HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-19, Page 2Play Becomes A Science -Very lucky children are those living around Parkside playground which was recently dedicated as a dreamland for children, Built by the fathers of Parkside's 430 children in their spare time, the playground .features a cinder -block airplane, a ship; hurdles, 'tunnels and an aulpitheat.er. Parkside gives the children a clllulce to use some imagination in making their own games. r i I,. N , RT iv A SIXBITC1C In his widely read -and highly atadithle---sports column tint Cole- man tells of several suggestions laavintt been received to the affect that (,oldie Prodger's name should be included in Hockey's Hall of Fame done in Kingston, And that e one suggestion that really makes Err,se eepeetally when we think of some nho have been nominated to that e;;' 'e lfall of Fame -particular - le those w hose main courtb uuon to the tern, oi hockey was scoffing hes ti,t„'s. ;,t the annual banquets, and :mem',, ng front rote pews also or, the iui,' at all important games. * but tbet. nm an obscure writer mime ti Kipling used to sap, is ati- ,the 1rn;v and needn't be gone i:i:tee hers: * * lw t. el back to the kforreaid 1lr. Ira ; it. 'ts tit recall the last name hat. ..r. '•5” en the end of it- 1rt,'1,' :d the "tialdie" was 5 hitt t. -so-,,'' en to hien bei:ntse of lucks, which were the ruddy side. But as to ihtse vomit: we may he mistaken. Me' , 3.y 'lies a way.of getting tricky 3.a' le 1 ,i e3. dt tails atter so mini yr to * b t eu• recollection of his play- ing al'hty is clear and distinct.and 'et non;,,! soy -without fear of suc- .tsst;;' rt'mradiction--- that Goldie 1'rodigers. when he Mai at tops, plays,hockey in a manner worthy of nal.ing hint eligible for the Hall oi Faint. or for any other hockey honer whatsoever. He played hoc- key in a manner that was highly delightful to the spectators---espec- tally if yon happened to be betting on hie team -and quite obnoxious to the apposition. It was in the old Trolley Lague, -which used to operate up Galt- Waterlc'a-Berlin way -this was be - tore Berlin berme Kitchener -that Prodgers Bret broke into the moneyed ranks. The stoney received probahir wouldn't tempt a 15 -year- old Midget player to sign a contract DOM oda} s - but what those lads lacked in 'lucre they more than made tip for in eeperience. Anybody oper- ISSUE 3 - 1950 ating in that loop had no need to look an next morning's P a P3.rs t obe Eire he had been Itt a hocketante g the previous evening„ as both play- ers and fans liked their sport rough and tough. * . 5 * In 1914 Prodgers was with Que- bec- than - a member of the Big League--and-although promoters of that era preferred, in their publicity, to stress players' ability rather than bow much dough they w•ere.getting, Goldie, Bad Joe Hall and Joe Ma- lone were supposed to he the- high-. est salaried athletes in the National Hockey Association. w *•* It was even rumored -although moat sensible folies scoffed at this as a gross exaggeration, -that they were getting --hold your breatiti- as much as two thousand dollars It season each. Just imagine. As much as a Branch Bank AI:wager! Mr. Prodgers was on no less than four chanyllonehip teams in tate xlacg of five Fears--witirh ghQphi ere Yob rite nota that he was eon- stderahly better than a ran hand, as teams didn't tote along mitcll dead -wood in that rude era, He helped win championships with -in addition to the Quebec Bulldogs - Victoria and Les C tatadieus. e * * In addition Prodgers wit, a mem- ber - and by no means the least scintillating ---of an outfit which many think nee just about the fin- est hockey aggregation evrr as- sembled tenhe one tent. Th51 was the fatuous 228th Battalion team, back in the days of the \\ ar to End All Wars. 1 1914-19181, * * * Prodgers was a winger on that team' ---although he played both for- ward and defence equally well dur- ing his carver. And in one unforget- table game against the Quebec Bull- dogs he scored no less than six goals for the soldiers. Included on the Bulldogs side here such stal- warts as Moose Johnson, Rusty Crawford. Joe Malone, Harry Mum- mery and Joe Hall and anybody tallying even twice against the likes of