HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-12, Page 2ar Pay As You Drive --•The coin ureter system of meeting pay- ments, used sttcessfu111 un l- fritie'rator anti television sales, has spread to auto ;ales, I,it:1 \I'Cauley, above, dhows how the meter plan «'irks. Drop a quarter in. the meter; the gadget releases enough gas to the carburetor to keep you going' for a sjlell. \V11en your next quarter is due, a laud buzzer .sounds a warning. Every 10 often a collector cranes around for the quarters. For emergency use, four slags a nirnth are supplied the dealer. T FARM FOl, .ylatL�.r_ t F::II'h ,- 111541 r:11Iing 1',e !1(Ate el hi re, t'le• I'putrid 1Jtl;ario ad hemakers _\...wia line i1! del r by Ur. II, 1, 1.)r•rb: , hit•? of \I:tl'',cti-Ig and }dereba ndi,ing 011 liair.a I'rn,la•s for the Dominion Uel„Irti .tut of 't}tri,•ultore. 1)r, returned from trip to u,d International Dairy Cone, _,.,.. 'n 1,l at >'t, is ,.lii1, and, while ,•, 1 1,C:et ,isle of the pond, had , ,1'xrion- distributing r rntre,. rl ;he 1cited141,001.111 what 1'.Ir1'+t'ti from t-. anatla, the I need :uas. Australia and New r ;1/.1,1 ■ nl I,an cheese has built up e fat.nl,tl h repntalinn over there, he said, in a market which may well he t -I creta 10 take more of tat. in•. -r in insure—brat only if Mt gush and price arc:(J I' . and if ec ,';tn a -sure the 1,l1rl.rs of a 4 ont'11(1 11 ul s11rtp1{', + x s Tilt farm rat•e,e industry in the 'United 1•.inaedom has declined until now it is cult about a (plat' ter of its pre. -war orals, This is partly because of the drift away from farms of the young folks who erdin- arl1t locust tuake tilt product, and also be. -an -e of the big demand for liai,l milk ricer there. a x x When the figures are all in Bri- tish production of cheese for the year just ended is expected to be around $(i million pounds, or about one-half of pre-war production; and of that amount not more than ten or fifteen per cent woltld he of farm product * s Only two types of cheese— Cheddar and C'heshre—were manu- factured in any real quantities; 1111d These two only when surplus milk was available. So that, all in all, elomestic production was only a small part of the total British re- smirement of something like 408 )pillion ponces. e In 1948 the United Kingdom im- ported slightly more than 352 mil- lion pounds of cheese, as compared with 328 million pounds during the pre-war year of 1938. Before the war consumption was nine pounds per person, and this rose to 14 pounds during the war. At present consumption is down to about 6;ft pounds, on the basis of a ration .amounting to 2 ounces weekly per person, Sm it is easy to see that N the British ever get back to anything like their former cheese - rating habits, they're going to need a whole lot of tonnage from some - r= '011rre--and a large partof it might well he from lure. * * 14 I ut .,t riling to lir. 1)erby, there are a few things that will ,et 11 for have our attention if•we •19r.e HA epi in on this great poten- 1d chetis.e. market to ally lastly increased est ent. For one thing he intim}, from actual inspection, that the brealt- age of boxes is a natter of serip11S concern to the Canadian cheese • trade. "rhe headings in row cheese boxes also need attention, as many •were seen that were year rough in finish, and showing dark. Ile said that steps have already heen taken by the 1)eptcrunent of Agri- culture to enforce more strictly the regulations under the Dairy In- dustry Act under which ibe veneer in cheese boxes must be not les* than one-fifth of an Melt in thick- ness. And next Season 111 cheese intended for export will require double, rattler than singlo'ltiritg. While on the other side he heard frequent complaints about Cana- dian cheeses being too heavy: Some of 111050 exported weighed 112 pounds. The United Kingdom trade does not want cheese weighing more than 90 pound•, and would even prefer 'them fiver po111111.14 lighter than that for easier hand- ling. Another beef was about Our cheeses being too large