HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-11-25, Page 1The Seaforth News
A delightful surprise is awaiting
all who visit the exhibition of paint-
ings now on display m Seaforth Pub-
lic Library, The artist is Mrs. Meurig
• Thomas, 'D.A,, '(who signs D. M. Nor-
To Seaforth people the painting
alhe Old Meal Mill, Seaforth", at-
tracts first interest. The librarian,
Miss Greta Thompson, says nearly.
everyone exclaims with pleasure as
they recognize this local landmark,
depicted in lovely colors.
Most of the other oil paintings are
also of local interest, showing scones
at Winthrop, Walton, Bayfield, and
other Ontario places, several Scottish
One does not need to bp an artist
to appreciate the pictures. The color-
ings are a greattribute to the work
of this talented painter, -whose hon'ie
is at the Walton manse,
Many school children have visited
the exhibition and by Tuesday over
60 adults had signed the guestlioolt,
in the short time the paintings have
been on display- •
The exhibition will continue until
December 3rd.
The paintings, which surround the
library walls, are mostly in frames,
and in case anyone should wish to
purchase, there are prices on many
of the pictures, ranging from $65 to
Visitors to this exhibition have
come from CI -ode -14h and other towns
Titles of the paintings in the ex-
hibit are:
"Old Meal Milt'. Seaforth.
"Port Dover"
"Moonlight, Brussels Mill”
"Sunset, Muskoka"
"In Fall Garb, Ontario"
"Storm Clouds, Muskoka"
"Early Snow, Walton"
"Parhament Buildings, Ottawa"
"The Cloud, Muskoka Lake"
"Near Holmesville"
"The Covered 'Bridge, West Mont-
"Reflected Rays, Winthrop"
"Port Rowan"
"Autumn, near Cranbrook"
"The Frog Pond, near Brussels"
"Reflection" on Maitland River.
• "Heavy Laden" Walton.
"Spring Bouquet"
"Trade Lake" Haliburton
"Sunshine and Shade" Port Sand -
Cement was poured last week at
the disposal plant, thus bringing
Sea'forth's sewer system one step
nearer to completion.
A visit to the plant near Silver
Creek and south of Bell Industries
Ltd. on Tuesday morning, found
workmen starting to remove the
wooden forms from the clarifier,
which is the heart of the disposal
The clarifier is round, 34 feet in
diameter, inside measurement, and
sits in a pit about 12 feet deep,
When the machinery is installed
there will be a scraper which re-
volves, or sweeps, around the bottom
of the clarifier which is slightly
lower at the centre than eta:he sides,
like an inverted 'bone. A. concrete
trough circles the clarifier about
half way up, and there will be skim-
mer paddles revolving 'at this level
on the same shaft which turns the
scrapers, The scrapers and skimmers
revolve very slowly, once in eight
minutes, and require only a half
horsepower motor.
It was explained that the scrap-
ers on the bottom of the clarifier
grind everything up and work the
sludge to the centre where it is
drawn off eat the bottom of the cone
through a six-inch pipe. A five h,p.
motor will power this pump which
carries the sludge to the settling bed
which is the next stage.
The disposal bed is about 50 feet
square and consists of rows and rows
of tile.
Anything that does not. pass away
in this area is returned to a compar-
atively small concrete tank called
the grit tank, which is fitted with
screens. From here the fluid goes
back to the clarifier again and the
process is repeated.
The clarifier is at all times full of
water up to the level .of the trough.
The trough will be connected to
sewer tile leading to the creek to
take away any overflow. There is
provision for a bypass tile, leading
to another tank in case the clarifier
is shut off for repairs at any time.
It was explained that the disposal
plant is automatic in operation and
will function without continual su-
pervision. No hard work is required
-except !occasional cleaning of the
screens in. the grit tank.
When will the plant be in opera-
tion? The weather has already been
responsible for much delay. But with
good weather the contractor's best
guess is it may he ready by •Christ-
mas, and that is not far away now.
By the time the sewer work is fin-
ished the disposal plant will likely be
The •only covered building will be
a small cement block structure at the
south edge of the clarifier.
The teachers and officers of the
Northside United Church Sunday
School met at the home of Mr.' and
Mrs. Sam Scott on Nov, 19, in the
evening. There was a good attend -
mice. The devotional period was con-
ducted by Rev, J. W. Stinson, who
later presided for the election of of-
'Superintendent, Mr, Sam Scott;
Treas., Mr. Bev, Christie; Cor. Sec„
Miss Annie Lawrence; Librarian, Mr.