then had to have what it takes, * * * So, all things considered, we are of the opinion that Goldie Prodgers is decidedly worthy of IIall of Fanrc recognition -and our thanks to Jim Coleman for making the suggestion -and also for the assist in getting out this pie:,, idiom a teal hockey player. — By Harold Arnett Sal O LOUR` CAR NE lOSE S OF 11469 I NG U CAN AND SelOW N, YOU RF*K AlR OMR, � FOR:YOUR PSFWEY, cede -,.A l ,:.if 3.v. Y� A 0 FiRES $MOT/IEREDlibel se Y t ''lrei OLD TIRES l9GR.f8Cvl.INCr AV IDEA FROM RANCHERS OF YESTERYEAR, :"1HO W9Ut,,p PST' ovll' PtfAumq frIRC-i5 BY ORACeGINC9 A HALF OS A BEEF G\RCA+5 ACROSS THE FLAMES, YOU CAN PUT OUT GRASS FIRS BY USING AN OLD AUTO CCE' IN A SIMILAR MANNER. THE TIRE t$ W:REP TO THE ENG OF A LIL-{4TWEtG44T POLE AND Is FoLLED OVER NE l3URNIN6 GaASS And as we emitted off by delving into the past, mightht as well keep up with the story of Ty, Cobb's much disputed batting average of .401 in the year 11122. Whether the Georgia Peach actually hit for that figure, or whether his real average oras ..199, probably doesn't very much matter at this time. Still here's hots the lnixup occurred, as describ- id by Arthur Paley, * * * One drizzly afternoon the Tigers were playing the Yankees at the Polo Grounds. The press box in that era was in the lower stands be- hind home plate, unsheltered and at the mercy of the elements. Most of the ha,,ehall writers dashedbed hack un- der the , to of the stands. But John Kieran, the official scorer, re- nr.:ieed true to hi, trust, * I'v Cobb slaehcd out an infield. grounder that: the shortstop didn't handle cleanly and the Georgia Peach tvas safe at first: Kieran silt - nulled in the press box that he'd sieved the 9:33 as an error, Among the-re'ugces in the rear st;uld.' 15,is Fred Litt), who was Iran Bing the ht's score for The As- sociated 1'reee, Ile couldn't see Rkrau's signal on the questionable play and, using his own judgment, ta1)rd 0 a hit.And so it was record- ed in the "unofficial" statistics. On that basis Cohh's average at the yr,Ir'.c end w;:a .401. However, the .erudite Alr, Kieran was the keeper of the "official" averages and his figures Save Cobh a mark of .309, • e * But Ban Johnson, the president of the American League, teas a law un- to himself. lie violated all the rules by accepting I-ieb's "unofficial" box sieve of that game over Kieran's "official" one. The Baseball Writers A.esoeiation screamed to high heaven at this left-handed insult to one of their best -lilted and most competent members. How ever, Johnson could- n't be budged and that's how Cobb. hit .401 in P'22. ---- W ome --\\'omen motorist to friend: The part 1 don't like about parking is that noisy crash. "Can you lend me a Paradol tablet?" $•b WREN A GIRL doesn't want to leave class -and have to make embarrass- ing explanations -it's Paradol she asks for. For Paradol means quick relief from suffering caused by periodic pains -headache, too - without disagreeable after-effects. Ask your druggist for Paradoi, scientifically, compounded from 4 ingredients. The name "Dr, Chase" is your at'eurance. 25 DR. CHASE'S PAIR AU OL --Quick Relief from Pain TEFA,1M FRONT I've often thought that one of the Week things a man could possibly have is a real raspberry patch; but when I get around to making One - well, I guess I must be s lineal descendant of the Scot whose dreams were 051 forth in the verse entitled "Prayer of the Lazy Crof- ter." It ran something like this: "Oh that the pests would But them- selves, The fish leap on the shore, And that I in my bed might lit Heliceforth, forever more, * * 5 If you get what I mean, those ideal raspberry patches 1 start have a tvay of growing into a tangled iungle. Still, I read with' intense in- trreet 5 report rt•retttly made by R. 1). Pligh, a Research Officer of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. His remarks are ad- dressed to the small fruit growers do,vn in Nova Scotia, but what he recommends is applicable -most of it anyway -up here as well. * * Only the best land -he says - should be chosen for a raspberry plantation, and it should be on a slope which provided good air and soil drainage, yet furnishes subsoil moisture, * * * It shanid 3101 be