HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-12, Page 101'
Pay As You Drive—The coin meter system of meeting pay-
ments, used sucessfully on refrigerator and television sales, has
spread to auto sale!... Lila McCauley, above, shows how the
meter plan works. Drop a quarter in -the -meter; the gadget
relea,,t.', enough gas to the carburetor to keep you going for a
When your next quarter is due, a loud buzzer sounds a
warning. EN cry. so often a collector comes around for the
quarter,. For entcrgeney- use, four slugs a month are supplied
by the dealer.
I':1'11: ,,,conraging was 1"1e tHfi'S
,nought to tat Central Ontario
Cheesee,tila-rs Association in an
adrlrt s ht tut H. A. i}ertr., Chief
of NIar'rting ;tad Merchandising of
Pair); 1',-r,itt :' for the Dominion
Unsn-n. ,•nal ,; \gri,•ulutrt. Dr.
1 troy h:'... ric, 1(t.:}- returned from
a trip ., tae international Dairy
t'oett,,', -. 'A-1.1 at ."tock1,o1n. and.
wvtlae , i 1'a crier site of the pond,
bud ti „a•ious di:tributing
menta:- in tl•a' United kingdom
• where eat, .i s from Canada, the
faired State-. Australia tied New
Island, ..r,.: stored.
1 .1 , t ;,1 11C t'se )las built up d
fat ea rai d'e reputation over 'there,
ht to market which may
well be a-• pr cued to take more of
c.nr cltei4e in future --but only if
the q ; lit} and price are O.K., and
it 'ae at) assure the lanyer- 11f a
ttsntnr.itt ,,. enpply.
19, i;,r e,, c.it, -e industry in the
'United 1 int;,Iom has declined until
now h is o',;,- abouta quarter of
its pre-war peak. This is partly
because Of the drift away from
farms of the young folks who ordin--
aril}' '.1' tild Blake the :product, and
also in -coast of the big demand
for timid Milk over there.
IA Inn r +,: figures are all in Bri-
lisb production of cheese for the
year just ended is expected to he
around 141 million pounds, or about
one-half of pre-war production; and
int that atnunt not more than ten
ur fifteen per cent would be of
farm production.
* d *
Ont ttco types qf cheese -
Cheddar and Cheshre-were manu-
fartnred in any real quantities; and
these two only when surplus milk
was asailable, So that, all in all,
domestic production was only a
small part of the total British re-
quirement of something like 408
million pounds.
I 8
In 1948 the United Kingdom im-
ported slightly more than 352 mil-
lion pounds of cheese, as compared
with .328 nlillinn pounds' during the
pre-war year of 1938. Before the
war consumption was nine pounds
per person, and this rose to 14
pounds during the war. At present
consumption is down to about 6,x
pounds. on the basis of a ration
amounting to 2 ounces weekly per
person. So it is easy to see that
If the British ever get back to
anything like their former cheese -
eating habits, they're going to need
a whole lot of tonnage from some-
where -and .a large part of it might
well be from here.
* r
But, according to Dr. Derby,
there are a few things that will
need to have our attention if we
are to cut hi on this great poten-
tial cheese market to any vastly
increased extent.
* 8 *
For one thing he found, from
actual inspection, that the break-
age of boxes is a matter of serious
concern to the Canadian cheese
trade. The headings in our cheese
boxes also treed attention, as many
were seen that were very rough
in finish, and showing hark. He
said that steps have already been
taken by the Department of Agri-
culture to enforce more strictly the
regulations under the Dairy In-
dustry Act under which the veneer
in cheese boxes must be not less
than one-fifth of an inch in thick-
ness. Ant! next season all cheese
intended for export Will require
double, rather than single Wiring.
* :.
'While on the other side he heard
frequent complaints about Cana-
dian cheeses being too heavy. Some
of those exported weighed 112
pounds. The United Kingdom trade
does not want cheese weighing
more than 90 pounds, and would
even prefer them live pounds
lighter than that for easier hand-
Another heef was about our
cheeses being too large for the
boxes they're packed in. This
causes thein to go short on proper
ventilation with resulting excessive
mould growth, dampness and faulty
rind formation.
