HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-11-25, Page 5T1319 $17A1i'ORTa NEWS—Thursday, .Novembor 25, 1954 Your • u i i mils ,` Hereford Corn Beef Tin 37e KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES, 53/2 oz. Pkgs. 2 for .33 Del Monte Sliced PINEAPPLE., , , 20 oz, Tin 33c 1 GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON /a size 39c $t Williams Orange &GrapefruitMARMALADE 29c 24 oz. Jar MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT., 2 pie size Tin 43c LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 3 Pkgs, 29c PURITY OATS 3 lb Box 37c MAXWELL INSTANT COFFEE , ,. 6 oz, Jar 1.92 ZEST BRAND SWEET MIX PICKLES, 16 oz, jar 250 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR. FOOD MKT PHONE 77 FREE DELIVERY ®Ck�I Monster All- • TURKEY BINGO Saturday Night Kincardine Bantams VS Seaforth 7 P.M. • Kincardine Midgets VS Seaforth 8.30 P.M. Dublin Parish Hall TUESDAY, NOV, 30 at 9 P.M, 21 Rounds of Beautiful Turkey Hens, all for $1 3 Special Rounds -2 cards for 25c 2 Large 20-1b. Turkeys to each Special Round Admission $1 Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League We'll Match You „ ,u s k or ,lir OP your down payment when you buy a Autom i tic .:isher _Your dollars count DOUBLE on your down payment when you get a Dominion Automatic Washer. $10 counts as $20. $50 counts as $100. We'II credit you with $2.00 for every dollar you put up. Best Washer Yet Has Dominion's Rollover washing ac- tion which gets clothes much cleaner. No installation costs— no plumbing, no bolting. Trouble-free, simple sturdy mechanism gives marvellous service. No solenoids. No special wiring. On casters—easily moved. Dump your washing into the Dominion, close the lid and away you go. Go off down town if you like. It shuts off, rinses itself out, drains off when clothes are washed and rinsed and damp dried. n COME TO US FOR FREE APPRAISAL OF VALUE OF YOUR OLA WASHER OUR BUDGET PLAN GREAT. LY ASSISTS MOST OF OUR CUSTOMERS IN PAYING OFF BALANCE. ardware Phone 797, Seaforth TOWN TOPICS Among those from Seaforth who were on a successful hunt- ing trip to Loring last week were Wm. Leyburn, Geo. Kruse, Her- old Jackson, John Med'eland, M, E, Clarke, Carman Rowcliffe, J. M. Scott, Frank Kling, Stewart McCall, Walton, From Clinton: Cliff 'Epps, Earl Deuced, M. Me - Adam. Recent visitors w e to with Mr, ,and i a Mrs, T. A1d n to i �n were.. Mr. and s Mrs. John Allington, Margaret and Frank, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allan, Cromarty; Mrs. Russell Parsons and Kenny, Staffa, Mrs. William Fortune, Mrs. Gordon Mears of Dearborn, Mi- chigan, and Mr, John Fortune of Detroit, spent the weekend with Me. John Lynch and sisters in Beechwood Mrs. James Hogg returned to her home in ,Collingwood on Sun- day after spending the past week with' her daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Bedford 'Dungoy. Mr. Joseph T. Hugili began construction of a new house this week on a lot on Church street, just south of the old public school, which he purchased from Mrs. Elva Ellis. The Rev, Father Thomas Mo - Quaid, S.M.F., Superior General of Scarboro. Foreign Missions, visited his mother, Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, Main Street, on Tues- day, Also the Rev. Father Mich- ael MeSween, S,M.F. of Scar- boro Foreign Mission Seminary, Scarboro 131uffs. Mr, J, McQuaid attended the funeral on Tuesday of his niece, Miss Nora McQuaid, Stratford. Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Stewart, of Toronto were weekend guests of Dr, and Mrs. E. A. McMaster and Mr. and Mrs. P. McConnell. Mr. A. Hubert, Ingersoll, was a weekend guest at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hu- bert. Mr. Edward McIver, Port Col- borne spent the weekend with mother, Mrs. H. McIver. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cleary, Lon- don were weekend guests of Mr. and lairs. W. J. Cleary and Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. Mr. Ron Sills, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, was a weekend guest of her mother, Mrs. R. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, London, spent the weekend with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John McQuaid St. Thomas, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Jos. Mc- Quaid. Mr. Joseph Laudenbach, King- ston, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lan- denbaeh. Miss Lorna Ellis of Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here. Flying Officer Thomas Craw- ford was here at the weekend and left on Sunday with his wife and young son Thomas Jr. for Winnipeg, where he is stationed. Mrs. Crawford has been staying with hdr mother, Mrs. Thelma Wright. Over $300 was realized at the Guild bazaar at St,. Thomas par- ish hall on Wednesday last. brothers, dames, St. Columban; Frank, Stratford, and Thomas, Windsor. A sister, Mrs, Lawr- ence (Mary) Power died in 1948, The body rested at the Gingras funeral home, Stratford, until Tuesday at 9:15 o'clock when it was taken to St. Joseph's Church where a requiem high mass was sung. Her cousin the Rev. Thom- as McQuaid, superior general of the Searboro Foreign Missions at s nor f t Scarboro officiated, Monsignor i Egan of St Joseph's .and Rev. Michael McSween S F M were in the Sanctuary. Burial took place in the family plot in St. Columban cemetery. The pall- bearers were two nephew s, Frank McQuaid and Gerald Pow- er of Windsor and four cousins, Joseph and James Delaney, Wil- fred McQuaid and Joseph Hart. Friends and .acquaintances were present from Whitby, Windsor, London,'Stratford, Du- blin and St. Columban. MRS. CATHERINE KENNY Mrs. Catherine