HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-09-02, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 70
Tile Sea:forth Neiws
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Authorized llasreSe nd Class a mail, goat
A good attendance of ;directors.
and committee members attended
the regular meeting oft the Seaforth
Agricultural Society, Monday even-
ing with the president, Arthur Nich-
olson, presiding, Gordon Bennett,
Toronto, in charge of boys' and girls'
club work in Ontario, and former
agricultural representative for Hur-
on, is to be asked to officially open
this year's fall fair on Sept. 24, the
second day of the fair.
Refreshment 'booths will be oper-
ated on the grounds by the Women's
Institute and the Women's Associa-
tion of Winthrop United Church, on
both the second and third days of
the fair, Sept. 24-25. Friday's fair
day will be strictly agricultural, with
the 4.11 baby beef champion show-
manship show, the Jersey parish
show, the Ontario Hereford Associa-
tion regional show, the 4-11 Swine
Club competition, heavy horses and
other dairy, beef and swine classes
being given prominence. The school
children's parade and a parade of
floats will open Friday afternoon's
Program, accompanied by bands. A
full afternoon of entertainment will
be provided before the grandstand
with Russell T. Bolton in charge,
Saturday's fair day will include
harness and running races, includ-
ing a green race; carriage and road-
ster horse events as well as pony
racing, all of, which should provide
a full afternoon of events. A band
will also be in attendance,
Bicycle races will also be a feat-
ure of Friday's fair. There will be a
class for boys, and one for girls 12
years and under, with prizes of $5,
$3, and $2 being offered, The same
prize money is being offered in an
open bicycle race, open to all com-
ers, any age. A small entry fee is to
be charged for these racing events,
Two special prizes -are to be 'offered
in the open bicycle race— to the old-
est and the youngest contestants
completing the half -mile course, re-
gardless of where they come in the
'ammes41though all round -house exhibits
anti those •of the high school and
home making clubs in the communi-
ty centre auditorium will be remov-
ed at 5 p.m. on Friday, the merch-
ants' exhibits in the arena proper
will bo held over for Saturday..
The Pet Show, which is growing
larger each year, will once again be
in charge of representatives of the
Lions' Club,
A variety program of high calibre
will be presented Thursday and Fri-
- day evenings in the arena. Several
professional acts will be reinforced
with' local talent. Friday evening's
program will conclude at 10 p.m.
and will be followed by a dance in
the auditorium. On Thursday even-
ing all exhibits in the , roundhouse
and auditorium will have been judg-
ed and will be open to the public. On
both evenings draws will be made
in the various merchants' display
Earl McSpadden, sec.-treas., re-
po'ts that things are pretty well
Iil�ied up for the fair.
In the largest competition in eggs
the Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, has ever had, Mr. J. M,
Scott was the successful winner 'of
one first prize and two second priz-
es for brown eggs from Scott Poul-
try Farms. Competition was very
keen with every province in Canada
represented in a total of 138 entries.
Since 1948 when there were only 6
entries the number has been steadily
increasing. Judging is on a basis of
points, 100 points being necessary
for a first prize,
The 88th birthday of Robert B. Ro-
gerson, the last of the sons of Solo-
mon and Elizabeth Rogerson, pion-
eers of Hullett Township. One sister
Elizabeth, wife of Matthew Arm-
strong, is still living. In 1904 he was
married to Susan M. Wheatley, daug-
hter of Mr. and Mrs. 'George Wheat-
ley, pioneers of Hullett 'Township,
Settling •on Con. 9, Hullett, they con-
tinued to live there until death of his
wife in 1949, July 10th. Selling his
farm and moving to Seaforth, he has
continued to live hero. In early life
he was active in Church and Sunday
School until impaired hearing and
sight compelled him to give up
Church work. He is still enjoying fair
health and able to go up town for his
daily mail. A total abstainer from
liquor and tobacco, he has always
been ready to join in the activities of
a, social and Christian life. A life
member of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, he served as Secretary, and
President of Constance Branch of the
Bible Society.
A. new award this year is a trophy
donated by Harold Jackson, to the
champion exhibit of grain from the
4-11 Grain Clubs in Huron County.
