HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-01-05, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1980 AVM WRIGHT'S A'S superior Specials STORE PORK & 1391ANS 20 02, this 2 for,, 25c Jelly Powders, assortedpkgs. 25e flavors TILBIOST Chocolate Cake Mix Box., Ole Angel Food Cake Mix Box,. 45e COD FISH. Orange Lemon Grapefruit Marmalade, 24 on Jar..29e Red Oolroe Salmon 1,4 lb. tins 3 for1.00. Quick Quaker oats 3 lb. Box 28e Aylmer Pumpkin 20 oz, tin 100 Chicken I5addie Tin270 15 oz. tin., 35c Choice arm Ripe Tomatoes 1 lb. bag 23c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 es IttftANUVWWWWWWWWWWINIIP Clinton .Area Youth for Christ Presents Stouffville Youth for Christ with a Bristling Program including Sound and Moving Picture "The Man of Faith" BILL CAKE AND HIS SAXAPHONE IN THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL SAT. NIGHT, JAN. 7 8.00 p.m. WANTED Immediately, for general office work, an ambitious young man of Young woman. Apply In own handwriting, stating Qualifi- cations, experience, if any, and salary desired to Bon 127, o/o The Seaforth News BORN LAMONT—At Scott Memorial hospital, en December 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, James Lamont, Sen forth, a son STEINBACH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Steinbach, RR 2, West Monklor, n son ALEXANDER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dee, 29th, to Mr. and Mrs,. William Alexander, RR 3 Walton, a daughter DIEGEL — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tan, lett,,iohM'. and dnMrs. Dalton Dlcgel, RR 1, aa Order Moore's Chicks NOW and avoid disappointments Chicks available Feb. ist on Government Approved and Blood Tested Our stool: is 100% fast feathering. 100% pullolum free in two con- secutive years and our chicks are all hatched from eggs from our o'tvn farm Ask for particulars — Telephone 660-3 MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing e INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts 0 Lumber, Sash and Doors Storni Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seatrth Supply & Fuel Ltd. • "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 - SEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr, Elmer Larone and family spent the weekend in Tomiieo. M1 and Mrs John Bach and Mr. Philip Speak attended the funeral of the late Mr, Alex, McCarroll, at Lucknow on Monday. Miss Mary Dodds returned to Tor- onto o11 Tuesday after spending a week's holiday in town, Mr, and Mrs. Hoelscher of List- owel spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Thompson. Mr. and 'Mrs, Ross Hamilton spent New Years with 'Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. A, Whitney Mrs, Jno. McTavish has returned from a trip to Amsterdam, Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and family of Exeter spent New Years with Mr, Hawkin's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, Ed, 'Chamberlain left on Sunday on a trip to California. Mrs. Sam Cullman is at present visiting her daughter in 'Toronto. Mr. Elmer Rinn of Belgrave spent a few days with his sister, Mrs, Frank Storey, Mr. and 'Mrs, Chas, Lowrie of London, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore. Miss Jessie Finlayson, Egmond- ville spent a few -days with friends in Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Muir and family spent the weekend in •Gocler- ich. Miss Luella Koine of Ottawa spent Christmas and New Years with her mother, Mrs. Koine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faulkner, Galt, ware New Year's guests at the home et Miss Lillian Faulkner. Miss Lillian Southgate spent New Years i11 Brampton. Mr. and Mrs• Patrick Cleary visited at New Years at the home. of Mr,- and Mrs. Wm, Cleary. Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Kitchener; visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, O'Reilly. Mr. Albert MeGavin and grandson of Walton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1'. MeGavin. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Blatt of Tees - water spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Isaac MeGavin. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Franke and Mr, John Franke, Flint, Mich•, were re- cent visitors at the home of Mrs. Jean Chesney. Miss Terry McIver, B.A., has re- turned to Petrolie, after holidaying with her parents Mn'. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Mr, and Mrs.. F. White, London, were New Year's guests at the home of Mrs. Brian Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murdoch and Miss Beth Murdoch of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rumble and Teddy of To- ronto, and Miss June Murdoch of New York city, have returned to their homes after spending the holiday sea- son with their parents Mr. and Mrs. ,T. R. Murdoch at Brucefleld. Mr. 11nc1 Mrs. Donald McKaig visit- ed recently in Blyth with Mr, and Mrs. C. Salter. Miss Ruth Joynt has returned to Toronto after spending the holiday season with her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. Joynt. Miss Doris Ferguson has returned to Toronto after holidaying 'with iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Fer3uson. Mr. E. Clarke of the University of Chicago is holidaying with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarice. Miss Mayme S. Watson, Reg.N., who has been spending a Yew weeks at her home in Egmondville, has ac- cepted a position in London. Home For Aged Becomes Murder Factory! This headline which shocked Am- erica back in 1914, now makes thrill- ing reading! Look for "The Case of the Hearse at Midnight", in The American Weekly, one of three big magazines with this Sunday's (Janu- ary 8) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Euchre & Dance Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Friday, January 13 at 8.30 sharp Admission 50e. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Lucky lunch prize Music by Collins Orchestra SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING Wallpaper Removed Phone 25 or 323 PHIL WILLIS JOAN MOORE iltOSANWSAftsisitaVIANIFINWORINABOA McKILLOP At the school concert held in S.S. No. 9 recently, the prizes were won by: lace -table cloth, Martin Buuck; bed lamp, Lloyd Byerman; card table, Mrs, Irvin Rock; special prize, a duck by Mr. Ed, Loonhardt. The program proved a decided surcese and much credit is given to Miss Koehler, the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. R, Gahlc of Viitcltoll visited with Mr. and :Mrs. F, Hoegy and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hoegy on Sunday, New Year's Day. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Koehler enter- tained on Dec. 3Gth, it was their 33rd wedding anniversary. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, Jno Kuechnie of Mitchell; Mrs. George Hoegy and Sam Regele of Seaforth and Mr. and Mss, R. Kahle, of Mitch- ell; Mr. and .Mrs, Elmer Koehler and family of Egmondville. Among the visitors with Mrs. C. Regelo and Harry on' Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy, Mc- Killop; Mr. and QV1rs. Wes Fischer. Fullerton; :Mr. and ;Mrs. Mulholand of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sto- skoff of Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan Sr. attend- ed the moving picture shown by Mr. J. M. Scott and Minstrel show pre- sented at the Egmondville United Church on Thursday last week. Ma:. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and daughter of Windsor were Xmas visitors with his parents and other friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. Sharon of Tor- onto were holiday- visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rock and Mr. George Rock. Among those who attended- the Dedication Service and open house held in the Evangelical Church and new parsonage at Listowel on Wed- nesday evening last week were Mr. end Mrs, Fred Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eggert, Mrs. Irvin Rock and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Koehel of Wallace - town were Xmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan. :NIr. Maurice Dillon, who has been confined, to hospital in London suf- fering from the effects of polio was able to spend Christmas at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Wilhelm of Mitchell were New Years Day visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie of De- troit were Chn'istnias visitors with her parents Mw, and- Mrs. Fred Hoegy. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Eggert were Xmas visitors at the hone of her aunt, Miss Grace Tremeer in Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and son EFFECTIVE EM ONDA ARY AND SE GIE Due to serious depletion of coal reserves of the railway because of work stoppages and shortened working hours in United States mines, Canadian National an- nounces temporary reductions in certain passenger train services, effective January 9th. For , information enquire at your nearest Canadian National Raillways,Ticket Office or see your local Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Canadian Approved BABY CHICKS Start your Scotts' chicks in January or February, this year. The highest egg price period has changed from fall and winter to June and November. Early hatched pullets paid off well in 1949 and will continue year after year. The 10 percent surplus eggs which bothered the egg market, is now being taken care of in heavy marketing of fowl, hatching eggs are now moving into incubators, and a firmer trend in eggs is in sight. The Poultry Industry hes always shown initiative, and is now working overtime in locating new markets throughout the world. Egg shipments have gone to 7 dif- ferent countries during the past two weeks from one produce firm alone, - As in past years, our own chicks will be January hatched. Incubators are now in operation with hatches weekly starting January 10th, Pullet chicks are all booked for January. However, heavy breed cockerel chicks are available on Jan. 16th and 23rd Scott Poultry Farms Phone 853 J. M. Scott .tom aa - :r:e wma,a�wa CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF TITCKERSMITH- I sincerely appreciate -the fine support given ale at the polls at the annual municipal election, and wish one and all the compliments of the season ART NICHOLSON REEVE CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH Thank you for the support given me at the polls on Monday HAROLD JACKSON CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH 1 wish to express lily appreciation to all the electors for their splendid support at the election for council in Tuckersmitli on Monday D. A. MOFFAT CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH I wish to thank all who came out and supported me at the polls on Monday in the election for council for 1950 ANDREW E. CROZIER CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of the Twp. of Tuokersmith I wish to convey my sincerest thanks to all those who supported me in the recent election. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. WM. ROGERSON George of Mitchell vi-ited `:utas Tuesday with Mr, and 3Ii:s. Irvin Rock. Mr, and Mrs. Norman 'Eggert were New Year's visitor- at the home of Mr, and Mn_. Wilfred Trt meer in Tuckersnii•th, Mr. Alvin EIligsen spent New Years with Sir. and Mrs. Card FPli„- sen at Windsor. LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the W.M. S. was held recently in the school room of the church. This was the Christmas meeting with group 2 in charge. Mrs. Fairservice, the group leader, opened the meeting and read a psalm followed by ' singing hymn 5'7 "Gentle Mary". Miss Young read the statement of faith. The Candlelight service then took place with Mrs. -Govier lighting the lot candle. The faith of Jesus Christ. Hymn 19. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Mrs. Townsend lit the '3nd candle, then hymn 53, "Silent Night" Mrs. Watson lit the 3rd candle and hymn 71, "0 Sing a Song of Bethle- llenl" Was Sutint 41'$, Carter lit tape 4th oandlc arid a Xnlss carni wdl sung, Mrs. Brenton very ably pre- sented the study book "Enlightening The 1VIind", showing the value of in- struction. The president then con- ducted the !business period. The slate of officers for the year 1950 was brought in which is as follows; Honorary Presidents, Mrs. J. Fin- land. Mrs, J. Manning; pies„ Mrs, ate.. F, T:amhlyn: 1st vier 'res.. Sirs Brenton, 2nd vice pre-., 3Irs. J. G:u1rr, rd vice eyes., Mrs. E. Wood;; Rec. Sec., Mrs Goyim. asi.t.i 31i". 'E alt r ad: 31. Si. Sec Miss F, I a,nieson Supply Sec, 'Mrs. W. - L3 on ; Baby Rand Supt., Mn.. 3, Shaddick: Mission Bend, SIr,. Bert 8hobbrook; .'Assistant, Ml's. Iva Cart- er; Mission Circle, .lir,, E. Wood: Corresponding Sec., Mrs. W. E. Manning: Temperpance Sec., Mrs. Brenton; Christian Stewarship, Mrs. R. Townsend: Pianist, Mrs, E. Wood, Mrs. J, Armstrong: Press Sec., Mrs. J. Manning. Meeting closed in the usual way, The service was very interesting and enlightening through- out, The Sunday School held their an- nual Christmas tree concert on Fri- day evening, Dec. 23rd in the Com- munity hall where a good crowd as- sembled. The program was excep- tionaly good. The senior and ,juniors all had a part in the various pro- gram. When old Sante arrived there was much excitement amongst the small fry. Many gifts were on hand for young and older tures, AU seem- ed to eniny themselves. fully,. „IIM1', and Mvs, Wm. loviet: spent Xmas at Ow ltdtne o:P their daughter Mr, and Mrs. Speller Hann, I.itcll- en er. Miss Esther and Mary Jamieson Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Arthur Jamieson and Flossy for the Xmas holidays. Very bad colds or flu have caught many folk in this community.•