00 period, tied at 'L 2 in the second 30.00 ; period. and scorer] the winning goal midway through the last period. This WAS a typical rivalry game be- tween these two clubs with plenty of hard hitting and checking which finally developed into a free for -all near the end of the last period, iLineup. Exeter -Goal, Smith; defence, Fletcher and Coxworth; centre, I). Brintneil: Wings, Lawson and H. Brintnelii• subs, Husser, Seymour, Stires, Fisher M. Brintnell, Penhale, Tuckey, Whileworth. Hensall,_Goal, -Mock; defense, H. Nicholson and A. Nicholson; centre, Scholl; wings,'Fleary and John •Sang- ster; subs, James Sangster, Kropt, Mousseati, Consitt, Stephan, Chip - chase, Adkins, Little. BRODHAGEN A Valentine patty was held by the, &aloof children on Friday afternoon with children of preschool age as their guests, On Monday afternoon the boys of SS. -13 (Front line) and our school played hocked in the church sheds. 0313,''( SIMM IIY OF EXPI:NSI'S '001 Instruction .8 n1311,85 1.15 In tiuctional Supplies .. 498,83 113.00 lmintstration .. 608.48 1'2,00 I Operation 2,025,52 35.558 ' ATaintenance 1,802.41 Auxiliary Agencies 138.15 Transportation .. 496.50 Capital Outlays - 202.59 Repayment of loan & Int. 1,530.00 16,031.83 10.00 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS 21.30 Bal. on hand San, 1.49 .. 3638.0.4 .10 Prow, Gov, Grant 7,000.18 75 Township grant 3,000.00 ,.!,1° .Trustees levy 3,6?35.51 0.1Receipts, other sources . , 48,25 0 7 9"1 Bank loan 1500.00 5,23 0.10 18,00 2025.53 111,422.48 Bal, on band Dec. 31/49 3,391,05 Audited and found correct -W, A. Grant, Municipal Auditor, 231 RI- Bout St.. London, Ont, The score was 11-8 in favor of Brod. litigant school Air. Norman llenuewi s attended 21 banquet al 110151 1,011(101h London. sponsor d by the DeKalb Co, Last Thursday evening about 35 Zurich Luther Leaguers ware guests of our league for a Valentine social Lu 1ho basement of the church. Sautes were played 14111 11111011 was served. Mr. and A'lrs, Ralph Moore spent the week end with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schellenberge• and Erie and 141r, Mac Cornish of Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs, Howard Rnereu• easel. and Susan of Waterloo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice. H.ULLETT Word has been received here of the death in hospital at Weyburn, Sask., of si fernier Blyth resident, Mrs, Mary Cunning, claughtea' of the late Mr, and Mrs, -David •Nicol of Blyth. Mrs. Curling, who was in her 75th year, was born in Blyth, and following her marriage to 3. •G, Cam- ing, also of her. in 1901, they moved to Whitewood, Sask., where Mr. Quilling died in 1946. Surviving are two sons and one daughter, Hat, vey, - of Whitewood; Harold of Pen- tiction, B,C. Mrs. 0. (Margery) Bra- aten, Abbey, Saslc: three sisters and one brother, David Nicol Mrs. R. R. Bt'anion, and Mrs. Harry Curring, all of Whitewood, Sask„ and Mrs. J. W, Carter, Seaforth, A funeral ser vice was held in Whitewood United Church, BAYFIELD The annual vestry meeting of Trinity Anglican Church took place last week in the Orange Hall, the ladies of the congregation served a pot -luck supper which was greatly enjoyed. Very encouraging reports were heard. from the officers of the church and societies after which the election of officers for the year were held. The Rector, Rev. Laverne Morgan, was in the chair. Rector's Warden, Lloyd Scotchmer; People's Warden, Ernest Hovey; Vestry Clerk, Mrs. Wan. Parker; Lay Dele- gate to the Synod, T. H. Mack; Sub Lay `Delegate to the Synod,Maynard Corrie; Treas., Maynard Corrie; Sidesmen: Win, Parker, Alhecl Scotchmer, Jack Parker, Thos. Scotchmer, Maynard Corrie, Leslie •Elliott, Board of 'Management: Lloyd Scotchmer, Ernest