HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-12, Page 4TEEI S1 FORTH Nk7WS !Mission Band last year made 588,87 Inet, John Jewitt read the scripture 1 lesson from St. I,uke. Mrs. Dale read the Story Book followed by call to worship and prayer. The meeting was closed by hymn 406 followed by the Lord's Prayer and Lawrence Taylor gave out "World .Friends". Hockey! 2- Big Games -2 NEXT WEEK IN Seaforth's NEW ARENA • JUNIOR W.O.A.A. Tuesday, Jan. 17 - 8.30 p,m. WALKERTON AT SEAFORTH Thursday, Jan. 19 - 8.30 p.m. GODERICH AT SEAFORTH YOU'LL SEE ---- Three Smart Hockey teams in action YOU'LL SEE -The fastest hockey played in Seaforth in years YOU'LL SEE ----- All the home games played by this team this season IF YOU SEE -- THE FIRST ONE Adults 50c -- Children 25c Cardno's Hall, Seaforth 12 LARGE GEESE CHICKENS 1 GRAND PRIZE $25.00 CASH ALL FOR 75c 2 FREE DOOR PRIZES -- -- SPECIALS ProveF•,ls to pronate sports for rhildr'ii of Seaforth and District Wed,, Jano 18 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Branch 158, Canadian Legion WALTON The January meeting of the Wal- ton C.G.I.T. was held on January 7 at the home of Mrs. H. Kirkby. The meeting was opened with the Call to Worship. This was followed with hymn 164. The girls were then led in prayer by Doris Stevens. Margar- et Achilles read the scripture which p was followed by hymn 252. The business part of the meeting was opened with the minutes of the last meeting seconded by Marilyn Bolger. Helen Johnston gave the treasurer's report, Moved by Leona Johnston, seconded by Olene Dun- das, that we send $2.00 for the leaflets for the Candle -lighting ser- vice. A letter from Halifax thanking the girls for the gifts which they sent was read by ;Margaret McAr- thur. The next meeting is to he held at the home of Marilyn Bolger on Feb. I 4. This is also to be a Valentine party and a recreation committee and a lunch committee were chosen. I The election of officers was held and the following were elected: Pres., heona Johnston; Sec., Marilyn Bol- ger: Treas., Margaret McArthur; Press Reporter, Marilyn Bolger; pi- anist, Edna Martin; Recreational Com., Doris Johnston, Doris Stevens, Helen Johnston, and June Hackwell. The loader, Mrs. Hazlewood, then took up the answers to the questions which were given out last meeting. The meeting was closed with Taps and a delicious lunch served by Mfrs. Kirkby, The third meeting of Clothes Closets Up -To -Date was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Humphries. The meeting opened by singing "Your Breaking My Heart". The minutes were read and seconded by Barbara. The next meeting is to be held on Saturday afternoon with the roll call to be, "My present means of storing my clothes," Mrs. Wm, Humphries and Mrs. P. Holman then helped us with our bias binding. HULLETT After 'the long holidays season the Ilillside Forum again got into full swing' on Monday night at the school with an attendance of 31, After listening to bhe radio broadcast groups were formed and a discus- sion followed •after which cards were played, winners as follows: most games, Helen Hamilton and George tubes; lone hands, Gordon MoGreg- or and John Riley; consolation, May ITesk and Dave Anderson, a lucky card prize was also won by Dave An- dersen. A geography spelling match was greatly enjoyed by all followed by a quiz program. Lunch was then served. The Fireside .Farm Forum met on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoggart with an at- tendance of 18 adults. After listen- ing to broadcast the president, Mrs. Hoggart read the literature which had been received and it was decided that the resolutions