HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-19, Page 6ITS 'FRAGRANCE IS 'SEALED 1N VACUUM AN NE meg,, am "Deaf dune Hirst: When my hus- band went a' -ay to war, he begged Iue to forgite Min for the past - which had !wen disgusting for three ycare, with one affair after au - other. He prom- ised that w lien lie came home, our .lives would he normal again. "Now he i3 ten units \*once than before! "I knew when I married lii1r 1= year; ago that he 1:3,1 a rot ia.q eye. But he has had the e Mike rot places of business in the past t',re,, years, and cart -led on his affairs at every one! No, a married wamun who work; to him is t . last. Slm is efficient, and 1 want, ,, t'any thing to dis- rept Hs bit : i e.,, i've tried to like lam.. but 1 can't. She 1tnOws of his • .:•'+e,' a'fairs, and ,I•te•y:'t care, (( ton)ut gout ;totem! '1'le.e dainty linens are fun to dei. too, with crocheted shirts ani ointple embroidery! cried ueedlev,orti 1'athrit 511; iran,i ;r of a 117 :t,16: two 8';115- ita:a motifs: cr„c!•rt directions. hair's \Vlieeler's improc3ecl pat- . makt.- ueedlev ort, so simple clews, ;Moto, a1•'1 ,ilrl •,, din601. send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS chi- rtt: Box I, 123 Eighteenth St„ New Toronto. Ont. t' -r, plaint. PATTERN NUM- BER. w-,,,rr ADDRESS, 14 SI" NO DIVORCE POSSIBLE "We cannot be divorced on ac- count of our religion.. \Vet own our own home, a car, and a going busi- ness, \Ve have three wonderfttl children, but I ant getting ashamed to have them seen with their father. "\ty husband is perfect in every *Her respect, His own fancily and 1 have tried to talk to hint, to guide hill hark to a decent life. \\'e all love hi utdearly. But nothing helps. "\lust I resign myself to a life- time of disgrace? .A D1S'l'RACiil11' \VIFli." * * 1 know how dark the future * looms.. 1 know lion helpless yr,ti * feel in the face of yonr husband's * evil Ways, how- r.neermil you are * about the children oestriog up to * learn what hind .1i man their * father is. You, and his people, * have us i every argument you * could to itrottie hal to a realira- * tion .t1 tt hat he is tbding to you all, * Hate e yon re•+tind, 1 him t the; Ore * day t1ie.se children tr,!1 he asham- * e,l to arkttowle ge '::int as their * father' lle mast dare *1,1110 pride * tiro remit's Inilitre Ui..t .hour, * 1lae•e you to" •:i with your * pro•,: shout ut this' * tract a t your h i :site ran be *. per -waded to renew 1.is ltv rr,aee * roes, to lied, through h is C'intrrlc, strength to overcome las weak- * ctr.• Ile must. h"w r -r, W.\ NT * to live a deceig the, and want it * with all his Co1 essirll ref siniS the first * sten. .titre lie ha, S.ra cleaned, is co: sir :•e,l Cat be 1a wi11 be * g w,•u 1: I:c d,Ies ;r, pini, he can * ii^d d:e faith that i.e heats, Im * hist; e to you and the children and * his family, he stun! 1 matte otte at- * tempt to. turn rig;'it, * t )n.• emuler.s is lett this' married * wl)III01 , Ili; pr0,ent inamorata, * thin!;, of her part in all tins.-- * Ant for her, he t i1'.ht really be * thine the goo life. \\'hat a bur- * den to have on one's soul! * f1 every other way. your hes- * band is fine and decent. Ile loves * ym all, Iry is suecessfel. and pro- * vole, nett for you. Ile thankful for * all o' this, and hold o1 to your * faith, * lite faith of a good woman has * worked miracles, * In life's darkest hours, hold on to your faith, Sometimes just telling a sympathetic friend relieves one's burden. Anne 1Jirst is your friend, Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. GUILTY CONSCIENCE Attie public librarp, a small boy presented a well -worm, dirty volume at the return desk. 'the librarian glanced at the book and its title, then at the size of the boy. and retaarl,ed: -r,14 is.ratL,-r technical, i.n't it?" Planting his fest firmly on the door, the boy, half -defiantly, an- swered, "It was that way when I sot It." CROSSWORD PUZZL At'tt ,5,. 1. Light,+s rv. 7. ser :alta),. 