HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-10-14, Page 8Week End ls Sp cis. FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY I ORIENT FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Orient, first quality Nylons in popular Evening sheer 51. gauge quality, - AB. new fall shades.. Sizes 81/9 to 11, Very Special for Week -end WIDE PINWALE C' 'a OUR 10 wonderful shades of finest quality pinwale corduroy. - Full 36" width, Very popular for slacks, jackets, house coats, skirts and children's wear. - Special at 549.E PURE W Repeat Special Choose from Douglas, Royal Stewart, Blackwatch, Lindsay, R.C.A.F., Anderson and other popular plaids. Full 54" width, 100% pure wool plaid at OL SCO Y PAIR CH Pulps tramosemsescapassesnsima YARD New Low Prices v - Save Up To $3.00 SAS ';,,ti CLT ALL LARGE DOUBLE BED SIZE HOUSExH OLD SIZE LITY 6.95 pail HE 81" x 100" SLUMBER QUALITY j� 81" x 100" SIZE 8.95 pair FAMILY QUALITY 95 FAMOUS PERCALE 81" x 100" SIZE 7r 81" x 100" SIZE pair 9195 pair SPECIAL VALUE PILLOW SLIPS Here's a special group of fine Wabasso pillow slips in full 42" size. - Small quantities of different grades, some plain hemmed, others neatly hem stitched. Week -end Special at r>a PAIR BORN Ct2 RCHWARD—At the Grace Hospital, To- n/TAO. on Thanksgiving Day, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Churchward (Lois IIendor- n) the girt of a son ROWLAND—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct, 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rowland, St. Columban, a daughter LENSINE — At Scott Memorial hospital. on Oct. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lcnsink, Satforth, a son DIED MORRIS -du Victoria Hospital. London, on Tuesday, Oct. 12, Joseph Benedict Morris, in Ida 39th year, The Funeral will take place fro,n his late residence, Chalk street, Seaforth, on Friday. Oct. 16, to St. James' Church for Requiem Blass nt 19 a.m., thence to St. Col- umbaa Cemetery for interment •.1):..n•:,}r,.: 'a ke ;;st BRUCEFIELD Brucefield United Church Anni- versary will be on Sunday, Oct. 24. Rev. Mr. Davidson of Parkhill will be the guest speaker. The boys who attended cashcrop day at St. Thomas from Brucefield YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO SE ID in OF BIRCH CLIFF UNITED CHURCH, TORONTO WILL BE THE GUEST MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES MR., JOHN NiCHOLSON Talented Bass Soloist from. Toronto will assist the Junior and Senior Choirs with the Anniversary Music MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. - - - - - - - REV. T. V. HART Christ's Mission for His Church ANTHEM — "0 WORSHIP THE KING" MAUNDER SOLOISTS - MISS R. CLUFF, MR. J. NICHOLSON JUNIOR CHOIR "HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK" HANDEL BASS SOLO — "LORD GOD OF ABRAHAM" MENDELSSOHN MR. JACK NICHOLSON EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. SERMON - - - - - - - REV. T. V. HART Christ's Promise and Power for His Church BASS SOLO "BELLS OVER JORDAN" HAMBLEN. MR. JACK NICHOLSON ANTHEM — "MUST JESUS BEAR ANOTHER CROSS" O'HARA BASS SOLO — WHEN 1 SURVEY THE WONDROUS CROSS MOZART MR. JACK NICHOLSON SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY LECTURE “FROM. ERE TO ETERNITY" by the REV. GEORGE GOTH of Metropolitan Church, London, Ont, Tuesday Eveniing, October 19, at 8 p.m. J. A, STIEWART Choir Leader MRS, J. A. ST.'GWART Organist isressasetvenaifflossmaawis Rev. J. W. A. Stinson IVIINISTBR ATTENTION CAR OF GROUND Screeniags Will arrive the first of next week Price $40 per ton Call Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative Phone 9 Seaforth were: James Allan, Jackie Dallas, Carl Richardson, Neil Haugh, George Ross, 'Ernie Taylor. HENSA LL Officers installed at Amber Rebekah Lodge No, 349 • District Deputy President, Mrs. Anne Henderson of Edelweiss Ledge of Seaforth, and Installation team at- tended the regular meeting of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge #849 and 1nstail- ed the following officers: Jr. P.N.G., Mrs, Dorothy Parker; N. G., Miss Mahollo Whiteman; V. G., Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; Roc. Sec'y, Mrs. Myrtle Orr; Fin, See'y, Airs, Aldeen Volland; Treas., Mrs. Olga Chipehase; Warden, Mrs. Elleen Rannie; Conductor, Mrs, Edna Cald- well; Chaplain, Ml's. Inez McEwen; I. S., Mrs. •Eva