t m s critic( in • theas- sessor's R manual had been sent in by people who had not made a careful study of said manual, also it is un- wise for farmers to change their business every time the market fluc- tuated, but that the wise farmer should study the times and market trends and be ready to• change his plans: with decided change in mark- ets. Since the government placed ceiling prices on farm markets they should now, in all fairness, place floor prices on farm produce. Winners for progressive euchre for high games and Ione hands, Bet- ty Addison and Wes. Hoggart; con- solation,. Mrs. Geo. Hoggart and Keith Hesselwood, Mrs. Robert Jam- eison invited the group to their home for next Monday night. HARLOCK • Mrs. A. W. McEwing and Jim and Mr, anci Mrs. Jack McEwing and family spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pepper in Tuckersmith. Mr. Wm. Jamieson and brother Mr. Robert Jamieson called on V1'i-• day afternoon at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Colson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson had motored from Waterloo to spend the day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robert Jamie- son near Constance. Messrs Reece Ferris and Isaac Rapson spent one evening last week playing cards at the home of Mr. Leiper and family and Friday even- ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leo Watt. CONSTANCE The Golden Link Mission Band of Constance United 'Church met in the classroom on Sunday afternoon Jan. 8th. The president, Joyce Jewitt, was in the chair and opened the meeting with "The Mission Band Purpose", Hymn 403 was sung after which collection was taken by Marilyn Taylor which amounted to 9lcents, Roil Call was token and 17 were present, Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by the secre- tary, Janet McGregor. hymn 405 was sung and Helen Mollwain read an interesting story entitled "Mumma, what is a Saint?" Business consisted of making preparations for a bazaar to be held in Easter holidays, The DUBLIN Miss Mary Costello. London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Cost- ello, Miss Mary Doyle returned to De- troit after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Doyle, VARNA These attending tho short course at OAC last week were, George Keyes, Grant Webster, Merton Keyes, Geo Baird. John Dowson, Ivan McClyniont and Charlie Reid. LOGAN Logan Council met on Jan 3, et 1 p.m. for organization declaration of office were filed, minutes read, ad- opted and signed, correspondence read. The Dominion Road Machinery Company of Goderich was represent- ed and a talk given by the agent telling of its operation and the work it would do, The Sawyer Massey Company of Hamilton Agents presented their ar- guments for the Austin Western Ma- chine. Council after some deliberation . completed the purchase of The Aug- ; in Western complete with snow plow land wing less scarifier for the sum of 519, 175.00 delivery expected late in January 1950. I 1949 grant to Mitchell Agricul- ture Society of 587,00 ordered paid. Grants of 55.00 each was made to War Memorial Hospital, London, and Sick Childrens' 'Hospital, Toronto, were made. Clerk to order copies of Municipal World for officials. Reeve Wm. 0. Gaffney was ap- pointed twp. representative to the Thames Valley Authority. Council meetings to be held first Monday of each month at 1 p.m. Gordon Bach macre appeal against acreage and benefit assessment on Ahren's Drain, Court of Revision act, jour'ned to Feb. 6th at 2 p.m. Engineer W. G. McGeorge report on Drummond Drain was read and adopted Bill No. 493, Drummond Drain was given first reading and