HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-07-01, Page 8vr7vvaTTvaurrtvrv-trarTaazvrsvvITTTNTIre'MYNTTYTT FTTTTTT"TIT; rsriaTrT7rrrTTTTTTTTr7717V/T7TTevT7 THE 8F4AFORTH N4Ws THURSDAY, JULY TO KEEP COOL Wear A Smart Sizes ti:'•1 to 7i Choose from the new wash- able straw hats with cool open mesh crowns for extra comfort. Smart, colorful pugaree bands set them off to per- fection. - Color$are nat- ural, suntan and grey. - 2.95 to 3.95 American san- forized "Blue Rook" twill shirt and pant sets for work or play.- Fawn and forest green shades, Smart looking, long wearing and color fast 9,50 SET a( Swim Shorts Boxer types, or satin elastic skintlte styles in wine, royal, green yellow, and white, Take to the water in these action free swim trunks at 2.95 to ' 4.95 Cool! Cool? Sport Shirts Open meshes, krinkie nylons, fine ceianese and gabardine are features of this season's best sport shirt showing. - Colors include white, beige, blue, navy, rust, grey and gold 3.50 to 4.95 POPULAR IIT" SHIRTS FOR MEN Round neck or gaucho collar styles in plain, two tone or bold stripes. - All sizes at 1.19 to 2.95 MEN'S HOBBY JEANS New stub and faded denim hobby Jeans, have pleats, elastic waist band and zip- per closure. - They're extra cool, smart and positively washable. Priced at 3.95 & 4.95 STE STANFIELDS DOUBLE FRONT & BACK JOCKEYS If you want quality Jockey shorts, choose Stanfield's with the double ply front and back panel for extra wear and comfort 1.25 each SHIRTS TO MATCH 1.25 EA. ART BROS. CLOSED THURSDAY JULY 1ST - - DOMINION DAY i 2 New M. H. Rope Hayloaders Mucli less than cost to clear 1 used M. H. Side Rake Seaforth Motors HENSALL The lovely farm home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Riley was the setting for the annual reunion of the Riley Clan attended by 85 members of the clan. The weather was ideal for the event and highlighted with a full line of sports and delicious eats, Bill Kel1- ington of Brussels was elected presi- dent for 1955. Vice Pres., Lloyd Ri- les; Sports Committee, Mary and Lloyd Riley, Glenn and Barbara Neil, Mitchell; Lucky License Plate win- ner was Ernie Harburn; youngest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steckley; youngest baby, Dale Stin- son; coming the farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kellington, Brus- sels; oldest couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Luxton, Brussels; youngest fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs, E. Brodhagen. Lucky Chair, Win. Riley. Guessing peanuts in the jar, Allan Boa. Fol- lowing are winners in the various sports.' Peanut scramble, under 6, Susan Stinson; Races, girls 6 and un- der, Linda Brodhagen; boys under (1, Ivan Boa; girls (; to 8, Betty P,rodhagen; boys 6 to 8, Larry Kell- innton; nirls 8 to 10, Rita Flynn; boys 8 to 10, Mervin Neal; girls 10 to 19, Eleanor Boa; boys 10 to 12, Mer- vin Neil, girls 12 to 14, Isabelle Neil; bis 19 to 1-1, Lorne IIo;;gert. Young women, Barbara Neil; young men, Beverley Riley; nsarried women, Mrs, Mervin Riley; married men, Mervin Riley; lndiea•kiek-the-slipper, Doro- thy Flynn; Inrn lielc-the-slipper, Geo. Eon; Ic rr c d ror e, Eleanor and Geo. 11,41; 5 h ;hal r may rare, Betty and Bernard lircdhagen; slipper scram- i,lL M rr var et and George Boa; ladies '1 ro',;in:; paper plate, Barbara Neil; -nen throwing plates, Bernard Brod- h:T_en; clothes in milk bottle, West dole. It was decided to hold the picnic Lire Ord Saturday in June next year. DUBLIN flee, Dr. Il'foulkes attended the An- nual Diocesan Priests' Retreat at St, Peter's Seminary, London, last week. Mi'. and ML's. Wm. Evans, Merrit- ton, with Mr, and 'Mrs, Frank Evans. Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice D a;ton, ,Hr, and Mrs, Thos, Murray, l+l0r- ence and Mona Sloan, Jos. and Thos. Sloan, spent the last weekend in Tim- mins visiting relatives. WINTHROP The W.A. and WMS meeting of Cavan Church will be held on Wed„ July 7th in the church. Mrs, Church, Sec. of Christian Citizenship will have charge of the WMS program, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bedaugh and Billy and Mr. 0. Hawley visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley on Saturday. Mrs. Essie Holtzeaur of Blyth' is visiting with her niece, Mrs. Alex McClure and Mr. McClure, WALTON Mra. Alexander Murray Catherine Mitchell McClay, widow of Alexander Murray, Walton, died in Clinton Hospital on Monday, June 21. She was 74 years of age and lived on