HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-11-04, Page 2Three day dal THURS. FRI SAT., OCT. 28 29 30 W. R. Johnston Made - To - Measure SUITS 2o% DISCOUNT W. R, Johnston tailored suits are famed for value and styling at regular prices. - Now they're a super bargain with this big 20% discount. Choose from hundreds of fine English and domes- tic worsteds, serges, fine flannel worsteds, pick and picks and tweeds—in every new popular shade. Individually cut to your measurements, and fully guaranteed for fit, wear and workmanship. 55.00 Suits for 44.00 59.50 Suits for 47.60 69.50 Suits for 55m For Two Piece Suit Ladies' Tailored! !Suits Ladies! Order your fall tailored suit now at these low discount prices. - Come to the "Men's Dept." and look over the big range, today Regular 57.50 REG. 65.00 REG. 69,50 46.00 52.00 55.60 art ALSO REDUCED 0 ros. 0 District Bible Society Service Northside United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 - 7 p.m. The Representative, REV. W. H. MOORE, will preach He will show the sound motion film "45 TIOGA ST." WINTHROP The W. A. and WMS. meeting of Cavan Church will be held on Nov. 4 at 2 p.m. in the church. The roll call .. SPECIALS - .. PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS . , , , ... , 490 lb BURNS STORK , , ,, , , , , , , ,, , , , ,,,, , , , 12 oz. Tins $90 DELMAR MARGARINE 2 lb for 550 UNIVERSAL RED SOCKEYE SALMON .. , .... , , 35c Tin 7% oz. till NABISCO SHREDDED WHI IAT ..... , ... ,. , , , 2 for 32c GIANT TIDE , , , 1 . , , , , .65c KLEENEX (Regular Size) ... , . , 2 for 39c CANADIAN BEAUTY PASTRY FLOUR '7 lb bag 39c CLARKS PORK & BEANS, 20 oz, tin 2 for 33c LARGE SIZE BATH TOWELS 59c each CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY 1111111, 111111 11 I 1 1 1 111,111 1 uuunnuuuunnnuuunuuq,nuulnnuuul „1,1„ 111,111, lulnnunl umy will be a donation of any new article of childrens' clothing, or yarn, need- les, thread etc. Anyone having sec- ond hand clothing to spare please A RARE MUSICAL TREAT ! THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 40 voice 111111111111111 MA E CH RUS will sing at NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, NOV. 5TH - 8.15 ASSISTED BY MR. RUSSELL PAYNE TALENTED MARIMBIST AUSPICES NORTHSIDE UNITED CHOIR CHILDREN 50c ADULTS 1,00 11111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111131111111111111111m 1111111111111111/11111111111111m11111e EY SUPPER COUNTRY STYTar, ALL 'YOU CAN EAT WED., NOV. 10th From 5.30 P.M. Egmondville United Church ADMISSION $1.50 Children of Public School Age' and under, 75c bring to this meeting for the bale, The members of the Baby Baud and their mothers are especially in- vited to attend this meeting., KIPPEN Two teen agers were admitted to Victoria Hospital an Saturday night with serious injuries, the result of an accident 3 miles south of Hensen on highway 4. Miss Elaine Bell, 16, student at South Huron District High School, Exeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Bell, Kippen, suffered chest and head injuries and dislocat- ed hip. Irvin Ford, R.11.1, Exeter, suffered a fractured ankle, face and head injuries. The accident happen- ed when a pick-up truck driven by Ford went into the ditch and struck a tree. Two ambulances took injured to hospital. Dr. J. C. Goddard of Hen- sall attended at the scene. P. C. Cecil Gibbons investigated, truck com- pletely demolished. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Queren- gesser, David and Jimmy of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz, Maur- een and Winnifred of Guelph visit- ed Mrs. Louise Hinz and other rela- tives on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks and Al- vin spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Worsnup and Jerry, Mr, Gordon McKee and Mr, Roy Miller of Dunnville with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Master Kenneth Elligson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligson was the lucky winner of a Television set, The draw was sponsored by the Monkton Fair Board. Mr. Henry Rock underwent an op- eration on a toe at Scott Memorial Hospital, •Seaforth, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe attended the Byers-Wettig wedding in Kitchener on Saturday and on Sunday attended the baptism of the former's grandson, Douglas Clifford