Hovey, Mrs. Park- er, T. H. Mack, Maynard Corrie, Mrs. E. Heard, Mrs. W. Sturgeon, Mrs. M. Corrie, John Parker. Plans were made for the holding of the 100th anniversary of the Church which will be held the last week in June of this year. This was postponed from last year owing to 1 the illness of the Rector. A Commit- tee for the redecorating of the church was appointed, Roy Rogers And Trigger - In New Color Comic It's tremendous! It's stupendous! It's packed with humor, thrills Ind fast-moving action! It's the new western comic, "ROY ROGERS, King OF THE COWBOYS", printed in the splendor of color. now in ruCK, The Comic Weekly, the big two -section- color comic magazine that comes every week with The De- troit Sunday Times, EUCHRE AND DANCE Town Hall, Varna THURSDAY, FEB. 23 Sponsored by L. O. L. Lunch available A leading Canadian industrialist states that alcoholism) costs Cana- dian industry 58,000,000 a year. According to researchers intoxi- cated workers or workers who are suffering a hangover cause acci- dents costing industry close to 510,000,000 a year in Canada. No wonder an increasingly large num- ber of industrial firms in Canada and the U.S. are sponsoring the treatment of alcoholic employees with the new drug antabuse.-But wouldn't an ounce of prevention be worth a pound of cure? Reduce • the outlets, curtail the sale. cut down on consumption -there is no other way.-Advt. THUS SOAY, FEBRUARY 18, 195D 0.4.1404144. prW wrt*nxnmvrt . EG ENT THEATRE s 1I Ail'O1tTH NOW PLAYING littouS, ItAT, "THE GIRL FROM JONES BEACH" with (ONALI IU1AGAN and VIRGINIA MAY() 010111 end bright as the froth on icte•ccemn soda and rte tglprullata' ens n bathing: suit ed. -'this eay ttttraetlsn lc rnuaranteed to Please Young and old, Mon. Taos, Wed "'THE UNDERCOVER MAN" 151111 GLENN FORD end NINA P'OCII • Law vs Ulldei'nerld -- A story of the worts of a 'I'reastuy new. vote anent In Technicolor Next Thurs. Vri. Sul. "THE YOUNGER BROTHERS" with WAYNE M011818 enol JANIS SAIO1 A western with Imagination and reseneeefuhtess In Its ranee.' , 11 has 11 11015 11015 4o make It different from the routine 'Western COMING: Adu11 Maori/datum!. "KNOCK ON ANY DOOR" with (1UM1'IClI"Y BOGART - JOAN 0(;13(3,1 n Thursday Afternoon Fe11 1 Y4'fi The Cockshutt Company are showing the NEW 40 TRACTOR For the first time at the Walton Agency This is a new Canadian -made tractor designed to give More horsepower per dollar, and longer service. On Thursday evening a FREE MOVING PICTURE & DANCE will be hell in the Walton Community Hall Sponsored by Gordon McGavin Cockshutt Dealer WALTON Phone 831 r 23 Seaforth nnsonsusUawM? ACCLAIMED 11Y GROWERS LIQUID FERTILIZER Concentrate JAM IISILANTIONV AUTHORIZED "NACHUIIS"`DEALER BERT ALLEN, BLYTH, ONT. CROWN HARDWARE, SEAFORTH, ONT. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, AGENT We are now contracting oats and barley from the 1950 crop and suggest you contact our nearest Elevator W, E. REID'S ELEVATOR, Theclford, Tel. 455 W. E. REID'S ELEVATOR, Dashwood, Tel. 87-W W. E. REID'S ELEVATOR, Alvinston, Tel. 103 The Car of Lir Life USTIN 1st in Quality 1st in Low Operating Cost 1st in Performance A ear with that famous valve in head motor that can lift the 1ii11s 60 miles per hour. Or can pull, through sand, mud or snow at 5 miles per hour smooth as velvet, Every way you look at it all Austin makes and saves YOU money. Austin Sedans Cosi, you $500.00 less to buy and hundreds less to operate per year. Your trade-in is less per year Just let us prove this, by having a FREE DEMONSTRATION from your Austin Dealer Phone 784.w Clinton Res. 616-34 Clinton Jonathan Hugill CLINTON P.S. Due to the large sales AtistiOs will agtiin be rationed to the dealer, So act now and place your order with us,