HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-12-02, Page 1The Seaforth • News ''HOLE 8161tII8$,, VOL. 76 SEAIi'01i,TH, ONTARIO, TIURRSDAT, DDCLlM13I9R 24954 ;1.50 a Yeer Authorized ns Dept, Qt awamail, key! Snowdon Eras., Publishers SHOWER FOR BRIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADS OF THIS WEEK RECEIVE H,&S, PINS A miscellaneous shower was The home and School Associa- given on ,Saturday evening by tion held its November meeting Mrs. James M. Scott for Miss on Tuesday, Nov, 30 in the Pub- Lois M. Hoggarth, whose mar- lie School ,auditorium with a riage takes place on (December large attendance, The President, 4th in Northside United Church Mrs. F. Kling opened the formal to Donald Howard Giffin. Mrs. !meeting with the, singing of "0 Scott was assisted by Miss E1- Canada". Mr. and Mrs. Kling eanor Weaver, of T o r o n t o. I won the prize for having their About 30 guests were present. birthdays both together, Kra. Balloons with notes 'inside gave- dialing called on Hugh and Aud- the guest of honor clues to the rey Backwell and Mary Dennis hiding places of gifts, Two eon-' for some musical numbers, Mrs, tests were hold and lunch was Alvin Beuermann had the grade served. ,calling and the picture of the On Nov. 19th Mrs, Howardmonth with grades 1 and 2, Mrs. Cartmill (nee Patsy Brugger), I Boussey's room, Mr. 3, W, Tal - entertained at her home on God- bot called the grade 8 graduates erich Street, when Miss Hog- to the stage and Mrs. Kling made garth was presented with a Ken- the presentation of a pin to each wood blanket, one to commemorate their grad - nation at Seaforth Public School, Mr. Frank Phillips took the grad- uation picture, Mary Dennis played a piano solo, Mrs. Ross Hamilton sang a solo accomp- anied by Mrs. John Cardno. Mrs, Harvey Mason, program conven- er, thanked those taking part. This was followed by euchre and bridge. The prizes for euchre went to Mrs. Harold Jackson, most .games; Mrs. George Beth- une, lone hands. Mrs. Gordon Muegge',von the consolation. Dr. J. C. MacLennan won the prize for bridge. Mrs. Angus MacLean, Mrs. Jack Taylor and their com- mittees served a delicious lunch. The guest speaker for the Jan- uary meeting will be Mr. Gord- on F. Allison of the !high school teaching staff, We would appre- ciate a good turnout. The grad- uates receiving pins were as fol- lows: Sandra •Savauge, Isabel Shannon, Sharon Hotham, Joan Charters, Marlene Miller, Patri- cia Hoxton, Joan Dick, Margaret Little, Barbara Young, Linda Sims, Carol Adams .(now in Tor- onto). Paul McMaster, Howard James, John Scott, Roy Dungey, John Boshart, Wayne Jesome, Toni Broome, Ron Bannerman, Bob Wright, Mac Munro, Rich- ard Watson. MEN TEACHERS MEET HERE The leen teachers of Huron and Perth Counties enjoyed a turkey banquet in the Seaforth Public School on Wednesday, Nov. 24th, with forty members present. The speaker for the evening was Mr. W. 3, Lively, assistant general secretary of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers Federation. Mr. Lively gave an interesting and inform- ative talk about the aims of the federation. Placing in first place the advancement of education in the province, he outlined the summer courses and programme planning which the federation has carried out. The meeting closed with •a lively discussion of matters to 'come up at the Pro- vincial Assembly at Christmas. EASTERN STAR EUCHRE The Seaforth Chapter of the 0.E.S. held a very succebsful euchre in the ICOF. hall on Fri- day night in aid of the Hurricane Relief Fund. The prizes were won by the following: Ladies' first, Marion Coutts; ladies' lona hands, Helen Reeves; ladies' consolation, Sarah Mode - land; Men's first, Dave McLean; ,mss lone hands, Alex (Dennis; men s consolation, Ivan Forsyth. After the prizes were present- ed a tasty lunch was served by the Social Committee and the Worthy Matron, Norma Jeffery thanked everyone for coining and extended a special invitation to another euchre in the future. The evening closed with the Na- tional Anthem. BREAK-IN ATTEMPTED An attempt to break in to the Willis Shoe store was discovered on Tuesday morning rningYbMthad E. Willis. A paneglass been removed in a back window and boxes of shoes scattered as the thief tried to get in. Some shoes had been thrown out in the alley and some were on the floor. As the inside door was securely b o 1 t e d, admittance could not be gained to the front tart of the store. Police are in- tigating. L.O.B.A. EUCHRE Winners at the L.O.B.A. eu- chre held in the lodge hall on Mondaynight were:. Ladies first prize, Miss Mae Smith; lone hands, Mrs. Barney Hildebrand; consolation, Mrs. Alex Muir. Men's first, Aubrey Balser, lone