HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-10-21, Page 8BARGAIN DAYS SPECIALS. THURS. FRI. SAT. OCT.. 21 .- 22 23 MEN'S QUILT LINED STORM COATS VALFES TO 17.115 BARGAIN DAYS 13.00 LUCKY 13 FOR YOU! ON THIS BIG STORM COAT SALE 50 Values to 1.75 Ready -To -Wear COTTON BRASSIERES Suits VALUES TO 49.50 BARGAIN DAYS 2830 SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES WIDE RANGE OF SHADES AND PATTERNS MOSTLY ONE OF A KIND TO CLEAR SIZES 36 TO 42 YOURS FOR ONLY 28.50 • Big Sale Values IN THE MEN'S DEPT. BOYS DOESKIN PLAID SHIRTS 1.98 MEN'S PLAID DOESKIN SHIRTS 2.65 HEAVY 3'E LB. WORK SOX 1.00 NYLON REINFORCED MEN'S SILK LINED JACKETS y(1 00 Values to 15.95 110 FAMOUS MAKE I Formerly 12.95 8 95 ALL NYLON SHIRTS MEN'S FINE SOX TO CLEAR 1.00 1.00 TIE SALE, values to 2.00 Sizes 32 to 38 To Clear at each 75c Fine Quality COTTON GLASS TOWELS Colored Stripes 17" x 30" size 29cVery special each 15 Denier, First Quality ORIENT NYLON HOSE Evening Sheer New Fall. Shades Sale Price FLANNELETTE SALE 36" width, reg. 65c value Floral & Stripe Designs Mill Ends at yard 5.95 Value CURTAINS White or Colored Fine Quality Nets 195 To clear at PAIR WABASSO SHEETS Household Quality ■ Size 81" x 100" 6 9 5 Very Special PAIR Manufacturers Samples NEW FALL SKIRTS All New Styles Values to 12.00 Big Assortment .95 ... ALL OTHER ITEMS AT 10%... . DISC°OUNT GET YOUR LUCKY CUSTOMER TICKETS FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND BORN COLLINS - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, a eon LEEMING-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on October 14, to Mr. and Mrs. William Leeming, Walton, a son O'ROURKE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Rourke, Dublin, a daughter McGRATH-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGrath, Dublin, a daughter H ENSALL Bride and Groom 'Honored A large number of relatives and friends gathered in the Town hall, Hensall, on Wednesday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett on their recent marriage. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Desjardine's Orchestra. During the evening the bride and groom were presented with r. w .SPECIALS - BOSTON BUTTS 45c a 1b. REDBIRD MATCHES 3 for 250 WHITB SWAN TOILET TISSUE , , 2 for 23c CAMPBELL'S TOI'MTO SOUP . , .. , . , 2 for 25c McOORMICK'S SODAS . ....... . . . . . ... . 1 ib, box 31c GOLDEN BAR CHEESE 3 pkg. 27c FIRST GRADE BUTTER 1 1b. 59c IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS .. , , $5.29 pr. ALPINE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $4.89 pr. MIN'S ALL WOOL 3 LB. WORK SOCKS 99c pr, MEN'S MINER & GUTTA PERCHA RUBBER BOOTS , . , ... , ... 1O% on' CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY ..01311 /1))/1 AT Stevens Cash Grocery ,„,tape' . Ft) 3,tt37 Holly Golden Corn Kernais 6 for $1 Holly Peas, 15 oz. 6 for $1 Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 12 oz. 4 for $1 Universal Sockeye Salmon,2,s 3 for $1 Westotss Chocolate or White Cake Mixes 3 for $1 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Phone 443 hreo delivery but on C. 0, D. basis CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin and family of Dahlin wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym- pathy shown to them during their resent sad bereavement. Also those who sent Mass Cards and loaned tars, the pallbearers and those who paid tribute in any way to the loss of their dearly beloved Ursula. FOR SALE Leghorn and ek pullets, 51_ months old. Apply to BOYD DRISCOLL, fhone Sea - forth 0420.2. FOR SALE Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age, and also a 12 -gauge repeating shotgun. STEWART DALE, 847r21, Senforth, FOR SALE Six dining room chairs and extension table. Apply to MRS. ALEX. MacDONALD, Centre street, Seaforth. Thirty Red -Rook pull ttsLEApril hatched. Price 31. LEONARD LEERING, Phone 831r 12, Seaforth. NOTICE Paperhanging, painting (brush or spray). Exterior or