HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-07-01, Page 1.e Seaforth News
DL.Oo a Year
Snowdon Rm., rubashers
Authorized ',s SecondNass mail, Pop*
Ofriue Dept., Ottawa
A Men's Double Tournament was
held evening of Monday, June 28,
winners were:
1st, C. McManus, P. ..Bisset, Goder-
ich, 3w plus 23.
' 2nd, Steve Price, Earl Allison,
'Goderich, 3w plus 18.
.3rd, Jim Hoggarth, Gordon Dew,
Forest, 3w plus 10.
4th, Harold Vodden, Bert Gray,
Blyth, 8w plus 8.
6th, Thos, Kycld, H. E. Ross, Strat-
ford,• 2w plus 17.
Other doubles were skipped by
Geo. Hildebrand, Bev. Christie, Al
Close, Iiarold Free, Norm MacLean,
Bill Duncan, Dr. Brady, Gord. Muir,
Walker Hart all of Seaforth; Stan
MacLean, Goderich; Geo. hart, At
wood; W. Nichol, Stratford; Frank
E. Mason, Stratford; W. Ryckman,
Exeter; (fen Hockey, Exeter; W. Mc-
Kenzie, Mitchell; Wes Nott, Clinton;
Jack .Sutter; Clinton; Hugh Hawkins,
Seaforth Bowling Club draw for
House of Stone made -to -measure suit
was won by Dr. J. 0, MacLennan.
The draw was made by Tom Pritch-
ard, Goderich, following the tourna-
At the Spring Convocation at
Mount Holyoke 'College, Springfield,
Massachusetts, the degree of Master
of Arts was conferred. on Miss Jean
Mills, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Earl
-Mills, of 'McTfillop.
Miss Mills is a graduate of Sea -
forth District High School, and an
honor graduate in Science at Univer-
sity of Western Ontario,
At present she is on a motor trip
to Vancouver, B.C., where she will
spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs, Orval McClinchey
wish to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Donna Joyce, to Her-
bert E. Klopp, son of Mr. and Mrs.
—.a -Bertram Klopp, Zurich. The wedding
to take place July 10, at 3.30 p.m.
in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur-
ich, Ont.
'Bantam and Pee -Wee baseball got
off to a slow start during the week.
On Friday night the opening game
here between Dashwood and Seaforth
Bantams was called off in the third
inning because of rain. The score
was 1-1.
.A. scheduled Pee -Wee game . on
Monday night failed to take place
when the visiting Clinton nine did
not come. The reason: the equipment
was being used by another Clinton
team with higher priority.. That is
what we were told, anyway.
Mr. Adam Ast is coaching both
the Pee wees and Bantams this year.
Bantam players who have been prac-
ticing include, with last Friday's po-
sitions: Ron Mason, ss; Ron Scoins,
---31); Bruce McFadden, cf; Don Mc-
Clinchey, p; Keith Dellow, Keith
Pethick, ib; Howard James, lf; Ken
King, rf; Ken Thompson, c; Jack
Baker, Craig Willis.
On Tuesday night the Seaforth
Bantams were defeated by the St.
Marys Bantams in St. Marys by a
score of 14-10.
Winthrop defeated Holstein 3-0 at
Winthrop on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson of
!Goshen Line, Stanley, -were pleasant-
ly surprised last Thursday evening
when members of their family and.
friends gathered at their home to
honor them on the occasion of their
40th wedding anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. Robinson were married on June
24, 1914 at the home of the bride's
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Emmerson at McGregor, Manitoba,
by Rev. W. Johns. They have a fam-
ily of one daughter (Norene) Mrs.
Elmer Hayter, Stanley, and two sons,
William of Collingwood, and John of
Stanley; they also have seven grand-
children. About 45 gathered for the
occasion and many gifts and 'mes-
sages of congratulation were receiv-
ed. A dainty lunch was served and
the wish expressed that the bride and
groom of 40 years may enjoy many
more years of health and happiness.
Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Milroy and
family visited on Saturday with rela-
tives at Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Warden Haney visit-
ed recently. with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Clark of Muirkirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston •of
Kitchener spent Sunilaye with Mr.