hands, Mrs. Robt. Strong; con- solation, Norman Seoins. There were fourteen tables playing. BEAVERS HOLD DRAW The Seaforth Int. hockey team held a draw Monday night in aid of one of their players who was injured in a game at Luean last Friday night. The winners of the two prizes were Norma. Sills and Morley Storey of Seaforth. MIDGETS WIN Seaforth Midgets won by a 20-0 score over Kincardine Mid- gets in an exhibition game here on Saturday night. The Bantam teams had a 7-7 tie. A return match to Kincardine is being planned in the near future. RED CROSS The Red Gross will meet on Friday at 3 o'clock in the Li- brary rooms.. CHRISTMAS SEAL Christmas Seal Campaign re- turns as of November 29th, $2,226.40. Same' period (first two weeks of sale) in 1958, $1,940.80. TWO NEW MEMBERS ON SEAFORTH COUNCIL The Seaforth nomination meeting was held in the town hall Monday evening with a very fair turn out of ratepayers. Fol- lowing the nomination Town Clerk D. H. Wilson was appoint- ed chairman of the meeting, Mayor 'Dr•, E. A. MoMaster said he was delighted to see a number of the ladies present. This year had been a lnomen- toes one in the history of Sea - forth and would be remembered m history of the town. A great deal of work had been done. Council had done a real job and had attended the extra meetings. rim Councillor Close, as chairman an of the streets committee, had done excellent work, the mayor said. The oiling and crushed stone on the back streets was good and no town in Huron County could compare. The mayor said the sewage work had been started under the direction of Council- lor Leslie. While the weather had been against progressof the work, with a little good weather it should be well on its way by Christmas. The mayor said that if the sewer system had been ex- tended .all over town the tax rate might well be 115 mills. Areas that need sewage would be look- ed after as fast as possible. He predicted the sewer would be extended west to the hospital next year. The mayor said taxes were high because of education costs, and would remain high until our senior governments took steps to help, He asked if taxpayers, realize all the things they get for their taxes: fire protection, water, police, heat and power, street lights, and sidewalks, library, and public and high school, and many .others.. The cost of education in Sea - forth per pupil was 80c a day, and the average for Canada was 82c. Municipal services were pari of our everyday lives, Paying for these services was essential. We 'wanted good streets and good services and we must pay for them. 'We must not take our town for granted but must be part of it. At the close of his address the mayor indicated he would stand for office. Reeve Norman Scoins, chair- man of the relief and indigent patients committee, said these two items were much the same as the previous year and added up to about one mill. At the county council he served on two committees. The county library committee had attended the opening of the Bluevale library this .summer. He was a member of the county children's aid com- mittee and everyone knew of their good work. The reeve said the county got 10 mills in taxes but the rebate brought it down to 9 mills. The county health unit gave a good service. This year the county had the largest building program in its history amounting to a million dollars. The reeve predicted county rate would go up a hill next year to 11. mills. He said he would stand for office. Chairman Frank Kling of the P.U.C., said the tall poles on Victoria street had been replaced with shorter ones. He said the waterworks still owed the town a balance of $10,000 which had been owing for some years. Councillor B. F. Christie, chairman of the finance commit- tee, spoke briefly. He said $82,- 000 out of 1105,000 of this whichaid taxes heconsidered very een good. He indicated he would stand. Councillor E. H. Close, chair- man of the streets committee, gave a brief review of his work. There had been a lot of drainage work and sidewalks. He had a word of praise for the street foreman, Harold Maloney, • Councillor John C. Crich thanked the ratepayers for the four years he bad spent on coun- cil. Councillor Keith Sharp thank- ed the r'a'tepayers for their sup- port during his years on council. Councillor James T. Scott, chairman of the park committee, said the recreation field had bedeendowplon. wed and would be seed - Councillor Leslie, chairman of the sewage committee, said the work was held back by the weather. The disposal plant was corning along real well now, but had been handicapped at the start by quicksand. This had been overcome, and in a few weeks would bo completed. Mr. Leslie said he sympathizes with the people