HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-12-02, Page 7C n Mind n Kill Or Cure All was ready for the Opera- tion upon the fair•haired boy of four. The surgeon knew that all his skill must be exercised to save the lad's life. They knew the boy -• a high, ly strung youngster -- would be nervous when he was laid on the operation table. And his condi- tion was such that this tension, even under the anaesthetic, might prove fatal to the success of the operation Then the surgeon had a brit' iiant idea. Why not let the boy's imagination come to his aid? With his head inside a plastic space helmet he could imagine he was going on a magic jour- ney to the moon. A fantastic idea? Perhaps. But it worked. When that small boy came to some tune later, the delicate operation had been suc- cessfully carried out. The helmet, ingeniously link- ed with a cylinder of anaesthet- ic gas, had got the boy into the operating theatre without his showing the slightest trace of fear, For his thoughts were con- centrated on that wonderful trip to the moon. What amazing power iriiagin• ation has on the human mind!- It can kill - or cure. It can ex- ercise a tremendous influence for good or ill on our bodies as well, Hundreds of true -life store les prove this, One morning a young and very pretty woman named Madame Lemaitre was rushed in a car to a Paris hospital, the victim of a strange ailment. She declared that she had swallowed a live lizard and had for days been suf- fering intense pain as a result. It was known beyond doubt that she was the victim of her vivid imagination -that she had not swallowed a lizard or any other animal. But nobody could 'convince her of the truth. .There was only one thing for the surgeon to da, and he did it. He put the woman under chloro- form, made a trifling cut on her flesh, and as she came round showed her a small lizard which had been rushed to the hospital ,aem1a, for him by a pet -shop owner. The woman sighed with re- lief when she saw it and said her pains were Over. Within a few ;OR SNAKES ONLY -No train on earth could travel roller coaster - like, tracks above, and yet doz- ens every day pass over these apparently wiggly ralis in the Kansas City freight classifica- tion yards. The wiggle isn't in the rails, it's in the "eye" of the camera which took this pic- ture; a .telephoto Tens which brings distant objects close-up, but gives a fore -shortened per- spective to foreground of area covered. hours she was tit and well again. A well authenticated story told by the author Arthur Mach - en proves that imagination can cause actual bodily injury When a young airman during the first world war was ordered to go up by his commanding Of- ficer, he pleaded that he was "nervy," adding; "If I fly today, I know I shall crash." But the officer insisted. "All right," said the young air- man, "but I shall be killed and I'll haunt you afterwards." lie flew, crashed and, as he had feared, was killed, Then, reported. Mr. Mechen, the commanding officer went off his head and was delirious for days. Ile kept crying out that the dead airman was strangling him, and that his hands were gripping his throat. Nobody could persuade him that he was imagining it. He was taken to see a hospital specialist. And when he was ex- amined there were black finger- marks about ' his throat. In France a famous doctor was once permitted to test the ef- fect of imagination on a convict under sentence of death. The man was blindfolded, strapped on a table, and told that an artery \Add'l'e opened. and that he would be allowed to bleed to death. Close to his head was placed a bowl of water which, when released, flowed through a tube and dripped into a basin on 'the floor. After preparation had been made, the doctor slightly scratch- ed the man's neck with a needle. drip at short regular intervals, the water began to drip, drip, The tap was then turned on and Five minutes passed%•and then the tap was turned off. They lift- ed the man from the table, He was dead, The dripping water had drained his life away as surely as if each drop had been his heart's blood, Why some people are able to experience pain by an effort Of the imagination was explained by Dr. Edwin Bramwell in 1930. He said a friend of his could imagine himself sliding down a sloping roof until his heels came into violet contact with the bal- ustrade below. The friend said he could feel the pain in his heels and the jar to his spine as vividly as If the accident had actually occurred. Pain, explained Dr. Bramwell, may be suggested by a previous illness, by the illness of another or by the surroundings in which it has formerly appeared. .A. Siberian railway porter killed himself lyy his own image ination. He was accidentally locked one day in a refrigerating van attached to a train. When the train reached its distant des' tination the van was opened. The porter's body, still and cold in death, lay on the floor of the van where he had writ- ten in chalk a pathetic record of his sufferings from the intense cold. The last words, feebly scrawled, were: "I am dying - good bye!" To the amazement of those who found the man's body, the temperature of the vgan was nor- mal - about fifty degrees. They' discovered that the refrigerating apparatus was out of order and had not worked during the whole journey. The `intense cold" mentioned in the porter's last note had ex- isted only in his fancy. Visiting a slowly dying girl patient one morning, a famous English surgeon found she was reading a newspaper serial story in which the young heroine suf- fered from the same disease as she had. He rang up the newspaper, got the author's address and hur- ried to him, The author told him that the heroine would die in CROSSWORD 0. I,cglaiatly+ God,, 10. Slum IS. Public PUZZILE dlacusslon 13. Nosttval 16. Going hark to 19. Mollven ACROSS 0. 