Bob. Knight; Pianists, Gwen Christ-
ie, Marion Chamberlain, Jean Snell;
Missionary Supt., Mr's. Elva Ellis;
Temperance Supt„ Mrs, Ferris; Fam-
ily Life Supt, Mr. L, Plumsteel;
Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Snell, Mrs.
Christie, Mrs, Leeming, Mrs. Dalrym-
ple; Auditors: Mr. Westoott, Mr,
The Christmas concert is to be held
in the Northside Church School on
the night of Dec. 17, 1954.
Words of appreciation were ex-
pressed to Mr. Scott for his ten. years
of service as superintendent and to
all the officers and teachers for
their willing co-operation and faith-
ful services.
Dr. U. Laite, Central United
Chnrch,•Stiatford, told the elders of
Huron Presbytery that Churchill,
Montgomery and' Other outstanding
world leaders bad declared that the
greatest needs today were spiritual
and moral. From these remarks the
speaker outlined the part that elders
play in promoting these needs.
This special service was held in
Northside United Church Sunday
night with a large representation
made up of elders from nearly every
charge in the Presbytery. It was
sponsored by the Council of United
Church Men and its president' Orval
Harrison, conducted the service. Wil-
liam Jewitt, Harvey Johnston and
'William Currie assisted.
Communion was served at the
close of the service by Rev. Stinson
and elders of Northside after which
Dr. Laite conducted a discussion
The first four days' returns from
Christmas Seal letters mailed to re-
sidents of Huron County total $416.-
00. "This" said the president of the
county TB Association, Mr. Fred
Snow,. "is a good start on the 1955
budget for tuberculosis prevention."
Although only 144 persons have
sent in their contributions so far, Mr.
Snow is quite confident that last
pear's mark will be rogram for the next 12snonthss is
more extensive than we have under-
taken before and I'm sure lihe public
wants everything possible done to
prevent TB and will therefore sup-
ply the money for our campaign" he
Archaeologists believe that the an -
cent Egyptians either tried ;to treat
TB or to isolate cases because they
recognized its infectious nature. So
many mummies showing evidence of
TB have been found in one place
that it would indicate either a sana-
torium or an isolation centre.
In 1840 Dr. George Bodington, an
English physician, opened the first
TB hospital of which there are any
records. He believed that rest, fresh
air and plenty of good food would
benefit patients. Though five of
his patients improved, there was so
much ridicule of his views that he
had to close his hospital.
The Agricultural Society met on
Tuesday night. With James M. Scott
as chairman, Arthur Nicholson, R.
T. Bolton, J. W. Crich and F. J.
Snow, were named a committee to
bring in recommendations to the
next regular meeting of the •Seaforth
Agricultural Society on Dec. 28, on
'ways and means' of wiping out the
society's deficit and building up a
reserve for the 1955 fall fair, which
is to be the society's 110th annual
event. Invitations are to be extended
to the Perth -Huron Shorthorn Asso-
ciation and the Ontario. Hereford
Association to hold their regional
shows in conjunction with the 1955
fair. .
John. Talbot, .chairman of the pub-
lic school section, reported on re-
visions made to that section. Mr.
Talbot was given permission to have
the lists printed and these will be
distributed shortly to the schools in
the town and surrounding townships
at an early date in order that the
work can be done as part of the
curriculum 'rather than a rush job
just .before the fair.
Whether or not to retain classes
for heavy and light horses in the
1955 fair was discussed briefly with
no decision reached, although last
year's 'entries in heavy horses was
reported to be the best m years.
Some fairs I(Strathroy.for one) was
cited as deleting heavy horses
from their prize list while Ilderton
was •quoted as one society as build-
ing up their 'heavy horse classes.
The women's division of the fair
plan to have their prize list printed
early. -
A quiet wedding took place at Eg-
mondville United Church Manse on
Nov. 20th when Rev. W. E. Milroy
united in marriage Shirley Jeanette
Love and Robert Victor Milson, both.
of Kitchener, in the presence of the
immediate family. The bride is the
daughter of Mts. James E. Love and
the late Mr. Love of Tuckersmith
er son
of Mr. Ithe arrynMilsnane d other late
Mrs. Milson of Hamilton.
