HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-19, Page 1Seaforth
WHOLi3 S>1R116S, VOL. 73.'No.
31 a year
Seaforth Pair 50 Years Wed
The 50th anniversary of a mar-
riage which united two families long
connected with the !history of the
Seaforth-Walton area was celebrat-
ed here Monday at a dinner; party
honoring Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly.
The guests of honor were married
Jan: 16, 1900, at' St. James' Roman
Catholic Church, Seaforth, by the
late Rev, M. J. McCabe.
!Mrs. Kelly is the former Margaret
McQuaid; before her marriage she
lived near Seaforth on eon, 3,
Tuekersmith township.
Mr. and Mis. Kelly lived for 48
year after their marriage on lot 11,
con. 8, Morris township, three' miles
north-east of Blyth. Mr. Kelly had
operated the same farm for four
years as a bachelor, before bringing
home his bride, so that he was for
52 years farming the same land, Mr.
and IMrs. Kelly retired from the farm
The World's Finest
E. L. E0X
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister
10 a.m., 'Sunday School and Adult
Bible 'Classes,
11 a.m„ Worship: Sermon Sub-
ject "Honor your Parents".
11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation.
7 p.m., Worship: Sermon Sub-
ject " Reverence for human Life".
A cordial welcome to all services.
Monday, Jan 23, '7 p.m., Jr.
Young Peoples' Union.
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday
11 a.m., "On Being Holy".
Junior Congregation.
7 pan. "Knowing the Truth".
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a,m,, Sunday School
11 a.m, "Divine Guidance"
7 pan. "The Smothering of Rev-
erence in Religion".
Every- year the !Seaforth Lions
Club pays tribute to the immortal
memory of Robert Burns whose
birthday falls on Jan. 25Th. The
ladies of St. Thomas Church will
serve a banquet in the Parish Hall
on Monday, January 23rd at '7 pan.
This is the !Lions highlight of the
year. It 8s not only a Scotch night
but a Scotts night as well The chair-
man is Lion Ross Scott, the guest
speaker, Mr. Sam Scott, soloist, Mr.
James T. :Scott, and pianist Mr.
James ,Scott. Also in full highland
costume will be that braw, brow
laddie, Walker Hart. There will be
two tail -twisters and a song leader
who will provede lots of good cheer.
If you would like to come and enjoy
an evening of :dinner, song and
story, procure your tickets (while
they last) at C. E, Smith's shoe
store.' Tickets must be picked up by
12 o'clock -moon, Saturday, the 214.
Following an il1nee's lasting a
couple of months, Mrs. Annie For-
tune Downey, widow of Michael
Downey, formerly of ISt. Columban,
died Monday morning. Mrs, Downey
was 'born in Tuekersmith, the daug-
hter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Luke
Fortune, and was married to Mr.
Downey 52 years ago. He died live
years ago, She is survived by three
daughters, Mos,Gordon Dick, Sea -
forth; Mrs, Thomas Christopher,
London; Miss Anne Downey, R. N.,
Seaforth; and by two brothers,
Lewis Fortune, Detroit, and Albert,
Seaforth Mrs. Downey was a de-
vout member of the Roman Catholic
Church, (Seaforth, and a member of
the Catholic Wornen's League, the
Sacred Heart, and the Propagation
of the Faith, The funeral will be
held on Thursday morning from W.
J. Cleary!s funeral !home to St.
James' Church, where regtiiem high
mass will be sung by Rev, T. P.
Massey at 9;30 o'clock. Burial tvi11
be in St. James' Cemetery.
two years ago, and established resi-
dence in Seaforth, May 17, 1948.
Their home now is on George St.
They are members now of St. James'
Church, Seaforth, and formerly be-
longed to St. Michael's Church,
During their years in the Blyth
neighborhood, Mrs. Kelly was an
active member of the Blyth Wom-
en's Institute,
,Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have one son,
James Kelly, Seaforth. Mr. Kelly
was one of eight children, of whom
six are now living. Mis. William De-
vereaux, Tuekersmith, is his sister;•
William Kelly and Leo Kelly of Mor-
ris township, Thomas of Blyth and
Albert of London are brothers. Mrs.