The winner will receive a miniature
replica of the trophy for his posses-
sion and the first prize winner will
also receive $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd
and down to 8th, $2.00. The above
prize money is donated by Robt. W.
Campbell and Russell T. Bolton.
Also the Edward.Pryce Trophy will
be again donated to the boy or girl
with the grand champion baby beet
steer, and the Seaforth Farmers Co-
op trophy to the grand champion
junior heifer from Seaforth 4-1-1
Calf Club.
The Senator Golding Trophy for
showmanship in the 4-1I Baby Beef
Calf Clubs of Huron and Perth will
also be competed for at the fair this
Savauge's are again donating a
trophy for the grand champion pair
of gilts from the 4-11 Swine Clubs
in Perth and Huron, to be shown at
Seaforth fall fair. '
One more award is the Seaforth
trophy, donated by Mr. Harvey Les-
lie of the Seaforth Creamery for the
winner in the Seaforth - 4-H Dairy
Calf Club.
Recent real estate changes through
the office of W. C. Oke include the
Allan Nicholson has purchased
- Mrs. Robert Strong's house in Eg-
Carl VanDuzen, Seaforth,-has pur-
chased the house of James Pretty,
North Main St, possession October
1st. Mr. and Mrs. Pretty came to
Seaforth seven years ago from Re-
gina, and expect to return there with
their two children next month.
Orville Greer, of near Stratford,
has bought Warden Haney's SO -acre
farm in Tuckersmith, this being the
former Leyburn farm near the tile
Mr. John Baldwin has rented the
Jackson house on James St. from
Norman MacLean.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rodgers of
Mar wish to announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Mar-
garet Isabel June to Mervip Edmund
Godkin, elder son of Mr: and Mrs.
Edmund Godkin of Welton. The mar-
riage will take place September 28th
at 2 p.m. at Evergreen Lodge, Red
Bay, Ont.
51.50 a Year
Miss Joan Wheatley, bride elect,
was honoured at the home of Cath-
erine Campbell on Monday evening,
Aug, 23 ai a miscellaneous shower
sponsored by Elsie Storey and Cath-
erine Campbell. Approximately 75
neighbours and friends assembled to
extend good wishes to the prospec-
tive bride.
Mrs. R. S. MOKercher was anistress
of ceremonies and led a sing -song to
open the program for the evening,
after which a mock wedding was
presented by Mrs. Robt, Doig, .Mrs.
David Shannon, Mrs, Everett Storey,
Mrs. Robt. 'Scott, Mrs. Wm. Storey,
Joy Jantzi, Mrs. Les Pryce, Mrs,
Gordon Papple, Mrs. Joseph Con-
nolly, The group was favoured with
a duet by Misses Joan and Lois Ann
Mrs. Robt. Doig road an address
of congratulations to the bride and a
beautifully decorated basket was
carried in by Helen Connolly and
Dorothy Keys. After the gifts had
been opened the bride graciously ex-
pressed her thanks, Lunch was
The following is the address:
Dear Joan: 'It is with a great dual
of gladness, and just a little bit of
sadness, that we have gathered here
tonight, to let you know we think
you are just right. Soon you are go-
ing to live with Bob, and try your
hand at a new job, Tuckersmith you
now have in mind, poor old McKillop
you are leaving behind. You will be
inissed a great deal by your father
and mother, and even 'by that mis-
chievous brother, but don't forget
that the neighbors too, all will be a
thinking of you. For years you have
studied hard at your books, now
what you ifeed is to know how to
cook, "Folks! whenever we hear
George Wheatley's ring, Joan will
be telling her mother `Bob won't
eat a thing." And when down to the
barn you go, I'll just bet a nickel
you won't know, which cows get
chop, or do horses get oats? That
will be one time you can't look at
your notes. Now let's put all foolish-
ness away, and all wish Joan a
bright sunny Saturday. For you and
Bob our best wishes three; Health,
Happiness, and Prosperity. Signed
on behalf of year friends and neigh-
The regular monthly meeting of
the Seaforth Women's Institute will
be held at the home of Mrs. James
Keyes on Tuesday, Sept. '7 at 2 o'-
clock. This is the eommnnity activity
and public relation meeting in charge
of Mrs. Andrew Crozier and Mrs.
