HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-19, Page 7tt a tl e d 4004
tat pd gn ltp retltra 't
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Ott lltls.«tntf• tlitn;
v>rf eerrces trgp par 1
oy ' retort 7 bleed
an itltor c it dots gf+
,l t
fltood onturns to vein int )nr�
tients. Ett rhtutogat ibis lobe.
Blood flows in ornery i'.
patient's oral through thi
tube into 100 feet of fle
cellophane tubing wann
ttrtiund revolving drum.
Took belev , drirn contotns spline soluttrlfI As
tubing on drool rebates through this, i Sone
poisonslseep through cellophane, purifying blood,
.Artificial Kidney Saves a Life—When the kidneys fail to function, poisons normally el:minuied
pile up in the body. This brings on acute uremic poisoning, generally fatal, unless the condition
is quickly relieved. For that purpose, the Allis-Chalmers Company developed an artificial kidney,
shown in photograph above. It is a refinement and improvement of a design by Dr. W. j. Kollf,
of Holland. It was first used on a 55 -year-old salesman, in whom uremic poisons had been ac-
oumulating for six days. Doctors said that without relief his case was hopeless. He was conscious -
and aware of the treatment the entire three hours during which his blood flowed through the
machine.. Two weeks after the treatment, he walked out of the hospital saying he felt "better
now than I have for years,"
7FAr.sF.E T7 -.LSCS
cater Am:ban.
Memory is a queer thing, isn't it?
.All of a sudden, out of nowhere,
A'ones a flash of recollection - a
!mental picture of something that
may have occurred many years ago,
yet stands out with all the clarity
and vividness of life itself.
I know. I express myself badly—
'hut I chink you'll understand what 1
mean..And just the day before yes-
terday, for no reason at all, I found
myself thinking of a tiny boy—he's
n grown man now, with children of
his own—whose mother was trying
to coax hint to eat Something he
didn't care for. Carrots, perhaps.
"'They're awfully good for you,"
said the mother. "When you say
something is good for me, muni,"
answered the youngster, "it just
DAMNS it for mel"
Nowadays, 1 think, soothers are
wiser. They don't try to wheedle
their families 11110 eating their vege-
tables. They serve them up in dif-
-- Tdt ways, and make them so
tempting that no coaxing is needed.
The following vegetable recipes will
be a help to soiree of you, I hope.
Serves h
Sante nntil tender, not brown:
4 cups onion slices in
2 tablespoons melted butter
ljteaspoon salt
1 cup sifted flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
• 11/4 teaspoons baking powder
Cat in
2 tablespoons shortening
Blend in
!•a cup milk ..
egg, slightly beaten
Spread this dough in well- mere]
pie tin.
Cover with santecd onions.
1/4 cup sour cream, mixed with
egg, well Neaten
B.' e al 425 deg. (hot) 25 minutes.
Serves 8
2 garlic cloves, diced
2 teaspoons flour, in fat
Mix hi
4 cups strait:cd, diced, canned
1 cup vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
t/ teaspoon salt
1 cup strained beet juice
(Simmer 5 minutes; remove from
1 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons flour
4 slices bacon, diced, fried
Simmer 5 minutes• serve bot or
* •t *
Serves 8
2 cups canned cora, 3 minutes
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper
S;ta ner 5 minutes.
11/4 cups dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup chopped parsley in
'2 tablespoons melted utter
Combine above mixtures.
Cut in half, lengthwise; remove
centers of
4 medium green peppers
Parboil 8 minutes in salted water.
Fill with corn mixture.
* * *
Serves 6
2 tablespoons flour into
2 tablespoons:, melted bolter
Stir in .
1 cup milk ,
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cook over low heat until thick,
Pour into greased 2 -quart casserole.
Mix in
2 cups canned green Lima
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup white sauce
Y. cup pimiento, minced
TA teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons tomato catsup
Top w its
2 tablespoons melted butter
14 cup bread crumbs
Bake at 350 deg, (moderate) 30
* 5 *
, Setn'es 8
11/4 cups drained, diced canned
11/4 cups drained canned peas
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
?/q tablespoon melted shorten-
4 eggs, well beaten
1 % cups soft bread crumbs
1 cup cream
f/r, cup vegetable liquid
11/z teaspoon salt
t/5 teaspoon pepper
Pour into well -greased, 2 -quart cas-
Bake at 350 deg. (moderate) 1 hour
in pan of water.
Serve with cheese sauce made as
3 tablespoons melted butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk; let thicken
Blend in
?q teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
t/ cup grated cheese
Sales Promotion
A recent advertisement in a large
city worked wonders. It ran: "Mil-
lionaire, young, good-looking, wish-
es to meet, with a view to marriage,
a girl like the heroine in X's novel,"
111 less than 24 hrs., every copy of
X's novel in the city's bookshops
was solei. '
Woman in court: Ile is full of
ideas, but he expects other people
to 'carry thein out.
brings ' COUGH
relief m coughs,
throat 1511(15.
tions. SYR up'
ATA,...,,..,..1 n Ck';,tu.Ln-
Good As New — liven canine
friends take interest when
Struppi, 3 -year-old dachshund
living in Berlin, clip -clops along
the street. Strnppi's owner,
Mrs. Helene Kugel, straps on
the artificial limb worn by the
dog in place of the right fore-
leg he lost when hit by a car
two years ago.
