HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-09-23, Page 7Can You Answer Seen Well
These Questions Live For Free"
'Controversy IS raging rano
the authorities responsible for e
ueating British children. The i
telligence test which forms pa
Of the 11 -plus examination tit
trends a child on the road
further education is under ii
because many thousands of chi]e'en are being coached to pass tit
test, and many thousands are, no
The intelligence tests now he
In all British primary schools ai
at deciding what the child's p
forltialities are for further educ
tion. Will he profit by an sea
ernic of a practical type
teaching? Does he show the a
etude for grammar school educ
tion, or would he be Netter in
technical college of a model.
secondary school?
It all depends on the intell
genre test, Children can d
brilliantly in arithmetic and Ens
fish, yet fail when confronte
t. upon a time its a Far'
ng Ceti hlt•y a Smart and dynamic
d- young man fell in love with a
n- clever laid glamorous girl, She
1't return's his Affection. and they
werO married on the strength.
to of a selling job which prornised
re, ; slim "up to" $200 a week, They
d- - went to live in a House which
is ! was the last one left of a Bunch
1. advertised as priced "as low as
Id $0,000,
m But although the young Nus -
o• band's commissions climbed up,
a. they didn't ascend "up to" the
d• Glistening mark suggested by
of the advertisement, And although
p- the cost of their Home might be
a. deemed low by some standards,
• it didn't turn out to be "as low
rl as" the other one sold just be-
fore they got there. So the
i- once -hopeful bride and groom
o soon found themselves "up" all
all right -.• up against it! And
Winter was coolie ons
with this mysterious and a1mo,.
secret yardstick.
Because it is unlikeanytbill
they normally have at scam,
sensitive and anxious children
are shocked into failure,
These IQ. tests are based o
the results of scientific and pay
t,>;hological research, which hay
proved that the growth of intel
Defence is completed early in life
Elle w It's Done
The American p yuhologis
Lewis Tertian, introdueted th
'idea of the "Intelligence Quot
;lent," or I.Q. The I.Q. is calcul
Wted by dividing a person's men
tel age by his actual age. The
'Resulting fraction is multiplied by
•d00, to bring it to a whole num-
ber. Therefore, the I.Q. of a
ails/ of seven whose mental age
it! seven is:
7 100 '
7 1—
'Mental age itself is determined
by the age -level of the test taken
send the score obtained. One
hundred is the average LQ. over
The whole population.
A boy of ten who is able to
score as many in a test as the
overage boy of fourteen has an
4,Q. of 140. People who have
7LQ.'s 01 140 and over are regard-
ed by educational psychologists
411111111111Igeniuses," and are rare. Only
One per cent of the population
have I,Q.'s of over 130,
Each test is rigidly timed.
»ere are some typical questions,
hl'hey are deceptively simple -
looking, yet 8 per cent of child-
ren fail:
Vocabulary: Cascade means—
drum, box, firmament. waterfall
(choose one.)
Number Sequence: From the
numbers 21, 19, 23, choose the
number that continues the series
Classification; Earth, Venus,
df8ars, Sun. (One word -does not
belong with the others. Which is
Analogies: Day is to 365 as
week Is to 7, 38, 52, 12 (choose
Opposites: (underline the word
flame, Opposite, or Unknown);
—letd, Cruel: Same, Opposite,
or Unknown.
Droll, Odd: Same, Opposite, or
Best Answer: The saying "A
Islas is as good as a mile" means:
A girl can walk just about a mile:
�trrors cannot be forgotten; to fail
by a little is still to fail (choose
tg However, he was Smart and
she was Clever. So, naturally,
g the turned to the advertisements
1 again. There they learned that
if they insulated their Domicile
with a certain brand of s1iredded
n mineral they would save "up to"
25 per colt of their Fuel bill;
if they put in It certain kind of
e ' storm Windows they would
save "up to" another 25; if they
I installed a certain Pump in their
heating system, "up to" a fifth
t more; and if they threw out the
e - Furnace they had altogether and.
bought another using a wholly
- different. type of fuel they would
- i save, this tine, -up to" 30 per
Furthermore, the young couple
learned that if they changed to
"Fusion" from the mere "Fis-
sion" gasoline they had been
using they could drive their car
for "up to" 15 per cent less.
