The Seaforth News, 1950-02-02, Page 1. . . .
• • ,,
The.Seafarth, News
11 a year
- •
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weiland, who
observedtheir 60th wedding anni-
versary on Saturday last, were at
home to their friends and neighbors
in the afternoon and evening. Mrs.
J. Finlayson poured tea, Mrs. R.
Dalrymple served. They received
telegram from the King and Queen,
letters from the Prime afinister of
Canada and many others. The neigh-
bors presented them with a gift of
money. Following is the address
read to them by Mrs, IL Coombs.
Dear Friends :—We your neigh-
bours and friends have called to ex-
tend to you our heartiest congratu-
lations on your 60th wedding anni-
versary and wish in same tangible
way to show our appreciation for
the many acts of kindness you have
done in the past and hope you may
both be spared for many years to
**--r^,-- come that we may continue to enjoy
your friendship. We ask you to ac-
cept this gift with our best wishes
for your continued bealth and happi-
ness. Signed on behalf of your
alien& and neighbOTS, Mrs. H.
Coombs. •
The World's Finest
E. L. BOX •
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister
10 a.m., 'Sunday School and Adult
Bible 'Classes.
11 a.m., Worship, Sermon Sub-
ject "Control the unruly member".
11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation.
7 p.m., ,y,Vorship, Sermon Sub-
ject "Master Your Desires".
A cordial welcome to all services.
Monday, Feb. 6, Junior Young
Peoples' Union crocklnole party.
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m., Bible Class an .Sunday
11 Lan., Sacrament of the Lord's
Junior Congregation.
7 p.m., "Thanks be to God".
8:15 Y.P.S. Fireside.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.Aa, B.D.
10 amt., Sunday School
11 a.m., "Christian Fortitude."
7 pin. ."The Teaching of Jesus."
Miss Marjorie McClure spent the
weekend in Seaforth with Miss Mary
McDonald and Mrs. McDonald.
Many friends will be sorry to hear
Mr. Hugh Alexander is in Vi
Hospital, +London.
- Mrs. Sydney McCullough and Mr.
Andrew Montgomery were here last
week with them father, Mr. Joan
Montgomery, during his illness. We
are glad to report be is improving.
Rev. J. R. Peters is improving and
able to be 'downstairs again.
The following item is from a Cali-
fornia paper:
'Mr. and Mie. Earl Hawley, Mrs,
Cartwright Hawley of Seafolith, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hutchings and SUR
Sergeant and 'Mrs. Chas. Knauss and
daughter, Sandy Sue made up a
group who enjoyed' dinner at Knotts -
berry Farm and a tour of the Ghost
'town, Saturday nigat.
The Fireside Farm Forma met on
Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George aloggart, 'with 23
adults and 8 children preseat. Aft -
ea the broadcast and discussion a
quiz program and puzzle took place
followed by progressive euchre,
Winners of the euchre were: Men's
most games and lone hands, Mr,
Serb Hoggart I low, Mrs, Ches.
,Hoggart, playing as a man; ladies
high Mrs. Harvey Taylor; lone
aands, Mrs. Relit. Jamieson; Iow,
Mrs. Donald Buchanan. Next 'week
will meet next Monday night at the
home of Mr. and MIs. Wm, Dol -
The annual congregational meet-
ing of Eg•mondville United Church
was held in the Sunday ;School roam
on Monday evening, There was a
tanattendance, slipper was served
.by the ladies after which the busi-
ness part of the meeting was taken
up under the chairmanship of the
ipaster, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, with
Mrs. Ruby Dundas tie secretary.
Very satisfactory reports were giv-
en by the different organizations of
the church. A very hearty vote of
thanks was tendered the Women's
Association who had the church re-
decorated during the year at a cost
of $1300.00. 'The Board of Stewards
had re -roofed the church at a cost of
81,100.00. These improvements were
all paid for and a substantial bal-
ance in the bank. The amount con-
tributed to the Missionary and
Maintenance Fund was $768.00, an
increase of 4149.00 over the previ-
ous year. A vote of thanks was given
to the minister, the organist, and
the janitor for their faithful ser -
The new members appointed to
the Board of Stewards were John
MoCloy, Norman McLean, Andrew
Moore and Wm. Cameron.
The auditors appointed were John
S. Watson and John aVfeCloy.
After the ',meeting was adjourned
a .game of 'crockincile was enjoyed.
