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The Seafort
Mr, and .Mrs, P. J. Kelly will cele-
brate their 50th wedding anniver-
sary on Monday, Jan. 16. They will
be at home to their many friends in
the afternoon from 3 to 5 and in
the evening from 8 to 10 o'clock.
The statutory meeting of the Sea -
forth town council was held in the
council chambers an Monday at 11
a.m. The following elected members
having taken the oath or office, took
their seats: Mayor J. 10. Keating,
Reeve P. S. Silts, Councillors W. A.
Ross, ,las. A. Stewart, 13. F. Christie,
N. Scoins, 11, H. Close,
The mayor welcomed the members
for 1950. Meeting opened with prayer
by Rev, T, Dale Jones,
Moved by E. H. Close and B. F.
Christie that the striking committee
to strike the 19.50 committees be the
council as a whole,
Moved by N. Scoins and W. A,
Ross, that this council extend the.
season's greetings to the incoming
Tuckersmith council, with the hope
that the sane cordial relations which
have existed between the two bodies
in the past be continued in the fut-
Council then adjourned to meet at
8 p.m.
During the recent mild weather,
Bobbie and Jackie McCowan, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Rox-
boro, found two snakes about two
feet long just north of the farm,
while on the road to school. The boys
also found a polliwog and a frog.
They had the frog at home for sev-
eral days.
The World's Finest
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult
Bible Classes.
11 'a.m, Worship: Sermon Subject
"Sincerity". Third in series on Ten
11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation,
7 p.m., Worship: Sermon Subject
"Remember the Sabbath". Fourth in
the series.
A cordial welcome to all services.
The Seaforth town Council held
its first business meeting of the Year
in the council chamber on 'Monday
evening, Important business included
the. granting of a building permit
to John L. Rice for a $12,000 gas
station and showroom on Goderich
Street, and making arrangements to
register a new street plan for the de-
velopment of the former Tucker -
smith Agricultural property as build-
ing lots.
All members of council were pre-
sent, Mayor Keating presiding. The
council had met in the morning for
the official organization meeting.
A request from Mr. Rice to build
a gas station and auto display room
on property he had bought from the
McColl Frontenac Co. on the north
side of Goderich street between
Main Street and West William street
was considered. Mr. Rice was present
and explained his plans to council.
He said the building would be about
14 feet high, built of cement blocks
with a crystalline covering.
Councillor Scorns asked if Council
had passed a motion giving half the
proceeds from outside fire calls to
the firemen. The town has received
$50 from Tuckersmith for a fire call
last summer. A motion was passed
giving the firemen half the money
from outside fire calls, and retroac-
tive for the year 1949. It was report-
ed that Clinton had been paid $75
for the fire call here on Nov. 21;
the airport had remade no charge for
the fire call the same night.
The mayor read a letter from
Watson & Reid dealing with compen-
sation insurance coverage for the
town's clerical employees, the Volun-
teer firemen and all other town em-
It was reported that due to c'lrang-
es in the act governing compensa-
tion for volunteer firemen that all
claims for compensation would now
be awarded by the workmen's com-
pensation board and the awards paid
by the insurance company, previous-
ly the awards had been made by the
insurance company.
An application for purchase of a
lot 00 x 132 feet between Mr. Din-
woodie's house and the Shell station
to George 32, Miller, was accepted
by council subject to registration of
the new survey and other conditions
to be arranged at time of sale. It was
said that Mr. Miller was snaking ar-
rangements for building a house on
this property.
This application led to an exten-
sive discussion of the new plan for
the former Tuekersmith Agricultur-
al property on the West side of the
town. The new survey is all done and
nas been sent to Toronto for approv-
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.mn.. Bible Class and Sunday
11 a.m., "Fit for the Kingdom".
Junior Congregation,
6:30 p.nr., Organ Recital.
'7 p.m., "God's Faithfulness",
3:15 p.m., Y.P.S, Fireside.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Whole Gospel in
Small Compass".
7 p.m., "Our need of Life."
St. Thomas' Church
Sunday, January 15th, 1950
lst Sunday after the Epiphany
. 10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
7 p.m., Evensong
3 pan., Evensong, St. Mary's,
Annual Congregational Meeting
The annual congregational meet-
ing of the parish of St, Thomas' is
to be held in the parish hall on Tues-
day evening January 17th at 7 p.m.
It will be preceded by a supper
served by the 'men of the congrega-
tion and all members are cordially
invited to attend. Lets snake this one
of the red letter days in the life of
the parish.
Reports of all committees will be
presented at the 'business ;session.
.Show a real interest in the work of
your church by being present.
Mrs, John Carter, Huron Road
West, the former Margaret Dodds,
88, widow of the late John Carter,
died Friday at the home of her soh
James. Mrs. Carter had been in fair-
ly good health until the past three
months. She was born in McKillop,
a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Dodds, who were pioneer resi-
dents of the township. Mr. Carter
cried eight years ago. She is survived
by two sons, James F., Tuckersmith;
John, 'Seaforth, and three daughters,
Mrs. George Dale, Mrs. John Fergu-
son, and Mrs. M. McKellar, also by
two,,sisters, Mrs. Chas, McNeil. Ful-
larton, and 'Mrs. James Dale, Kin-
burn. The funeral was. held on Mon-
day from the residence of her son
James Carter, Huron Road West, at
2;00 p.m. with Rev. D. Glenn
Campbell oficiating. Interment was
in Maitlandbank cemetery.
A lovely satin bound Esmond
wool blanket was presented to Ruth
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Dal-
ton Diegel, compliments of the Kid-
dies'Shop, Seaforth, for being the
first1950 baby born in town.
al and will be registered at Goderich.
It will be necessary for the council
to pass a notion cancelling the old
Tuckersmith Agricultural survey.
Councillor McMaster said they
were busy planning the drains.
Reeve Sills said. that it would be
necessary to have an award drain
through the Reynolds and Beattie
properties, or council could go to
the people and snake arrangements,
!Reeve Stills said the surveyor had
trade levels through the property.
He figured they had a 13 -foot fall
to where drain would cross highway.
The drain would cost about $5,000.
Total cost of the development will
be about 910,000. The municipal
board will be asked for permission
for the town to draw on reserves to
finance the project. Council plans to
hold a special meeting to consider
the plan and drain awards in detail.
The Mayor said that the electric
power line would be placed at the
back of the lots in the new survey,
Councillor Close reported that a
Bell Telephone underground cable
had been cut on Louisa Street. A
man working for Mr. T. Smith had
cut it, he said.
Council appointed Mr. E. Larone
as the town's representative on the
hospital board.
Councillor Close reporting for the
street committee said he had a re-
quest from the Supertest stetion to
connect their car wash rack to the
drainon tGoderich street. At present
it is connected to another drain,
which has plugged up frequently.
Council decided to advise the install-
ation of a grease and gravel trap,
and see if that would help matters.
Mr. Close said there had been com-
plaints about drains and that some
of the towns warning lanterns had
disappeared. He said the stone crush-
er had been dismantled for the sea-
son, and it was only possible to get
gravel for East William Street,
which was in bad shape. Et would be
hard for residents to get in coal, etc.
.Councillor Christie reported that the
alley behind Main Street needed
The following appointments were
made; D. H. Wilson, town clerk and
relief officer, $1,100 per annum; D,
H. Wilson, town treasurer, $700;
Wm, Anent, assessor, $500; D. Sills,
fire brigade chief, $150.00; J. 'Cum-
mings, weed inspector and fruit tree
inspector, $7.00 per month; J. Cum-
mings, road foreman, $36.68 per
month, and caretaker and street
Supt„ $73.32 per month; McConnell
and Hays, town solicitors, at $100.
per,annum; Brock, Davis, Dunn and
Broughton, town .auditers, fee $800;
tax collector, J. Cummings; A. Bush -
le, scavenger and poundkeeper,
$125.00 per month; fence viewers,
Scarlett, R, Scarlett, 'Mrs, C. E,.
Smith, member public library ,board,
The fol owing accounts and salar-
Tuckersmith Municipal Connell,
comprised of Arthur Nicholson,
Reeve; Councillors, Itoy Bell, Wil-
liam Rogerson, D. A. Moffatt and
Andrew Crosier, held their inaugural
meeting for the year 1950 in the
Town Hall, Seaforth, on 'Monday,
Jan, 9, 1950. at 11 aan. Each mem-
ber subscribed to the Oath of Office
before the Clerk, Rev. Mr, Jas. El-
ford of Egmondville attended and
invoked Divine Guidance upon the
deliberations of the council for the
ensuing year. Appointments for the
year 1950 included:
Member Ausable River Conserva-
tion Authority, Roy Bell; Member
Scott ;Memorial Hospital Board 1950-
51, Harold Finnigan; Road Superin-
tendent, Robt, Dalrymple; Fence -
viewers, Mister Broadfoot, Chas.
MacKay, Wm, Kyle; Poundkeepers,
Leslie Lawson, John Broadfoot
Scott Cluff and Melville Traquair;
Livestock and Poultry Valuators.
Robt. Tyndall, A. 13. Bell, J. W,
Crich; Auditor, James Love,
The Clerk was employed as Cleri-
cal Assistance to the Road Superin-
tendent for the year 1950 at a salary
of $200.00.
Council joined the Ontario Good
Roads Association and The Ontario
Association of Thural !Municipalities
and the Clerk was instructed to for-
ward membership fee of 95.00 to
each. Expenses of $25.00 will be
paid the Clerk or any member of the
Council attending the Conventions in
February. The Clerk was instructed
to apply for the balance of subsidy
on the 1949 Road Expenditure,
Rate of labor was set at 60c an
hour; man and team, $1.00 an hoar;
Man, team and mower, 31. an ;hour.
Council subscribed to the Municip-
al World for the use of council and
officials for the year 1950.
No action was taken on a request
from the Community 'Centre Com-
ittee for a grant of $3,000,
By -Law No. 1, 1950, authorizing
The Bell Telephone Co. to do certain
work on their lines was given its re-
quired readings and passed.
Grants of 925.00 to the Salvation
Army and $10.00 to the Crop Im
movement Asociation were made.
Accounts passed included: Fox
bounty, 34.00; Election Expenses,
3157.75; Relief, 3105.90; Roads
Acct., $389.84; Sheep killed by dogs,
$142.50; Printing. $35.00; Twp.
Stanley, Cooper Drain, $1058.00;
Salary and alowance, $125,00; post-
age, 0.00.
Council adjourned to meet Feb.
4th at 2 p.m. E. P. CHESNEY,
Miss Mary Leona I•Tolland, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Holland
of St. Columban, has successfully
passed examinations set by the Reg-
istered Nurses' Association of Out-
ario. Miss Holland was born in St.
Columban, received her High school
education at Dublin and graduated
from St. Joseph's Sphool of Nursing,
London, in May, 1949.
Miss Teresa L. Maloney, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Maloney,
McKillop, received word she success-
fully passed examinations set by the
Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario. Miss Maloney graduated
from the School of Nursing at St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, in June
last year and is now on the staff
at the K. W. Hospital, Kitchener.
The following students of North-
side United Church Sunday School
were presented with diplomas and
seals for regular attendance during
1949. To qualify for such an award
one could not miss more than three
Sun days.
Robert Raikes Diplomas: Joan Ro-
berton, Donald Craig., Alice Christie
Gwen Christie, Bill Roberton, Floyc{
Dale, Mr. H. Lawrence.
Seals: 2nd year: Betty Lou Gou-
die, Lau'ene Henderson, Judy Crich,
Mrs. Barron. 4th year, Lynda Sa-
vauge. 6th year, •Sandra Savauge,
Marjory Knight. 7th year, Robert
Knight, Robert Snell. 9th year, Ted
Savauge. llth year, Jean Snell. 13th
year, June Snell. 14th year, Edna
Huisser, 15th year, Francis Huisser,
Mr. Sam Scott, Superintendent,
made the presentations at close of
Sunday School on Sunday.
ies were passed,
Seaforth Memorial Centre, $5000.;
C. W, Carter, 9180,00; Seafortli
Memorial Centre, 920,000,00; E.
Miller 318,90; S. Williams, $9.00; Si
Burns, $5.00; L. Rowland, 938,00;
Treas. of Ont., 9340.26; C. N. R.,
34.56; Baldwin Hardware, 921,63;
Mathany-Hunter, $19.50; Caardno
Bios., 340.00; Robert Clarke, 320.;
Relief, $126,08; D. H. !Wilson, $141.-
66; 3, Cummings, $117,00; A. Bushie
9125.00; Jno, A, Wilson, $20.00;
Seaforbh Fuel & Supply, 318.20; E.
1. Chamberlain, 320.00; S. Williams,
$42,00; E. Miller, $17.50; Canadian
Bank of Commerce, 930.00; Bell
Telephone Co„ $13.50; Sundries,
61.05; 0. Lyddiatt, $33.00; E. W.
Montgomery, 34.00; G. A, Whitney,
(Continued on Page 5)
The inaugural meeting of Meliil
lop township council was held on
Monday. The following officials wen
nanned.for 1950:
Clerk and Treas., J, M. Eckert
Collector if taxes, Dominion Bank
School attendance officer, John R
Leeming; Drainage Inspector, Clar
once Regele; Weed Inspector, Albert
Harrison; Auditors, Monteith and
Monteith, for twp. schools and tele-
phonephone; selecting jurors, $5.00 meet-
ing; tele-
Councillors, 3130.
each. Patrolmen, John E. Murray;
Henry Kleber, James E. McQuaid,
•Geo, H, Leonhardt. Michael 13. Mur-
ray, Stanley Hillen, Hugh Gordon,
Thos. Haekwell, Stewart Dolmage,
,Russell Barrows, Joseph Hugill, Vin-
cent Lane, Con. M. Eckert, Wilfred
Join Gordon, Finlay Mc-
Kercher, Eldon err, Peter Mc-
Laughlin, Robert Dodds, Rudolph
Fischer, Walter Somerville, Sam Bol-
ton, Earl Mills.
Poundkeepers: John Walsh, Jo-
seph Carlin, Reuben Buuck, Wm.
Anderson, Percy Taylor, Peter Mc-
Cowan, Charles Kleber, Wm, ide-
Spaclden, Henry Bennewies.
Fence Viewers: Janes Nolan, Wm.
O'Reilly, Wm. Boyd, Joseph Mc-
Laughlin, Wm. Shannon, Robert
Campbell, Boyd Driscoll, Thos Mc-
Millan, Robt. McClure.
Valuators of livestock and poultry,
Alex Smith, Frank Bowman, Robert
Dodds, Antone Siemon.
Building Inspectors, Archie Som-
erville, Wm. Beattie.
' Application was made to Dept. of
Highways for road subsidy on 351;
030.06 less receipts of 32,077.83.
Net amount $4,895.23.
Rate of pay for work done on
roads to be as follows: 70e per hour
for man, and $1.00 per hour for man,
team and mower. Parties doing work
on roads without orders from seed
superintendent will not be paid.
The Council joined the Ontario'
Rural Municipal Associattion.
Amount paid on roads 336.36.
McConnell and Hays were ap-
I;ointed solicitor's.
A charge was set of minimum of
$5.00 per hour for the road main-
tainer for winter and summer to
McKillop ratepayers only, to be un-
der orders of Road Superintendent
Kenneth Betties was appointed
fill] time operator of road maintainer
Council took 110 action in appoint-
ing a township representative to
Scott Memorial Hospital. Board.
No action was taken as yet on re-
quest for 33,000 to Seaforth Mem-
orial Centre.
Jan. 13—SEAFORTH at Tavistock
Poole at Wellesley
Jan. 18—Poole at Mitchell
Jan. 19—SEAFORTH at Wellesley
Jan. 20—Poole at• Tavistock
Jan, 24—Wellesley at SEAFORTH
Jan. 25—Tavistock at Mitchell
Jan. 27—Tavistock at Poole
Jan. 30—Tavistock at Wellesley
Jan. 31—Mitchell at SEAFORTH
Feb. 2—Mitchell at Poole
Feb. 3—Wellesley at Tavistock
Feb. 6—Mitchell at Wellesley
Feb. 7—Tavistock at SEAFORTH
Feb. 9—SEAFORTH at Mitchell
(in Seaforth),
Wellesley at Poole
Feb. 15—Mitchell at Tavistock
Feb. 21—Poole at SEAFORTH
Manager—George Kruse
Assistant Managers, Tom Sills and
Jack Dunlop,
The annual meeting of the Ladies'
Guild of St. Thomas' Church was
held in the Parish .Hall on Tuesday
of this week, with twenty members
present. Mrs, McGavin, the presi-
dent, opened the meeting by read-
ing the Epistle for the first Sunday
after Epiphany, followed by prayers
for the parish, the New Year and the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Very en-
couraging reports were read from all
committees. All objectives for the
year were met with a balance of
In the absence of Rev. T. Dale
Jones, Miss C. Holmes presided over
the election of officers for 1950 as
follows: Hon, Pres., Mrs. C. Holmes;,
Pres., Mrs, Shaw; lst Vice -Pres.,
Mrs. Wm. Oldfield; 2nd Vice -Pres,
Mrs. Nott; Sec'y, Mrs. B. Higgins;
'Treas., Mrs. Ada Reid; Rep. to Board
of Management, Mrs. 'Anne;
; Hos-
pital Aid, Mrs, O'Shea; RedCross,
Mrs. McGavin; Pianist, Mrs. Higgins,
.After the offertory was received
and dedicated, the new president,
Mrs, Shaw took the chair and pro-
ceeded with January business and
plans for this year. The meeting
closed with the benediction.
Wire. Robt. Lawson returned home
last week after spending a few days
with Mr, and Mrs, Les Lawson of
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Oke spent
Monday with Mr. and. Mrs, Lorne
Mr. Gordon Carnoc'han of Eloise,
Michigan, spent the weekend 'with
Mrd, and Mrs, Ephriam Clarke and
Ellwood and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
;Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Medd of Sea -
forth and Mt, and Mrs, Wm, Living-
stone and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch.
91 a year
We have received small shipments of each of these
very pretty patterns in Royal Albert English Bone
China, Cups & saucers, plates, sugars & creams &
fancy pieces are included. Make your purchases now
while we have a fair selection from which to choose.
Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing
C. W. L.
The January meeting of the Cath-
olic Women's 'League was held in St.
James' School Hall, Tuesday even-
ing, Jan. 10th. The meeting was
opened with prayer by the lst Vice -
Pres„ Mrs. J. Hotham Jr. in the ab-
sence of the President. A financial
report was given by the treasurer,
Miss A. Gaffney, showing a substan-
tial balance in the bank. Mrs. I. O'-
Leary reported presenting school
pins to the St. James' graduating
class at the Christmas party held
last December. The visiting commit-
tee for the month of January is
Mrs, J. Hotham Jr. and Mrs. Fred
Dinwoodie. Dodi .
e The
meeting t
n t o closed s
R o ed with
Due to a heart attack; Calvin
Westman Ironside, well known busi-
ness man passed away suddenly on
Saturday morning as he was sitting
on the side of- his bed.
He was born in Granton, Ont.,
but had lived the past 10 years in
Seaforth where for nearly nine
years he conducted a variety store
in the building formerly occupied
by Mrs. W. J. Walker, disposing of
his business about a year ago to Mr.
Elmer Larone. He was married in
1940 to Margaret Christopher, of
London, who survives hila, together
with three small sons, William,
Janes, and Robert, and one daughter
Margaret Ann, also by three broth-
ers, Clayton, Kintore; Cuthbert, Lon-
don, and Carleton, London, and one
sister, Lelia, New York. The funeral
took place from the family residence
on Tuesday. at 2:00 p.m. with Rev,
T. Dale Jones officiating. Internment
was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery,
Tie pallbearers were Gordon
Wright, John Crich, Harry Norris.
Dr, Stapleton, Pete Christopher. J. M.
McMillan. Flower bearers: Rill Lee-
ming, James McNaughton. Carmen
Roweliffe, Stewart Wigg, Elmer Lar.
one, James Hogg,
Elizabeth Tudor Scott, 29, free-
lance writer, whose pen name was
Liz Gairdner, died Monday at the
Women's College Hospital, Toronto,
after six weeks illness, She was the
wife of James Scott, book editor of
The Telegram, and son of Mrs, H.
R. Scott, Seaforth.
Daughter of the late R. H. F.
Gairdner, Episcopal clergyman and
formerly of Bayfield, she was born
at 'Loraine, Ohio. She was the winner
of Vogue magazine's Prix de Paris
while a student at Columbia Univers
sity School of Journalism. She was
also a graduate of St. Hilda's Col-
lege, University of Toronto.
For a time Mrs. Scott worked on
Vogue and later joined the staff of
Mayfair magazine, Toronto. Subse-
quently she went to Montreal as a
feature writer on the Standard. She
and Mr. Scott were married while he
was a professor at the University of
Saskatchewan in 1944. They resided
in Saskatoon,
She went to Toronto when Mr.
Scott joined the staff of the CBC.
Since her marriage, Mrs. Scott has
been writing as a freelance for vari-
ous Canadian and United States
She leaves her husband, another
and one daughter, Katie.
The January meeting of the, Sea -
forth Women's Institute was held at
the home of 'Mrs. William Leeming
on Tuesday, Jan. 10111. with about
members and ^'nests present.
The President, Mrs. John Hiilebrecht
opened the meeting and the roll call
was answered by "A washday des-
sert". Many very god suggestions
were offered, In the absence of the
secretary, the business part of the
meeting was in charge of the treas.
urer, Mrs. John McLean, Letters of
thanks were read from Mrs. Chaffe
of the Children's Shelter in Gder-
ich, Mrs. Jacobs of the County Home
in Clinton, and the Bell Telephone -
Staff, also Xmas greetings from the
Kippen Institute, It was decided to
hold a dance in Cardno's Hall on
Feb. 14th, the Ranch Boys supply-
ing the music, also a pot -luck dinner
will he held at the home of Mrs.
John- McLean on Wednesday, Jan.
18th. Members are asked to be there
early, any time after ten as there
are several quilts to be made for the
Children's Hospital in London. Mrs.
McLean will supply hot potatoes and
the members may bring anything
they desire. As this was our work
meeting-, two quilts were male for
the Children's Hospital in London.
Mrs. Robt, McLachlan, convenor and
Mrs. Andrew Crozier were appointed
to have then sent to London, The
members are asked again to please
remember to bring their lunch cloths
to the euchre and donee on Friday
Group two of the W. A. of North-
side Church held their January meet-
ing at the home of Misses Vera and
Laura Mole in the forst of a pot-
luck supper. Meeting was opened by
singing hymn 502 followed by the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Hay
gave n and the
read the
minutes. The roll call wee answered
by 22 ladies. It was decided to ,ave
our coppers during January. Hymn
501 was sung and all repeated the
'Mizpah Benediction, Mrs, Hay then
took over the meeting and conduct-
ed two contests which were very in-
teresting. Mrs. Baine gave a reading.
Mrs. Moffat moved a vote of thanks
to the Misses Mole for theuse of
their hone. Everyone present spent
a most enjoyable evening. The fol-
lowing are the officers for the com-
ing year: Pres., Miss Vera Mole, Vice
Pres., Mrs, Lorne Dale; Sec„ Mrs.
Shannon; Treas., Mrs. F, Storey; so-
cial convenor. Mrs. Rising; organist.
Miss Laura Mole.
On Tuesday evening, Jan. 10,
groan 3 of the Woman's As_ nciation
of Northside United Church met at
the horse of 'Mrs. F. S. Savauge. The
meeting was opened with quiet music
played by the pianist Mrs. .Broad -
foot and a prayer by the president,
Miss Edith Hoag. Sire also read a
poem entitled- "Ask and it shall be
given". Hymn 502 What a friend
we have in Jesus" was sung, and
Mrs. Snyder led in prayer. Miss Ida
Cooper read the scripture. Roll Call
was answered by 16 members nam-
ing a favourite Xmas carol, There
were 4 visitors present. Miss Hoag
then read a poen "A New Year's
Resolution". Hymn 500 "Take time
to be Holy" was sung and all repeat-
ed the Mizpah Benediction. Miss
Winnie Savauge then gave a very
interesting demonstration of her
weaving. Lunch was served by the
social committee.
Mrs, Wetmore Scott shed at her
]home in McKillop on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 10, after an illness of three years.
Mi's. Scott had been a life long rest -
dent of McKillop. She was Esther
Helen Beattie, daughter of the tate
Robert Beattie of McKillop, and was
born on Dec, 22, 1881. On April 5,
1911, she was married to Mr, Scott,
who survives, Also surviving are two
sons, Arnold, McKillop, and Elmer,
London, and a daughter Rath (Mrs,
Harrison) of Brantford. Three sister's
survive, Mi•s. Scott was a member of
Duc't's Church, McKillop, and the WMS
and Ladies Aid.
The funeral is being held on Thurs.
clay afternoon, Jan. 120, at 2 pan,
from her late home, lot 25, eon. 4,.
Mclniliop, a forme' pastor, ltev,
Patton, officiating. Interment in Mait-
land Bank cemetery. The pallbearers
are George Campbell, Guy Dort'anoe,
James Kerr, Mac Scott, Eldon Kerr,
Scott Kerr,