Kelly was also one of eight children,
of whom the only other one now liv-
ing is Mrs. Joseph Murphy, 25
'Church St., Stratford.
The golden wedding anniversary
Monday, was marked by a dinner at
noon in the Commercial Hotel, Sea -
At a meting of the board of
Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday
night !Mr. Merton Reid was named
!Committees will be named by a
striking committee -which will give
its report at a meeting next week.
The Financial Statement Seaforth
Branch of the Canadian Red Cross
Society, year 1949
Bal. cash on hand Jan. 1/49 3 261.03
Campaign receipts 1777.85
General Donations 8.00
Interest 3.34
Total 32050.22
Am't remitted to Division 31678.00
Civilian relief 11.30
Veterans and dependents 5.01.
Workroom supplies and
expenses 83.85
Administration 5.75
Dec. 31, 1949 259.21
Total $2050.22
Edith H. Russell, Treas.
Installation of the officers of the
W.M.S. Society of Northside United
Church for the year 1950 was con-
ducted by Rev. D. A. .MacMillan at
the January meeting held Thursday
afternoon in the :church. The slate of
officers is as follows: Past Pres.,
Mrs. Workman; Pres., 'Mrs. Roy
Lawson; 1st vice-pres., .Mrs. Mont-
gomery; 2nd vice -Pres., Mrs. D. A.
MacMillan; Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. Port-
eous; Corres. 'See'y, Mrs. L. Web-
ster; 'Treas., Mise A. Ferguson;
Christian Stewardship 'Seely, Mrs.
John Finlayson; ;Literature ,Sec'y,
Mrs.' F. Herber)); Community
Friendship, Mrs. Aikenhead and
Mrs. Storey; Associate Helpers 'See.,
Mrs. Finnigan; Missionary Monthly
Miss Somerville and Mrs. H. Lawr-
ence; pianist, 'Mrs. Herald Lawrence;
Supply, Mrs. Barran and Mrs. Eat-
on; Press, Mrs. M. Cuthill; Watch
Tower, Mrs W. .:Hay; Temperance
Secy, .Mrs C. Kahle.
Mrs. Roy Lawson :opened the
meeting with hymn "The Heavens
declare Thy Glory Lord" 'and the
Lord's Prayer repeated in unison.
Minutes and roll call were read by
Mrs. John Finlayson in the absence
of the Sec'y. 26 members were pre-
sent Miss A. Ferguson's report was
quite gratifying, the Society going
over thein' allocation, an increase of
last year. It was decided to try the
"Love Gift" again this year. Mrs. C.
Keine gave a temperance 'reading,
"Who then has the right to drink?"
Mrs. D. Aikenhead had charge of the
program "Growing with the years
hi Health and Healing" and was
assisted by Mre. Lawson and Mrs, H.
Lawrence. Scripture readings were
given by Mrs, Reid and Mrs. F.
Storey, "A New Year" reading was
given by Mrs. F, Finnigan. The meet-
ing closed with hymn and prayer
The Edelweis Rebekah Lodge will
hold their regular meeting in the
Orange hall, Wednesday, San. 25th
at 8 p.m. Will the members who have
luncheon cloths please bring them to
the meeting or to the euehre anti
dance Friday night.
At the Seaforth Agricultural So-
ciety annual meeting held on Satur-
day in the library, the chairmen of
the committees gave very encourag-
ing reports and were all enthusiastic
about prospects for a bigger and
better fair than ever in 1950.
The Shorthorn Regional Show will
be invited to attend this year,
Mr. Govenlock in his address
thanked everyone for their co-oper-
ation and hard work in making the
fair get ahead in 1949. Special men-
tion was made of the attraction
committee who put on a number of
dances and the donkey baseball. He
also nmenti ned that ISeaforth had
received, the second highest grant,
coming next to Teeswater.
Mr, Gordon Bennett, Agricultural
Representative far Huron, and Mr.