Given in marriage by her brother,
Douglas Love of Tuekersmith, the
bride wore a blue -gray suit with a
corsage of gold and rust baby mums.
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs.
'Arthur Meikle of Kitchener, the lat-
ter wearing a brown ensemble and a
corsage similar to the bride's. Mrs.
E. M. McLeod played the Bridal
Clnortia from Lohengrin and •also
quiet music during the signing of
the register. Following the ceremony
a wedding supper was served by Mrs.
Mansel Cook and Miss Frances Cook
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C,
Dolmage in Hullett. The newly-weds
will live in 3{itehener.
A letter to The Seaforth News,
signed by "BLED WHITE," says in
part: -
Working men, retired 1ieople and
widows shottld wake up 1 Our coun-
cil no longer represents all the rate-
payers, only Main street business.
The rest of Seaforth has no•chance
to elect even one representative not
approved by the highly organized
Main street interests. So we pay
for a Main street soWer. 'It is trine
for a change, put some retired far-
niers on the council. If you don't,
wateh the tax rate rise to 11$ mills
next year, Have a heart, council,
have mercy on those who have hard-
ly enough to exist on.
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister
10 a.m., Church School and Adult
Bible !Class.
11 a.m., Sermon, "What's the Dif.
Junior Congregation and Toddlers'
Anniversary Service at
Presbyterian Church.
81.50 a Yvnr
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The Midgets and Bantams go into
action for the first time this season
here on Saturday night against Kin-
cardine teams. The boys have been
practising hard and will give a good
account of themselves.
The teams are as follows:
Midgets— Bob McGonigle. Jack
Baker, Van Hatten, Ken
Thompson,Pete(Dale, Paul Stapleton,
ple on,
Bill Strong, Bill Roberton, Ron Ma-
son, Bruce. McFadden, Ron Scorns,
Jack Matthew Bob
W'Tl Williams. Don
Bantams: Goal, Gordon Ferris,
Brian Brady; Forwards, Bill Kerr,
Ken McClure; Doug Rowcliffe, Ray
Sc'oins, Larry Dale, Craig Willis,
Garry Ast, Jim Broadfoot, Bill Pin -
der, Robt. Elliott, Ted Lamont, Paul
McMaster, Keith Dellow, Bob Reith.
Mr. Angus Pegg, is coaching the
Bantams and Don Morton is coaching
the Midgets.
On Wednesday evening last, Nov.
17, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Broome, enter-
tained some twenty-five of their im-
mediate relatives and friends when
they celebrated their 39th wedding
anniversary, and John Pullman's
birthday. While playing euchre they
were entertained with music furnish-
ed by John Remy Storey on the
violin, Mrs. Ed. Fischer on the piano,
and Mrs. Broome on the guitar. Later
dancing was enjoyed until lunch,
alter which a toast was given to
Johnnie, who gave a very suitable
reply, Dancing was then carried on
till the small hours of the morning.
Guests attended from Stratford, At-
wood, Walton and Seaforth.
The Seaforth Women's Institute
held a successful euchre and dance
Friday evening in the -community
centre. Ladies, most games, Mrs.
John McKay; lone hands, Marion
Coutts; consolation, Iona Hugill.
Men's most games, Harold Pethick,
lone hands, Robert McLachlan; con-
solation, *Walker Hart. The lucky
lunch prize, Mrs. Sid Pullman.
The home and School Association
will hold its meeting on Tuesday,
Nov. 30th at 8 p.m, sharp, in the
public school auditorium. -It will be
a social evening of music and cards
and a presentation to the Grade 8
graduates. Lunch will be served. We
would appreciate a good turnout of
parents and friends,
Vis, ���•
17 Jewett
Expansion Bracelet
15 Jewels
Expansion Band
17 Jewels $3915
Expansion 3 VW
Si Deposit reserves any
Watch until Xmas
$25 & u p
77 Jewels
Self -Winding $
Expansion Bond
77 Jewel: $595
`Waterproof as long as crystal is intact, case unopened.
Only a competent jeweler should replace or close case.