James F. Scott. The roll call is to be
answered with "What farm women
need most". The speeial speaker of
the ,afternoon will be Miss Margaret
Brophy of Wingham. Sandwiches;
Mrs. William Collins and Mrs. Isaac
Hudson. Tarts: Mrs. Andrew Crozier
and Mrs. William Leeming. Members
and friends are cordially invited to
attend, Please note the change of
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister
10 a.m., Church School and Adult
Bible Class.
11 a.m., "Working with God".
J7 p.m., "God's
or athletes".
On August 28th, before tall stan-
dards of pink and white gladioli, on
the lawn at the home of her par-
ents, Joan Arlene Wheatley, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wheat-
ley of Seaforth, was married to Mr.
Robert Petrie Allan, son of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Allan of Brucefield, by
the Rev. T. 3. Robinson of Stratford,
uncle of the bride.
Miss Norma Leeming, organist,
played the Bridal Chorus (Lohen-
rin) and Mendelasohn's Wedding
March, The soloist, Mrs. Robert
Mclt ereher, sang "The Lord's Pray-
er" before the ceremony, and "My
World" during signing' of the regis-
The bride was given away by her
father and wore 'ballerina length
eyelet embroidered organdy over tat.
feta, fashioned with 3 -tiered skirt,
matching jacket, buttoned to neck in
front with pointed collar and long
lily -point sleeves, Finger-tip scal-
loped veil caught to satin half hat
trimmed with sped pearls.
Tho bride's flowers were a nose-
gay of red Better Times roses and
white stephanotis.
Maid of honor was Miss Elsie
Storey of Seaforth, whose gown was
similar in style to bride's with shrug
bolero, matching gloves and head-
dress made of pale blue eyelet em-
broidered organdy over white taff-
Miss Catherine 'Campbell of Sea -
forth was bridesmaid. Her costume
was similar in style to maid of honor
with shrug bolero, matching gloves
and headdress made of deeper blue
eyelet embroidered organdy over
blue taffeta. Both carried nosegays
of pink carnations and white steph-
Best man was Mr. John MacDon-
ald of Ottawa, Ont., and Mr. Larry
Wheatley, brother of the bride, was
For the reception at the bride's
home, the bride's mother wore beige
georgette crepe with pink accessor-
ies, corsage of pink roses. The
groom's mother wore sea shell pink
ticolene crepe dress with matching
accessories and a corsage of yellow
Assisting in serving were Miss Joy
Jantzi, Miss Marie Connolly, Mrs.
Everett Storey, all of Seaforth, and
Miss Olive Jefferson of Munro.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan left for a
wedding trip to Northern Ontario.
The bride's travelling costume was
a charcoal tailored dress with match-
ing jacket, tangerine accessories and
corsage of bronze chrysanthemums.
On their return they will reside on
the bridegroom's farm at Brucefield.
Following their marriage at the
Mutual Club in Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Iszacovics will reside in Sea -
forth. Mrs. Iszacovics, the former
Rebecca Shinen, is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinen. Rabbi Del-
baum officiated at the ceremony.
'Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a waltz -length dress
of white nylon net. The fitted strap-
less bodice was of lace, embroidered
with pearls and the bouffant skirt
fell in cornered panels of net. A
brief short sleeved bolero of chant -
illy lace topped the bodice. Her
finger-tip veil was arranged- from a
crown accented with pearls and she
carried a white Bible covered with a
white orchid with velvet streamers.
Her only attendant was Ruth Shinen,
sister of the bride, who wore a waltz -
length strapless dress of champagne
net over taffeta and a headdress of
pink roses and carried pink baby
roses. Steve Slomovits of Cleveland
was best man. The bride's mother
wore navy sheer with rhinestone and
lace trim, a navy velvet picture. hat
with corsage of pink roses. '
After a reception at the Mutual
Club, the bride and groom left for
St. Agathe, Que., the bride travelling
in a charcoal grey tissue taffeta with
a matching stole and charcoal acces-
With the close of the baseball sea-
son in. Seaforth, a word of praise is
due to Mr. Adam Ast for the interest
he has taken this summer in the Ban-
tams and Pee Wees. Mr. Ast has giv-
en much time to coaching the boys,
managing the teams, and providing
transportation to out-of-town games.
