HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-11-18, Page 8S E OUR In SHOWING OF Ar NEW LOW PRICES By Special Arrangement with 'one of Canada's leading makers of Luxury Fur Coats, we are proud to present this lovely showing of finer furs. Included in the group are first quality Persian Lambs_ in shorty, three quarter and full length. styles - Hudson Seals, best quality muskrat backs in all styles, as well as grey Kids. Choose your Better Grade FUR COAT AT TIHESE NEW LOW PRICES Full Length Persian Lamb 435.00 Full Length Persian Lamb 350.00 Black Persian Jacket 275.00 Full Length Muskrat Coat 250.00 % Length Muskrat Coat 225.00 Muskrat Jacket 165.00 Full Length Muskrat Coat 200.00 Muskrat Cape -Coat 129.00 First Quality Hudson Seal 377.00 Length Grey Kid 199.00 All are fully guaranteed by art Bros. LISSIIIIMMEIRRFIRRIIRIEMSOKRIRIZM ZURICH FLYERS us SEAFORTH BEAVERS Tues ssmosolezzum ay, Nov. 23rd AT 8.30 P.M. SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE • O. IT. A. junior B HOCKEY SEAFORTH ARENA SARNIA AT SEAFORTH SAT., NOV. 20 9 P.M. Adults 50c. Children 25c SEE YOUR JUNIORS GO THEY'RE GOOD BAZAAR AND HOME BAKING SALE At St. Andrew's United Church Kippen SAT., NOV, 20 - 3 to 5 P.M. Booths will eensis;t. oi' Dome Baking. Baby Articles, Fancy Work. Touch & 1';lina 1'rnrbi,,. candy - Fish fond Via will be served SARNIA WEDDING The following is from the Sarnia Observer: Pearl and rhinestone earrings worn by her mother and grandmother before her were the only jewellery Women's Institute Euchre and Dance on Friday, Nov. 19 ' ,In Community Centre, Seaforth Euchre at 8.30 sharp Murdoch Orchestra Admission 50c per person Ladies please bring sandwiches Coining Events at COMMUNITY CENT E FRIDAY, NOV. 19 Skating 8.10 P,M. Institute Euchre & Dance SATURDAY, NOV. 20 Skating P.M. Junior O.H.A.• Sarnia vs Seaforth TUESDAY, NOV. 23 Int. WOAA - Zurich vs Seaforth Beavers WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24 Skating 8 - 10 P.M, waroaroatkasramsranaarsra The 4-H Club Leaders Association of Huron County are holding a Social Evening in Seaforth District High School.. FRIDAY, NOV. 26 at 8 P.M. Harold Baker will show slides on his trip to Europe A DANCE WILL FOLLOW Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody Welcome TURKEY BINGO Dublin Parish Hall TUESDAY, NOV. ,30 EVERYONE WELCOME adorning Evelyn Florence McPhee for her wedding on Nov. 6 to David Charles Chester in Paterson Memor- ial Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ethel' McPhee of Seaforth, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Chester and the late John Chester. The Rev. D. G. Seaton officiated at the double - ring ceremony while Mrs. W. S. Eyre provided the traditional wed- ding music. The church was decorated with baskets of white 'mums, palms and ferns and the bride's •brother, Floyd McPhee,' escorted her to the altar. She wore a full-length gown of nylon tulle and lace over satin. The tulle overskirt was tiered at the back of the bouffant skirt and the fitted lace bodice was fashioned with a .high round stand-up collar and long lily - point sleeves. A headdress studded with rhinestones and seed pearls framed her face and secured the brief veil of illusion. She carried red roses and white stephanotis, The bride's three sisters attended her. As matron of honor Mrs. Ray Everingham was gowned in waltz- length royal purple velveteen styled on princess lines with a scooped out neckline and bouffant skirt. She wore a matching bandeau and a tiny veil, The bridesmaids, Miss Shirley McPhee of London and Miss Marilyn McPhee of Seaforth wore identical gllwns of peacock .green and French blue respectively. All wore pink gloves and small pink earrings and carried pink rosettes and white pours. Miss Carla Jean Everingham, the bride's niece, was in pink nylon trim- med with white lace on the collar and cuffs and a bouffant skirt over crin- olines. She wore a wreath of pink rosette, and .white poles and carried a tiny nosegay of matching blossoms, Thomas Moore of Toronto w a s groomsman and ushers were Robert Durand and Ronald St. Pierre. Solo- ist }Toward Ross sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because" At a reception at Sarnia Riding Club guests were received by the bridal party at a fireplace decked with chrysanthemums, The bride's mother wore dusty rose with black accents