HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-02-16, Page 20k
Cancer Information Becomes More Available—Controller Leslie
Saunders officially opening the Little Red Door, Canada's first
cancer information centre. Mrs, Egmont L. Frankel, chairman
Toronto'4Vomen's committee looks on.
The centre was opened with the approval of the Canadian
Medical Association, and a graduate nurse will be in attendance
at all tinges.
As part of her duties at the new centre, the nurse will make
available to the public all information, booklets and other ma-
terial pertaining to cancer control, will interview patients and
direct them to clinics for the proper care.
Every paper 1 pick up nowadays
seems to be frill of tales regarding
farmers and Government subsidies.
Practically all these stories tell of
meetings of poultrymen, milk pro-
ducers, grain growers and so forth,
all unanimously agreed on ane
thing --no platter how much the
proposed subsidy is, it isn't nearly
And I don't blame them a bit.
"Ash for twice as much as you
expect to get" may not be a strictly
moral sentiment, but it seems to be
fairly practical, the way this cock-
eyed world of ours functions these
Sti:l. it never does much harm to
look at a picture from several
angios; and the fact that the fol-
lowing editorial is from The Finan-
cial Post shouldn't blind us to the
fact that there might he just a teeny
mite of sense in it. The editorial
was titled BEHIND THE
u * •x.
If a farmer in Ontario wants to
grow more wheat he goes ahead
and sows it without asking anyone's
permission. It is his own business
how much or how little wheat he
grows and most people will agree
it should be his own business.
After all it is his own farm;
machinery and labor that are
x v A
But across the border from
Ontario, in New York State; in
a country which prides itself on
being the freest in the world, these
matters are handled differently.
There in the name of a local com-
mittee a Washington appointed
bureaucrat decides how much wheat
and a great many other things the
farmer can grow. Various allot-
ments are issued and if exceeded
one fords himself without a market
One owner of a 200 -acre farm
thought his allotment of 13 acres
for wheat was on the small side.
When he applied for a larger allot-
ment last fall he was told he
would have five minutes on a cer-
tain Tuesday afternoon to present
his case. He was also told that if
he failed to appear, the authorities
might consider such failure as a
waiver of his right to appeal.
Naturally this sort of thing
a used some resentment in New
York farm circles but when the
law was questioned came the real
*hock. Because the wheat growing
was subsidized with taxpayers'
money the Government had a per-
fect right to regulate the industry,
She farmers were told. And when
woe thinks that over, why not?
Otherwise the Government would
hove no control whatsoever over
the spending of the money it
sellected from the public.
That is something we should
Femember in this country.
r s *
In recent weeks there hat been
St lot of loose talk in Canadian
agricultural circles about snbafdles
iter various farm lilies. Farmers
have been told about the many
advantages, of how the prices
would stay nice and Asst even
11751431 the market was just the ep-
peaiits. But they haven't bola told
smash about the other tide of this
sabddy business, of the *tate
dictation that is torten to follow.
4 *
$o much /or 'N`r. Financial Post.
t4 ow let's talk about something not
so theoretical. I know that a lot
of my readers are interested in the
possibilities of commercial sun-
flower growing; and although this
Government advice was addressed
specifically to farmers in Manitoba
and Saskatchewan, there's no
reason why it shouldn't apply just
as well to large sections of Ontario.
* *
Sunflowers—the bulletin says—
have become an important vege-
table oil crop in southern Manitoba
during the past few years. There
has been a remarkable increase
not only in the acreage involved
but also in the number of growers
and the extent of the territory.
Many useful practices to aid in the
production of the crop have been
developed by research workers and
by the growers themselves, says
W. A. Russell, Dominion Experi-
mental Station, Morden, -Man.
Due to a shortage of first genera-
tion Advance hybrid seed, a con-
siderable acreage will be sown with
second generation seed. The grower
should know the germination of
the seed he intends to use. It is
an approved practice to treat the
seed with either New Improved
Ceresan or -Arasan at a rate of 1re
ounces per bushel,
An application of fertilizer at
seeding time has usually given at
least a small increase in yield. The
fertilizer hastens maturity. Thus re-
sulting in a lower moisture content
of the seed at harvest. Ammonium
phosphate 11-48-0 should be ap-
plied at a minimum of 30 pounds
per acre or, if seeding on stubble
land containing much straw, 16-20-0
should be applied at a minimum of
70 pounds per acre. The fertilizer
requirement varies with the soil
type, available soil moisture and
soil temperature. Every farmer
should do some experimenting of
bis own to determine what is
generally the best rate of applica-
tion for his land.