,k % 'k
Many Canadian cheeses exam-
ined, boned as described, were
found spongy when pressed with
the thumb, in decided contrast to
those from New Zealand, in the
open crate. These latter showed
some slight mould, but were very
firm and dry.
• e
In addition, with cheese packed
as tightly as ours, it is almost im-
possible to remove the box with-
out breakage. This is particularly
so when the cheese is higher than
the box, and the contents get
squashed from piling. The trade
feel, and rightly so, that the top
of the cheese should conte below
the top of the side of the box, so
that when the cheese are turned,
the ends will be ventilated.
* ' a
Examination of Canadian cheese
for quality found that, an the whole,
the original grade was pretty well
maintained on flavour. There was,
however, some complaints of de-
fects, presumably caused by heat-
ing, and these complaints are being
studied by the .Department, with a
view to eliminating the cause.
Finishing Touches—Wenzel Beck, refugee from eastern Europe
living in Frankfurt, Germany, and his son put the finishing
trmeheS r,,1 their latest ship model'--"Arknna"--before testing it
4111t in. a-t;'irtantini; porn. Father and son worked 300 hours to
n1:1i,e1 o le shirt seaworthy, using just their hands and a few tools
�! � SlX61TC
After a lot of argument, in which
considerably more heat than light
was generated, the burghers of
Toronto, by a small majority, have
decided in favor of Sunday Sports,
Now, before the Provincial Leg-
islature gives the go-ahead signal,
it might he mildly interesting to
speculate ,on just what lovers of
athletics, and in what branches orf
thereof, will attempt to cut in on
the promised jackpot.
fel'he Whatzis 'Theatre shotild do
all right," said a friend of our the
morning after the balloting, naming
a certain Toronto Temple of Art
where a line of show girls, very
lightly bandaged, forms the regular
piece de resistance, or main dish
as we say in That dear Evince.
e x
\\'e looked at hila in mild amaze-
ment and inquired just where the
Whatzis Theatre could posilibly
figure in a purely sports picture.
"Simple enough," (moth our friend,
"All they -got to do is stage a bout
between a couple of these dime -a -
dozen wrestlers. That would make
it an athletic event. Then there'd
be nothing to prevent them tossing
in their regular shote for free,
15ooh! thorn:"
9 e ¢
And maybe he has an idea there,
at that. Searching through the wel-
ter of memory we seem to recall
that the first modern or "all -in"
wrestling we ever witnessed was at
a burlesque house entitled the Star
Theatre in that sante city of Tor-
onto, more years ago than we'd
those who attempt to control said
sports are going to run tip against,
(For instance, if it's OK to
charge money to see a baseball
game, why will -it be sinful to
show a telecast or movie of the
sante or a similar game,: at a price?)
* 5. *
One of the never -coding chores
in this sports writing business is
that of picking out, for the readers'
edification, the outstanding events
of the year. It is a chore much
like milking the cows or cleaning
out the horse stable on the farm -
you no sooner get it over with
than it's there to do again,
* a F
And it is a chore which we
personally try to dodge, partly
through sloth and partly because
there isn't much sense in doing
what so litany others are bound to
do better, But for once we are
going to get well ahead with the
job, So here and now, fifty or so
weeks ahead of the deadline, we
opine that the infest fottball game
--united States brand, that is -of
Anno Domini 1950 teas the one
played on January Second of that
year out in Pasadena, California,
* '1 *
Naturally, old Father Time may
prove us to be wrong, as the old
rascal often has before. But, al-
though we have never been a great
admirer of American football, if
a - better game than that between
the California Golden Bears and
the Ohio State Buckeyes happens
to conte up, we should greatly like
to be among those personally Pres-
British Challenger — Top -class racing driver Raymond Mays
speeds in his British racing motor car during speed trials at
Folkinghatn, England, airfield. The car, made from parts as-
sembled by over a hundred British firms, has been designed to
secure world supremacy with an expected speed of 200 m.p.h.
readily admit. Of course, in those
days, the wrestling was just an
added attraction, with the hoofers
and strippers constituting the main
event. But it might work equally
well, or badly, the other way
k k -
"My wife is just aching to know
when them big Sunday Bingoes
are going to start," said another
gent with whom we discussed the
situation and prospects, "That's the
thing she's fondest of, next to
hauling me out from coming hone
late to dinner, and she can't hardly
wait to get into action."