A 'banquet is being held by the
Seaforth Agricultural Society on
Wednesday evening of this week at
the :Commercial Hotel. The guest of
honor is Mr. J. M. Govenlock, who
retired as .president last month after
serving in that position for nine
C. G. I. T.
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 7:30 the
held its first meeting of the
year. The opening hymn was "What
a Friend we have in 'Jesus" followed
by a prayer by 'Mrs. J. Thompson
after which Marilyn Kling read bhe
scripture. The election of officers
was conducted by MrsalF. Kling, one
of the new leaders. The officers are
as follows:
Pres., ;Marilyn Kling; vice-pres,,
Patsy Munroe; sec., Margaret Hem-
berger; press aec., 'Sheila McFadden;
treas., (Marilyn McPhee; pianist,
Marie Hunt; roll call captain, Marion
The treasurers reports were given
by last year's treasurer, Patsy Mun-
roe, with a balance of $2.81 and
$7.24 in the bank. The meeting
closed by repeating the purpose
which was followed by taps.
The W. I. will have a pot -luck
dinner at the home of Mrs. 'David
MacLean on Friday, Feb. 3rd
around 10 a.m. for the purpose of
(Milting. Six quilts have been fin-
ished and four more :are to be done
on Friday for the 'Sick . Children's
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Secoad McBrien of
Constance announce the marriage of
their daughter, Maxine Ruth, to
Glen Milton Gracey, son of Mr. T.
Gracey and the late Mrs. Gracey of
Springfield. IThe young couple will
reside in Toronto.
,Saturday afternocm 'several
senior members of the school formed
aguard of honour for our past prin-
cipal, /Mr,. Moffat. Mr. Moffat, who
had been at out school for many
yenta has left many memories be-
hind hint of goodwill,
Plans Ave well under way for the
Operetta "Tom Sawyer", which we
are presenting on IMarch 9 and 10 in
the High 'acbool Auditorium.
• *
This being Health Week, the
school nurse is going to pay us all a
special visit. Health posters have
been .displayed in the front hall.
Health Week! And everyone has
a cold, *
We have not had such an open
winter sine 1897. It doesn't mean
much te us because we can't remem-
ber that far back.
Les Habkirk, Bill Nigh, Doug Stew-
art, 13111 Broome, Bill Bennett, Frank
Nigh, Bruce McFadden, Bob Hubert;
George Love, Bill Hoff, Durl Hop-
per, Larry Wheatley.
Maple Leafs --
Ken Willis, Norman Lee, Dave Mc-
Millan, Don McK indsey, Forget:
Rowland, Sandy McMillan, John
;Crozier, Clayton Hogg, jack Strong,
Don Taylor, Neil Broadfoot, Doug
Bruins --
Geo. Claw, Lloyd Eisler, Gord
Rowland, Geo, Sills, Wayne Scott,
Gard Pullmaa, Charley Riley, Gra-
ham Henderson, John McIlwain,
Grant MeClinchey, Jack Mathews,
Joseph Williams.
Jerry Dressel, Norman Hubert,
Don Dupee, Ivau Carter, Ken Camp-
bell, Ron Muir, Ted ;Savauge, John
Nigh, Richard Heale, Ken Dupee,
Bill Vanderburg, George Campbell.
Canadiens vs Maple Leafs; Bruins
vs Hawks; Canadiens vs Bruins;
Maple Leafs vs Hawks; Canadiens
vs Hawks; Maple Leafs vs Hawks.
Play -Offs: 1st team against 3rd.
Winners play off.
Red Wings—
James Watson, Doug 'Scott, Bill
Roberton, Ken Thompson, Paul
Besse, Ron Mason, Wayne Beune-
weis, Don Albrecht, Murray MeFacl-
,den, Brian Brady, Jimmy Cvieh,
Keith Bennewies, David Watson.
Charley Dungey, , John Melady,
Larry Berger, Jimmy Johnson, Mur-
ray Carter, James 0. Scott, William
Kerr, ;Glen Coutts, Jack Hoff, Larry
Dale, Peter Hogg, Clendon Keri'.
Sill Flannigan'Harold Dalrymple,
Raba Snell, Bob Knight, Toni
Broome, Paul MdMaster, Ray Scams,
Bill Ironsides, Bill Johnson, Ron
Williams, Grant Flannigan, Bill
Jerry Schultz, Erk Eaton, Robt.
MdGonigle, Richard Watson, Don
Mciainchey, john Soshart, Craig
Willis,Derek Jones, Don Wright,
Keith Raton, Bill 'Strong, Bruce Mil-
Red Wings vs Rangers; Maroons
vs Millionaires; Red Wings vs aVfar-
oons; Rangers vs Millionaires; Red
Wings vs Millionaires; Rangers vs
Play -Offs: lst against 3ra team.
Winners play off.
Gaines commence at 8 am and
each player will be required to pay
10 cents. First games will begin
Saturday, Feb. 4th.