The increase in sunflower acre-
age has been accofnpanied by an
increase in diseases. Sclerotinia
root rot has not caused great losses
thus far. Nevertheless, traces or
more of it were found in 75 per
cent of the fields examined in 1949.
A rotation wherein sunflowers are
not grown on the same land more
than once in four years and where
they do not follow' other susceptible
crops, such as potatoes, sweet
clover, beets, peas and alfalfa will
help control the disease.
u * .e
Rust has been more prevalent
lhrvlrs month. to pay, Order now and
tale 10541 whin fou need it, Iwo yearn
pee eaten Very narrow for close
Ye Over pewered with most modern
4 wets qtr eeoled engtne, Light plow•
fach aaltiratUar, eeuffuar, idling and
went eenirol. Power -take -e5 toe ether
sSM. coapts, strong and easily beer/led
55ee4 Btl1 (bearbere), Ont.
In the past two seasons, particularly
on the female parent 'in crossing
blocks. The losses from this disease
can be reduced by seeding Indy,
by not planting sunflowers on the
same land in two successive year.,
and by ploughing under old sun-
flower stubble to bury spores which
live over the winter on this trash.
Volunteer sunflowers should be
destroyed early in the growing
season by cultivation or spraying
with 2,4-2D because the rust may
start to reproduce on these plants.
Since this disease is most destruc
tive in the plain sunflower area,
most profitable returns front cross-
ing blocks can be expected wijlere
the crop is less concentrated,
+k k *
Further information on sunflower
growing may be obtained by writ-
ing to the Dominion Experimental
Station, 'Morden, Man.
Why Mine Gold?
In recent times, with the intro-
duction of managed currencies and
the control of prices of many
things, people have asked "why
(nine gold?" It is often accepted as
a faot that gold is mined from the
ground with great labor and at the
expense of much money and mat-
erial, only to have the gold buried
inthe ground at Fort Knox ua
United State . It has been said that
the only good purpose to which
gold has been put is to fill teeth,
These, of course, are very super-
ficial and short-sighted views of the
significance and value of gold. In
spite of the fact that many govern-
ments and politicians decry gold as
useless and even dangerous the vast
majority of the people of the world
continue to regard it as precious
and to seek it and hoard it. As so
often happens when rulers deal
with people the, fail to allow for
deep-rooted instincts which are of-
ten sound. There is no person in
the world today who will not ac-
cept gold in any form or shape in
return for goods and labor. In fact,
these are people, many of them,
who have goods or services to sell,
who will not take anything else.
There are excellent reasons for this
These reasons are outlined in
detail in a bulletin prepared by the
Canadian Institute of Mining R
Idetallurgy. a non-profit organiza-
don composed of engineers and
technicians. Copies of this bulletin
are available without charge by
writing or telephoning to Brewis
& White Limited, 40 Adelaide St.
W., Toronto, Ont, Teachers, stud-
ents, libraries, lectureers and others
who may wish to broaden their
knowledge of financial affairs would
find this bulletin useful.
Before the Romans finally con-
quered England and Wales in A.D.
85. Britain was subjected to numer-
ous invasions by various tribes. Ro-
man rule lasted for 400 years, and
theft continuous invasions began
again by Teutonic tribes. Things
eventually settled down with seven
kingdoms in England. The Celts
of Wales, the Picts and Northmen
01 Scotland, and the Scots of Ire-
land were in control of their own
And the
For fast, prolonged relief from
headache get INSTAN1INE. Thie
prescription -like tablet contains not.
just ane, but three proven medical
ingredients .that ease the pain fast.
And the relief is, in most cases, lasting.
Try INsrAttrieE just once for pain
relief and you'll say as thousands do
that there's one thing for headache
4 . it's INsl .seiuNEI
And try INaTANTINE for other
aches, too , , . for neuritic or neuralgic
pain . .. or for the pains and aches
that accompany a cold. A single tablet
usually brings
prompt relief.