provi- sionally adopted, Court of Revision set for Feb. 0th at 3 p.m. • Bill No, 494 was read and finally passed refunding surplus on Eisler Drain. Bill No. 495 was read and finally passed confirming' the appointment of M. J. Linton, as High School Trustee. Tax Collector authorized and in- structed to continue the Levy and collection of taxes, Total roads expenditures paid 3279.07. Drains and general expendi- tures paid 51349.42. Council adjourned to meet again Friday, Jan. eth to fix salaries and appoint officials. John A. Rudolph, Clerk. Logan Council met with all mem- bers present, the Reeve presided, the minutes read, adopted and sign- ed, correspondence read. John E. Siemon was appointed re- presentative to Mitchell Agriculture Society for Twp. of Logan. Council formed into Committee on Finance to fix salaries and fees for 1950. Officials to continue in office with the following: changes only. Newly appointed are as follows: Road Foreman, road No. 1, West, Thomas Bannon, R. 3, Mitchell; Road Foreman, road No. 8, East, Lloyd o d Swire R. 4,Mitchell • Road Foreman road No. 5, West, Joseph Young, R, 2, Monkton: Live Stock Valuer, LloyBarker, R. 3, Mitchell, Expenditures paid total of $89.54. Council adjourned to February 6, 1 p.m., Twp. hall. John A. Rudolph, Clerk. KIPPEN The WMS of St. Andrew's United Church met on Jan 4th at the hone of Mrs. H. Caldwell. The new pres- ident, Mrs. Winston Workman, pre- sided. Mrs, Allan Johnson was in charge of the worship assisted by Mrs. Peck. firs Edgar McBride also assisted. Twenty-two members ans- wered the roll call. The president read a letter of thanks from Mrs. James Finlayson for bronze table lamp, a gift from the auxiliary, for their fiftieth wedding anniversary recently celebrated. Mrs. Eldon Jar- rett read a letter of thanks from Mrs. J. Hyde for cards sent to her from time to time, enclosed also was a donation of money for the auxil- iary. Mrs. E. Kyle reported that Mrs. McBride had called on two shut-ins last month. Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mrs, R. Peek were elected as visit- ing committee for January. MTs. Hinton, secretary of Christian Stew- ardship, gave a short talk about our prayer partner who is Miss Winifred Johnson, of Kamsack, Sask., until further notice. Mr. Jack Caldwell favored with a piano instrumental, "Star of the East". Mrs. Ernie Chip- chase gave the study "In our Evan- gel" from the second chapter of Growing with the Years. Hymn 254 was sung and the Benediction was pronounced •by Mrs. Workman. A. dainty lunch was served by Circle 3. Mrs, E. 'McBride and Sharon, who spent a week in Caro, Mich., . we - turned home last week, Miss Lillian Ryckman of Polock, 5 Dakota, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. ;Gackstetter. DUBLIN Mss. Kenneth McPherson with her mother, Mrs. Dwyer, Kinkora. Mr. Louis Doyle, Windsor, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Doyle, Mr, Joseph Maloney, London, with itis brother, Patrick (Maloney Donors T o Seaforth Memorial Centre The following are donations to the conlnhltllitl" centre arena: Feather party 233,42, W. T. 200.00, Merrill Dunlop 5.00, Betty Dunlop 11.00, Thos. D. Sills 5,00, Frank Case 5,00, E. 11, Close 5.00, Isabelle Anderson 5,00. Roy McGonigle 6.00. E,' L. Box 5.00, Jas. MacDonald 25.00, Isaac Hudson 525, Crown Hardware 325, Gordon McGonigle $25, M. A. Reid 5100, Harold Maloney 510, Wil- lard (Elliott 35, Leonora Edler $5, Ruth Chuff 55, Andy Dunlap 36, Bin. ployees 8. Supply 35, Jim Elliott 35, Arnold Westcott 55, Mrs, Eleanor Wilson 35,Mrs Dotera PacOnaig 35. Mrs, Gladys Weston $ 10 lssAlice Reid 510, Sam Shined 515, 