Andrew Houston. • .
St, Thomas' Ladies Guild held a
Tea at the home of Mrs. A. Bethune,
Spading St. $65 was realized for the
Memorial Window Fulicl,
Joint Services of Northside United
and First Presbyterian in First
Church during July,
10 a.m., Church School
11 a,m„ Sermon Theme, The
Hem of Eternity."
Minister, Rev. John W. Stinson.
Egmonciville United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister
10 a.m., Church School and Adult
11 a.m,, Holy Communion.
Commencing next Monday: Vaca-
tion School each morning from 9 to
12 in Egmondville Church, All child-
ren of the neighborhood from 5 year;;
of age and up are invited to attend.
The following are the results of
the final examinations at Seaforth
District high School. The names of
all students who have been promoted
are included in this list. individual
subjects failed are shown after the
students' names.
Betty Alcock, Janet Beuerreann,
Merle Cooper (Eng. Comp. Geog,)
Suzanne Dick (Math., Science), Aud-
rey Godkin (Eng, Lit,, Geog,), Eliza-
beth Ilabkirk (Geog.), Penny Janes,
Joy Jantzi, Dorothy Keys, Marian
Mellwain, Josephine Morris, Margar-
et Rose Mulray, Beatrice Siemon,
Joan Talbot, Annette Townsend
(Home Ec), Mary Broadfoot, Mar-
jorie Charters, Ruth 'Crozier, Laurel
(Dale, Therese Etue (Geo. Hist), Bet-
ty Lane (Math.), Phyllis Lostell, Joy
Montgomery, Mary ,Anne Reynolds
(Math.), Nora Reynolds, Marilyn Ri-
ley, Marlene Ross, Anne Sinclair
(Geo.), Marilyn Taylor, Kenneth
Coulson, James Crieh ,(French), Ken-
neth Ducharme, Lawrence Eyre
(Eng. Lit., French), Charles Green
(Eng. Lit., Hist.), John Jacobi, Chas.
McGregor, Peter Maloney (Eng.
Comp., Math.), Ronald McClure (Eng
Comp. Eng. Lit.,), Jeannine Bedard
(Geog.), Rosemarie Bolger (French),
Faye Engel, Ruth Anne Ennis, Bar-
bara Evans (Geog), Lois Fox, Aud-
rey Hackwell, Wilhelmina Heyink,
Isabel Lyddiatt, Marjorie McEwing,
Jenny Morue, Faye Ross, Joan Short -
reed (Home Ec.), Solange can den
Berge, Lou Barry (shop), Franklin
Bryans, John Jewitt, 'Glendon Kerr,
William Norris, Keith Pethick, Doug-
las Riley (French), James Scott
(Geog.), Robert Snell (Eng. Comp.,
Math.), Clem Steffler, Laurence
Taylor, James Love (Geog. Hist.).
.Loretta Brodhagen, Ruth Brown,
Helen Connolly (French), Frances
Cook (Math,), Mary Dennis, Erma
Drager, Marlyn.Eyre (Geog. Math.),
Claire Hackwell, June Jacklin (Eng.
Lit.), Doris Johnston, Elizabeth Mc-
Ewing, Lois McLellan, Joyce Miller,
Marjorie Pethick, Marie Pullman,
Mary Lou Roe, Elizabeth Townsend,
Marilyn McPhee (Math., Home Ea.),
Bruce Coleman, Floyd Dale, Charles
Dungey (Math.) John Etue, Robert
Kerr, Robert McCowan, Jack McIl
wain (Geog.) Vincent Nolan (Math.
