HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-09-23, Page 51 1 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19554 Your Superior Fall Fair Specials ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE, ....,.•,,,.,,... 24 oz. Jar 290 GREEN GIANT NEW PACK PEAS, 16 oz. Tins , .2 for 37c LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS . , , .. , , , , 4 Plugs. 35c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6lb, Tin 69c EDDYS RED BIRD MATCHES 3 Boxes 25c WOODBURY'S COCOANUT OiL SHAMPOO Large 1.15 Bottle only 59c GOLD SEAL GLASS WAX Pint Tin 59c Makes windows Clean and Sparkle INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 9 Rolls for 1.00 WOODBURYS TOILET SOAP, Bath size 3 for30c Reg, Price 2 for 29c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Self Serve Low Prices Free Delivery NOT "l CE In co-operation with the Seaforth Fall Fair The Stores Will Close Friday Afternoon Sept. 24, from 1 P.M. till 4 P.M. Open till 6.30 To allow our Staffs to attend the Fair Thanking you for your kind co-operation MERCHANTS COMMITTEE Chamber of Commerce BORN McNICHOL-At Scott. Memorial Hospital, on Sept 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol, Walton RR2, a daughter TTIRNBULL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 21, to Dr, and Mrs. John Turnbull, miiiiriforth, a daughter LAYING CABLE Cable ter McKillop Telephone sys tem is being laid this week from Sea - forth to Grieve's bridge. "I belong to the Book -of -the -Week Club" "It's a small book, but an important one ... my bank book. Every week after making my deposit, I read my book. It's full of wonderful facts: Fact No. 1, that I'm prepared for unexpected expenses. Fact No. 2, that my money is easily available ... Fact No. 3, that as my savings increase, my money earns more interest for me. The smartest thing I ever did was to open a Dominion Bank savings account." This the best way to save, and you'll find thrift a pleasure when you bank at The Dominion Bank. THE ONII ON 1N 83 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE J. R. M. Spittal, Branch Manager rlod� $. 4-1 TOWN TOPICS Miss Gwen Christie, who has cora- plebe(' her course at Westervelt Ool• ,lege in London, has accepted a 'po- sition as secretary in the city hall branch of the Bank of Toronto, in (London, Mr, Auguste Ducharme and son ms Toand Mr. John F. Murphy left on Saturday on a motor trip to 'Ed- monton,'Alberta, Mrs. R. S. Evans of Oshawa has been visiting with friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 'Colclough and Miss Sandra 'Qolclough of Nia- gara Falls, and Mr, Joseph Storey of Preston were visiting relatives in town during' the weekend, Mr. Francis Coleman of Roxboro has been suffering from phlebitis. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Harrison and Mr. and Mrs 03111 Hodgert and son Brian returned Sunday after a three - weeks' visit in Calgary with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Harrison and family. Mrs. Geo. Thompson and Mrs, Al- da Simmons of Hensall and Miss Ed- na Butt of Toronto were recent vis- itors with Mrs. W. E, 'Butt. Mr, and Mrs, P, Faulkner and MTS, Farrah and daughter of De- troit spent the week end at the home of Miss Lillian Faulkner. Mrs. James Taman and daughter, Lynn, of Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich., are spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E, H, Close Ml's. Arnold.. Coughlin, London, was a guest at the home of Miss Mary Hagan on Thursday. Mrs, 4. P. Sills and Miss Ruth Sills spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hays, Detroit, Mrs. Jas. Cleary spent the week- end with Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Matthews at Detroit. Miss Marguerite Coyne and Miss Harriet Smillie, Detroit, were week- end guests of Miss Ella Duffy and Mrs. H. McIver. Miss Marlene Austin, with friends in Detroit over the weekend. McKILLOP SCHOOL FAIR Continued from page 4 Alexander ; John Driscoll; Donald Hulley ; Joan Ryan. Woven Mat: Lorne Glanville; Jean Mont- gomery ; Jim Alexander; Jim Rapson ; Jerry Cronin ; Lois Bernard. Grade 3 and 4- Elaine Beattie ; Margaret Millen ; Murray Neable; Eileen Smith; Bill Hamilton; Mar- lene Pepper', Soap Carving: Grade 5 and 0 -Susan En- zesaberger; Betty Kerr; Marjorie Smith; Mao Ctowart; Ken Papple; Elly Roland. Glass Painting: Grade 7 and 8- John Al- esonder; Nancy Kelly ; Theo Melady ; George Levinski, Genevieve Lovett, Shirley Bosman. Public Speaking winner, Margaret Johns, S,$, 0, Hibbert. • Donations; Beautiful cake by Smith's Bakery, sold for 53.00 by auctioneer Jae Ry- an. Bogs of meal were donated by Harry TIM and Wm. Stapleton. Baby Contest First prize won by son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baas. Second prize won by Baby Hunt. Third prize won by daughter of Mr, and Mos. Edwin Scberbarth. Judging Results White eggs: 13111 MoGavin, S.S. 7 ' Paul Murray, S.S. 8; J. Melady, S.S. 3; Brown eggs; Amy Stewart, S.S. 4 ; Janet McKerch- er, S.S. 0; Eleanor Keyes, S.S. 10. Manual Training Tray: Rita Kennedy, 5.0. 3; Andrew Pat- rick 5S 12; Bert Dennis 50 7 ; Dan Hul- ley, 5,5. 12 ; Ken McClure, S.S. 12 ; Alex Granville, S.S. 12. Door stop; Margaret Herr, S.S. 4 ; Paul Murray, S.S. 8 ; Ken hIc0ltn'e, S.S. 12. Lloyd Glanville, S.S. 12; Don Hulley, S.S, 12. Bird house: Bert Dennis; Paul Mar - ray SS 8 ; John Alexander, SS 12. Milk stool: Bernice Glanville, 5.5 9; Mary Poland, S.S. 3; Elly Poland, S.S.-3. Lawn ornament: Gary Betties, S.S. 10, Paul Betties, S.S. 10; Betty Rapson, S.S. 12; Gary Alexander, S.S. 12 ; Jim Rapson, S.S. 12; Loon Glanville, S. 0. 12. Wall bracket: Ken Rolan, S.S. 1; Stanley Glanville, SS 9 ;. Neil Rapt= SS 8; Ken Glanville, S.S. 12; Ivan Rapien, 5.5. 8; Ken Murray, S.S. 3. Pot hanger: Paul Betties. S.S. 10; Gary Betties, S.S. 10; Ken Glanville. Weed collection: Patsy Manley, S.S. 8; Marlon McLaughlin, S.S. 0; Jean McLaugh- lin, S.S. 8 ; Elly Poland, S.S. 3 ; Joan Lane, S.S. 3; Mary Poland, 5.5, 3. Leaf collection: Shirley Bosman, S.S. 9 ; Bernice Glanville, S. S. 9: Ronnie Little, S.S. 101 Marjorie Smith, S.S. 4; Maureen Melady, S.S. 5; Mervyn Pep- per, S.S, 12. Collection of wild flowers: Aud- rey McMichael, S.S. 7 ; Jean Hallen, S.S. 6; Margaret Hilten, S.S. 6; Shirley Bosman, S. S. 9. Collection of insects: Georgina Little, SS RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 26th, 1954 Full information from agents .3133133Zi053i3frafaisr' e" l4h v'KT;::Y ve begin s F'°s,. P MEM ' OCTOr�}Eta, to IF YOU HOLD Fourth Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued May, 1943 to mature May, 1957) they should be presented for payment on or after October lst through any branch bank in Canada, AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Interest coupons due November lst, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment: Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes $1.26 which is interest at 3% from May 1st to October 1st -the period since the last coupon became payable. Government of Canada 54 -BC -4 By: BANK OF CANADA, Pisani. Agent i 1 L�A%i'ORTIX .NAi WS ANN IVERSAR SERVICES EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Y Sunday, Sept. 26th 11 A. M, - 7:$O P. M. (standard time) Guest Speaker, Rev. W. C. Parrott, B.D. of Crediton. Music by the choir assisted by Mrs, Elmer Koehler. 10; Ken Ryan, SS 1. Sowing Embroidered block Jean Dolmage, S.S. 10; Catherine Ryan, 5.5, 1, Tea towel: Eleanor Keys, S.S. 10; Margaret Hilton, S.S. 0; Betty Dolmage, 5.2, 10. Cushion top: Georgina Lite tie S,S. 10; Loretta Connelly S 8, G Marton McLaughlin S.S. 8 Centrepiece Georgina Lit- tle! Bernice Glanville SS 9 Shirley Bos- man 5,5. 10 Dressed doll Sheila Malone S.5. 1 jean Melady 5.5. 3 Patsy Melady, 5, S 3; Marlon Hunt, 5.S. 2; Rita Kennedy, S. S. 3; Margaret Alexander, S.S. 12. Button -sewing: Eleanor Keys, S.S. 10; Au- drey McMichael, 5.2. 7; Mary Murray, S. S. 6; Jim Alexander, 5.8. 12; Faye Little, S.S. e; Dianne Dolmage, S.S. 10. Print pot holders: Jean Millen, S.S. 0; Marjorie Smith, S.S. 4; Loretta Connelly, 5.5, 6; Freda Hunt, S.S. 2. Patch on cotton block: Shirley Beaman, S.S. 9; Betty Murray, 5.5, 0; Bernice Glanville, SS 0; Gloria Boyd SS 6. Bed sacks: Eileen Dolmage, 5.5, 2; Shirley Dolmage, S.S. 10, Bath towels edging: Bernice Glanville, S.S. 9; Shirley Bosman, SS 0; Jemi Dolmage, SS 10 ; Loretta ConnenY, S.S. G. Pair of pillow slips, open to teachers only, Jessie Little, 5,. 5. 12, Grain Pumpkin; Rita Kennedy, S,S, 3; Michael Walsh. 5,5. 1; Bill McGavin, S.S. 7; Pran- ces Maloney, S.S. 1; Dorothy Dalton, 5.5. 3 ; Jock Dalton, S.S. 3: Quart of oats: Ken Murray, S.S. 8; Paul Murray, 5.5, 8; Andrew McMichael, S.S. 7; Tom Somerville, S.S. 7; 13111 McGavin, S.S. 7 ; Sharon Somerville, S. S. 7. Quart of wheat; Bort Dennis, S.S. 7; Jean Hilten, S.S. 6 ; Billy Campbell, S.S. 4 ; Margaret Hallen, SS 6; Gerald Maloney S5 1 ; Peres Maloney, S.S, 1. Quart of barley ; Beverley Henderson, S.S. 4 ; Bert Dennis, S. S. t7 ; Joan Pryce S5 6; Gordon Pryce SS fi ; Bobby Pryce, S.S. 6: Gerard Malone, S.S. 1. Sheaf of oats; Billy Campbell. S.S. 4 ; Mac Stewart, S.S. 4; Bert Dennis, S.S. -; Gerald- ine Dennis, S.S. 9; Rose Buuck, S.S. 3; Tom- my Somerville, S.S. 7. Sheaf of barley: Ger- aldine Dennis, SS 0; Ronald Coyne SS 1; James Sloan, S.S. 0. Sheaf of wheat: Gerald- ine Dennis, S.S. 0 ; Jean Hilten, S.S, 6. Meld beans: Stanley Glanville, 5.5. 9; Bernice Glanville, S.S. 9; Shirley Bosman, S.S. 0; Tommy Love, 5.5. 