10. C. Chamberlain $15, Joe Dorsey $25, John Baldwin 550,. Rea Holmes O. Dr. Gorwill $50. u Sid Pullman 520, W.L So tit , gate 515, Jas. Murray $16 John Bach $10 M, McKellar 310, E. C. Boswell $10, Geo. Brrghtrall $10, L. T. Bailey $10, Anonymous 510, Jini Cleary 510, Wm. Stewart 55, Leo Hagan $5, Janet Cluff $5, D. H. Wilson $5, Mrs. F. Dungey 55, .Chas. Dungey 35, 'Mrs. Jennie Hinc'hley 55, Mr,' Stewart 'Murray 35, Mrs. Stewart Murray 55, Ernestine White 510, Peg. Case 55, Lorne Dale, Sr, $25, Lenore Habkirk 55, Dr, J. 0. Turnbull 550, Ken :Campbell 310, Mona Reid $5, Clarence Dewar 55, Mrs. Walker Hart 55, Herbert Trap- nall $5, L. I. Graves $10, Paul Ro- bitaille 315, W, J. 'Duncan 5300. Bunk of Commerce 5100, Chas, P. Sills $25, Claire Reit11 55, Ethel Storey $5, Rebecca Shiflett $5, F, C. 3, Sills 55, D'Orienu Sills $16, John C. and Mrs, Stevens 310, Gillespie Cleaners $25, Gordon Dick $25, J. M. McMillan 310, Agnes Gaffney 55, Tom Chong $5, Hamer Hunt 510, Dave Stewart 325, Mel Clara $25, Hugh Thompson 310, J. E. Besse 525. Jo- anne McMillan 55, Dr, J. A. Munn 525, Brown Higgins 510, Orville Oke 510, A. W. Sillery 315, John Crich 515, Anonymous 310, Melvin Dale 310. .las. Willis 320, Ken Carter 310, Ed Daly 3100, Geo. McGavin 35, Alice Daly $50, Whytes Butcher Shop 350, Harry McMillan 510, Harold Free 310, J. E. Willis $80, Mrs, J. F. Daly 3150, Wm. Trapnell $6, Glen Smith 310, Walter Willis 350, Maly Clarke 525, John Pullman $20, Audrey Shannon 35, Edna Hiusser 55, Glen Steffen 55, Mona Bennett $5, Jean Armstrong 310, Miss M. Ferguson $5, Wtnnifred Savauge 56, 'W T. Thompson 35„ 101 - mer Lorene $10, Bill Smith Jr. 525, Miss Belle Smith 55, A. Seip 525, Gladys Earle $5, Anne Downey 310, Ross Savauge $25. Alex Karpen $15. Arthur Wright 510, Wm. D. Smith 550, P. D. McConnell 350, H. Glenn Hays 350, R. R. NlcKindsey $25, Thelma Forbes 510, Elmer Somers $10, Jas. A. Stewart $50, John T. Elg'le $50, Gordon Hilde- brand 35, Dan Muir 55, Carl Knight $5, A. L. Jones $50, John E. Smith $5, Clarence Trott 55, Mrs. Katie Phillips $5, Mrs. Angelo Phillips 35, Mrs. Mary Phillips 55, Mrs. Edith Daley 35, Mrs. Margaret Sclater $5, Mrs. John Finlayson 55, Lewis Hem- berger 55, Eddie Pryce 55, Miss Nellie Pryce 55 Nlrs. Tom Phillips 35, Mrs, Tom Phillips $5, Mrs. Toni Phillips 55, Mrs. Tont Philips 35, Mrs. John Muir Sr, $5, Reg. Kers- slalake ke 55$6., Reg. Kerslake 55, Reg. Ker - Reg. Kerslake 35, Mrs. Jack Kaiser $5, Dr. F. J. Bechely $50. Rowcliffe Motors 560, Mrs. John Gorwill 325, Miss Wilma Seip $5, 1',rnl, Hodgson 55, Phillip Speak 35, Miss Susan Govenlock 35, Phyllis Pretty 35, Mad- eline Fortune $5, Rev. T. D. Jones $10, Seaforth News 310. W. R. Dun- lap $5. John L. Hotham $10, Mrs. Peter McIver 55, Margaret Hudson 55, Mrs. 3. E. Cochrane 55, J. L. Slattery 520, Lloyd Morrison 520, B. P. Christie 525, Fred Dovoo ie 310, Scott Cluff 55, Mrs. C, ,I. Lemon 55, Cecil Lemon 55, Mrs. J. L. Kerr 55, Myrtle Carter 55, A. F. Chuff 55, Chas. Reeves $5, Miss Wilma Seip $5, Mrs. Tillsie G. Keating $10, William Pear- son 55, Mrs. Gordon Reynolds 55, W. H. Golding $25, L. P. Pluntsteel 515, J. E. Silcox $10, Miss Doris Smith 55, H. J. Steffen 510, George Miller 55. Clara Pinkney $5, Robert Pinkney $5, George Pinkney 310. Louis Lechner 510, E. Caskanette 35, Mrs. H. R. Scott $5, Mrs. John Beattie $5;Luella V. Montgomery 55, Harold Nicholson $5, Mary Mc- Adam 35, Mrs. P. Nigh 35, Mrs, J. Coutts 32, Ralph Cousins $5, John MacKenzie 55, John 'MacKenzie $6, Norman Scoins 35, Ronald Scoins $5, Raymond Scoins 35, Ina Scoins $5, Norman Scoins 35, Vera and Laura Mole 55, Joan Bach 35, Mrs. James Barron $5, Ken Ritchie 35. Excellence Flour Mills 3250, John Bosharts & Sons 3500, T. A. Beattie $10, Rev. T. P. Hussey $15, Miss Margaret A. Kelly 55, G. A. Whitney $100, Thos. Kale 310. Jack Elliott 55, Mrs, Muriel Elliott $5, Seaforth Wo- men's Institute 350, Eric Collingwood 55, Ruth Chuff 55, Mrs. Evelyn Lit - lies 35, Mrs, Webster 51, Harvey Travis 350, Chester G. Lee $25. Andy Calder 55, Community Centre $5, John Bach 35, Russel Piper $5, iJr. D • A. Mull . 