Some of the fathers have -assisted in
this. The boys have had a lot of fun,
and while not winning all their games
have shown a definite improvement,
and got into the playoffs. Thanks is
also due to the merchants who do-
nated uniforms.
The Bantam team was: Don. Me-
Clineiiey, pitcher; Ken Thompson,
catcher; Keith Pethick, 1st2nd'
e b Ron
Mason, ss; Ron Scoins,;
Craig Willis, 3rd base; Bruce McFad-
den, Wayne Jessome, Larry Berger,
Ken King, fielders.
Pee Wees: Lloyd Pethick, Terry
Ast, Ray Scoins, ;Gary Ast, Bob
Reith, Bob Elliott, Doug Rowcliffe,
Larry Dale, Gordon Ferris, Stan
Brown, Brian Flannigan, Gordon
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m. Church School.
11 5,10,, "The Nature of our Work"
Salvation Army
Lieut. Col. and Mrs. F. Merrett
of London, special speakers for this
Sunday's services.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele visit-
ed her father, Mr. Taylor, at Goder-
ich on Sunday.
Nurses Matilda and Laving Lehr
and Mr. Albert Ilarloff of Brunner
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock
and at the Eggert home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Muegge and
family were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Koehler.
Cemetery Decoration Services will
be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 at 2,30
p.m. at the Evangelical Church, Rev.
FT. Roppel of Zurich will be the guest
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth
and Ralph, accompanied
;Mond y on a
Charles Eggert
motor trip td the West Coast where
they will visit Mrs, Scherbarth's and
Mr. Eggert's sister at Elbow, Sask:
and Victoria, B.C.
Miss Mary Jackson oaf; Seaforlth
visited her sister Mrs. Norman Eg-
gert on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Krohn of Elk-
ton, Mieh., were visitors with iter
uncle, Mr, Fred Hoegy and Mrs, H.
Wieterson on Saturday.
Mr. George Wietersen of Detroit
visited his uncle Mr. henry Wieter-
een on Sunday.
Roy Kleber of Kitchener is at his
grlieeveeand MMrs,anDaniBeierman
accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cou-
sons of Brussels. to Cornwall where
they are attending the "County
1 -tome" Convention this week.
Watch enlarged
le show detail
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
Warden and Mrs, W. J. Dale spent
Sunday and Monday at Niagara and
while there attended the opening of
the new Power Station by the Duch-
ess of Kent, The weatherman was
very unkind dealing out a very
heavy downpour of rain; it, how-
ever, in no way dampened the en-
thusiasm of the large crowd in at-
Miss Donelda Adams was success-
ful in passing her summer school.
course taken in Toronto during July
and August. She obtained her cer-
tificate in Audio -Visual Aids, valid
in a Public, Separate, High or Con-
tinuation or Collegiate Institute.
Mrs. Jack Donald and family of
State College, Pa., are visiting with
Mrs. Donald's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jamieson and Jim.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and
Linda of London spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson.
Warden W. J. Dale was in Wood-
stock on Friday and Saturday, judg-
ing horses at the annual fall fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson, Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Pearson
of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke.
The Bible Vacation School spon-
sored by the Salvation Army for all
denominations was held in Seaforth
Barracks, Aug. 23-27 with an en-
rolment of 96. Joyce Brown, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown,
received the Honor Award, a beauti-
ful Bible. We extend our congratu-
lations to Joyce.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch were in
Stratford on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Da-
vid and Mr. and Mrs. William Lee of
Clinton were in Magnetawan over
the weekend. Mrs. Robert Johnston
returned with then and is spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Medd.
Warden W. J. Dale is in Cornwall
attending the County Home Conven-
The sincere sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Borden Brown in the passing of Mrs.
Brown's brother, the late George
Henry Brigham of Toronto in his.
GOth year.
Miss Marion Dale of Clinton is a
guest of her cousin, Miss Glenise
Mr. Ernest Adams and Miss Don-
elda Adams are in Toronto attend-
ing the C.N.E.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 'George Addison on Sunday
were v1rs. Dora Walker of Clinton
Mr. Jack Addison, Orillia; Mr. and
Mrs. Will Addison of Londesboro and
Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Bean and Bert
of Carlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sloan, Sharon,
Sandra, Vonnie and Johnnie of
Bothwell spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babcock. Mrs.