Con. 9, Morris, with her son, Charles. She had been ill in Clinton Hospital for a week, although she had suffered arthritis for many years. Her husband died in 1940, Surviving are five sons: Charles, at home; Bill, of Grey Twp.; Gordon of Walton; David, Winghain; Ken- neth, Toronto, and four daughters: Mrs. G. Kirkby, Burwash; Mrs, John Larmour, London; Mrs, Earl Nott, Mullett, and Mrs. Glen Haase, Win- throp, Also 21 grandchildren. One son, Donald, made the supreme sac- rifice in World War II. Two brothers survive: Thomas McClay, Roland, Man., and John McClay, also of Man- itoba. A private funeral was held on Thursday from Ranns' Funeral Ilome, Brussels, at 2.30 with Rev. W. M. Thomas, Duff's Church, Walton, con- ducting the service. Interment was in Brussels cemetery, her five so is and Earl Nett, sot -in-law, being the. pallbearers, STA F FA Frank A. Harnbley Fttneral service for Frank A, Ilam- bley, who died on Sunday afternoon, June 20, at his home in Staffa, was held at the Heath funeral home, Mit- chell, on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. A. 1I, Daynard of Staffa officiated, Mrs. Edward Gilck presided at the organ and accompanied Mrs. T, W, Heath, who sang "God Understands," The profusion of beautiful floral tri- butes and the large number of friends and relatives attending the service and who called to pay their last respects, bespoke the high est- eem in which Mr, Hamhley was held, Members of Tudor Masonic Lodge No. 141, Mitchell, of which he was a valued member, gathered at the funeral home Tuesday evening and conducted• a brief Masonic ser- • vice. The pallbearers were Henry G. Webber, Woodham; Arthur Kemp, Cameron Vivian, Lyle Worden, Leslie Butson and Edgar Butson, of •Staffa. The flower bearers were Walter O'- Brien, Jack Butson, William Butson, Staffa; Alvin Kemp, Harold Patter- son and John Sadler, Mitchell. Burial was in Staffa cemetery, Those at- tending the funeral were from Mit- chell, Woodham, Cromarty, Staffa and district, DUBLIN St. Patrick's Parent-Teacher Assoc- iation met in Dublin on Thursday evening, The guest speaker, Rev. John McIver, S,F,M., urged both parents and teachers to impress upon young people the importance of realizing that marriage is a real vocation. A failure to understand and appreciate this fact, he pointed out, is the cause of the decline iu the number of good Catholic families in the locality. Father McIver also urged the teach- ers in a farming district to stress the true importance of agriculture as an occupation, since it is the greatest of the arts and the foundation of the economic life of the country. It is to be regretted, he said, that so many young men are turning away from the farm to adopt some other career. The speaker also gave a very int- eresting description of credit unions, and told of the great good accomp- lished by such unions founded under his guidance in the—Dominican Re- public, George Ducharme, president, ex- pressed the appreciation of the audi- ence for Father McIver's talk, Dr. Torn Melody thou read to tho mem- berm the new constitution for the St, Patrick's P.T.A. This was approved, and adopted New officers were elected as fol- lows; president, Dr, Tont Melacly; vice president, William Ryan; secret- ary, James O'Connor; treasurer (re- electtd by a.cclaina(inn), Mrs. Joseph Shea; parent. councillors, Mrs, Wil- frid O'Rourke, John Coyne. HULLETT Burns' WMS and WA held their June meeting at the home of Mrs, Art Colson on Thursday, June 24th, Ml's, C. Moors presided for the dove - Lionel session. Scr'iptutp was read by Mrs, Art Colson. Mrs, J. ,Riley read a chapter entitled "Chain Reac- tion" from the study book, this dealt with Japanese Churches. Mr's. Moon showed a •picture of the. United Church crest and explained the eym- bols. Mrs, White conducted the busi- ness session. It was decided to have the Mission and -Baby Band meeting at the regular July meeting. It would be held in S.S. No, 7 School with Group 2 in charge. The WMS and WA decided ,to each buy a flower basket to be used in tunes of bereavetflent and for use in the church, During the W. A. meeting, Mrs. Moon auctioned off the articles in the auction basket, for a total of $8.90. The third basket will he at the August electing. Thero were 22 pre- sent at this meeting. EOMONDVILLE Mrs. D. 