Fred Wilson, assistant, spoke briefly
'on the calf club, tractor club and
garden club. •
!Mrs. Roy Lawson in hor treasur-
er's report, showed a balance of
3600.16. On the resignation of Mrs
John Hillebrecht and Mrs. F. Storey
as directors, Mr. Ed Daly and Mr.
Jos. Devereaux were appointed to
fill these vacancies.
Mr. Gordon Bennett took charge
of the election of officers. Mr. J.
M. Govenlock, who has been the
very efficient president for the past
nine years, tendered his resignation
and Mr. Russell Bolton was appoint-
ed president, Mr. A. Nicholson 1st
vice .president and IM•r. Robt. Camp-
bell 2nd bice president, Mr. E. 13.
Goudie was appointed secretary -
treasurer to succeed Mrs Roy Law-
son. -
The inaugural meeting of the
Seaforth Public School Board was
held in the board room on Tuesday
night Jan. 17 'at 7 p.m.
Mr. F. E. Willis was elected Chair-
man for the year 1950 and Mr. M.
McKellar was re -appointed !Sec-
Treas. for the forthcoming year. The
following committees were struck:
Mr. Clifford Broadfoot and John
Stevens, the Property Comnmittee;
Mr. J. A. W estcett and Rev. T. Dale
Jones, the Supply Committee; Mr. C.
A. Barber was re -appointed to the
Seaforth District High School Area
Board. Rev. D. A. MacMillan was
appointed to the Library Board and
Mr. Robt. Joynt, Truant Officer.
Accounts and salaries amounting
to 31428.30 were approved and ord-
ered paid.
A letter was received from a non-
resident requesting that our fees be
reduced some.
The Board then met the staff and
followed considerable discussion
about new schedule of salaries. The
above issues were both left until the
next meeting for further discussion.
After 'bbe adjournment the ladies of
the staff served coffee, sandwiches
and tarts.
The meeting of the General Socie-
ty of the Woman's Association of
Northside United Church was opened
by the president, Mss. J. M. Scott,
reading part of the King's speech.
This was followed by hymn 571 and
the Lord's Prayer was recited in un-
ison. Miss Fennell read the scripture
after which the businees part of the
meeting was held. A very interesting
reading called "The Two Sexes"
was given by Mrs. Silcox. Hymn
488 was sung and the meeting closed
with the Benediction. The social
committee,served a cup of tea.
Professor Wilfred B. Kerr, of
Buffalo University, who died at his
home in Kenmore, N.Y.. Thursday,
was a son of Mrs. James Kerr, Sea -
forth. He was 53 years old end as a
boy attended the 'school at S.S. 2
McKillop Township, and later Sea -
forth Collegiate.
He took his M.A. degree at Uni-
veristy of Toronto, and his Ph. D.
at Oxford, England'. In 1913 he won
the Prince of Wales scholarship
here. He served in France and Bel-
gium with the Canadian Arany, in
the First World War, for three
Besides his mother ,here, he is sur-
vived by his wife, a son James, and
daughter. Catherine; two brothers,
Howard H. and J, Leslie, Toronto;
and a sister, Mrs, James Partridge,
The remains arrived in ,Seaforth.
Saturday, 8 p.m., and rested in
Whitney's funeral home until 12:80
:Sunday, when they were taken to
First Presbyterian Chureh, where
services were conducted at 2:00 p.m.
Interment was made in Maitland -
bank ,cemetery.
The Adult Fellowship 'Group of
Northside United Church held their
Tan. meeting Monday night in the
Sunday School room. The new presi-
dent Mies Laura :Mole opened the
meeting with a•poem entitled 'Ideal-
isms" after:' which Hymn 196 was
sung, Jean Pinder led in prayer and
Thelma Elgie read the seripture les-
son. It was decided that •the group
would have a pancake supper open
to the public on Feb. 21, Miss Laura
Moleave an interesting reading on
the Life of Bobby'Burns followed by
hymn 502, closing with the Miepah
The inaugural meeting of the Sea -
forth District High Sebool Board
was held on Monday night. The new
board comprises the additional area
from Morris and Grey townships, re-
presented by Messrs J. Bryans and
Leslie Oliver.