* 'r R
11 ere again we expressed a meas-
ure of surprise. "But Bingo," we
objected, "can hardly be classed as
an athletic event." "It is the way
my wife plays it1" replied- our
friend. "Oh, brother, any time she
makes Bingo and starts waving her
arms in the air, the folks on both
sides of her take more real punish-
ment than Joe Louis has handed
out in his last eight boats."
* y ,k
But enough, for the present, re-
garding a subject that has been
thrashed out sufficiently, in the
press and over the air, during re-
cent weeks, and that is liable to
receive plenty more flailing before
it's all finally settled. But we do
take the liberty of thinking that
even those most strongly in favor
of Sunday sports, are going to be
a trifle astonished as to bow many
different aura unexpected angles
eat, rather than take it via radio,
as we did the one tee are writing
n '. t
For that New Years tangle ap-
peared to have just about every-
thing; plenty of action -mixture of
plays -shifting of lead -suspense
right down to the dying moments
-with enough miscues and fumbles _
to snake yon feel that it was human
beings playing, not a bunch of
Tartans and Supernien.
k r,
And, from the listener's stand-
point, it had the immense advan-
tage of being described by a broad-
caster who didn't try to make you
believe that war had been declared,
or that Joe Stalin had been assas-
sinated, every bate one team
gained a couple of feet -a very wel-
come change from some of the
microphone maestri we have suf-
fered tinder, here and there.
Besides, that game gave us one
of our rare moments of personal
triumph. Someone who was list-
ening along with its, and who heard
Ohio described as the "Buckeye
State" happened to ask its just
what is a buckeye. And the hap-
pened to know, and remember, the
correct answer. We wonder how
many of yott could do as well.
* a 8
For a buckeye is nothing more
or less than what we rude Cana-
dians call a horse -chestnut, Sure
-you knew it all the tinsel
ISSUE 2 -- 1950
Classified Advertising
19010019'IYEs 1YI9LVOnta THE IfAS1I1,17X
MAN for the wide and varied range of gear-
anteed neceselttes; rellnellable prieeat nem'.
e mt-
ttme; Mining arta SERVICE. Become a proa-
peroue bnsinese men by using and selling
Fondles( pi'oduete Write ite today andthe will
telt you Iletw,-1 AMILEA,„ 1900 Dolorimler,
OAIIY 01110I(5
B0 sure of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks
this coming Neuman. Hood ch1Oks mean goad
hens 0,111 mere eggs, Pines your order 1105 and
take a11want1150 of the early order discount,
All breeders 011 goverllntont banded and pull-
oruin'tested. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write
for our Haft catalogue 51111 prices, Walston
Poultry Parma, ltonkton, Ontario,
Day old chicks, pullets, and eoekerols available
weekly year round JP 0 'elulbtg brseda and
erotises, The chicks ere neat class, the price
moderato, the stook acuredlted. Write for I3 -
page eelound valentine and price flat, Fisher
Orchards, R.O.P. Breeders, Freeman. Oatarlo,
HOW WOULD you IlIle to get your pullet
c111n1ts' free? How? Buy chicks sired by
R.0 T. Approved Mules from high producing
families. One d0ren extra eggs per pullet will
more than pay the whole most of the 1111111.
Protect yourself by buying R.0.P. shred ehiklts.
Collect your dividends In extra eggs and better
meat type this fall. The m0OMty of Tweddle
Pure Bred Chicks are shred by R,0.1, Pedi-
greed Mules. Prop eatnlogtte, Alto Broiler
chicks, 'turkey Poona, Laying Pullets, Breed-
ing Cockerels. 'rweddlo Chick lI(teherles Lint.
Red, Fergus. Ontario.