for the boxes they're packed in. This causes thein to gn short on proper ventilation with resulting excessive mould growth, dampness and faulty rind formation, - M a, IA any Canadian cheeses exaun- ined, boxed as described, were found spongy when press ed with the thumb, in decided contrast to those from New Zealand, in the open crate. '1•hese latter showed some slight mould, but were very firm and dry, x M 1n addition, with Cheese paekc(1 as tightly as ours, it is almost im- possible to remove the hos with- out breakage. This is particularly so when the cheese is higher than the box, and the contents get squashed from piling. The trade feel, and rightly so, that the top of the cheese should conte below rhe top of the side of the box, so that when the cheese are turned, the ends will be ventilated. q 1 * Examination of Canadian cheese for quality found that, on the whole, the original grade was pretty well maintained on flavour. There was, however, some conlpiaints of de- fects, presumably caused by heat- ing, and these complaints are being studied by the Department, with a view to eliminating the rause. Finishing Touches—Wenzel Reck, reft'rgre from eastern Ettrctpe living in Frankfurt, Germany. and his son pelt the finishing - touches their latest ship model---'Arkona".._ilefore testing g out in a ,riurning pool. Father and son worked 300 hours o ani?,e iiicil ship I eaw�n'lhy, losing just their hands and a few Loolg PAT N,T CI Atter a lot of argument, in which eansiderably more heat than light was generated, the burghers of Toronto, by a suntan majority, have decided in favor of Sunday Sports, Now., before the Provincial Leg- islature gives the go-ahead signal, it might be mildly interesting to speculate o11 iust- what 10110014 of athletics, and in what branches of thereof, will attempt to 100 in on the promised jackpot. * "T le Witalzis Theatre S11011ld do all right," said a friend of aur the morning after the balloting, naming a certain Toronto Temple of Art where a line of show girls, very lightly bandaged, forms the regular piece de resistance, or main dish as we ,ay in that dear France. We looked at ilial in mild amaze- ment and iuquirtd just where the \\'ha tzis Theatre could possibly tignre in a purely .ports picture. "Simple enough,” quota our friend, "All they gut to do is stage a hout between a couple of these direr -a - dozen wrestlers. That would make it an athletic event. Then there'd be nothing- to prevent them tossing in their regular allow for free, IN there:" 0 * And maybe he has an idea there, at that. Searching through the wel- ter i of znam0r y • the seem to recall that the first modern or "all -in" wrestling we ever witnessed was at n burlesque house entitled the Star Theatre in that sante city of '1'ar- • o111o, More years ago than tve'd those who attempt to control said sports are going to run Bp against, 1For instance, if it's OK to charge money to see a baseball pine, wily will it be sinful to allow a telecast or movie of the sante or a similar game. ata price?) * is e One of the never-ending chores in this sports writing business is that of picking out, for the readers' edification, the outstanding events of the year. It is a chore match like milking the cows or cleaning out the horse stable on the farm— yon 110 sooner get it over with than it's there to do again. And it is a chore which we personally try to dodge, partly • through sloth- and partly because there isn't Lunch sense in doing what so many others are bound to do better, But for once we are going to get well ahead with the job. So here and now,, fifty or so weeks ahead of the deadline, we opine that the finest fo.,tball gaine -United States brand, That is --of :Ando Domini 1950 was the one played on January Second of that year out in Pasadena, California, * Naturally, old Father Time may prove us to be wrong, as the old rascal often has before. But, al- though we have never been a great admirer of American football if a better game than that between the California Golden Dears and the Ohio State Buckeyes happens to route up, we should greatly like to be among those personally pres- British Challenger — Top -class racing driver Raymond Mays speeds in his British racing motor car during speed trials at Folkinghaln, England, airfield, The car, made from parts as- sembled by over a hundred British firms, has been designed to secure world supremacy with an expected speed of 200 m.p.h. readily admit. 