expo .nd to winds which may cause- win t( r injury dur- ing zero temperatures, or haltering ag1 during O' the fruit d l destruction f f ' i1CI harvest. The soil should. be a deep, sandy loam, well -drained, early, and of high fertility and with a subsoil that is open and porous,- permitting of drainage yet retentive of mois- ture at all times. Newly ploughed sod or land polluted with couch grass, yarrow or other perennial weeds should not be used for a rasp. berry plantation. * * * The soil should be ntanured or fertilized deeply and thoroughly worked in the spring as early as agil conditions will permit, The canes to be planted should be head- ed backto one set in o' foot and n rows eight feet apart with two feat be- tween the canes inthe rows. This requires 2722 canes to set an acre. This is recommended hedge -row system. * "` * In large plantations every seventh row should be left unplanted to serve as a roadway for the distribu- tion of fertilizers, removal of prun- ings, spraying of the plantation and the gathering of the fruit at harvest. 5 . 5 * Weeds and raspberries , are not congenial neighbours. TO stimulate vigorous growth of the newly plant- ed canes, destroy weeds and con- serve soil moisture, frequent shal- low cultivations, with hand hoeing when necessary, should he practised until late snlmner. In the fruiting plantations cultivation must cease when the berries begin to ripen. A cover crop of two parts of bar- ley and one of oats, at the rate of. three bushels per acre, may he sown in August to reduce the supply of soil nutrients and moisture: this earlier maturity results in an ea 3.r nt t , of the growiltg canes. Such a crap, when broken down and winter -killed, also provides a ground covering snffi- cient to check soil erosion, and by holding snow gives some winter protection to the raspberry roots. Ten tons of barnyard manure pith 500 pounds of 20 cent superphos- phate or 1000 pounds of 11-12-0 fer- tilizer per acre should be applied annually in the spring and shallow- ly ploughed down. ,with the cultiva- tion and cover -crop syeteul outlined above repeated. Mulching for rasp- berries is still in the experimental stage, * * * The fruiting cant's of the red rasp- • berry are renewed annually. Those grown one year, bear the following year and then die. Their removal immediately after the berry harvest is advocated. \\'hen the plant:ttit,n has develop- ed a hedge -row oi cares they should be thinned. The It idlll of the row should he tWO feet, 117e better canes being lift six inches apart and the smaller ones removed by .utling at ground level or thug for sir ting. The cants left for fruiting sh,mid be tipped at five feet if tent r. At the present time it will lust. About $201) to establish all acre plantation of •raspberries, oi which $130 is for the vanes,. After the plantation is established the cost per acre will approxim.,te $2110 annually for rare, growing and tile harvest - Mg of the crop. 1n annual yield of 4,000 pints is ea tiv atteinabie h the Classified ALdvertis! : AGENTS WANTED pU 5'1'1( TlUtl PJASX WRY by t 50111ng �t(99a$�1 74IY0dx produota We 5004 ,,eolith-Itt Lgiiisrnenttneeded your 0101eauty Exporlptlicit sot nice*aaett-w5 will iell yo5 how. Yes' 16411,, capital required, Bout advaate*0* elfsred Or yo1L SUCOEss. Write today far tree da• 4ptlo;-I3A5tILEX, 1600 Dilorlmiel', MONT- AdAINTe, pert or loll tome for Ontario towns e3. eenmuulllee, 10 Nell a well lmown house- hold noeessity, 4596 oominlsalnn, mute repeat puffiness, Write or triply 11. J. Shand, 886 pope Ave„ Toronto. ATTENTION( Ayen101' Men, u'otnen. overt• where, matte money unfelt. 9011 our door name stales of plate -glees tend metal. Sells PM 51.75. Coate yen 76o. Write for eireulnrst Make money. (intra, 1108.11`, Amherst, Mont- real 54. QA0Y outwit. POULTRY -KEEPERS Be sure of a sued healthy bunch of baby elgeks tide coming emelt, Geed chicks mean .shod hone omit mere egg., Place tont order nett and talo ndrantase of the early order Miscount. Alt breeders are government banded and Pull - omit -tested. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for our 1550 catalogue and pries*. MOnhton Poultry Pavane. 