'Stephenson and Mrs, A. Routledge greeted the many visitors frons Brucefield, Chiselhurst, Kippen and Varna, at the joint meeting of the WADS', and W.A, af Egmond- ville United Church on`June 28. Mrs,. Harrold Snell, Exeter, the guest speaker, gave a very inspirational and informative address on "Cour- age for Tasks".'Other visitors assist- ing on program were: Mrs. G. Rich- ardson, Brucefield, solo; Mrs. H: Caldwell, Kippen, reading; Ladies' Octette, Varna, solo, Mrs. B. Mc- Gregor, Kippen; Instrumental, Mrs, A. Ross, ,Chiselurst; Reading, Mrs,• Maines, Brucefield, "Life is a Trust" was the thence of the Christian Stewardship program under the leadership of the WMS Pres„ Mrs. E. Stephenson. Those as- sisting were Mrs. A, Forbes, Mrs. G. ;McGonigle, Mrs.,S, Jackson, Mrs. A. Chesney, Mrs, D. Wallace and Mrs, W. E. Milroy. Duet, Miss Alice Wat- son and Mrs, E. Stephenson., Read- ing, Mrs. J110.1r o. atsonM . rs, E. Boyes gave an address of welcome and the W. A, Committee served lunch in the Sunday School room at the close of the meeting. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL- BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE NOTICE tient The Ontario andel- al Board has appointed Monday, the Sth day. of July, A.D. 1954, nt the hour of one o'clook n the afternoon, Daylight. Saving Time 11,10 u m. D,$,T.) at the Coune(i Chamber's in the owns of Seaforth, for the hearing of all per - ons interested, 10 support of or opposing the application of the Corporation of .the 'Town of Seaforth, pursuant to Sections 06 and 61 of rile Ontario Mnnleipal Board Act for an Order or Orders.. (1) disposing with a vote of the ratepayers with respect to a proposed capital ex- penditure of $.96,00.10 for the con- struction of sewers on (a) Lame West of Main, Huron and Main Streets, (b) Elm, Oak, Willow inn( :ormssing under the Caned - Ian National liailway; Sewage 'Treatment Plant for the purpose of primary treatment and chlorination only; rot• making all the necessary private drain connections therewith and for acquiring land in the munieipality, (2) approving the said undertaking and cap- ital expenditure, DATED at the Town of Seaford; this 22nd day of June, 1964. McCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for the Applicant, a The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth BRODHAGEN Miss Joanne Rock, Miss Rose Scherbarth, Miss Rose Sieinon and Gary Sholdiee are attending Luther League Cansp, Geneva Park, Lake Couchiching this- week. Rev, W. Becker is also at this camp for the week as chaplain and Misses Elsie and Beatrice Siemon spent the week- end at the same camp. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdiee, and Warren, Roger and Beverley and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser Su- san and Patricia spent Sunday at this camp. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe' and Don with Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz Jr. in Kitchener for the weekend. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Waterloo Banal Festival on Saturday. The Brodhagen Band took part in the Waterloo Band Festival on Sat- urday, Master Clare French played a cornet solo and received 83 marks. Mr. Carl Sholdiee, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McEachren and Teresa of Thornhill visited the former's brother. Russell Sholdiee, and Mrs, Sholdiee, on Saturday. Mrs. Edith Beuerntau spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Pryce, and Mr. Pryce, in Kitchener. ' Mrs. John Herbert of Montreal, Miss Gertrude Herbert of California, with Mr. and Ml's, Fred Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mr, acid Mrs. Aug. Hillebralit and Mrs, Militia Mueller. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Querengesser re- turned to Edmonton and Mr. and Mrs, Ed Efclnteir to Vegreville, Alta., after visiting relatives for the past three weeks. Quite a number attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennewaes (Doreen Gordner), in the town hall, Mitchell, on Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Carman Mogk and Wendy of St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. -,Geo. and Harold Mogk on Satur- day. HURFORD•GIBBERD Widely known in London and throughout the Anglican Diocese of Huron, Rev. Dr. R. P. D. Hu'fon'd, rec- tor of Christ Church in London, ex- changed marriage vows Monday aft- ernoon with Grace Gibberd, a formet missionary. ' The ceremony, in St. John the Ev- angelist Church, was performed by the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, and Archdeacon C. W. Fore- man, rector of the church, Dr. Hurford, in addition to being rector of Christ Church, is also on the staff of Huron College. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Edith W. Gibberd, London, was first commissioned to her missionary post in China (where she served for 17 years) by St. John the Evangelist Church. In the guest pews for the ceremony were relatives and close friends, in- cluding members of the clergy. Re- maining pews were filled by friends from the congregations of Christ Church and the Church of St. John the Evangelist. The altar was decorated for the oc- casion with bouquets of blue delph- iniuntand pink carnations. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Erie W. Gibber&, of Pasa- dena, Cal. She wore a two-piece en- semble of rose crepe, with a rose- colored flowered hat and white acces- sories. Attending her was Miss Barbara Gibberd, a sister, wearing a suit of robin's egg blue with a matching hat. Both the bride and her sister carried small bouquets of sweet peas and roses. Groomsman for Dr. Hurford was the Rev. J. A, Davies, rector of Old St. Paul's, Woodstock. A family reception followed, an the church sitting room. Dr. and Mrs, Hurford will spend the month of July vacationing in Niagara Falls, Band Disbands Exeter Citizens' 13a.nd has disband- ed, it was reported at council Monday night, Attempts to revive intere&t in the musical organization have been futile, Only tt few have turned out to praetices. Council members asked that another reorganization attempt be nlaclo in the 'fall, Councillor Witmer said he favored the suggestion that children should' be taught to play 1n. Bn'umeilts at school so that the town would have many potential musicit IIS for a band. The Citizens' Band was formed in the fall of 1934 for the Old Boys Reunion the ]next year. Teel Walper has • been the leader until re- cently when Ile retired, --Exeter Times A(lvocate. fi CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James Wil- liamson wish to thank the friends and neighbors and all those who helped in any way during their bereavement; also the nurses and Dr. Gorwill. The kindness of all was very much appre- ciated and will always be remembered, —Mr, and Mrs, James Williamson; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore, WANTED TO BUY A building about 12x14 or 12x16, must be in good condition, I''RANIC J. SMALE, Seaforth. FOR SALE Electric stove with high oven and annex, Reasonable. Apply at The 'News Office. , 1964 BOX 1 un rat etnk 4 FOR SALE Massey Harris hay )oader, good shape, Price $15. JOHN PECKITT, R.R, 3, Seaforth, Phone Clinton 6171.21. • FOR SALE Eighteen Yolk pigs, 9 weeks old. GORDON MILLER, lot 3, con. 11, Mc- Killop, WORK WANTED Dutch girl wants any kind of work, by hour or day. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth News. FOR SALE A number of good pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old. Phone 334 r 4, Seaforth. WM. C. MONTGOMERY, R.R. 4, Walton. CLOCK REPAIRS. Prompt service during July, SAY- AUGE'S, Seaforth. STRAYED Red heifer, due to freshen, about 1100 lbs. Strayed from lot 21, con, 4, McKillop. Horns cut off. Anyone knowing tate whereabouts of this hei- fer, please phone 839r6, Robert M. Scott. FOR SALE Ten acres of standing timothy and alfalfa hay: Apply to JOS. HASTINGS, lot 25, con 7, Hibbert, or phone 43r17, Dublin. FOR SALE Red Rock and Red Sussex pallets, ready for range, priced for Quick sale. W. C. Henderson, phone 683 J Sea - forth - FOR SALE Power lawn mower, used one month, in good shape; engine can also be used for pumping water, for emery or rip saw, etc. Apply to C. H. ADDI- COTT, phone 313 w FOR SALE Fifteen acres of mixed hay, a twin stroller ohly used one summer, $14. ART MoCLURE, 23r13, Blyth Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the erection of two sets of concrete steps at St. Columban School and two sets at No. 4, Hibbert. Full particulars will be supplied -by the secretary. Tenders to be in not later than, Thursday, July 8, 1954. = AUGUSTE DUCHARME, See.-Treas., R.2, Dublin Phone 17r13, Dublin. Tenders Wanted Tenders wanted for brush painting of School No. 7, McKillop. Classroom, stairs and hall to have two coats; basement, one coat; outside weodwor4t to have two coats. Separate figures for outside and inside. Tenders to be in by July 10. Work to be completed by August. 25. ALEX DENNIS, Sec.-Treas., Walton TE Cid horses for mi kf feeed GILBERT BROS Goderich, Phone collect 936x21 or 936r22 Goderieh. CUSTOM, WORK WANTED Custom combining of wheat dare. Will put wheat in granary or deliver to mill. Apply Ren Thompson, Seaforth phone 833r13, or John Thompson. 