11 14 1 1 c r.•', 14 :Monied 40' 14 Hoeing 41p is vins o Icaarn *. to Hebre.0 1 Ore. 210 v:+r"e 20:i , St II 2 ler J"N,' e int.. d. rine:. \1.to.nd 0 wild hog. lma.n phline in O st village a Ohle ,Y SO ir 4 e. a i nice. 41 :nen tonnhig al,t t Ian 44.ta 4,. nu Onr*Ithal note* 47.W addition. n. 4Ywent away. bit 1 r cls moaning bird 552 Inmtype. surn, tir ��r. 53. I and ni••d.OVte- 57, I lit- . n i„ nae en hitt i 112. . cin raph 43, Wlirrding,tit' t overt. L ttanioatl eve 2. No. Ani. ,• ,*I1 reentry. 2. %bothatn e e i tl ptae-a 4. Throw etowly 3,01d card game. CMse•nttt a T. 71s.9alnation a. lntpr,wc t,. 9, clot 40 n'i .' 10. Tsnre1i 5 'e'tor 11 N:, r, 11. Ilonsehold. 42. Kilo, .,r -vin 12 on„ r+d, 14. Singly 17. Village 441. At an end* al...,.49, Civil Miner,, s : . 7' re. mite. te. 62. leaner» 14. 1;y Wang). 26. it Sp,'at'+ tuft*. 27, Mineral spring -, . ire 22. Turtci;lh 9eeree ornament .' To 58. Amon,;. 4 Kind or paper9. l'mmnnrativc 34. Roman bronze,ending. :7 q,L . cnitablo :1 I,44,e I....f t 8 9 At a 12 ■■■ 14 I■ I° ,;y�, <:a' IF .ill. r7 B 2? • ■r a M111111101111111111.'‘" iii da ■���46 �� M19 `ry'V gid Jjy` 44 11111 MIN I '1- 11J Alli '.: MilII Answer elsewhere on thin pego, • Tills Is Yasmin-.\*urns Nita I Inv worth cuddles her daughter Vas01in in this first photo since the child's birth at- NI an ich isi Clinic, Lausanne, Switzerland, ` ") 6lwen.doLtr .e P. C leak1.« It's safe at home we are and very glad to be here! I'm sec Bolt and I have jI.1 come back front 't',non o. \\•e throne t'Iere in a pea -sots. t:t t and we c,;ole hack in a fogs. but Before we returned, a little more thiclomin; bad been add':1 to the sow.). It 1', 1, a busi- ness tr:', ori:r...:..:0 00 wu1141 not 14115'0 tootle \\ e,1, the year is v nl, yet, hitt already me have seen plenty of a,: - than at•ocn,I here, .\ Moat a weak ago. every '''s in 0114 barn started to ron,,aii and two of Cheat develope,l . - t estiun of the lungs. \Ve had a hippy tinge , .. the men trailing back and forth to the bttrtt with mustard plasters, medicine and bak- ing .oda-we bought baking soda by the live -pound lot. Rising in the 'ter 5014' tom's to put a mustard pharter 10 a cow isn't exactly our idea of reiasation atter ti.e holiday season. In the midst of it all, we had eoulpany for the week-eud. We espec:ed Daughter house, too, but she phoned that she could not conte because she bad just rented a hots! \ es, it cane to that -and all because she could not find a decent room at a rersonable rent. Ten dollars a week she had been paying for one third -floor room and not even an outlet where she could _plug in an iron. The house Daugluer has rented is interesting , I think it Hurst Bare been built when Toronto was still Muddy York. Reel brick on a stone foundation; hardwood floors tllroughont -_. and • such beautiful floors --- anti a fireplace in two of the room.. 'Ilie light fixtures are as old as the hills with two sockets for hydro bulbs and one for gas. The windows are large, the back ones overlooking a nice size lawn s1rronnded by flower beds and a hoard fence. Daughter bas five of the nine rooms rented already. As I said before. 1 found the house t eft intereidiig and wised so 01'11 I eontd find ont something about its past history. 1 felt in env bones that it had a'1,1ory. Old houses like that, just three minutes wall: from one of Toronto's busiest street:, don't spring up like mush - tomes. Not only that, but. Daugh- ter has tale❑ over some of the furniture with the 110113e and it is equally ` ancient, There was a dresser she was showing -me that nits bigger than any dresser 1 ever saw in my life -and a bad to match it. .