interior decorating. See our 1966 wallpaper designs. DOUG DALTON, Phone Brussels 48r9; Seaforth 481-J. a chesterfield suite. The accompany- ing address was read by Mr. Lloyd Mousseau. Lunch was Served. Sixteen York FOR SALE Also a nice Durham heifer ecalf.ksCHAof RIL,ES STE- WART, phone 8281.3 Clinton FOR A purebred Leicester ram lamb andseveral ewe iambs. WM. R. PEPPER, Seaforth RR3. Phone Clinton 615r21 FOR SALE Some good York boars. Gordon Miller, Lot 3, Con. 11, McKillop. AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN! If you have a car we have a .wonderful aural area for you. Make money by working a Vanillas: dealership full or part time, We offer you a Large variety of cosmetics, daily necessities and other useful products. Why not write for aetails7 FAMILEX, Dept. 3, Montreal 24. Registered Hereford bullll2Eyears old (Stan Jackson breed). R. J. DOIG, phon e 840r11, Seaforth. Dublin R.R. 1 FOR SALE A pair of nice short - keep steers. A. It. 11ODDS, phone 833014 Seaforth TO RENT 6 room brick house, new /•_fur, ce and gar- age, or No. 8 Highway, 2y. Possession Nov. 1st. ANDREW CROZIER, Seaforth 2112. Phone 667r22 FOR SALE 3 good steers about 750 lbs. each. BAY LAWSON FOR SALE Rogers Majestic car radio. Phone 13916 Seaforth 200 Red and FORSAL pullets 63( months old. Priced -for quick sale. Apply to WARREN SIIERA, phone 65603 FOR SALE Modern dining room table with five leaves; 1 day bed; 1 colony house 9x14'. Apply to News Office FOR SALE 25 to 60 Sussex pullets, 6 months old, lay- ing good. RUSSELL DOLMAGE, 887r41 FOR SALE 100 Hybrid pullets, laying 607k. KENNETH STEWART, phone 88902 Seaforth COMING EVENT Bazaar and tea, Nov. 17th. Ladies Guild of St. Thomas Church YED Eight cattle to LotR 9, Conn. 6, Tuckersmith. Owner please identify cattle and . pay ex- penses. Or phone 6661.11 Seaforth Money goes to work every day When you see a contractor on a job, a bank loan may be helping to finance it. VARENZEW 73,704 Farmers and other primary producers borrow from a bank to buy equipment, meet seasonal needs. Manufacturers and merchants use Unit credit to help buy materials, process and market goods. The benefits of bank credit run through all personal and commercial life. Bank credit operates silently, but on every hand you have satisfying assurance that it is "at work" ... in all types, of communities, for all sorts of worthwhile purposes. The chartered banks continually adapt their many services to meet the changing, expanding needs of modern enterprise and modern living. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Clearing Auction Sale OF FULLY ACCREDITED REG. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE, PIGS, HORSES AND FARM MACHINERY at Lot 18, Con, 5, MOr- ria Twp., 134 north and 3 miles west of Brussels on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd at 12.30 p.m, HORSES -2 Clyde geldings 1500 lbs.. 1 Clyde mare 9 years old. Harness -Sot of back band harness, number of horse collars. PIGS -8 pigs 100 lbs; 12 pigs 8 weeks old; 1 Yorkshire sow retired. OATTLE-1 Durham cow due time et sale; 2 DMuirnm cows due in March; 1 blue cow due in March; 1 black cow duo in March. 4 Polled Angus steers 700 lbs.; 2 grade Angus heifers 700 lbs; 1 grade Angus spring and winter calves. POULTRY -175 Barred Rock pullets, 7 months old. Bray breed. MACHINERY -7 -ft. MN binder; 13 disc M-13 fertilizer 'drill; M -H mmmro spreader (like new) ; Plash bar hay loader. 