540n110n, Ontario. _ 'IDIS TEAR give Ma. good lnalttaellent a real chance. Start with Top Noted/ Chicks and get the kited of breeding that pay0 off whore It cooing "10 the egg basket". The mn: Jevity a3. Tap Notch pure breeds are R.O.P. Shred Also broiler chicks. TnrkeY Peutt., lay- ing Pullet*. Free Catalogue. Top Nobel, Chick Salon, Cue1Pb. Cmtario. THE VALUE of Trappeet hrecdins. an Hie anel unelyais, our customers are chiefly in- tereet,'d in the )let r, -Otho they will realise annunliy from their hovels of 'rlveddle Chivhs, 1\'a ree,mlee this end our breeding Programme le influenced ocnrdingly, The mtJortty or our Pure bred chtelca' (hie year ere .bred by B.O.P. Pedigreed Mt,N, No matter how well Yoit feed your birds it la impo*aille to get the 111nxlllllltn rt,Ailte 51111001 geed breeding. Tweddlo Chick* have geed breeding back of them. Send fur Catalogue end early delivery price list. Aloe broiler chtclts, Turkey Plinths, laying Pullets, breeding vuvtterete. Tweddle CMOs. Hateherles Limited, Fergus. Ontario. TELLER1SEU ehlelts are betty,' -yet cunt no more, - Demonstration 'melts are supplied at butt priee, Miller Panne, Woodstock, 0t t. FISHER HER ORCHARDCHICKS HICKS Day old ehleks, ptnleto, and cockerels available weettlyw year round it 8 leading breeds and moisten, The cheeks are first class, the Pelee moderate, the stook accredited, Write for 12 - page cdaouned calendar and price net, Plotter Orobarde, R.O.P. Breeders, Freeman. Ontario, BUSINESS OPP0lfl`UN111E51 AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of -liven( lions fmven- lions and 151) information Bent free, The Ramsey Co.. Registered Potent Attorneys, 878 Hank Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing di' clean lost Write to u0 for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 152 Tongs Street, Toronto, Ontario. F011 SALE FORD Trnetoro, New and used, Fordees Major or Tract ors. 4" Bus C hasefe- oaro- vu k.. A. Chapman, M 11 rook Ont. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motor., Oanidloft Canoe Co„ Peterbore Beate, Canoes, Trait- ors, bought, sold, exchanged, Large stook need motor.. Repairs by factory -trained moohantee, Open until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cyclo, Hamilton. GUNS -Largo neoartment now and used. Bought. sold, exchanged. Guaranteed metre. Scope., eights Metalled, Fishing Tackle. Halt- ing Equipment. Sporting Goode. Speolo.t'roam Prices. Open until nine except Wedneoday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton, MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson. New and need. bought. sold, exchanged, Large stock of guernntee0 seed motoreyeles. Repo.lrs 55'. factory -trained mechanics. 8leyolee, and can - Mete line of wheel goads. Open evenings until nine except Wednesday Strand Cycle k Sport., Zing et Sanford, Hamilton. SIX REGISTERED Jersey lulls, from six to tient-fon• month*, for male, Apply Arthur H. Ru1le:', Berwick, Ont. HARROW Creamery', Harrow, Ont.; 40 fee eream customers; *elle 2.000 roun46 butter Der weep In county. Apply W, G. 'Fielding, 1106 Hall Ave.. Windsor. Ont. ORDEn now for your White Holland Poulin, broad Moulted type. All breedero blood tested and government approved. Shoreline Turkey Renck, Harrow. Ont. SNOW FENCE, Model Peeve Company, Sta- tion 1I., 'Toronto. PHONOGRAPHS, Pinball, Shuffle Boards. Pea- nut 7.la.ddnes, Punch Board., Push Cards, Merebendlee, Wlloleoale. get our prices. REET, DISTRIIo rING CO„ 4077 Loom Avenue. St. Louie 17. Mo. 101-L'1R1 end fruit fico, 57 ne•es, fully equipped for 10,000 ebiclten0, 6 Mlles from Hamilton. atndern double dwelling. Good In- vestment. Pox 54, 122-1t111 St., New Toronto, Ontario. L'lLLAtiN be4r0:;v Magness. butt equipment and tenet: t460o ,•oeh. Pm,laser rent building including atellinent, 1'illase general *tore, 2 Storey briels 54.000, Meek 51000. Wm. Pearse, Realtor. heeler. Out. HELP R:A\TED MARRIED COUPLE without young children - wonted for country house near Hamilton, Separate house provided. Woman required to week part .time, Man must have experience with riding horses. State ages. Rog No. 61. 113-1111 1St,. Now Toronto, Oat. plantation is given proper cultural care and insect pests and fungus disease effectively controlled or eradicated. 