\notlier bedroom Butte Was plain, genuine walnut and e brass bed with such beautiful styl- ing that it was really. a work of art. But the paper on the walls! I'm telling you - some of them must have been put on during the Victorian era -you know the kind I ntetn, the mark tapestry kind. And that is ori ler,tanclable because the owner of the house is 85, i might add most of the rooms are gohtg to be redecorated. But ap- parently the old lady was getting more modern in some ways with advancing years as a good mil fut•- ntaae had been Metalled etas& was apparently in good working order. From now on, I have a faint suspicion that anything not needed at home will be sure of a welcome at :Daughter's house. In fact, that wee the purpose of out visit tncla% ---taking. down some of Daughtr t , belongings and adding a few 0f 0 is OMI for good measure.lith. I poor doer -.she hail been sit bus• trotting up and downs stairs, vote) lug and.cle.oing, that site lecke just about ready to drop. However, she won't have it al( to do as the I ground floor is rented eA a young I married - couple, friends of Daugh- ter',, who are going to help run the Moils,. as Daughter will natur- ally he ass ay at the office all day. '1'li!, they are only too glad to do as they have two small boys and Mill 1104*, the best accommodation they could get was one room in unrther-ht•law'4 house. And how necessary it is for young couples to haye their ono -living quarters, whether they live in the town or co,mtn•y, UI things bciug equal, We hope lJ lI Inter is away to a good start for 1950 She is taking quite a chance -but then, nothing ventre, nothing have. At any rate, site should at least get a little fun our of the deal. As for the farm, Part- ner has just conte in to supper and le thinks we are definitely winning the Battle of the Barn. Maybe these ordinary, everyday omens are not so very important, but when there are clouds in the sky, it is just as well to make the most of every little bit of sunshine that - contes our way. Don't you think sot By the way, old folk and young folk, hailing from the Old Country, should not missthe serial currently running in the Ladies' Home Jour- nal about the two Princesses - Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. It is most interesting and amusing. Eight intalments, no less! PATTERN 4576 SIZES 1z-20 M, -Ala 4.1) Tell the world you kite (i•1' • t taste! Wear this chic casual will .ts trim details, Stitched pleats tele se fulness at liar* and ti ua are no side -skirt intents! I'att4rµ 4576 corn nt 111'5 12, id, 16, 18, 20, Size In r •1 yards 39 -filch ifibric, ssetd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 25 In arsine (alar ps ronof ba c) ptsdfor this pattern. 1'rtnt plainly SIZE NAIUME, ADDRESS; STYLE NUMBER, Sent( order to Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth 90„ New Toronto, Ottt, WINTER \`\'lion icicles hang by the wall And Dick, the shepherd, blows his nail, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk conies frozen home in pall; When blood is nipt, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl Ta -whit! To-whool A marry note! While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all about the wind doth blow, And coughing, drowns the par- son's saw, And birds sit brooding in tine snow, And t-larian's nose looks red and raw; When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl - Then nightly sings the staring owl Tu -whit! To-whoo! A merry note! While greasy Joan doth keel the pot, -Shakespeare, NY SUI, LESSON By The Rev. R, Barclay Warren THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR Acts 6:8-15; 7:54-60 Golden Text: 'Be thou faithful unto death, and ,I will give thee a crown of life" -Rev, 2:10. I'Iistoty reveals that in every great spiritual awakening, laymen play a leading part. It was so itt the beginning of the Church. Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, with six others, was chosen to attend to the busi- ness of the daily tninistrations. To hint was granted the gift of mir- acles. Unbelievers disputed with hint and finally hired men to make false charges against him. Stephen, his face like an angel's, recounted the history of Israel before the council All went web until he made the application, "Ye stiff- necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so do ye, .I'hey have slain thent which showed before on the coming of the Just One; of Whom ye -have been now the betrayers and mur- derers." They gnashed on him with their teeth. But Stephen was triumphant. Said he, "Behold, I see the heavens opened, anti the Son of Man standing on the right had of God." His enemies then ran on him, cast hint out of the city and stoned him. But before "he fell asleep," and after lie had com- mended his spirit to tate Lord Jesus, lie cried with a loud voice, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge!" Ile was victorious in in death. 1'lte then who threw the stones "laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul," This man became more fierce in his persecutions, but God was speaking to hint through the messages of the sweet -spirited ratan with the angel face. He kicked against the pricks, but finally sur- rendered himself to the Lord Jesus. He went forth to be the leading apostle to the Gentile world. 'Thir- teen of his letters are in the New Testament. tament, It ie true, 'The blood of the martyrs ie the seed of the ( I. • Upside down to prevent peelii tg, Have Found :Helpful Tips That Ors Rubberized galoshes which have become dingy and gray eon he made to look like new by applying liquid shoe polish to the surface. * * * To strengthen shoe laces, just stitch along each three doles on the sewing nla47ltine, I've found that title trick also does wonders in keeping silk laces front coining nue tied, * By taking the door oft a slletved' closet in our Eviag room and paint- ing the shelves to match the wood- work, my husband has converted this out-of-the-way .closet into a convenient and well -arranged book-. Case. * tin * Simple things sec;1 as. eihow macaroni and vegetable coloring can give the altilrlren a lot of fun on snowy days when they must stay inside, Dip the niadaroai lir the coloring (pick several colors that go well together). Let dry, and it's ready for stringing. Our girls enjoy snaking bracelets and neck- laces, Our son Hennas his Work on the wall for display. Also, the vegetable coloring is ' harmless, should a child slip a macaroni bea,1 into his mouth when you're 1101 around, N * * Many tittles I have had to throw away useful kitchen articles because the handles becatne loose or slipped entirely oft. 1 now keep a small can of crack -filler handy, so that when the handles work off, 1 till the hole with this material and re- place the handle, Let this dry 24 hours and the utensil is as good as new again, * * * Viten the fibreboard wardrobe in my bedroom grew shabby looking, 1 covered it with strips of wallpaper left over from papering bhe room, Now it's really most attractive and far more a part of the room than before. COC OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PALM Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and RHEUMATIC pairs . , ger a bottle of 100 or 300 tablet* from your druggist TODAY and mi* the thousands of relieved sufferers who by taking DOLCIN have come oat from under the shadow of pain,.. Most druggists carry DOLCIN...100 tablets 52,39; ecoaomysiks bottle tdf 500 tablets 510.00. If your iI druggist doss not have ill f�A •y. DOLCIN, write direct se DOLCIN LIMITRO,Toron se 10, Canada. GLyi - DOLCIN TAate Ta ra.o:.rr )nae, Dot,cm S� oe rnr. yn3„oe. /And the RELIEF 1S LASTING For fast, prolonged relief front headache get INaTANTXXX. This prescription -like tablet contains not just one, but three proved medical ingredients that ease the pain fast, And the relief is, inmost cases, lasting; Try INSTANTINE just once for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's ono thing for headache t 7 t it's INSTANTI egl And try INSTANTIN1 for other aches, too , . , for neuritic or neuralgic pain ... or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings prompt relief. Got Instanlino adsy and niwsp keep It helly 12-Tablet lin 23P Economlecl 46'Toblet Bottle 6411 d ISSUE 3 - 1950