2 years old; Frost & Wood mower (good) ; Minneap- olis side rake (new): Spring tooth cultivator; Diamond harrows; 3 -Rum steel roller; walk- ing plow; riding plow; Rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat reek •(new) ; fanning mill. Set of farm sleighs; buggy ; cutter; 1000 lbs. scales; cream separator; wagon box; turnip,drill; forks, chains Whipple trees and other aricles; 20 cedar posts. HAY AND GRAIN -40 ton of mixed haY ; 2000 bus. of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Quantity of household effects. REG, POLLED ANGUS CATTLE consist- ing of Herd Mre and twelve Cows; also calves. For complete list see sale bills. TERMS -Cash THOMAS ELLIS, Proprietor ROBERT JOHNSTON, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer THE S1iAF'ORTH NEWS Thursday, October 21, 1904 Auction Sale 01? FARM STOCK, MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot 7, Con. 9, Morris twp. 11/, miles East of Blyth on Wed- nesday, Chit. 27th at 1 p.m. HORSE8-2 good work horses. CATTLE -6 cows due In Dec. and Jan.; 4 cows due in March and April ; 2 farrow cows; 1 3 -year-old steer; 0 yearlings; 8 calves, PIGS -1 York sow due Dec. 9th ; 17 clunks. MACHINERY -M. H. Binder; McCormick Mower; M. H. side rake; dump rake; M. H. hay loader; M. H. manure spreader ; McCor- mick 11 -disc fertiliser drill; Disco cultivator; 4 -section harrows; walking plow, rubber.bired wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack with half rack; farm wagon with box; sloop sleighs with fiat rack, Fanning mill, 2000 Ib. scales; extension lad- der; set double harness; sugar kettle; wheel- barrow ; fence stretcher; farm jacks; George White Separator, 34 x 42 in good condition; forks, chains and other articles. HAY AND GRAIN -35 ton of hay, 2000 bus. of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -bedroom suite, 2 beds, couch, writing desk, 240 lb. scales, cup- board, wardrobe„ rocking chairs. TERMS -Cash WILLIAM COCKERLINE, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer EVN Dance=Ki COMING 1C1',, Friday,October 22nd. Music by the Nite-Ryders. FOR SALE Lot 10, concession 14, McKillop township, 871,5 acres of good Workable soil, excellent water supply, buildings in good repair, large barn with cement stabling and water through- out, also litter carrier. Modern 10 -room brick house with pressure system, hot and cold water, also 3 -piece bath downataire and toilet upstairs, built-in cupboards. Good hen house, steel ehed, double car garage, hydro throughout. Price $12,000, terms reasonable. Apply to MRS. MABEL MeNICHOL, Phone 1093, Seaforth, or Mr. Jack Bosman (843r5, Seaforth), Walton, Ont. OR Silo filler in g000dd shape with 36 feet of pipe. Phone 841 r 4, Senforth. FOR SALE Two-storey house on George St. Seven rooms; good basement; furnace; bathroom. Large lot. Reasonably priced for early sale. Box 127K, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Good man's faFORrcoaatt,Eze 88, Price $10. Phone 1093, Seaforth, NOTICE We have 10 to 15 head of cattle to put out to feed for the winter. Anyone interested phone 23 r 16 Dublin, ALVIN BEUERMAN. FOR SALE Hotpoint Electric Range withn. coal annex. MRS. W. S. HAY, phone 669r31 FOR SALE 600 pullets, R.LR. x light Sussex, started to lay. JOSEPH FERGUSON, 680r2 Hensall TO RENT Good brick farm house without hydro but with propane connected; hen house available. 0 miles southeast of Seaforth. HAROLD COLEMAN, phone 653026 Dry mixed wood $5 delivvered. Also Dome hard maple body wood $7 a cord. LOUIS COYNI4, Seaforth 205. Phone 64r16 Dublin Alberta coal in ORstock.APho a 36r13 Dublin. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Reading Hard Coal. We deliver r. W. L. COMsNGe-, EVENT home baking stale, Saturday, Dec. 4kh RADIO REPAIRS Quick, Inexpensive and guaranteed radii repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick Houma, phone 84710. Senforth PIANO TUNER Will be fh Seaforth November 1st, 1054, lest trip this season, Phone your .order to Mrs. Collins, Music Tcochor, phone 6678112 SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 23M Wt11 repair your buildings before winter at reasonable prices. Also new buildings, gar- agos, patios, verandahs, etc. In stock -Col- ored flatetone, bricks, blocks, Lila, and other concrete products. Township of Tuckersmith COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith Court, of Ravi - Rion on the 1055 Assessment Roll will be held in the Town Ilan, Seaforth, Nov. 211d,. 