5• Geo. Beattie J 1. J $ , 55, Dr, Stapleton $60, Mrs. Robt. Strong 55. W. H. Montgomery 520, Jack Rivers 55, Albert Hudson $5, Bert Shaw $5, Gordon Craig $5 Wallace Ross $5, Robt, McMillan .50, Harold Con- nell $10, Lorne Wessman $10, Geo, Eaton 35, Mrs. Mae 'Free $5, Mrs, Ben Rising' $5, Ed. J. Fitzpatrick 55, Thorpe Rivers $20, Davina Anderson $5, Dominion Bank 3100, Mrs. Annie M. Hays $15. 'Geo. Johnston $5, 'Mary Johnston $5. Bill Cooper 35, Baden Powell 55, 3', Arnold Case 35, Paul L. Brady $150. Geo. Beattyh$5. (Don /MacOonel 55, John Crawford 55, Kathleen Sill, ery 35, Austin Matheson 35, Mrs. John Miller 55, Mrs. Casey Way 31, Clifford Broatlfoot 35, 3'. Ross Murdie $5, Mrs. J, Ross Murdie 35, Jake Albrecht $5. Miss Valeria Drope 310, Mrs. Bes- sie Wurin 56, Miss Jennie Campbell 35, Miss Jean Flynn 36, Miss Pearl Tbamer $5, Miss Florence Fowler $5, 3, M. Scott 3100, Bili Leyburne 510, iten Forbes 36, Miss Teresa Lynch $5, Edwin Leonharcit $5, Chas, Barber THiVR$RAY, ,JANUARY 12, 1950 RE3UENT "MAME E SF A Thurs. FA'f, Sat, • "THE W,NPOW" NOW PLAYING with BOBBY DRISCOLL and BARBARA 0(4.1.51 A simply told story, cuunetentious and Honest, that develops into a gripping mole. drama with its atmosphere of tension and suspense Mon. Tues.rec IWASA MALEEWARB ID E, with CAIRY GRANT and ANN SHIERIDAN This brand of comedy will Ming joy to everyone as Cary Grant is forced to mos• auerade as a wo,lntn 10 get 05 the late, Adult Entertainment Next Thurs, Fri, Sat. "ROGUES REGIMENT" with DICK POOWELL and MARTA TOREN An excellent action picture that will hold your interest to the end. COMING: "THE PARADiNE CASE" with GREGORY PECK and ANN TODD 55. Mrs, Roy Dungey $5, Louis School 35, 14. E. Smith 55, H. E. Smith 35, Helen Smith, R,N. $5, Donald E. Smith 55, Mts. F. E. Smith $ 5, (To be continued) VARNA Charles Reid, Ivan Meelymont, Grant Webster, Geo. Keys and John Dowson Jr., •ar•e attending the 0,A.C. Short Course at Guelph, this week. Rev. Reba Hern has returned home after spending th holidays a a ho t her parents at Sault Ste. Marie Miss Mary McClymont of Toronto spent the holiday at her home here, Miss Mapd Keys, R.N. of Strat- ford, has returned after spending the holidays at the home of her par- ents. ON HAND - Rosedale Alberta Lump Egg Coal and Stove Coal SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. Phone 47 NOTICE FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC Places of business will be closing Saturday night at 9 p.xn. during Jan., Feb., Mar. SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE .m® amessaslaletsamsemmemosor Town of Seaforth PARKING By order of the Police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the streets of this Municipality will he allowed be- tween, the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. Any contravention of this order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 40, sub- section 7 Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler MFsh - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain �c Processed Feeds Feed Divisiou of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO - PHONES 363. 354 • FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES