HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-05, Page 12Dance
Community Hall, Walton
Wednesday, Jau. 11
Fel'riers Orchestra
Admission 50c
Lunch counter
The annual Sunday Sehool Meet-
ing of the Hensall Gaited Church
was :held in the vestry on Friday
evening, Dee, 30th. Rev, R. A. Brook
presided, Mr. Bill Mackie, Treasurer,
presented an encouraging financial
report. All departments shave
splendid: progress under the directio
of Mr, J. Corbett and Mr, D. Kyle
• Superintendanb.
The Monthly meeting of the Hen
salt Institute takes place in the Le
-gion rooms on Wednesday nigh.
Jan. 11th. Miis. .Gy. Armstrong h
ctharge of arrangements. The then:
is "Education", roll call, my firs
teacher', Miss Gz'ay will look ate
the demonstration; Miss Avery axil
prpeseut the motto;. Mr. Blackwel
will conduct a spelling match i
which grades 5. 0, 7, and 8 will tek
part. Prizes will be awarded. Plat
to attend this interesting event.
The monthly meeting of th
Evening Auxiliary will be held 1
the United Church Sunday Schee
room on Monday night, Jan, 9th. A
exk'11ent program is being prepared
All members are urged to be aero:
in mar that plan, may be made fo
the year's, work. •
.111 aiel Mn',Rohr: Cook t r ite<
duriug tile holidays with the latter'
parent lit. and 1lrs. Hildebrand
nt I e rain ton
M t t s, lr, bl-i,= Bayrihani rettlrne
hc.fae atter holidaying with his uuel
and Nolo lir oil Mrs. Alvin Pass
more, Thames -:load, -
1ii-s \\•ionic Gray returned t
resume her duties here at the Pub
ii. Fe ho"l elft,*r spending the holi
day-. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs
Wm; tray, Mitchell,
:\6. and let-, Geo. Thoinpsoi
spent the holiday weekend with rel
ative-at Blenheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Don
na of Blenheim returned home afte
spending the Xmas holidays wit-
Mrs. Riby's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Stewart McQueen.
Misses Eleanor Cook and Bernie
Jinks returned to London after th
holidays to resume their studies a
Western University.
Mrs. Eugene Westendorp and sot
returned to London after holidaying
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill.
The annual meeting of the Arnal
Circle Evening Auxiliary was held a
Carmel Presbyterian manse on
Monday evening with the president
3Ir-. Gleno E. Bell, presiding, Mrs
C. Forrest eotdurted the worship
period which opened by earol sing
in_ i slowed he eripture passages
of the Cleisrrna' Story and prayer.
Mr-. Harvey Hyde :rave ct reading
entitled 'The Real Christmas Spirit".
\1 ni. Brown anti Mrs. Harold
Bellsane' t duett r•tt i ler: `Down
from the Beautiful Gates", accom-
panied iq MGs. C,- Forrest, The roll
till. offering and business followed,
after which Rey, P. A. Ferguson in-
stalled the officers • for the New
Year A cote of thanks to Mrs. Fer-
guson for her hospitality and to the
co -hostess and all taking part was
moved by Miss Jean McQueen. Mrs.
Ferguson gave the item from the
gust Roehc (Obb ; Latin J. Willard
i15.2); and T., H, Mader t:3(,?S). Us-
rar Klopp received only: 301i votes
and was eliminated.
Cleburne Township
I \Wellintton Brook wets elected
reeve or Lisburne township by It
seven -vote margin over James Simp-
son. Voters east 351. ballots for Mr,
Brook against 344 for 11ir. Simpson,
, The vote was regarded as average.
The two contestants were eotincillors
in 1949,
On Wednesday, Dee. 28th, 1949
at 2:30 o'clock in the United Church
Mance, Hensall, by Rev, R. A.
Brook, Florenee Margaret, daughter
d of Mr. Thos, Welsh, to Thomas
n Cleveland Joynt, son of Mrs. Adeline
Joynt, Lietowel, Ont,
A successful after Xmas party
- was held in the United Church San-
- day Sehool room on Wednesday
t, night, Dee, 28th when a large re -
1 presentation ;of parenits land their
e families and friends attended.
st Rev. R. A. Brook efficiently acted
✓ as chairman for the following inter -
1 °sting program, Recitations, Alex
1 Hyde, Steve Kyle, Billie Shaddiek,
Gerald Chapman, Jerry Drysdale,
Billy Ingram; solo;, "Away in a
Manger", by Master Bobby Miekle
' accompanied by .Mrs, Mickle. Playlet
e "Babe of Light", Mrs, Lillian Hyde's
n class: recitations; Judy Elder, Silar-
1 jnrie Hyde, Douglas Sinfrray; piano I
n solo, Norma Passmore; short play,
"A sick Baby", Junior pupils Xmas
t resat utions an exercise by Miss'
1' Gladys Luker's class, Hop Scotch
Polka:; son and dance, several
1 sehol<u's; sem;"Rudolph the. Red
g Nose Reindeer", Mies Laramie's
t clatss: playlet "The story of the
Star" Miss Betty 3[ukle's class; an
d ''o'rcise entitled "Choice", Jar. T.
e Harton's class; playlet, "Arise.
- Shine", senior scholars. The pre-!
-entation of two instructive films
o followed, "Western Highlands" and
-River Watch". This was directed
- by Mr. Mickle. of Exeter, assisted by
• 3Ir, Bill Mettle of Hensall, Rev. R.
• A. Brook expressed hearty thanks
1 to those responsible for the program,
- Mr. J. Corbett, S. S. Supt, then gave
i a few remarks after which he intro- f
- dueed Santa Claus to the audience,
1' Treats were distributed to the child -1
ten. The gathering closed with the
• Mizpah Benediction.
I ;Miss Norah Petty, Reg. N., of Hay
e township, died Thursday afternoon
e in Clinton Hospital; following a ,
t heart. attack she suffered Wednes-
day at her home. She was 37 years
1 old •and a graduate of Alexandra
Hospital; •Goderich. She was born in
Hay township, a daughter of the late ,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Petty, and
c1 sane a member of St. Paul's Church,
t Henson. Surviving are one brother,
James, and agister, Florence, both
' at home. Funeral services will be
•lronducted Saturday at 2:30 p.m„ by
Rev, C. L. Langford, at the family
home, concession two, Hay township,
with interment in Exeter cemetery,
Resident of London for more than
half a century, Mrs, Elizabeth - Mc-
Leod, of Highland rd„ died Sunday
at Victoria Hospital. Born 70 years
- ago at Staffa, Mrs. McLeod had lived
in London for the past 50 years, Site
was an active member of Elmwood
Avenue Presbyterian Church. Her
husband, William J. McLeod, died
in 1945. Survivors include three
sons. Harold C., Stanley A., and D.
Gordon,- all of London. One sister,
-1•Irs, David Rodger and a brother
Albert Biekell, both of Kirkton, also
survive, along with four grand -child -
ten. The funeral service on Tuesday
was in charge of Rev- John Fleck,
minister of Elmwood Avenue Pres-
byterian Church. Interment was in
Woodland cemetery,
end firs. henry L. Hiegel, Mr. and
Mrs Alfred Beuerntarl, Larry and
:Bane, of Seaforth, with Mr. and
Mrs, L. tllllebrecht.
\Ir, and Mrs. Yid, T'iseher, Dorothy
and Keith, of Seaforth, with Mrs,
Wm, 'Mueller.
Mr. Robert Reek of Waterloo
Seminary and Miss Betty :tock, St.
Marys Hospital, Kitchener, with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.tdward
Mr, and Mrs. John &blotter and
Ruth Ann, Hamilton, with Mr, and
Mrs, Aug. Hillebrecht,
Miss Erma Hampas of Hespeier
and Mr, Ken Amstien of Kitchener,
and Miss Minnie Jordan of 'Mitchell
with Mr, and Mrs, Jahn Amstein.
Miss Aletha Mc1VIillan, Gadshilt,
Tanta Mogh of London, with Mr.
Mai Mrs. Goo, Mogk,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman,
Kenneth, of Elmira; M. and Mrs.
A. ,Sippel and fancily, Mr, and Mrs,
Milton Zeppel and family, all of Ta-
vistock• {Mr, Kenneth Hinz of Remits
ton and Mrs, C. Zeppel Sr. with Mr.
and Mrs. Dalton Hinz.
Miss Audrey Hinz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz, returned
(„home from Victoria Hospital, Lon-
on, after being confined there for
several months with a hip injury.
She is still confined to bed.
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert at-
tended the funeral of their nephew,
Jacky Ferguson, at Kippen on Fri-
day, Dee 28,
Mrs. George Diegel has returned
home from the Stratford Hospital.
Miss Joyce Querengesser spent a
fewwith days t th Mr,-attd Mrs, Donald
Stauuek int Kitchener,
Mrs, Annie .Hodgson a nd Mr, Ar-
lin Hodgson of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Alma Moore and Laramie of
Wartburg; Miss Gladys Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore of near
Stratford. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
The Christmas concert was held at
our school on Tuesday evening. De-
cember 21, with a large crowd in at-
tendance. Mr. Wm. Vock was the
chairman, Miss Betty Jean Hinz was
the pianist for • the evening in the
absence of Mrs. Hamilton, the music
The program was as follows:
Opening chorus by the school "Sing
of Christmas" "Merry Christmas
Polka". Welcome by the juniors,
dialogue "Christmas at the Mulli-
gans", recitations, Roger Sholdice
and Robert Ahrens; gymnastics; re-
citation, RichardLeonhardt, dialogue
"The light in the window"; chorus
by the juniors; rheumatiz, comical
song; piano duet, Shirley Riehl and
Joyce Leonhardt; piano solo. Maur-
een Hinz; violin solo. Gary Sholdice;
The Manger Scene; closing chorus,
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer and
Santa Claus is coming, God save the
King. Santa Claus distributed• gifts
and the teacher, Mr, Ronald Skinner
was called to the platform and was
presented with a card table from the
pupils. Miss Marlene Diegel read a
suitable address.
The annual school meeting was
held on Wednesday afternoon. Mr,
Fred Hnrloff will be the caretaker,
successor to Mr. Dalton Hinz, and
the newly elected trustee was Rus-
sell Sholdice, along with August
Scherbarth and Wm. Rapien; Harry
Muegge is the retiring trustee.
The members of the Luther
League held their Christmas party
in the church basement on Thursday
evening,, games were played and
carol singing was enjoyed. Lunch
was served. Rev. and Mrs. Becker
were presented with a walnut end
Th Story of the Nativity was
again presented in song and story by
St. Peter's Lutheran Church Sunday
School on Xmas eve with the pastor,
Rev. W. Becker, in charge. Two
large lighted trees stood one on
each side of the Altar and large
sprays of whit chrysanthemums
azaleas adorned the altar. At the
conclusion each child received a gift
as well as a package of candy and
A large number of Luther Leag-
uers led by Rev. and Mrs. W. Beck-
er joined in carol singing on Mon-
day afternoon visiting the hones of
all the aged and shut-ins to bring
comfort and cheer,
Glad Tidings on the Itansor's in
China, The meeting closed by sing-
ing "Silent Night, Holy Night" and
the Lord's Prayer. Delicious refresh-
ments were served.
Following is the new slate of
officers: Pres., -Mrs. Wm. Brown:
Vice Pres.. Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Ser.
Mrs. Stewart Bell; As t Ser. Mrs.
Charles Forrest: Treas.. 'Mrs.- Fred
Bnnthron; Supply Secretary, \Irs.
Geo. Timney; Welcome and Welfare
Secretory, Mrs, C. Volland and Mrs.
Ed. Fink; Library Secretary. Mrs. A.
W. lier?1ake: T'ress Secretary, Mrs.
MacLaren; Mission Land Loaders,
Mrs. P, A, Ferouson, Mrs. C. John-
ston. -lair. C. Kennedy: Treasurer
Mission Banal. Mrs. 13aeLaren.
At a meeting of the Community
Park Board in the Council Chamber
the secretary reported having re-
te iced a partial grant from the are-
a mend treasurer of 5x.000.. Tt was
:cep -crested cnun 11 be approau'hed to
make the Park Board nine members
instead of ='even as at present. Sec-
retary: Treasurer J, A. Paterson re-
ported 117,809.62 ha:, been expend-
ed to date on the rink.
'Phe Ninas meeting of the Even-
1n•ilipri• of the 1'nited Church
trp: Held in ft,e Sunday School
tone Monday night, Dee. 12th
with :les President, :firs. J. Corbett
in the hair, The meeting opened
with the singing of the hvinn "It
',,-ane 11pon the t11111I:ht clear" and
""The Lard' Prayer". Mrs, Cross
hari r1.11aro of the rleyntional period
and opened with scripture reading.
Cor, 1: 13. after which she gave an
inspiring l
talk on this passage stress-
ing the Xmas spirit and closed with
prayer, On the occasion the W.M.S.
members were special guests.
Aaron J. Sweitzer twos returned
as reeve of Exeter in Monday's
balloting by a margin of 165 votes
over his only rival. William G. Co-
chrane. Reeve Sweitzer polled 538
votes es against 373 for Mr. Co-
Voters east 456 ballots in favor of
H. L. Snyder, who defeated R. 'E,
Poeley by a margin of 35 votes in
the contest for deputy -reeve. Mr,
Pooley's total vote was 421,
Elected to three seats on council
were Edward Lindenfield with 702
William Webster with 544, and
Vernon Heywood with 515 votes,
Elininated was J, W. Horn with
Hay Township
V. L. Becker was accorded 699
votes to lead the polls in an election
for four councillors in May township
Monday. Others elected were: Au-
The body of 32 -year-old Richard
McDool, missing from his home since
Dee. 21, was found_here Thursday
washed un on the shore of Lake
Huron County Coroner Dr. J. W.
Shaw announced that no inquest is
to be held. Death was said to he
cursed by drowning.
The body, found by his brother
William, was said to have been badly
battered, Police have declines{ to
comment on a foul play theory,.
A resident of this district nearly
all his life; lir. McDool was last
seen nn the hank of the Bayfield
River,. His body was found ahnut n
half -mild from the point where it
was believed. to •hare entered the
The disappearance of Mr. McDool,
wino, at the time, :vas engaged in
soiling caristmes trees here, started
a widespread search of this district,
The body was taken to the Ball
and Muteh Funeral Hone, Clin-
ton. He is survived by a brother,
William, Bayfield, and a half-hrother
Capt Ldward Reid, Owen Sound.
A charter member of the Lions
Club in Bayfield, Mr. McDool had
not missed a meeting since. Febru-
ary, 1947.
A funeral service was held at the
Trinity Anglicttii Church, P,ayfteld,
Friday at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. L.
Moreau, rector of the church offici-
ating. Interment VMS in Bayfield
Pallbearers at the funeral were
Robert Blair, Kenneth Brandon,
Melvin Davidson, John McLeod,
Henry Baker, and Grant Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stauck,
Warren and Janet of Kitchener; Mr.
end Mrs. Cliff Woodward of Toron-
to, with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Queren-
' gesssr,
1 Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pryce and Ro-
am, Mr, and. Mrs, Harvey Buerman,
Ronald, Grace and Gloria, all of. Sea -
forth, with Mn and Mre, Harry Beu-
Mr. and Mee. Howard Queren-
e'oeeer and Susan, and Mr, and airs.
Fred ,Tones, of Waterloo, with Mr.
and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Oscar Diegel.
Jimmy and Larry of Kitchener; Mt•,
A burial service was held at Staffa
cemetery for Rosemary, four -month-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len.
Houghton, Wingham. - Rev. G. M.
Young officiated at the ;graveside.
Be -.ides her parents, site is survived
by two brothers, Frank and Leonard
The schoolroom of the, Church
was well filled for the Sunday School
Ci t ietmas entertainment last Friday.
night. Several of the numbers were
ikon from the neighboring schools.
A vote of thanks was given to the
teachers, Mrs. S. Norman and Miss
1'. McBride, for their help,
The following spent the holidays
with relatives or friends, Mr. Sack
McDonald of Ottawa; Mr, Stuart
i'lcl3ridc, Miss Margaret- Aikenhead
and the Misses Elizabeth, Ina and
Ellen Mae Scott of London; Miss
Janet Watson of Aylmer; (hiss Betty
Allan, Landon; Miss Evelyn Howard,
Mrs, W. J. McIntosh and Peter
Haugh and Miss Margaret McGregor
of Toronto.
Sorry to •report Mrs. J. Moody is
under the Doctor's care.
BORN -To Major and Mrs. 3. S.
Ussher of Camberley, Surrey, Eng-
land, on Dec, 17, 1910, a daughter
(Elizabeth Jane)
There passed away at Clinton
Hospital after a lingering illness,
Mr, Alfred Stafford, on Thursday
morning, Dec. 22, A life long resi-
dent of McKillop township, beloved
husband of Miss Lizzie Williamson
of Brampton, who is left to mourn
his loss, also 5 sisters, Mrs. Arthur
Hoy, of Goderich; Mrs, Robert G.
Watson of. Hallett; Mrs, G. R. Mc-
Arthur of Kerrobe•t, Sask.; /dies
Mery Stafford of Marcy, New York;
Mrs, Harry Worden of New Mork
City. 3 brothers else) predoceasecl
him several years ago. The funeral
service took place from "Rondo"
funeral home, Brussels, Dec 24, and
was conducted' by Rev,' G H. Kerr,
of Brussels and Walton Churches.
The many floral tributes were beau-
tiful. Intet'utent was in Brussels cem-
Hibbert Nomination for Reeve
Council and Trustees for School
Area No. 1. was held hi the Staffs
'Township hall on Friday, Dee, 23rd.
The Council being returned to offiee
foe 1950 by acclamation as follows:
Mr. Frank Allen, Reeve; Earl R.
Dick, W. Clifford Dow, Edgar But-
son and John L. Coyne, Councillors.
There were five trustees nominat-
ed, this being the required number
and all qualified as follows: Geo,
'Robinson, Dalton Malcolm, Gee,
Kunmi, Harold Pethick and Andrew
Whethatn. The meeting closed with
the singing of the National Anthems,
On Friday evening, tomorrow
night the Seaforth Junior "C" team
will travel to Walkerton where they
will hook up with the Junior team
from this town. At press time the
lineup for the Seaforth team was
not available but the following' are
the members 'of the .Seaforth team
and their respective playing posi-
tions which they have played in,
during previous games; goal, Ches-
sol, Stan Pigulski; clefSnce. Allan
Ellson, Procter. Scott, Hennick, Ir-
win ; centre, Bu-twelt, Mitchell,
Broome; wings, Jennings, Bradley,
Campli n, Flood, Reightington,
This will be Seaforth's first ap-
pearance in W.O.A.A. Junior hockey,
We wish to tell you that if you wish
to see a fast, clean game of hockey,
then plan to be a fan at the Junior
game on Friday. This Junior team
has definite possibilities and should
be a winning team right from the
start, If you see this first game, we
can assure you that you won't miss'
., r +'
on tlyr
1 through the schedule on tap and well
into the O.H.A. finale,
1 This is our prediction and we
think that anyone who has seen this
1 team in any of their exhibition tilts
will agree with us in this foretelling,
1 A home game is scheduled for'
Jan. 13th, but if the weather con-
tinues the way it is this game will
not be able to be played. Rain, snow,
sunshine , . or any other
type of weather, except 'a blizzard,
will not stop this Friday's feature
for the Walkerton arena is equipped
with artificial ice.