and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother was in purple with touches of mauve and gold ac- cessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. At the bride's table the all -white three tiered wedding cake was top- ped by a 'miniature bride and groom and banked with pink tulle caught by small white flowers. The wedding bouquets and white tapers completed the decor. The couple left on a wedding trip to Tennessee and New York, the bride wearing a light beige three- piece suit trimmed with brown fur, a beige hat, brown accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester will live at 537 North Christina street. Out-of-town guests at the .wedding were from Windsor, Detroit Hamil- ton, Toronto, Dansville, Michigan, and Owen Sound. ,Sliver white wedding bells swayed xT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE PEAMEAL COTTAO.EROLLS & SMOKED PICNIC DAMS . , .. , 49c its DELMAR MARGARINE. • .. . , .. 2 lb 570 AYLMER TOMATO KETCHUP, 11 oz. , .. 2 for, ,45c ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES , .. , 16 oz. 31c CHOCOLATE MARSFIIVMALLOW COOKIElS , 1 Ib 35c REDPATH ICING SUGAR . .. . . . . ............ 2 ib 23c RED ROSE RED LABEL TEA % ib 49c AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS . , ........ 2 lb 390 WAGSTAFFE MARMALADE 24 oz. 310 (Orange & Grapefruit) CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY General Meeting Chamber of Commerce Town Hall TUESDAY, Nov. 23, 8 p.m. EVERYONE INVITED BAZAAR In the Walton Hall SATURDAY, NOV. 27 Sponsored by the Anglican Guild Aprons, Fancy Work, Candy and Home Baking Opens at 2.30 P.M. over a table decorated with pink car- nations, white 'mums and pink snap- dragons at a trousseau tea for Miss Evelyn Florence McPhee given by her sister, Mrs. Ray Everingham. A silver tea service and white tapers completed the table decor and stream- ers and flowers `throughout the rooms carried out the pink and white color motif. The bride -elect and host- ess received the '70 guests and Mrs. Wesley McPhee, Miss McPhee's aunt, presided at the tea table. Mrs. Brock Loughead exhibited the trousseau, Miss Doreen Boyd the shower gifts and Mrs. Leonard Carter the wedding presents. Assisting in the tea room and mingling with the guests were Miss 'Shirley McPhee, Mrs. A. Mac- Arthur, Mrs. Ray Levatk and Mrs. J. Brunton. The Voice Of Temperance What, No Jail? No, seventy-eight thousand people live together happily and practically crime free. Their system of Public Schools is almost perfect. Every child of ten can read. There are seminaries, and colleges, newspapers and publishing establishments. But there is not a single jail or peniten- tiary or court, and only one police- man. The place? The island called Iceland, a sovereign state since 1918. Formerly it was ruled in Denmark. Two other facts about this remark- able island are very significant. No beverage alcohol is permitted to be imported. All are total abstainersl- Advt. TO RENT Three roomed heated apartment with bath. Enquire at News Office FOR SALE Eight good York chunks. Apply to THOMAS BURNS, Mitchell 11114 FOR SALE Nine pigs 7 weeks old. Apply to LESLIE 530LTON, R111 Walton. Phone843r13Seaforth NOTICE Do not buy new .sewing machine. Let me see your old machine. First class repair. Pho$e 75 Seaforth CHIMNEYS REPAIRED ' If You have any trouble with your fireplace or chimney, just call 76 Seaforth., Two rattle. 1 Ayrshire cow from lot 19, con. 14, MeiCillop • 1 red heifer, 750 lbs. mark in ear, frgqm lot 21, con. 4, McKillop. Notify DOUG DALTON, phone 484, Brussels, or CARL DALTON, phone 4811 Seaforth FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bull 14 months old. STEVE MIURRAY, 45r8 Dublin FOR SALE 3 Collie pups. Phone 881r11. E. J. 131913E11 - MANN WANTED Old hogs wanted, highest prices paid. Also horses and pigs of all sines bought and sold. HARVEY McILWAIN, phone 112, Seaforth NOTICE Have lets of fill and lane gravel, also cement grsvel. H. McILWAIN,.phone 112 WANTED 'track driver for London trip. Apply -to JOHN REGIER TO RENT Half of double house on Jarvis street, 7 rooms, available Dec. 1st. Phone 4411 Seaforth NOTICE Custom chain untying, reasonable, by the hour. LYLE MONTGOMERY, 10I11 Clinton. Phone 841181 Seaforth FOR SALE Seven Hereford and Durham calves about .100 lbs. Also ono Iler'eford holstein one week old. IIUGII BENNINRGER, Dublin Heavy Aluminum RegalS SAcreme Weteriess Cookware, 17 pieces, Never used. Phone Sea- forth fnrth 842-23 Two tight house aO piiooa booms, Suitable for couple, or roomers. Apply to 'Phe News - Apartment in L menccllvtile. Aluly to AL- BERT PEPPER, Phone ORpp640r24 1 pr. Boys skates ees lue 1a black. 