French), Gordon Pullman, William
Walters, Ronald Williams (Commer-
cial), Marlene Austin, Barbara Boyd,
Alice •Christie, Isabel Engel, Dorothy
Enzensberger, Margo Etue, Jean
Hart, Marion Hemingway, Beryl Mc-
Farlane, Elizabeth McGavin, Mary
Lou McLellan, Anne Marie McMillan
(Math.), Yvonne McTaggart, Patricia
Nolan (Latin), Sally Nott, Jean
Scott, Grace Siemon, Ruth Sills, Eliz-
abeth Simpson, June Smith, Margar-
et Stuart, Ruth Teall (Latin), Yvette
van Poucke, Verde Watson, Connie
Wright (Math., Latin), Shirley
Brown, Larry Berger (French), Neil
Broadfoot (Latin), Donald Dearing,
Ronald Minis, Donlyn Hemingway,
Herbert Kirkby, Bruce McFadden,
Robert McGonigle, Ronald Mason,
Jack Melady, Laird Norris, Charles
Price (Math., Latin), William Robert-
on, Ronald Scoins, Luke Sutherland
(Eng. Lit. Latin), Kenneth Thomp-
son, Victor Uhler (French).
Shirley Bedard (Science), Elizabeth
Campbell (Hist.), Lois Charters (Eng.
Comp.), Marion Dick, Beverly. Evans,
Margaret Hemberger (Typing), Joyce
Jewitt (Math.), Helen Mcllwain, Pa-
tricia Munroe (French), Lois Roe,
June Ross (Math.) Joan Somerville
(Hist. Math.), Joyce Wilson, Jack
Crozier (French), Donald Dodds, Wil-
liam Flannagan, Wayne McMichael,
Ross Millson, Hazel Bannerman
(Hist., Math.), Joanne Beuermann,
Arlene Diegel, Rose Marie Ducharme,
Betty Goudie, June Hackwell, Anne
Haugh (Hist., Math:), Sheila McFad-
den, Helen McGonigle, Janet Mc-
Gregor,. Maja Roobal, Rose Siemon,
Lois Anne Somerville, Dora Ann
Stinson, David Adams, Hugh •Gor-
will, Ronald Johnston (Math.), Leon
Murray, William Scott, Patrick Sloan,
Peter Spittal, Joseph Williams
.Margaret Achilles, Elizabeth Axt-
mann, Olive Bannerman (Math.,
Scienge), Elizabeth Blue Clara Bu-
chanan, Mona Clarke, Elaine Dale,
Muriel Dale, Olene Dundas, Elaine
Etue, Ruth Hemingway, Marie Hunt,
Helen Knight (Latin), Lena Miller
(Home Ec.), Barbara Patterson,
Donna Riehl, Nancy Spittal, Anne
Steffler, 14lary Whyte, William Al-
cock, James Axtmann, ,Wayne Ellis
(Science, Bookkeeping), Raymond
Henderson, Robert Juby, Gordon
Kennedy, Douglas Kirkby (Latin),
Murray'Kirkby, George Love (Math.
Science), Neil McGavin, James Mc-
Intosh, Donald McMillan (Science),
Floyd McPhee, Ronald Muir (French)
Joseph Murray, James Perri°, Ray-
mond Powell, Scott Powell, Malcolm
Sholdice, Ronald Srnith.
Intermittent rains during the week
followed by a very heavy rain Friday
night has made for very poor haying
weather and three or four days dry
weather will be needed before hay-
ing commences again. All Spring
seeded crops are making wonderful
growth and there 'will be increased
yields of hay due to the exeelient
growing conditions of the past two
weeks. Pastures are at their best and
livestock are in good condition.
Names in alphabetical order.
GRADE 8 to GRADE, 9'
Rose Etue, Mary Elicit Sutherland.
Ronald Brady, William deJoug. An-
nie Lansink, Tin! Lansink, Donald
Morris, William van de Hengel; Jos-
eph, Ran, Marie Rowland;' Authony
Antonette van de Henget; Patrick
Kenny, Michael Malone, Lois Maloney,
Donald Sirot,
• GRADE 5 to GRADE 6
Jack Bedard, Frank Bushie, Sandra
Reside, Cathy Eekert, Carol Ann Flan-
nery, Henale Lansink, Margaret Mal-
oney, Donald Matthews, Margaret Ann
Rau, Pamela Stapleton,
• GRADE h to GRADE 5
Kenneth Bedard, Bobby Burns, Lar-
ry Burns, Louis Devereaux, Connie
Eckert, Margaret Ann Kenny, Doris
King, 1-Ielen Nigh, Yvonne Quinn, Jean
Reynolds, Margaret Ann Stapleton,
Karen Sutherland, Ellie Van der ion,
Reiny Van Loon; Ann Van den Hen -
Marie Bannon, Carol Burns, Mary
Elizabeth 'Flannery, Benny Lansink,
Gond. Maloney, Paul Matthews, Bev-
erly Phillips, .Tommy Philips, Paul
Rau, Jimmie Sills,
Stela Bashie, Kenny Burns, Kenny
Devereaux, Elaine Eckert, Margaret
Flannery, Richard Fortune, Carole
Fredette, Francis Hagan,-- Francis
Kelm, Michael Kelm, Herman Lansink,
Joanne Malone, Betty Nigh, Michael
Phillips, Bobby Reynolds, Rosemary
Rau, Wayne Rau, Peter Stiles, Henry
Verbakel, Willie Verbakel, Gerald van
de Hengel, Wilhelmina Van Loon, Da-
vid Walsh.