Funeral services for Peter Bry-
den Moffatt, who died Thursday,
Jan. 26, were held ;Saturday at 2:00
p.m. at Northside United Church.
The funeral wad very largely .aittend-
ed. Pupils of the school of which he
'was principal for 18 years stood at
attention while the remains were be-
ing carried from the church. At the
service, James .Stewart sang: "He
wipes the tear from every eye."
Pall -bearers were John ;Stevens, J.
A. Westeott, Ross ;Scott, Thomas B.
liairdaRobert Joynt and B. F. Chris-
tie. The service was conduoted by
Rev. D. A. McMillan. Interment was
in ;Baird's cemetery.
Foarner principal of the Seaforth
Public school for 18 years, Mr. Mof-
fat, in his 54th year, died at his
home at West St., .Seaforth, Thurs-
day. Mr. Moffat retired from teach-
ing a year ago due to ill health.
Born in Stanley township, he was
married in 1922 at iCliaton to Mae
;Sinclair who survives. Also surviv-
ing are two daughters, Mrs. Thomas
(Helen) Wilbee, .Seaforth, and Janie
Moffat, Waterloo; one brother, Wal-
ter Moffat, Stanley township, He
was educated at Clinton and later
attended the faculty of education nt
Toronto. He was a member of
Northside United Church, Seaforth.
and the I.0.0.11., •Brucefield, No. 210
An Executive meeting of the Red
Cross will be held in the workroom
at the library on 'Friday, Feb. 3rd at
three o'clock.
Surprise Party For Wedding
About 30 friends and neighbors
gathered recently at the home of
Mr. and 11VIrs. Wilmer 1V1a0lindhey,
taking them completely by 'surprise
to celebrate with them their 'twen-
tieth wedding anniversary. The fol-
lowing address was read
Dear Wilmer and Nettie: --No
doubt you are surprised to see us
barge in on you tonight but it is in
honor of your twentieth wedding an-
niversary. No doubt you,
too, will
remember more about that memora-
ble day than we do. And by your
living in our midst we do know you
have not forgotten what the preach-
er said: tbreugh Oleic and thin, sun-
shine and ram, you both have stucic
to the ship. As we all know you are
•a great credit to our ;community and
lame we have you both for a long
time to come as it is a pleasure for
us all to 'share this Happy occasion
with you. We ask you to accept
these gifts at china as a remem-
brance of this happy evening A
aocial time was enjoyed by •all.
Tentative plena have been add for
the offieita opening of settforili Mem-
orial Centre late ibis 1110111 h. Instal-
lation or the artitham pliillt will
he tlm governing Motor as 10 lhe
0,0101, thl e, Tilo public. will revolve
ample 1101 or the Quilro program..
now being arranged. MetruivIdle "very
Inedlicss place in Soak -wilt Ims been
made available (or the sale of timia-
11011 subseriptions. 11 is realized, by
the committee In eiterge, that meta..
willing donors have nt'ver here; cent+
tacted, and thervfore ciao; or lila.,
may make their [halal kat 1,11 any of
the Seaforili places of ))144111ess,
building activities, so nit. as
the original contractor is concerned
should be completed in a week's
tinw and from then until the ()polling
day, every effort will be made to
have the official opening of the Sea -
forth Memorial aentre a thing to
remember many years to come,
The February meeting of the Sea -
forth Women's Institute will be held
on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 2:30 at the
home of Miss Mabel Cameron. The
roll call will be answered by a handy
supper dish to leave for men's sup-
per. The motto will be, what we
make of our home is more important
than what ourahonies are made of.
This will be our home economics
Meeting with 'Mrs. James Brown in
charge. There will be a demonstra-
tion by the Singer Sewing Machine
representative of Stratford, and it
is hoped there will be a good attend-
ance and everyone will be on time.
Lunch committee is: sandwiches,
Mrs. John Davidson, and Mrs. Rus-
sell—Miller; cake, Mrs. Lorne Carter
and Mrs. Eimer Cameron. Members
are asked to please bring Xmas
cards to this meeting for a children's
hospital in England.
The death occurred at Mitchell on
Sunday, Jan. 29th of air. Daniel
Neabel of 'Brussels, RR,. 3, in his
80th year, following a stroke. About
three years ago Mr. Neabel had his
first stroke, and for the past two
months he had lived at a rest home
in ;Mitchell, Born itt Grey township
'on July 14th, 1870, son of the late
Ma. and lafrs. Conrad Neabel, he
had farmed all his life in that
township. In July, 1808, he was
utited iu Marriage to Miss Susan
Nalinee, who survives him. Also sur-
viving are seven sons and three
daughters William, of McKillop;
Harold, 'Cowanstown; Alfred, of
Wallace Township; Charlie, Toron-
to; Arthur, Brantford; Albert, Nor -
with; Fergus, Ingersoll; MIs. E.
