HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-02-09, Page 7ROW CAN I fly Anne Ashley Q. flow can 'I treat tongh 'steak? A. Tough steak can be , trans. formed into tender meat by mix- ing a small ,,quantity of vinegar and olive oil thoroughly, rubbing it on both rides of the steak, then allowing it to stand for about two hours before .cooking, Q. How tan I remove the print- ing from flour seeks? A. Cover the printing with a thin Myer of lard, rolling up the bag and putting it away for a few days. Then wash in boiling water Q. How can I clean velvet? <A Velvet can be cleaned nicely Oey, ;sponging with benzine, aiwaye gobbing in one direction. Then steam over a boiling kettle. Q. How can 1 remedy scorched' linen? SA. When a piece of linen ie /Ware/led while loaning, make * paste of raw •starch and water int- fiiediately, over the scorched place With this paste, and place in the sun Mor about two hours. Q. Flow an I use about half the amount of sugar when stewing fruits? A. By sweetening the fruit after it has been cooked, rather than ,during the cooking process. Q. Ilow can I make lighter bisbuits? A. The secret for making light biscuits is to add just enough liquid to make a soft dough, Then unix it lightly and only what le required to combine the flour and liquid. Any handling after that hats a tendency to toughen the dough. UEFB Offen New Canard Parcels Sir Ellsworth Flavell` national chairman of The United Emergency Fund for Britain, announces• that the organization has revised its pre- sent aeries of CANAID parcels and has added a new one of eight pounds , gross and another of twenty pounds gross. Purchased on order in Canada, for designated recipients in Great Britain, these parcels range in price from $2.45 to $10.25. In the new series of CANAID, parcels, there is a wider diversifi- cation of food items to offset the dreary monotony of the British ra- tidr 5 which continue to be as meagre today as in the past, Sir Ellsworth explains. All parcels, except one contain substantial quantities of meat .to supplement the 21c worth that the Briton is allowed weekly. Other items include those that are costly under the point system and some that are scarce or impossible to obtain. Purchases fpr CANAID parcels are made in Canada exclusively and are.of the highest quality available. Packed here, the parcels are shipped to the UEFB London warehouse so they may be dispatched immedi- ately upon receipt of orders from Toronto where the' labels are typed and forwarded by air express week- ly. All CANAID parcels are insured with delivery guaranteed in about two weeks from the time of the receipt of the orders in Toronto. With the inauguration of the new CANAID parcels, Sir Ellsworth de- clares that the UEFB is redoubling its efforts across the nation to obtain food and used clothing for the needy. At the sante time attempts will be made to increase the flow of 13 - pound parcels, sent by churches and organizations in Canada, to groups and associations in Great Britain. Under this plan the UEFB handles such parcels for delivery abroad for only 55e each. Organizations in Canada using these facilities of the UEFB do not lose their identities. Information regarding all activities of the UEFB may be obtained by addressing the national headquar- ters at Melita and Rains Avenues, Toronto 4. Capital Weather's Just Capital—A record-breaking 73 degrees in Washington brought Pat Mc- Gowan out to bask in the sun on the Capitol grounds. Many'sections of the country enjoyed the same freak midwinter warmth. TABLE RLKS cam, Andl~ews. So far we Canadians haven't gone in for this "Special Week" business to such a large extent as our neigh- bors to the south. Over there they have so many of them — National Heart Week, Boy Scout Week, Na- tional Drama Week and so on—that sometimes I feel like suggesting that they should hold a "Weekless Week"—seven whole days in which the public would have a rest from this constant plugging, over the air and in the press, for some more or less worthy cause or objective. And the latest thet's some to my notice—although it may have been going on for years — is National Sauerkraut Week! I was thrilled to learn that the folk south of the bor- der lest year consumed nodless than four hundred million