Ott Instaohne today 'i1
514 Uwsys vert,
keep ti hardy .f 15,y.4 eklie
I2'Tebiel Tin 25
Economical 48•Tablet Dottie 691
ISSUE 7 -- 1950
AGENTS, sea populer SO are extingulaher
wholesale or direct. Liberal .Drente, exQlu-
Mlre Mutter/.
6043 Bootee Avenue, Maltreat
ltA611LEX products, we need agents( in Your
Reality 00 10 your surrounding ('ural area.
Equipment needed for n rural route. Experience
not na0ossary—we will tell you how --Very lit-
tle capital required. Bost advantages offered
for your 50009155. --Write today ler free de-
talls—L'AMLIEX, 1000 Deloritnier-- MONT-
wit; 01110/30
BABY camas from blood tested high end
Producing stock. Livability guaranteed,
Mixed 513,00 per 100. pullets 128 to. 100. Ten
percent off for orders 600 and ever. Cloddard
Chigk llatoaory, Britannia Holght0, Ontario.
LAYING Pullets will he profitable property In
the Summer ant Tran of 1900, Send for early
delivery price llet. Also Turkeys, Started
Chicku, Older Pallets, Free Catalogue.
Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Femme,
Otilt RR10i:01utti7NDAT10N-for poultry profits
In 1950. Cull your hens 1655 Buy 13'7 less
chleke, ISA buy the beat you can secure
R,0.P. Shed are more profitable than ehlelte
aired by ordinary males. Start your chicks
early. Send for early booking pricelist, Piste
Catalogue, Also 'turkey Poutts, Started
Chicks, Older Pullets, Tap Notch Chiok Sales,
000)05, Ontario, _
BUY YOUR 1950 Chicks'fron n Canada Ac-
eret]ited Hatchery, 55,0,1', Breeding Farm
1000 pullorunt clean 10.0.P. Sired, Barred
Rock* and. approved Red a Reek crossbred*,
Write for folder, prices. Westside Poultry
Farm. Neustndt, Ont.
ADAMS feat Netherton Barred hacks and
Crossbreds (Ham x Rock) are bred for
high production and meat. Clean bigot] test
tor three years Started mauld a apeclnity
Adam* Barrod Rocks, Paris, Ontario
TOO many hens ars being Bold now. This
means high prices for eggs later Order
early ohlolta and get In on this. market.
Durance Laying amine and .Broiler .cockerel
available now. Write for aatalogue and pricea
Durance Forme RrttClt rY, Sarnia, Ontario
MORETON 01it0ICB—Oove,nmont Approved,
Breeding quality, one Of the best. Don't
guess, bo certain, Write for prleea and cant,
Ioguo. Alonkton Poultry Farms, Alonitton, Ont.
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of lnven
Ilona and full Information sent tree. The
Ramsay Co. Registered Paten, Aftnrneye. 270
Bank Street. Ottawa
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean.
lug? Write to us for Information. We are
glad to answer Your questions Department
R. Parker's Dye Works Limned. 791 Tnnge
Street, Toronto, Ontario
125 ACRES Raleigh Townohlp, Kent County;
100 acres Euphemia (General Farming); 100
acres Zone (tobacco); 15 acres Wondertol set-
rlch onion farm. Erleau, Beach Frontage—.
Store or cabins. Invest wisely 1n land and
be sure of income, Write: Chatham Real E0 -
tete, Eat/twinge Reattare, 91! King St,. Chat-
ham, Ont. Telephone 120,
100 ACRES, north of Brampton, good land,
locality, buildings. immediate possession,
512,600. Owner, 120 Runnymede, Toronto,
NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors, Canadian
Canoe Co., Peterbn'o Boats, Canoes. Trail-
ers, bought. sold, exchanged. Large stock used
motors. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics.
Open until nine exrep' Wednesday Strand
Cycle, Hamilton.
GUNS—Large assortment new and used.
Bought, sold, exchanged, Guaranteed repaint,
Scopes, sights metalled. Flailing Tackle. Bunt-
ing Equipment. Sporting Goods. Sae (al Team
Prices, Open until alae except Wednesday.
Strand Cycle, Hamilton.
MOTORCYCLES HarieY Davidson. Neu' and
used bough• sold. exchanged. Large Meek
of guaranteed need metorc50les. Repairs by
factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and coin.