Mr, C. A. Barber was re-elected
chairman and E. B. Goudie vice pre-
sident. Mr, Merton Reid is secretary -
Committees were named as fol-
lows: Property, C. M. Smith 5, B.
Goudie, Harold Coleman, J. Bryans,
:Supply, R. Bolton, C. P. Sills,
Oliver Anderson, Leslie Oliver.
Finance, G. McGavin, R. Bolton,
Executive, C. A. Barber, E. B.
Goudie, C. P. Sills.
Bus, G. McGavin, E. B. Goudie, H,
Coleman, J. :Bryans, Leslie Oliver,
Oliver Anderson,
Truant Officer, F. W. Scarlett.
A deputation was present from
Dublin Continuation School, Martin
Feeney and John Murray, relative
to pupils attending their school from
Seaforth area. They were informed
that this board could take no action
as it was a departmental affair,
The meml4'ers of the board will be
paid regulation allowances for at-
tendance at meetings, under depart-
mental regulations.
Cecil H. Johnston, Reeve of Ash-
field, was elected Warden of Huron
County on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Johnston was chosen in a eau.
cus of members. Harvey Johnston of
Morris, Murray Johnson of Wingham,
and R. B. Cousins of Brussels were
also aspirants for the honor,
The Seaforth Women's Institute
held a very successful euchre and
dance in Cardno's Hall on Friday
evening, Jan. 13th with 42 tables
for cards. Prize winners were as fol-
lows: ladies most games, Mrs. John
Wood, lone hands, 'Mrs. Barney Hil-
debrand, consolation, Mao. Roy West.
Gents most games, Robert Dodds,
lone hands, Cecil Oke, consolation,
Elmer Rivers. The lucky lunch prize
was won by Mrs. Alex Boyes. Music
for dancing was supplied by" Collin's
Orchestra, and Mrs. James McNairn
and Mrs. John McGregor were in
charge of the lunch.
The Young Peoples' Society held
their regular meeting on Jan. 15. We
opened our meeting by singing sev-
eral hymns which were followed by
hymn 325. The scripture was given
by Karen Kidd which was taken from
Psalm 145. A prayer by Bud Zeigler.
The roll call was taken and 15 were
present. The minutes were read and
adopted, The treasurer gave her re-
port. The business was discussed by ,
Rev. Campbell. The discussion was
led by David Bradshaw, which was
on "Presbyterian Worship". 'Hymn
326, verses 1-4 were sung. We dos-
ed the meeting by repeating the Ben-
ediction and then refreslnnents were
The regular meeting of W.A. and
W. M. S. of ' Constance United
Church was held in basement of the
church on Wednesday, Jan 11. Mrs.
Lorne Lawson, president of W.A.,
took charge of first part of meeting.
Meeting opened by singing hymn
238. Mac. Wm. Dale read minutes of
last meeting owing to absence of
Mrs. Verne Dale. Roll call was an-
swered by paying of fees. Treasur-
er's report. was given by Mrs, Earl
Lawson. During year members were
divided into three groups.
Mrs. Frank Riley's group raised
3125.27; Mas. We Hoggarth's group
raised $67.00;.:Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt's
group raised 346.70.
Mrs. Dave Willson took charge of
W.M.S. meeting, opening with theme
The Bible our guide to Christian
Faith and Conduct". Mrs. Chas Dex-
ter read the roll can which was an-
swered by paying of fees for 1950.
World Day of Prayer to be held
Feb. 24. Regular meeting to be held
as usual. Mrs. Jas. Hugill read 37th
Psalm. Mrs, E. Adams gave a Temp-
erance reading "Beer for the Baby",
John Wesley Beattie. former
Seaforth business man Nnd Warden
of Huron County. wire died on
Thursday last after a lengthy ill-
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sang hymn 242, collection was re-
ceived. Mrs. Peter Lindsay closed
meeting with prayer.
lMr. end Mrs. Frank Riley were in
London'on Friday.