Watson in Exeter, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson. Two bouquets of white baby mums adorned the altar of St. Peters Lutheran Church at the Sunday morning service in memory of Fred Elligson who passed away 10 years ago, Oct. 24. They were placed there by his wife and family. Miss Helen Goerz of Kitchener with Rev. and Mrs. Walter Becker. Films will be -shown at the school on Friday evening. Master Clare French received first prize in the whistling contest held at Monkton on Thursday. On Friday evening a large crowd attended a shower for Mr. and Mrs. CARD OF T i.4.NKS Mrs. Wm. Morris and family wieh to thank naighborn, frjen,'a and relatives for the Mass cards, floral ter utas, sympathy end help zx, calved during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Father Weber, Dr, Staple. ton, anti Dr. Munn, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for flow„ ors, cards and treats daring my stay in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, and Scott Memo:' ial Hospital, Seaforth. —Mrs, Maly Phillips. 0 SOMIIPERIVISUMM NO. IN A SERIES ... YOUR HYDRO ,AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS YOUR HYDR ,..Lighting the way Adequate, reliable, street lighting, made possible by low-cost Hydro electricity, is one of the great benefits of modern living. Automatic traffic lights speed and inte- grate the flow of traffic ... help prevent accidents ... protect pedestrians. Street lights safeguard the citizens of a community in other ways too ... Brightly illuminated streets are an important fac- tor in reducing crime. Thanks to a dependable suppy of elec- tricity, provided by Ontario Hydro and your local municipality, the streets of our Province are better lighted than ever before. Another example of .. . ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. For Sale Plowing Match Demonstrator, new, 24 x 40 Bell Imperial Thresher; substantial discount for immediate sale. We are also taking orders on new machines for dells ery next year at a reduced price, ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD. Seaferth, Ont, FOR SALE Two -room furnished frame cottage, insu- lated, 10 Dublin. Apply CARL BREHM, Dub- lin, FOR SALE Dressed capons. Orders delivered Nov 6, Phone 860 r 32, Seaforth. WILLIAM pOL- MAGA, FOR SALE Kitchen range, white enamel, for coal or wood, lust used 1 month, reasonable, Apply The Sb,AFORTII NEWS, Registered Shorthornso'nS bull, Oakbrook Ran- sem, ansem, 4 years old. (Robert W. Campbell breed). PETER J. HIOKNELL, RA/. 5, SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 04 r 11, Dublin, FOR SALE Used Essetaue gee range, used washers, 011 at bargain prices, BOX FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE 2 Dnrhmn cows, due in Mara FRED Cl1APPLE, 651 r 23, SEAFORTkI, BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF With our agency consisting of 250 guaran- teed products including cosmetics, tonics, vit- amins, spices, culinary extracts, floor polish, wintle.brlte, farm products. Territory open in your district. FAMILEX,.Dept. 4, Montreal 24 FOR SALE, 5 -piece chrome kitchen set, i,vingraom suite, including hostess chair, 2 lamps, coffee table, and table, 8 -piece bed suite. Phone 245W, Sea, forth. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, Oet. 28, 1954 NOTICE You have tried the rest, now try the best., Circular sawing and two-man chain saw available practically any time. Also large quan- tity of wood for sale. Three Quebec heater stoves. A number of pigs. Phone 6511 Sea - forth, J. R. BURNS HELP WANTED BOOKIO]EPER — Male or female interest- ed in earning extra money during your spare time, evenings, week -ends, etc, Excellent remuneration. APPLY—Box H, The Seaforth News, stat- ing full particulars in first letter. CUSTOM SEED CLEANING Clovers and timothy, 2 blocks west of creamery, north side. LOUIS LECHNER, Phone 298. Boys standardFCQCRM VtcycLleE , in very good condition, with large light, generator, horn, reflector and parcel carrier. Phone 070r2 FOR SALE 2 purebred Tamworth boars ready for ser- vice, from show stock, priced to sell. FRAN- CIS COLEMAN 2-R. Prone 838r22 Seaforth TO RENT Apartment, immediate possession. Five rooms and private bathroom. Apply to HARVEY McILWA1N, phone 112. Seaforth HOUSE FOR SALE Frame 7 -room house, on East William St., oil furnace, 3 -piece bath, insulated, lull base- ment, HAROLD JAOKSON, Seaforth COMING EVENT • Staffs. United hure Ladies are holding their annual basaar and afternoon tea in the township hall on Friday afternoon, Nov, 12 STRAYED Eight cattle to Lot 29, Con, 9, Tuckeramtth, Owner please identify cattle and pay expenses. Or phone 066r11 Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale OF FULLY ACCREDITED REG. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE, PIGS, HORSES AND FARM MACHINERY at Lot 18, 'Con. 5, Mor- rie Twp., 134 north and 8 miles west of Brussels on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd at 12.30 p.m, HORSES -2 Clyde geldings 1500 lbs. ; 1 Clyde mare 9 years old. Harness—Set of back band harness, number of horse collars. PIGS -8 pigs 100 lbs; 12 pigs 8 weeks old; 1 Yorkshire sow rebred. CATTLE -1 Durham cow due time of sale; 2 Durham cows due in March; 1 blue cow clue in March; 1 black cow due in March. 4 Polled Angus steers 700 lbs.; 2 grade Angus heifers 700 lbs; 7 grade Angus spring and winter calves. POULTRY -175 Barred Rock pullets, 7 months old. Bray breed. MACHINERY -7 -ft. M -H binder; 13 disc M-hI fertilizer drill; M -H manure spreader (like new) ; Push bar hay loader. 2 years old; Frost & Wood mower (good) ; Minneap- olis side rake (new); Spring tooth cultivator; Diamond barrows; 8 -drum steel roller; walk- ing plow; riding plow; Rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat rack (now) ; fanning mill. Set of farm sleighs; buggy; cutter; 1000 lbs. scales; cream separator; wagon box ; turnip drill; forks, chains whipplo trees and other articles; 20 cedar posts. HAY AND GRAIN -40 ton of mixed hay; 2000 bus. of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Quantity of household effects. • REG. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE consist- ing of Herd Sire and twelve Cows; also calves. For complete list see sale bills. TERMS—Cash THOMAS ELLIS, Proprietor ROBERT JOHNSTON, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Lorne Wolfe (Phyllis Soper) newly- weds, held in Mitchell Town hall. Mr. Ian McPherson read an address prepared b'y Mrs. Fred Hubert and Mr. Kenneth Riebl presented the bride and groom with a purse of money and other individual gifts. The evening was spent in dancing to the music of Don Worsnup, Gor- don McKee and Roy Mellis of Dunn- ville. Lunch was served, A going -away party was sponsored by Blyth friends of AC2 Ray Beuer- mann, RCAF, at Blyth on Wednes- day evening at which relatives, friends and neighbors from here al- so attended. Ray leaves for Parent, Quebec, early in November after a 30 day leave. He was presented with a purse of money. The evening was spent in dancing. Refreshments were served. Mr. Roseville Bourgon, Waterloo Seminary, and Miss Joan Schultz of Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. John Arbuckle. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pruess, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rhody and children of Elmwood, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ford and Wayne of London- and Miss ,Gwen Rock, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. Mr. Rudolph Franeck has taken a position at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Matthies and Bob, and Miss Barbara Knight of Tavistock, 'Mrs. Art Newmaster and Wendy with Mr. and Mr's. Chris and Ross Leonhardt. Mr, Aug. Hillebl'echt spent a few days In Hamilton with his daughter, Mrs. John Mueller and Mr, Mueller, Rev. W. Becker and members of the Luther League attended a Luth- er 'League Rally ab Gadshill Luther- an Church on Sunday. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stansell and family of Aylmer, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, McFadden. Miss 'Barbara Jordan, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Jordan., Mrs. W. TCinkhamer, Detroit, Mich., returned to her home after holidaying with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Sills. BOX Euitura1 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers tor all occasions Phones: Dap 43 Night 595 W Watson & Reid. INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates 111 Inirstdlass Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability. etc. Complete Coverages W. E- Southgate Successor to B, C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 384 Iles. 222R WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE New Viking eleotria cream separators anal repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone Clinton 684 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain scaled envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail. Order Dept, T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them, analyzed. Call. Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth Red Rock andFIOR Red Sussex gullets, ready for range, pricedfor quick sale. W. C. HEND- BRSON. phone 6832, Seaforth Old hooses 3c WANTED per #k„ dead cattle and horses at value. Important ,ff..00 phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS. MINI8 RANCH. Goderieb. Phone collect 986:82 or 986:21 FOR SALE English York boars, ready for light service, GORDON MILLER, Lot 8, Con..11, Manlier') About 80 pulleetsRRed x SALE ssex, 6 months old. Phone 848r2. STANLEY HILLEN FOR SALE Small oil space heater, reasonable. KEN MOORE, phone 647r31 Seaforth FOR SALE 15 good young York pigs. JACK McIVER, St, Columban. Phone Dublin 22:21 TO RENT 5 room cottage with basement, nice lawn anand cold water on tap. heavy duty piece ng anew floor linoleums and oil heaters; nicely decor- ated inside and out; situated on new highway 8 between Clinton and Seaforth. Only good tenants with small family need apply; or would make an ideal home for retired couple. See JONATHAN HUGILL, phone 667r1$ Sea - forth, or 616:18 Clinton NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS D. WREN All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas D. Wren, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Municipal Olerk, deceased, who died on the 9th day of October, 1954, aro hereby notified to send in full particulars of their elaims to the under- signed on or before the 20th day of November, 1964, after which date the assets will be dig.• tributed, having regard only to chime then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of Oc- tober, o-tober, 1954. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Senforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. NOTICE Paperhanging, painting (brush or spray). Exterior or interior decorating. See our 1965 wallpaper designs. DOUG DALTON, Phone Brussels 48r9 ; Seaforth 4814. FOR SALE Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age, and also a 12 -gauge repeating -shotgun. STEWART DALE, 8471.21. Soaforth. FOR SALE Lot 10, concession 14, McKillop township, 87%% aures of good workable soil, excellent water supply, buildings in good repair, large barn with cement stabling and water through- out, also litter carrier. Modern 10 -room brick house with pressure system, hot and cold water, also 0 -piece bath downstairs and toilet upstairs, built-in cupboards. Good hen house, steel shad, double car garage, hydro throughout. PACO 612,000, terms reasonable. Apply to MRS. MABEL MCNICHOL, Phone 1002, Seaforth, or Mr. Jack Bosman (843r6, Seaforth), Walton, Ont. O Good brick farm house without bytlre but with propane connected; hen Ileum available, 0 miles southeast of Seaforth. HAROLD COLEMAN, phone 653r25 RADIO REPAIRS Quick. inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all hinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR..Opposite Dick House, phone 047R. Seaforth R Will be inPSeea oritOli NoveUNmber 1st, 1954, last trip this eeneon. Phone your order to Mrs.. Collins, Music 'reacher, phone 6071/12 SEArORTR CONCRETE P1tonUC'rs PHONE 22M Will repair your buildings before winter at reasonable prices. Also now buildings, gar- ages, patios, verandahs, eta In stock—Col- ored fiatetono, bricks, blocks, tile, and other concrete products• _. Township of Tuokersmith COUNT OP REVISION Township of Tuckeramith Court of Revi- sion on the 1956- Assessment Roll will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Nov. 2nd, 1064 at 2 p.m. Interested parties - should govern them- solveo accordingly. E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP, COURT OF REVISION The Connell of the Township of Mci{inap will meet no a Court of Revision on the As- oessment of 1561-86, at Carnegie Hall,Sea. forth, on Mominy, Nov. 1, 1054, at 10 A.M. Partied interested ehonld govern titemseices accordingly. J. M. EOKERT, Clerk, MelfilIop.