Plate line of wheel goods, Opon evenings until
alae 07001)t Wednesday Strand Ch'r1e & Sports.
King at Sanford. Hamilton.
NEW OLIVER 99—Used Oliver 99. Tractors
In new condition; Best offer Garnet Mr
Falls, Centralia, Ontario.
LOCOMOTION legs, arms, braces. Precision
built. No ahouldor strap,/ necessary. Guar
anteed. Acme Artificial Limb Co.. 64 Robinson
Street. Toronto.
GOLDEN clover honey: twelve 4'e. 38.00.
Amber, 70-1b. can 37 00 Wilbert Link,
Delaware, Ontario,
REAL Photo Postcards for Rotate, resorts,
camps. Send negatives or good snapshots.
Free List—Old Ships and barber, Photos of
'the Great Lakes. 3 W. Bald, 274 Fourth
Street. Midland. Ontario
"Eatmore" Cereal, Five grain, three minute,
hot cereal with a new thrill taste. All the
nourishment of natural grain., Mltdly laxative
Thousands of dally users. Four -pound Package
postpaid 51, McFadden Cereal Store. Smiths
Falls, Ont; 100 ACRES, 35tillableloam, balance god
pasture, well -fenced. Bank barn. content
stabling, cement olio. Log house, excellent
water supply. Two miles west of Bnleover
school one mile, open road, rural mall hydro
available. 13.000. ,70mee Carson, 9 Dieppe
Rd,. Toronto.
SHOTGUNS. Finley nutshell Doubles 376 01.
A few available for immediate shipment.
Photos. details on request. Shierlaw Burry
Importing -Armourer. t 1'•1- 77th gt reel Ed
mbnton. Alta
CORRIGATED and ribbed for rooting and
aiding sheets 6 to 15 feet lengths, 36" revered
25" wide, 24 gauge. end roof measurements
for free estimate and illustrated folder shiny,
Nil information. Sampler on request. Imme-
diate delivery from stark. A. L. Gonueviile
Mfg.. Deet. 11, Cbnrette. P.Q.
RESERVIO now for Sprint Deltvery—Chlneae
Elm Hedge --will grow 2 feet first year -25
Plants sufficient for ^-6 feet l02 to 20 inches
bushy) 52.98—seedlings 12 ioOhes high 04.00
Per 100 (plant 6 Inches ap0rtiGiant Exhibi-
tion Peones in colors red, white or pink. 3
for 81.50—Apple trees C feet high in varieties
McIntosh, Spy, Delicious. 9 for 51.95—Plum
trees 1 feet high In varieties Burbank and
Lombard. 4 for 012.95. Free Colour Garden
Guide with Every Oder. Brookdate--Kmgs-
way Nurseries. Bowmanville. Ontario.
TRI t 1<, Troc er and Farm h,luipment egerny
for safe in thriving cononunity In Eastern.
Ontario, owner 1111136 sell ca t, :cant ill
health,Sell es rent p 1artY. Box 55. 129-
15th 01.. . New Toremo.
PlucN Fate carriages and Edgers, Frick
Ltny Turner„ Trimmers. New Band and
Ch tit.- R.saws, New Ball Bearing Planer
and .i:.icher. Sten.^, Gas or Diesel Ent.me0.
Rubber. Leather or Canvas Belting, Steel,
Wood and Cast iron Pulleys, Shafting, Bear-
ings. tSou5(101,, Collars. Ea. 3f. Z;1GER-
MAN S CO.. WHITED. Bnyvlro Road,
Ottawa, Ont.
FARlIEIt.' This y,ar clean your seed
Properly- We carr' all sizes of screen in both
zinc and wire State else of perforation and
Mont and aide dimensions of screen. Frain
Chatham gill S, rrp, . 7.1 Wiliam St. N„
Chatham, Ont
Farmers Attention — Conetilt
Your nearest Harness Shop about
Staco Harness Supplies. We sell
our goods only through your
local $taco Leather Goods dealer.
The goods are right, and so are
our prices. We manufacture in
our factories — Harness. Horse
Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan•
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goods. Insist on Staco Brand
Trade Marked Goods, and you
get satisfaction. Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
Irtitt BALE
tra4AL14 Reeer1, geed location, wonderful 11611-
l0g, 40 *0x00 of .land. Write Mrs, Lena
Ohrlouik,Un oaCa12, 53utt0'11y Lake, Simla
03523) A 0. GEN391tATU13000—Watt- with
llzuid-eeoled 4 cylinder motor. MOM about
90 hours. Apply 50, OOmwY, Box 801, Peter -
PUT THE heavens in sung. illustrative Caird
tree en romte01 Were You. buy, Price 600.