whose alleys had been torn up by the laying of the drains. There had been delays in repairing the alleys, and coun- cil appreciated everyone's co- operation. It bad not been too pleasant hut these things take time, an d after while everything will be fixed up, Ina 'few weeks the digging will be eonpleted if the weather 1s favorable. Mr. Leslie indicated he would stand for office. P.U.C. Commissioner D'Or- loon :Sills spoke briefly. Chairman Cliff Broad'foot of the public school board, said they had hired a new teacher this year, There were 389 pupils. The new 'school was satisfactory and the staff was excellent. Mr. M, A. Reid, secretary- Continued on page 4 EGMONDViLLE Mrs. David McLean entertain- ed a large gathering of W. A. and W.M.S, ladies at her home for their meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 24. Mrs. E. Boyes introduc- ed the topic for the afternoon, Peace" followed by the W. A. theme song and prayer. The minutes and roll call were read by Mrs. W.;Tremeer. During the business period the ladies agreed to prepare a.treat for the Sun- day School childrens' Christmas party; the beating of the choir room was discussed and arrange- ments made for the Walton Minstrel Show on Dec. 1 in the school room. Proceeds for Flood Relief, Mrs, Ivy Henderson and Miss R. MacKenzie were in charge of the devotional part of the meeting. A report of the Centralia W. A. Presbytery meeting was given by Mrs. Jas. MacIntosh. Mrs. E. Stephenson opened the W.M.S. meeting with several thoughts on the subject of "Pa- triotism". Mrs. G. McGonigle read a poem "The Creator". Miss Frances Houston and Mrs. M. Nett were the devotional lead- ers and Mrs. W. E. Milroy spoke on the "Preparation for Christ- mas". Miss Mae Smith very ca- pably reviewed a ehapler of the study book. The treasurer, Mrs. W. F. McMillan read the finan- cial report. After the singing of "A. charge to Keep I Have" was the Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Forbes and Mrs. M. Nott's committee. Mrs. E. Stephenson expressed the thanks of the ladies to the host- ess, Northside United Church Rev, John Stinson, 'Minister. 10 a.m., Church .School and. Adult Bible Class. Hope of 11 awn., Sermon"The1 the World". First in a Christmas series. 7 p.m., Sermon, "What's the Difference". Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister 10 a.tn., Church School and Adult Class 11 a.m., Morning Worship find Infant Baptisms: Sermon -- A Child, the gift of God". 7 p.m., 'Evening Prose:.Sub- ject, "The Power of Evil', Wed, 7.30 pan., mid -week ser- vice. CROMARTY Mr. Wm. Patrick, Wyoming, visited last' week with many friends in this district. Mr, and Mrs. J. Beckler and Harry, Ztu'ich, visted on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Kemp and Audrey and Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Rose and little son of Mitchell. spent Thursday evening with Mrs. M, Houghton. Mr. Donald Walker is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. We wish hint a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLach- lan, Boharni, Saskatchewan, are visiting with their many relatives and old acquaintances here, Mr. and .Mrs. 7". L. Scott and boys spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and fam- ily at Lindsay. Mrs. W, E. Moore returned with them to visit with her daughter. - Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hamil- ton were treated to 0 rousing charivari on Wednesday night. A reception for the newly weds will be held in Staffa hall on Wednesday evening this week. ALL ACCLAMATIONS -- NO ELECTION HERE There will be no election in Seaforth this year, all positions hi council, P.U,C, arid school board having been filled by ae- clamation. 1955 council will bet Mayor, Dr, E, A, McMaster, Reeve, Norman Seoins. Councillors, B. F. Christie, E. H. Close, H. ISI, Leslie, Jas. T. Scott, •Scott Habkirk and Jack I€ellar. The last two named are the new members. NOMINATIONS Nominations were as follows, names in brackets beingmovers and seconders: For Mayor: Dr. E. A. McMast- er (H. H Leslie, E. H. Close), A. W. Sillery '(John Bach, Wm. Brugger). For Reeve: Norman Scoins (D. Sills, Wen. Brugger). Harvey Leslie .(E. A. McMast- er, E. H. Close). For Connell: H. 'H. Leslie (E. A. McMaster, N. Seoins). E. H. Close (E. A. McMaster, IL H. Leslie). John Cardno i(E. A, McMaster, Art Wright). James T. Scott (John C. Crich, Keith Sharp). John Kellar (ID. Sills, Wm. Brugger). B. F. Christie .