Mrs. Verne Dale is a patient in
Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth
at present.
Mrs. B. B. Stephenson is visiting
in London.
Several attended the funeral of the
late John Marshall in Walton on Sat-
Leo Stephenson spent the weekend
at Brampton attending the Ontario
Arenas' Association Convention for
We are sorry to know Mrs. Wm.
Carter is quite ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Carter is at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. McKenzie, at Luck -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodds left on
Saturday on a trip to California.
Miss Dorothy Dodds spent the
weekend with 'Betty Addison.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Kelso
Adams in Saltford.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchings and
children of Calgary, Alberta, visited
with their unites Will and Zack ide-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodds of iMc-
Killop and Mr. and 'Mrs. Adana
Dodds of Listowel, left on Saturday
on. a motor trip to Southern •States.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Long of At-
wood are visiting with Rev. J. R. and
Mrs. Peters. Rev. Peters continues to
keep better since returning home
from Scott Memorial Hospital,
Rev, C. W. Down had dinner with
Mr. and .Mrs. R. McFarlane on Sun-
day while taking the service in
McKillop .charge.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Horne of
Toronto spent the weekend with rel-
atives here,
Miss Dorothy Dodds is visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. Glendon !Christie
and 'Mr. Christie at Cromarty.
Mr. Murray Gibson and sister,
Miss 'Mary Gibson, have got nicely
settled in their residence recently
purchased from the Scott Estate,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Cartier have also
moved into part of the same resi-
Mrs. Alice Bohner has moved into
'the rooms formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mac. Critter,
Mrs. Henry Dayman has returned
to her home here after 'spending a
few weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Rounds; in Deet' Park.
Susan Jane, youngest daughter of
Mr, and Mas, Wallace Haugh, had
an operation for appendicitis on
Tuesday in Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth,
The Fireside Farm Forum of the
8th and 9th of Hullett met Monday
night at the home of Robert Jamie-
son with 18 .present. After listening
to the broadcast and having discus-
sion on parity and floor prices, Eric
Anderson conducted a recreation
period after which euchre was play-
ed, winners being, ladies, Mrs. Oliv-
er Anderson, lone hands. Mrs. Har-
vey Taylor; consolation, Miss Ferne
Dexter; men's, William Jewitt, Ione
hands, Donald Buchanan, consola-
tion, Eric Anderson. Mr. and Mss.
Jewitt will entertain this forum
next :Monday.
Miss Helen Passmore of Exeter,
visited this week at the home of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr, Joseph Flynn. local barber,
has been confined to his room since
New Year's owing to illness. His
many friends wish him a speedy re-
Mr. Fred Slavin, who suffered a
relapse following a recent operation
and was returned to St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, is improving.
Mr. Thos. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs.
T. C. Joynt, Messrs James Row-
eliffe and Alex Gardiner, Staffs.,
left on Wednesday by motor for
Florida, where they will spend the
remainder of the winter.
The many friends of Mrs. Jack
Traquair are pleased to hear she is
imnroved following her recent illness
Reeve A. W. Kerslake is .attending
County Council ha Goderich this
The annual congregational meet-
ing will be held in Carmel Presby-
terian Church on Friday evening
Jan. 20th. Ladies will provide re-
Mrs. A. L Case is spending a few
days in London owing to the illness
of her mother, :Mrs. J. Reid.
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited last
week with !Mrs, 'Catherine •Devlin.
!Miss Helen .Passmore, of Exeter,
eontaibuted a vocal solo entitled
"Abide with us" at the evening ser-
vice in Carmel Presbyterian 'Church,
on Sunday.
Mr. Stephen '.Maloney of Centralia
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfre$ Malon-
ey, underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, Seaforth, on Tuesday..
Frame Ki: tner underwent .a tonsil -
ectomy at Scott Memorial Hospital
on •Monday and is recuperating at
Mrs. M. Guilfovle of Denfield, Mr,
and Mac. Fred Gnilfonla end Nor-
man of Simcoe, Mr, and Mrs, C. A.
Trott and Ann of Seaforth with Mrs.
Louis Leeby.