HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-11-25, Page 6"Dear Anne Hirst: If you an-
swered my question before, I
missed it , .. Why do old hien
make fools of themselves? Two
dear friends of mine have been
married 42 years. The wife is
a lovely woman — good-look-
ing, mature, dignified, and a
fine person all around. Her hus-
band, though sweet (and smart
in every other way) is appar-
ently growing childish. Instead
of being attentive and appreci-
ative of his wife he calls her
his 'old woman' -- and much
to her embarrassment he ogles,
chortles and even whistles at
girls young enough to be his
"Naturally, they laugh, but I
believe he actually imagines
they return his enthusiasm
"This fine Christian woman
understands her husband's prob-
lem. She loves him d ea r 1 y,
knowing that under all his
foolishness he really loves her.
Two -Part Story!
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Two -parts perfect? The more
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More you love it! Accent is on
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minimizes the inches around!
Contrast collar, bow add crisp
Pattern 4808: Misses' Sizes 10,
12, 14, 16, 13, 20. Size 16 takes
rat yards 45 -inch fabric; ?a yard
85 -inch contrast
This pattern easy to use, sim-
ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has
complete illustrated instructions,
(350) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern. Print
Send order to Box 1, 123
Eighteenth St., New Toronto,
But site asks Inc to write you,
hoping you can advise her how
to get him in line to proteet
him froth making such a .spec -
tale of himself.
A Friend"
• Many an aging man feels
"' the years creeping upon him
* and seeks out young girls in
* the futile hope he can forestall
• old age, He revels in their
* youth, and misinterprets their
* smiles for encouragement. For,
he argues, "if a man is as
* young as he feels, here is
* where I belong."
* Of course. he could not be
* more wrong.
* These girls are amused by
his atrtics. They smile — but
* they also laugh behind his
* back. One day a girl will
t, laugh in his face and call him
* Grandpa, or the boy with her
r: will isll him off. That will be
e the end, and the old gentle-
" man will crawl back home in
e shame and remorse.
e Meantime, his wife can only
* bear with hint — after all,
* she cannot lock him up. And
* if she worries a b out what
* their friends think, she, will
* remember they have seen this
* happen before. They respect
* and love her, and she has
* their unspoken sympathy.
* If any of my readers have
* ether ideas, I hope they will
* send then to me.
* * *
Parents Oppose Marriage
"Dear Anne Hirst: I have been
going with a wonderful man for
over a year. We plan on getting
married, but both his people
and mine are against it. He is
28, I am 18, and we are both
mature enough to know what
we want.
I don't want to hurt my
people nor his, and I could not
bear to hurt him. Please advise
* Why didn't you tell me why
* both families oppose your
* marriage? If you will, I may
* be able to be more helpful.
° . Perhaps they all think
* you are too young to be sure
* of yourself? Then it would be
* worthwhile waiting for a year,
* dating other boys, too,, to
* prove to them (and yourself)
* that you really prefer hhn to
* all others,
" Marriage is more of a fam-
* ily affair than many young
" people understand. To start
* right, it • should have the
" wholehearted blessing of all
* four parents. Young people
* have a hard time, particularly
* these days, during the first
* few years of marriage, and if
* they have flouted their fam-
* flies' wishes they will miss
e the moral support which mar-
* riage needs so badly. The
* handicap is greater than you
* realize.
If your aged husband ogles at
young girls and mortifies you
by his antics, comfort yourself
with the fact that his conduct
will not be pernanefit. He will
get his come-uppance, and from
the girls themselves , .
time of couoern, write to Anne
Hirst for sympathy and wise
counsel. Address her at Box 1
123 Eighteenth St., New Tor-
COLLAPSIBLE WORLD—Folded for storage, this inexpensive globe
of the world is exhibited by cartographer Charles E. Riddiford,
who developed what he hopes will be the low-cost answer to
the problem of supplying an up-to-date world map for the
average man, The National Geographic Society employee says
that mass production could make it available for dollar or less.
MAMIE'S CHAPEAUS TOP 'EM ALL—Like any other well-dressed
lady, Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower will be wearing new hats this
season. This glamorous quartet, was made for her by designer
Sally Victor. The red jersey "four leaf clover;' top left, is em-
broidered in yarn of red and topped by q red felt wing. The
soft, dusty pink velvet, top right, features a long side drape.
Gem of the collection is the simple white mink breton, lower
left. Small blue wool jersey toque, lower right, is embroidered
with pink and blue yarn and trimmed with a narrow strip of'
Persian brocade.