(E. H, Close, B. H, Leslie). Ross Hamilton KM. A. Reid, W. E. Southgate). A. W. Sillery (R. J. MadDon- ald, John A. Cardno). Scott Habkirk '(Wm. Brugger, Win. Box). R. S. Box (Wm. Bragger, D. Sills). For Public Utility Commis- sion: D'Orleon ,Sills I(N. Scoins, H. H. Leslie). For Public School, Board: South Ward, Mrs. John Card - no (F. E. Willis, Scott Habkirk). East Ward, Mrs. Sally I. •Sil- lery 1(0. Broadfoot, J. A. West- cott). North Ward, Dr. Paul Brady (J. C. Stevens, J, C. McLennan). HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong and Gregory of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family of Brucefield were recent visit- ore with Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Mc- Clure •and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don McClure visited with Mr. and Mns, Nelson Pfaff.at Cromarty on Sunday, NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross, Dorothy and Brenda of Seaforth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glan- ville and family of Crediton with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanville and children of Crediton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele. Muriel Glanville return- ing home with them after spend- ing a week with her;'grandpar- ants. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Glanville and Babe of Crediton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele and Lloyd with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum. McKI LLOP Rev. Lorne IDorch of Milverton occupied the pulpit of the Evan- gelical Church here on Sunday and preached a very able ser- mon. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dippple of Gowanstown visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Messerschmidt and Miss Arlene of Detroit were visitors in this vicinity last week Family night was much en- joyed on Friday evening by the Evangelical Congregation' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Nich- ols. Rev. Brox showed a film, music was by Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Mrs. Elmer Koehler, Mrs. Harry Regele, Mrs. Wm. Koehler and Diane Rock. Readings by Mrs, Nichols, Mrs. I. Rock and Paul Rock. Contests by Wm. Koehler and Mrs. Charles Eggert. S. S. No. 7 and No. 12, McKil- lop are holding their Christmas concert on Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 8.30 pont. in Walton community hall. After theconcert lunch will beance. served followed Easonand Billie of Stratford spent the weekend with bei parents, Mr, and Mrs. I3. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor and Dorothy of Staffa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James McClure. Sunday School will be at 12,45 p.tn. at Cavan Church for the winter months, Church Services at 2 pan. KIPPEN Mr. Williain Ivison left last week to spend the winter with relatives in London. dad A number front here attended the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture Banquet in Zurich Community Centre i'ccent1Y We are sorry to report Mr. Arthur Anderson is confined to Victoria Hospital in London. Wo wish for a speedy recovery, The teachers and pupils of .St, Andrews United Church aro pre- paring' for the Christmas concert. Miss Marion Thomson of Clandeboye spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Thomson. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mr. Elsner •Gackstetter and family of near Exeter and Mr, Edward Gacksteitor of near Zurich. Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Jarrett 1,11„l,lltl1n1111»111111111111111111111111n11r11111111.111»"111111111111,111111I1»l1a1,1111111111»I»11»11»I!llnl11ll,/11111"»I1(111»1111»8»111/11111»111118»),l»a»n111111ef 11111111,w SAVAIIGE'S cf ENiNs th ehJV ee 510101 LAWSON. Distinctive In style and price. £55,00 ELGIN URBANETTE. Dainty teardrop designed case with matching expansion bracelet, 17 jewel movement. 56450 ELGIN "19" GARFIELD. Handsome square styled case with exquisite textured dial. $85,00 e'^90. $150. Exquisite len diamond Six diamonds Flash in matched ring set. this lovely ring set. $50. .i J' $95. Sparkling engagement Man's impressive dia. ring set in 14K gold. mond ring in 14K gold. ELGIN "19" MAVIS. Unusual case design. 19 jewel movement. 