GRADE 1 to GRAD], 2
Anne Sills, Bernard Hotham, Donnie
Murray, Theresa Bannon, Bernadette
Aubin, Gordon Pringle, Bobbie John-
son, Paul Nigh, Anne McConnell, Joyce
Kohn, Catherine Philips, Joan Bann-
on, Rosemary Lansink, Gayle Nichol-
son, Paul Pringle, Shirley Sirot, Mary
Maloney, Dannie Walsh, Gregory Rau,
Maria Travaglione.
At the last meeting of the Sea -
forth Lions Club before the summer
recess, held Monday night in St.
Thomas' Anglican Church parish
hall, election and installation of a
new slate of officers were held.
H. G. Meir, Seaforth, internation-
al councilor, assisted by H. E,
Smith, installed. A. W. Sillery ,be-
comes the new president, replacing
Dr. J. 0..Turnbull. Vice presidents
are M. E. Clarke, Robert S. McKer-
cher and Scott Cluff. The secretary
will be James A. Murray and Wm.
Hart will be treasurer. J. R. Spit-
tal will be lion tamer and E. P.
Chesney, tail twister.
' The directors are, for a two-year
term, Elmer Larone and Carmon
Roweliffe. John Modeland will re-
main as a director for one more
year and John E. Longstaff was
named for one year, replacing R. S.
Roll call was answered by naming
the number of books of tickets sold
on the draws for the annual summer
carnival to be held in the Lions Park,
July 14, 15 and 16. Draws will be
held on each of the three nights and
a fireworks display will feature the
concluding evening. Three bands will.
be in attendance and a variety of en-
tertainment will be on each evening's
program. Elmer Larone reported on
the sale of draw tickets; Ross Hamil-
ton on the entertainment and E. P.
Chesney on the games. J. Murray re-
ported that merry-go-round. and fer-
ris wheel would be on the grounds as
amusement for the children.
Dr. Turnbull thanked all members
for their co-operation throughout
the year.
July 9th was set as the date for
the joint picnic of the members and
families of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge
and of Fidelity LO.O.F. Lodge, to be
held at 6 p.m. at the Lions Park, Sea -
forth. Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Mrs. Ed,
Andrews, Mrs. Keith Sharpe and Mrs.
Wm, Wilbee will be a connnittee in
charge of a program of sports.
Members are asked to bring a picnic
lunch and dishes sufficient for their
own familly. The telephone captains
are asked to inform all members. The
social committee for July, August,
September and October, named by
Mrs, Leslie McClure, noble grand, is
Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. Andrew
Moore, Mrs. Janet Baker, Mrs. Ab
Harrison, Mrs, Wm. Wilbee, Mrs, Al-
len Campbell and Mrs. Eph, Haase.
The first night of nominations was
held. A donation was made to the
newly formed St, Mary's Rebekah
Lodge. Mrs. Roy McGonigle and Miss
Mae Smith, representative and schol-
ar to the recent Assembly gave splen-
did reports and Mrs. Ila Dorrance
thanked the lodge for the honor be-
stowed on her, electing her to receive
the Decoration of Chivalry, The past
noble grands were informed that the
district inaugural meeting would be
held in Seaforth this Wednesday
evening at which time Mks, Chester.
Henderson will be installed as dis-
trict deputy president of District 23.