And if they sold their old Crate
and bought a new Guided Mis-
sile they would save Actually
(Turn page upside down for
•l1ef 0s
sea sl alasdl e eq free o'! `lams
•'trV $sag talents arta. axe ppo puts
jaw( 'sa>_Isoddo ode 1autp pus
palm `salisodd0 ;gg `satfioleuv
'Ring 'cotsaot)Ysse(O leg 'amoebas
;automat :rte;gases& 'AanIngeooA
C'EST SI BON - Louis Armstrong, one of the great jazz per-
formers of his day, does a real-life mopping of his brow to
imitate the characteristic pose portrayed in the pointing above
him. Louis will portray King Oliver, the first "jazz king," on a
forthcoming TV show,
35 per cent at the corner Pump
So the Smart young husband
and the Clever wife die} all these
things. Thenceforth they heat-
ed their Home easily for noth-
ing, and buzzed around the coun-'
iryside right merrily for Half
Price. And they lived Happily
ever after,
- But, remember, this was a
Very Far country where the
Decimal Point is optional—From
The Christian Science Monitor,
AFTER THE STORM—A National Guardsman stands guard over
a restaurant and boat that were wrecked by Hurricane Carol
at Onset, Mass. The boat was hurled 100 yards inland by winds.
Atnong Eskimos
As soon as the hturting or oth-
er work was over, I set my mar-
vellous machine working and re-
corded songs, old stories, vocab-
ulary, etc., on the tape. The re-
cording machine was a success
from the start. - , On it the
Eskimos were able to hear their
own speech and their own songs;
they laughed heartily and
thought the whole thing a queer,
amusing game, ,
Curiously enough, the Eskimos
MN At SEA—Navy Communications Technician James W.
l:lenry has hie twin daughers, Cynthia Sue and Valerie Lou,
pointed out to him by hie wife after hor arrival in New York
*board the Navy transport C3elgor. The girls, first set of twins io
leo born on a service transport, came Into the world 150 miler
Of Casablanca,
have taken to the microphone as
if it were the most natural thing
in the world. , .. •
Now there are floods of songs;
I find, indeed that this isolated
people in the depths of the
mountains has preserved a mine
of them. They love singing —
through it they express the
changing moods of daily life;
they abandon themselves to it
with a kind of intoxication. A
hunter may be sitting in his tent
gazing in front of him, when
suddenly the urge to sing comes
over him. When he begins, the
others — men, women and chil-
dren — join in from time to
time. The chorus grows strong-
er and the tempo quicker; a
storm of strange notes fills the
skin tent. , . .
We had hacl a musical even-
ing in the skin- tent, with gaiety
and laughter; One Eskimo after
another had taken the micro-
phone and' sung, and a few of
the women had participated,
even the reserved Kaliksuna
who had sung an amusing ptar-
migan song. The children had
made their contribution, tunny
little verses and jingles, follow-
ed by outbursts of laughter,
Then I turned the tape back and
let the Eskimos hear their own
voices, to the delight of all.
Then I said to Paniaq: "Now
call the animals as you do out
hunting." Paniaq took the mic-
rophone and started. He gave
an animal concert so astonish-
ingly true to life that we might
have had all the beasts in the
wilderness about us, He called
caribou, moose, mountain sheep,
fox, raven, owl, yellow -billed
loon, ptarmigan, ground squirrel,
and all the rest. Last came the
wolf. And the wolf's howl rang
out, so perfectly true 50 life in
its harsh dissonance that I felt,
e chill down my spine.
Suddenly he received an an-
swer. The dogs which had lain
asleep in the snow outside the
tent awoke, raised their muzzles
to the stars and howled, toe — "Nunamuit; Among Alas-
ka's Inland Eskimos," Heige
pL:�inellb'er 'G,, FirstrFirstSight of Meilen
The Thirty -First Hour, . .