'Warm -Up — At the Chelsea
Arts Ball in Lotltlon, Daphne
Page warms up—hut just a lit-
tle --in a leather flying jacket
before going on, Daphne was
• one of the twin princesses driv-
ing the "Weather Tlrnise," and
- the weather was a trifle nippy.
New And Useful
Flacks Dnek Decoys -
1 if-lilte dfk ,,,says molded of
noii-shiatterabh: plastic; metal keel
makes them self-righting in water,
Mallard decoy floats breast down
rtltl t{til itighi special weight atl-
toretl in twit makes eaiteasbaolt
Rost in more horizontal position.
Different shaped heads, realistic
colors add to lifelike appearance,
claims maker. Solvent cement will
seal holes made by stray shot;
plastic is lightweight. moisture and
weather -resistant.
5 . *
Eight at Card Table
Standard card table is transformed
into dining table for eight by means
Of five-ply fibreboard ,reunovable
top which 103336 into 22 -in, storage
space. Maker claims metal clasp on
(old keeps top ri,gitl; elastic webbing
hold, it to tattle. flits strong tape
reinforcement nt on 011 folds.
* * *
Shatter -Resistant Mirror
Claimed especially suitable for
public washrooms, etc„ mirror of
shatter-re-1aant glass said to wilh-
st:nnl shock four or live time; great-
er than ,nrdintu•y mirrors; when
broken, 3111131160611135 into harmless
granntlts. )las invisible theft -proof
hunger; comes in all .ilei,
a s #
Kitchen Aid
Rotary grater puts 180 cutting
edges against food with one turn
of drum; claimed to speed grating
0311• old principle of holding and
rubbing fond against grater. Can be
reversed for easier use by left-
handed people.
* * *
Incense From Ash Tray
Novelty ash tray of plastic stone
shaped lit:r barbecue pit has de-
oderant lube iu cltinutey which
gives tobacco smoke aroma similar
to incense. 'I'r y beneath grill.
catches rshts: eipafettes and n1alch-
rs are betel nn ,i les,
Reports Cancer Find —!)r.
Irene Corey Diller, above, of
the Institute for Cancer Re-
search has reporter] the dis-
covery of fungi—tiny invisible
plants—grow ing in cancer. The
discovery is said to he one of
the most startling medical finds
of this century; however, says
Dr. Diller, a `great deal of work'
remains to be done in the field.
"It1other, dear, .what was the
name of that boy 1 met on holiday
—the one I couldn't live without?"
Here's A New Use
For Apple Cider
A,p eeentbY a stew *lee bus been
fatvnlY far apple elder according to
information recently released, A
paper entitled "Flavour in Pota-
toes as Influenced by Organic In-
secticides" brought forth the inter-
esttiing information that apple cider
was used between each sample
1 tasted for possible taint cawed by
the chemicals used in the control of
moil -born infects attaeking the po-
tato Drop. Just how couch cider was
consumed filling the course of a -
day's tasting was not discloser) to
the thirsty listcucrs. But it was
revealed that lite cider definitely
speeded up (be tasting Process and
that the practice had nun h to rrrnnt.
mend 111
A small-town newspaper carried
a half page of white space. 1n the
centre at which was set in very
small type: "This space; belongs to
John Schmidt, who went fishing
with the copy In itis pollen."
1887 Avenue Rd,
Toronto 12
Write ussfor a
Knitting Needle Gauge
Help with Knitting Problems
"We Pay all Shipping Charges"
lipi!y great to relieve' PERIODIC'
with uncomfortable
Ate you troubled by distress of n -male
functional monthly diaturbonces? Does
thin make you suffer from patty fool an
nervous, restless, cranky, weak—at such
times? Then do try famous Lydia E.
Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound to
relieve such eymptomel
Plnkham's Compound has proved re- > . ... .. ........... ,............,,
mnrknbly helpful to women troubled Taken regularly — Pinkham's Com-
thia luny. You ass it to yourself to try it. pound helps build up reaistanee against
Pinkhmn'e Compound is a very ells:. tomb distress. Also a goat etomnchie
live uterine sedative. It bag n grand tonic!
soothing egect on one of trromor's most TOTE, Or yon luny prefer Lydia E.
important organs. Pintrtnun's TABLETS with nddJ, iron.
RABBIT ROYALTY—This little girl receives a royal audience
by the king of rabbits, "Jeannot I,' and his queen at a Paris
exhibition. The show featured various exhibits of family activities.
in addition to the multitude of toys.
New Trends
In '50 Autos
one of Chevrolet's 1950 tnollel-
is the Bel Air, above, a "hard
top" passenger car with the low
lines- of a convertible. It fea-
tures greatly increased visibil-
ity and luxurious interior deco-
ration. AT RIGHT is the new
experimental two -passenger ear
built by NASA to find out if
motorists really want a small
eat' coating "$1000 or less." The
economy Nash -.is about 12 feet
long, four and a half feet wide
and five feet, two inches high.
'l'pp -,Meed is 60 to 65 miles per
hour, with the car getting 45
to 50 miles to a gallon of ,gas.