1 pr. La- dies skates size. 8, white. Both path in good condition. Phone 6811 FOR SALE 2 ten H.P. motors 60 cycle, English make. 2 Donkey Brakes for tow. Inspection phone 30 Seaforth TO RENT Apartment on North Main street, immediate possession; 6 rooms and separate bathroom, HARVEY MCILWAIN, phone 112 ELECTRIC FEED COOKERS FOR LIVESTOCK 8 MODELS, 10, 20 and 80 gallon enormity These cookers will cook beans, turnips ()rain, eta. Come and the one in operation For further particulars contact MERVIN GODKIN .: WALTON Phone 848r82 CARD OF THANKS I want to thank the friends and neighbors for their assistance in the sire at MY farm. •-LILY AND DIRK WCLTERBEEK I. would like to thank all the kind friends who sent me flowers, cards, letters and gifts, also the kind attention shown by the nurses ,sand doctors, also Rev. G. Campbell, Rev. J. Stinson and Rev. H. E. Livingstone for their visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Everything was very much appreciated. MRS, ROBERT CAMPBELL I wish to express my sincerest thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for sande, treats and visits. Also to express my appreci- ation to Dr. Stapleton, Dr. Munn and the nurses for their care and kindness while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital -PATRIOK RYAN Mrs. Percy Little wishes to express her sincere thanks to all those who so kindly re- membered her while a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospital I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my' friends, relatives and neighbors who re- membered me with cards and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Also the nursing staff of the hospital and the doctors of the Seaforth Clinic and Dr. Munn. A spec- ial thank you to all our kind neighbors and friends who helped with our plowing and other fall work since I have been laid up JOHN H. OLDF1ELD FOR SALE House and Property, approximately one acre of land, situated corner of Jarvis and Huron sts. Small barn, ideal for keeping small stock or chickens. Reasonably priced. Early posses- sion. E. ALBRECHT, Seaforth. Phone 7111 TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 0 of the Voters Lists Act, and 1 have posted up in my office, in McKillop, on the 16th day of November, 1964, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipal- ity for members of parliament and municipal elections, and -that suchlist remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 29th day of Novem- ber, 1964 JOHN M. ECKERT, Clerk of the Township of McKillop Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the Voters List, 1964 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section ,n of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tucker- smith uckersmith on the 12th day of November, 1969, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call uponall voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 26th day of Nov- ember, 1064 Dated this 12th day of November, 1954 E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk TOWN OF SEAFORTH . Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the • Voters List Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List; Act and that I have posted up at my office at Sea- forth on the 9th day of November, 1964, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 26th day of Nov- ember, 1959. Dated this 6th day of November, 1954 1). H. WILSON, Clerk Town of Seaforth COURT OP REVISION The Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of 1069 for the Town of Seaforth, will meet in the town hall at 8 P.M. on Thursday, Nov. 256. ' D. II. WILSON, Clerk BE YOUR OWN BOSS! WANTED hee first step towards a money -making business of your own that you can increase as the months toll be. Sell in your surroundings our 2611 household 'necessities. Interesting commission, specials with free products monthly. Write now to FAMILi1X, 10110 Delo•imier, Dept. C. Montreal NOVEMBER MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The November Session of Huron County Connell will be hall in Court House, Goderich, commencing at 2 P.M., Monday, November 22nd. 1064. All accounts, or