14 h letter 2, one se 0, Aspect 7, Se nnging 11. ).bout to ,Im 12. Profited R. eeaat 14, 'tardy 16. 1 Pneh 17. Carol 13 ("4001 ntr2 19 Re 'poplar 21. t Irl a name 22. 'Harden 23. of the Nave 24. Alameae eotn' 26 1lp.'alc from memory 27. Small island 60. Confluent RY Tbo Armadillo 37 Value Sr• iarric la.b,) R7 'turmeric 40Siblical 41.City Testae stae 49 ''ttv ueutlyns 44 i in,0l2aul:ly 44 S ninon. atatkis an 40et•]t1t hila 47. Retina 40. ilxportn 60. ;levo (MY devotion B„ Put [n. Y)n3tfkon amain 110 Mor100s4042li8 Dowty 1. Ankle butte 2 Rubber 2. kl.avolV4 L 4. Trios for F payment 20. Calla forth 26, Public Vehlule 23. Reit 20, Lteetataing to 'Ion1L, 31. Procession 82, l lushee all, Sltenese 14. flats s.wn;Y 36. Hark nut 36, Church offict00 23. Cluck gentle 40. Perfume 01. Suwon 47. IMF le --' 40. Slze of shpt 31. 9lhrrinr, river I 2 3 A 9f Ic �" 13w b j-7 i 8 0 CUT II I ._,...._... 14. 1 tiM; 15 0 '}C Z o3 $C. 20 10 • v Z 7 25 ''''17 i 29 30 vt t �. �31 32 • 3436 337 >,}y 39 40 ,�, 41 x.14. ;' 44 11 95 ;t�S'J 46{+ 47III 49 ' 6 111 40 _ Y r50 t• �•:�, 71 53 A ewer Iscwtiere nix 'RBIs )'age 8 0 0 Fashion .Hints 8 v the last instahnent in a fort- night's time. "Please change the ending and let your heroine live," pleaded the surgeon. The author agreed to de so. The patient, who in her imag- ination had been identifying her- self with the heroine, recovered and was able to leave hospital and resume her job some weeks later. Another amazing story of the power of imagination is told about a Polish sailor, who was marooned some years ago with a dozen other men on a barren island where food was hard to come by, - On the fourth day, when they were redueed to eating dry bread from a small box of ship's stores which had been washed up, the Pole ate his crusts with great gusto explaining: t`I'm pretend- ing it's roast pork. How good it smells!" Dailly he enjoyed his irnaghn- ary . roast pork, often sighing: "My wife's a fine cook, but she'll never cook so well as this," The other men began to think he was mad, They were wrong. They were all rescued on the ninth day. The Pole looked as robust as he was on the day they were marooned. The others were dejected,' pale and frail -looking. It was the Pole's imagination which had mysteriously kept hien from suffering semi starva- tion and the effects of the mis- eries they had undergone, �$tffiii 9$��frilrats Strong cheese lac an oder (sumo call it aroma!) which is fine in the cheese but far from tempting in the refrigerator. The answer to the problem is a polythene bag or flexible plan tie box with a tight lid. The air- tight and moisture -proof poly- thene won't let the cheese dry out and it keeps the smell in. To keep the refrigerator sweet- smelling in spite of Oka or Roquefort, twist the open end or the cheese bage and close it with a rubber band, When there's no storage prob- lem, cheese can be kept on hand to serve in an amazing variety of dishes, Rich in proteins and vitamins, it can be used in ap- petizers, salads, and even des- serts. It adds zest to apple rile and makes a creamy chocolate cake icing. if RON ICL S INGERF (nArn.1-14n1inc D Clarke Al last we have something worthwhile in "give-away" prizes! Yesterday ,I opened a packet of a certain breakfast cereal and to my delight I found an attractive printed re- production -le colour- of a well-known picture in the To- ronto Art Gallery. This .picture is to be one of a series. On the back is a short biographical sketch of the painter. This premium is certainly a welcome change from Hallowe'en "false faces" and exchange coupons. When an attempt is made at giving away something that has educational value -such as these pictures - one naturally has a better opinion of the firm that sells the cereal, Which reminds nee that at our last W,I, Area Conventon a resolution went through re- questing legislation prohibiting the use of premium coupons in packets of soap and detergents, What a relief it would be if washing powder manufacturers would see the light and stop this stupid practice of sending coupons through the mail. But until they do I have another idea. Some of us have more than we earl use of these "trade- in" coupons. So, if we have a surplus, why not take them to our next W.I. or W.A. meeting and give them away to anyone who can use them. Perhaps if 'more of the coupons were rash - ed in the soap manufacturers might think it wasn't such a smart idea after all Isn't it wonderful we have actually had a few hours of sunshine ,yesterday and today - and more promised for tomor- row. I suppose as long as the weather holds we shall all be trying to get two day's work done In one. On chill days the dreariness just seems to seep into your very soul. You de- velop aches and pains where there was never a twinge be- fore, At Ginger Farm even Tippy was limpingaround last week with rheumatism in one log. However, you never can 1e111, even aches and pains may turn out to he ., blessing in dis- guise. It it hadn't been that my back was still bothering me I should probably have been at that Press Club luncheon laet week. Remember where so many of the members and their guests were victims Of feed poisoning? I am $ure everyone will be glad when the reason for that unpleasant near -dis- aster is made known. I1 is dreadful to think that poison- ous conditions can