pounds—two hundred thousand tons --of kraut. (It was probably mors than that, as the figures most likely refer only to the kind commercially produced. But for all that sauerkraut is a grand food, and helps terrifically in making cold weather meals snore tempting and healthful too. So here are some Strout recipes and sugges- tions, every one of them well worth trying. In them the canned sort of sauerkraut is called for but if you "toll your own" a similar amount can be subsituted, with just as fine results. SPICY POT ROAST WITH SAUERKRAUT 2-3% pounds round, rump or chuck of beef 54 cup flour 2 teaspoons salt 34 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons fat 1 medium sized onion, chopped 1 cup water 1 bay leaf 2 whole cloves 1 3 -oz, can mushrooms, drained 1 No. 2% can sauerkraut Wipe meat with damp cloth and dredge with mixture of flour and salt and pepper. Heat fat in 'Dutch oven; add meat and brown well on all sides. Add onion, water, bay leaf and cloves. Cover and simmer gently 2%-3 hours, or until meat is tender. Turn meat fre- quently during cooking. Add more water during cooking if necessary, When pot roast is done, transfer to oven to keep' warm. Remove bay leaf and cloves. Saute mush - Light Fantastic — Not reducing exercises, but art - modern. dance, to be specific — is the reason for the shapely contprtio is of these co-eds at 'Beloit College. The rlancers, left to right, are: Marilyn Zuereher, Suzanne fl lgren, ,jean'vfaintquist and Carolyn Wagenkftecht, rooms in separate pan in a little butter until lightly browned. Add meat drippings to sauerkraut; Cook until kraut is thoroughly heated. 6 servings. SAUERKRAUT BORSCHT 1 Ib. lean beef, cubed 1. soup bone 3 carrots, diced 8 small onions, sliced 2 stalks celery, diced 3 quarts water 34 teaspoon whole peppercorns 1 bay leaf 1 spray thyme Salt and pepper 1 aprig parsley 3 uncooked beets, diced 2 potatoes, diced 394 sups sauerkraut Put beef, bone, carrot, onions, *glary and water in large kettle and bring to boil. Skim, Tie apices and herbs in small cloth bag; add with parsley to soup. Simmer, covered, for 134 hours, Remove roup bone and strain. Add beets assd potatoes and simmer 30 min- utes longer. Add sauerkraut and virnmer 15 minutes, Serve topped with sour Bream, May be served eotd. Makes 234 quarts. Meat and vegetables may be left in soup, if desired. Do not strain, but remove trice bag. SAUERKRAUT LUNCHEON BAKE 1 No. 2% can sauerkraut, drained j/ teaspoon caraway seeds 1 8 -oz. can tomato sauce 8 oz. processed Canadian cheese 1 3 -oz. can sliced mushrooms drained Combine sauerkraut and cara- way seeds and place in greased baking dish. Pour tomato sauce over kraut and top with cheese slices. Sprinkle mushrooms over cheese. Bake in moderately hot oven (375 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Serve immediately. Four servings. TANGY KRAUT AND SHORT RIBS 3 pounds beef short ribs cup seasoned flour Fat 1 onion, sliced 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons catsup cup sauerkraut juice, drained from can Ya cup diced onion % cup diced green pepper 3 tablespoons shortening, melted 1 No, 2% can sauerkraut 1 teaspoon caraway seeds (optional) Dredge each piece of meat with seasoned flour; brown in small amount of fat in heavy skillet. Place in casserole, Add sliced onion, vinegar, catsup, and sauer- kraut juice to drippings in skillet. Mix well and pour over meat, Cover, bake at 350 degrees F. about 2 hours, or until tender. Add more water, as necessary. About 20 minues before meat is done, saute diced onion and green pepper in melted shortening 5 minutes. Add sauerkraut and cara- way seeds and mix well. Cover and cook over low heat, stirring occa- sionally, about 10'minutes, or until thoroughly heated. Place meat in centre of platter and surround with sauerkraut. Six servings. BARBECUED SPARERIBS and GOLDEN SAUERKRAUT 3 pounds spareribs 3 cups of water 1 cup vinegar 1 cup minced onion 1 minced garlic clove 4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 34 cup granulated sugar cup catsup 2 tablespoons salt 34 teaspoon chili powder 1 No. 2T/y ears sauerkraut 3 large apples, peeled and cubed Place spareribs in preheated broiler, and broil, turning once, to brown on both sides. Combine water, vinegar, onion, garlic, Wor- cestershire sauce, 34 cup sugar, cat- sup, salt, and chili powder in /saucepan, Bring to boil and let simmer, uncovered, 10-15 minutes. • Place browned ribs in uncovered roasting pan. Pour some sauce over ribs. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees T.) for 30 minutes. Baste frequently with remaining sauce until all is need. Combine sauerkraut, apples, and remaining % cup sugar. Place trader spareribs in roasting pan and continue baking 30 minutes more, basting frequently, Serve immediately. 6 servings. Owns 150 Pipes If you called on South African war veteran Mr. H. J. Bennett, you would probably find him smoking a clay pipe. He prefers it to any of his other 1.49 pipes from all over the world which he has been collecting for about 40 years. One of the quaintest is only 2 inches long and is shaped like a Dutch dog. Still smaller is a +4 inch pipe in the form of a tiepin. Mr, Bennett's longest pipe could be used as a walking stick. Another large specimen in the collection holds just over an ounce of tobacco and was obviously not made for modern smokers! Others hold only a pinch. Open Road—Julie Ltint's navy rough straw picture hat fea- tures a wide band of white ribbon as a roadway for the 1950 auto perched atop the brim. The motorized bonnet appeared at the Fashion Academy. "Doodled" Himself. Into A Fortune The group of fashionable females who had paid substantial rums for the privilege, watched rapturously the gestures of the figure clad in diver's suit and helmet as he de- livered his lecture. For the lecturer was none other than Salvador Dali, who believes in doing everything the hard way) Air was pumped to him through a rubber tube, and the pearls which cascaded from his lips were con- veyed to his spellbound audience by amplifiers. Half -way through the talk something happened to rhe air system and, through the window of his helmet, Deli's audi- ence watched their idol turn a delicate purple. "Opel, his helmett" shouted the organizer. "Who's got the key?" The key was in the custody of Gala, Dali's lovely wife, who had retired from the lecture and was enjoying coffee in a nearby cafe. They brought her back at a trot and released the half -suffocated Dali. His first words were, "The experiment turned out to be more interesting than I imagined." Bali is an unusual man. He has been vilified and called a charlatan, but he continues his chosen path serenely. Why shouldn't he? It is a pleasant enough path, thickly paved with gold. This darting little man, born.45 years ago in Figueras, Spain, was the son of a notary who wanted him to follow in his own respec- table Footsteps. But Savador had a mania for drawing, and as soon as he could wield a pencil he cov- ered the walls of his nursery with the crude figures of birds, animals and men. The urge to draw was so strong that his father sent him to the University of Fine Arts in Madrid, where he proved to be a brilliant copyist of masters like Raphael and Vermeer. Soon he was satirizing them. The authorities frowned on this, so in sulky disgust Dali took to doodling. He filled in his time drawing criss-cross lines, circles, triangles and shapeless figures. "it was not until ten years later," confesses Dali, "in Paris, that I discovered that my doodling rep- resented the full force of my sub- conscious mind, and was a real con- tribution to surrealist art" Dali was a violent little man at the time and, at twenty, was hurled into jail for political activities, Two years, later the authorities of the Art School expelled him for in- citing the students to insurrection) Then he began flirting with the Dadaists, a school of painters who rejected all existing values in art and substituted chaos. As a small boy Dali had been terrified of all sorts of things. He began putting these haunting im- ages on paper. To his utter delight —for he was poor at the time—he found that people wanted to buy them i So, instead of suppressing his fears, all he did was to express them on paper, and lo! he was famous. He' graduated into the Surrealist Group in 1929, held a one-man show and• sold every pic- ture. If Paris liked this work of Dali, how troch quicker would America lap it up? So he sailed to that land of opportunity and quickly teamed up with the