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
„aNu„nnu a,m,aa,aaapa,an ennn,mn,n,un u,nen"nnnnno n,,,,nnn,"aaaauanw„a,m anaa,,,,ann,a, uu uunm em„nn"aanaa„nn„nna, nnnn,nn,uuau,ua,ne
On Friday night the Seaforth
Beavers re-entered the Intermediate
hockey scene, after an absence of
many years, by journeying to St,
Marys. Although the 1BEiavers lost
the game 9-6 they showed promise
of developing into a strong team.
St. Marys opened the scoring at
the 25 second mark of the first per-
iod when Fletcher sailed in to beat
Morris cleanly. St. Marys added two
more tallies before Broome passed
to McCue in front of the St. Marys
net, and McCue popped it in.
After being very disorganized in
the initial and second periods, the
Beavers came to life with a ven-
geance in the third. Trailing 8-1
.Seaforth scored four to put the
Beavers back in the game. Time was
running out and tallies by each team
ended the game.
Boyd was the high scorer for St.
Marys with 3 goals and two assists.
For Seaforth, Doig had 3 goals and
1 assist, while Broome scored twice
and set up. two others.
•ST. MARYS—Goal, Mossys; De-
fence, Herman, Innis; Centre, Noble;
Forwards. Boyd, Fletcher, Alternates
were Dinsmore, B. Ellis, Aitken,
White, D. Ellis, L. Ellis, Sager, Ney.
SEAFORTH--Goal, Morris; De-
fence, Broome, Dale; Centre, B.
Doig; Forwards, J. Muir. R. Cham-
bers. Alternates, A. Nicholson, Pegg,
B. Brown, McCue, Lane.
Scoring Summary
First Period
St. Marys -0.25 Fletcher (Noble,
St, Marys -4.45 Fletcher (Noble,
St. Marys -6.18 Dinsmore (Her-
man, Aitken)
Seaforth—S.21 McCue (Broome)
Penalties — Broome 4.50; Lane
10.10; Ney 13,51
Second Period
St. Marys -2,25 Boyd (Herman)
St. Marys --8.22 Boyd (Fletcher)
St. Marys 10.03 Dinsmore (Innis)
St. Marys --18.08 D, Ellis (White)
Penalties: Broome 1,42; Sager 3.-
15; Dale 3.50; White 19.10
Third Period
St. Marys -3.27 Noble fDunemore)
Seaforth-5,57 Broome (Lane)
.Seaforth-11.25 Doig •(Chamber's,
Seaforth-12,41 Broome (Doig,
Seaforth---15.17 '.Doig (Lane)
St. Marys -15.35 13oyd (Noble)
Seaforth-40,27 Doig '(Broome)
Penalties—Ney 5,24
The Seaforth Beavers loot their
Miss Maude Glenn of London vis-
ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Glenn and Miss 'Elizabeth Slavin.
Miss Alice 'Dougall of Toronto
visited on Saturday at the hone of
her brother Mr. and Mrs. W. It,
Mr. Wesley Richardson returned
hoem after spending a week at Man-
itoulin Island deer hunting.
Mrs. Hugh Morenz of Dashwood
visited during the past week with
her mother, Mrs. W. Coleman,
Billie Shaddick, who recently un-
derwent an operation for appendici-
tis in Clinton General Hospital was
able to return home.
Amber Rebekah Lodge Meets
The regular meeting of Amber Re-
bekah Lo4ge #349 was held .on Wed-
nesday evening with Noble Grand
Miss Mabel Whiteman in the chair.
Reports were given front the visiting
committee, also the C,P.T. fund giv-
en by Mrs, S. Rennie on the euchre
held for the Hurricane Relief Fund, a
donation to be forwarded. As usual
a donation of good clean used cloth-
ingr toys, books or games are to be
handed in by Dec. 15th to be sent
to the County Shelter for children at
Godorieh. Arrangements were made
to hold a bake sale in the lower
lodge hall on Sat„ Dec. 11th.
Mise Etta Jarrett and Miss Vera
Colbert Of Toronto week-
end at the former'sshhomethe on High-
way No, 4.
second game of the season to the
visiting Zurich sextet 5-4 after 10
minutes overtime. Jimmy Hayter
scored the winning marker at 2.43
as he broke into the clear at centre
ice and picked a corner.
The Beavers started the scoring at
the 20 second mark of the opening
period with Chambers netting the
disc. Broome made it 2-0 before B.
Hayter scored for Zurich.