7; Ken Murray. 5.5, 8. Vegetables Garden beans: June Hilten, S.S. 0; Mac Stewart, S.S. 4; Paul Murray, S.S. 8; Paul Betties, S.S. 10; Edith Boyd, S.S. 6; Marjorie Boyd, S.S. 6. Citrons: Joyce Ryan. S.S. 1; Antia Harrison, S.S. 2; Andrew Patrick, S. 8. 12 ; Karen Kerr, S.S. 10 ; Mac Stewart, S. S. 1 ; Elsie Regele, SS O. Spanish onions: Karen Dolmage, S.S. 11 ; Paul Horan. S.S. 8 ; Ray Horan, S.S. 8; Jimmy Cronin, S.S. 3; Gloria Boyd, S.S. 6; Paul Murray, S.S. 8. Onions: Eleanor Heys, S.S. 10; Agnes Bicknell, 8.5, 1 ; Gary Betties. S.S. 10 ; Ray Horan, S.S. 8 ; June Killen, S.S. 6. Six stalks cmn: Jean Maloney, S.S. 1 ;. Elsie Regele, S.S. 6; Agnes Htcknell, S.S, 1 ; Amy Stevvo t, S.S. 4 ; Jack Stewart, S.S. 4; Mary McKer-her. S.S. 6. Cabbage: Ray Horan, S.S. 8; Paul Horan, 8 S. 3; Billy Sicmon, S.S. 0; Karen Dnimaee. S.S. 10 ; Elsie Regele, S.S. 6 ; Keith Sicmon. S.S. 8. Beets: Bobby Pryce, S.S. 6: Linda Somerville, S.S. 7 ; Eleanor Keys, S.S. 10; Lois Beuermnnn, S.S. 0 ; 131117 Campbell, S.S. 4 ; Earl Rock, S.S. 0. Carrots: Andrew Patrick, S.S. 13; Earl Rock, 5.,5. 8. Carrots; Andrew Patrick, S.S. 12; Earl Rack. S.S. S; Don Ry- an, S.S. 7; Eleanor Keys, S.S. 10; Billy Beu- ermnnn, S.S. 8; Call Storey, S.S. 3. TAG DAY The Hospital Auxiliary 'will hold a Tag Day Saturday, Sept. 25 WALTON Duff's United Church Ann iversary SUNDAY, SEPT. 26 11 A.M. and 7.30 P,M, standard time Guest Preacher Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, Mt. Forest Everyone Welcome REV. M. THOMAS, Pastor Anniversary Services CONSTANCE United Church SUNDAY, SEPT. 26 at 11 and 7.30 Standard Time Rev, R, A, Brook of Bluevale will be the guest speaker Special music will be provided 141.1114111110111611 ,11,13111111, 11 1111111111, , 111111,u1110.,/1,1/1,1/I,n,..111011,111111/.....1(111..,111111..0tnr11..//1011,Is,/r111,11,11,111„/n11101T Meet us at the Fair SEPT. 23 - 24 - 25 TALK OVER. YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS LUMBER PLYWOOD ASPHALT SHINGLES INSULATION, LIME & CEMENT "Use only the best materials" Seaforth Lumber Co. Ltd. Phone 47 71,r,,,aa11u,11,,,,,,,,,, („111,1,11,,,1„..„,1111,,,11,1„11,,,1,,,,111111„1„11,,:,,,,,1111,,,,,/11111,1„11111,,,,11„11,1,1„„r/n,r„Ipa,/rr1,n4 1952 CHEV SEDAN, low mileage 1450.00 1950 CHEV DE LUNE SEDAN, Radio, W.W. Tires Two Tone - new condition1250,00 1949 CHEV. COACH, Two Tone 1050.00 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN, Extra Good 725.00 1947 CHEV. COACH, Two Tone 695.00 1947 CHEV COACH, Black 675.00 1947 DODGE COACH 625.00 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1939 Dodge Coach 13:,.11; 1939 Ford Sedan 9:,.1111 1938 Ford Coach 50.0(1 1936 Chev Coach 25.0i1 Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth 1 • Here s, the fuel everybody's talking. about . , easily recognized by its CLEAN SILVER -LUSTER! Fill your bin! HUDSONi2i COAL Seaforth Lumber Limited PHONE 47 PS NEEDED (Community Chases and Municipal Grants will provide 939,000) tts irr2in, re abiiitate and house i6he 450 BLIND in this distiict HURON • MIDDLESEX - PERTH (Excluding London and Stratford) Send Your Donation Today to your local chairman or G.N.I.B., London, Ontario `114„