Parker; 0. G., Mrs. Ruby 13e11; R.S,N.G„ Mrs. Leona Parke; L.S.N.G., Mrs. Beatrice Rich- ardson; R,.S.V.G., Mrs. Mary Jacobi; L,S.V.G., Mrs, Hazel McEwen; Mu- sician, Mrs, Edith Bell; assistant •Mu- sician, Mrs. Evelyn MecBeath; Color Bearer, Mrs, Henrietta Brown; as- sistant Color Bearer, Mrs, Margaret Ingram. Mrs. Dorothy Parker N.G., presided over the first part of the meeting after which Miss Mabelle Whiteman, newly installed N.G., took charge of the meeting. D.D.P., Mrs. Henderson, presented the Jr. P.N.G., Mrs. Dorothy Parker with the P.N. G. Jewel. Mrs. Jessie Dougal present- ed the D.D.P. with a gift on behalf of Amber Lodge. Visitors were pre- sent from Seaforth, Exeter, and Clinton. Refreshments were served under the eonvenorship of Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and her committee. Auction Sale my COWS, HEIFERS & YOUNG CATTLE, At Lot 81, Con. 0, Goderich Twp. 1 mile south of Porters Hill, on Tuesday, Oct. 19t1, et 1,80 P.M. 40 cows and heifers, some fresh, some springers, balance due November to Feb - wary. They aro Holsteins. Herefords, Jerseys and Ayrshire, mostly vaccinated and raised on. our own- farm and bred Hereford, Also 10 Hereford yearlings and 0 Hereford calves. DM 1 -year-old hens (last fall chickens). Arrange to attend this sale as tho cattle are of good quality and will be sold without re- serve as the pr'opr'ietor is in ill health. Terms cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor. Ed- ward W. Elliott, Auctioneer ENT Good brick farmmh0se without hydro but with propane connected; hen house available. f, miles southeast of Seaforth. HA11OLD COLEMAN, phone 0211'21 F01( SALE Hotpoint Electric Range with a coal annex. MRS. W. S. HAY. phone 609r31 FOR SALE ._ Three year old Jersey x Durham cow due in Dec, JOHN PECKITT, RR8 Seaforth. Phone Clinton 017r21 FOR SALE Year old Durham steer, also G months old heifer calf, part Jersey, and pert Hereford. FRANK MALONEY, George St.. Seaforth FOR SALE Roo pullets, R.I.R. x light 500sex, started to lay. JOSEPH FERGUSON, Char.? Hensail WANTED Young girl, 16, would like housework, in town preferred. Apply to HAROLD COREY, RRI Staffs A good home in Adie country for several kittens. Phone 581W NOTICE Violin, Viola, Cello, Theo17. Instrnctimns fat Seaforth. For information, apply at Northside United Church an Sat. evening, or write ED- WARD OSCAPELLA, ARCT, RMT, 74 Nile St., Stratford. Phone 5268 FOR SALE 20 good Young Pigs. JACE, McIVER, St. Co- lumber. Phone 221)21 Dublin FOR SALE 126 Red -New Hemp. pullets, started to lay. 51 c months old. FRED GLANVILLE, Walton RIt2. Phone 93102 Seaforth SALFSMEN WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS I Earn money the first day with a profitable agency consisting of jga. products, including eosmelieg, tonics, fond products, household necessities. Wonderful territory in your awe. Write Monet/lately for free d,•taih. FAMILEX, 20..p,. 2, Montreal 24 C W. L. BazaaI , tea mal limn* Laking. sale, Saturday, - J lee. ch One Leicester laOm. Apply to W. J. CLARK, Phone 087-12 Hensen FOR SALE Alberta coal in stock. Phone 861)18 Dublin. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Reading IIard Coal. We deliver FOR SALE 107 mixed wood, 55 delivered. Also came hm'rl maple body wood 57 a cord, LOUIS COYNE, Seaforth M. Phone 0•Irhr, Dublin Ten head of beeff type cattle about 950 lbs., set sleighs, extension ladder 30', fanning 20111, horse cultivator, garden waffler, 30 rods ]tog fence, sling ropes & chain, pump Jack, chop boxes, load hay, fencing tools, other articles. Phone 11704 Hensel). WM. HENRY In Memoriam MANLEY--Ia loving memon. Of n dear wife and pother, Ml's. Joseph Manley, who nen1siet(s8 O passed way passed since scthat sod When ono Ivo laved 700 called away f God took her homo, it was Ws wllh But in our hearts she Thoth still. Lovingly remembered by her ltueband and! family IN MEMORIAM. SOU71;R -2,t loving memory of a dear wife nail another Afro. Janet 15, Souter,. who passed away two years ago. Oct, 18, 1052 "Unseen, unhenavi, but tawny) neer, Loved, remembered and over dear, Every day In some mull way Motnorio, of you come our way," Lovingly remembered by husband, sons and daughters IN MEMORIAM HOLLAND --In loving memory of our deer son Benedict Holland, who died Oct. 9. 