Babcock and Randy returned with
them on Sunday to visit relatives at
Wallacoburg, Dresden and Newbury.
Mrs. George T. Wheatley enter-
tained at a trousseau tea on Wednes-
day, August 26th, in honor of her
daughter, Joan, prior to her mar-
Serving were Mrs. Willis Dundas,
Mrs. Joseph Little, M'rs. Rae Hart,
Mrs. Stewart Macinnis, Mrs. Aaron
Jantzi, in the afternoon. In the
evening, Mrs. Robert McKercher,
Mrs. Robert J. Doig, Mrs. Joseph
Connolly, Mrs. Wm. J. Storey, Mrs.
James Keys, Mrs. David Shannon,
and Mrs. 'Dyke Wheatley.
Pouring tea in the afternoon were
Mrs. Willard Armstrong of Bel -
grave and Mrs. Murray Squire of
Corunna; and in the evening, Mrs.
Hope Pauli of Detroit. Displaying
the trousseau were Miss Elsie Stor-
ey and Miss Joyce Glanville, and the
gifts, Miss Catherine Campbell:
Door attendants were cousins of
the bride, Joyce Armstrong and
Sharon Maclnnis.
The gladioli used in the house de-
corations all came from the garden
of the groom's mother, Mrs. Robert
Allan, of Brucefield.
Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Hayter of Babylon Line were sorry
to learn of his loss on Friday night
of his barn and season's crop and
some stock; as well as the brother's
machine being burned to the ground.
The ;nen helping at threshing only
had a few minutes to escape the fire.
Harvest threshing is almost com-
plete in this vicinity. Some are pull-
ing beans for harvesting.
The many friends of Mrs. Oscar
Ducharme are sorry to hear she is in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
Her many friends wish her back to
good health again.
Mrs. Harold Finlay, who has been
confined to her room for nearly six
weeks, is able to be up a few min-
utes each day now and gaining her
strength. Her many friends are glad
to hear, of her recovery.
and nd Mrs. Ed . Swartzentruber
and family returned home after a
very pleasant. holiday.
Mrs. Conrad Seinen of Zurich and
daughters, Mrs. Brown of (Kitchener
and daughter, also Mrs. G. Brown of
New Hamburg called on Mr's. Harold
Finlay on Sunday.
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Farrell
daughters and son of Ripley caned
on their cousins on Sunday evening.
Ma. Hugh McBride of London vis-
ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McBride and John.
Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, Zur-
ich visited with their son, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore
were visited by the Sclaters from
Seaforth on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Desch accom-
panied Mr. and Mr's, Milton Desch
of Zurich to Milverton est Sunday
and visited relatives,
Mr. ' 0. Ducharme and son Maxim
called on Mrs. Ducharme in Seaforth
031ake School No. 0 has had some
remodelling done, getting ready dor
the fall term.
Parkhill, Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Foster
and family, Aldershot, Mrs. Foster
and family returned to her home
after spending a week with Mr, and
Mrs. •Gackstetter. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Robert
and David spent a few days last week
in Port Elgin
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley and
family are visiting relatives in Indi-
Mr. and Mrs. Val Buccecone and
family (nee Ruth Watson) of Gary
Indianna, visited on Friday with her
sister, Mrs. Peter Gridzak.
Mrs. Frank Plumb and children
have returned home after visiting
the foavrner's sister, Mrs. Kenneth
Loftus in Sault Ste Marie.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Dickert and
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dickert visit-
ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Diekert.
NIr. and Mrs. Aldwin Collingwood
of Hamilton, and Mrs. Wm. Hornet'
of Exeter visited on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. •Gackstetter.
Mrs. Jean Chalmers and David of
Woodstock, called on several of
their friends here on Thursday.
Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahi and Connie
returned home on Friday after a
month's visit with relatives at P11 -
more, Sask.
Mrs. Hazel DeForge, Winnipeg,
and Mrs. D. Colquhoun and Jean
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Scott and family.
Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace, Mar-
garet and Mrs. Grace Scott spent the
weekend in Buffalo.