1.)f course, in those nays, the wrestling was just an added attraction, with the hoofers and strippers constituting the twain event. But it might work equally well, or badly, the other way around, x k x "My Wile is- just aching to know ft hen them big Sunday }lingoes are going to start," said another gent with whom we discussed the situation and prospects. "Thai's the thing site's fondest of, next to bawling me out from coming Home late to dinner, and she can't hardly wait to get into action," * :, Here again we expressed a meas- ure of surprise. "But Bingo," we objected, "can hardly he classed as an athletic event," "It is the way my wife plays it!" replied Dur friend. "Oh, brother, any time she makes Bingo and starts waving her arms in the air, the folks on both sides of her take more real punish - 1110111 than Joe Louis has handled out in his last eight bouts." * t But enough, for the present, re- garding a subject that has been thrashed out sufficiently, in the press and over the air, during re- cent weeks, and that is liable to receive plenty more flailing before • it's all finally settled. But we do take the liberty of thinking that even those most strongly in favor of Sunday sports, are going to be a trifle astonished as to how many different and unexpected angles em, rather than take it via radio. as we did the one we are writing 111/0111, - For that New Year, tangle ap- peared to have just about every- thing; plenty of action—mixture of plays—shifting of lead—suspense right down to the dying moments —with enough miscues and fumbles' to make you feel that it was human beings playing, not a hunch of 'l'arzans and Supermen. And, front the •listener's stand- point, it had the immense' advan- tage of being described by a broad- caster who didn't try to make you believe that war had heen declared, • or that ,Yoe Stalin had been assas- sinated, every time one team gained a couple of feet --a very wel- come change from some of the m1ierophone Maestri the have suf- fered under, Here and there.• 14 '5 o Besides, that game gave 115 00.0 of our rare moments of personal triumph. Someone who was list- ening along with us, and who heard Ohio described as the " Buciceye State" happened to ask u1 just what is a buckeye. And We hap- pened to know, and remember, the correct answer, We wonder how many of you could 110 as well. * ,h * For a buckeye is nothing more or less than what etre'. rude Cana- dians call a horse -chestnut. Sure —you knew it all the tituel ISSUE 2 — 1950 .. Classified Adver tisi.n MIENTS WANTED 0011.1SZ.1WIV1:S WELCOME 1.1110 k'31051,E1 MAN for the undo and varied range 01 guar. unload lteeesaltlesl remediable Privest Dremb ume: quality and blrlt11t11, 1Meetne a Pros, porous 1u11nes0man by uofee and selling Pantiles ptodueto, Write Many and we will tell you hoer,-0A1t111'N,, 1000 Delorunlm', Montreal 11A115 01110111' POULTRY -KEEPERS Be entre or a good healthy b5ile), De babe 11110110 this coming season. Good Adele% menu good Ilene and more eggs. P1are your nyder 000 and tate advantage of the early order dlseoune All breeders are government handed and pull, orlon -tested. Suiistnetlan gnttennteed. terse fm' our 1060 catalogue. mid pewee. Rottman Poultry farms, Mmiktoa. Ornarlm, FISHER ORCRARD CUIGKS Day old ebtemt, pullets, end eneln cels available weekly Near roiled 1, 8 leading breach and ero0ses. The sleeks are Gr11 otuss, the prlee moderate. the atoelt accredited. Write Inc 111. page eolourod calendar and fries Bet. lris110e Orchards 1LO:P. rirce,arm, Freeman, Ontario. ROW 1101.1.1 you Illte to gelyour pullet ,hicks free? !mw? Buy Oilcan ,trawl by 11,0 P. Approved Melee from high. ...toeing families. one dozen extra eggs per 1.11101 1x111 more than pav the whole reel of the either. Protect yourself by 11,1 ,011.0.P, sired eldelig. Collect your dividends he 03(1'11. 