1080 There Is still nn who in our hearts today, That eonntless years will not tithe away, Wo miny sail with the world but: we will` never forget I0 our hours of memories, door Benny, you live with us yet, - WIII 0175Y, be remembered by father, mother. brothers and sisters CARD OF THANKS We wish to exln'ess our thanks to the neigh. Iso',, and friends of Brumfield and Hen,all and to the Bruceiieid and lIens,a11 100I'" Lodges s and Hensall Masonic Lodge for their kindness ,mil sympathy and beautiful floral tributes tendered to us in rho loss of a loving brother. —Mary Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurtrde Auction Sale 016 PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD 2211'. 710(173, East William St., town of Seaford). m1) Wed., October 200h, at 1 P.M. McClnt7 l'i'igidnir dike new) ; kitchen table and chairs. 2 burner /vulgate; Quebec roots stove couches; 2 burner hot plate; electric ten kettle; toaster, mai other electrical ap- pliances, Mining room suite, extension table, Kinn cabinet, buffet, 0 claire. Studio couch. Number or rockers, small table, occasional chair's and pedestal t floor lamp ; 3 furnished bed rooms; full size, three Quarter and single beds, optima, Inner spring mattresses; (1ress- rs and stands, fernery, bed linens, (milts and blankets, curtains, table linen, dishes, orna- ments, kitchen utensils and flat ware, sealers. Some moor coverings. 2 lawn mowers, garden tools, 2 step ladders, 1 long ladder, garden lose, hall rack, PROPERTY—At 3 P.M., same place, the 11/ Amio'mne house wi1) bo offered for sale subject to reserve bid. 011 furnace, 8 pc. bath toilet downstairs. House in exceptionally good condition. 2 Iota, large garden, Terms --Chattels cash, Property, 10% down. balance in 80 days. Immediate possession. Estate of the late Mrs. Margaret White. For further particulars apply to P. D. McConnell, Solicitor; W . G. White, London, Executor. E. P. Ohesney, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer UPHOLSTERED Furniture including 24 livingroom suites, eoacesavers, davenports; studio couches a reasonable prices at Sohuett's Mildmay Furn- iture Store. Show cushion from your old suite to salesman who wit! give liberal trade-in al- lowance. 7, F. SGHUETT & SONS, Mildmay $100.00 DISCOUNT On new pianos. 1.4 cubic ft. Homefreozera only 12185,00, 19 cubic ft. Freezer 5486.00. Used pianos and aecordoons. Linoleum and chrome suites, 20 Bedroom Suites. Easy Terms. Free delivery, SOli122Pr'S Ki1dmay Furniture Showrooms FOR SALE OR RENT 7 room house on Jarvis street. Bathroom complete. Close to uptown. Possession. Nov. 1. TORRANCE DUNDAS, Walton, Brussels OOrO About 200 Leghorn a xdl Sussex pullets. Six months old, laying. ROY PATRICK, phone 848o10 Seaforth A man's 01107 FlltnwoodLovercoat, good as new, price reasonable. Phone 6301)12 Seaforth FOR SALE Stetvart electric clipper. Two 4 -gal. gas enns. 7 -in, belt; :1 bushes shingles, a logging chain; 2 window sash with panes, new. THOS. KAY, Railway st., Seaforth Room and board Ofor two ladies, old age pensioners able to be up and around. I have two bedrooms on first floor, also bath, ate. Apply to MRS. S. McCULLOUGH, Box 165, Blyth, Ont. DWELLING FOR SALE 7 roomed frame welling, Goderich st, west, all modern conveniences. Hat water heating with oil. Two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shopping centre. Apply to The News office RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radii rewire to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S R84722.ADIOSeaforREPWAIR. Opposite Mak House, phone PIANO be in SefrhNvmer 1st, 1954,. last trip this season. Phone your order to Mrs. Collins, Music Teacher, phone 667812 SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS PRONE 2222 Will repair your buildings before winter at reasonable prices. Also new buildings, gar- ages, patios, verandahs, etc. In stock—Col- ored tlatstene, bricks, blacks, tile, andother concrete products FOR SALE Stainless steel elnthes lines, the lines that need no Tains, Lifetime guarantee with every lino. Agent, ALPHONSE CRONIN, phone 22,2:0 Dublin Osborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Applications will be received up to October IOtb, 1054, for the position of Agent for this Company in the Townships of Hibbert and District, Blonshard and part of Logan. Appli- cants should be representative of no other fire insurance company. Applications should be mailed to the Sec- rotm'y-Trorsurot, Usbarne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Exeter, Ont. A, FRASER, Sec.