"Old fasters"
y The Hundred
"I'd like Old Masters for the
walls — but I can't afford them."
That chance remark, made to
Mrs. Erna Fiehl by her son
when 'she was helping him fur-
nish his Paris fiat just over two
years ago, has led to the achiev-
ing one of mankind's oldest
dreams — the mass production
of the world's art masterpieces
in such, perfection that copy and
original are indistinguishable
except to expert eyes.
Mrs, Fiehl — born in Czecho-
slovakia, now a naturalized
Briton — saw in her son's prob-
lem one that confronts young
people all over the world, She
decided to do something. She
studied art and artists Then she
bought a wooden printing press
for $50; but threw it away the
next morning, Other presses
went the same way; and she
finally designed her own ma-
chine and had it built.
Last March, after spending
over $15,000, Mrs, Fiehl achiev- '
ed her first perfect reproduction
— a Toulouse Lautrec, And now,
in her London studio -factory,
she is turning out a range of
the works of such artists as
Van Gogh, Degas, Renoir,
C4zaine, Da Vinci, Vermeer,
Menet, Gauguin -- at the rate of
100 a day.
Soon she will double that out-
put, turning out every hour
about twenty -free reproductions
of, say, "Portrait of a Child" —
perfect in every detail, even to
brush marks and cracks — a
painting which perhaps took
Rubens years to complete.
The revolutionary process is
mainly secret. But reproductions
are on canvas and are finished
oft by hand over -painting, giv-
ing them all the colour, depth,
texture and vivacity of the ori-
ginals. An eminent Q.C. has ad-
vised that a red seal be placed
on each in case unscrupulous
buyers try to fob them off as the
genuine article,
No work of art is reproduced,
of course, without the authority
of the gallery or museum own-
ing it.
tf li`n't not woreh living
it may be your fiver`
It t s nwil It rakes at, to `.wit plots of Ura
bile a duy to keop your di;,,Uva pact In top
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ISSUE 48 — Mai
Kisses For Free !
In Paris, on St, Catharine's
Day, all the girls who have at-
tained the age of twenty-five
who are not married don lace
bonnets and come out on the
street. Anyone is entitled to
kiss them without being asked
or asking—to do so!
In New Orleans during the
Mardi Gras festival, girls from
seventeen years up to about
thirty invite lasses by wearing
a rose or other flower in their
hair. .
When Colonel Lindbergh re-
turned to the United States
after his epoch-making flight of
thirty years ago, it was esti-
mated that some 5,000 girls im-
planted kisses on his cheeks
and even on his lips—but he
was by no means the "most
kissed" hero in the world.
Distinction for that goes to
Richard Pearson Hobson, hero
of the sinking of the Merrimac.
during the Spanish-American
War, He was kissed by 10,000
It started at g reception tp
Chicago when two entrancingly'
beautiful cousins 01 his carne
forward and demurely kissed
him. Other girls at the recep-
tion, not aware of the relation-
ship between the hero and the
girls, took this as a signal for a
concerted rush to kiss Hobson.
For nearly an hour Lieutenant
Hobson stood his ground as
brunettes and redheads and
blondes. filed past kissing him
at the rate of six kisses a min-
Newspapers got wind of it and
ran stories on the kissing of
Hodson. When he went on tour,
he was forced to stand and be
kissed by every girl at every
function he attended,
w HRO IC .,.ES
se ()A ss rt r,! 1' ['I . r
In spring. as we all know,
there is a freshness and vigor
that comes to us as we get ready
to usher in a new growing sea-
son. It • is a feelilyg that cannot
be snatched at any other time
of the year. But yet, getting
ready for winter has its pleasures
too. On a dull day, when the
world outside looks cold and
dreary, we appreciate the come
forts of home. We look out —
the few leaves left on the trees
look seared and yellow, Birds
. - . only the bluejays and spar-
rows fly jauntily from bush to
tree. Squirrels keep continually
on the move, fearful lest winter
catch them unprepared. The
cows come down from the pas-
ture early in the afternoon re-
membering the shelter and
, warmth that awaits them in the
stable or barnyard And we too,
change our work according to
the weather. Slips that were pot-
ted early on must be brought
into the house, Ferns and plants
removed from summer quarters
to sunny windows for the win-
tery days ahead.
We look over our wardrobe
. , . try on our fall coat . , , oh
no, surely we haven't got to -
move those buttons again!