be present in food that appears to have no- thing whatever the matter with it. In a recent issue of the Canadian Home Journal there was a splendid article dealing with that very subject, But X wasn't too happy after reading it. 1 wondered why half of us were not victims of food poison- ing more often. I almost devel- oped all the symptoms just from reading the article. Think of theschool lunches and the working men's lunches that are put up every day and very often kept under the very eon- ditions that invite food poison- ing. I imagine the reason it doesn't often happen is because most of us stick to ordinary, everyday sandwiches, a piece of cake or pie, and some kind of raw fruit. With such a lunch there is little danger, But when, with the idea of making lunches more attractive we use fancy concoctions of salads and milk -custard desserts, then I guess we are asking for trouble. Well, it looks as if more changes are in store for our neighborhood. Last week we had a man in from the Tele- phone Company asking permis- sion to put up new poles ready for a re -wiring job. And from him we heard some welcome news! Rural lines in our dis- trict are in for some overhaul- ing so than not more than ten subscribers will be on any one party line. That day cannot come too soon for at present we have no less than thirteen parties on our line. To put a call through is sometimes an all - day job -to say nothing of the time one wastes running hope- fully back and forth to the tele- phony, Next summer it will be even better as then the dial system goes into effect and there will be only six to a party line. Conversion of electric power to 60 cycles is also not too far distant. 1 suppose It, too, will be a tremendous improvement. As to that we are not greatly excited. We are so thankful to have hydro power of any kind that either 25 or 60 cycle is all right with us. We remember too well what it was like when we didn't have any at all. This morning, for instance, I came out to make our early morning cup of tea. As I plugged in the electric kettle I noticed a box of kindling for the kitchen stove that Partner had brought in the night before, Ten years ago I would have used that kindling to boll water for our tea and it would have taken from 15 to 20 minutes. With the electric kettle the tea was made inside of five minutes. So, we have only to look back a few years to be very thankful for the conveniences. It is a fact we very seldom forget, BOUNCING BOY While sitting in the window of a third -storey room, six-year- old Anthony Wagner, of Hagen Court, Durban, South Africa, over -balanced and fell twenty- five feet to the ground.. All he suffered was a lost tooth - knelled out of his mouth by a stone on the grass patch where he landed. SCHOOL ESSON BY Rev. 11. Barclay Warred, A Prayer for forgiveness Psalms 130; 801 3-5, 11-13. Memory Selection: Thou, Lord, art good, and ready 60 forgive; and plenteous in here' unto all them that call upon thee. Psalm 86: 5. We are losing sight of the sin- fulness of sin, Warden Lawes of Sing Sing said that few crim- inals regard themselves as bad characters. So men rationalize and justify and def end evit deeds of every kind. One mag- istrate thinks that this light- heartedness regarding sin is due in part to the fact that many preachers no longer preach on the reality of hell. We would rob God of his sense of justice, his power to punish the wicked who repeatedly and finally reject his Son Jesus Christ. But man still has a conscience. Most people know when they are breaking God's holy coin mandments. We are shot loot- ing ourselves as much as we think. Many of the illnesses for which people go to doctors and more particularly, psychia- trists, are mental disturbances arising from a sense of conflict between one's inherent sense of right and one's behaviour. We may call it "nerves" or "malad- justment." The fact is we can't quite shake off conscience. With God there is forgiveness of sin. This has been dearly purchased through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a very real experience. But there must first be conviction for sin. We must see our - sins as not only against society but against God. The awakened prodigal said, "I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight," Then with a godly sorrow for our sins we turn to God for forgiveness. We plead for mercy in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. "In my hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling." Let the sinner turn at once, God loves to forgive the repent- ant sinner. P0013 I,'OOLISHNESS Seine of these food faddists recommend a daily eating of swiss cheese and limburger, It has always been a puzzle why' the swiss cheese has the hole; in it, whereas it's the limberger that needs the ventilation. The bride was told by a-wellt- meaning friend that sea food would give her husband thee daily umph, So she went iris and ordered oysters. "Large or small, ma'am?" "Really, I don't know, sis" she said. "They're for a man with a size 16112 collar." She was probably the bride, who worshipped her husband, According to Don Ameche, shte used to place burnt offerings before him three times a day. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking Mild Winter Ahead fisherman-restauranteur who does weather forecasting on the side, says Waukegan, his home town, is going to have a mild winter. Ile bases his predic- tion on the life habits of the perch. Kyritsis says hex near -shore nets were filled, while the deep -water ones were almost empty, which tells him the weather will be mild.