-Treas. .oe Mitchell Cider Mill Will make Cider Thursday, & Friday Apple Butter Saturdays Will close mCI Nov. 12th, 1954 FRED HENNiCK & SON MITCHELL, ONT. CLEAN UP AAD SAVE SALV GE VE Wednes. ct. 20 PAPER RAGS For the convenience of those in the surrounding districts who wish to co-operate, Collection Depots have been established as follows: BEECHWOOD -- CARLINS STORE DUBLIN — WM. STAPLETON STORE CONSTANCE -- BORDEN BROWN STORE WINTHROP •-• A. DOLMAOE STORE KiPPEN — KYLES ST011111 CROMARTY — CTHOPPING MILL STAFFA SADLER.'S STORE BRUCEFIELD — CHRISTI,B'S STORIII Proceeds for Canadian National Institute for the Blind Auspices Seaforth Lions Club 'l'1119 SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, October 14, 1054 BOX iffuntral rata' AMBO LANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital 73ed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 895 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforbb SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster. B.A„31.11„ Internist P. L, Burly BLD„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 Phan, 00 5 p.m., daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only 7-9- p,m, Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEOfd J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S, W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN 8, LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Iloneo--Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 5.80 Saturday to 0 PM. Wed, 9A111 to 12,80 PM Olinton—McLarens Studio, Mon. 0 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in Tirst-Class Companies NSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. 0. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAF.ORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HIIAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, J. H. MuEwing Blyth; Vice-P•res., R. Archibald, Seaforth;. iMManus& and See. -Tress., M. 6,. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, 8eaferth817 McEwing, Blyth; W, S. Alexander, Welton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Popper. Brood/old; 0 W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Brondfoot, Soaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeeboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhngen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels: Eric Munroe, Sanford), Parties desirous to eftoet insurance or transact otherbusiness, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. otIOINMID WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE 0I2, DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R OSBORNE & HIBBEP„T MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD 07200E EXETER President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Cohinhoun, RR1 Science Hilt Milton McCurdy, 11101 Kinston Atex J. Rohde, 8105 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RRL Woodham Clayton Haroia, RR1 Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secrotery-Trenourer Arthur Fraser, Exeter , SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separator's and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'3(0URKE, phone Clinton 684 r 21, PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Itst, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-774, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need, We will, without charge to you, take samplea of tiro earth in your Bolds and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 875, Soaforth Red RockandFOR SAL RedSUMO% pullets, ready for range, priced for quick sale. W. O. IIEND- ER50N. phone 6883. Seaforth WANTED Old horses 8c per if., dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night, GIL13ERT BROS. MINK RANCH, Godorleh. Phone collect 038082 or 986,21 For Sale Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8 piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Pull basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and almost immediate posses- sion. Brick dwelling very centrally loc- ated. Goderich St. West, New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. M. A. REID Seaforth