Tho following pupils have Nen
promoted from Kindergarten to
Grade I.:
• Morning Class—Allison, Jean, Bo-
shart, Billy; Brady, Bruce Carter,
Leslie; Carter, Sue; Dinernoie Shir-
ley; Dickenson, Janet, Dobson, Chris-
tie; Edlei', Gayle; Elliott, Marie;
Iiabkirk Brian; Harris, Linda;
Kling, Peter; Lamont, Sanely; Lem-
on, Jackie; Longstaff, Barbara; Mat -
diesel', Faye; MaCabe, Ellen: Mont-
gomery, Jimmy; Nichols, Gail; Nor-
man, Cheryl; Oke, Elaine; Reeves,
George; Rivers, Ann; Snow, John;
Turnbull, Janet; Wilbee, Peter;
Woodcock, Judy; VanRooijen, Johan.
Afternoon Class—Albrecht, Laur-
ie, Baldwin, Philip; Beattie, Janet;
Broome, Brian; Felkar, Bobby; Gor
will, Ruth; Gray, Gary; Holland,
John; MacLean, Mui'do; Mcllwain,
Larry; Muegge, Judy; Muir, Cheryl;
Moore, Wendy; Pearcey, Donna;
Philips, Jimmy; Powell, Pamela;
Pryee, Elaine; Salisbury, Diane;
Spittal, Paul; Stewart, Bryan; Sills,
Darlene; Smale, Donna, Watson,
Bobby; Wood, Tommy.
Honours: Boshart, Paul; Brady,
Robbie; Elliott, Barbara; Elliott,
Brenda; McLean, Susan; MacDonald,
Bob; Ross, Brenda; Smith, Joyce.
' Pass standing: Beattie, Paul; Bis -
back, Jimmie; Beacom Sharon; Butt,
Brenda; Campbell, Kerry; Elliott,
Helen; Free, Dianne: Hemberger,
Marion; Hildebrand, Ronald; Jes-
some, Bernie' Kelland, Joyce; Kruse,
,George; Ladiont, Mary; Legarden,
Darryl; Little,. Clarence; MacDonald,
Patricia; MacLennan, Bill; McLean,
Mary Jenn; Moore, Cheryl; Myatt,
Colin; Nixon, Lynn; Patterson, Al-
lan; Rogge, Walter; Scott, Jimmie;
SnoW, Susan; Snowdon, Mary Ann;
•Stedp, Donald; Stinson, Mary Belle;
Stinson, Maurice; Taylor, Ray;
Townsend, Ivy; Wallace, Judy; Wil-
luntsen, June; Wilson, Allan; Wolter -
beck, Clem; Wright, Blaine; Wright,
Douglas. Conditional promotion:
Cheryl Ast.
Honours: Allison, Ross; Atkinson,
Connie; Boshart, Mary Jean; Cardno,
Kenneth; Charters, Kaye; Holland,
Barbara; Sillery, Peter; Smith, Lois,
Pass standing: Adams, Yvonne;
Beacom, Kathleen; Bennewies, Bar-
ry; Bennewies, Jo -Anne; Berger,
Naney; Bradshaw, Louise; Byerman,
Dianne; Carter, Emily, Carter, Ron-
ald; Chambers, Bobby; Christensen,
Kurt; Connell, Ellen; deBoer, Carol;
Dick, Joe (recommended); Drager,
Harvey (recommended); Elliott, Ju-
lene; Felker, Paul; Grieve, Douglas;
Lane, Lynda; MacDonald, Linda; Mc-
Ihvain, Jimmy; Mennen, Bobby (re-
commended); Miller, Lorraine; Mills,
David; Mills, Douglas; Norman Val-
erie; Plumsteel, Bobby; Powell, Lin-
da; Pretty, Ellen; Pryce, Linda; Rice,
Larry (recommended); Scott, Katie;
Shouldice, Elizabeth.
Honours; Campbell, Karl; Crich,
Mary; Ferris, Jessie; Pryce, Garry;
Schneider, Darrel]; Wood., Lorraine.