86 Oos "Ditty," 8400 00, 110 01„ Seattle,
Cream Separator
Now to the time to eheett over Y0Ur 000011
separator. If you own a VIKING and need
either ep0re parts or an Sleetrl,attachment,
eco your local VIKING dealer, If you. Intend
topurchase a new 0enal•Iltul' title sewing gat
fou pnitOeulals on the VIKING Low 35130C -
VIKING users arty there is 00 better electric
9epartlltar on the nlal'ltot.
120 west NotreDame, Montreal, QUO.
LIGHT Magee tasting 001den No, 1 HONEY,
twelve 4'e-56,00, 1tnclhunage, Lteknaw
GONIAS—Gcrgeotta double flower's. Easy 50
.grow. For earls' bloom got thorn started Ito
doors, Planting instructions Included. Choice
of Dolours, Scarlet, pink, 1.001, orange, yellow
white, Salmon, giant flowers all summer and
fall, Extra large bulbs. Guaranteed to bloom,
Order 11040, 6 for $1-10 tar 01,75, postpaid.
Cash with. order. Holland Bulb and Ndrsery
Company, P.O. Port Credit., Ont. Serving yen.
adieu Gardens from enact to enact.
Pocket! We will wain you to matte Big.
Money Free Sample Outfit, with measuring de-
vice enables you to fit our ane quality shoes
Perfectly, write today! Capital Shue Com.
gam', 808 Bathurst St„ Toronto, Ontario,
ANY QUANTITY of hay SIS 107 ton, loaded
on earn. Harold Ganong, Bloomfield St„
I6ing'* Co., N,B. Phone Memnon 60-24,
DEPT ventivED
DO 1.0uNuetl Skilled F
arnRollie E07 0mtce
Practical Farm Luber, families fir. single,.
availablet1110 sprinb write us now. Latvian
Relief Association, 829 Bay Street, Roam 1504
Toronto, Ontario,
HAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon's
Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy?
It gives good results.
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1,25 Express Prepaid.
Banloh the torment of dry eczema .cent
and weeping elan troubles Poet's. MORRIS
Salve will not disappoint you
tains. scalingburning eczema acme, rine
worm, Dimples and athlete'. toot, will respond
readily to this stalnlee0, ndorleoe ointment
regardless of how snthhorn or Moslem fbel
PH10E 41,00 PLit unit
Sent Poet Free on Rec0Dlt of Price
88n Oilers St E., Cornet of Logan
Heals when everything else fails! Order Howl
Agents accepted. 50e a box, Merry. Montckere
Mfg., Box 405, Elmwood. Ontario.
FETHERSTONRA UGH & numpans Paten,
Snllettnre Eotabl(ahe0 1890 550 Say Street
fornnin ROnklet 0t information en re1ua0t
A. M LA1DLAIV, B.Se,. Patent Attorney.
Patents of Invention, 511 50003,0 St., Ottawa.
ORDER your Broad Breasted Bronze emits
now. Backed by 21 years careful selecting
and blood testing. Pullerum free, One of the
oldest and largest exclusive all turltey farms
in Canada All breeders range raised giving
Yen etren0er Poults and better livability; 600
acres range land. Visit our m00ern hatchery.
Tesoro Turkey Farms, A. D. Patterson &
Sone. Box 101, Barrie, Ont.
WHITE HOLLAND mutts and eggs from
blood terted Government Approved breeder.,
Broad breast and high livability Doulte can be
expected from Sunny Acres Turkey Farm,
Amberatburg, 001.710.
BROAD -BREASTED Bronze turkey mutts.
Breeds are Government approved and puller -
um clean. Aldershot Turkey Ranch, Aldershot.
apDroved pullorum clean docks. White Rol-
land crossed with Beltsville White. Tom sell
like hens. Oak Grove Poultry Farm, Amherst -
burg, Ontario.
BELTSVILLE White breeding toms. Pullorum
tented front stock rigidly selected, Noel
Wood, Bethany, Ontario.