Comes the first fall of slushy
snow and we go hunting for rub.
bers. But the rubbers are not
there! Now when and where was
the last time we wore them?
Yes, it must have been at the
convention. It was raining when
we went and dry when wesieft,
so of course we forgot our rub-
bers. Too late to do anything
about it now so that means
a new pair •of rubbers.
And then there's the rurnace
pipes. Perhaps there has been a
sort of sooty smell and the Man
of the House has been saying he
must clean the pipes. We try
to agree with a good grace but
if there is one job a woman
hates having done it is the stove
or furnace pipes, especially when
she is likely to be called upon
for assistance. However, none of
• us want the house burnt down
— and that could easily happen
with dirty pipes — so we make
the best of a bad job and go to
It, At least that is the way it 15
around our place,
Even Mitchie-Whife changee
with the changing season.. All
summer he came in and Out only
when he wanted something .to
eat or drink, At night he stayed
out by preference. Now he com-
es in for a sleep during the
morning; hunts In the afterno0a
and comes in for comfortable
sleeping quarters at night. That
is all 10 the good because he
makes a wonderful alarm clock,
Punctually at five in the morn-
ing he either jumps On my bed
Or raises his unmelodiOus voice
until either Partner or I get up
10 let him out.
Other four -footed creatures,
but decidedly less welcome, are
also preparing for winter. I'
mean rats and mice. We sudden-
ly found our pantry Over -run
with mice — but we got rid 0f
them. Caught seven in two
nights, A widowed friend of ours
down town is not so fortunate.
She has a rat who is yeally mak-
ink himself at •home, This friend
bought two bushels of apples,
They were left out in the back
kitehen. Slee heard queer noises
during the evening and went out
to investigate. It was obvious the
rat had been after the apples.
She followed his trail and
• found no less than nine big ape
pies! Tlie next night he got into
the warming oven of her range -
Otte and really made a mess of
some pies that were there for
storage, A,neighbour came along
and set three steel traps. Two of
them the wily rodent didn't look
at, the third he sprung, but not
on himself, I have been trying
to persuade my friend to use
warfarin but she is so afraid of
parison of any kind. But after
all, warfarin is quite harmless,
If used according to directions.
There is one thing, however, the
directions do not emphasize, The
need for obliterating all trace of
the human touch, Partner was
using warfarin in the henhouse
last year, with the bait carefully
covered. Every morning he look-
ed to see if it had been disturb-
ed. It hadn't. After two weeks
he figured the stuff was no good
and stopped looking. In anoth-
er two weeks he was picking up
dead rats. The reason was ob-
vious — the box, bait and boards
were minus the smell of the hu-
man touch, So -- a word to the
wise, Anyway, get rid of those
unwelcome boarders somehow.
And there is no better time there
the present, A couple of rats
caught now is as good as twenty
later on.
Another thing that - requires a
little forethought is winter shop-
ping, Is your cupboard for re-
serve supplies well -stocked? If
a big snowstorm came up and
blocked the sideroads how long
could you ride along without do-
ing any shopping? At one time
farm wives went in for 'bulk -
buying' now the tendency is to
buy from week to week — one
packet of this, two cans of that,
10 lbs. of sugar, 7 lbs. of flour
and so on. Then comes a storm
and we are out of supplies in no
time. So a certain amount of
bulk -buying is still a good idea.
Sugar is cheaper by the hun-
dred; canned goods will keep in-
definitely; yeast packets are date
ed and may, save the day if the
baker cannot make his rounds.
Don't get alarmed, folks, but
these thoughts have come to me
as I heard a rumour that this,
may be the coldest winter we
have had for some time,
from. the
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We have been supplying
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We guarantee satisfaction
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,Postal M.O. $1.25 Postpaid
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I ( Free World
Soviet Union
and Satellites
+�- '•Aa �d i' y
black Sao
lr opt ,,
-"Medilerraneon Sea
T'UNI IA MS - =sem
ME NATIONS VS. RUBS--LIN`:-UP IN EUROPE --The inclusion of West Germany into, NATO Stas
given the free nations a huge lift. When fully armed she will be able to contribute 500,000
we'I-trained troops. But as far as manpower is concerned, the' West is still far behind the Soviet
U,'cn and its saHlites, Above Newsmap shows how nations line up and approximate military
st,nng'h for each, Czechoslovakia and Austria don't have any standing army, Switzerland
is neutral. -