PRODt','CR/N inheritance. That's all yon buy
tri Baby Chleks-Inhorltimee, if yon get
good eggs and pleat mvduetion inheritance 505
get value. If you don't you get nothing -noth-
ing that Is bat trouble, expense, lost efforts,
wasted feed If Ynil \runt e5tca eggs, better
meat birda mrd at 1000 most of prndnetiot, send
for full dotalls about 'mop Nolen R.O.P. Sired
Melte, Also 'rurlteys. Droller eblolts anti lay-
ing pillet:, Free Ca Weaoe, Ton Notelt Chlek
Sales, (Mend), Ontario.
BABY ('11101(14 from blood tested high egg
Producing stock, Livability guaranteed.
Mixed 516.110 per 100. Pullets 128 to S10. 'ren
Percent on' for orders 600 and over. Goddard
'Chick Betehery, Britannia Heights, Ontario.
111/51 ESS OP Pt1RT11 NIT IES
AN OBVL•"D eo every Inventor -Lis* or nivel],
Dons and full Informationsentfree. Tse
Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys. 278
Bank Street. Ottawa
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean -
Ing? Write to us for Information. we alt
glad to answer your questions. Department
25, Poker', Dye works Limned, 791 Tense
Street, Toronto, Ontario,
SOLID heavy tines mug pall, tilled 40 lbs.
golden light amber hooey (no buoltwheat);
06.76 each, 3 untie 511. Ontario Honey Pro -
(Meet's Co-opernttve, 6 Defrtes Sheet, Parente,
FORD Tractors, New and used. Partisan
Maio. 't'raetore. 104" Bus Cbasato-ears-
nileke. 1f. Chapman, S1111broolt, Ont.
NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian
Canoe Co., t'etorhnro Boa:::, Cannes, 'rrait-
ere, bought, Nola, exchanged. Liage stock used
motors. Repairs by factory-trmhlod mechanics,
Open um 11 nine exempt Wednewlny. Strand
Cycle, Hamilton.
G0NS—large II:,10r411,,•nt Bea anti {INed.
Ronght. sold, exchanged. ttn0ranteed repairs.
Scopes, nights Installed. Pushing Tackle, 591.1111 -
Inc Equipment. Sporting Clouds. Special Team
Prices, Open mail nine except Werineedey.
Strand Cycle, Hamilton.
510TORC1- bi•:S. Hurley Davidson, New and
aged, bought, sold, exchanged. range stock
of goarano eel used mottsre dos.Repairs by
fnnr:ol5'-t 1 p 1 meckaul s 111. •les and eons.
Plete of \had granla. linen evenings until
nine except ,t a Ime:.day. Strand Cycle ,9e & Sportk,
Ring rut Atm Pd, }(Median.
RE%GIRT-rindFishing. wonderful 1*, -,,110n,
Write Mrs. L, Chrlstlnk, Box. 571, Bntterlly
Lake, Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada.
SIX REGISTERED Jersey bulls. from Nis to
twenty-four months, for sale. Apply Arthur
H. Rutley, Berwick, Ont.
98.76 PER ACRE buys cleat' title to 160 aeras
unimproved land, 11 miles n0rthwo)e of
Bundle, Alta, Make cattle ranch. Near big
game, trapping. L. C. Merrlmrn. 10711 seven-
ty-fourth Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
HARROW Creamery, Harrow. ,int.; 40 lee
'068111 vbenonlera; Neils 1.000 mantle butter
Dor we0k In county. Apply' W. 11.
1100 l Ave., Windsor, Ont.
1'ttc'CR5 EOM SALE -�
1942 DOD,II•,: 2 Tun 'truck. fn good .m11111on.
High Stnhe Backs, Priced reasonably,
1944 IN'1'1nuea l'bt55r. 'crack. Chassis with
cab. Lang wheel baso. in gond condition,
lout. 5A1.1'.
I10)IE51'C5 YARN -mane of lung Virgil woof
-extra waren-long wearing-snitable for
socks -slums!, sweaters and other woollen gar.
mina. 2-1-4-51y, white, grey, royal blue, paddy
green .acm•tot, maroon, yellow. brown, heather.
black. fawn, white and grey twist, 01.08 lb.,
10 lbs. or Over, 11,80 lb, delivered. Northland
sweater patterns 26e each, Adults; deer, bear,
lndlan design, carting,. Childs: deer, bear, dog
and squirrel. dancer, Indian design, knitting
needles 16c pair. Eery MAXIM, Box 120 Slfton
1947 COmmerolal Jeep - thirteen housand
01105, Half top, heater, would trade on Fora
tractor, 200 gallon Snramotor sprayer, trailer
type power take -off, 460 lb pressure, four -row
boom, high area clearance. LeRoy Coleman.