0001 and bettor meet type this ran. The :namely of Weddle Pure Prot e:'lllr•ItA ore sited by 11.0,P. Pedi- greed Males. Free catalogue. Afro Hendee ehlnits, 'rt,Otey 10,1118. T,L0180 Pohle%, 'Breed. 1111 Prn•l,erels. Twoddle CI.* Hatcheries 1,1nI- tted. Fergus, 001500, PRODT•("1'111\ inherllttnee. '1'hut's 0.1! Solt bee in Baby Chutta—iI hcritnnee, If You get 5004 eggs sad meat ameba -110n Inheritance yon get volae. If ynih dont you gel nothing-1mml4- tog that In but trouble, exml,oc, Ines. efforts, wasted 0000 If you want 011.x0 nags• bettor meat birds and at lose cost of erodurtlnn, send for feel details aim, Top Newt, R,O,P, Sired Cheeks. Also Turkeys, Benner ,•hicks and 1, - ing pullet. Free Catalogue. 'rep Notch Chick SaliB, Guelph, 00.00, BAB'0 'MOILS from blood tasted high egg 1lrodm it 6 0(0 1 Lhabilltl guaranteed, Mixed 115,110 per 100, Pullets $.5 to $80: Ten percent oft for orders 000 and over, Goddard Chick Miteherc, Britannia Rrlghts, Ontario, n1,s1'E8s neeor'ruxs'I'IES AN OFFER m every inventor—us, 01 0,500• teess tend full Information sent free, Tho Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottaoia DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE rem anything needs dyeing or Man- ias? write to us for:isfor'nlatlnu. We are glad to answer your questions Department H, Parker's Dye works Lhnited, 701 YonOe Street, Toronto, Ontario, FOR SALE SOLID heavy tinned 0111.1 nail. tilled 40 lbs, golden light amber honey Qts bndwheat), 35,76 eneh, 2 palls $11, Ontario Honey Pro- ducers Co-operative, 6 Decries Street. Toronto, 'FORD Tractors. New end used, Ford -sin Major Tractors. 104" Bus Ch0vris—cors— trucka, yr. Chapman, Mlllhrook, Ont, NEW JOHNSON Outboard \ tors. Canadian Canoe Co-, Peteriorti Bcu r.. 01,010, Teail- era, bought, Bold, exchanged, Large stock used motors. Itepah•, by 000,0 •0-tentned meehanien. Open trent nine ex001/1 W,I,osdny, 511,051 031..10, Hamilton, - Ot'NS--Large assort nont 1000- tdul used. Bought, sold. exehangad. Otutenmend repairs. Scopes. nights installed. Fishing 'cackle. Hunt- ing Equitmlent. Sporting 00008. Special '!'e1011 Prise,. Open until nine except 11'wineoday, Strand Cycle, Ilmnlhnn, Mn'r0RCl,'Lles. Hurley DI,vhlsu1,7—New' and • titled, bour,l t geld, ea h teg d, 1-argo- 010c1, er go:trimmed Muni trt 1 I S lto050s by foetory-n,i,,rl nhechani a Elly, 140, end nom- plete line of wheel goods. igen O -1001000 until nine eo'e r il•edneaday. Strand .t., I, R' Sports, Jiang at Sanford, Hamilton. 041, R'r—unu,i F1shirn•, irun,ierttil lueuthrn. Write Mrs. L. Ohrlatlnk, Box 573, Bntlerlly Lake, Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Cone ., 11132 REGISTERED Jersey hulls, frpnl six to tw0110y-fo00 months, for sale. ,apply Arthur H. Rutley. Berwick; Ont. 50,75 PER ACRE bite clear title in 181 WRVS unimproved hand, 11 mann northwest of Sundae, Alta. Make cattle. ruue0. Naar big sante, trapping, L. C. Merriman. 111711 510ven- ty-fourth Avenue, Edmonton. Alberta, HARROW Creamory, Harrow, out.: 40 toe (te010 01101.01110001 sells 3.000 pounds butter Per week. in ,•nan6y. Appl9 10. H. Fielding, 1108 Hall Ave., Windsor. Ont. TRUCKS FOR SAl110 1942 D011,111 2 Ton Truck, !n non, c,mauton. High Stake linoltS. Prleed r,noonablY. 1444 IN'J'lOItNA'19oNAL Tiniek, Chassis with enc. 1.000 1,11001 base. In 1000 condition. MALE 010 COMPANY, ORANGFVILLE 11111 SA1.L HOMESPUN YARN—made of long Virgin wool —extra uncut—long wearing—suitable for seeks—alwaah 5wenlere and Other woollen gar. molts. 2-3-4-n1s, white. grey, royal blue, paddy green ,0carlet, mown, yellow, brown, heather, black, fawn, white and 500 twist, $1.08 lb„ 30 lbs• or over, $1.80 lb, delivered: Northland sweater patterns 260 each. Adults: deer, bear, Indian design, curling. Childs: deer, bear,dog and squirrel, dancer, 301115,1 design, knitting needles 36c pair. Maty Maxim. Box 120 Sifton Manitoba. 