notices of deput- ations must be in the hands of the County Clerk, not later than Friday, November 191b, 1954. A. I0. ERSICINE, Huron County Clerk, Goderich, On (Arlo RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexponsive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House. phone 81710, Seaforth SEAI701111l CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 22M Will repair your buildings before winter at reasonable prices Also new buildings, gar- ages, patiospro,ducts verandahs, etc. In stock --Col- ored flatstone, bricks, blocks, tile, and other concrete TO RENT 5 room cottage with basement, nice lawn and garden, house furnished, 8 piece bath, hot and cold water on tap, heavy fluty wiring, new floor iinaleums and oil heaters; nicely decor- ated inside and oat; 5115;7010d on new highway 8 between Clinton anti Seaforth. Only good tenants with small family need apply; or would make an Ideal home for retired couple. Sae JONATHAN IITJOILL, phone 0671:13 Sen Forth, or O10rI8 Clinton eseasesesessseas - Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'l'1119 SMMAli'OII'rII NEWS' 'l'liurtiday, NOVonlh1i' 18, 1854 BOX unrrat . ''" "'1 stn, AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasion Phones: Day 43 Night 096 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, R.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 2-W SeatorAh • SEAFORTH CLINIC' 51. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 pm, daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance Ore desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNI31.7LL, D.V.M,, V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth House-Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 6,80 Saturday to 0 PM. Wed. RAM to 12.30 PM QIInton-McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 3,10 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE- SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, 2. H. McEwing Blyth,; Vice -Plea.. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manage* and Sec.-Treas., . M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors -T. L. Malone, Seaforth: J. E. MoEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefeld: 0. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Puller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Ir., Londeaboro; 2. IP.. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST, SEA•FORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect, ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies INSURANCE • Flre • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTE Phone 834 Res. 22211 aset *'blue c'®al' 71)0 SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVV Ia AND, FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND, SERVICE New Viking electric cream .separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone Clinton 634 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-79, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. AND FUEL . OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w i FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, withoutcharge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch. Feeds Limited Phone 16 or 876, Seaforth (IJSBORNE & IIIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm.. A. Hamilton, Oromerty Vice -President Martin Feeney, 11102 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhnun, MU Science Hill Milton McCurdy, 11R1 Kirkton Alex J. Rohde, 11133 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR]. Woodham Clayton Harris, 11111 Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secrote'ny-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter OWL =IMMO For Sale For sale or "rent, brick residence, with all modern conveniences, well located, immediate possession Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8 piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and almost immediate posses- sion. Erick dwellingvery centrally loc- ated. Goderich St. West. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. $3,200. One and a half and one atoms frame dwelling with full. basement, Godoricll. St West, Possession arranged. 53,900. Asphalt covered dwelling en Victoria Street, 51,500 cash, balance arranged. Posses - ion Nov. 181. Brick dwelling, Goderich St. East, beautl- Rfu.ilyBellocl)a• ted. (former residence of late Mrs. IVI. A. RrEiD Seaforth