1 We thought this would be the
, best time to say something about the
past year, 1949.
I During the year the found that
Sport page ink had been splashed on
1a wide variety of subjects. For a
time, for instance, the weight of
Turk Broda seemed almost as im-
portant as the poundage of Princess
Jasmine—imagine! And the general
health and spirits of the gentleman
who climbed a flagpople in Cleve-
land and wanted -to remain there
until the Indians reached first place
(they should have humoured him to
the limit) came in for nearly as
much comment as the condition of
Harold Wilson's ailing pistons.
In winding up 1949 it is only fair
to observe that it was not a 'bad
year. The Seaforth Bosharts carried
on an extended series in the semi-
finals against the Centralia soft-ball-
ers while the Fawns did the sane
with the Brussels ladies.
.On the other hand, 1949 was not
so perfect that we can't make 1950
better with the juniors heading into
O.H.A. finals and this year's soft-
ball teams heading for championships
in O.S.A.
Regarding 1949. we hope our
readers will forget all those things
we wrote that we shouldn't have,
and all the things that we should
have written that we didn't and that
all sport fans will continue to help
us in 1950 as they have in all the
years that have gone before.
We are grateful to our friends
who read sportshorts, and doubly
grateful to those who help us write
* :Ir * s:
Last week members of the execu-
tive of the Milverton, Goderich and
'Walkerton Junior teams met to draw
up the 1950 schedule. The schedule
drawn up shows Seaforth with six
:tome games, the first being Milver-
ton at Seaforth on Thursday Jan,
12. Their first away game is on
Friday. Jan, 0th at Walkerton,
The schedule is as follows:
Yam 2—Walkerton at Milverton
Jan. 4 --Milverton at Walkerton
Jan. 3—Seaforth at Walkerton
Milverton at Goderich
Jan. 9—Goderich at Miherton
Jan. 11—Walkerton at .Goderich
Jan. 12—Milverton at Seaforth
Jan, 13—Seaforth at Goderich
Jan. 16—Goderich at Milverton
Jan. 17—Walkerton at Seaforth
Jan, 19—.Goderich at Seaforth
Jan. 21—.Walkerton at Goderich
Jan, 24 Walkerton at Milverton
Jan. 26—Milverton at Seaforth
Jan. 27—Goderich at Walkerton
Jan, 30—Seaforth at :Milverton
Feb. 1—Seaforth at Walkerton
Feb. 2--Goderich at Seaforth
Feb, 0—Seaforth at Milverton
Feb. 8--Goderich at Walkerton
Feb. 9—Walkerton at Seaforth
Feb, 11— Milverton at Goderich:
Feb, 15—Milverton at Walkerton
Seaforth at Goderich
It is not to the credit of any
community that calls itself Christ-
tdan that during the Christmas sea-
son more liquor is purchased and
more drinking goes on than at any
other season of the year. It is
nothing short of blasphemy to
mark the birthday of Christ with
an excess of drinking. Shame on
all so called ehriistians who turn
the 'beautiful Christmas festival
into anoccasion for a special de-
bauch. The Huron Temperance
Federation protests against such
y .Y.
You will love this Iuughtor,laden, warm, human, satiarYin,T show of on on"
American comely
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drama with its atmosphere of tension and suspense
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By order of the Police, to facilitate snow
removal, no parking on the streets of
this Municipality will be allowed be-
tween the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Any contravention of this order will be
strictly enforced in accordance with the
Highway Traffic Act, Section 40, sub-
section 7
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