Pass standing: Adams, Pauline;
Albrecht, Leonard; Ast, Terry; Van
Akker, Bennie; Beacom, Michael;
Butt, Linda; Butt, Keith; Clarke,
Elliott; Dale, Bruce; Dale, Nancy;
bellow, Marilyn; DeVries, Sape;
Drager, Jacqueline; Eaton, Glenn'
Felker, Leroy; Fraiser, Muriel; Fi-
scher, Keith; Fleming, Lee; Grant,
John; Hubert, Melvin; Kling, Anne;
McLean, Keith; Moore, Kendra; Mu-
egge, Richard; Reeves, Meta; Taylor,
Gloria; Teall, Joan.
Honours: Crozier, Donald; Chris-
tensen, Gerda; Elliott, Donna; La-
mont, Ted; McGonigle, Sandra; Rob-
erton, Joan; Scott, Mary; Stewart,
Pass standing: Albrecht, Ken;
Beuerman, Gloria; Beuerman, Ron-
ald; Brown, George; Connell, Clay-
ton; Crozier, Neil; Dale, David;Dennis, Dianne; Dick, Jimmy; Dick,
Tommy; Drager, Betty; Flannigan,
Garth; Glew, Connie; Sorwill, Nora;
Hatcher, Laura; Hoelscher, Bruce;
Kelly, Peter; Mcllwain, Ken; Me -
Nichol, Sharon; Muegge, Bobby; Pin -
der, Karen; Pretty, Donley; Stinson,
David; Squires, Betty; Talbot, Bar-
bara; Teall, Bill; Watson, David.
Bryans, Phyllis; Dick, Evelyn; Mc-
Cabe, Dianne; McLean, Poarn; Mc-
Kay, Lila; Miller, Bruce; Pethick,
Lloyd; Roweliffe, Janet.
Pass Standing: Beuerman, Grace;
Berger, Donna May; Butt, Karen;
cla Boer, .Jacob; Byerman, Larry;
Calder, Andy; Carter, Marlene; Dins-
more, Bob; Drager, Raymond; Eaton,
Aileen; Elliot, Emily; Hoggarth,
Philip; Holmes, Billy; Huf;'ill, Karen;
McFadden, Murray; Muegge, Donald;
Muir, Billy; Myatt, Gilbert; 1'atter-
son, John; Pinder, Billy; Roes, Dor-
othy; Troutheck, Ann; Van Rooijen,
John; Walinsley; Wayne; Willumsen,
Preben; Wright, Donald; Dalrymple,
MarleneCC.) (Rec.); Fraiser, Douglas
Honours: Dobson, Lynda; Snaith,
Corinne; Janina, Edward; Brady,
Bryan; Ball, Nelson; Talbot, Una;
Elliott, Robert; Savauge, Lynda.
Pass Standing; Berger, Carl; Den-
nis, Carol; Ferris, Gordon; Miller',
!Gordon; Plunisteel, Barbara; Reith,
Bob; Woodcock, Merilynne; Elliott,
Margaret; Dungey, Barbara; Criclt,
Judy; Adams, Janice; Hoff, Jack;
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Roweliffe, Doug; Fleming, - Barry;
Corby, Nancy; Austin, Bruce; Ast,
Gary; DeBoer, Jane; Dale, Larry;
Myatt, Ronald; Bennewies, Wayne;
Mennell, Barbara; Fraser, Mary
(Rec.); Dalrymple, Harold (Rec.);
Weiglund, Bonnie,
iHonours: Boshart, Kathy; Carter,
Agnes; Coutts, GIenn; Townsend,
Madelon; Brown, Stan; Muegge, Bet-
Pass Standing: Albright, Don; An-
drew's, Betty J.; Bach, Joan; Baker,
John; Bannerman, Stewart; Benne-
wies, Keith; (Rec.); Besse, Paul
(Rec.); Boshart,'Judy; Boyce, Joan;
(Calder, Ellen; Drager, Ken (Rec.);
Dick, Ann; Eaton, Eric; Flannigan
Brian; Glew, Nancy; Gorwill, Ellen;
Govenlock, Robert; Nicholson, Kar-
en; Laycox, Donna; Nixon, Gene;
Reeves, Margaret; Rouse, Beryl;
Scoins, Ray; Smith, Virginia; Van
Rooijen, Saakje; Willis, Craig; Wil-
son, Wayne.
