HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-06-17, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS GIFTS For FATHER'S DAY Sunday is the day to honor Dad, and there's no finer way than to. give him a man's gift from Stewart Bros. - Every Father's Day gift will be boxed if desired, GIVE DAD A NEW TIE Hundreds of new cool looking, new design ties to choose from. - Give Dada new tie for Father's Day. 1.00 111.50 2.00 SUNDAY, JUNE 20th Dad Always Needs An Extra WHITE SHIRT Forsyth, Arrow and Van Heusen white shirts, in all the new collar styles, and every i"• desired sleeve length. • Gift boxed at 3.95 to 4.95 COOL PAJAMAS Cool stripes or plain shades In fine broadcloth pajamas make a grand gift for P Dad on his day. All famous make: and all sizes at 4,95 Hundreds of New Cool SPORT SHIRTS , Fine rayons, gabardines, spuns, pucker nylons and new "Dan River" wrinkle•shed cottons. - Choose from dozens of cool summer shades in plains, checks and fancy weaves. Sizes Small, Med., Large and Oversize. SHORT SLEEVE STYLE LONG SLEEVE STYLE 2.95 to 3.95 3.95 to 6.95 DAD WILL LIKE THE NEW FIT - ALL - SIZE STRETCHY NYLON SOX OTHER FINE SOX AT 50c TO 1.95 Don't worry about the size, just pick his favorite color, and they'll fit any size from 10 to 13. • Long, long wearing nylons in plain or fancy patterns. • A very popular seller at - • 1.50 pair "HICKOK" BELTS The best is solid, smooth tanned leather belts in tongue or slide buckle style.. Colors gray, brown, black and blue in plain or two-tone at 11150 to 3000 CASHMERE SWEATERS Fine soft cashmere sweaters are a "must" in any man's wardrobe. These come in grey, beige, powder, aqua and wine. - All sizes In long sleeve or sleeveless styles. 4.95 & 8.95 SUMMER WINDBREAKERS Nylon gabardines, Venetian gabardines, and sharkskins, in plain or novelty two-tone styles of navy, grey, fawn, royal & rust. Sizes 36 to 46 in stock, 7.95 to 15.95 THE STORE FOR BEST "FATHER'S DAY" GIFTS STEWART BROS. At Popular Request DANCE! OLD TYME MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 Bayfield Pavilion Everybody Welcome Admission 50 cents 10:30 till 1:30 balsa nn nnunlnnnnntn,il1111u,u us 11,11..,11 nu, mu, Dna, nu 11u vummn, nam, n, m, ani nn unnnnnnum n r,m aw BORN LORD -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tyne 10, to LAC and Mrs. Donald Lord, Sea - forth, a daughter HOFF-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hoff, Seaforth, a son June 12, to Mr. and Mrs, Anthonius Pol- POLAND -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on and, 1152 Dublin, a daughter MERCER -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 15, to Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Mercer, Dublin, a son HEADLEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 16, to P1t. Cadet and Mrs. Richard Headley, Seaforth, a son BRUCEFIELD The Woman's Missionary Society entertained the Associate members at the June meeting with Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. W. Hauglr conducting the devotional exercises. Mrs. W. J. Maines, President, took the chair for the business and opened this part of the meeting by reading a poem. Thankyou notes were read from Mr. H. Dalrymple, Mr. J. Cairns, Mrs. J. Berry and Mr. C. Christie The Sup - Zone C -I Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH ice Service Commences at 2.30 P,M. 15 Branches Parade - Bands - Colors PARADE FALLS IN AT 1.30 SPECIAL SPEAKER Maj8, Rev. 'FINLAY C. STEWA T KITCHENER The Public is invited to join with the members of the Canadian Legion In this annual service HC' and SAVE SMOKED PICNIC HAMS , , .1.. , . , , , , 59c lb ' RED BU.D MATCRES 8 for 25o GRANULATED SUGAR cwt, 8.29 AYLMER CREAM CORN, 20 oz, (gash) 2 for 33c AYLMER PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. , . , , ... , , , , 2 for 38c RED ROSE COPPED ... . . . . ........ . ..... 1 lab 1.25 McCORMICK'S SODAS 290 Box PLUFIi'O PURE SHORTENING 2 lb 57c 51 Gauge 15 Denier NYLONS 1.19 CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE EARLY PHONE 72 WE DELIVER on a,ruou nu"n"e911,ee 1 .11unnn on,,,,u11„unaa nunuw alll,lll l mammas nam,nn,,,,norm, au u111111 m"num EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Invite you to come and enjoy Ia Chicken Barbecue AT SEAFORTI-I LIONS' PARK $1,50 per plate Tues., June 29 Serving to start at 6 p.m. Tickets are limited and may be ob- tained at McGonigle's Grocery, Ste- ven's Grocery, ,Cleary's Grocery, Wright's Grocery, Cooper's Grocery, Smith's Grocery, Dick's Grocery, Haney's Grocery, Crown Hardware. With the Cooperation of the O.A.C. PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF TUOKERSMITH Upon instruction from council under auth- ority of By-law .