Mrs. Harold McLeod, London, Mrs,
Sam. McCurdy, Mrs. Horton Mc-
Dougall, Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mrs. Geo.
Wallace and Miss Beatrice Hodgert
of Vancouver visited on Tuesday
with friends in Clinton and Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Houghton,
London, spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. M. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and
family visited 00 Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Allan.
Mrs. Lindsay McKellar is spending
a few days in Seaforth.
Mrs. M. Moughton, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. James, NIrs. Albert Hey, and
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe, Ruth,
Mildred and Caroline attended the
Dalrymple and Stephenson Reunion
at Lakeside on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dickert and
Ronnie visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Laing.
The Induction Service of Rev.
Samuel Herr, B.A., 13.D., into the
Exeter and Cromarty charge, will
take place in Caven Church, Exeter,
on Friday evening.
A. shower for Mrs. R. Hubert of
Seaforth ,(formerly Celia Norris)
was held at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Norris on Mon-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossop and
,Bette spent the weekend in Toronto
and attended the C.N.E.
Mrs. Chas, Eyre entertained the
W.A. and W.M.S. .of. Ignrondville
United Church, Aug. 25. Mrs. Ed
Boyes presided over the W.A. and
plans were made for the Fall Pres-
byterial and the Plant Sale in Octo-
ber. Mrs. David Stephenson led in
prayer. Mrs. Ken Smith read the
scripture lesson. Mrs. Jas. McIntosh
gave an inspirational talk. The min-
utes and roll call were read by Mrs.
W. Trenneer.
Mrs. E. Stephenson, Pres. of WMS
gave a reading "My Church" and
led in prayer for the World Council
of Churches. The devotional service
was in charge of Mrs. N. McLean
and Mrs. R. MoGeoch. A very en-
couraging report of The Church of
Christ in the Philippines was given
by Miss Mabel Cameron. Mrs. N. Mc-
Lean told about her holiday at Glen
Reek Camp in Muskoka. A reading
by Mrs. E. Cameron. The Treasur-
er's report was given by Mrs. W. F.
McMillan. Lunch was served by Mrs.
A. Forbes and Mrs. M. Nott's com-
mittee. Mrs. E. Durst thanked the
Mrs. 3. McClyncont has returned
home after spending a couple ot'I
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Alice
Cook in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, NIr.
and Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs.
'Russel Consitt, Mr. and Mrs. Camp-
bell Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rell.
spent the weekend at Manitoulin'
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Long and
Mr. Robert Thomson visited the lat-
ter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. Lorne Schneider in Strat-
ford on Sunday.
Miss 'Gail Ann Gackstetter is
spending a couple of weeks with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
IIoriiey in Exeter.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Gackstetter were Mr, and Mrs.
Edgar Horney, Joanie and Bob of
Ridgeway, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mots
of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Ferguson and Dorothy, Whalen, Mr.
and Mrs, David Hord and family of
Mr. and Mrs. James Klein, and
Darcy Ann of Tavistock spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dolmage. and,
The Mission and of Cavan
Church held their picnic at the Lions
Park, Seaforth. About 30 children
were present and all enjoyed an aft-
ernoon of sport, Lunch and ice creams
was served by the W. A.
Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cypress,
California, is visiting her sister Mrs.
W. E. Hawley and brothers, Messrs
Will and Zack McSpadden.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodge and fam-
ily of St. Catherines visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haase.
Miss Dianne Morey of Mitchell is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Haase and
Mr. 'Haase.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale anti fam-
ily of Hullett spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt McClure,
intermittent rain again delayed
harvest, operations particularly in the
north end of the County. Fall wheat
ie being prepared, indications are ror
a -reduced acreage of this crop. Cash
erops are making good growth, how-
ever there is some rusting of the
white bean crop. Some early turnips
have been shipped with the growers
receiving up to $1.00 per bushel.
The September meeting of the
Seaforth branch of theCanadian
Red Cross will be held in the Library
reenns on Friday of next week, Sept.
10 at 3 p.m. Serving and knitting
will be given out at this time.
At a meeting of Seaforth District
High School Board Tuesday evening
a notion was passed to hire Mrs, J.
(Shirley) Bannon as secretary in the
principal's office at the high school,
succeeding Mrs. Helen Scott.