For aviators approaching frons
the sea, a coast litre choose be-
tween two methods of appear-
ing. When air is crystal clear it
announces itself delicately, subt-
ly, as a fine. dark line, barely
breaking the evenness of the hor-
izon: rising, growing, flowering
gradually, giving one plenty of
time to adjust to its presence,
its shades of color, its intraca-
cies of character and shape, But
in heavy haze or fog it can loom
up with terrifying suddenness,
not even leaving time to turn
from its crushing impact. On
one day, it uses the curvature of
the earth as a cloak. On another,
it veils itself with different
shades of mist and weather. ,
The coast of England is well
above the horizon when I see
its outline, pale and whitish in
the haze. Then there's no fog ov-
er Cornwall. I can let go of Ire-
land completely, and move for-
ward another notch in the
rachet of my mind. No matter
what happens now, I'll not re-
turn to those hilly, bouldered
fields for safety, or land in the
waves beside some Celtic light-
house keeper's house. If by any
dwindling chance I still have
to turn back from Paris, I now
have England for a haven.
Above the sheer Cornish cliffs,
rising straight out of the sea,
farm fields break off abruptly
where the soil has tumbled down
into encroaching waves. As a
schoolboy I read of the slowly
changing surface of the earth,
of clam fossils found on hilltops,
of glaciers building and melting,
of drifting continents and dried-
up seas. But all these things
were measured on a time scale
that made little impression on
my mind — hundreds, of centur-
ies — ages before the Sphinx
was built. Here, I see the earth
actually in the modeling, in
terms of time that I understand,
The signs below are fresh, un-
mistakable. The road, and little
houses and barns on top of the
cliff, are all set back from the
precipice, leaving a strip of
green fields along the edge, a
few generations' worth of land
to delay the inevitable collapse
into sea.—From "The Spirit of
St. Louis," by Charles A, Lind-
bergh. —. --•-----
THE QUEEN — Lovely Henri
ette Lambart, left, beams after
being named "Queen of the
Riviera," In Nice; France. Con-
gratulating her is Dominque
Germain of Juan•Lea.Pine.
It was e great occasion when
the President of the Lebanon
Republic, Kernel Chamoun, re-
cently arrived here on n Siete
visit to Brazil.
The red carpets tante out,
flags waved, and bands Played
stirring music. Amity between
nations seemed to be the theme
of the celebrations staged to
welcome the distinguished vie.
Outside the steps of the pres-
idency the Lebanese President
inspected the guard of honour
and stood stiffly to attention
while yet another band played
the national anthem of his coon•
At least that is what the band
though it was playing. And ap-
parently no one noticed the
slightest [ticker of emotion pans
across Mr. Chamoun's face. Ips
only they had known, this was
evidence Of supreme self-control
on ,his part.
For. as has since come out, the
tune the band was playing with
such gusto as a compliment to
Brazil's honoured guest was not
the national anthem of Lebanon
but the national anthem of the
neighbouring State of Israel.
And officially, a state 0f war
still exists between Israel and
the Lebanon.
SEES THE KITTY—Born apparent•
ly blind, 17-month-bld Vivian
Mae Raftery learns what a cat
looks like, after being fitted with
special, all - plastic glasses.
Daughter of Major and Mrs. E.
G. Roftery, Vivian can now see
a distance of six feet, and doe
tors hope that her vision will
be corrected to near normal by
the time she enters school.
AO :N18 64AN'I'XL
AGENTS. Chiba, etc. Sell Canada's
!Meat line of Christmas cards end
novelties, Our largo assortment includes
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Dox, Toys, gooks, Stationery, etc.
V".o 1't Jam Bron Oreeting Card Cast 88
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aABa Onions
THOSE that tits, their chicks early ip
October, and November we expect will
Saab In on nod egg prleere next year.
Our reoeon for saying title is, there
won't be as many early chicks mold as
last year. We have aux eneolal ego
breeds that lay more eggs on lose feed.
Got full details about them. Also inmate'
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our broiler °flake are garanteed from
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White Leghorn pullets. Range reared.
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We have the finest and lowest-m'ioed
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Complete stock—all sizes eat end thread-
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MTN0 TREE Itltl Malcom sonderful
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ORNAMENTAL Iron Railinge for your
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iISSl7E 39 — 1959
F-aO aha YOUR OWN,