#13,. 1052, Township of Tuck- ersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and Harpurhey aro prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1964, to November 1, 1954. Owners or harborers of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be sub- ject to a maximum. penalty of $50.00. (Signed) JAS. ofOTuckeremith Tenders Wanted McKillop Municipal Telephone System Tenders for digging a trench epproximatelY 600 rods long by 26 inches deep for under- ground cable will bo received at the office of. the Secretary up to July 2, 1054. Tender to state price per rod and to be marked cted heque of $100.0of to September.a0compa Y tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. J. M. ECK.ERT Secretary RRS, Seaforth, Ont. Tenders Wanted TWP. OF TUCKERSMITH THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1954 BOX 3mural #truirt CARD QF THANKS I wish to convey my thanks to all. MY friends and relatives for their many kind thoughts, while I was a Patient in Clinton Hospital, ANDREW COUTTS CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for cards, flowers, books and other expressions of kind- ness during my recent illness. MERTON REID Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of two con- crete culverts, 8' x 24' and 16' x 24' (ap- proximately 172 cu. yds. for the two bridges). Contractor to furnish all requirements ex- cept cement and steel which will be supplied by the Township. Marked cheque for 10% of tender price must accompany, the tender, Tenders to be scaled, marked 'Tender" and in the Clerk's hands by 3 P.M., July 6th, 1054. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk NOTICE For your Weed Spraying, phone 64r10, Dub- lin. Prises reasonable. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS CUSTOM WORK WANTED Custom combining of wheat done. Will put wheat in granary or deliver to mill. Apply Ken Thompson, Seaforth phone 833r13, or John Thompson 833r31 McCormick DeeFriOngR hSALEay with rig head, 4 years old. Also McCormick Deering corn or bean tractor cultivator complete with hydraulic cylinders and hose. Will fit either H. or M. tractors. CEO. McAILTHUR, Walton, Ont. Phone Brussels 18-13 FOR SALE 100 Sussex Red pullets, 6 months old. JOHN F. MURPHY, 17r10 Dublin LOST Pair of child's glasses lost between Public School and West William Street on Goderich, two -toned dark rims. Please phone 681J FOR SALE Buckwheat suitable for seed. Apply to J. W. THOMPSON, phone 833-31 FOR SALE One red purebred Shorthorn bull of service- able age, accredited. CHARLES REID, Varma, 976r16 Hensall In Memoriam AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed :Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 696 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physlcian and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWIL,L, Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. McMaster, B A.,M.D., Internist P. Ii. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Officehours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m„ dab,except Wednesday and Sunday only 7- Eveni9ngs51.m. . Tuesday, Thursday and SatuSenates, Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYSNS, D.V,M,., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 RAPSON In loving memory of Mrs. Isaac Rapson who passed, away three years ago, on Tune 16, 1951. We aro sad within our memory Lonely ate our hearts today Per the one I loved so dearly Has forever been called away. We think of her in silence, No eye can see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. -Sadly missed by husband, Isaac Rapson Auction. Sale OF MODERN HOUSE FURNISHINGS. On East William St, in town of Seaforth. Saturday, June 26 at 1.30 P.M. 2 pas. Chesterfield suite; 1 occasional chair (like new) ; General Electric radio (new) ; electric fan; 4 burner electric stove, Occasional chairs, magazine rack; olhesterfieldtable; cof- fee table; twilight lamps; floor lamps; table lamps. Modern dining room suite, 9 pcs.- table, buffet, china cabinet and 6 chairs. Flat top 6 drawer desk. 6 pcs.-Maple din- ette suite (like new). Mirrors. 