In the second period Zurich scor-
ed three times to the Beavers' once
as a maze of penalties kept the ice
fairly clear. The third period was
fast with the play fairly even. The
only score came at 17.02 when Dale
slapped in a screen shot to send the
game into overtime.
The Zurich team was greatly bol-
stered by their many imports.
Zurich; Goal, Mentor; def. Mc-
Kinley, Armstrong; centre, Hess;
wings, Gignac. O'Brien; alternates,
J. Hayter, B. Hayter, Edgar, Hanley,
Colquhoun, Rawlins.
Seaforth; Goal, Morris; def.,
Broome, 'Dale; centre, Doig; wings,
J.,BIuir, Chambers; alternates, Mc-
Cue' Lane, A Nicholson, Pegg,
First Period Chambers
Seaforth 6.40 Broome (McCue)
Zurich 12.10 B. Hayter (Edgar,
Penalties: Broeine
Second Period
Zurich 5.50 Hesse (Gloat,* 0'-
Seaforth 14,50 Doig (J. MIuir)
Zurich 15.25 Hasse (O'Brien)
Zurich 18,26 Hanley (Rawlins)
Penalties: Colquhoun (.2) 'Morrie
(served by Chambers) Lane, Mcliiit-
ley, Broome.
Third Period •
Seaforth 17.02 Dale (3. Muir)
Penalties: J, Mnir (3) Gignac
(genie misconduct) Hayter, Broome,
O'Brien,Dl,L Chotu
Overtime; "Zurich 2.42 J. Hayter
Penalties: Hanley, McCue, Nichol-
roll call, Thankyou cards were re-
ceived from the nephews and nieces.
of the late Mrs. Hart.
The next meeting to be held Dec.
8th. The roll call to be answered
with a gift not exceeding 35 cents.
The treasurer's report read as fol-
lows; Net proceeds of bazaar $183.-
92; bank balance $488.97.
Committee appointed f Oddfel-
lows banquet; Mrs. Louis Taylor,
Mrs. Harold Dowson, Mrs. Clarence
Stephenson, Mrs. Gordon Johnston,
Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. Cecil Dowson, Mrs.
Gladys Coleman, Mrs. Stevens and
Mrs. Lee McConnell
Mrs. John McAsh and Miss Ra-
chael Johnston gavefine reports of
the W. A. Convention. Mrs, Anson
Coleman moved a hearty vote of
thanks to our hostess., Mrs. Reid.
Hymn 388 was sung and the meeting
closed with prayer by the President.
Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto -
spent the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. W. F. McMillan, and MMB: Jes-
sie Finlayson of Lorne Park with her
mother, Mrs. Jas. Fieltyeon.
Mrs. David Stephemm n and Mr.
and Mrs. Peree Johnston visited on
Sunday with 11r• and Mr?. Howard
Wylie of Wroxeter and Mr. and Mrs.
T. Metcalf. of Turnberry.
The ladies of the W.A. and WMS.
feet at the home of Mrs. Fred Reid,
Clinton, on Nov. 18, for a pot -luck
dinner at 12 noon. After an enjoy-
able dinner and social hour the la-
dies retired to the livingroon where
the WMS. and W.A. meetings were
held. The devotional period was con-
ducted by the WMS. The W.A. busi-
ness period followed with the Presi-
dent, Mrs. Louis Taylor presiding.
Secretary's report was read and
adopted, Thirty-four answered the
The W.A.. and WMS meeting of.
Caren Church will he he'd' Wed, Dee.
1 at 2. peel in the • ht t ,•h. Will ell se-
cretaries ple.;e have reports ready
fon this meeting.
On Nov. 22nd, S.S, No. 2 Farm
Porion met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Storey. Topics for discus-
sion: Different Types of Insurance
most beneficial to farmers, Fire, Au-
tomobile, Wind, Medical and Hos-
pital, Farm Liability. Do you consid-
er that the average farm family car-
vire adequate insurance? Answer:
The average farm family does carry
adequate insurance ,according to
Omit' financial income, After the
discussion period a social time was
spent in games. Winners as follows:
Ladies, Mrs, Walter McClure, Mrs.
Nelson McClure, Mr's. ]tobt. McMiI-
lan, Men: eSain McClure, Walter
Scott, Wayne Dolmage.
The next meeting will be held at
home of Mrs. Geo, 'Deviance, and
will be Review and Collection night.
Lunch was served to an attendance
of 88.