'file profitable productive life of a raspberry plantation on good soil properly cared for should extend over a period of ttvrive to fifteen year-. 1.5132ER5, obtain Donn labourers ler est n0. S18Pet'lenced stndted or eruutloal farm la odirt termites and single will be avaitable for :ou when needed. Contact Latvian Relief ass,:la- tylpa. 820 'Bay $t., Room 1104, 'reroute, O t, 811S8)IOAL -. 600D RESOLUTIONS -Every suf- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. NILTNRO'S DRUG STORE, 885 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid 9UP`PEli19Ii8 Broin lihemmae lir TArrtIi 111c Paine: If You canna get relief, write• ox sae, Transom, Manitoba. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the (01100nt or dry 000*01e rosea* and weeping oldn troubles. Post's BerPme Sn1ve wftl aline. emitting you. tohing, Boating, burning 0000ma, 0010, 3.159• worm, Dimples and athlete's toot, will r50)on4 readily to this etalnte0e, ndorten ointment, regard1000 of how eiubb03.0n0 keoeieee that seem.. PB1(15 51.00 PER JAB Sent Poet Irtee on Reeeplt of Prise POST'S REMEDIES 580 Queen St 60., Corner of Lege. 'I'Itrl,nto OPPORTUNITIES 14)I'1LL MEN \D 001115i0 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S 010AD1NG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleaennt dignified profession, Food wI030 thouoande sueveesful Narver eraduntee Americs'o greatest engem. Illuetratod hats- logue free. Write or Cali M4RV'19L HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 104 *100,' St. 01 , 'reroute Branches, 44 funs St. Hamilton St 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PA'1'ENrD 6'ETHERs'rONHA U0I1 4 Company Pategt 5011c160r0 EetahlI*bed 1825 860 Bay Street, Otranto Rookie, et Intarmatlnn no request. A, M. LAIL1A1V, 1.51.„ Patent A.teveey, Patents or invention, 66 sparks 9t„ 03..' 5,. PERSONAL WHY grow gray hair? Write for my Free Folder: Box 820, Trnn*con1, Manitoba RUDDER b 13 its T SPECIAL LOW iRICF Ara (nee line R•ah- her Siam "Dade -to -your -Order" 51.11 la- belled, cushioned. Malted post-paid, C D. Ryerson PrOdueto Company, Grymeby B..' h, Ontario. WANTED DEALERS wanted to take orders for edieke for one of Cnnada'e oldest established Gov- ernment Approved Hateherles-Ra.wtelgh, ttet• kine and Nurem't gatemen, feed men, Poole. Ment dealers and farmers make excellent desl. ere APply Box 12, 128 F.lehteentl, 0 -'(et. New Toronto. to I Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery m itch ntil I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' 0rnaii,— t:0 ' feet relief—D, D. D. Prescription, word miler, this pure, cooling, liquid medication geode pence and comfort fromscruel Itchng edd ot aalt4i yongleos. I 1e6seteae0 Tet application cheeks even the most Intense itch d t Fre c r money bash, Ask or for eOD. ,, Prescription (ordinary or extra btreng':,. r 1 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER ILL Whhout Calomel -And You'll Jump Out 4f Bed in the Morning Rorin' to Go Fe liver should pour out about 2 pinta of e illicit into your digestive traot every day. hisbile isnot Rowing freely your food may not digest, It may lust dotty -In the digestive trent. Then gas bloats up your stomach You get oonetlppated, You feel sour, sunk' and the world looks punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Liaie Liver 11110 to get these 2 pints of bile Row- ing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get p package today. Effective 1n mejmeL We How freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills, 3646 at any drugstore. Until Speol<s in \Whisp era 3.s Unttl l -lel ed by LY kis Ibe0nmesorinntse,Iate kNowoarn t'At times ntre,, Mt0=cliettrambonroenese. v'CetrY. bs1gatinetke ods eaxe hos of %TIrL0ID5. A�; Ontryenof thrmlt„ eeoivo ateteia aoog 5th. '� ...'. aLeneOlDS inthe ie unto 0d^ ,l?•. yDiO, g� should dlite1 bA.rine rehef. M taut if knultt Liab1 , Fad VTt0ID 119 P a et at..Toronto. Le x TRY ROLL YOUR OWN NUR CM METES WITH TTE 31TVIRTN,L'A1CeirVV Haney and ,H'arik YOU WANT A WIFE TO BE COOK, MOTHER, 140USEKEEPER, AND GLAMOR GIRL ALL ROLLED INTO ONE r MEN EXPO 'f00 MUCH OF A WIFE RUT A MI: IS ALL TH0EE THINGS I' a a ' J1) 014, HANK, 00 YOU REALLY TI4INI< 11M A GLAMOR GtRLT ,o,01,.;—\-, / Ctt \\i