9 ft. Firestone frigidaire (like new). White enamel Westing- house washing machine, new motor. Modern walnut bedroom suite, bed, chest drawers, vanity bench, springs and inner spring mat- tress. W.1 modern bed, springs, inner spring mattress, chest of drnwera, wardrobe with mirror. Airway sanitizer vacuum cleaner with 011 attachments (new). Axminster living room rug; number of scatter mats, Devon Rose pat- tern set of dishes. Quantity of other dishes and ornaments. Kitchen utensils. Step ladder, garden hose, tubs & stand, garden tools and nonny other articles. Terms cash. PRANK GRIEVE, Prop., Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale OP 50 COWS, HEIFERS AND CALVES. At Lot 81, Con. 6, Goderich Twp., 1 mile South of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, June 22, commencing at 8 P.M. 36 young cows and heifers being Holsteins, Durhams, part Ter- sera ersera and Ayrshims. Some ars fresh, others springing, balance milking well and bred again. The most of these cattle we have rais- ed on our own farms and the balance we have had for some time and have proven to be good producers. 15 calves ranging from one week to 3 months old. 6 are Durhams and Herefords and the balance Holsteins. Also 100 White Rock pullets 5 months old. Terms cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & 50N, Proprietors. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer ESTATE Auction Sale OT' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. In the village of Varna. Wednesday, June 23, at 1.30 P.M. Quebec cook stove; 2 burner coal oil stove; coal oil heater; drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; kitchen cupboard; -extension table; 6 dining chairs; sideboard. Studio couch (like new) ; hall seat & mirror. 9 pcs. mahogany parlor suite. Mahogany music cabinet; organ & stool. Number of occasional chairs, rockers and small table, magazine rack and end table. Pedestals, flower stands, lawn chairs, hall tree, 12 sent: ter mate. 3 furnished bed rooms; beds, dress- ers, stands, springs & mattresses, toilet sets, 1 inner spring mattress (like new). Large quantity of aunts, blankets and bed linens. Table oil lamps, hanging lamp. Pictures, oil painting, mirrors. 2 rugs -0'40'. Vacuum cleaner, trunks, quilt boxes, step ladder, gar- den tools. Quantity of dishes and glassware. Sealers, nooks and many other articles. Terms cash. Estate of the late Mrs. Sarah Rath - well, Executor, Fred Rathwell. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer ,R 30 pigs 7 weeks FOo d, andSAL1F3 hog 3 years old. WILFRED ROSS, I{Ippon, phone.686r82 TO RENT Oil heated apartment, street floor, every convenience. Apply DE McMASTER TO RENT An 8 room house 011 Jarvis street; bath room,. fully equipped; possession July 1. AP- ply 00 6ANCE DUNDAS, Walton. Phone FOR SALE 2 good Durham cows, milking two months; 0 ft. Massey Harris mower. ALFRED SUCH• ARAN, phone Seaforth 841x4 dFOR SALE International roll heed hay loader in good condition. JOSEPH GRUMMETT 8511.31 Nine suckers 7x0 R SksL to d. Apply to W. P. McIVER, phone 25r43 Dublin NOTICE For cunt= Chain Sawing and Weed Spray- ing, phone 010x3, Clinton. ,10E (111350N, Seaforth R112 SALESMEN WANTED Rrrwleigh business now open in Huron Co. Trade well cslabll,:he,l. Excellent opportunity. Tall time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. F-304-180, Montreal ply Secretary reported a bale of used clothing weighing 120 lbs was sent overseas. Mrs. Ross Scott, Asso- ciate Member's' Secretary gave the words of welcome 608 expressed in a poem, To Our Associate Members, and Mrs, R. Allan spoke on the work of the WMS. The program -The Second Assem- bly of the World. Council of Churches at Evanston, Ill., 1954 -The Last Hope of Earth was talten',by Mrs. H. Dayman, Mrs. L, Eyre, Mrs. 0. Snell- ing, Mrs, J. 1;roadfoot, Mrs, G. Rich- ardson, Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. W. Scott Miss M. Swan, Mrs, W. Haugh and Miss E. Bowey. 1VIrs. W, McBeath sang as a solo, In ,Ch1'ist there is no East or West. At the close of the meeting lunch was served and a so. tial half hour spent, WANTED One or two horses, must be quiet and reli- able. Phone 84143 Seaforth WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy one to five acres land near Seaforth. Interested in cheap house or small farm, Write to P.O. Box 401, Seaforth Wanted for cash, horse drawn seed drill with fertilizer attachment, A. ADDLEY, the old James Hugill place, % mile east of Con- stance. Phone 83304 Anyone having 3 orN Tbarn cats they would like to get rid of, I will take them. Phone 81 ring 16 Dublin WANTED Housekeeper wanted for two elderly women. Apply to P.O. Box 514. Phone 166 Seaforth • FOR SALE 800 Red Rook pullets 6 months old, started to lay. Also 200 pullets 8 months old. DON BUCHANAN, 850r25 Seaforth FOR SALE 6 lb. roast chicken, oven ready, 460; 6 lb. 40c ; B grade 36c. Deliver Friday morning. Phone 647r3. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM OUSE 6 room house a HighO street, R SeSAaforth, roll brick siding, 3 piece bath with shower, heavy duty wiring, built-in cupboards, insulated, also furnace. JOHN GALLOP NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St, Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 5.90. Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9AM to 12.30 PIC Clinton -McLaren, Studio, Mon. 9 to 580 In the Estate of Robert Wesley Agar All persons having claims against the Es- tate of Robert Wesley Agar, late of the Township of IYIaKiilop in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who ',died on the 8rd day of April, 1054, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the yndereigned on or before the 23rd Clay of Tune, 1954, after which date rho assets will be dietriiiute<l, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 1st day of June, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors Inc the Executors OR SE Boys brown gabarrdine sit, l0 year size, also brown pullover sweater. Apply -to Phone 598J Seaforth RADIO & T,V. SERVICES Hallim•nftm'o Radio and Television. Contact STEW'S 1RADIO & TELEVISION, Walton, CARPENTER WORK By contract or hour -roofing, siding, porch) 0s, repairs and kitchen cupboa'ds, STEWART ARMSTRONG, phone 8,12r5 Lardseaning, digg1 OT or lobe. Apply to FRED WILLIAMS, Main Street New Mildmay OGrainLT Threshers, Grain Throwers and Elevators, Combined Cutter and Shredders, fit all makes of threshers, Tho cutter that makes finer straw. Get our prides. and terms, WM. I'.El'PER, Seaforth, Phone Clinton 6151121 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY • MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT., All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAF.ORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R SUMMER PRICES 'blue coal' a THE 50110 FULL FOR 00110 COMFORT. PHONE 0634 WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND, FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Piton 363.1 or 332 R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. • HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, J. H. MCI9wing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -T. L. Malone, Seaforth • T. H. MaEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewrttha, Clinton; J. E. Popper. Brucefield; C. W. Leonhard}, Bornholm; H. Fuller, GoderIch; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS .-- Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth r SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric creamseparators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE. phone Clinton 634 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) moiled postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26c; 24 samples $L00. Mali- Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron Ca Experience not necessary. A fine opport- unity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. P-364-163, Montreal COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w 1101.11011•11={1111•••• AMOIENION1111 FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. Wo will, without charge to you, toko samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Piano 15 or 376, Seaforth LEH IGH Premium Hard Coal More Heat Per Ton SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Frame dwelling, East William st„ modern. Frame dwelling in Egmondville. Brick dwelling on Railway St. Entine dwelling on Louisa St., modern. WATSON & REID, Seaforth TO RENT: 3 room apartment in Seaforth, downstairs. Iiot water and bathroom. Now available. Phone 070-14 Hensen central NOTICE FOR SALE Bulldozer for hire for digging cellars. clear. Special, hard ORA slabs 8th, softwood $4, ing land. etc, TOS, & GARTH POST/1,1,, delivered, Also sand for kiddies play Dens or Clinton. Phone 006128 for plastering. A, DELLOW, Ord a., Seaforth COMING EVENT Tenders Wanted Dancing every FridtlY night at Bayfield Pavillon, Ken Wilhea's Orchestra, For private Grey Twp School Board will receive tend- ors for the painting of the classroom and parties and rentals phone 651116, Seaforth, of ontranc,w of 5 and 604231 IIOnsall y# fir, bed the el unor of o I Schaal, Tenders will be received until Juno gist, CARL HEMINGWAY, Sec. -Tress, Bruesels, phone. 26x5. FOR SALE Summer Prices on Reading Briquets l also Hard Coal, KRA.USKOP1f, BROS., phone 86x13 Uubiin