shrewd blr. Julien Levy, who owned galleries on Fifty Seventh Street. He was well publicized. Ameri- can women raved over his work. Levy placed a section of his gal- leries at Dali's disposal and in four weeks they sold 325,000 worth of his creations. People who know nothing about art :and some who do—view Deli's paintings from every angle and then ask idly, " Vhat it mean?" "Ilean!tim" bel\lows Ddoesali, "Mean? Why—even 1 don't know what ft means! That is why it is s0 amaz- ing." At other times he will go into great detail, watching the confusion on his questioner's fate. Dnce an elderly lady stood for a tong time trying to make out what the telephone in Balis can- vas, Debris of an Automobile Giv- ing Birth to a Blind Hot'se Biting a Telephone meant. Eventually she plucked up courage to ask. "Madam," explained Bali, soy rowfully, "the telephone represents the blackened bones of my father passing between the male and fe- male figares of Milet's Angelus." He loves stunning people with unusual ideas, Once, when lecturing for a substantial fee to a group of wealthy New York women, he was asked why he so often painted people 'with their bones outside. "Ah," his eyes lit up, "that is new. I Think that bones should al- ways be worn. outside rather than beneath the flesh. Don't you?" The answer seemed to satisfy them. But his most recent bombshell was dropped only a few weeks ago, when he announced that his future work would combiue his sur- reaist experience with pre-Raphael- ite Renaissance cassicism. "I'm through with my wild past," he said, "I am returning to the bosom of the Catholic Church." There may be something in it, Or could it be just another Dali- ims? The Real Secret The Walt Disney outfit gleefully recount the story about a very "snooty" lady wlto, following a maid's evening off, asked the girl if site enjoyed her visit to the movies. "It was lovely, thank you, and such a marvellous Donald Duck film too. Isn't it wonderful how they get an- imals to act like that?" "Tush," said her mistress, "Don't be so stupid, Mary, They are not real animals. They're just inert dressed up." Canadian -made paint for walls, woodwork, metal and furniture claimed to give finish that looks and washes like enamel; dries with- out brush marks in three-four hours; can be used indoors or out. Nes primer or undercoat neened; applied with brush or roller. Said to resist boiling water. NEW INVENTION "Little Giant" SUR VISOR of many ersential uses, ladoore and out. Yes s:o! tit icons dream come true, Pressed aluminum on aiming band, all around addusmble, also hat Model, folds to tit In pocket or purse . Voere say es- sential as brakes, an accident dodger. Right—no other $ttN VISOR offers ao much comfortand safety at any price. 10 different colours to match your Car, Truck, Tractor, etc. Double your /mil- dew enlarment, ',ave your oyes from that light glare, play safe, Send now 'for yours giving Colour— Model direct, Special Introductory price, for a limited time only 81.8D delivered. i5'ree folders' Dealers, Agents wanted, Little Giant SUN VISOR Mfg. 2425 - 26th Street West, 5 Calgary, Alta., Canada WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out et Bed in the Morning Ruin' to Go The liver should pow out about 2 pints et bile juice into your digestive tract every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. rt may just decay in the digestive tract. Then gen bloats up your stomach You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes thane mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile aow- tug freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Effective in racks; bile Sow freely. Ask for Castro' Lfttie Liver PAIe. add at any drugstore. QUICKLY BREAKS COUGHING SPELL Fast Action of Lymoids Leaves Mao Grateful "there used LYMOIDS for cough relief for manyyeare,"writes aBranttnedreeident, "and their quick action almost always relieves irri- tation." Carry LYMOIDS always with you, With its coitoeatrated medicinal o;is,, LYMOIDS usually brmgiastant relief in threattielde, coughing and hoarseness. Most stores *011 LYMOIDS, but if unobtainable, send iso in stamps or coin, to LYMOID8,119Pea "0 S c ti Lyµ)® TRY FOR INSTANT THROAT RELIEF' Homy and Rank TOLL MO,`^� BLSWORTI.l, ARE YOU A LITTLE t30Y T •