McNeil ,(Gladys), of Brantford;
Mrs. Edwin Bennewies (lSusaii), of
Seaforth; Mrs. C. Irwin (Doris), of
Toronto; also •three brothers and
three sisters, Conrad, of Gerrie;
David, of Brandon, Man.; John,
Manitoba; Mrs. Kate Casey, of Van-
aouver, B.C.•, Mrs. Mary Knowles, of
Winnipeg; Mrs. Virginia Johnston,
of Pahnerston. Two brothers and
two sisters predeceased aim, Annie,
Elizabeth, Gabriel and Harry. He is
survived by thirty-two grandchildren
and four great grandchildren. Mr.
Neabel was a member of the Luther-
an +Cher& The funeral was held
from the Box Funeral, Chapel, Sea -
forth, on Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. C. Klages, of Mitchel!, officiat-
ing, Interment was in afaitlandba.nk
cemetery, Seaforth.
The Executive and Directors of
Huron 'County Federation held a
ireeting on Saturday afternoon Jan.
28th. in the Agricultural board them,
Clinton. It was decided to hold their
meeting on Feb. 21st and have two
voting delegates present for each
township as it is planned to discuss
• It has ,been proposed that 1/5 of
a mill levy is not sufficient income
to support the Federation work, and
it has been suggested that this levy
be changed to 2/5 of a mill. It was
also suggested that the division of
this money between the township
and the county be changed.
The Federation will again hold a
Field Day and publish a Year Book.
One invitation has been received to
hold the annual picnic in Goderich
again this year. No 'action was taken
on this invitation as it was consider-
ed advisable to wait and see if other
invitations ' are received.
A delegation from Huron County
Federation of Agriculture is attend-
ing the annual meeting of the Cana-
dian Federation of Agriculture be-
ing held at Niagara Palls, this week,
Over fifty Junior farmers from
Huron County attended the Agaical-
turalaShort Course at Guelph, held
early in January. They reported the
;Course was well worth attending
and much valuable information and
training was received, We cannot
estimate the value of this training,
as it should lead to improved faria,
ing ht our county as these young
men put into practiee crn there own
teems the thinga they have been
taught by those educational expeets,
The engagement of Edna 'Loran, -
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Broadfoot, Kippen, to John William
Deitz, Kippen,son of Mrs. Eliza-
beth Deitz and the late William
Doke, the marriage to take place
quietly in February.
ADE -11111
17 Jewels
-oda./ do. ortrei/afe 'um ey
Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing
The annual meeting of the Hen -
sail United Church was held on Mon-
day night with a record crowd of
members, adherents and families in
attendance. A delicious supper was
served under the auspices of the
W.A., after which Rev. R. A. Brook
presided for the business session.
Mr. J. ;McAllister was named re-
cording secretary. All departments
of,thechurch showed encouraging
progress made during the past year.
Each report revealed a substantial
balance after obligations were com-
pletely liquidated: During the even-
ing Miss Greta Laramie and Mr. J.
Horton favored with violin duets,
"The Sunset Trail," and "1 Love a
Little Cottage," accompanied by
Miss Gladys Luker. A period of
community singing was enjoyed
with Miss Laramie as pianist and
Mr. Rennie directing. Mr. T. Sher-
ritt rendered a solo. "Ye Banks and
Braes," :accompanied by Mrs. .Sher-
ritt. Mr. W. Forrest, clerk of ses-
sion, presented the report of ses-
sion. A humorous reading, "A Cler-
gyman's report of an annual meet-
ing" was given by ;Mr. Walter
Spencer. alr. E. L. Mickle, repres-
enting the nominating committee,
presented the following report for
!Stewards to replace those retiring
aan. 1950, Mr, A. Shirray, Mr. E.
Rowcliffe, Mr, R. Forrest, Mr. R. J.
Drysdale; M. and M. committee, E.
Forrest +(chairman), W. B. Cross,
Miss M. Ellis, Miss G. Leonmie, Mr.
W. Forrest, lair. G. M. Drysdale, see.
-treas. flower corn., Mrs. Geo. Hess
(convener), Mrs. 'G. Thompson
(treas.). Mrs. H. IMellfurtrie, Miss
Katie Scott, Mrs. W. 'Forrest, Mrs.
Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. W. R. Deeg-
an; auditors, R. Patterson and
Mervyn Brown; press rep„
Hedden. At the close Mr. 'George
Folliek expressed hearty thanks to
the W. A. for their kindness and
successful endeavors, Benedicition
The Legion Auxiliary entertained
friends to a euchre party and ;Scotch
program on Wed. Jan. 25th. Prior to
the euchre the Auxiliary Pvesident,
'Mrs. Beer, made the presentation of
the piano to the Legion. Byron Kyle
accepted on behalf of the Legion.
,Mr, and Mrs. J. Sinclair represented
the Kippen East Institute. This in-
strument was purchased by Bengali
Institute, Hensall Legion Auxiliary
and Kippen 'East Institute, Mrs. J.
'Sangster was responsible for enter-
tainment, luncheon arrangements
and prizes. Euchre prize winners,
ladies 1st, Mrs. Mary Buehanan;
2nd, Mrs, Rose Dick; gent's let, Mr.
Donald Daymen; and, Mr. Jack
:Simmons; lone hands, Mrs. Ed Dick,
Crokinole let, Mrs. W. Brown; 2nd,
Mrs. J. Peebles, Community sing-
ing was featured with Mr. 1. Nicol
at the piano and :IVIr. S. Rennie
directing. Mrs. L. H. Millman and
:Miss Hoyle, Zoite 'Commander of
Stratford, attended this event. De-
litious refreshments were %mod
after which the following program
was given with alfrs. Deer presiding.
Solo "Ve Banks and :Brea", "Flow
Gently Sweet Afton", Mrs. af.
Brown, bit', Nicol accompanied, Bag-
pipe selections, Messrs Noleon Howe
and +H. Thee. Sok, Mos, Cameron,
"Millie Laurie", accompanist, Mr.
Nicol. Solo, Mr. T. .Sherritt accomp-
anied by Mrs. iSherritt. Readings,
Mrs, Robt. ISimpson. Solo, Mr. S.
Rennie, accompanied by Mx. Nicol.
At this time Miss Hoyle gave a
few well chosen remarks. Mr, Byron
Kyle extended thanks to all on be-
half of the Legion. Mrs. Beer passed
a vote of thanks. "God save the
Miss Rachel Malvine Murdie pass-
ed away in Goderieh Township,
on Tuesday, January 31st,
where she had been living for the
past few years. She had died in her
sleep and was found in her room by
members of the household. Miss
Murdie was born in McKillop town-
ship a daughter of the late Mr. and
,Mas. Michael Murdie. She was in
her 66th year. She is survived by
one sister, Mrs. John Leming of
Winthrop, and two !brothers, W. C.
Murdie, 'Ottawa and Doss ,Murdie of
Seaforth. After attending Seaforth
Collegiate institute and 'Stratford
Normal !School, the served for 12
Years as teacher in schools in Morris
and McKillop townships. The de-
parted woman was a faithful +mem-
ber of Duff's Church, iMeKillop, and
also a member of the Eastern ;Star,
Seaforth. The funeral will be held
on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. from the
G. A. Whitney funeral chapel, Sea -
forth, with Rev, W. J. Patton of
Sambre officiating. Interment will
be in +Maitland Bank +Cemetery.
A. very successful social evening
was held in St. Thomas' Anglican
Parish Hall on Thursday, Jan. 26th.
During the evening 18 tables of
progressive euchre were in play.
Prize winners were as follows; La-
dies' first, Mrs. Ada Reid; Ione
hands, •Mrs. Bethune; consolation,
Miss Gladys Earle. Men's first, Mr.
John Eisler; lone hands, Mr. Hiram
Shannon; consolation, Mr. Coiling -
wood. A draw was made for an ap-
ron. This was won by Mrs. Harry
Palin. Lunch was served and a social
hour spent. The National Anthem
brought the evening to a 'close. All
money raised ;by these evenings is th
be used to change and remodel our
The ladies would like to thank all
who helped make the evening each
a success. It it hoped to have another
social in the near future.
Mr. and lairs. Gordon Fisher and
Audrey of Toronto; Mr. and ;Mrs.
Harry Brigham and Bruce of Wood-
stock, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mas. Borden Brown. Mr, and
Mas. George Campbell and Leonard;
Mr. and IMrs. Edgar Brigham and
Raymond of Allan Park, 'spent Sat-
urday at Brown', celebrating the
Sand birthday of Mrs. Brown's
father, Mr. Brigham.
Donald Stephenson of Ottawa
spent the weekend at the home of
his parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Leo Ste-
air. Wm. Dale spent a few days
in Toronto.
We are sorry to know that Mager
Billy Millson, son of Tifr. end +Mrs.
Dave Millson, bag pneumonia,