Kenny died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, Sunday night, in her 80th year, Mrs, Kenny was a patient at the hospital for the past six weeks, and was in failing health for the last few years, The former Catherine Purcell, she was married to the late Francis Kenny in 1898, After their mar- riage they lived in Logan twp., one mile north of Dublin, for 30 years. After Mr, Kenny's death she moved to Dublin, in 1929, where she lived until 1951, mov- ing then to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Charles Mather. She was a faithful member of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and was a member of the Catholic Women's League, the Altar So- eiety and League of the Sacred Heart. She is survived by two sons, John of Detroit, and Jo- seph of Seaforth: three daugh- ters, Mrs. Charles (Mary) Kist - nor; Mrs. Edward (Helen) By- ers Dublin;Mrs. Alvin i(Cather- ine) n Hinz,Monkton • one sister, Mr•s, SadiLongeway, Guelph; 16 grandchildren and two great - held from the Box Fe uneral Hornse at Seaforth, to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, W e d ne s d a y morning at 10 o'clock, Meetings November 22-26, Nov 22—Brussels Lions Club Farmers Night Banquet, 11 R, Baker, Associate ' Agricultural THE W.A. OF DUFF'S CHURCH, MoKILLOP, ARE HOLDING A BAKING SALE In Dale's Produce SATURDAY, NOV, 27 Doors open at 3 o'clock C.W.L. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Tea and Home Baking Sale St. James School Hall SATURDAY, DEC. 4 3 . 8 P.M. MISS NORAH M. McQUAID Miss Norah Margaret McQuaid died at 2 a.m. Sunday at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. She had been in poor health for a number of years and was ser- iously ill for the last three weeks. Miss McQuaid was born in St. Columban, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McQuaid. She was educated in separate and continuation schools in St. Co- lumban, she went to Stratford 25 years ago, and prior to her death lived at 108 Wellington St. She had worked at two city stores until poor health cause,,d her to retire. She was a member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and was associated with the Catholic Women's 'League and the League of the Sacred Heart of that parish. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Florence 111oQuaid, 108 Wellington St., and Mrs. Benson (Anne) Ham- ilton of Whitby, Ont., and three EUCHRE SPONSORED BY THE L.O.B.A. IN THE LODGE ROOM MONDAY, NOV. 29 Games at 8.30 Lunch Admission 40c Everybody Welcome Bazaar and. 'Home Baking Sale At Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall SATURDAY, NOV. 27 3 to 5 Booths for Fancy Work and Bak. ing, Baby Articles, Farm Produce, Pies and Cakes, and Cantly Tea will be served Hot Chicken Pie Supper to be served from 6 to 8 Price: Adults 75e; Children 35c asp EUCHRE In the Odd Fellows Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 26 Tluchre 8,30 sharp In std of the Hurricane Relict Fund Sponsored by the Seaforth Chapter of the 0. E. S. TURKEY BINGO WEDNESDAY, DEO. 8 ST. COLUMBAN 15 Games for Tttrkeys Throe Cash Specials, Door Prize Gaines start at 9 o'clock Admission $1. • There's NEW "Travel Co The to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver You'll find smart new travel comfort and convenience on CanadianNational's "ContineatalLimited. "Attractiveday coaches, relaxing lounges, spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, popular -priced duplex- roomettes uplex roomettes and berths. Here is pleasant travelling, with a wide range of accom- modations for every budget. For example, look at these low coach fares between Toronto and Vancouver. One way $67.11; round tri $107.25. Proportionatelylow fares apply for tourist and other types of sleeping car travel. Ask about substantial savings offered by New Family Faros to Western Canada and to Mid -West and Western U.S.A. East and west every day, "The Continental Limited" serves Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. fort" on LioHe For reservations and information, see, write or 'phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agept, THERt'5rik fijig€L CQI,��GRT OI`j,7HE CI�R .`c'�� Representative, Huron County Nov. 23—Morris Twp. Feder- ation of Agriculture Banquet, Forresters' Hall, Belgrave. Nov. 23 --fay Twp. Fedora - tion ,of Agriculture Banquet, Community 'Centre, Zurich, Guest Speaker, Rev, Bert Day- aterawavuraawxsasonwwawas nard, Mafia, Ont. Nov. 24—Huron County War- den's Banquet, Knox Presbyter- ian Church, Goderich. Nov, 25 --Huron County Farut Forum Annual Meeting and Bari. quet, Londesboro, Ray Hcrgot,' Toronto, guest speaker. Night Classes Basic English especially planned for. NEW CANADIANS will be held in Seaforth District High School beginning Thurs•ay, Nov. if there are a sufficient number of applicants 0 5 Complete the Application Form below and forward to L. P. PLUMSTEEL, Principal Seaforth District High School ,„,1„I,,,,,,,,p"",,,1„,,,"”„e”, lulu",,,,n,,,,,,,,a”n,l,,,,,,n",,,,e"W"I,,,1,,,,,,,,i,n,,,,n,,,,,,,e"u Application Form Please consider me an applicant for the Course in Basic English. I wish to take: THE FIRST YEAR COURSE TI -SE SECOND YEAR COURSE .... (Name) tzi (Address) 1953 CHEV SEDAN, 7000 miles 1951 OLDS COACH (Radio) 1947 PONTIAC "DE LUXE" SEDAN .. 1947 DODGE COACH 1940 CHEV COACH, Extra Good 1675.00 1375.00 675.00 625.00 300.00 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1938 Chev Coupe 135.00 1948 Chev Panel 475.00 1936 Chev Coach 25.00 1938.Ford Coach 45.00 1940 Nash Sedan 75.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT 1e forth Phone 541 otors Seaforth NT of HIGHWAYS - Geo. H.,Doucett, Minister q 4