83801 FOl SALE 260 Sussex mrd ed pallets laying well, CHARLES W. RILEY, Clinton 11.1, Constance FOR SALE Buckwheat suitable for seed. Apply to .0 W. THOMPSON, phone 823-81 RHallieera t re O Radio 'aanil SERVICES Television.ontact STEW'S RADIO & TELEVISIN, Walton. CARPENTER WORK By contract or hour --roofing, siding, Porch- es, repair's and kitchen cupboards.:STEWART ARMSTRONG, phone. 8420 Per your Weed Sprayiying, phone AMC, Dub- lin. Prices reasonable. PETER E, MALONEY 8, SONS PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF TUOKERSMITH Upon hnotrugtion from council under auth- ority of Iiy-law #10, 1062, Township of Tuck- eesmith, I hereby proclaim that fill dogs in the hamlets of Egmondvllle and 00arPnrhey are Prohibited from running at largo during the period from June 1, 1054, to November 1, 1061, Owners or barhororo of dogs contraven- ing tha previsions of this by-law will be sub- Jeot to a maximum penalty of 650.00. (Signed) JAS. DWG, Reeve, !(tvlr. of Tuelmramlth FOR SALE • Frame diverting, hast William at„ modern, Frame dwelling in Egmondvilla Brlek dwelling on Ralhvny St. Frame dwelling on Lauina St, ma1orn, WATSON 8c 112000, Seaforth NOTICE Bulldozer for hire for digging cellars, clea> ing land, etc. JOS. 8c GARTH POSTILL, (Pluton. Phone 006r23 . FOR SALE Concrete bricks and flagstones; any 0010,', now in stock, itiodcu concrete flagstones pro- vide the convenient, pleasing garden Wallc, Easy to lay, no experience needed. Lasts a lifetime. Economise]. All kinds of concrete work, 'neludhng sidewalk*, cement itoore, peptic tanks, eta, SEAPO,T00 CONc2EToo PRODUCTS, Phone 22MM, Seaforth AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E, A. McMaster, B.A..M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Ilour's, 1 pan, to 0 P.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only .7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance- aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V,M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 t 0.80 Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 0AM to 12.80 PM Oilmen—MaLarens Studio, Mon, 0 to 6.80 • Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. 0. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 22211 SUMMER PRICES *'blue coal'; 'THC SOLID FUEL FOR. SOLID COtgFonT� :. PI;ONE 863-3 WILLIS DUNDAS CIOAMPION STOVE AND; FURNACE L DUNDAS•& LONEY Phone 363 3 or 332 R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTII, ONT. Officers—President, J. H. MoEwing, Myths Viee-Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and See.-Trene., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth' 3, H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander,Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leonhardt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich ; R. Archibald, Seaforth;. Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper 3r., Londesboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seatorth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84711, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Now Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone Clinton 634 r 21. - PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 25 samples $1.00. Mali- Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Robber Co., Box 91, Jiamilton, 0 t. massa. .,s®es.,,o FOB SALE New Mildmay Grain Threshers, Grain Throwers and Elevators, Combined Cutter and Shredders, At ell makes of threshers. The, nutter that makes finer straw. Get our prices and terms. WM. PEPPER, Seaforth. Phone Clinton :6161521 MI* .4•111101.82EiM COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO • FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take -Samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 16 or 376, Seaforth LEHIGH Premium Hard Coal More Heat Per Ton SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBE1T MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFIOII moms President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vico-Preside,,t Martin ifaohoy, ,112 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia 51. Clayton Celciuhoun, 10311 Science 33411 Milton McCurdy, 11001 Kirkton Alex 3. Rohde, 00153 Mitchell Agents Theo, G. Ballantyne, ,001 Woodham • E. Rolla Houghton, Cromarty Solllsltor, W.on aG. 'Ooohranne. Exeter Secretary.Trdaaurey Arthur Fraser, Doter