885.00 Daily other fine gift sekecfions at SAV A GES Diamonds - Jewellery Fine China SEAFORTH 1 F='b T Fr: 61'11 F Ll11111111,11111111111ll lIII,IB,llll lllllllalrnallal»lllllln1111111111,11n1ni11,1 Ill,ll,llnlll,,.,l11, 111ua 1111»111,811,1118811a»NIa1111a1,a1e11»111„a111,au, ie,1»llllaely COURT OF REVISION HEARS MANY APPEALS The Court of Revision met Thursday evening of last week on the Seaforth assessment roll, and 19 appeals, an unusually large number, were reviewed. Some of the ratepayers say they may take their assessments before the county judge. The appeals were dealt with as follows: Mrs. Ivy Butt Wilford Cameron M. A. Reid J. J. Cleary H. 0. Free Mrs. Harriett Barron Neil C. Bell Mrs. Helen Bolton Thomas Carter Fred Cook Elva Ellis William Campbell P. J. Felly Bessie Kerr Margaret Maloney Bruce Medd Sohn Cardno Edith Daley J. M. McMillan Original Fiinal $2400 52300 2260 2100 3450 3160 2500 2300 3360 3300 1350 1500 2150 1700 1525 1500 1425 800 1760 1500 2550 2300 2350 2100 1600 1400 1325 1300 900 Confirmed 2500 Confirtued 2300 Confirnied 1515 1500 3200 Continued visited on Sunday with the lat- ter's father, Mr, Arthur Ander- son in Victoria hospital in Lon- don, BLAKE Mr. and •Mrs. Leon Jefferey returned from a pleasant visit with relatives in Windsor and Detroit. - Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Gingerich visited her brother and family at Waterloo and her relatives at Wallcnstein. • - Mre. Robert McBride of Kip- ped visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy McBride, bit's. Amos Gingerich enter- tained a number of ladies at a plastic demonstration given by Mrs, Walden, one evening. Mr, and Mrs, Reuben Ginger- ic'b of Aliso. Craig visited Mr. and Mr's. C. Gingeeich one even- ing, BRODHAGEN., Mr. 'George iDicgel observed his S1st birthday last Friday, -Members of his family gathered in the evening to extend con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Messors- chmidt of Detroit spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Henry Kieber Sr. and other rela- tives. Mn and Mrs. Ralph Hieks and Alvin spent the weekend in Tor- onto. 3 spending a few weeks in Detroit with her son Lorne Messers- chmidt and Mrs. Messrsehmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benne- wies with friends in St. Marys on Sunday. Stewards of the Christian Home !(married couples group) filet in the church basement on Friday evening with 50 present. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed. The basement was beautifully decor- ated for Christmas including two lighted Christmas trees. A short business meeting was in charge of the President, Geo. Jarmuth. A new vacuum cleaner was purchased for the church and it was decided to buy outside Christmas tree lights for the tree in front of the church. This group is also in charge of the lunch for the nursery party to be held at the church, 'Dec. 15t1. Rev. and Mrs. Becker were presented with a Sunbeam Auto- matic Coffee Maker and a pound of coffee as a Christmas and farewell gift. Rev. W. Becker was in charge of the devotional. The rest of the evening was spent in ;;antes. Mrs. Mary Dittmer is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Van Dittmer in Wingham. wit•. Henry Rock has rt.'tuened borne from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. Mr. and firs. Fred Rock of hitehcuer with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bent Queteiwesser and \4r. and Mrs. Henry hock. Mr, and Mrs. John Arbuckle, Jimmy, Billy, Bobby have mow- ed to Hespeler where Mr..Ar- buckle will be in chrtge of the Lutheran Church there in the absence of a pastor, and is at- tending the Waterloo Seminary. Master Bill Arbuckle was pre- sented with a billfold and book from the pupils of the Ilrodhag- en School before leaving. Mr. and it's. George Jacob of Kitchener with Mr. and Nies. Chris W. Leonhardt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. -Roy 0. Diesel, Jimmy, Larry,Diane and Rich- ard of Detroit and Mrs. John C. Diegel of •Stratford with .Mrs. ldora Diegel for the weekend. Mrs. Mary Wassman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wessman Jr. and daughters Ronny and fenny of Toronto with the former's sister, Mrs. Sophie Mueller at the Loma of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Magic. Mr. and lairs. Ivan Seherbarth and family of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs. Aug. Scherbarth and other relatives. Henry Kleber Sr. is DUBLIN Mr. and 'Airs. Jer,'r e Nichol- son; London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Kraus opf. Mr..end Mrs.'i'nunt Pontiac, Midi., with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Nagle. Miss Dorothy Anne Costello, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ilan . Costello. Miss Theresa Feeney, London, with Mrs, Mary Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. .Tint Legault, Trenton, Mieh., with Miss Moni- ca Byrne. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Altena, Clinton, with friends in town. Me. Jack Murray, Guelph, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray. Mrs. Harry Dingman,Mr, David Dingeman and Mother M. St. Iiavid with Mr, and Mrs. D. McConnell Mr, Gerald Burns, London and Mr, and Mrs, Dalton Burns, Toronto, with, Mr, and Mrs. Prank Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney in Windsor and Detroit for the weekend. Mr. 'Gordon Costello in Tor'. Onto,