Honours: Hotham, Sharon; James,
Pass Standing; Adams, Carole;
Bannerman, Ronald; Boshart, John;
Broome, Tom; Charters, Joan; Dick,
Joan; Dungey, Roy; Horton, Patricia;
Jessome, Wayne; Little, Margaret;
McMaster, Paul; Miller, Marlene;
Munroe, Mac; Savauge, Sandra;
Scott, John; Shannon, Isabel; Sims,
Linda; Watson, Richard; Wright, Ro-
bert; Young, Barbara.
Mr. and Mrs. Daviel Gardiner quiet-
ly celebrated the 60th anniversary of
their marriage at their home in
Cromarty on Tuesday, ,lune 20th,
Their marriage took place at the
home of Mrs. Gardiner's parents, the
late Mr, and Mrs. Alex lias•lcne
Thames hoad, in 190.1. Mr. tsar liner
is a • son of the late Mr. and .firs.
James Gardiner.
Following their marriage they
farmed on lot 8, con. 11, Hilbert
twp. until their retirement 5 years
age when they moved to the tillage.
Mr, and Mrs. Gardiner have a t'amiiy
of three sons and two daughters who
u-i're all present for the °etasien, ex-
cepting Alex who is 011 a tour of the
iBritish Isles and (Europe. They are
James of Thames Road. Robert of
Cromarty, Alex of Cromarty, (Eva)
Mrs. Wilmer IIowett, Auburn (Elsie)
fibs, Heber Shute, Kirkton They also
have fifteen grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren. The esteemed
couple were the recipients of many
beautiful gifts, cards and {lowers
frons their relatives and friends,
many of whom visited with them
during the afternoon and evening
Mr, William Hamilton returned
'home from St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Saturday.
Anniversary services were held in
Cromarty Church on Sunday and
were well attended both morning and
evening. Rev. John Williams, Milver-
ton, who was the guest speaker,
brought helpful messages to those
assembled. Special music was provid-
ed by the choir and the male quar-
tette, Mrs. 'R. Homuth, Mitchell as-
sisted with a solo at the evening ser-
vice. Among those who attended the
services and spent the day with
friends were Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Miller, Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Jefferson, Ina, Laura and Norman
Munro with Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laing.
• Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor and
family, Burlington, and Miss Dianne
Murchland, Hamilton, with Mr, and
Mr's. T. L. Scott.
Mr. Gordon Houghton, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Stagg, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and
Richard, and Mrs. R. Smith, Brenda
and Bonnie, Mitchell, with Mr. and
Mrs. K. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking of
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCul-
loch and Miss Mary Robertson with
Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie with
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen.
Mr♦ and Mrs. Murray 'Christie and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Rev. and Mrs. R. G. McKay of
Thamesford Visited reeently with Mr.
and Mrs, T. L. Scott. Mrs. Jennie •
'Milson, Toronto, is visiting with •
then at present.
Mrs. Fred Mills, Seaforth, visited
recently with Mrs. A, Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Howe, Meo,,c
jaw, visited last week with 1Ir. and
Mr's. Eimer Chappel.
Aloe Walker, Marlene :Ind Jimce
Dow. Margaret Ann Wallace, Mar-
garet Jean Russell and Sandra Ram -
y assisted with the service of
praise in Seaforth Presbyterian
Church on Sunday evc'nn,...
The annual picnic was held on the
school grounds - on Monday aft er-
noon, wit h. a full program of 0part»
conducted by the committee in
Mr. and :fins. Neil I.,amond and
Mrs. Harold 1\1,1,N/di cuid ,laughing,
London, with 3L'. and Mrs, Lloyd
:lir. and Mrs. . 3Tac. McKellar and
family, Mitchell, with Mr, and Mr's.
Lindsay McKellar.
The Lions park was a busy spot
on Tuesday evening when three dif-
ferent church events were in pro-
gress, I;gmondviile (United Church
held a successful chicken barbecue,
with an attendance. of over .300
people, and jiler•o were ehurch picnics
from Constance United Church and
Thames Road United 'Church.