10 (4 at 2 p.m, Interested parties should govern them - salves ,accordingly, E. P. CITESNEY, Clerk TOWNSHIP OF McK1LLOP 00015T 012 REVISION The Connell of the Township of Mal1901) will meet as a Corot of Revision on the As- sesament et 1054-65, at Carnegie ITalf, Sea - forth, on Monday, Nov, 1, 1064, at 10 A.M. Parties interested should govern themselves uc3 rdN. iy. to ERT, Clark, Man ton. • BOX ,fin nttrrx trains AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed ,Flowers for all occasions ' Phones: Day 43 Night 696 W MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M,D, Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seafor6h SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B A„M.D., Internist P. L. Brady,. M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m, to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only 7-9 ».m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON. J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Senforth daily except Mon, 9 to 5.00 Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9AM to 12.80 PM Olintan-MoLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.30 192.0412,20.11,1611.0111.7 ....3111=013211102110.191191:11101.11131111 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance Helm effect" ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies 460...111=11110=SEIMMIN• NIS INSURANCE o Fire o Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to D. O. Chamberlain MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res, 292R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE -SEAFORTH, ONT. Officer, -President, 3, H. McEwin Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; and Seo: Tread., M. A. Reid, Seafo Directors -J. L. Malone, Senforth; McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Wiaiten-: E. 3. Trowartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper. Brucefield; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Puller, Goderich ; R. Archibald, Seaforth 1 Allister Bmadfoot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance er transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices *'blue coal's-. THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND. FURNAPE DUNDAS & CONEY Phone 578 or 332.81 N SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric *roam separators and repairs for Renfrew separators- B''!"y O'ROUREE. phone Clinton 634 r 21. Any PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber geode) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. -6 samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Maio Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w New MINNIMIONNEMEMMEMINI FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth Red Rock and Red SuRuussex bullets, ready for range. priced for quick sale. W. 0. HEND- ERSON. phone 6883, Senforth WANTED Old horses 3c per #., dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS, MINX RANCH, Goderteh. Phone collect 08602 or 936021 For Sale Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 3 piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. ,'Pull basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and almost immediate posses - Sion. Brick dwelling very centrally loc- ated. Goderieh St. West, New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. $3,200, One and a half and one storey frame dwelling with full basement. Goderleh St, West, Possession arranged. $0,400. Asphalt covered dwelling on Victoria Street 51,500 cash, balance arranged. Posses. ion Nov. 101. Erick dwelling, Godorich St, East, batmti- fnily loeatted, (former residence of Into Mrs. R. 13011). M. A. REID Seaforth Mitchell Cider Mill Will make Cider Thursday & Friday Apple Butter Saturdays Will close mill Nov. 12ti1, 1954 FRED HENNICK, & SON MITCHELL, ONT. FR SAE Stainless steel clothes linos, the lines that need no pins. Lifetimes guarantee with every line. Agent ALPHONSE 0100NIN, phone 2248 Dublin