If so, send 100 for der
10 page illustrated
0(51,Td\S JOKE &
376 Somerset St. 11'„
Wholesale and Retail
0},teoterU141'1',t19R flail KIM AND 1k'op111'S
10111 CANADA'S 1.404 DINO SCI100L
Great Opp0rtustty Ln,n'n.
Pleasant dignified el./OW/Son, Oood Wage*
thouaando socroedtal Marvel graduated
Amerlen'o g,00(0el 0y0ton tllunu'u led cater
Logue Mee Write or Call
MARVEL 104111000104150 NG
860 Blear St W . I'orwltO
Broncho., 44 King at Hamilton
& 72 Rideau SI rein. Ottawa.
EARN 5IONLFY AP II0511:-snare or`00ll-time
money -malting. Learn to Maim 0514(17 at
bonlol earn while latu'ning, Pr. slalomed.
supplied;. cornospendento 000400, National in.
stitute of Confectionery Ptosed,. Dolnrlmler
P.O., Box 102, Montreal, 9001300.
LEARN piano playing•»( home the newKass
Way—the 0horrd 0501m As a sewed ultra.
duotory offm'. you may naw have a appy of our
fort" Malmo Simplified Platte Course far null'
One Holler Write: Slnn>lllled Modern Plano
000(00, Box 01, Hanover,_ Ontario
-- 10 Ah T1511 ..- .
GENERAL (33,33RF 1VO1L1(
0-110m 0003..0 -any 1Vet'b
Salary 015(1.011 Per 01onth flus MIIIIItlen*nce
111111 y'
SIIP'i'. Ul0NO 1241. HOSPITAL'
8(00*' LOOlil1C'P, ONTARIO
SALESMEN wanted to ina•mlucn now preduCl.
Ideal far hens° to house wiling, fall time
or sideline. wanted in every home Unusual
Fruth opportunity. Write Iml0Od'.rn0y 1Itelnl'v
Hardware Prodmtr., Rlenheltn, Ont
WANTED In Snell amnion 1,0 perp. with good
hon*e, born, °l1.., hydro, water, some Muth.
State ail particulars as to location and price
In letter, Box 00, 118 --18th SL, New 'Toronto.
Protect your 154)014S *fid CA811 from
F11115and THIEVES. N'p have n size
and tette of Safe, or Ualdnet, for ally
Purpose Visit *e or write for prime.
etc.. to Dept. W.
110 Front 8t. 111. Toronto
Nalnbllnbeu 105..
Iu t heat and rub in
I115131:7'8, and note the
quick relief you get.
Greaseless, fort -drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor.
Get a bottle today; keep
it handy.
SIZE 65e
I Was Nearly Crazy
With Fiery Itch
Until I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' omerine
07 fast relief -0, D. D. Prescripption. World
popular, this pure, coolie liquid medication
speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching
caused by eczema, pimples, realms, athlete's
toot and other itch trou$les. Trial bottle Sao
First application checks even the most 'crease
Bch or money back. Ask druggist for D. D. D.
Prescription ,ordinary or extra strength).
Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of
Bed in the Morning Rain' to Go
The livor should pour out about 2 pinta 08
bile juicy into your digestive tract every day.
If this bile is not flowing freely, Your food may
not digest. Itmay just decay m tbo digestive
tract. then gas bloats up your stomach. You
get constipated. You feel Sour. sunk and the
world loops punk.
It takes those mild,. gentle Cartor'e Little
Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flow.
Ing freely to make you feel up cad up.'t
Get n package today. Effective in m=
bile flow freely. Ask for Cortef a Little Lint
Dille. 356 at any drugstore.
So many women between the ages
of 38 and 52 have good reason to
hate 'change of life'—the time
when fertility ebbs away --when
embarrassing symptoms of this
nature may betray your agel
If this functional period makes
you suffer from hot flushes or
makes you feel so weak, nervoue,
rustles, hard to live and work
with—try Lydia E. ?inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound to relieve
such symptoms. Women by the
thoueande have reported gratify-
ing benefits. No other medicine
of this type for women has such
a long record of success.
Regular use of Lydia Pinldmm's
Compound helps build up resis-
tance against spoh middle -age
distress. The women's friend!
LYDIA E. PINKHAM's Vegetable Compound