Blenheim, Ont.
ORDER now for your White Holland Points,
broad breasted type. All breeders blood
tested and government approved, Shoreline
Turkey Ranch, Marrow, Ont.
F50151E1t0, obtain ftunt lubourere fol' (,Pring,
Experienced studied' or prauthtal farm labour,
1801111 0 and single will be available foe you
when needed, Contact LatVlnn Relief Aesoeli,
Dol, 320 Buy at,. Room 1304,. Townie, . Oct.
MAR1RIED COUPLE without 10005 nhndren--
wanted 100 country house near- 13arnilton.
Separatebane provided, Women required to
work Dart time, Man Hurst have' experten01
With riding horses, State (Wee. Bax No, 6t.
113-181(1 SI„ Now Toronto, Ont,
NATURE'S HELP -Dixon's Remedy
for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thou-
sands praising it.
355 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthritte
pains: If you cannot got relief. write, on
829, Tran00ona, Manitoba.
Banish the torment of dry eczema rasion
and WeeP109 0klp. troubles 100'0 15000010
Salve will not disappoint rot)
toiling, scaling. Pantos '0010nm. 15118, ring.
worm, pimples and athlete's foot. will r0e100d
readily to this stainless, odorless ointment,
regardlese of hmv stubborn nr boneless rboi
PRICE 51.00 11001 JAR
Sent Pest Gree on 1(008011 Of Pries
880 Queen 90 E„ Corner of Logan
Groat OttPo•tunity Len re
Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
thousands successful Marvel graduates
America'sgreatest ermine, illustrated cats
logi0 free. WHO or Call
850 Bloom St. w , 1 01110
Branches, 44 1(1116 St Hampton
R 71 Rideau Street. Ottawa.
FETHh1RSTONRA UGH & . Company Patent
Solicitors Established 1800 360 Bay Street.
Cornet° Rankle, 0t nirormation 011 0000e,n
WHY grow gray hair? Write for my Fre.
Folder; Box 320, T,'ansoona, Manitoba.
553RS01AN u'A\rEtt
CAN IOU '1'181' 11114?
THE realign we have successful salesmen
&IWOO AND 01011E
A week in 0001101101050 and bon 0see in
1 -Ire teach .'Ou now. EtIEr.e,lee Is 011-
2-000 national and antel'natiohat advertising
In newspapers, mngexines. :'alit broad•
coats 111113 yon.
3 -Rapid adveneement to the dent P'•rson
If Y08 are Over 20 years Of s5e write Boo
No. 50, 123-18,5 Street, New Trema. Inch)))
Your name, address end phone monitor
11 A511(11
WHITE 110aand Tnrltey 11ndy fmathels woal5d,
Pattieulers on illustrated folder. 0 1 Holl-
ander, 707 head Iptiilteo. ylnnu'„'l Cuckoo
WANTED) Light hareem. 2'o tun, l,,,,1( t ' 001•1e.
thing with white meridiem 111. ti1, cot.
A. I•:. 11.0,. Mork 0)„ 1e,nan , e'
on. u:nnr0.
lF Don't suffer any
longer. For quick
relief -treat painful piles with
medicated Dr, Chases Ointment.
Soothes a8 it heals. A safe home
treatment for over 50 pars. 33
Antiseptic OINTMENT
How Subit4ed
Wild Fiery Itch
DDr. Dennis' amazingly fast relief -D, D. D.
Prescription -did the trick, World popular,
this pure cooling, liquid medication speeds
peace and comfort from cruet itching caused
by eczema, pimples. rushee n4titotO's foot
and other itch troubles. Trial hottle, SGo.
First applioation cheeks even the most Intense
Itch or money back. Ask druggist for D, D. D,
Prescription 1 ordinary or extra strength) now,
Coughs are dangerous if neglected...
Get Relief Usually.,, QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY
LD -1
Sweet as its name! ,
Honey and Hank