1847 Commercial Jeep — thirteen housand mile,. Half cols, heater, would trade on Ford tractor. 200 gallon Spramotor sprayer, trailer type power take -off, 460 lb pressure, to0r•row Worm high crop clearance LeRoy Coleman. Blenheim, Ont. ORDER now for 000r white Holland rotate broad breasted type. All breeders blood tested and government approved. Shoreline Turkey Ranch, Harrow, Ont, HELP WANTED FARMERS. obtain Yarm labour.% 101 erring. gxperieiued studied or pr elteal 1441'111 rawer, famines and single will he available for you when needed. 110, 1501 Latvian 'Relief Asooela• Neu, 320 Bay Se, /Mom 1504, Tenants, 011, • MAIC11IlOD COUk1,t0 without 00mn8 •lnldl't.-- watlnd fur country Mow near ISalnllt len Separate bowie provided. Woreat required to work part time. Man nuke have expei'Irnee with emus horeet, State 0500. Box. No. 51 100•-48ah St., NOW Toronto, Ont. 81111111041, NATURE'S HELP—Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Thou- sands praising it, MUNRO'S DRUGSTORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid SUI•`1,10REI8S rem Rheumatic Or Artbrltie 001110; If you eunnot got relief. mete. ex 020. Transept., mutton, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema i:05bos and weeping skin troubles Poet', Esteems Salvo 10111 not disappoint You tolling. stealing. . burning 000011la. ache, 0me. worm, 01mpie0 and athlete', foot, will (01pond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, reg000leae of how efuhbn•n nr boneless chef seem Ptt1VE $1,00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Reeepit 01 Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 queen SI E., Corner of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNI'T'IES FOR 51118 AND WOMEdk BE A IiAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 5073001. Great opportunity Learn Gal ydreeding Pleasant dagn10cd profession, 5000 wage. thousands etweeseful Marvel graduates America's greatest 00010111. Illustrated cats logu0 free. write or Cell- MARVEL allMARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 960 Bluer St. tV Vomit° Graneheo, 49 King St Hamilton ,. 72 neem Street, Ottawa PATENTS r'ETHEnSTONHAOOn 'd (annually Paten, Snlieltors Estehn/hea 1880 360 Bap Street .cantle 11001,1ai 01 mtnrmatIon On 0,000,1 PERSONAL WHY grow gray haft•? write for my Free Polder: Box 1401 Teanecona, Manitoba. SALESMAN CAN YOU 1'01' THIS? THE reoeOn -ne have successful salesmen n eragmg $100 AND MORE A 1ve,:0 ' Iu aomntlsstnns and impose& u tleenilae: 1—We 0000)0 you time, F:Spertence IS en• necessary. 2—Our national and Interuatloual advert to o en newspapers, magazines, 00010 broad sante helps you. 'J—Rapid advancement to the right r',vn"n If you are 0000 4a yens of age write, Bee No. 60, 115-13111 Street, New Toronto hlrlwl your name, address and plume numhel 04\'1'111 WHITE Holland Turkey Body feeth••Is wanted. Parttoulauw 00 Illustrated fold-.. K. P Holl- ander, 707 10.01 einaldine.ontreal. Quebec. WAN'el 1, 01gbi Lerma.. 101.00inoe10,,m 0001, 11000 with 111000 niarklniin 11 by A. 1:. pone, Ne1 .1l.. I.nn.hn„ , ,i, IVg tea Don't suffer any longer. For quick relief --treat painful piles with medicated Dr, Chase's Ointment. 10511.es as it heals. A sane Inane treatment for over 50 years, 33 DR. CHASE'S Antiseptic OINTMENT How I SiibuLied Wild Fiery itch Dr. Dennis' amaxinay fast relief —D, D. D. Proscription—did the trick. World popular, this pore cooling, liquid medication speeds each and comfort from cruel itching caused 0) eesemn, pimples, rashes, athlete's toot and other kelt troubles. Trial bottle. 35e, First or money back. Ask druggist for Intense . Prescription 1 ordinary or extra strength, now. Coughs are dangerous it neglected Get Relief Usually,,, QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY \4170 COUGH SYRUP AT ALL DRUGGISTS 25c Lo -i 'y1*515V_. KlF1r.J3at'01.1 mar .. ' i Sweet as its name! Ilan e y and Hank A AOD SOK.. . VJ1�N T COULD RS C IT !3y Seek{ a